In a medical institution, everything should be as organized as possible for effective and fast work medical personnel. The most important aspect for a hospital and all its premises is light. This is especially important in the operating room, where high-quality lighting is an important factor in a successful operation.

Operating room lamp

In order for an operating lamp to fulfill all its obligations, it must meet certain requirements. This article will discuss the main features that a surgical lamp should have, as well as the main requirements for it and important points its use.

Features of the lighting device

Surgical or operating room lamps are very widely used in clinical practice today. This is a mandatory element of the lighting system of any operating room. But don’t think that such lamps (double-dome and other models) are used exclusively in operating rooms. They can be found in dressing rooms and diagnostic rooms. In general, they are needed wherever a high-quality overhang of a certain type is needed.

Operating room lighting

In medical institutions, lighting plays an important role in the diagnosis and treatment of patients. After all, in poor light it is difficult to properly examine the patient, determine visual deviations from the norm, and also perform subtle manipulations (installation of an IV, injection, etc.). Light is especially important for the operating room, because here the doctor, relying on the results of examinations and his vision, must perform complex manipulations to eliminate disturbances in the functioning of the organs and systems of the human body. Due to the fact that there is not enough natural light for surgical intervention, the lamp installed here should produce a much more powerful luminous flux. At the same time, the surgical lamp used here must meet certain requirements so that the surgeon can perform his work efficiently and professionally.

What qualities should a lighting device have?

The operating lamp (LED or other models) must meet the following requirements:

  • to be shadowless. Any surgical lighting device must shine in such a way as not to create shadows. In this case, of course, you can’t do without shadows. After all, they will be thrown away by the hands of the surgeon and assistants, as well as medical instruments. But a shadowless lamp should make them as minimal as possible. Therefore, such a lamp is manufactured using special shadowless technology. When using shadowless technology, the object is illuminated from any side;

Pay attention! Most often in such rooms a shadowless operating ceiling lamp is used. Placing the lamp on the ceiling minimizes the risk of shadows.

Ceiling lamp model

  • no fading. It is understood that the operating lamp should not create either reverse or direct fading with its glow. Direct fading can be eliminated by placing a lamp (stationary or mobile) near the operating table out of sight of the medical staff. Therefore, in such a situation, it is best to use an operating ceiling lamp;

Pay attention! The lamp intended for the operating room, in addition to the use of shadowless technology in its creation to eliminate fading, is additionally equipped with matte screens. You can also remove fading by using a diffused light source (LED or halogen bulbs).

  • the emission spectrum of the light bulb equipped with the operating lamp should be as close as possible to daylight. This is necessary in order to avoid color deception of the surgeon, as well as the anesthesiologist, during surgical interventions.

Besides this an important condition Operational type lamps operate at a minimum heating level. If the lamp becomes hot during operation, it may have negative influence, both for the medical staff and for the patient. Therefore, most often an operating ceiling or mobile lamp is equipped with modern light sources: halogen and LED bulbs.

LED surgical lamp

When using lighting fixtures in the operating room, it is allowed to change the air temperature by only 2-3 degrees.

Additional requirements for the lamp

A surgical lamp, in addition to the requirements described above, must have the following qualities:

  • give a greater depth of field, without changing brightness. To achieve this, a shadowless luminaire (fixed or mobile) must create a candy-colored stream of light. For this purpose, a parabolic reflector is installed in its design. Thanks to this, the lamp does not require additional adjustment during surgery;
  • easy care. This point is necessary in order to treat the lamp (stationary or mobile) with aseptic means and keep it perfectly clean;
  • high reliability and trouble-free operation. The operating light should not be turned off during surgery, as this may result in the death of the patient. Therefore, replacing the light source should occur quickly and without difficulty, and there should be spare working light bulbs in the lamp dome itself. They should turn on automatically when the main light source is turned off.

Pay attention! To reduce the risk of light source failure during surgery, LED light sources should be screwed into the surgical lamp. They have a long service life and are perfect for other requirements.

