Web designer is a person with artistic taste and knowledge of Internet technologies who creates Web pages and combines them into Web sites. The main task of a web designer is to design an Internet project so that as many users as possible become interested in it. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in drawing and computer science (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

The profession of a web designer appeared only with the emergence of the world computer network World Wide Web (WWW), in which it is possible to create websites for advertising purposes (late 1980s - early 1990s). A Web designer is a person with artistic taste and knowledge of Internet technologies who creates Web pages and combines them into Web sites.

The specific task of a web designer is to be able to develop a stylistic design for a project taking into account the specifics of the Internet. That is, in addition to the design of the project being simply stylish, it must meet the standard requirements set by the network: graphic elements(logos, banners, drawings, etc.) must be optimized; when choosing colors and fonts, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the user will see the graphic embodiment of the project on the monitor and not on paper. A web designer is responsible for how a website looks and feels. He comes up with logos, banners and other graphic elements, thinks through site navigation, and determines where the text should be placed. A designer needs to not only create an interesting website, but also take into account its loading time. Creating interactive websites is the pinnacle of web design.

To create such a site, a web designer must not only speak HTML and have an artistic flair, but also simply must know “classical” programming and understand databases.

In addition to websites, web designers develop banners, Internet postcards, and electronic presentations.

Features of the profession

Web page design is information design, not graphic design.

In the process of work, a web designer solves the following tasks, on which the success of the created project directly depends in the future:

  • determining the goals and objectives of site visitors;
  • design and planning of the site structure;
  • interface development;
  • navigation development;
  • care about user interaction with the system;
  • content preparation and quality control.

Main functions of a web designer:

  • website design;
  • creating an idea and developing a server layout;
  • creating a server layout execution style;
  • ensuring the best perception of web documents on the monitor screen, taking into account the loading time of documents, bandwidth data transmission channel, size of document graphic files, color palette quality;
  • determining the rules for the layout of web pages, choosing the format, background, quantity and quality of design elements;
  • creating style samples of web documents;
  • work with Internet node, Internet;
  • writing software and page code;
  • management of hypertext documents;
  • carrying out the company's information policy on the World Wide Web (WWW);
  • installation and work with tools for preparing and checking web pages;
  • creation of interactive web applications;
  • updating, modernizing a web document;
  • creation and work with applications for static processing.

Pros and cons of the profession


  • constant demand in the labor market,
  • work is not limited to one country,
  • possibility of remote work,
  • ample opportunities for professional growth,
  • you can implement almost any idea without spending money,
  • decent wages.


  • a discrepancy (sometimes) between the artistic vision of the customer and the performer, which is why you have to either convince of the need for a specific design solution or agree with amendments.

Place of work

  • design studios;
  • companies involved in website development;
  • any organizations that use a personal website in their work and want to develop and modernize it;
  • Freelancing or custom work to develop an individual style for a company website.

Important qualities

  • developed aesthetic and artistic taste;
  • high level of development of distribution, volume, concentration and switching of attention;
  • high level of development of imaginative thinking;
  • high level of memory development;
  • logical thinking;
  • analytical thinking;
  • creativity;
  • thoroughness, systematicity in work;
  • attentiveness;
  • patience;
  • accuracy;
  • perseverance;

A qualified web designer must have relevant knowledge both in the field of design computer programs, and in the field of graphics.

Need to know: Adobe Photoshop, HTML/CSS

It is advisable to know: Corel Draw, Illustrator, Macromedia Flash.

Web designer training

A one-year practical course for those who want to master web design from the very beginning with an individual mentor, do excellent portfolio and get your first orders (or internship in the studio). At the end of the course, students create their own project based on a brief from a real customer. After a successful presentation of the work, course graduates have the opportunity to receive an invitation to an internship. Web design training from scratch to professional.



Salary as of 12/10/2019

Russia 25000—100000 ₽

Moscow 40000—150000 ₽

Salary depends on the prestige of the studio and the experience of the designer. It also all depends on the number of design orders. The range of prices for website design is very wide - everything is determined by the quality of work and services. Creating a design for a website is a creative process. It may take varying amounts of time. There are certain fixed-price “service packages,” but they do not accurately define price and design quality. The same work can be done for both $50 and $1,500.

Career steps and prospects

A successful aspiring designer in the future can apply for the following positions: web programmer, banner maker, project manager.

