• GREEN the signal allows movement;
  • GREEN FLASHING the signal allows movement and informs that its duration expires and the prohibiting signal will soon be turned on (digital displays can be used to inform drivers about the time in seconds remaining until the end of the green signal);
  • YELLOW the signal prohibits movement, except for the cases provided for in clause 6.14 of the Rules, and warns of the impending change of signals;
  • YELLOW FLASHING the signal allows movement and informs about the presence of an unregulated intersection or pedestrian crossing, warns of danger;
  • RED a signal, including a flashing one, prohibits movement.
  • Combination RED and YELLOW signals prohibits movement and informs about the upcoming inclusion of the green signal.

What does the flashing green traffic light mean?

To inform drivers about the upcoming change from the green traffic light to yellow, the Rules provide for the possibility of flashing the green signal. This signal allows the vehicle to move. The duration of the blinking should be 3 seconds.

A green traffic light allows you to turn left. Tram traffic at this intersection is regulated by a single-color signaling light in the form of the letter "T". Considering that with such a signal, tram traffic is prohibited, you can go through the intersection first.

When are you obliged to give way to a tram?

When the turn signal is on, it informs you that the paths of your vehicle and the tram intersect at an intersection. Given that this traffic light simultaneously allows you and the tram driver to move, you must give way to the tram.

You intend to turn left. Your actions?

A green traffic light gives you the right to move left. In this case, you must leave in the intended direction regardless of the traffic signal at the exit from the intersection.

You intend to turn left. Your actions?

A green traffic light gives you the right to move left. But, since there is a stop line at this intersection in front of the traffic light installed on the dividing strip, you must stop in front of it while waiting for the green signal.

1. Make way for the tram.
2. Go through the intersection first.

The included tram direction indicator informs that the paths of your car and the tram intersect at an intersection. Considering that the green traffic light allows you to go straight, and the tram T-shaped traffic light prohibits the tram from turning right, you can go through the intersection first.

You intend to drive straight ahead at the intersection. Your actions?

A green traffic light gives you and the oncoming vehicle the right to move. In this case, you must give way only to the tram. An oncoming passenger car is not allowed to pass the intersection together with a tram.

What does the flashing yellow traffic light mean?

A yellow flashing signal warns of a potential hazard and is used to indicate an unregulated intersection or pedestrian crossing.

When turning left you:

A green traffic light gives all vehicles the right to move. But, turning left, you must give way to a tram, which has an advantage over trackless vehicles, as well as an oncoming passenger car (SDA 13.4).

A red flashing light or two alternating flashing red signals of a traffic light installed at a railway crossing means:

A flashing red signal or two alternating flashing red traffic lights prohibit movement. This signaling is mainly used at level crossings.

You intend to turn left. Who should make way?

The green traffic light gives you and the oncoming vehicle the right to move. Wherein,

But why, why, why
Was the traffic light green?
And because, because, because,
That he was in love with life.

© Zinoviev N.N.

A traffic light (from Russian light and Greek φορός - "carrier") is an optical device that carries light information. We all know from childhood that traffic signals are red, yellow and green, and sometimes blue and moon-white. Red light prohibits movement, yellow light is usually a warning signal that attracts attention, and green, blue and white signals allow movement. Why are these colors used in traffic lights to control traffic around the world?

In 1868, the English inventor John Peak Knight proposed using a device similar to a railway semaphore to regulate traffic in London near the British Parliament building. During the day, the signals "stop" and "move with caution" were indicated by arrows that could take different positions, and in the evening, a rotating gas lamp was used for the same purposes, with the help of which, respectively, red and green signals were supplied.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the first electric traffic lights began to be installed in America, first with two signals - red and green, and then a yellow signal was added to them. In the USSR, the first traffic light was installed in 1930, but instead of the usual green signal, then blue was used. In addition, until 1959, when the USSR joined the International Convention on Road Traffic and the Protocol on Road Signs and Signals, the colors of the traffic lights were in reverse order - the top was green and the bottom was red.

Of course, these traffic light colors were not chosen by chance. The choice was influenced by several factors, one of which is the psychology of a person's perception of various colors. Red is traditionally considered a warning of danger, and green, on the contrary, is the color of life and tranquility.