LED light bulb

In addition, the surgical lamp must be completely safe to use. This means that the lamp must be well secured to the ceiling so that it does not fall onto the operating table during surgical procedures. It should also use safe light sources. The safest today are LED light bulbs, which practically do not heat up during their operation, but also do not contain poisonous and toxic substances, like fluorescent and halogen light sources.
This also includes requirements such as creating the widest possible light field and high ergonomics of the lighting installation, which increases the comfort of its use.
Regardless of the model and design, all operating lights must meet the above requirements. Otherwise, they will not be able to effectively cope with the task - to provide high-quality and complete light during surgery.

What should you choose a lamp from?

Today, in the operating room you can use a variety of models of lighting fixtures that will meet the above requirements. All of them can be divided into groups according to different criteria. For example, depending on the light source, surgical lamps (stationary or mobile) are:

  • LED Today, such models are most common, since LEDs fully meet all the requirements in a given situation. The benefit of using LED products lies not only in their technical specifications, but also high efficiency in terms of electricity consumption;
  • gas-discharge. Such light bulbs also have a good luminous flux, but have certain disadvantages in their operation. Therefore, in this situation they began to be used much less often, giving preference to LED products;
  • halogen They have some disadvantages that are related to their operating principle. Therefore, halogen bulbs are often replaced with LED bulbs.

A shadowless lamp with any light source can be additionally equipped with interference cold light reflectors, and also make it possible to carry out color and heat correction.
In addition, a shadowless lighting device designed for use in the operating room can have a different design:

  • stationary. Such lamps do not have the ability to change their location in the room;

Stationary lamp

  • mobile. The mobile lamp can be placed on either side of the operating table. Only in this case, the mobile lighting device should not create obvious shadows. Typically, a mobile lamp is used in dressing rooms and diagnostic rooms.

Mobile lamp

It is worth noting that a shadowless lighting device can have different placements:

  • ceiling This type of lamp is always placed in the center of the operating table. It provides the maximum luminous flux, which should be enough for high-quality performance of all necessary surgical procedures;

Ceiling operating lamp

  • wall. The shadowless wall lamp is most often used in dressing rooms. It is also installed in rooms where patients are diagnosed. In operating rooms, this model is rarely used and is used as an addition to the main ceiling lamp.

Wall operating lamp

In addition to differences in the installation location, shadowless lighting for operating rooms can be double-dome or single-dome. Most often, in operating rooms they prefer to install a two-dome lighting device, since it is more reliable and provides a lot of light. In this case, the diameter of the single-dome lamp should be three times larger than the surgeon’s head.

Functionality of the lighting fixture

Not only simple lamps can be installed in the operating room. which give a high-quality luminous flux, but also those that have additional features. Such additions today may include:

  • built-in video camera. Using such a device, you can relay the progress of the operation on a wide screen and conduct training sessions, as well as save a recording of the operation;
  • sensors that can automatically detect the location of the surgeon's head and shade the light in that area. This allows you to avoid heating the surgeon’s head and create more comfortable working conditions for him;
  • sterile gloves. With their help, you can change the position of the light bulbs and adjust the brightness. This will improve the comfort of medical staff during surgical procedures.

Operating table lighting

To increase safety, lighting devices can be equipped with autonomous power supply, which will ensure that the lamp operates even in a situation where there is a complete blackout of the entire hospital or just the operating room.
All additions that a surgical light may have are designed to improve the comfort of medical staff and reduce the risk of erroneous actions due to low ergo-efficiency of medical equipment and lighting fixtures or poor lighting.

Power calculation

In the operating room, the illumination level should be in the range from 3000-5000 to 10000 lux. Therefore, high luminous efficiency bulbs are always used here. The power calculation for this room should be based on the number of units installed here. operating tables, on which operations can be carried out simultaneously. When calculating, the illumination that will be provided by devices at a distance of one meter should be taken into account. This value should remain unchanged at a distance of three meters.

Installation of the lamp

The installation of lighting in the operating room should always be carried out by professionals to avoid the risk of the lamp falling during surgery. The luminaire is always installed on a load-bearing surface. In this case, its power supply must be in-wall (as required by fire safety).

Installed ceiling light for operating room

Installation of any model of lighting device must securely fix the device on the supporting surface and make it possible to frequently change the positions of its moving elements. No finishing from the ceiling or walls should fall onto the lamp, which is contrary to aseptic conditions.
The connection of the lighting device to the power supply must be carried out by a professional electrician. This will ensure high-quality and long-lasting operation of the lamp.


