Without exception, all standard and industry-specific configurations of the 1C: Enterprise line, as well as client licenses for expanding the number of workstations for network versions, are paid. 1C has developed a licensing policy, and when purchasing any of software products the buyer will be offered a license agreement.

License Agreement is an official document regulating the use of 1C:Enterprise software products, developed on the basis of current legislation and concluded between two parties: the general director of the 1C company, as a representative of a legal entity, and the buyer (individual or legal entity) any of the software products.

The document contains the main provisions of the licensing policy for one or more software products of the 1C:Enterprise system, which is a set of a distribution kit of a technology platform and one or more configurations or application solutions.

The license agreement describes the rights and restrictions regarding the buyer's use of the software product, as well as the principles of licensing the workstation, 1C:Enterprise 8 server, basic and educational versions.

In order to ensure licensing of 1C:Enterprise application solutions, each software product has one type of protection: hardware or software, which differ in cost but perform the same functions. Simultaneous work with the information base of both hardware and software protection is supported.

Software protection

The protection program is a kind of software module with a closed code, installed on a computer and activated using the PIN code contained in the delivery envelope. Compared to hardware licenses, 1C software licenses have a number of advantages and some disadvantages:

  • usage software license consumes less computer system resources, it is possible to link to a virtual server with the required number of licenses;
  • the number of software licenses installed on one computer is unlimited, while only one hardware key can be installed;
  • software protection increases the level of scaling and database administration, simplifying the connection of new licenses;
  • the cost of software licenses is significantly lower than software licenses;
  • a significant drawback is that the software license is tied to the computer hardware and operating system: when replacing individual components (motherboard, RAM, processor, etc.) or reinstalling the operating system will require obtaining a new software license.

Hardware protection

A 1C hardware license is a physical HASP key connected to a computer USB port. The keys differ among themselves in the number of licenses they distribute (single-user or multi-user), markings and color. For some industry configurations to work, two keys are required: a hardware key for the 1C:Enterprise technology platform and a specialized hardware key for an industry solution.

USB keys also have their advantages and disadvantages:

  • a hardware license can easily be transferred from one computer to another without being tied to its characteristics;
  • makes it possible to work with the information base on different computers or a home laptop if you have a key;
  • one of the disadvantages: like any physical electronic device, the hardware key is subject to mechanical breakdowns, deformation and short circuits.

When deciding whether to purchase a software product with one or another security option, the end user must proceed from his needs and capabilities, which determine, first of all, ease of use in application solutions of the 1C:Enterprise system.

Violations of the 1C licensing policy and their consequences

The 1C company bases its activities on the Civil Code Russian Federation, in particular the Law on Copyright and Related Rights, and also the Law on the Legal Protection of Software Products for Electronic Computers and information bases data.

Failure to comply with any of the clauses of the License Agreement signed upon purchase, installation of unlicensed versions with hacked versions on workstations technology platform or software protection is a punishable violation of the 1C licensing policy. Art. 146 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provides for liability for the illegal use of copyrighted objects:

  • the fine for unlicensed use of 1C will be 200-400 minimum wages;
  • imprisonment for up to two years.

The use of unlicensed 1C, in addition to legal and legal consequences, also has some functional ones:

  • impossibility of obtaining technical support consultations from 1C specialists and monthly teaching materials as part of an ITS subscription;
  • lack of documentation for working with the application solution, which is attached to each licensed product and is not released for free sale;
  • inability to obtain licensed updates for software application solutions.

Considering the fairly significant cost of 1C software products, users are always tempted to use illegal, pirated versions and workstation licenses. But at the same time, one should remember those advantages, the use of which in such cases is impossible, as well as criminal liability in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation.

You shouldn’t even think about installing a pirated version of 1C; in any case, illegal use of software products is an illegal activity.



"1C-Bitrix: Mobile application»

Dear User! Before installing, copying or otherwise using the Program, carefully read the terms of this Agreement, which is a standard form of an accession agreement and concluded in writing or in another form provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. If you do not agree to the terms of this Agreement, you may not use the Program. Installing, launching or otherwise beginning to use the Program means your full agreement with all the terms of this Agreement and its proper conclusion in the manner provided for in paragraph 3 of Article 1286 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. This Agreement is a legally binding agreement; if you do not agree to accept its terms, you do not have the right to install the Program and must remove all its components from your computer.

