USB drives - small, portable and universal devices storage. Flash drives are very convenient for transferring data between computers. However, due to its portability and compactness, USB sticks can be easily lost. Therefore, you need to take care of reliable protection of the data on the flash drive.

Unfortunately, you cannot just set a password for the entire drive, as is the case with a smartphone or computer. For increased protection of your files, you need to use encryption. If you do not wish to purchase a hardware-encrypted secure flash drive separately, you can use free programs to obtain a similar level of security.

In this article, we have provided several simple ways to protect files and folders on a USB flash drive.

If you need to protect only individual important documents, and you do not need to encrypt entire folders, then you can simply limit yourself to setting password protection for individual files.

Many programs, including Word and Excel, allow you to save files with a password.

For example, when the required document is open in text editor Microsoft Word, you can go to the menu File> Info, select item Document protection and option Encrypt with password.

It only remains to ask secure password and confirm its installation. Remember to save the document and be sure to remember or write down the password.

Download portable version VeraCrypt and unzip it to a USB drive. When starting the application, a list of available drive letters will be displayed. Select a letter and press Create volume

To create a virtual encrypted disk inside a file, select the option Create encrypted file container and click Next.

In the next step, you can choose the type of volume: regular or hidden. Using a hidden volume reduces the risk of someone forcing you to reveal your password. In our example, we will create a regular volume. Next, select the location of the encrypted volume - removable USB drive.

Configure encryption and specify the size of the volume (must not exceed the size of the USB disk). Then select the encryption and hash algorithm, you can use the default settings. Then set your volume password. In the next step, your random mouse movements will determine the cryptographic strength of the encryption.

After encryption is complete, each time you plug the USB drive into any computer, you can launch the VeraCrypt hosted on it and mount the encrypted file container to access the data.

VeraCrypt supports encryption of entire partitions and storage devices.

Download VeraCrypt and install the program on your PC. When launching the application, a list of available drive letters will be displayed. Select a letter and press Create volume... The VeraCrypt Volume Creation Wizard will start.

To encrypt your entire USB drive, select the option Encrypt non-system partition / disk and click Next.

In the next step, you can choose the type of volume: regular or hidden. Using a hidden volume reduces the risk of someone forcing you to reveal your password.

On the next screen of the wizard, you need to select a device, i.e. our removable USB disk, then click "OK" and "Next".

In our example, we will create a regular volume. On the next screen of the wizard, you need to select a device, i.e. our removable USB drive, then click "OK" and "Next".

To encrypt your entire USB drive, select Encrypt partition in place and click Next. VeraCrypt will warn you that you must have a backup of your data - if something goes wrong during encryption, you can restore access to your files. Then select the encryption and hash algorithm, you can use the default settings. Then set your volume password. In the next step, your random mouse movements will determine the cryptographic strength of the encryption.

Then select the cleaning mode. The more rewriting cycles, the more reliable the cleaning. In the final step, choose Encryption to start the encryption process.

After encryption is complete, every time you plug the USB drive into your computer, you will need to mount it using VeraCrypt to access the data.

Many modern archivers, including the free 7-Zip, support AES-256 encryption and password protection of files.

Install 7-Zip, then right click on a file or folder on your USB drive and select 7-Zip> Add to Archive... In the "Add to archive" window, select the archive format and set a password. Click "OK" to start the archiving and encryption process.

We often have to use removable media to store personal files or valuable information. For these purposes, you can buy a USB flash drive with a PIN-code keyboard or a fingerprint scanner. But such a pleasure is not cheap, so it is easier to resort to software methods for setting a password on a USB flash drive, which we will talk about later.

To set a password for a portable storage device, you can use one of the following utilities:

  • Rohos Mini Drive;
  • USB Flash Security;
  • TrueCrypt;
  • Bitlocker.

Not all options may work for your flash drive, so it's best to try a few of them before giving up on the task at hand.