How to choose a shadowless operating light

Operating light - equipment used in medical premises to create the required level of lighting. Used in operating rooms, examination and dressing rooms, intensive care wards and post-operative, doctor's offices.

Classification of surgical shadowless lamps

By type of light source:

  • Halogen - provides bright and focused light, natural color, which is not causes irritation to the eyes of the operating team. The design of halogen lamps consists of halogen incandescent lamps and many reflective elements. This is the most time-tested type of lamp, however, it has a number of disadvantages: drying out the surgical field and thermal effect on medical personnel; low resource of light sources up to replacements - 1500–2000 hours of operation; higher power consumption compared to more modern LED lamps.
  • LED - or LED-lights - in The design is based on the use of LED lamps, which creates bright white light. LEDs - semiconductors that produce less heat compared to halogen lamps. Despite higher cost of this type of operating lamps, in Currently, they steadily occupy a leading position when choosing lighting equipment for the surgical unit. LED service life from 30000 to 50000 hours, heating at the area of ​​the surgical wound is practically absent, and The energy consumption of such lamps is very low.It is recommended to use LED lamps in obstetrics, gynecology, dermatology.

By type of fastening:

  • Mobile (mobile)- on mobile trolley base are usually used in as an auxiliary light source in main operating room or as diagnostic/examination equipment in procedural, dressing etc. B If necessary, mobile medical lamps can be equipped battery what turns them V completely autonomous light source.
  • Wall mounted - equipped with a rod for mounting on wall, often used when it is impossible to install a ceiling lamp because of communications or ceiling structures. Can also be used in small examination/diagnostic rooms.
  • Ceiling - the most popular type of operating lamp. Equipped with a rod for mounting on ceiling, which provides the best positioning of the light source above the operating table.

Number of domes:

  • Single dome - as a rule, mobile or wall-mounted versions. Suitable for small operating rooms or examination rooms.
  • Double dome - the most common type, which is preferred by many medical institutions. Installed in average for the size of operating rooms. There is a variant of a medical double-dome lamp with three rods, on one of which the monitor is installed.
  • Three-dome - option for large operating rooms. For them fastenings, it is important to take into account the ceiling height in operating room.

Main technical parameters of LED operating lights:

  • Intensity (field illumination)- measured in “Lux” (lx) and in k parameters lamps indicate the illumination on 1 m distance from source. Modern models of operating lamps for LEDs are available with illumination from 40 to 160 klx. Optimal intensity for surgery- 100 klx.
  • Color temperature- measured in "Kelvin" (K), affects color rendering in operating field and allows the surgeon to distinguish the type of tissue. Color temperature standard- 3000–6700 K.V In modern LED lamps, this parameter can be adjusted manually.
  • Color rendering index (CRI) - quantitative assessment of the ability of a light source to reliably reproduce the colors of objects in comparison with natural light source. No units of measurement has. The standard for operating lights is 85–100.
  • Light Spot Size - the diameter of the circle projected by the lighting device onto surgical wound. The optimal diameter for surgical lamps is 200–250 mm.
  • Depth of field (size of light column) - determines the depth at which the light spot is preserved without defocusing. The greater the depth of field, the higher the level of the luminaire. Modern LED models provide depth of field up to 1,5 m, whereas halogen- only up to 0.7 m.
  • Shadowless effect - a necessary parameter for all manufactured lamps in present time. A greater shadowless effect can be achieved by installing several lamps or more domes.
  • Heat dissipation - as noted earlier, a decrease in the heat transfer index has a beneficial effect on work of the operating team, creating more comfortable conditions and minimizing the risk of tissue heating and getting burned.

Medical multi-prism (operating) lamps for ceiling mounting

LED medical lamps (operating rooms) ceiling mounted

Mobile medical diagnostic lamp

Mobile medical lamp ZD-I- consists of a base on wheels, a tripod and a lighting unit, designed for general illumination of the working field during medical examinations, after operations, for diagnostics and examinations in areas such as gynecology, therapy, surgery, etc.

Single-dome shadowless mobile luminaire of cool white light.
The light source is an LED matrix.

