It would seem that Internet browser Explorer is not widely used today, but it is not, it is still used by many users. By the way, you can make sure of this if you look at the statistics of site traffic, for example. And these users sometimes have problems associated with changing their favorite home page for various reasons: either when installing a program or game, the start page was changed, or the browser's start page changed due to a virus.

After reading this manual, you will learn how to:

  • change start page Internet Explorer
  • make, or any other page of your favorite and familiar site the home page of Internet Explorer

How to make a start page in Internet Explorer?

In this example, we will consider the Yandex site as the home page for the explorer, another site is installed in the same way.

Through program settings

So, we are faced with the task of changing the home (start) page of the Internet Explorer browser. First, go to the Start menu, select the Control Panel item.

Browser or reviewer is a program for viewing pages of sites published on the Internet (for example, IE, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome).

Double click on the icon Internet options

You will see the Internet Options dialog box. Find on the General tab, find the Home page item and instead of the text indicated in the text field, enter the address of our usual home page (for Yandex), (for

After entering the address of your favorite page into the text field, close this window by clicking on the OK button.

Now it's time to look at the result of the work done. Close or minimize all windows so that Desktop and double click on the Internet Explorer icon.

After our browser window opens, the start home page should load.

Through the Windows registry

Can I change home page in Internet Explorer? Yes. To do this, open the Registry Editor window, for example: open the "Run" dialog via Win + R and enter the regedit command. In the window that opens, you need to find the branch: HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Internet Explorer \ Main in the Start Page parameter, specify the address of the new browser start page.

That's all! It turns out that everything is much simpler than it seems!

Video for Windows 7

From Uv. Andrey Kudryashov!

We bring to your attention detailed instructions on how to set or change the start page in the most popular browsers, such as Internet Explorer 8, Mozilla Mozilla FireFox 11, Google Chrome 18, Opera 11, as well as how to make the start page there was no page.

Internet Explorer 8: Changing the Start Page

One of the most famous browsers, which is easy to configure and manage.

In order to change or assign a start page in this browser, you first need to start it and in the main window that opens, select the "Service" tab, and then the "Internet Options" item:

Then, in the "Internet Options" window that opens, on the "General" tab, in the text field, enter the address of the required page (point 1) and click on the OK button (point 2). If you want to make the home page the one you are currently on, then for this you need to click on the "Current" button, as shown in the figure:

If you do not want to use the start page, in this case, you can click on the "Blank" button. After that, when you start the browser, a blank page will open, and the address of the page being used will change to this:

Google Chrome 18: changing the start page

The new popular and versatile browser from Google.

In order to change or assign the start page, in this browser, in the upper right corner of the main window, click on the wrench icon and select the "Settings" item in the drop-down menu.

  1. Select the "Settings" item;
  2. In the "Initial group" section, put the switch in the "Next pages" position;
  3. Click on the "Add" link.

In the window that opens, enter the address of the page that you want to make the start page in the "Add page" field. You can add several pages, in this case they will be opened when you start the browser in different tabs. Click the "OK" button.

If you do not want to use the start page, then in step 2, you should put the switch in the "Quick access page" position. In this case, you do not need to enter anything else, because the text field will become inaccessible.

Mozilla Firefox 11: changing the start page

A very popular browser with many add-ons and extensions.

In order to change or assign the start page in Mozilla Firefox, select the "Tools" tab in the main program window in the menu bar, and select the "Options" item in the menu that opens.

Then, in the "Settings" window that opens, select the first item "General". In the "Home page" section, enter the address of your home page in the text field and click OK.

If you do not want to use the start page in this browser, then in the "Settings" window:

  1. expand the drop-down list, as shown in the figure below;
  2. select the item "Show blank page";
  3. Click OK.

Opera 11.62: changing the start page

This browser is very common among most of the users.

Changing or assigning the start page for a given browser is quite simple. If your menu bar is inactive, then in the upper left corner you should click on the "Opera" button, and in the menu that opens, select the "Settings" item, then the "General settings" item.