Outstanding web designers:

Artemy Lebedev. Born February 13, 1975. The son of the writer Tatyana Tolstoy and philologist Andrei Lebedev. After school, he entered the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, who never graduated, having dropped out of the 2nd year. In the summer of 1992, he and his partner founded the A-square studio, where he worked until the end of the year. In January 1993, he founded an independent studio “Artographics”, in which he was engaged in graphic, printing, calligraphic and other types of paper design. He took part in the creation of books and magazines. From 1993 to 1995, he worked part-time as art director of the MakTsentr company. In 1995 he founded the WebDesign studio (in 1998 renamed Artemy Lebedev Studio), which is one of the first and largest web design studios in the RuNet. Since 2001, Artemy Lebedev Studio also began to engage in industrial design.

Activity. Artemy Lebedev founded the studio, which has produced more than 1000 works, including corporate styles, books, magazines, signs, logos, graphic and physical interfaces, websites, industrial design and industrial graphics objects, shop windows. Lebedev is not only a designer; he spends most of his time setting and inventing problems, developing information architecture, and researching ergonomics and ease of use of websites. The design discoveries of his studio are widely used on the RuNet.

A person of a creative profession, combining the skills of an artist, programmer and creator.

Job responsibilities

A web designer is a person who generates designs. With pleasure for myself. A real designer, if he takes on a job, does it in such a way that he himself won’t feel ashamed later (at least at first). A real designer puts something new into each work, some kind of idea, whether in design, in the layout of graphic objects, or in something else. A true designer is always in development, development is a complex thing, and it is not yet clear how to define it. A real designer cannot live without creating something once or twice a day or week. What do you need to know? The first and most important thing is to generate a design. Design is the ability to create mood and emotions that are conveyed through colors, distinctive objects of various levels, meaningful pictures, in general, using all possible and impossible means (while remaining within the framework that does not interfere with calm movement on the Internet). Ideas are something from the realm of the ideal, you can’t touch them, you still need to be able to implement them. Therefore, it is necessary to be able to perfectly use editors such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Macromedia Flash, Macromedia Dreamweaver, and programming languages ​​such as JavaScript, PHP.

With the development of high technology, more and more new professions are appearing that older people have never heard of. For example, a web designer. What is it, what does he do and what are the features of his profession?


Design is artistic construction. It is based on two principles: creativity and rationality. This is where the difficulty of the work lies. And not every person can be a good specialist in this field. But the designer is general concept, there are many narrow areas of activity: landscape, interior, costume, advertising. What is a web designer? This is the one who develops websites. Their task is to come up with a beautiful design for the website that corresponds to the specifics of the customer’s activities and his wishes. In addition to its visual appeal, it is necessary to make it convenient to use.

How a website is created

The entire process of creating a website consists of several stages.

  1. Creation of technical specifications. Before you do anything, you need to define its parameters. What the page should look like, how many there should be. How and where the navigation menu is located. All this information should be contained in a document - a work plan. To avoid conflict situations, the technical specifications are agreed upon with the customer. Typically, this preparatory stage is carried out by the project manager.
  2. Structuring. This stage includes a wide range of issues and often requires a lot of time. It is necessary to think over the functional structure of the future website. How to correctly arrange information, where to place the menu, which active buttons to get, how and where information should be presented. Effective development of this stage will make the website as user-friendly as possible, since a beautiful, but completely incomprehensible portal for the user, on which it is impossible to find anything, will force him to go to the customer’s competitors.
  3. Graphic embodiment of the site. After thinking through the structure, you need to think about the attractive appearance of the site itself and the interesting design of menu elements. This is what the designer does. Design takes place in special editors. The result is graphic file future site.
  4. Layout. In order for a beautiful picture to become functional and be displayed in the browser, you need to divide it into elements and translate it into code. HTML and CSS technologies are used for this. This part of the work is carried out by a programmer or layout designer.
  5. Webmastering is the final stage of working with a website. When the product is ready, you need to host it and optimize it so that it can be found. After this, it becomes available to the general public.

All these stages can be performed by one person - a web designer. The profession allows you to have the required skills. However, he can only do part of the work. Everything depends not only on his knowledge, but also on working conditions. A designer who is an employee of a large company specializing in websites may have a limited list of responsibilities. However, there is a difference between a simple designer and a web designer. Both can work in the field of Internet technologies, but the task of the first is to create graphics and work out the usability of the interface, and the second must know all aspects of the production process from scratch to the actual launch of the site. By dividing functional responsibilities, the web designer is able to control all stages.

