Instagram is a popular social service that every smartphone owner has heard about. This social network specializes in the publication of photos and small videos, so in order for your posts to be seen by family and friends, you need to replenish the list of subscribers.

Subscribers - other Instagram users who have added you as "friends", in other words - subscribed, thanks to which your latest publications will be visible in their feed. The number of subscribers is displayed on your page, and clicking on this number reveals specific names.

Add subscribers

Users can add to the list of subscribers, or rather, subscribe to you in two ways, which depend on whether your page is open or not.

Option 1: your profile is open

The easiest way to get followers is if your Instagram page is open to all users. In the event that a user wants to subscribe to you, he clicks the corresponding button, after which your list of subscribers is replenished with one more person.

Option 2: your profile is closed

If you have restricted the view of your page to users who are not included in your list of subscribers, then they will be able to view your posts only after you approve the application.

How to get followers from your acquaintances

Most likely, you already have more than a dozen acquaintances who successfully use Instagram. It remains only to notify them that you have joined this social network.

Option 1: a bunch of social networks

Option 2: linking a phone number

Users who have your number saved in the phone book will be able to know that you have registered with Instagram. To do this, you just need to bind your phone to the service.

Option 3: post your Instagram photo to other social networks

Also, users will be able to find out about your activity and subscribe to you if you post a photo not only on Instagram, but also on other social networks.

Option 4: add a social media link to your Instagram profile

Option 5: sending messages, creating a post on the wall

The easiest way for all your friends and acquaintances to find out that you have registered with Instagram is if you send everyone a link to your profile in a private message or create a corresponding post on the wall. For example, in the VKontakte service, you can post a message on the wall with approximately the following text:

How to find new subscribers

Suppose all your friends have already subscribed to you. If this is not enough for you, you can replenish your subscriber list by taking the time to promote your account.

Today, there are many opportunities to promote your profile on Instagram: adding hashtags, mutual PR, using special services and much more - all that remains is to choose the method that is most acceptable for you.

Instagram is one of the most popular social networks sharing photos on the Internet. Today we will try to tell all the secrets of how to quickly get subscribers to your Instagram profile, consider how this can be done for free and for a fee. And also a little secret of what you need to do in order to have many followers (subscribers) in the intagram.

How to get followers on Instagram

It should be noted right away that the article will turn out to be voluminous. Let's immediately divide our article conditionally into three parts:

  • How to get Instagram followers quickly, but for a fee.

Before starting our long story, we want to say that in order to have many followers on the Instagram, you will have to work very, very tightly, and the more subscribers you need, the more difficult your path will be. You understand that it's easy to get 1000 followers on instagram, but 100,000 thousand is very, very difficult.
Below we offer you several working and proven strategies for increasing followers to your Instagram profile.

What to do to have a lot of followers on Instagram.

Before we start describing the ways to attract subscribers, we would like to tell you about what you need to do so that you have a lot of followers. In other words, attracting a follower on instagram is still half the work, your main task will be for a person to actively view your profile, like, comment, etc.

  • Unique and individual theme and style of content presentation... From the very beginning, you need to think about what you will post, try to use the same frame filters, and so on. In general, in other words, your profile should be recognized immediately, and even if someone tries to copy you, you would always be ahead and people would always understand that you are you.
  • Correct profile design... Your profile should be beautifully designed, should not contain unnecessary, redundant information. You have to come up with a sonorous, easy-to-remember name. At first, try to avoid ads and links, we recommend not to post advertising posts and links at least up to 30-50k followers.
  • Only your own unique and interesting content. Photos and videos that you post on Instagram should be unique and, most importantly, interesting. I only use photos and videos to interest and get the user to subscribe to you. Here is a simple, but working way: We make a 30-second video "Will the iPhone explode if I cut it in half?"
  • Always use hashtags. As we already wrote, many Instagram users track new publications by hashtags of interest to them not through their feed, but through special services (You can read more - ). Therefore, remember for each publication you must have at least 2-4 hashtags, but no more than 5-6.
  • Frequency of publication of the material. Remember if you post 1 photo a week, even if you have 100k followers, then gradually everyone will unsubscribe from you and forget. You must post at least 2-3 photos, videos per day.
  • Feedback with people. Remember to always respond to the comments of your followers on the Instagram, thereby you increase, firstly, the activity, and secondly, the involvement of users in your profile.

