Want social media to add value to your business? Are you waiting for a sale from a group? Want targeted traffic from VKontakte? Then our course is especially for you. We will tell you how to prepare social networks so that they are both beautiful and effective! Upgrade your SMM personality!

And 4 more reasons to become an SMM specialist

  • 21
    webinar on creation and promotion in social networks
  • 1
    diploma (issued for completing the course and completing homework)
  • 3
    homework to consolidate the material
  • 7
    cool speakers with cases

Now only 3 parts of the course separate you from effective social networks!

You can buy the entire course as a whole (with or without checking your homework), or separately the part of the course you need.

SMM specialist. Part I

11 webinars

The theoretical and practical part of the course, where you will analyze in detail, using the example of the most popular social network on the Runet VKontakte, how to create your own community and arrange it so that customers, upon first viewing, form a positive opinion about the company.

  1. Analysis of competitors in social networks
  2. Determination of KPIs for analyzing the effectiveness of work in social networks
  3. Building a community: basic elements and subtleties of customization
  4. Information section: what and how to write
  5. Community styling: what to consider in design
  6. Registration of discussions, photo albums, videos
  7. Setting up the app in the community
  8. Community menu: what it is, why you need it and how to do it
  9. Working with content: what kind of material social networks like
  10. We draw up a content plan and choose what to write about in the community
  11. Prohibited ways to promote VKontakte

SMM specialist. Part II

5 webinars

The theoretical and practical part of the course, in which you will learn how to work with the advertising account of the VKontakte social network. You will analyze the basic subtleties of setting up and launching advertising in an advertising office.

SMM specialist. Part III

5 webinars

A practical day of the course, during which you will get acquainted with cool experts and cases of promotion in social networks. We tried to collect the most interesting speakers with rich experience who will share their knowledge, skills and abilities with you.

Buy full course

21 webinars

You will receive all course recordings - 21 webinars. And the best part is that when you buy a full course, you save a lot. In parts, the entire course costs 1,600 rubles, and the set will have a discount of 400 rubles.

Buy the complete course with homework

In this case, you get:

  • Full package of webinars and course presentations (21 videos)
  • Homework for the first and second parts of the course (3 assignments)
  • Homework check and error correction recommendations
  • 2 material consultations and homework(1 for the first part of the course, 1 for the second part of the course)
  • Diploma of completion of training

This is a new area for making money through social networks... That is, it is a procedure for drawing attention to a brand or product through social media. networks such as: VKontakte, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and others.

Mission SMM specialist - is to form a set of measures for the use of social networks in order to promote companies and perform other tasks. The main emphasis in SMM is given to content, that is, to a competent concept of the seller: text, picture, video and so on. This course may be useful to you for - exchange for beginners of freelancing.

If you decide to study in this specialty, plus create your own website (for example), or a community in social. networks and with the help of this receive about 50,000 rubles. per month, I recommend to study SMM specialist course... By the way, the authors of the course also offer a new training called " Business camp in Thailand"!

Course authors

The author of this wonderful course is Alexander Bortsov (pictured on the left) and his remote employees numbering more than 10 people. Alexander himself and a professional in the field of SMM. Some of its employees live in Thailand, the other part - in different parts of the world. The team loves to travel, introduce modern technologies into their courses and learn something new every day. At the end of 2013, they were developing federal SMM projects. But, after a little reflection, we decided to create our own project by organizing an offline training in Thailand.

Lesson process

To learn make money on social media, it is not at all necessary to go to any educational institutions, just 1 PC and access to the network are enough. I would like to add that in this way you can study on your own, but, unfortunately, not everyone has the ability to self-learn. Therefore, we have thought out online courses for training SSM specialists.

The SMM course itself for a specialist in making money on social networks is built according to lessons in a very understandable and accessible video format. After the start of training, students wait for the flow and engage with the group online (by the way, this is a bit like online training of various leading universities, as well as learning to work remotely ""). The training itself takes place almost daily, you will be loaded with homework for at least a couple of hours a day.

Absolutely all tasks are checked by the teacher himself, who is pleasant to listen to, who always speaks to the point and understandable, for students, language. In the process social media training even a beginner can understand everything. There are absolutely different people on the streams: specialists and beginners, mature and young, mothers on maternity leave and others.

How the courses are held

What will happen after training?

Upon completion of the course, students become certificate holders. And becoming an SMM specialist, you can work on orders, you can send your resume to companies, or open your own personal SMM company. After creating the site on which you will offer your services, under the heading "About me" you can attach the certificate you received. Also, with knowledge of SMM, you can "promote" yourself, and therefore - always have a job. Well, your income will depend on how you present yourself.