Basic terms of this Agreement:

  • Program – a computer program “1C-Bitrix: Mobile application” (both as a whole and its components), which is a set of data and commands presented in an objective form, including source text, database, audiovisual works included by the Licensor in the composition the specified program for a computer, as well as any documentation on its use.
  • Using the Program means any actions related to the functioning of the Program in accordance with its purpose.
  • Platform – the computer program “1C-Bitrix: Corporate Portal” and/or the computer program “1C-Bitrix: Site Management” (those standard solutions and editions with which the Program can be used).
  • Activation is an action aimed at registering the Program for a specific User.
  • Activation code is a set of characters (license key), which is a technical means of copyright protection and is intended to activate the Program in the manner prescribed by the License Agreement.

· Technical support – activities carried out by the Licensor within the limits and volumes established by it to ensure the functioning of the Program, including information and consulting support for Users on the use of the Program.

  • License agreement is a written agreement on the basis of which the Licensor or another person having the appropriate rights has granted the User the right to use the Program.


1.1. In the manner and under the conditions provided for in this Agreement, as well as if the User has a Standard License to use the Platform, the Licensor grants the User the right to use the Program (simple non-exclusive license), implemented by installing and launching the Program by the User in accordance with its technical documentation and the terms of this Agreement.

1.2. All provisions of this Agreement apply both to the Program as a whole and to its individual components. The program is licensed as a single computer program; its components cannot be separated and used on different computers.

1.3. This Agreement is concluded before or immediately at the time of starting to use the Program and is valid for the entire duration of the Licensor’s exclusive right to the Program, subject to proper compliance by the User with the terms of this Agreement.

2.1. The program is the result of intellectual activity and the object of copyright as a computer program, which are regulated and protected by the legislation of the Russian Federation on intellectual property and international law.

2.2. The Program contains trade secrets and other confidential information belonging to the Licensor. Any use of the Program in violation of the terms of this Agreement is considered a violation of the Licensor’s rights and is sufficient grounds for depriving the User of the rights granted under this Agreement.

2.3. The Licensor guarantees that it has all rights to the Program, including its documentation, necessary to grant the User the rights to use the Program under this Agreement.


3.1. This Agreement grants the User (if he has a Standard license to use the Platform) the right to install (install), run and use a legally acquired one copy of the Program within the framework of its functionality on one computer (computer).

3.2. The User has the right to change, add or delete any files of the purchased Program only in cases provided for by the Copyright Law of the Russian Federation.

3.4. Any use of the Program that contradicts the current legislation of the Russian Federation is prohibited.


4.1. Standard License:

4.1.1. The Standard License for the Program is provided to the User on the basis of the License Agreement for a period of one year from the date of activation, unless otherwise provided by the License Agreement. The Standard License for the Program is provided if the User has a Standard License for the Platform. The validity period of the Standard License for the Program does not depend on the expiration of the Standard License for the Platform. Upon expiration of the Standard License, the User has the right to continue using the Demo version of the Program, or enter into a new License Agreement and extend the use of the Program under the terms of the Standard License for another period.

4.1.2. The Standard License provides the right to use the Program without restrictions and in accordance with the functionality stated in the technical documentation, including, but not limited to, obtaining information about new versions (updates) of the Program, as well as access to their installation and use without paying additional compensation.

4.1.3. Activation of the Program must be carried out without fail by entering the Activation Code in the appropriate field on the Licensor’s website on the Internet at http://www.1c-bitrix.ru/support/key_info.php. If Activation is not completed within the period established on the Licensor’s website at the above Internet address, it will occur automatically after this period.

4.1.4. After Activation, the User has the right to modify the Program within the framework of its technical documentation.

4.1.5. The User has the right, within the period specified on the Licensor’s website on the Internet at http://www.1c-bitrix.ru/buy, and calculated from the date of expiration of the previous Standard License, to conclude a new License Agreement on preferential terms and to extend the use of the Program under the terms of the Standard License (preferential renewal).

4.2. Demo license:

4.2.1. When purchasing a Standard license to use the Platform, the User has the right to use the Demo version of the Program during the validity period of the Standard and Limited license for the Platform without payment of remuneration (free of charge).

4.2.2. The demo version gives the User the right to use those functionality Programs that may be provided to him under the Standard License, with the exception of compilation and publication of the Program, obtaining new versions (updates) of the Program.

4.3. NFR-License:

4.3.1. The NFR License grants the User the right, with the consent of the Licensor, to use the Program under the terms of this Agreement solely for the purpose of independent use by the User, without the right of sale and/or other alienation to third parties.


5.1. Violation of the terms of this Agreement will result in liability provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.2. The Licensor is not liable to the User for any damage, any loss of profit, information or savings associated with the use or inability to use the Program, even if the User has prior notice of the possibility of such damage, or for any claim by a third party.