Well, now we know how to keep attracted followers on Instagram, but how to quickly gain followers on Instagram? Read on!

How to get Instagram followers for free.

We are moving on to the second part of our article, but before telling you about the ways to attract subscribers to Instagram for free, we will make a few important points.

  • Firstly, your account on the social network must meet all the requirements above, that is, the profile must be beautifully designed, you must have constantly prepared material for publication, there must be no ads and extraneous links, in other words, everything that we have described above.
  • Second, your profile should be open and accessible to everyone.
  • Thirdly, you must have at least 50 photos before attracting people, you cannot cheat participants on an empty account.

If this is all clear, then let's look at all the available ways to make sure that you have a lot of followers on instagram for free.

  1. Mutual subscription. Everything is very simple here, you subscribe to real people from your target audience and according to your interests and topics. They mutually subscribe to you, after 1-2 months you unsubscribe from the person, and he continues to hang subscribed to you. Pros (Free. Followers are only your target audience.) Cons: (For a long time, only half of the people you subscribe to will mutually subscribe to you. A large percentage of unsubscribes in the future. Process automation is already a paid method)
  2. Liking photos and comments. As a manual process of attracting people to your profile, it's not very good at all, the essence of the method: you like pictures of people, they go to your profile and if they like your content they follow you.
    Pros: (Only target audience. You don't need to subscribe to other users social network.) Cons (Long and slow process, out of 100 likes you will be subscribed by 1-2 people. You can get banned for a huge number of likes. You can automate but the software costs money)
  3. Spamming with hashtags. Everything is clear from the name, when you put 25 or more hashtags on your subject under one photo. On the plus side, the method does not take much time, and the downside is that the quality of the content is lost because the spam looks awful.
  4. Spam. For spam, they use fake aki so as not to get banned and the personal names of other users are spammed, see what I found and a photo from your profile is thrown.
  5. Hit the top. All of you perfectly understand that if you get into the top of the recommended content, then this is a gold mine of free followers on instagram, but we will write a separate article on how to get there, because there is a lot of information.
  6. Offers. You create yourself 1-10 fake accounts, go to sites, perform tasks with fakes, and spend the received points on cheating on your main profile on Instagram
  7. Friends from other social networks. For example, a fake in VK is created, 10k friends are wound for him, and then photos are published in VK through the link, and people subscribe to you, it is also possible with Facebook. It can be repeated many times, quite an effective way.
  8. Fake contests. Let's not be wordy about the essence of the HYIP method to come up with a contest with good prizes, and then choose your fakes or friends as winners.

The main hallmark and the main difference paid ways attracting followers on Instagram is a huge time-saver. The larger your budgets, the faster and more people you get.

  1. Buying subscribers. No, this is not a cheat and not an offer, namely a purchase, they usually buy broken profiles of people who, against their will and without their knowledge, are subscribed to your profile. The person restores access but in 90% of cases remains subscribed to you
  2. Advertising. Buying ads from famous Instagram bloggers and large publics on Instagram.
  3. Contests... Real contests with real prizes and a budget for a PR competition.
  4. Purchase and order of content. For example, ordering a photo or video clip with a famous blogger or small TV star.
  5. Autosubscriptions. Everything is the same as mutual subscription in free methods, only paid services do everything for themselves, they subscribe and unsubscribe from people themselves.
  6. Use of software and third-party services. Again, we are not talking about cheating, but about sites and programs that automate any processes. For example, Social Hammer allows you to add up to 100 fake accounts and certain condition configures all aki for mass likes, auto unsubscribe, spam, and so on. InstaSocialKit is an irreplaceable assistant in attracting followers on Instagram. And many other programs, as you yourself understand, they all cost money.