Advantages of the model:
- Ease of moving the block and confident fixation in the desired position;
- The base is equipped with comfortable wheels for easy movement;
- The lighting unit is equipped with a convenient adjustment knob;
- The height of the lamp is adjustable, which provides the ability to customize the light field;

- Color temperature is as close as possible to the natural spectrum;
- Energy efficient light source ensures long service life.

Lighting block diameter (±5%): 75mm
Illumination (±5%) (at a distance of no more than 0.5 m): 30,000 Lux
Color temperature (±10%): 6000K
Mains power (± 10%): 220 V
Power consumption (±5%): 20W
Working field diameter (±5%): 100 mm


Manufacturer: "Shanghai Medical Instrument Co., Ltd" China

Price: RUB 17,200.00

Mobile diagnostic surgical lamp

Mobile medical lamp LD II(LD-2-LED) - single-dome lamp consists of:

- bases on wheels ensuring ease of movement;
- lighting unit, equipped with a convenient adjustment knob.

Light source - halogen or LED lamp, warm white light. The lamp is equipped with an infrared filter that prevents heating. Optimal color rendering index, does not distort colors. The energy-efficient light source ensures a long service life of at least 10 years.

Lighting block diameter: 75mm ± 5%;
Illumination: 20,000 Lux ± 5%;
Color temperature: 3500K ± 10%;
Mains power: 220 V;
Light field diameter: 150 mm ± 5%;
Power consumption: 70W ± 5%;
Length: 600 mm
Width: 600 mm
Height: 2200 mm
Focus depth: 1000 mm ± 5%;
Distance from floor to light head: 800-1900 mm ± 5%;
Weight 3.5 kg

Completeness: Lamp - 1 pc., User manual - 1 copy.

Guarantee: 12 months

Manufacturer: Russia

Price: RUB 18,900.00

Armed SD 200

Mobile shadowless medical lamp ARMED SD 200- single-dome lamp consists of:

The bases are on wheels, ensuring ease of movement and confident fixation in the desired position. The power supply built into the base ensures maximum stability of the lamp;
- tripod, the height of the lamp is adjustable, which provides the ability to customize the light field;
- lighting unit, equipped with a brightness regulator, an indicator lamp for the state of readiness of the lamp for operation.

Light source - halogen lamp, directional cool white light. The lamp is equipped with an infrared filter that prevents the doctor’s head and work area from heating up. Optimal color rendering index, does not distort colors. Color temperature is as close as possible to the natural spectrum. The energy-efficient light source ensures a long service life of at least 10 years.

Lighting block diameter: 180mm ± 5%;
Illumination: 40,000 Lux ± 5%;
Color temperature: 3800K ± 10%;
Mains power: 220 V

Power consumption: 75W ± 5%;
Lighting block diameter: 180 mm;
Height from floor to reflector: 1000-2000 mm;
Power consumption: 75 W;
Weight: 41 kg

The lamp can work without interruption for 8-10 hours, after which it must be turned off for half an hour to cool down.

Completeness: Lamp - 1 pc., User manual - 1 copy.

Guarantee: 12 months


Price: RUB 35,990.00

Shadowless surgical diagnostic lamp
Armed L734

- single dome lamp, 4 reflectors, consists of:

The bases are on wheels, ensuring ease of movement and confident fixation in the desired position. The power supply built into the base ensures maximum stability of the lamp;
- tripod;
- balancing arm;
- lighting unit.

Light source - halogen lamp, directed warm white light. Single-dome lamp - 4 reflectors, 25 W lamps, equipped with an infrared filter that prevents heating of the doctor’s head and the working area. Optimal color rendering index, does not distort colors. Color temperature is as close as possible to the natural spectrum. The energy-efficient light source ensures a long service life of at least 10 years. The ability to quickly adjust the diameter of the light field by changing the relative position of the lamp reflectors and adjusting the height.

Lighting block diameter: 500mm ± 5%;
Illumination: 44,000 Lux ± 5%;
Color temperature: 3800 K ± 10%;
Mains power: 220 V;
Light field diameter: 150 mm ± 5%;
Power consumption: 115 VA ± 5%;
Mean time between failures, not less: 1500 hours;
Length: 500 mm;
Width: 500 mm;
Height: 2000 mm;
Lighting block diameter: 500 mm;

Mains frequency: 50 Hz;
Weight: 34 kg

Completeness: Lamp - 1 pc., User manual - 1 copy.