6.1. The User, except for the cases established by this Agreement, has the right to one-time assign (transfer) in full his rights and obligations under this Agreement to another User only upon receipt of the written consent of the Licensor and only simultaneously with the assignment of the right to use the Platform. The specified right to assignment (transfer) is not granted to those Users who received the rights to use the Program as a result of a similar assignment (transfer).

6.2. The assignment (transfer) of rights and obligations is carried out only subject to the full and unconditional consent of the new user with all the terms and conditions of this Agreement and the License Agreement.

6.3. By assigning (transferring) the rights to use the Program, the User undertakes to completely destroy all copies of the Program installed on the computer.

6.4. The User is obliged to provide the Licensor with complete data about the new user in order to re-register the Program for him in accordance with this Agreement.

6.5. The assignment (transfer) of rights under this Agreement cannot be made indirectly or through any third party.


7.1. The Licensor provides Technical Support to the User, including on issues related to functionality, installation and operation features on standard configurations of supported (popular) operating, mail and other systems of the Program in the manner and on the terms specified in the technical documentation for it.

7.2. The User has the right to contact the Licensor’s Technical Support service without paying additional remuneration.

7.3. To provide Technical Support, the Licensor has the right to require the User to provide information regarding the number license key, Program identification number, technical characteristics equipment.


8.1. The Licensor is not liable to the User for any damage, any loss of income, profit, information or savings associated with the use or inability to use the Program, including in the event of prior notification by the User of the possibility of such damage, or for any claim by a third party .

8.2. The User is responsible for keeping the Program activation code secret from the date of its issue, and also independently determines the circle of persons to whom this code may be known.

8.3. If the User suspects unauthorized access to the activation code, he undertakes to immediately notify the address to block it: [email protected]. Until the specified request to block the activation code, all actions with it (including activation) are recognized as performed with the consent of the User, on his behalf and in his interests.

8.4. The Program is provided on an “as is” basis and the Licensor does not guarantee that all of its functionality will meet the User’s expectations or be applicable for his specific purpose.

8.5. The Licensor does not initiate, process or control the placement of any information by the User in the process of using the Program, does not influence its content and integrity, and at the time of its placement does not and cannot know whether it violates the legally protected rights and interests of third parties, international agreements and current legislation of the Russian Federation.

8.6. The Licensor, by granting the right to use the Program, does not provide communication services, services for storing, processing or transmitting data, the procedure and conditions for the implementation of which are established by persons who determine the functioning parameters of software and hardware systems through which information and technological interaction is carried out. In any case, the Licensor cannot be held responsible for the correct transfer of data and/or their safety.

8.7. If errors are discovered while using the Program, the Licensor undertakes to correct them as soon as possible and release a new, corrected version of the Program. The parties agree that precise definition a deadline for eliminating the error cannot be established, since the Program closely interacts with other third-party computer programs, operating system and hardware resources of the User’s computer, and the performance and time to resolve problems do not fully depend only on the Licensor.

8.8. The Licensor, within a year from the date of activation of the Program, grants the User the right to receive and use, in accordance with this Agreement, updates to the Program in the manner and under the conditions specified in the technical documentation for the Program. All updates to the Program are an integral part of it and are used exclusively together with the Program as a single computer program in the manner provided for in this Agreement, unless other conditions for the use of such updates are provided for in a separate license agreement.

8.9. In case of non-compliance with any of the clauses of Section 3 of this Agreement, the User automatically loses the right to receive updates (new versions) of the Program.


9.1. This Agreement has been concluded and is subject to interpretation in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation.

9.2. If the User violates the terms of this Agreement for the use of the Program, the Licensor has the right to unilaterally terminate this Agreement by notifying the User.

9.3. Upon termination of this Agreement, the User must stop using the Program completely and destroy all copies of the Program installed on the User’s computers, including backups and all components of the Program.

9.4. The User has the right to terminate this Agreement at any time by completely deleting the Program.

9.5. If any provision of this Agreement is declared invalid by a competent court, the remainder of the Agreement shall remain in force.

9.6. This Agreement also applies to all updates (new versions) of the Program provided to the User during its validity period, unless when updating the Program the User is asked to read and accept a separate license agreement or amendments to this Agreement.


LLC "1C-Bitrix"
127287, Russia, Moscow, st. 2nd Khutorskaya, 38A building 9

This program is protected by national laws and international copyright treaties. Exclusive rights to use this program belong to its author, Vladimir Vladimirovich Milkin.

The program is supplied "as is".

The program may be included in paid collections or placed on sites other than the copyright holder's site only with the permission of the copyright holder.