We hope our article will be useful to you, if you do not understand something or you know other ways of how quickly you can get followers on Instagram, write in the comments.

Hello everyone. Vasily Blinov is back in touch and today I continue to talk about how to make your Instagram popular and profitable.

In yesterday's article, I told you about, as well as about simple actions, how to start attracting new people to your page for free with your own hands.

In this article, we'll talk about how to wind up followers on Instagram and what methods work best.

Yesterday I said that boosting subscribers is not my method, I do not need winding or purchased subscriptions, and therefore, after testing and analysis, I stopped using most of the methods that will be discussed, and I only use those that attract real live users. ...

Boost subscribers on Instagram - all the ways

I must say right away that all unnatural ways of attracting followers happen through special programs and services (sites), which have been widely spread on the Internet lately.

Be careful when choosing such sites! Some of them just use the login form to steal the password from your account, we have encountered such a couple of times.

I will publish the list of tested services and programs below.

Useless ways to wind up subscribers

All this software and services can be divided into 2 types:

  • The ones where you can buy followers.
  • Those that mimic your Instagram activity.

As a rule, they are all paid, but in the first case, you can wind up subscribers for free, spending your time on various simple tasks, such as:

  • like;
  • subscribe;
  • repost;
  • comment.

For completed tasks, you get points that can be spent on cheating. Points are also purchased with money.

I find this method to be INEFFECTIVE for two reasons:

  1. Non-target audience;
  2. Basically, some bots, which are then banned and removed.

But for a quick set of mass, say, up to the first 1,000, it can be used, then I see no point in empty numbers.

Ways that work cool!

Most best practices gain a lot of live and real subscribers - these are the so-called. Programs that will just automatically like, subscribe and comment for you according to the specified settings.

The principle of operation is quite simple, the program subscribes to someone's account, the person looks at who subscribed to it and goes to your profile. Thus, someone simply subscribes mutually, and someone is interested in your profile and posts.

All these actions can be implemented according to 3 criteria:

  • hashtags;
  • geolocation tags;
  • subscribers to a specific account.

For example: if your target subscribers are from a certain city, then you prescribe hashtags that can be used in your city. Set up places where your subscribers can hang out, also find promoted accounts of groups or people in your city, according to whose subscribers the service will perform these actions.

Just before starting such a promotion, I recommend to get a much better result.

Programs for boosting followers on Instagram

I chose the best ones in terms of price and quality, which I myself use. There are many others on the Internet, but there is either a curve interface, or cosmic prices, or it is generally unclear how to work there.


  1. Instaplus -
  2. Tooligram -
  3. Zengram -
  4. Duinsta -

Conveniently, they work online, 24 hours a day, no need to download and install on your computer.

Everything is in Russian and very easy to use.

Buying Likes and Followers

  1. Bosslike - (if you need fast and a lot)
  2. VKtarget -
  3. Likemania -

The list of analogs is worse:

  • 1gram -
  • Faninsta -
  • Social like -
  • Social kit -
  • Social hammer -
  • Wtope -

If you have used these services, then you can write your reviews about them in the comments to this article.

There are also mobile applications whose work is similar. I, honestly, have never used it, since it is much more convenient from a computer. You can find them in App Store, Google play and Windows Store for “follower for Instagram” or “follower for Instagram” in English.

Important! There is a risk that for cheating followers on Instagram, they can block the account, but so far I have not met such cases among friends who use it.

Now I will show all this on the example of the Instaplus service that I use.

Instructions for working with the Instaplus service

It remains to tell how to buy paid advertising on Instagram, with the help of which you can wind up live subscribers many times faster, but you will find out about this in a few months, since I myself am still studying.