But one of the main reasons for this choice of colors is the dependence of the degree of light scattering on its wavelength. According to Rayleigh's law, the degree of light scattering is inversely proportional to the fourth power of the wavelength. This means that short-wave radiation - blue and violet - is scattered more strongly. And red, as a color with a longer wavelength, will therefore be visible from a greater distance. Obviously, the most important is the warning of danger and the prevention of emergencies, therefore the stop signal is indicated in red. For the same reason (the degree of scattering), the blue signal, as having a shorter wavelength and scattering more strongly, gave way to green.

Surprisingly, in Japan, a green traffic light is called blue. The fact is that when the first street traffic lights appeared in Japan, the signals in them were red, yellow and blue. Over time, the blue lenses of traffic lights were replaced by green ones, but the custom of calling the traffic permitting signal “blue” remained. The peculiarity of the Japanese language is that, therefore, the Japanese call many green objects blue.

) there is a separate paragraph dedicated to traffic signals and how to perceive them, act in accordance with them.

Dear Readers! The article talks about typical ways of solving legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how solve your problem- contact a consultant:


It's fast and IS FREE!

Traffic light works on roads not only for drivers of motor vehicles or electric vehicles, but also for pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists, scooters.

All road users should know what this equipment is like, whether signs are placed near it.

In addition, each motorist will also need to be aware of how to maneuver on a signal and what happens if he violated the traffic system, which is lined up by signal beacons of traffic lights.

Device definition

The very first traffic lights appeared in old England, its capital - London (10.12.1868). Only they were controlled manually, since automation was not yet so widespread in use in those days.

All signaling devices on the streets of cities in Russia and the CIS countries belong as the property of the municipality.

Signaling equipment is provided not only for motorists, motorcyclists, but also pedestrians and cyclists. They are also used in railway and water transport infrastructure.

Traffic light is a special optical signal equipment that regulates traffic and the passage of pedestrians through highways.

Traffic lights are different. Some in the connection have a flashing green light and a red one. While others illuminate all three colors in order - red, yellow and green. As well as vice versa - green, yellow, red. There is a horizontal arrangement of lights, most often vertical.

Diagonal or circular section layouts do not apply. There are other types, as well as variations in the use of such installations in conjunction with road signs.


In order not to make a rash and risky passage at a red light, you need to know the types of traffic lights. The understanding of the road user depends on this, in which direction to move, when, how long to wait, when to prepare, and so on.

When we talk about the types of traffic light installations, we mean their distribution by type. This results in a simple classification.

The types according to which the signal-indicating equipment is divided into groups or subgroups:

  1. Appointment.
  2. Consistency.
  3. The structure of the structure.
  4. Features of signaling work.
  5. Direction indication.

By destination:

  • road;
  • railway (semaphore);
  • river.

Road devices are divided into the following types:

  • pedestrian;
  • cyclists;
  • motor transport;
  • for route vehicles - buses, trams, etc.

According to the principle of constancy, regularity of light signaling:

Kind of work Description Where is it most often used
Constant traffic control It functions regardless of:
- days of the week;
- daily hours;
- established working traffic.
In small towns, settlements and beyond.
Adaptive motion control The signal intervals are adjusted specifically to the rhythm and pace of general urban traffic.
When the unit changes its operating mode:
- at rush hour, to unload lanes, prevent, get rid of congestion;
- certain daytime hours;
- at night.
Large cities of the region, regional, administrative centers, megalopolises.

By the difference in structures, device mechanisms:

With the help of LED spot light signals, you can create whole pictures. Therefore, images of arrows and various inscriptions are perfectly obtained from these blocks.

But since drivers will not have time to read the inscriptions, in traffic lights, arrows made up of LED mini-lamps are most often used.

Advantages of LED matrix traffic lights over other devices:

LEDs Halogen With tungsten filament
Minimum energy consumption of electricity. Average energy costs. The biggest costs of consumed electricity.
Long service life. For example, with a buffer gas in a flask, the average service life is 2000-4000 hours. The average burning time is 1000 hours.
Flicker is minimal. Long-term - before failure. For a short time - before a breakdown.
The brightness of the color reproduction. Average brightness Minimum to medium brightness indexing.
Additional protection at subzero temperatures of the atmosphere is necessary. Protection from minus degrees is average.