I want to become a web designer

After understanding what a web designer is, you need to know what you need to do to become one. You will have to obtain the necessary knowledge. To design a website, you need to understand and be able to work with color, light and shade, fonts, and know what lines, sizes, shapes, space and shapes are. To do this, it is necessary to study the characteristics of the elements and their behavior under various conditions. Basic theoretical knowledge about each graphic element is not enough. It is necessary to understand how they connect and interact with each other. That is, it is important to understand categories such as proportions, scale, balance, unity, contrast. Graduates of art higher education institutions are well acquainted with these categories. Therefore, if you have an artistic education, training as a web designer is greatly simplified.

In the absence of one, it is recommended to find high-quality courses that will allow you to learn the basics in a relatively short time. It is important to pay attention to their duration. An institution concerned about the quality of teaching organizes art courses lasting two years, while in a higher educational institution you will have to study for 5-6 years.

Many organizations offer training courses that last only a few weeks. During this time, teachers try to put such a volume of information into the students’ heads that there is nothing left but complete confusion.

Programming knowledge

How to become a web designer without knowing the basics of programming? Even if the technical part is the responsibility of the developers, without understanding the coding rules it will be difficult to communicate effectively with developers. By understanding how the code works, you can immediately tell which ideas can be implemented and which cannot. You can use website templates, which does not require you to understand coding. They are a lifesaver for beginners. At the same time, you should not limit yourself in learning programming if there are gaps in knowledge in this area. Some sites need to be written from scratch and you won’t be able to get by with ready-made templates.

Where to go to study

Where to study as a web designer? If you are willing to devote sufficient time to this, you can go to a university that offers an appropriate training program. But the fact of receiving a magic crust will not make a person a sought-after specialist. In addition, during training, basic things are usually taught. The training program does not have time to adapt following changes in technology, so you will have to study on your own at the same time, and even after graduation. There is an Internet for this a huge amount training materials for both beginners and professionals seeking self-improvement.

Tool Proficiency

Specialized software products exist to help people in their work. To create a high-quality product that meets modern requirements, you need to get acquainted and understand how various programs work.

A novice web designer must master basic graphics programs: Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop. To create code, there are products such as: Sketch App, GitHub, Pattern Lab.

Anyone who does not work with website builders such as WordPress, but deals with raw code, should try one of the programs: Textmate, Sublime, Brackets.

What a web designer does has already become clear. And the programs will help him with this. The ability to work with tools also shows the level of professionalism. The higher it is, the greater the demand for services, which is reflected in the cost of its work.

Expansion of knowledge area

The more a person knows and can do, the less problems he has with the demand for the services he offers. Website customers are little familiar with this area, so they are forced to spend time searching for people who can provide various services. If one person can offer a package, it benefits both parties. Web designer - what is it, if not a profession that motivates you to learn all areas related to websites, their programming, development of an external beautiful and convenient shell, as well as promotion on the Internet.

A professional web designer must understand marketing and be able to prepare high-quality and catchy texts. A website is primarily an advertising product that allows a company to attract customers. For this to happen, the site must be “tasty” and “catchy”, since most of them are boring and monotonous.

In order for potential clients to find a specific site on the Internet with a million similar ones, it is necessary to promote it. To do this, you need to understand SEO.

This knowledge will help you create a truly high-quality product with a modern, laconic design, high speed loading pages, as well as preparing and posting well-structured, interesting text.

Working in a company: advantages

In Moscow, web designers are looking for a suitable agency to work with. There are many companies here that open relevant vacancies. The advantage of working as an employee is that you don't have to find clients. Upon receiving an order, you will need to perform some part of the work or manage the entire project, distributing responsibilities. When you work in a good company that is in demand, you don’t have to worry about your salary.

Working in a company: disadvantages

But it also has its drawbacks. The level of earnings usually has its limitations. It is not always convenient to go to work every day, especially when it is located far from home. Being creative often makes you stay in your job longer.

But working among professionals is suitable for a web designer from scratch who does not have sufficient knowledge and experience. There is a lot to learn here.