Follow the news and subscribe to updates. Write your feedback and experience about working with cheating followers on Instagram. I will be waiting for you again in the next blog posts!

Good luck to everyone: smile2:

How to get followers on Instagram? Simple if Bosslike!

Instagram has rapidly gained its popularity and, it seems, is not going to disappear anywhere in the near future. Many users are already making money on this social network, others want to know how to get followers on Instagram without risks to the account.

When you first enter Instagram, you are amazed at the variety of popular pages that it has to offer. It immediately becomes clear that not only politicians, show business stars, all kinds of media personalities are registered there, but even quite ordinary people.

You are no worse than all these people and you have a chance not only to gain popularity on Instagram, but also to make money on it! You just need to find out how to get a lot of followers on Instagram and make our recommendations come true.

We will not deceive you, saying that cheating will solve all your problems. Nevertheless, without it, you simply will not be able to survive on any social network. The fact is that it is almost impossible to surprise ordinary people. Even marketers are sounding the alarm - users show almost no interest in advertising! They can also do with your page, lost on the social network.

Who are Instagram followers

Each social network has its own characteristics that make it different from other social networks. networks. This applies in particular to Instagram. It was the fashion for selfies that pushed IT developers to create the social network of photoblogs Instagram. Today, millions of people are looking for ways to become as popular as possible on this network. Which is not surprising: the more popular you are, the more partners and like-minded people you have, and if the purpose of your stay on Instagram is to make money, then you will have more income.

If all of the above is about you, and you want to know how to get subscribers on Instagram, then at your service is the # 1 site-service for promoting in social media. networks and Instagram in particular. We also strongly recommend that you read the article to the end, and you will find out everything you need to know about increasing your audience and why you should choose us.

What are Instagram followers for?

  1. The promotion of followers on Instagram is done not only with the aim of increasing earnings and popularity. Instagram is needed to promote your own business, especially in times of crisis, when you can't go anywhere without ads.
  2. Everyone knows that blogging is one of the most creative and in-demand professions: everyone likes to write and publish what they are interested in, in addition to getting good money for it. Therefore, the question is how to get followers on Instagram for free in social accounts. networks, is primarily of interest to novice bloggers.
  3. Of course, income. Only the most backward from life have not heard about making money on social networks. And in this regard, Instagram has a place to be. In addition, earnings in this service stable and significant.

How to get followers on Instagram?

We are glad to inform you that on our website you can wind up followers on Instagram both for money and absolutely free. The service works on the principle of mutual exchange, and all calculations in it are carried out for the internal currency - points.

Instructions how to quickly gain followers on Instagram:

  1. Register with the service. Registration is typical - there is no complex confirmation system in it.
  2. Get points. You can buy points with money. It is also possible to get free points for completing tasks of other users.
  3. Create a cheat job. In the task, you must indicate its type (cheat followers on Instagram, cheat likes, etc.) and the number of executions. You also need to provide a link to your page or to a specific publication.

Why do you need to gain followers on Instagram?

How do users understand that your page is not interesting to them? It's simple - they judge it superficially by looking at the number of posts and likes. And, of course, one cannot fail to note the importance of such an indicator as the number of subscribers. Sometimes users pay attention to it first.

New followers on Instagram can come in handy in the following cases:

  • You are unpopular. Of course, it is difficult to admit this to yourself, but you should not be upset! Having learned how to get followers on Instagram for free, you can quickly promote your page and find new friends and fans.
  • Your business is stalled. Sometimes there are times when you do everything correctly and quickly, but there is no result. Do not forget about the famous anecdote about the mint. So don't try to make money without ads, but promote your account and use it to support your business!
  • It is necessary to popularize the hobby. Let's say you play golf. AND? Beautiful photos, as well as interesting stories on Instagram will help you find like-minded people and spend time on the Internet with benefit.
  • We need a new source of income. People are easily tempted to say "additional", but a promoted profile on Instagram can even feed you. Find out how to get followers on Instagram and don't waste time!