We are often "harassed" with requests to write step by step guide on SMM, as if "for dummies." People often associate such complaints with the fact that there seem to be so many articles on our blog, and people want "well, that's what exactly?"

Ok, we give up and decided to write a simple (seemingly) SMM guide in which we will tell you step by step what to do and how to do it. One caveat: we have already written an article for each item, and not even one, we will give references to them, but if you don’t want to, you don’t have to read them.

If you need to learn right here and now how to do SMM correctly, then go ahead!

Step 1 - understand / introduce your audience

You will need a so called.

You can not do something from the subsequent steps, or do something "crooked". But without a portrait of the consumer - just nowhere.

If you don't really think about who your consumer is, who you work for, then this will derail all your other work in SMM.

You can not do it in such detail as described in the article, BUT be sure to work through such questions as - what the person wants to get- its desired end result, and that a person is afraid / annoying.

Step 2 - create

Start by simply writing down in a file any ideas about what searches people in your customer profile will make.

Starting from the banal "buy wallpaper in Moscow", ending with "what to do if the linoleum has gone in waves."

Then, based on your ideas, create a semantic core (as described). This tool is great for creating a semantic core.

Step 3 - website

If you have it, get hurt. If it is not there, it must be done.

To make a simple website "with your own hands" now costs from 0 to 10,000 rubles, if you entrust a contractor, the price will be up to 20,000 rubles.

No, there are any contractors, it happens that they will ask you for 100,000 and more than a million. But the price is adequate. A simple online store - up to 50,000 rubles.

Step 4 - fill the site with content

You have created a semantic core - now you just need to take and write articles for each cluster. It is not necessary to do ALL the content for the site first, and then start SMM.

No, do a dozen or so useful articles that answer the wishes or fears of your customers, and correspond to the semantic core, and you can already start SMM.

For posting, you will naturally need pictures. Here is the most affordable of the paid photo banks.

(But at the same time you must keep creating new articles! You will not "get off" by writing 20 articles and that's it!)

If you don't have the strength to create content yourself, we can certainly help + there are still a lot of other agencies.

Step 5 - start leading your social media communities

At a minimum, you need to create a VKontakte group, a Facebook page, a Odnoklassniki group. ...

Post your articles there from the previous step at a rate of at least 2 pieces per week. It's enough! Send to hell those who say you need to post 6 times a day.

Read more about running communities.

For posting, you can use a scheduler that allows you to do "postponed posting" - for example, this one, but in general there are many different.

Step 6 - recruit at least 200 people to the communities

Step 7 - start promoting the community

It is written in great detail about this. In short, you should try the following:

  • Regular advertising (targeting) in your social networks - of course, using targeting to those people who you need, to the communities of competitors or to an active audience from thematic communities (which can be selected using Cerebro and similar services).
  • Paid posts to popular communities in your topic (via sociate.ru)
  • If you cannot get new entrants from the target audience in this way for less than 20 rubles per person, you should try paid invitations and contests.
  • As a result, you choose the most economical way to recruit subscribers from your target audience for you, and lean on it as tightly as your budget allows.

If you don't have at least 10,000 rubles a month to promote the community, you don't even have to start any SMM. Nothing will grow by itself.

Step 8 - periodically make offers to buy

Throw in suggestions to your group to buy or order from you. SOMETIMES (not all the time! - more precisely, not more often than non-commercial materials). In any form - promotions, prizes, discounts, or at least just links to product cards in an internet store.

Step 9 - promote the community to be active

That's all!

If you have gathered at least more than 5,000 people (normal, honest, not bots) in a group and you still cannot sell your goods / services, then you did something radically wrong: whether your product / service is not needed by anyone in principle , either you have something wrong with the price, or there is still some problem in the business.

Either the product is too expensive, or you did not correctly identify the pains of your consumers, could not answer them convincingly, convince them that you are the one who will get rid of it.

Does it all seem too complicated to you? Are you ready to say "fuck it all, you better just do it for me"? - Ok, - we will help to develop a client portrait, fill your communities with interesting thematic content, we will promote them and promote them to be active

No related articles

Hello dear readers. In one of the previous articles, we did - sorted out salary, responsibilities and other nuances. Today we will delve deeper into the topic and talk about how to become a smm specialist from scratch. After studying the material, you will learn how to relate to the specialty correctly, receive a list of required professional skills and can choose a paid or free training option.