Method 1: Rohos Mini Drive

This utility is free and easy to use. It will not protect the entire drive, but only a certain section of it.

To use this program, do the following:

By the way, with Rohos Mini Drive you can set a password for a folder and some applications. The procedure will be exactly the same as described above, but all actions are performed with a separate folder or shortcut.

Method 2: USB Flash Security

This utility in a few clicks will allow you to password protect all files on the USB flash drive. To download the free version, on the official website you need to click the button "Download Free edition".

And to take advantage of the ability of this software to put passwords on flash drives, do the following:

Now you can dump the files you previously transferred to your computer back to the USB stick. When you re-insert it, it will be password protected again, and it does not matter if this program is installed on this computer or not.

Method 3: TrueCrypt

The program is very functional, it probably has the largest number of functions among all the software samples presented in our review. If you wish, you can password not only the USB flash drive, but also the whole HDD... But before taking any action, download it to your computer.

Using the program looks like this:

  1. Run the program and press the button "Create volume".
  2. Check it out "Encrypt non-system partition / disk" and press "Further".
  3. In our case, it will be enough to create "Regular volume"... Click on "Further".
  4. Select your USB stick and click "Further".
  5. If you choose Create and Format Encrypted Volume, then all data on the medium will be deleted, but the volume will be created faster. And if you choose "Encrypt partition in place", the data will be saved, but the procedure will take longer. Having made your choice, click "Further".
  6. IN "Encryption settings" it's best to leave everything as default and just click "Further"... Do it.
  7. Make sure the indicated media size is correct and press "Further".
  8. Enter and confirm the password you have invented. Click on "Further"... We also recommend specifying a key file that can help recover data if the password is forgotten.
  9. Specify your preferred file system and click "Place".
  10. Confirm the action by clicking the button "Yes" in the next window.
  11. When the procedure is over, press "Output".
  12. Your flash drive will look like the one shown in the photo below. This also means that the procedure was completed successfully.
  13. You don't need to touch it. An exception is when encryption is no longer required. To access the created volume, click "Autowiring" in the main window of the program.
  14. Enter your password and click "OK".
  15. In the list hard drives now you can find a new disk, which will be available if you insert a USB flash drive and run the same autowiring. When you have finished using the procedure, press the button. "Unmount" and you can eject the media.

This method may seem complicated, but experts confidently say that there is nothing more reliable than it.


Before transferring personal data and passwords to a flash drive, you should take care of the reliable protection of the media. The type of protection largely depends on what kind of information and in what form you want to protect. If you just need to close a few files from outsiders, you can use the usual WinRar archiver program. This method is well suited when you need to transfer information through third hands once and at the same time protect the transmitted data from the accidental curiosity of strangers.

To do this, you need to create a separate new folder on the flash drive, into which the protected files should be transferred. Then, by clicking on it with the right mouse button, select in the drop-down context menu item "Add to archive". In the window that opens, you need to go to the "Advanced" tab, which will have the "Set password" option. After that, you must enter the password twice in the proposed field and, for reliability, check the box "Encrypt file names". The password can be sent by (SMS) or by e-mail to the final addressee. This method is not very reliable, but it is convenient for one-off cases due to its simplicity.

A more serious protection option involves setting a password for the entire flash drive at once. This is a more complex method and requires the use of special software, but its high and long-term use justifies all efforts. Its principle of operation is based on the creation of an encrypted virtual disk (volume) on a flash drive, which looks like an ordinary single file before entering the password. Big advantage the encrypted disk is that it cannot be viewed from the outside, it is impossible to find out which directories are inside.

There are several programs that create virtual encrypted disks. The most convenient of these by far is probably TrueCrypt. It can be downloaded from the manufacturer's website ( The program is in English, so it is more convenient to immediately install a crack, which can also be downloaded from the website ( TrueCrypt should initially be installed on your computer's hard drive rather than directly onto a flash drive. The program is unpacked and installed automatically, without requiring any special settings.