How to get Instagram followers yourself

In addition to services that can help you recruit followers on Instagram, there are other methods of attracting followers to your Instagram account. However, not all of them are "white" and even more so safe. To begin with, we will reveal the dangerous methods of promotion, for which you can fall under the filters or even go to the ban.

It is highly discouraged to use software that "signs" fake accounts from the existing huge database. For the sense of such fakes is 0, and the filters are not asleep! It is also not recommended to cheat bots through paid software (some enterprising people take advantage of the desire of Instagram bloggers to become famous and make money from it, offering them to buy the program!): Again, it makes no sense, because you can cheat live people.

It is extremely dangerous to send spam (intrusive ads) to other accounts. Moreover, in many countries there are legal bans on spam, and the risk of getting banned quickly is the highest here.

There are also more "white" methods of promoting a page on Instagram, allowing you to gain real 1000 Instagram subscribers and even more.

  1. So, every blogger can and should use hashtags on certain topics: with their help, people will see your post. The more hashtags, the greater the reach.
  2. High-quality and unique photos always get a lot of views. If you are good at editing and processing photos, this method is all the more for you.
  3. Many Instagram users know that, in addition to hashtags, there are also geotags (geolocation marks). Those who want to get acquainted with this or that city, its landmark or other places are looking for photos by geotags. You can also attach appropriate hashtags with the names of these places.
  4. One of the most popular methods that will help you gain Instagram followers yourself is mass following and mass liking. In other words, you like other users and subscribe to them, as well as to popular accounts, comment on their photos, thereby quickly and efficiently attracting the attention of their followers.
  5. As in any other social. networks, Instagram interesting contests and polls are an effective method of attracting followers.
  6. It is also recommended to collaborate with popular accounts. Of course, Ivangai, Nyusha and other stars of YouTube and show business are not meant here, however, it would not hurt to deal with slightly more famous bloggers (from 10,000 subscribers or more). However, if your popularity reaches its peak at a certain moment, over time you will attract the attention of the stars. All the better.
  • First of all, your account should have the most simple and vivid, memorable name. As you name the ship, so it will float;
  • Trending hashtags help your account gain even more followers and likes on posts;
  • Live communication in the comments increases the engagement in the account, which will help you quickly gain real 1000 Instagram followers. Try not to respond to reviews and actions of subscribers with short, duty phrases.

What is the use of recruiting Instagram followers

The set of Instagram followers is an opportunity for additional advertising of your products. If you are a regular user, then for you an increase in the number of subscribers will be just a pleasant number that everyone will see when they go to your profile. But, the larger your audience, the more your rating will become in comparison with others.

Before you get live followers on Instagram, you should figure out the advantages that will be available to you after the promotion:

  • Increasing the "weight" of the account. In fact, this point becomes the most significant among all the others. After all, the larger the audience, the more influence a person can make. Consequently, the earned money also increases;
  • Improved motivation. To achieve something, a person needs to see the result. Often, at the first steps, it is not very significant, which is why many businessmen give up too quickly. If you do not want to lose charge, then you just need to pay attention to free wrapping on Instagram. Cheating will make it possible to attract a small live audience, so an additional charge will appear;
  • The ability to change the results of competitions. Often, many large Instagram accounts run contests. If you want to win them, then you need to get as many votes as possible. Therefore, in this case, you simply have to know how to quickly gain followers on Instagram for free, because this significantly increases the possibility of winning;
  • Earning money from your hobby. For many people, the concept of "Business" is too difficult, but in essence, business is a hobby that generates income. If you decide to develop in something, then show people progress - this way they will follow you, and as a result, advertisers will appear soon;
  • Before you get a lot of followers, remember that this step will increase your click-through rate. People tend to treat Instagram projects according to the logic “the more subscribers, the more likely it is that I will not be deceived”. Consequently, the promotion will do the trick. You don't have to go far for an example. Ask people what kind of tea they prefer? Most of them will answer the one that is better advertised.