Self-employment: advantages

Freelancing is very popular among specialists in this profession. There are many advantages:

  • it doesn’t matter where you work, maybe even another country;
  • opportunity self-determination work schedule;
  • the ability to independently set prices, which are often lower than those of the agency;
  • the ability to choose projects;
  • If you do the whole range of work yourself, you won’t have to share the payment with anyone.

Web designer - what is it, if not a profession that gives you the opportunity to independently manage your career.

Self-employment: cons

Among the absolute disadvantages is the need to “sell” yourself, which can be quite difficult at the very beginning. To do this, you will need to create your own website and post information about yourself on various resources.

Often a person begins his journey as a hired web designer. Training with professionals allows you to become a good specialist. Communication with clients and colleagues helps to acquire different contacts. Therefore, many subsequently open their own business.

“Oh, there are so many sites in the world, you and I will never count them...”

Let's paraphrase the classic a little: indeed, now every second person has a website or landing page. A web designer is the person who will help make a website beautiful, user-friendly and selling. But let's take things in order.

What does a web designer do?

You shouldn’t think that being a designer means that he makes the site beautiful, selects pictures, and is responsible for the visual component. This is just a small part, the tip of the iceberg.

The site should not only be beautiful, but also convenient for the visitor. And if we are talking about an online store or a company offering companies or services, they are also selling. Beauty, usability, sales - these are the three pillars on which web design stands.

So what does a web designer do?

  • creates a convenient and attractive interface for a website or mobile application;
  • thinks over site navigation so that users can conveniently move from page to page;
  • develops the style of a web document;
  • develops typography: colors, fonts, text layout, selects pictures and processes them;
  • creates graphic elements of the site: animation, icons, banners, infographics and others. If the site is selling, this will be a lead - forms for collecting applications and contact
  • visitor data and other CTA elements (calling for purchase);
  • thinks about usability: develops structure, site management tools, personal account;
  • creates an adaptive version of the site so that the resource is perfectly viewed on all devices: PC, laptop, tablet, smartphone.

Basic skills and qualities of a web designer

1. Professional skills:

  • working with graphic editors ( Adobe PhotoShop, Corel DRAW, Adobe Illustrator), tools for creating website elements ( Adobe Flash, GIF Animator),
  • professional programs;
  • knowledge of the basics of programming, basic principles of layout, as well as HTML languages, CSS;
  • knowledge of the basics of Internet marketing - to create real selling websites;
  • knowledge of the basics of usability, UX and UI design (useful for the user).

2. Willingness to develop and follow trends. Fashion for web design is constantly changing: 10 years ago, websites were made completely differently than they are now.

For example, now minimalism, stylishness and simplicity are in fashion - in general. And in more detail:

  • simple structure, clear sections, convenient menu;
  • strict design, lots of air space, large readable fonts;
  • adaptive version is a must!
  • animation, infographics, video as necessary elements of the site.

New trends appear like mushrooms after rain. Therefore, a good web designer follows the news of the professional community, reads specialized literature, communicates with colleagues, studies all the latest trends and brings them to life (of course, in coordination with the customer).

3. Personal qualities:

  • presence of artistic taste and sense of style;
  • creative thinking, willingness to experiment;
  • attention to detail, perseverance;
  • analytical mindset, the ability to see the future site as a whole and sort its elements into sections.

Where can you learn all this?

You can’t develop personal qualities, but you can develop professional ones. You already understand that you have a lot to learn. For example, it is possible without any special skills - if only you had a literary gift, and the rest will follow.

To learn web design from scratch, you need to master a lot of new information - a whole world! Let's look at the main options for getting an education.

Higher education, profession - computer design specialist

This is taught in many institutes and universities in the capital and regions. However, as practice shows, not all successful web designers have a “tower”.

And studying for six years is too long, especially if you want to become a web designer as soon as possible. Therefore, courses are a more reasonable option.

Offline and online courses

They last several months and are designed for both beginners and those who already know how to do something.

Our advice: choose reliable companies that have gained respect and reputation, do not be fooled by offers from unknown persons. Here are a few proven options:

All these courses are paid - but the knowledge you will gain is worth it. Choose!


It all depends on you: what information you find is what you will learn. There are plenty of good books, web design blogs, and video tutorials on the Internet. Almost all of them are free too.