Let's start with an example that will allow you to quickly dive into the topic and appreciate the importance of the specialty. Imagine that you are faced with the task of promoting a small group of 100 people to 20,000 subscribers. The project can be implemented in a fast and slow way. To understand the difference, let's compare the key indicators:

SMM typeA fast way based on spam, bogus contests and other prohibited techniques.The slow way, built on the development and implementation of smart marketing strategies.
The costEverything is as cheap as possible.A market price is set, which will be calculated based on the specifics of the project.
Followers"Shops of Astrakhan", "Nina Clothes", "Vasya Obuv" and other users who are useless to the customer.Each user is a potential client, since the specialist has carefully worked out the portrait of the target audience.
Result20,000 subscribers in 1-2 weeks. 20,000 subscribers in 1-2 months.
Long-term effectAfter a small spike in sales, stagnation begins: the community loses its reputation and attracted subscribers. The community is developing, increasing sales and constantly attracting new target customers.

Serious business owners are not interested in fast and cheap ways to promote - people understand that only a high-quality target audience will make a profit. Therefore, further in the article we will consider only those recommendations that will help you become a sought-after smm-specialist and get many high-paying orders. If you are determined to master the specialty, get ready for a dense study and continuous practice.

Step # 1. Develop the right attitude towards the specialty

If you are starting from scratch, then you do not need to evaluate your future profession in terms of monthly income, prestige, trends or career growth - these are all external attributes that are constantly changing and are of secondary importance. You should enjoy the work that you can do beingsmm specialist. If you ignore this moment at the first stage, then you will quickly get exhausted, stop at the initial level and never become a highly paid professional. Think about this and watch the next video.

Lecture on how to choose the right profession and never regret it

Step # 2. Understand the key skills of an SMM specialist

The main skills of an smm specialist are tied around the following blocks: developing a general strategy for promoting a company in social networks, setting up targeted advertising, working with various content formats, managing target audience, interface design, connecting mobile messengers, interacting with opinion leaders, conducting analytics and tracking the actions of potential customers from point A to purchase, the introduction of classic marketing concepts and managerial skills to work simultaneously with many tasks.

Below is a detailed checklist, where Damir Khalilov (head of the GreenPR SMM agency) gives a detailed transcript of the skills of a successful smr. It is clear that not for all tasks all of the listed items should be implemented in one person. However, this is precisely the benchmark that many agencies are guided by when recruiting new candidates. Examine the checklist - you will understand where to start your professional path.

Key SMM Specialist Skills Needed to Prepare an Overall Strategy

In addition to all of the above, each SMM specialist will have to deal with additional skills, the range of which will depend on the conditions of the project, the individual wishes of the customer and the chosen promotion strategy. Will need to involve the people of Beijing in the project - get ready to hire a translator or learn the language yourself; you need to reinforce the text material with infographics - think about preparing design layouts. In most cases, SMM specialists do not have time for self-education outside the region, so they try to recruit a team of proven performers who are ready to quickly and quality prepare the missing materials. It is not easy and requires experience.

How to assemble a team for an SMM specialist for a specific project

Step # 3: Master the theoretical minimum

Without education, it will not be possible to take expensive projects and bring them to the desired result. The most convenient way to do this is through, which help to avoid unnecessary mistakes and quickly learn everything you need. Next, we will recommend several online schools with high-quality programs, after mastering which you will receive a ticket to the profession.

Online training in the Internet marketing agency "Envelope Monster"

Here, pay attention to the program "" - this is a practical training course for specialists in promotion in social networks with training on your project (there is a free introductory lesson and installments). After completing it, you will receive:

  • Access to the agency's vacancy database, which allows you to start earning immediately after training.
  • Useful knowledge that is not shared on the Internet and public universities.
  • with a free schedule and remote operation.
  • A completed portfolio confirming your qualifications.
  • Smm-manager certificate and letter of recommendation from the director of the agency "Envelope Monster".

If it is more convenient for you to study according to an individual schedule, then you can purchase a video recording of the course " Social Media Promotion Specialist, SMM Manager"- this is the same theoretical material that comes with feedback and checking homework within 60 days from the date of payment.

Webinar from CONVERT MONSTER on creating effective content for Facebook and Vkontakte

Study at the online university Netology

Here we are interested in the program “ SMM manager: business promotion on social networks". After the course, all students receive a diploma and a portfolio with a really completed project is a great addition to resume for employment. Before starting the training, a free consultation is available, and the course itself can be paid in installments. For all graduates, there is a Career Development Center that helps with finding a good job.

Advice from a Netology expert on starting a career in SMM

Study at Skillbox Online University

Skillbox prepared educational course "SMM marketer from A to Z" - This is a three-month program, after mastering which you will receive a diploma and will be able to apply for vacancies with a salary of 60,000-80,000 rubles. The course can be paid in installments, without the need to make an initial payment.