Is it safe to quickly gain followers on Instagram?

There is always excitement around cheating. Nevertheless, one should not crudely generalize its various varieties and draw hasty conclusions. We told you how to get live users on Instagram. That is, it is understood that living people subscribe to living people.

Most of the problems are related to bots and social media scams. Working with us, you can be sure that we will not set you up for profit and will do our job honestly and on time. We also do our best to help you avoid other threats.


  1. We have simplified registration. The first alarm bell comes when a cheat site tries to mislead you or create the illusion of elitism even at the registration stage.
  2. We are not knocking money out of you. You can use our promotion right now without investments, since you can quickly gain followers on Instagram on our website absolutely free of charge. No credits of trust and advance payments!
  3. Your profile is safe. You need to be extremely naive to provide cheaters from forums with login information. Nevertheless, they are sometimes so sophisticated in their methods that such cases occur quite often.
  4. We don't have software. Cheat programs can make your life more difficult, especially if you do not download them from the official site. However, there are no guarantees that a hacker will not interfere with the program's operation. Therefore, working with the site is much more reliable.
  5. We are developing our service. Software and the engine is tested for vulnerabilities and is updated in a timely manner.

Gain Instagram subscribers as a tool to expand your business

At the beginning of its journey, Instagram was nothing more than an application for posting photos, processing and distributing them. Like Vkontakte, only instead of messages - photos. However, only a few years have passed and now we have a full-fledged social network.

On the this moment Instagram is a place that millions of people visit every day. If it took a second to view 1 photo, then it took you several years to view all the images uploaded for the day. If we turn to statistics, then every 15 people are already on Instagram.

But, there are people who decided to use this social network for their own commercial interests. In fact, each page can be monetized, but only after gaining enough live followers on Instagram. Among others, there are several main ways of monetization:

  • earnings on advertising sales;
  • selling your own products;
  • brand promotion, that is, in fact, SMM.

However, all these 4 methods are united by 1 point - they can be used only if the account has a sufficient audience. In other words, no one will buy your product if there are 5 people per day on the account.

In order to succeed on this platform, you definitely need to create an interesting page, and then gain followers on Instagram. Best of all - those who suit you, i.e. target audience... If you do not know where to start and how best to proceed, then the best solution will turn to professionals who, for a certain amount, will set up an amazing account for you. Yes, it will take time and effort, but the result will be good.

Any cheat is of two types: artificial or natural. The first one is paid and free ways that engage your audience. Not necessarily bots, real people will also be, for example, after buying ads. But the natural one is when people themselves subscribe to your page. For example, from search queries.

If you are a media personality that many people know about or you just have a huge number of friends, then it will not be difficult to gain real 1000 Instagram subscribers, and sometimes tens of thousands.

But, do not forget about the financial component - will such an audience bring money? In this aspect, most of it depends on the topic and product / service you have chosen. For example, let's take the Instagram of Stars. It is most profitable for them to advertise fashionable things and entertainment.

Regardless of the situation, if you do not have subscribers, then you cannot “leave” anywhere. The hardest part is the beginning, namely the first thousand subscribers. And for this, you definitely need to know how to quickly gain followers on Instagram with the support of the Bosslike or LikeInsta service.

Tens of thousands of businessmen have already started using Instagram, to get on their list, you just need to start acting.

Who benefits from gaining followers on Instagram

Each of the clients that apply has personal reasons for increasing the visual audience. However, the primary task is always the same - to make the page more popular. This leads to a logical question: why is this media presence needed?

For those who have just started maintaining a personal page or business account on Instagram, it is unlikely that they will be able to answer the question the first time. We have compiled a table for you so that you can familiarize yourself with the advantages of the site, where you can recruit Instagram followers yourself. You must independently come to the conclusion why you should use the service.