We have compiled a selection of excellent books by Russian and foreign authors that will bring you up to date and provide theoretical and practical knowledge:

Stages of a web designer's work

Now that you know that it is possible to learn the profession of a web designer if you wish, let's see how the work happens.

Here you are - a designer, a customer has approached you who wants to make a website. It doesn’t matter which one - a business card website, an online store (each type of website has its own subtleties, and to talk about each one you will need several such articles). Let's consider general scheme work.

1. Drawing up technical specifications. It is generally accepted that the technical specifications must be drawn up by the customer - this is not so. Or rather, the customer should tell you the main points: what kind of site it is, why it is needed, its . It would also be a good idea to show examples of resources that he likes.

The terms of reference also discuss the timing of the work and its cost. You will ask the customer all this yourself, but he is unlikely to tell you the technical side. This means that you must think over the approximate structure of the site, the main graphic and/or selling elements, the overall design - colors, pictures - in a word, show the customer how you see the site. If he approves, work begins.

2. Drawing up a prototype. First of all, a web designer draws a prototype, or a sketch of the future site. This can be done by hand or in special programs. The main thing is to draw every page of the site in detail, down to every little detail. Also at this stage, the structure and usability are developed, and it is shown how the transition within the site will be carried out.

If you are creating a landing page or an online store, make sure that it is convenient for the client to register, go to the cart, go to his personal account, place an order and pay for the purchase. All this complex circuits, in which the elaboration of each step is important.

3. Testing. The most important stage, which will clearly show how everything you have created will come to life. A web designer draws up maps of the user’s route and designs several options for his behavior.

Many designers draw step-by-step plans and use arrows to show user actions on the site. If testing goes well, it's time to show the prototype to the customer.

4. First agreement with the customer. You show the finished prototype, the customer makes changes or says that everything is fine and you can continue.

5. Website creation. Finally! When the prototype is approved, the web designer transfers it “to real life”, successively growing live meat onto the skeleton or frame.

At this stage, a layout designer and a programmer join the work. And now the site is laid out and displayed in the browser - you hand it over to the customer, show how to manage the resource and receive a fee. Profit!

Where to find a job as a web designer

You are lucky: the demand for web designers in Russia is now high. Good specialists are required by both large companies and private customers - small and medium-sized businesses, and studios that hire a designer as a contractor. This means you can get a permanent job or look for orders on your own.

We won’t teach you how to find a permanent job with a Labor Code. Let's talk better about where to look for orders if you choose freelancing.

There are several ways to help you find clients and get started as a web designer.

1. Freelance exchanges. Ideal place to gain experience, get your first orders and start building a portfolio. The stock exchange is a kind of start; we do not recommend staying there for many years. When you get the hang of it, go out into free swimming and begin the next stage.

3. On ad sites like “Avito”, etc. Customers often place advertisements there in the appropriate sections.

4. In studios and agencies. You can and should go there yourself. This is already a serious stage - no matter who is not accepted into such companies, get ready to present a portfolio and undergo an interview. But if they like your candidacy, they will often give you orders or hire you for a permanent job.

5. By acquaintance. Every second person now has websites and landing pages, which means there is a demand for specialists. Ask your friends and acquaintances, post an ad on your page on a social network, in the city community.

How much does a web designer earn?

If we talk about working in a studio or permanent employment, good specialists receive from 40 thousand rubles. Freelancers won’t give such specifics: beginners can complete an order for 2,000 rubles or 50,000 – as you agree. The average salary of a web designer in the market is 80,000 rubles per month.

At first, when you fulfill simple orders and build up a portfolio, do not charge high prices. Then, when you gain experience, set a price that is the average on the market.

So what do we have? A web designer is a person who is responsible for the convenience of the site, its visual component and selling elements.

A web designer needs to undergo training, at least independently, in order to master graphic editors and programs, the science of programming and the basics of Internet marketing.
And then look for work - on the stock exchange, in social networks, digital studios and agencies. While this profession is in demand on the market, hurry up to master it!

🔥Source of income! Do you want to create an additional source of income and earn from 50,000 rubles per month via the Internet? I’ll show you how to create a profitable website and start making money on it (without technical knowledge)!

A web designer is the one with whom the process of creating a website begins. It not only makes a beautiful design, but also analyzes user behavior. What else?

Takes into account their wishes and designs the site to help visitors do what they want - for example, buy a product, find out news or chat with friends.