Guarantee: 12 months

Manufacturer: Shanghai Medical Instrument Co., Ltd, China

Price: RUB 36,900.00

Shadowless surgical diagnostic lamp
Armed L7412

Mobile shadowless medical lamp Armed L7412- single-dome lamp, 4 reflectors, consists of:

The bases are on wheels, ensuring ease of movement and confident fixation in the desired position. The power supply and battery built into the base ensures maximum stability of the lamp;
- tripod;
- balancing arm;
- lighting unit.

Light source - halogen lamp, directed warm white light. Single-dome lamp - 4 reflectors, equipped with an infrared filter that prevents heating of the doctor’s head and the working area. Optimal color rendering index, does not distort colors. Color temperature is as close as possible to the natural spectrum. The energy-efficient light source ensures a long service life of at least 10 years. The ability to quickly adjust the diameter of the light field by changing the relative position of the lamp reflectors and adjusting the height.

Lighting block diameter: 500 mm± 5%;
Illumination: 44,000 Lux± 5%;
Color temperature: 3800K± 10%;
Mains power: 220 V;
Light field diameter: 150 mm± 5%;
Power consumption: 300 VA± 5%;
Battery: in the event of a power failure, it provides emergency power to the lamp.
Lamp power: 100 W;
Lamp voltage: 24 V / 25 W;
Total power consumption: 115 W;
Distance from floor to reflector: 1500-2000 mm;
Dimensions: 1150x710x380 mm;
Net weight: 71 kg;
Average service life of at least: 10 years;

Completeness: Lamp - 1 pc., User manual - 1 copy.

Guarantee: 12 months

Manufacturer: Shanghai Medical Instrument Co., Ltd, China

Price: 73,000.00 rub.

Medical ceiling lamp (operating room)

Ceiling lamp ARMED L735- Single dome 5 reflectors of shadowless, directional cold white light. The lamp consists of two balancing arms, a light head, an installation block, and a sterile adjustment knob.

Light source based on halogen lamps with increased operating life.
Negative control is provided feedback voltage, allowing to smooth out fluctuations in the network.
The lamp has additional color-temperature equipment, which increases the efficiency of color and brightness indicators.


- Optimal color rendering index that does not distort colors;


Illumination (±5%): 50,000 Lux

Mains power: 220 V

Power consumption (±5%): 280 VA

Completeness: Lamp - 1 pc., User manual - 1 copy.

Guarantee:12 months

Manufacturer: Shanghai Medical Instrument Co., Ltd, China

Price: RUB 41,900.00

Single-dome 9 reflectors, shadowless luminaire of directional cold white light. Light source based on halogen lamps, power of each lamp 25 W. with increased working resource.
The lamp consists of one balancing arm, a light head, an installation block, and a sterile adjustment knob. The design of the surgical light allows movement in all directions and rotation at any angle up to 360 degrees.

Manual brightness adjustment of the light head. Lamp ARMED L 739 equipped with the ability to adjust the tilt of the reflectors, which allows you to control the size and direction of the light beam. It has additional color-temperature equipment, which increases the efficiency of color and brightness indicators.

A quick balancing system is provided. Flexible positioning and fixation of connecting elements.

- Unlimited rotation of blocks and consoles around vertical axes;
- Equipped with infrared filters that prevent heating;
- Color temperature is as close as possible to the natural spectrum.

Light head diameter (±5%): 900mm
Illumination (±5%): 100,000 Lux
Color temperature (±10%): 3800K
Mains power: 220 V
Light field diameter (±5%): 150mm

Guarantee: 12 months
Average service life of the lamp, not less than: 10 years

Manufacturer: Shanghai Medical Instrument Co., Ltd, China

Price: 82,900.00 rub.

Double dome 5/12 reflectors, shadowless directional cool white light luminaire. Light source based on halogen lamps with an increased working life, lamp power 25 W. The luminaire consists of two balancing arms, two light heads - main and satellite, an installation block, and a sterile adjustment knob. Manual brightness adjustment of the main light head.