Personal users

The ability to gain real 1000 Instagram subscribers and even more, which will lead to the TOP rating

The emergence of trust in your products and the brand as a whole

There will be more prospects for obtaining a stable income

You will be taken more seriously, leading to further partnerships

There will be an opportunity to turn your hobby into a profitable occupation. Also, you will find a large number of friends and like-minded people.

You will be able to independently stimulate user activity

A promoted profile will help with finding profitable relationships

Why is the site the best service for recruiting followers on Instagram?

Why is the site best service on recruiting Instagram followers?

Do you know how to quickly gain followers on Instagram for free, and now you are ready to use the services of the service, but still have doubts? We advise you to get rid of them. To ensure you have confidence in us, here are 4 key benefits that will prove that you will make the right choice:

Here are a dozen reasons not to regret your choice:

  1. Emphasis on simplicity. We believe that a programmer should know how to program, and a simple user should know how to get followers on Instagram. Therefore, you can wind up all social networks on our website - at once or separately. You just need to click on the required tabs.
  2. Always working cheat on Instagram. Paid promotion has a lot of advantages, but do not forget that you can get fewer subscribers at any time of the day or night, but they will be live and free! Just because we value you.
  3. Fast promotion. Forget about the brakes and problems in the process of promoting your profile on Instagram. On our website, you can set the reward for completing tasks yourself, and also make sure of the efficiency with which these tasks are performed.
  4. We guarantee confidentiality. We shouldn't forget that not everyone knows how to get a lot of followers on Instagram. Information about your cheating can come up very unexpectedly and tends to spoil your nerves. We guarantee confidentiality!
  5. We are proud of our support team. In general, it does nothing out of the ordinary - you just get an answer to your question. A whole team of specialists is “just” working on this.
  6. Bonuses and promotions are waiting for you. By purchasing more points, you get substantial discounts. We also run various contests and give discount coupons!
  7. Live people will subscribe to you. You no longer need to think about how to get the first subscribers for Instagram. And you certainly don’t have to worry about whether these are living people!
  8. It is profitable to be a partner. If you bring new people to our service, you can safely count on a reward of 50% of our profits from their activities.
  9. We provide services online. The risks associated with the software are reduced to zero. This means that you will use the site without fear of losing the page or infecting your computer with viruses.
  10. the site does not stand still! Support for new social networks appears, bots are constantly identified and blocked, and the site is tested for vulnerabilities.

In addition, the program works on different devices... Services are provided even if you are sitting through old phone... Cast aside doubts and “dancing with a tambourine” - now, in order to gain followers on Instagram, you only need the Internet and the Bosslike service. You only need to devote a certain amount of time, after which you will be able to get the expected result. We wish you success in your goals!

We present to your attention a translation of an article by renowned marketer Neil Patel, dedicated to effective promotion on Instagram. Original taken from The Science of Instagram: How to Get More Followers and Likes

It so happened that I hadn't used Instagram before, but once I found out that it had over 100 million users, I had no choice but to pay attention to it.

"Why?",you ask.

And all because you can use this platform not only to promote your own brand, but to promote your entire business.

When I first started using this resource, in the first few days I had up to a hundred followers, but then this figure gradually stopped growing. Although I added new subscribers every day, their number was insignificant. My hundred followers have put just a dozen likes on any of my posts.

In the end, I decided to learn more about Instagram promotion: what makes users like your images, what makes them follow and follow other users, and most importantly, what can be done to get more followers who would like your photos more often.

I tried to put this new knowledge into practice in my account. Now my number of subscribers is growing steadily - over 200 per day! Now my photos easily get over a hundred likes. Best of all, I was able to achieve this result by following only 5 people (I know I should follow more J users).