Landing Page Animation by Sergey Valiukh on dribbble

Design - a balance of beauty and logic

Many people believe that a web designer draws websites like an artist, adding decorations and pictures. This is not entirely true: a web designer should be able to make a website beautiful, but this is only one of his tasks.

In fact, a web designer is primarily a designer and analyst who creates simple and understandable websites based on analysis of user behavior. The designer works with data, studies users and their interests, and only then places blocks on the site and thinks through color scheme, placing visual accents.

The word “design” now refers less to how a website looks and more to how it works and how easy it is for users to achieve their goals. Creativity and art in design have faded into the background.

A web designer creates websites in such a way as to attract the visitor’s attention, interest and convey the necessary information.

Promo page by uixNinja

To achieve this, the designer must develop in areas related to web design:

  • Internet marketing and analytics to analyze data about user needs and desires, know how advertising works and why create a website in the first place.
  • Negotiations to communicate with customers and colleagues.
  • Writing and editing, because text and design are inextricably linked.
  • Psychology, to be able to put yourself in the shoes of a website visitor and understand what is important to him.
  • Layout and frontend development to know how a layout drawn in a program is turned into a working website that is posted on the Internet.
  • Other areas of design: illustration, graphic design, animation and creating interactive banners.

What does a web designer do?

A web designer draws layouts for landing pages, websites for companies, online stores, and also designs interfaces for online services. What else he can do: create templates for email newsletters, invent and draw Internet banners.

What is the designer's workflow?

  • The designer receives data from the customer - why the site is needed, how it will work, what users will visit it. A good option if the customer knows exactly what is needed. But this is not always the case, so the designer must ask questions himself and get the necessary data. The designer writes down the task, requirements for the site and answers to questions in the brief.
  • A web designer creates sketches or prototypes of a future website: on paper or in special programs. Prototypes are more like diagrams that indicate the location of the main elements on the pages of the site.

Website creation begins with prototypes in order to see all the options for the arrangement of elements and agree with the customer.

A prototype is easier to change than a drawn layout, so issues of structure and layout are decided at the prototyping stage.

Wires by Charlie Waite

  • Based on the prototypes, the designer draws a color layout. Here you can already work on color combinations and add animation.
  • The designer hands over the finished layout to the customer or developers, who will transfer it to the site.

In what direction should a web designer develop?

As the designer develops, he either goes deeper into one of the areas of web design or learns to work on the entire product, applying knowledge from different areas.

Here's what a web designer can specialize in:

  • UX/UI design - designing the appearance of websites and applications taking into account convenience for different users.
  • UX, short for user experience, literally means “user experience.” Here the focus is on the user and what impression he gets from working with the interface, how he navigates through the pages, whether he achieves his goal and how difficult it is for him to do this.

UI - user interface - refers to the appearance of the interface, its characteristics and design. The location, size of the elements, and color accents are important here. Because first of all you need to make the design user-friendly.

For example, in a mobile navigator application, the controls are made large so that the driver can control maps and get directions while driving.

Product Dashboard by Mason Yarnell

UX and UI are two areas that are next to each other: the line between them is gradually blurring, so experts are increasingly combining both names and writing UX/UI.

Interface designers don't just design regular websites; they are working on appearance various Internet services, mobile applications, computer programs.

Creating micro-interactions and motion design. Microinteractions are short animations on a website or application that occur in response to user actions.

Pull Down To Refresh - UI Animations by Ramotion

Branding and logo creation. In addition to a good website, companies are asked to create a logo and corporate identity. To work in this direction, you need a creative approach and preferably the ability to draw.

An identity designer stands apart from other specializations in web design, but this does not prevent a digital designer from developing such skills.

Pixty App Branding by Ramotion

Some designers become analysts, conduct A/B tests on finished products, conduct interviews with users, ask questions to customers to make the product better.

Product designers do not specialize in a particular area, but try to learn about everything. They work on the product as a whole, testing ideas and hypotheses, creating prototypes, creating designs and collecting opinions.

Web design is constantly changing, new trends and technologies appear every year.

A designer needs to constantly update his knowledge - look at what is fashionable now, what technologies have emerged, and also understand several related areas in order to create modern products. Therefore, a designer is not only an artist, but also an analyst, designer and a subtle psychologist.