The lamp is equipped with the ability to adjust the tilt of the reflectors, which allows you to control the size and direction of the light beam.
There is additional color-temperature equipment that increases the efficiency of color and brightness indicators.
A quick balancing system is provided. Flexible positioning and fixation of connecting elements.
The design allows movement in all directions and rotation at any angle up to 360 degrees.
- Ease of moving blocks and confident fixation in the desired position;
- Unlimited rotation of blocks and consoles around vertical axes;
- Equipped with infrared filters that prevent heating;
- Color temperature is as close as possible to the natural spectrum.

Diameter of light heads (±5%): 500/900 mm
Illumination (±5%): 50,000/120,000 Lux
Color temperature (±10%): 4000K
Mains power: 220 V
Light field diameter (±5%): 150/150mm
Power consumption (±5%), W 500

Completeness: Lamp - 1 pc., User manual - 1 copy.

Guarantee: 12 months
Average service life of the lamp, not less than: 10 years

Manufacturer: Shanghai Medical Instrument Co., Ltd, China

Price: RUB 148,000.00

Medical multi-prism lamps (operating rooms)
ceiling mount

- ceiling mount, designed to illuminate the working field during surgical operations, as well as during diagnostic medical studies in the departments of surgery, therapy and gynecology in medical institutions.

Single-dome shadowless luminaire with directional cool white light. Light source based on halogen lamps with increased operating life. The lamp consists of a balancing arm, light head, installation block, sterile handle

The operating mode of the lamp is controlled by a microprocessor. Manual brightness and focus adjustment. Negative voltage feedback control is provided to smooth out fluctuations in the network.

The lamp has additional color-temperature equipment, which increases the efficiency of color and brightness indicators. A quick balancing system is provided. Flexible positioning and fixation of connecting elements. The design allows movement in all directions and rotation at any angle up to 360 degrees.

- Ease of moving blocks and confident fixation in the desired position;
- Unlimited rotation of blocks and consoles around vertical axes;
- Equipped with infrared filters that prevent heating;
- Optimal color rendering index that does not distort colors;
- Color temperature is as close as possible to the natural spectrum.

Light head diameter (±5%): 700mm
Illumination (±5%): 80,000 - 160,000 Lux

Mains power: 220 V
Light field diameter (±5%): 175mm

Completeness: Lamp - 1 pc., User manual - 1 copy.

Guarantee: 12 months
Average service life of the lamp, not less than: 10 years

Manufacturer: Shanghai Medical Instrument Co., Ltd, China

Price: RUB 189,000.00

Surgical lamp Armed 6612- ceiling mount, designed to illuminate the working field during surgical operations, as well as during diagnostic medical studies in the departments of surgery, therapy and gynecology in medical institutions.

Double-dome shadowless luminaire with directional cool white light. Light source based on a halogen lamp with an extended working life. The lamp consists of two balancing arms, two light heads, an installation block, and a sterile handle.

The operating mode of the lamp is controlled by a microprocessor. Manual brightness adjustment with the ability remote control. A memory function and negative voltage feedback control are provided to smooth out fluctuations in the network.

The lamp has focusing depth adjustment, as well as additional color-temperature equipment, which increases the efficiency of color and brightness indicators. A quick balancing system is provided. Flexible positioning and fixation of connecting elements. The design allows movement in all directions and rotation at any angle up to 360 degrees.

- Ease of moving blocks and confident fixation in the desired position;
- Unlimited rotation of blocks and consoles around vertical axes;
- Equipped with infrared filters that prevent heating;
- Optimal color rendering index that does not distort colors;
- Color temperature is as close as possible to the natural spectrum.

Light head diameter (±5%): 700/500mm
Illumination (±5%): 80,000 - 160,000/60,000 - 120,000 Lux
Color temperature (±10%): 4200K
Mains power: 220 V

Power consumption (±5%): 400 VA

Completeness: Lamp - 1 pc., User manual - 1 copy.