If you want to get more followers and therefore more likes for your Instagram photos, here's what you need to do:

Link your Instagram and Facebook accounts

This is perhaps the simplest and most obvious way to increase the number of your followers on Instagram - 20% of all users of the service are also on Facebook.

When you link two accounts to each other, your Facebook friends will notice your Instagram account and start following you on Instagram. For example, 3% of my Facebook friends have subscribed to my Instagram account. If you post a status update on Facebook and ask people to follow you on Instagram, that number can increase by about 5%.

Use popular tags

  1. #love
  2. #instagood
  3. #cute
  4. #photooftheday
  5. #instamood
  6. #iphonesia
  7. #picoftheday
  8. #igers
  9. #girl
  10. #tweegram
  11. #beautiful
  12. #instadaily
  13. #summer
  14. #instagramhub
  15. #follow
  16. #iphoneonly
  17. #igdaily
  18. #bestoftheday

Use popular filters

In the same way as with popular tags, users prefer photos with certain filters. Here are 10 of the most popular filters you can use:

  1. Normal
  2. Earlybird
  3. X-Proll
  4. Valencia
  5. Amaro
  6. Brannan
  7. Lomo-fi
  8. Hudson

Instagram users prefer to like rather than comment!

If you want your images to receive more likes or comments, you need to start interacting with other users. Before you do this, it is important to understand that people are more likely to like, rather than leave comments. The average user leaves only 81 comments for 575 new likes.

So, if you find time to comment on someone else's profile, this person will most likely visit your page. People will not only comment on your photos, if you comment on them, the likelihood that they will follow you will grow by 401% in this case.

Like other people's photos, you yourself will get more followers and likes.

For every 100 likes I made on random photos of other users (I didn't follow them), I got 21.7 likes on my photos and 6.1 new followers. And the main thing is that I myself did not subscribe to people to achieve such a result.

Analyzing my data on, I found out that by liking hundreds of photos of other people who were not my followers, I not only increased my followers' audience, but also got people outside my circle of friends to like my photos.

Since I liked hundreds of photos a day on random pages I didn't follow, 43.26% of my likes and 31% of all comments in my photos came from people who weren't my followers.

Timeliness is everything

After analyzing 46 users and over 1,000 photos on, I determined that Monday at 5 pm is the best time to post a photo. This is the time when you are most likely to get the most comments and likes on your photos.

The second most popular time to post a photo is Wednesday or Thursday at 3pm.

In addition, the photo is most active during the first three hours. 46.15% of all comments were received within the first hour, and 69.23% of all comments were received within the first three hours. So if you can't get feedback within the first three hours of posting a photo, it probably won't get the desired result at all.

Do you brag and share personal?

After analyzing the likes of over 1,000 photos, I found that images that show lifestyles (fancy cars, houses, luxury living, etc.) or that are personal tend to get more likes. Photos that lack either of these two elements tend to receive 11.4% fewer likes.

Combine images

Picture. Make collages from your photos

The photo shown above is a composition of several images that are similar to each other. You can do this with free apps like Diptic. My business partner, Hayten Shah, posted the image shown and quickly received 75 likes and 5 comments. Images of this type tend to get 19.41% more likes and 22.4% more comments than simple photos.

If you want to get the most out of your photos, take a little more time and create these multiple photo collages.


If you want to increase the number of subscribers to your account, The best way to do this - to put thousands of likes on random photos of other users yourself. It's tedious, but trust me, it will give a good result, as in my case. This tactic works very well. The biggest disadvantage of this model is that 16.6% of your followers will be fake: they will either not be active or they will be bots.

Based on the information above, you should ideally:

  • create a multifaceted image and post personal photos;
  • combine multiple images into one using Diptic;
  • do not use filters (any) on images;
  • use tags like #love;
  • post at 5pm on Monday or Wednesday and Thursday at 3pm.

If you follow my advice, you can increase your Instagram following, get more likes and comments faster than just posting your photos at random. Other than that, you can get busy and redirect visitors to your social network.