Conclusion - a traffic light on LEDs will last much longer. In this case, there will be no special breakdowns, blinking and other malfunctions, which are often recorded at halogen points or incandescent lamps.

Traffic lights-indicators can be placed separately, but next to the usual optical signaling equipment. Arrows can be in the form of a plate, but also interactive, work on the principle of a traffic light.

Several types of traffic lights:

  • with a single additional section - one arrow;
  • with a double section - two arrows;
  • outline arrows;
  • solid arrows;
  • installed autonomously;
  • equipped with an additional section to the traffic light.

Arrows generate signals:

  • red prohibiting movement;
  • green, opening passage, passage.

Outline or solid arrows by priority are equivalent (clause 6.3 of the SDA). There are combinations designed to indicate the direction, as well as to show permission or prohibition to travel in a specific direction, opposite the direction sign.


In clause 6.15 of the Rules it is said that if the signals given by the traffic light cancel the action of any road signs standing next to them, then it is the traffic signals that should be obeyed.

Signs can be displayed completely different, depending on what order the traffic police wants to create on the road section.

For example, let's list the signs:

  • tram;
  • main track;
  • narrowing of the path;
  • pedestrian;
  • dead end;
  • any arrow indicating the path and trajectory of movement;
  • forbidding - "STOP";
  • allowing overtaking;
  • prohibiting passage, etc.

For example, at an intersection there may be a marking on the asphalt “STOP-line”, and there is a “STOP” sign near the traffic light. This indicates that the driver must stop anyway.

However, if a green circle lights up at a traffic light, then you should adhere to this signal and continue driving.

Traffic light designation

The main optical signal designations of the installation:

Color What means Practical use
Red Stop the movement! As long as the red light is on, you cannot continue driving in the direction in which the road user was heading.
Yellow Slow down! 1. Approaching a traffic light, which indicates a yellow signal, participants can already slow down, slow down.
2. And, on the contrary, waiting for the end of the red signal, seeing the yellow one - the participants are only allowed to get ready to cross the road, but not yet go, do not go.
Green The path is clear! The movement is allowed.
Moon white The passage is open for shuttle vehicles! One white traffic light, or several lunar-white signals are designed to regulate the movement of route passenger vehicles:
- trams;
- trolleybuses;
-buses. Installed on:
- intersections;
- lanes of route vehicles;
- stripes where a double solid line is drawn;
- the zone of changing one lane to another when they change places.

Arrangement of color signal lights:


  1. The inclusion of yellow illumination is skipped. In some installations, there is no passage to the yellow light, or its burning is simply turned off by special programming.
  2. Lack of permanent (non-blinking) glow. The lamps may flicker to warn of the imminent disconnection of this signal on the device.
  3. A white traffic light is not installed on roads in isolation from others. In this case, a 4-section installation is used, on which.

The yellow section can be turned off in accordance with certain regulations, when a preparatory transition is not required due to not too heavy traffic on the site.

In this case, immediately after red, green lights up, and vice versa. Participants may not wait a long time for permission to pass, drive, but move immediately after the red signal is turned off.

Blinking with a certain regularity, interval and frequency prompts the participants that this signal will soon turn off. This makes it possible to orientate in time in order to tune in to the movement or stop in time.

In a situation where there is no yellow tanning, the rules do not deny participants to use the signals of the remaining working sections, but only for their intended purpose.

The stop is also regulated by the green light. If a green light is on and has already started flashing on equipment designed for cars, then drivers should understand that after half a second or a second, the signal may change to red. In this case, it is better to slow down, especially if the yellow is disabled.

In this case, you can focus on the adjacent traffic light. For example, if a green "window" flashes for pedestrians, then motorists will understand that they will soon be able to move.

This method is especially helpful in the event of a temporary failure of a car traffic light and serviceability of a pedestrian.