Guarantee: 12 months
Average service life of the lamp, not less than: 10 years

Manufacturer: Shanghai Medical Instrument Co., Ltd, China

Price: RUB 299,000.00
Medical surgical lamp Armed 6612 with remote control price: RUB 299,000.00

ceiling mount, designed to illuminate the working field during surgical operations, as well as during diagnostic medical studies in the departments of surgery, therapy and gynecology in medical institutions.

Double-dome shadowless luminaire with directional cool white light. Light source based on a halogen lamp with an extended working life. The lamp consists of two balancing arms, two light heads, an installation block, and a sterile adjustment knob.

The operating mode of the lamp is controlled by a microprocessor. Manual brightness adjustment. Negative voltage feedback control is provided to smooth out fluctuations in the network.

The lamp has focusing depth adjustment, as well as additional color-temperature equipment, which increases the efficiency of color and brightness indicators. A quick balancing system is provided.
Flexible positioning and fixation of connecting elements. The design allows movement in all directions and rotation at any angle up to 360 degrees.

- Ease of moving blocks and confident fixation in the desired position;
- Unlimited rotation of blocks and consoles around vertical axes;
- Equipped with infrared filters that prevent heating;
- Optimal color rendering index that does not distort colors;
- Color temperature is as close as possible to the natural spectrum.

Light head diameter (±5%): 700/700 mm
Illumination (±5%): 80,000 - 160,000/80,000 - 160,000 Lux
Color temperature (±10%): 4200K
Mains power: 220 V
Light field diameter (±5%): 175/175 mm
Power consumption (±5%): 400 VA

Completeness: Lamp - 1 pc., User manual - 1 copy.

Guarantee: 12 months
Average service life of the lamp, not less than: 10 years

Manufacturer: Shanghai Medical Instrument Co., Ltd, China

Price: RUB 349,000.00

Medical LED lamps (operating rooms)
ceiling mount

- Single-dome shadowless LED luminaire with directional cool white light. A light source based on LEDs increases the working life of the lamp. The lamp consists of an installation block, one light head, a balancing arm, and a sterile adjustment knob).

The operating mode of the lamp is controlled by a microcontroller. Eight brightness settings are available. There is a memory function and control of negative voltage feedback, which allows smoothing out fluctuations in the network.

The lamp has a deep focusing length, as well as additional color-temperature equipment, which increases the efficiency of color and brightness indicators. A quick balancing system is provided. Flexible positioning and fixation of connecting elements.

The design allows the light head to be moved in all directions and rotated at any angle up to 360 degrees.


Ease of moving the light head and confident fixation in the desired position;
- Unlimited rotation of the light head around vertical axes;
- Equipped with infrared filters that prevent heating;
- Optimal color rendering index that does not distort colors;
- Color temperature is as close as possible to the natural spectrum.

Light head diameter (±5%): 500mm
Illumination (±5%): 160,000 Lux

Mains power: 220 V
Light field diameter (±5%): 200mm
Power consumption (±5%): 200 VA

Completeness: Lamp - 1 pc., User manual - 1 copy.

Guarantee: 12 months
Average service life of the lamp, not less than: 10 years

Manufacturer: Shanghai Medical Instrument Co., Ltd, China

Price: RUB 399,000.00

Surgical lamp Armed LED 550 (550/550)

- two-dome (550/550) shadowless LED lamp of directional cold white light. Light source based on LEDs, increasing the working life of the lamp. The lamp consists of an installation block: two rotating horizontal arms, two balancing arms, lighting blocks and a sterile handle.

Flexible positioning and fixation of connecting elements. The design allows movement in all directions and rotation at any angle up to 360 degrees.


Ease of moving blocks and confident fixation in the desired position;
- Unlimited rotation of blocks and consoles around vertical axes;
- Equipped with infrared filters that prevent heating;
- Optimal color rendering index that does not distort colors;
- Color temperature is as close as possible to the natural spectrum.

Lighting block diameter (±5%): 550/550 mm
Illumination (±5%): 120,000/120,000 Lux
Color temperature (±10%): 4300K
Mains power: 220 V

Power consumption (±5%): 400 VA

Completeness: Lamp - 1 pc., User manual - 1 copy.