After installing TrueCrypt on your hard drive, you need to launch it and insert your flash drive into the USB port. First of all, the flash drive will have to be formatted, so you should take care of preserving the information on it in advance. After formatting, start creating a virtual disk. In the TrueCrypt menu, select Create Encrypted File Container and then Normal Volume.

The program will ask for the address to place the volume. Select your flash drive from the File menu (usually drive E) and give the new volume a name (whatever you like). The size of the volume should be slightly less than the size of the flash drive. Next, at the request of the program, enter your password. In order not to make mistakes when entering the password again, it is convenient to use the "Show password" option. As a result, an encrypted container in the form of a single file will be obtained on a flash drive, in which any information can be stored. After entering the password, it opens like a regular logical drive.

A flash drive is a convenient way to store information. Gigabytes of information are recorded on a flash drive: personal photos and videos, data for work, useful utilities. But there is one drawback: a flash drive the size of a lighter is easy to lose. To ensure that information does not end up in the wrong hands and is not used by attackers, it is necessary to ensure the protection of personal data.

Setting access to information by password

There are two ways to install reliable protection on a USB flash drive. The first option is to use the built-in Bitlocker program. It is available to users of the operating room Windows systems 7, 8. In the Bitlocker application, the developers used a simple interface. The program encrypts information on a logical disk or flash drive. Bitlocker cannot set a password for separate folder .

The second method is to use third-party programs to protect personal files. There is a lot of such software. A set of program capabilities will help to restrict access to both the media and a separate folder on a USB flash drive or logical drive.

Protecting a USB flash drive in Windows

If on a personal Windows computer 7 editions Ultimate, Enterprise or Windows 8 and higher, the user has access to the built-in Bitlocker data encryption application. After completing simple steps, we will get password-protected access to the data drive.

Step-by-step instructions for protecting information on a flash drive:

  1. We connect the USB flash drive to the computer.
  2. Open the "My Computer" folder and right-click on the flash drive icon.
  3. Select Bitlocker from the context menu.
  4. In the new window, put a check in the field "Use a password to unlock the USB flash drive". Coming up with strong password and enter it in the proposed window. Click the "Next" button.
  5. At the next step, Bitlocker offers to create a special key. It will help restore access to information if the user suddenly forgets the password they have invented. This key is printed on a printer or stored on local disk... The decision is up to the user.
  6. We choose which part of the drive will be protected. If the data is very important, then it is better to choose the full encryption option.
  7. We are waiting for the end of information encryption and press the "Close" button.
  8. Checking the protection setting. We take out and re-insert the USB flash drive. A lock icon should appear in the My Computer folder next to the flash drive icon. It means that protection is established and access to data is only by password.

It looks like a local disk protected by bitlocker

Free software for data protection

Software products are available for users via the Internet. They will help protect your personal information. Three popular freeware programs are described below.


TrueCrypt ranks first in popularity among users. She's reliable. The complex interface is the main drawback of the program. It takes time to understand the intricacies of TrueCrypt. The program can encrypt a separate folder on a USB flash drive or logical drive entirely.

Rohos Mini Drive

The developers of Rohos Mini Drive tried to create a functional application of a small size, and they succeeded. The free version of the program does not require administrator rights, but it is not able to encrypt a USB flash drive with a volume of more than 2 Gb. Rohos Mini Drive creates a secret sector up to 2 gigabytes in size (i.e., for example, a 16 GB flash drive is enough for you). A password is required to access the information posted there. The program uses a strong encryption algorithm AES with a 256-bit key.

Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is a symmetric block encryption algorithm (block size 128 bits, key 128/192/256 bits). The United States government has adopted it as the encryption standard.


The self-explanatory MyFolder program helps you protect a folder on your local drive or USB drive. To open such a folder, you need to enter a password. MyFolder encrypts to high speed but uses the volatile Blowfish algorithm. Also, the program does not work under 64-bit operating system.