Priority for traffic rules

In general, it is possible to note the type of road signs that are canceled by the signaling traffic light system - the traffic light cancels the priority signs and regulates the movement or stopping of vehicles.

It is necessary not only to list the signs that are installed next to traffic lights, but also to consider specific situations with examples. This is done to make it easier to remember how the systems function.

Consider the most common road signs and the work of traffic lights to cancel priority signs.

The following groups of road signs are not canceled by traffic signals:

  • prohibiting;
  • prescriptive;
  • indicative;
  • informational.

It can be not only shields of different geometric shapes, mounted on metal poles. But also signs, directional arrows and even road markings with numbers, words and symbols.

For reference: If motorists have to choose between traffic signals and the traffic controller's gestures, then the latter will play a dominant role in the road signaling system.

When the traffic controller is standing straight, without movement, it means that drivers should adhere to the order regulated by traffic lights or road signs, depending on what the intersection is equipped with.

The "Main road" sign can be placed near the traffic light, which has an additional section - a green arrow indicator that directs drivers in the direction where they are allowed to go.

This indicator lights up when the red light is on at the same traffic light. Gets that motorists who are going to go straight on the main highway should stop and wait for their green signal.

Whereas for a motorist intending to turn to the right, a lighted green arrow opens a passage into a turn.

Regulated intersections are always characterized by the fact that it is on them that there are traffic lights, and it is their signals that serve as a priority for the supply of primary signal lights.

These are the signals that motorists and pedestrians should observe on these roads. Road signs serve as a secondary priority.

For example, there is a sign "Give in to the train", but for the one for whom it was delivered, the green light of the traffic light came on. This suggests that he is allowed to pass first, despite the fact that the sign requires something completely different.

In other words, at such intersections, equipped with the sign "red triangle, top down", the oncoming car does not need to give way if the green light is allowed to pass.

When there is a need to turn left, you should also adhere to the traffic signal here. But the sign "Make way" must also be taken into account.

Therefore, the oncoming car is passed, and then a maneuver is made - a turn to the left. In this case, the traffic lights for such a motorist should be green.

But there are circumstances when turning left, folding on the roads in such a way that you need to skip a car driving even on a secondary road.

For example, in front of you is a green traffic light, a sign "Main road" and a sign "Turn left on the main road".

When you need to turn left, and then a car with a flashing beacon system installed on the roof drives out, then you need to give way to it, only then make a maneuver.

Additional section

Traffic light equipment with additional sections depicting arrows, or luminous circles, discs, are usually placed at intersections with busy traffic during the day. All the same color lights are used with a characteristic designation for each of them.

For example, arrow images are endowed with the same semantic loads, only the addition is also an indication of the direction where it is allowed or prohibited to move:

  1. Green luminous disc, circle-ring or arrow - allows passage, passage of the path.
  2. Red - prohibits.
  3. Yellow - prepares.

If pedestrians need to move in the same direction as the passage of vehicles, and there is only one traffic light, then an additional section can be used for pedestrians or cars, motorcycles.

The additional section looks like another cell, which can be located in one row with the main lights, or it can be pulled out to the side.

The peculiarity of the use of additional sections is the simultaneous glow of various signal lights.

For example, the red light of a traffic light is on, and on the additional one there is a green arrow-pointer. The meaning of this combination is priority.

First, cars driving along the predominant path at the moment when the enabling signals are switched on for them are passed, and then only the movement is made.


If there are no restrictive markings on the highway, then it is sometimes difficult for motorists to decide where exactly to stop in front of a traffic light.

In this case, it is necessary to refer to the road signs, which must be present. It is believed that it is their point of location that serves as the beginning of an imaginary line, which can be easily drawn perpendicular to the roadway in order to understand where to stop.

"But what if the sign was hoisted right at the traffic light?" - the drivers will ask. In this case, you can visually draw a line from the traffic light and perpendicular to the roadway.

Without driving behind it and stopping so that the radiator grille, the front bumper does not crawl out of the line. But this is in the event that the marking of the STOP line is not drawn near the traffic light.

If it is available, then it is even easier for drivers - you just cannot call for it when you stop.