Guarantee: 12 months
Average service life of the lamp, not less than: 10 years

Manufacturer: Shanghai Medical Instrument Co., Ltd, China

Price: RUB 579,000.00

Medical surgical lamp Armed LED 650 - Double-dome (650/550 mm) shadowless LED luminaire with directional cool white light. Light source based on LEDs, increasing the working life of the lamp. The lamp consists of an installation block: two rotating horizontal arms, two balancing arms, lighting blocks and a sterile handle.

The operating mode of the lamp is controlled by a microprocessor. Eight brightness settings are available. There is a memory function and control of negative voltage feedback, which allows smoothing out fluctuations in the network.

The lamp has a greater focusing depth, as well as additional color-temperature equipment, which increases the efficiency of color and brightness indicators. A quick balancing system is provided.

Flexible positioning and fixation of connecting elements. The design allows movement in all directions and rotation at any angle up to 360 degrees.


Ease of moving blocks and confident fixation in the desired position;
- Unlimited rotation of blocks and consoles around vertical axes;
- Equipped with infrared filters that prevent heating;
- Optimal color rendering index that does not distort colors;
- Color temperature is as close as possible to the natural spectrum.

Lighting block diameter (±5%): 650/550 mm
Illumination (±5%): 140,000/120,000 Lux
Color temperature (±10%): 4300K
Mains power: 220 V
Light field diameter (±5%): 200/200 mm
Power consumption (±5%): 400 VA

Completeness: Lamp - 1 pc., User manual - 1 copy.

Guarantee: 12 months
Average service life of the lamp, not less than: 10 years

Manufacturer: Shanghai Medical Instrument Co., Ltd, China

Price: 639,000.00 rub.

Medical surgical lamp "Armed" LED750- Double-dome (750/650) shadowless LED luminaire with directional cool white light. Light source based on LEDs, increasing the working life of the lamp. The lamp consists of an installation block: two rotating horizontal arms, two balancing arms, lighting blocks and a sterile handle.

The operating mode of the lamp is controlled by a microprocessor. Eight brightness settings are available. There is a memory function and control of negative voltage feedback, which allows smoothing out fluctuations in the network.

The lamp has a greater focusing depth, as well as additional color-temperature equipment, which increases the efficiency of color and brightness indicators. A quick balancing system is provided.

The design allows movement in all directions and rotation at any angle up to 360 degrees. Flexible positioning and fixation of connecting elements.


Ease of moving blocks and confident fixation in the desired position;
- Unlimited rotation of blocks and consoles around vertical axes;
- Equipped with infrared filters that prevent heating;
- Optimal color rendering index that does not distort colors;
- Color temperature is as close as possible to the natural spectrum.

Lighting block diameter (±5%): 750/650 mm

Illumination (±5%): 160,000/140,000 Lux

Color temperature (±10%): 4300K

Mains power: 220 V

Light field diameter (±5%): 200/200 mm

Power consumption (±5%): 400 VA

Completeness: Lamp - 1 pc., User manual - 1 copy.

Guarantee: 12 months
Average service life of the lamp, not less than: 10 years

Manufacturer: Shanghai Medical Instrument Co., Ltd, China

Price: RUB 520,200.00

Medical lamps:

1. Diagnostic lamp - also called a medical lamp general purpose, is used for general illumination of the working field during medical examinations, after operations, for diagnostics and examinations, and also as an additional light source for minimally invasive operations and gynecological procedures. These lamps provide ease and convenience for medical personnel during routine diagnostic procedures.

Diagnostic lamp- the design type is mobile, for ease of movement of the light source around the department or ward.

2. Operating lamp - used for lighting wide range surgical, bone operations in various areas.

Surgical lights (operating rooms) have a ceiling mount, they are also called stationary lamps, due to the peculiarity of mounting strictly on the ceiling or wall.

A technologically advanced version of the operating light - shadowless, with a built-in video camera and module external control. Operating light must create shadow-free lighting from any occupied position, with an element of regulating the level of coverage of the working area with luminous flux and automatically increase the intensity, maintaining stable illumination.

Design of medical lamps

Surgical Lights According to their design, they are divided into ceiling-mounted and mobile.

Light source:

- halogen;
- xenon;
- gas-discharge.

Scope of application:

Clinics and hospitals in gynecology, therapy, surgery, cosmetology, etc.