  • 1. To activate the professional version (advanced program capabilities), registration keys are used.
  • 4. The key, and therefore the license, are issued for the entire life of your computer without any time restrictions in the future. The lifespan of a computer means the preservation of the processor and motherboard that were present in the computer at the time the key was activated. A computer refers to both a physical system and a virtual one. Therefore, if you install the updater on virtual machine, then as long as that machine returns to the updater the same processor and the same motherboard that were used during activation, the license is valid. You can install an unlimited number of updater instances within one machine using the same key. For example, you can install each terminal server user with their own version of the updater (when installing, it is better to choose portable) and one key will be enough for all of them.
  • 5. If the motherboard or processor is replaced, the activated key will no longer be valid. The copyright holder does not have the technical ability to distinguish a partial replacement of equipment from an attempt to use the program on a new computer; this would require technical protection and the cost of the program would increase significantly.
  • 6. The user has the right to make a free one-time replacement of the purchased and activated key if less than 1 year has passed since activation.
  • 7. The copyright holder does not have the technical ability to revoke the key and transfer it to another computer. For him, this is equivalent to replacing the motherboard and processor. In this case, the updater would need to be constantly connected to the Internet, which is unacceptable, or technical protection would be required (and the cost of the program would increase significantly).
  • 9. Updater-1C can be used as a portable program from a flash drive, using the following activation scheme for the professional version - .
  • 10. For a one-time purchase of 5 keys - the discount is 30%, for 20 keys - 40%.


  • 1. To activate the corporate version (advanced program capabilities), registration keys are used.
  • 2. One registration key is intended for one computer.
  • 3. After you start using the key (its activation), it is bound to only 2 computer parameters: motherboard and processor. All other parameters, including replacing the OS, do not affect activation.
  • 4. The user has the opportunity to reissue the key free of charge in case of partial/complete replacement of the equipment on the computer for which the key was purchased, throughout the entire period of validity of the license for the corporate version.
  • 5. The user must stop using and prevent the transfer of the key to third parties,
    in exchange for which he received new key as a result of re-release.
  • 6. The license period for the corporate version is 3 years from the date of purchase.
  • 7. After the license expires, the user has the right to continue using the program until the activation key expires due to a partial or complete change of equipment.
  • 8. The copyright holder does not have the technical ability to issue a registration key for an unlimited number of computers. A key must be purchased separately for each computer.
  • 9. There are no discounts for the one-time purchase of several keys for the corporate version.


Basic technical support in relation to the use of the professional version of the program, it is carried out within 12 (twelve) months from the date of its activation and is included in the cost of the registration key.

Basic technical support means the service for receiving and resolving technical requests provided via a dedicated line (e-mail [email protected]) consulting assistance, including: providing information about new versions and corrections of computer programs, as well as about the basic functions of computer programs.


Extended technical support for the corporate version of the program is provided during the entire license period (36 months from the date of purchase) and is included in the license price.

Extended technical support means a service for receiving and resolving technical queries provided via a dedicated line (e-mail [email protected]) consulting assistance, including:

  • provision detailed information about all the features of the program
  • assistance in setting up the program
  • assistance in developing scenarios for automating user processes using the program
  • opportunity remote connection to the user to more quickly resolve issues regarding the use of the program

Extended technical support is always provided by the program developer himself, with the exception of periods of his absence.

Extended technical support is available from Monday to Friday from 9-00 to 18-00 Vladivostok time (+7 hours to Moscow), guaranteed response time to a request is 1 day.


All the following professional and corporate versions of the program are included in the price of the registration key.

Already installed program can be updated automatically through the "Download new updater" button at the bottom of the main window.


The program may contain errors. The copyright holder is not responsible for possible program errors.

The copyright holder does not guarantee that the functions contained in the program will satisfy the stated requirements or that the operation of the program will not be interrupted due to an error.

The copyright holder intentionally disclaims all written and implied warranties, including limitations on the application of warranties after a certain period and shelf life of the product for sale.

Under no circumstances will the copyright holder be liable to the user for any harm, physical or commercial, caused by this program, including lost profits, loss of data, damage to reputation or other incidental or consequential harm resulting from the use or inability to use this program. Claims for any other property claims of the program user are also not accepted.

The program cannot be disassembled, changed, or supplemented with new functions.

When distributing the program, the name of the copyright holder must be indicated, his contact information and the website of the copyright holder.


This license agreement complies with national copyright laws. This agreement is based on the new version of these laws, which supersedes all other agreements and agreements previously applied to this product.

All controversial issues are resolved by mutual agreement of the parties, and if no agreement is reached, then in the courts of general jurisdiction.

All rights reserved.