Correct position of cars when stopping in front of traffic lights:

Almost the same rule works when stopping near a traffic light serving a railway crossing.

On the road, whether there is a STOP line, there is none, you should still stop outside the imaginary line drawn perpendicular to the path, starting from the installation point of the 2-section traffic light.

the main road

The presence of this signaling device at intersections, turns, makes them adjustable. It is here that it is important to understand the equivalence or not of highways. The sign - "yellow diamond" indicates the presence of a main road.

Accordingly, the second crossing is secondary, if the same sign is not installed on it. In any case, the presence of a traffic light makes the intersection regulated, which means that it is allowed to pass at a green traffic light.

When a motorist sees a blinking yellow signal, then the system warns him that in a split second there will be a switch to green or red. This is a transient signal that allows the driver to tune in to the appropriate action.

When there are signs that control the direction of the road, showing the trajectory of its movement, then traffic signals cannot cancel this in any way. But they work in adjusting the intensity, the sequence of movement.

When the main one leaves to the left or to the right, then you just need to navigate by the permission signal of the traffic light and the arrow on the additional section, if there is one.


Another difficulty can be a U-turn at an intersection where a traffic light is installed. This is where road signs come in handy.

If there is a red circle with a black arrow inside, on a white field, indicating a turn to the right or left, but it is crossed out by a red line, then the maneuver is strictly prohibited. In this case, the presence of a traffic light will not affect in any way.

U-turn instruction:

  1. You need to take the left lane if you turn to the right, or, conversely, take the right lane when you turn to the left.
  2. The turn signal turns on, signaling to other participants in which direction the driver is going to turn off.
  3. Stop. Traffic light signals are observed.
  4. The clutch is squeezed out.
  5. Transfer "1" is included.
  6. Keeping your foot in this position, you should look around and see that all cars on the priority sections of the path are skipped, and the passage for maneuver is free.
  7. The brake pedal is released.
  8. The steering wheel rotates in the direction in which you need to make a U-turn.
  9. Turn signal turns off.
  10. The car is leveled and drives along the new lane, observing further rules.

If the traffic light is equipped with an additional section, then it will be very convenient for motorists to orient themselves in order to make a U-turn.

At such a traffic light, this is done according to the following rules:

  1. Wait until the green arrow lights up, pointing in the desired direction.
  2. You can't go straight through a red light.
  3. In the absence of other signs and moving cars, if there is free passage, you can make a U-turn to another road.

What is it needed for

Among the classic equipment options that were considered above, there are also specific traffic lights: duplicate and reversible. Their use in Russia has already become quite active.

The first one is so called by the word "understudy", which means "repetition". A reversible traffic light indicates different directions of movement, although it is attached (suspended), or stands within the boundaries of one lane.

All these devices should be installed within the line of sight of driving drivers, walking pedestrians.


A duplicate traffic light informs participants in motion about the same signal as the main device. It must be carried out according to and relate to the marking - "T.1" and "T.2". It is placed at the intersection, or immediately behind the intersection.

This takes into account the good visibility of the signals that are given to drivers. These copies are needed in order to enhance the attention of drivers and pedestrians in places of the most intensive traffic.

These settings may have arrows on additional sections, but may reflect other images and symbols. The design and shape of such traffic lights often differs from the basic equipment. They can be hung over the carriageway, or they can be placed on the side of the road.

Pedestrian pedestrians are laid under the asphalt on the road, or are installed above the pedestrian crossing. They duplicate not only directions, but also various instructions - a ban on traffic, permission to travel, a warning about the presence of pedestrians, etc.


A reversible traffic light is needed in those places of highways where traffic can change during the day. In the absence of such a traffic light, the flow adjustment is made by such a special person as a traffic controller - a traffic police officer.

This is required to unload the flow rate so that no congestion occurs on highways and street city roads.

Placement of such traffic lights:

  1. Suspension over the carriageway, not far from the main traffic light, road signs.
  2. In tunnels, over lanes.
  3. Above roundabouts and other intersections with the most intense traffic.

When approaching a section where a reverse traffic light works, you should pay attention to some elements that prompt participants about this in advance.