Blowfish is a cryptographic algorithm that implements variable-length symmetric block encryption. Designed by Bruce Schneier in 1993.

Setting a password for a separate folder

In some cases, it becomes necessary to set a password for a folder with files on a USB flash drive. Easy and quick to protect personal information special programs will help.

One of them is Anvide Lock Folder. The software has the following advantages:

Once downloaded, Anvide Lock Folder is ready to go. The interface is simple and straightforward. In the program window, specify a folder on a USB flash drive or personal computer and press the button with a closed lock icon. Enter your password and the folder is password protected. Access to it opens through the program. Anvide Lock Folder itself can be protected by an additional password.

Setting a password on a USB flash drive without a program

Manufacturers of Flash-drives offer to use hardware protection of information. To use manufacturer-supplied data encryption, you must activate it the first time you use it. A password is set on the USB flash drive. It must contain letters, numbers and special characters.

USB Flash drive in the form of a keychain from Toshiba in an aluminum case with buttons for entering a password

A password longer than 8 characters is considered good. You shouldn't forget him. It is impossible to restore access or change the secret word in 99% of cases... Without a secret word, it will not be possible to format the USB flash drive.

Ways to restore access to a flash drive

What if I forgot my password? There are hundreds of programs on the Internet screaming about their capabilities, but their effectiveness is questionable. The second option is to look for a neighbor hacker who can remove or crack the password. Remember: the use of special software is fraught with unpredictable consequences. On the Personal Computer viruses and malware... So it's better to come up with good password that will not be forgotten, or never use a password.

Often, users use a storage device in the form of a MicroSD memory card. They are used in mobile phones, tablets and cameras. MicroSDs are often password protected. It is installed through the menu of the electronic gadget. If you reinstall the memory card in another phone or camera, you will need a password. If you forgot it, then it is impossible to restore access to the USB flash drive without losing data on the MicroSD.

An online store sells a microSD card password reset device

Now online stores sell devices called unlockers. They cost about $ 10-20. With the help of the unlocker, the protection is removed and the memory card is formatted. The data will be lost forever, but the MicroSD card will remain at the owner's disposal. If you do not want to buy a device, then contact a specialized service. The unblocking service is offered by firms that repair Cell phones and computers.

Keep your personal files under lock and key. This also applies to data stored on a USB flash drive. It is especially easy to lose a micro SD flash drive due to its small size.

Summarize. Choose security password. Remember the secret word. Have a memory problem? Then better password do not put. The torment to restore access will be considerable, it is unlikely that it will be possible to remove the password on your own without losing data, and the result of using hacking programs is not always positive.

There is no need to explain that personal data or files stored on USB drives should sometimes be kept under lock and key. In this regard, many users have a natural question about how to password-protect a USB flash drive, and even in such a way that even an experienced cracker does not get to the information. To perform such operations, several basic methods can be cited, which will be discussed below.

How to password protect a USB flash drive: the main directions of action

With regard to blocking access to information on a USB drive, there are several main priorities in modern technologies. For example, you can set a password to access the device itself (hardware or software method) or encrypt files.

Of course, if the user initially purchases a device that is already equipped with a special hardware protection system, you can immediately set an access code that will need to be entered when trying to view or open information. But such devices are not cheap, therefore only software methods will be considered below and allowing to protect information on ordinary Flash drives.

Protection of office and other documents

The question of how to password-protect a USB flash drive without programs (I mean specialized utilities), which interests most modern users, in the simplest case can be partially solved by installing protection on office documents when they are saved or on other files.

In the first case, when using applications like World or Excel, in the file menu when saving, you can use the service section, where you select the options menu, and then go to the security tab. Here you can enter the password, and then save the file to removable media or copy it there later.

In the case of operations with other files, the security issue is solved with the help of a small program Anvide Lock Folder, which can set passwords on separate files and folders. It is small in size and user-friendly, making it ideal for all novice users.