Fragment of a lesson from the course "SMM Marketing from A to Z"

Step # 4. Go to practice

If you have completed paid training and have mastered most of the skills of an SMM specialist, then it will not be difficult for you to prepare a resume and apply for a vacancy published on any popular job search site. If you feel insecure about your own abilities or want to work in a particular company, then try using the following scheme:

  1. Find several SMM agencies that you would like to study with.
  2. Find a client who wants to develop their project using SMM technologies.
  3. Contact the selected SMM agencies with a business proposal: you give them clients and your free time - they give you skills and a small percentage of the order.
  4. Start working with an agency that will offer the best conditions.
  5. After training, make a plan for the future: you can stay to work in an SMM agency, become a freelancer, or open your own studio. The choice depends solely on your preferences.

This method has a simplified version when you apply to a freelancer with an offer of cooperation not to an SMM agency. If a specialist is in demand, he will gladly give you a part of the accumulated projects.

Several free ways to find your first customers

Step # 5. Take up professional development

The Internet space is constantly evolving and filled with such tools that allow even untrained users to perform many tasks of promotion in social networks. For example, any user can download the instruction for free, and then set up and run their own advertising campaign in VK. Due to such information accessibility, the value of those SMM specialists who do not develop and do not offer their clients sharply decreases newest ways solving the tasks. Let's take the same group in VK: if an SMM manager not only knows how to set up ads, but also give some kind of guaranteed result, then he will never be left without work. It is not difficult, but you need to constantly monitor trends.

If you're ready to take it to the next level - pay attention to course "I am an SMM marketer PRO" from Skillbox online university... This is a powerful training course that lasts 24 months and is designed for newbies, business owners and current professionals. After 4 months after the start of your studies, you will be able to receive the first paid orders with which you can pay for the course (the first payment for training can be made 6 months after the start). An added benefit is that you get guaranteed employment.

A tour of the Skillbox office: looking at the place where cool courses are made

howindependently and free of chargebecome a smm specialist from scratch

It is possible to master a new profession on your own, but it is difficult to reach the level with high-paying orders. It's all about the numerous mistakes and time that you will spend on mastering everything you need. Therefore, once again evaluate all the pros and cons. If you decide, there will be a basic course under the table.

First, familiarize yourself with the basics of the profession.

Overview of the main tools of a smm specialist

Learn basic terminology.

SMM dictionary of basic terms

Determine the scope of your authority that needs to be observed when building relationships with customers.

What an SMM specialist shouldn't do

Learn to properly respond to negativity on social media.

How to deal with inadequate commentators

Follow trends constantly and try to match them as much as possible.

SMM trends for 2020

Tune in to self-development and search for answers to all questions that your customers may have.

Silly questions for an SMM specialist

Follow other people's cases and copy all successful examples.

Analysis of smm strategies from Skillbox specialists

What's next

Friends, now you have a general idea of ​​how to become a successful and sought-after smm specialist. You just have to choose your path and proceed to its implementation. Stay tuned for new articles and share this article with your friends - perhaps one of them is dreaming of a new profession. In the future, we will continue the topic of SMM and prepare for you a lot of useful material that will help you delve into the profession and find your first job. Good luck to all!

Marketing and promotion in social media (SMM)

This course meets the requirements of the draft professional standard "Internet Marketing Specialist".

Attention! All course participants must have accounts on the social networks VKontakte and Facebook. Instagram and Odnoklassniki accounts are welcome.

The explosive growth of social media a few years ago forced many companies to start allocating large budgets for promotion in them. This course will allow you to be on the crest of the trend of conquering social networks. You will learn how to attract a loyal audience to a product or brand, expand market share and solve other business problems. You'll get full information about all methods of promotion: reputation monitoring and management, promotion in networks, blogging, new wave social networks, etc. And also get the skills to audit the effectiveness of advertising SMM campaigns.

The course is built on a large number examples and analysis of cases... The knowledge and experience of a teacher-practitioner in the field of Internet marketing work for you. This course is a unique opportunity for the modern marketer!

Course calculated for beginners in the field of Internet marketing, small business owners interested in solving their current business problems, managers of medium and large business leaders interacting with contractors and performers in the field of Internet marketing, as well as for anyone interested in SMM (social media marketing), SMO (social media optimization).

The course will definitely interest specialists in search engine promotion and contextual media advertising, heads of sales and marketing services, advertising and public relations, content managers, SMM managers, Internet marketers, and Internet project managers.

The course program provides sufficient knowledge to pass the SMM Expert exam at RDC.center, which is the industry standard for SMM specialists. The listener is given the opportunity to take a practice exam for free!

Students of the course will also receive free access to the system of analytics of social networks from the partner of the training center "Specialist", the company "Amplifer".