Signs of operation of the reversible installation:

  1. The presence of a traffic light with reverse signs.
  2. Asphalt markings are double dashed lines placed on both sides of the lane. The strokes and the distances between them are the same.
  3. The iconic reversing traffic light system is reflected in the following designations:

    Name Picture Designation
    Letter "X" Does not allow movement on the reverse action lane.
    The reason is that the flow of the opposite direction begins to move on it.
    Diagonal arrow left or right After a few seconds, the signal will change, and motorists are obliged to change to the lane located in the direction of the arrow.

    - red;
    - yellow;
    - green.

    Green down arrow Allowing to move straight, along the lane of reverse traffic.

    Initial and repeated violation of the rules of travel

    Liability measures for driving through redirection signals are determined in accordance with articles of the Code of Administrative Law - Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

    Whatever the lane, whatever the road signs are nearby, whatever the modification of the traffic light, there is always one penalty for driving through a red light. Moreover, it also applies to those cases when it is impossible to drive through the warning yellow light of the equipment.

    Traffic lights use light signals of green, yellow, red and white-lunar colors.

    Depending on the purpose, traffic signals can be round, in the form of an arrow (arrows), a silhouette of a pedestrian or a bicycle, and X-shaped.

    Traffic lights with round signals can have one or two additional sections with signals in the form of a green arrow (arrows), which are located at the level of the green round signal.

    Round traffic signals have the following meanings:

    GREEN SIGNAL permits movement;

    GREEN FLASHING SIGNAL permits movement and informs that its duration expires and the prohibiting signal will be switched on soon (digital displays can be used to inform drivers about the time in seconds remaining until the end of the green signal);

    YELLOW SIGNAL prohibits movement, except for the cases provided for in clause 6.14 of the Rules, and warns of the upcoming change of signals;

    YELLOW FLASHING SIGNAL permits movement and informs about the presence of an unregulated intersection or pedestrian crossing, warns of danger;

    RED SIGNAL, including flashing one, prohibits movement.

    The combination of red and yellow signals prohibits movement and informs about the upcoming turning on of the green signal.

    Traffic signals in the form of arrows in red, yellow and green have the same meaning as the round signals of the corresponding color, but their effect only applies to the direction (s) indicated by the arrows. In this case, the arrow, allowing a left turn, also allows a U-turn, if this is not prohibited by the corresponding road sign.

    The green arrow in the additional section has the same meaning. The switched off signal of the additional section or the switched on light signal of the red color of its outline means the prohibition of movement in the direction regulated by this section.

    If a black outline arrow (arrows) is marked on the main green traffic light, it informs drivers about the presence of an additional traffic light section and indicates other permitted directions of movement than the signal of the additional section.

    If the traffic signal is made in the form of a silhouette of a pedestrian and (or) a bicycle, then its effect applies only to pedestrians (cyclists). In this case, the green signal permits, and the red prohibits the movement of pedestrians (cyclists).

    To regulate the movement of cyclists, a traffic light with round signals of reduced size, complemented by a white rectangular plate measuring 200 x 200 mm with a black bicycle, can also be used.

    To inform blind pedestrians about the possibility of crossing the carriageway, traffic light signals can be supplemented with a sound signal.

    To regulate the movement of vehicles along the lanes of the carriageway, in particular for those in which the direction of movement can be reversed, reversible traffic lights with a red X-shaped signal and a green signal in the form of an arrow pointing down are used. These signals respectively prohibit or permit movement on the lane over which they are located.

    The main signals of a reversing traffic light can be supplemented with a yellow signal in the form of an arrow tilted diagonally downward to the right or left, the inclusion of which informs about the impending change of the signal and the need to change to the lane indicated by the arrow.

    When the signals of the reverse traffic light are turned off, which is located above the lane marked on both sides with markings 1.9, entry into this lane is prohibited.

    To regulate the movement of trams, as well as other route vehicles moving along the lane allocated for them, traffic lights of one-color signaling with four round signals of white-moon color arranged in the form of the letter "T" can be used. Movement is allowed only when the lower signal and one or more upper ones are turned on simultaneously, of which the left one allows movement to the left, the middle one - straight ahead, the right one - to the right. If only the top three signals are on, then movement is prohibited.