Setting passwords for archives

No less simple method in the question of how to password-protect a USB flash drive, helping to get a partial solution to a more general problem is storing data in a packed archive form.

When creating them, any modern archiver allows you to install a security code or any other combination that will be requested when trying to unpack the desired archive. Of course, the question of how to open a password-protected USB flash drive in this way can be solved quite simply (if you use password guessing utilities or view the contents of the archive in some editors). However, such actions are not considered for obvious reasons.

Using the BitLocker utility

Now let's move on to the main problem of how to password-protect a USB flash drive (namely the device itself, not the files on it). Owners of the seventh version of Windows, in particular the Enterprise and Ultimate modifications, or systems of a higher rank, are incredibly lucky. The operating system toolbox itself has a built-in tool called BitLocker.

To perform the necessary actions, insert the USB flash drive into the corresponding port of the computer or laptop, then in the "Explorer", right-click on the device and select the BitLocker line. In the new window, check the box for using the password to unblock and enter the invented combination. Next, the application will create a special key in case the user forgets his password, which can be saved on the hard drive or printed on a printer. After that, we select the part that needs to be encrypted (it is better to use the full encryption method), and activate the start of the process. Upon graduation in file manager a lock appears on the device.

A program to password-protect a USB flash drive, Rohos Mini Drive

One of the most advanced utilities of this kind is the Rohos Mini Drive program. The principle of its operation is that it does not encrypt the entire device, but, as it were, creates a certain secret section on it, in which the encrypted data will be located. Unfortunately, it also has some limitations due to the fact that a drive with a volume of more than 2 GB cannot be encrypted, but you can create a partition of this size.

Everything is simple here. Install and run the program, after which, with a USB flash drive inserted into the port, select the creation of an encrypted USB disk, then enter the password and indicate the size of the encrypted partition, and then press the button to start the encryption process.

TrueCrypt, MyFolder and USB Safeguard applications

There are many more programs for protecting USB drives programmatically. For example, the USB Safeguard application is installed directly on the storage medium, but free version has a volume limit of 2 GB. Therefore, to fully encrypt devices with a large volume, you need to use a paid modification.

In addition, the utility is installed exclusively in the NTFS file system, therefore, if FAT32 is present on the flash drive, it will have to be reformatted (the program will itself inform you about the need for such actions).

The other two applications also look quite interesting, but TrueCrypt has a rather complex interface that an untrained user may not understand the first time around, but it is stable and reliable in terms of encryption. The second utility is very simple, but it encrypts only individual objects and uses the questionable Blowfish block cipher algorithm with a variable key length.

Using passwords for removable memory cards on mobile devices

Finally, a few words about how to password protect a USB flash drive on Android. There are several ways here. For example, you can use the above methods when connecting an SD card to your computer.

However, such actions can be performed through the menu themselves. mobile devices(some Samsung models have such a function, and you can find it through location and security in the personal data storage section, where the access combination is set). In the case when, after encryption, the question arises of how to open a password-protected Micro-SD USB flash drive on another device, nothing else will be left but to enter the password, since the information on it simply will not be visible.

On the other hand, this feature is not available on all gadgets, so it is better to use third-party software. Here the crux of the matter is that it will not work to open the device even if there is a valid password without an installed decoder.

Password recovery

Finally, consider one more burning question related to recovering passwords used to protect removable media. In the simplest case, to gain free access to the device, you can format it, but in this case all data will be lost. Naturally, if you use programs like R. Saver, you can recover information, but the process will take a long time.

To protect yourself from such situations, even if you lose your password, you can use recovery keys in the same way as provided in BitLocker.

True, some workshops that repair mobile equipment offer such services, and as a tool they use special devices called unlockers. This is a device, not a program, and it costs about 10-20 US dollars. But, just like software intervention, the use of unlockers is fraught with completely unpredictable consequences. By the way, it is also not recommended to use applications for guessing passwords and combinations.