    A round white-moon flashing light located at the level crossing allows vehicles to cross the level crossing. When the flashing white-moon and red signals are off, movement is allowed if there is no train (locomotive, railcar) approaching the crossing within sight.

    The traffic controller signals have the following meanings:


    From the left and right sides, the tram is allowed to move straight, trackless vehicles straight and to the right, pedestrians are allowed to cross the carriageway;

    From the side of the chest and back, the movement of all vehicles and pedestrians is prohibited.


    From the left side, trams are allowed to move to the left, trackless vehicles in all directions;

    From the side of the chest, all vehicles are allowed to move only to the right;

    From the side of the right side and back, the movement of all vehicles is prohibited;

    Pedestrians are allowed to cross the carriageway behind the back of the traffic controller.


    The movement of all vehicles and pedestrians is prohibited in all directions, except for the cases provided for in paragraph 6.14 of the Rules.

    The traffic controller can give hand gestures and other signals understandable to drivers and pedestrians.

    For better visibility of the signals, the traffic controller can use a baton or disc with a red signal (reflector).

    The request to stop the vehicle is given with the help of a loudspeaker device or with a hand gesture directed at the vehicle. The driver must stop at the place indicated to him.

    An additional signal is given by a whistle to attract the attention of road users.

    With a prohibiting traffic light (except for a reversible one) or an authorized traffic controller, drivers must stop in front of the stop line (sign 6.16), and in its absence:

    At an intersection - in front of the intersected carriageway (subject to paragraph 13.7 of the Rules), without interfering with pedestrians;

    Before the railway crossing - in accordance with clause 15.4 of the Rules;

    In other places - in front of a traffic light or a traffic controller, without interfering with vehicles and pedestrians, the movement of which is permitted.

    Drivers who, when the yellow signal is turned on or the authorized official raises his arms up, cannot stop without resorting to emergency braking in the places specified in clause 6.13 of the Rules, further movement is allowed.

    Pedestrians who were on the carriageway when the signal was given must free it, and if this is not possible, stop on the line dividing traffic flows in opposite directions.

    Drivers and pedestrians must comply with the signals and orders of the traffic controller, even if they contradict traffic signals, road signs or markings.

    In the event that the meanings of traffic lights contradict the requirements of road signs of priority, drivers should be guided by the traffic lights.

    At railway crossings, simultaneously with a red flashing traffic light, a sound signal can be given, additionally informing road users about the prohibition of movement through the crossing.

    Traffic lights should make traffic in a busy and difficult area more orderly. And yet, not all drivers, pedestrians correctly understand the meaning of red, yellow and green colors, although this is taught from childhood. As a result of accidents in the area of ​​operation of the light device, no less is registered than on other sections of the road. Read about how traffic light signals are interpreted, what means its flashing, as well as about fines for violations of the rules of travel, read the article.

    Read in this article

    The main traffic signals in traffic rules

    Light regulating the sequence of passage of the device are automobile (the most common), intended for pedestrians, cyclists, railway transport, trams. Each uses 1 to 3 colors. Sometimes the same light on a device has a different meaning for each category of road users.


    A signal that does not allow the continuation of movement should be indicated in red. It is located at the highest point of the device. Forbidding red is for all participants to whom it belongs. That is, if it is lit on a signal device for a car, they should be standing. The same color on the pedestrian device prevents pedestrians from walking across the carriageway.

    Sometimes there is only one control device on a road section. Usually it is a three-color automobile. In this case, both drivers and pedestrians have to obey the light commands given to them. According to traffic rules, a red traffic light turned on for the first category of road users is permissive for the second. That is, the cars are parked, and pedestrians at this time can walk through the carriageway.


    The orange or yellow color of the light fixture causes the most conflicts between motorists and traffic police officers. Many drivers are sure that it is already possible to continue driving under it. In fact, according to traffic rules, the yellow traffic light does not allow this. It only informs about the imminent color change to red or green. And he offers to get ready to go further. True, there is also clause 6.14:

    Drivers who, when the yellow signal is turned on ... cannot stop without resorting to emergency braking in the places specified in paragraph 6.13 of the Rules, further movement is allowed.

    Pedestrians who were on the carriageway when the signal was given must free it, and if this is not possible, stop on the line dividing traffic flows in opposite directions.

    Such sections of the road are intersections, level crossings and other areas where the vehicle can proceed without interfering with other participants in the process.


    The most beloved by all those involved in the movement is the third color of the light device. After all, a green traffic light on traffic rules allows you to drive or go through the carriageway. But you need to look for whom it burns. Because when green refers to cars, red turns on for pedestrians. And vice versa.

    How to understand a flashing sign

    Each of the colors of the regulator does not light up instantly. Sometimes he blinks, and drivers do not understand this action in the same way and is not correct in all cases.

    A flashing traffic light signal in traffic rules is also interpreted in different ways:

    • If it is red, then it will soon change to a different color. But you still cannot continue driving or walking across the road.
    • If yellow "blinks", its first value is almost the same, that is, informing about an imminent color change. But this also makes it possible to continue following. And also a permanent blinking yellow informs that the light fixture is not working. This means that this intersection or pedestrian crossing has become unregulated. And you need to follow through the territory according to other rules than those in force in the presence of a traffic light.
    • Green signals about its imminent change to red. It means that those who followed it should strive to complete the process. Although he does not prohibit going and driving.

    Which are permitting and which are prohibited

    To leave the regulated section of the road as soon as possible is the desire of everyone on it. What permissive traffic light signals on traffic rules allow you to do this:

    • green, including flashing;
    • "Blinking" yellow.

    The main prohibiting traffic light signal for traffic rules is red, including flashing. If it is lit at the same time as yellow, you cannot proceed further yet either. There is also a rule in paragraph 6.2 of the SDA that not all drivers pay attention to:

    The combination of red and yellow signals prohibits movement and informs about the upcoming turning on of the green signal.

    Indeed, for vehicles moving in the direction at an angle, green is still shining, which means that a collision is possible. Yellow is also forbidden if it is lit alone and does not blink.

    Lighting devices may also have arrows located on each color. And then the included green light refers only to the direction indicated to it. And those who need to go the other way must stand. The same applies to burning red and yellow colors, if they have arrows on them.

    According to traffic rules, an additional traffic light signal also changes the order and sequence of travel. It refers only to a certain direction. If the main green is lit and the same color in the additional section, it is allowed to follow in all directions. Including the one to which the additional signal belongs. But when the main green is used, and the red is lit in the additional section, you cannot go in the direction indicated to it.

    The movement can be resumed only by those cars that need to go in other directions. The light device may have one more feature concerning the additional signal:

    If a black outline arrow (arrows) is marked on the main green traffic light, it informs drivers about the presence of an additional traffic light section and indicates other permitted directions of movement than the signal of the additional section.

    If the signaling device is reversible, its signs refer only to the lane of the road over which they are located. Red prohibits movement along it, green permits, yellow warns of a color change or the need to rebuild to another lane. Which one is indicated by the arrow in the compartment of the device.

    Penalty for traveling on a prohibitory sign

    Traffic rules are not allowed to drive through a red traffic light. For completing
    such an action in relation to the offender will apply part 1 of Article 12.12 of the Administrative Code. This is a fine of 1000 rubles. It will be paid by those who drove on red or yellow.

    And with the second such violation in a year, the payment will grow to 5,000 rubles. In the worst case, the driver's license will be taken away for 4-6 months, since both offenses are already regulated by part 3 of the same article of the Code.

    12.12 of the Code of Administrative Offenses also applies if the motorist drove through the section not to a prohibiting one, but in the absence of a permitting light. We are talking about the case when green was on on the main section, and red on the additional one. If the car proceeds in the direction related to the latter, its driver has committed a violation.

    According to another article of the Administrative Code (12.10), those who moved to the forbidding light at a railway crossing are punished. The offender can lose 1000 rubles. or a driver's license for 3-6 months. And if he does the same within the next year, the document will be taken away for a longer period. Part 3 of Article 12.10 provides for a misdemeanor deprivation of VU for 12 months.