If the menu bar is active, then you should simply select the "Tools" menu item and in the list that opens, also select the "General settings" item. Then, in the window that opens, go to the "Basic" tab and enter the address of the start page in the text field, as shown in the figure.

Typically, most users open the same web pages every time they start their browser. It could be a postal service, social network, work site or any other web resource. Why waste time on opening the same pages every time, when they can be assigned as a start page.

The home or start page is the assigned address (or addresses) that automatically opens every time you start your browser. In Google Chrome, you can assign several pages at once as the home page, and this does not have to be the default search engine. This can be done in two completely different ways, and we will talk about each of them further, starting with the most obvious.

Method 1: Browser Settings

The start page of any web browser can be changed through its settings, and Google Chrome is no exception.

  1. Open the browser menu (three vertical dots to the right of the address bar) and select the item "Settings".
  2. Scroll down the opened page to the block "Launch Chrome", and select one of the three options presented there:
    • "New inset"- a blank tab will be opened, by default this is a Google page.
    • "Previously opened tabs"- Chrome will open as it was before closing.
    • "Specified Pages"- the ability to install any site or sites as a starting point.
  3. Just the last point - "Specified Pages"- requires more careful consideration. It implies two options:
    • "Add page";
    • "Use Current Pages".

    The first allows you to specify any site as the home page, for which you just need to enter its address in the appropriate line and click on the button Add.

    The second one makes it possible to use all the currently open web resources as a starting point, only some of them or those that you yourself want to indicate in this section.

    In fact, this is practically the same as "Previously opened tabs" discussed in the previous paragraph, only with more specificity. The best solution here would be to choose those sites whose pages you have open all the time (for example, a social network, mail, music, etc.). Moreover, each of the addresses in the list can be "Change"(specify any other preferred instead) and "Delete".

  4. Whichever of the options for installing the home page in Google Chrome you choose, it will take effect immediately. Saving is not required, but the browser needs to be restarted to evaluate the effect of the changes.

Method 2: Search Engine Sites

Most search engines provide the ability to set their home page as a home page, and almost all of them make such an "offer" when visiting them directly. These include the following:


Now you know how to change the start page in Google browser Chrome, thereby providing itself with the ability to quickly access one or more preferred web resources.

How to change the start page in Google Chrome? This question is asked by millions of users around the world, because after the restyling of the browser, it became generally unclear where and what is. In addition, newbies are often confused about the settings. That is why this material was written. It's time to dot the "i" and tell you popularly how to properly configure the start page of the web browser. Many people need it. This means that you need to provide detailed instructions.

It should be noted that this is the most popular browser (according to statistics). Therefore, there are many questions about setting up this web browser. However, let's move on to the setup process itself.

Setting procedure

The start page doesn't always have to display anything. By default, Chrome uses the home page of the Google search engine. But many are not satisfied with this. Perhaps they prefer a different search, or they don't want to search at all.

It is possible to force Google Chrome to show a new tab at startup. And empty. This is pretty easy to do. You just need to get to the browser settings. Here detailed instructions on how to properly configure what we need:

After that, it will be enough to restart your web browser, and it will immediately load with a new start page. As you can see, everything is extremely simple. Especially if you strictly follow the instructions provided in this material. However, keep in mind that this method will not be able to set any third-party resource as the home page. We'll talk about this in the next chapter.

So, how do you change the home page in Google Chrome so that the resource that the user wants is loaded? There is nothing complicated here either, but the steps for setting up such a function will be slightly more than in the previous chapter.

Now all that remains is to restart Google Chrome and check the correctness of the settings made. If everything was done correctly, then after the restart, the resource that you selected will start.


It's time to take stock and draw conclusions. We tried to tell you about how to change the start page in Google Chrome. In general, this is done simply. But the algorithm of actions depends on what content the user wants to see when starting the browser.

If you are absolutely not satisfied with the main page with the Google search engine in its central part, then you can easily change it to something more interesting or beautiful. Even a beginner can cope with such a task.

Greetings to blog readers!

Today we'll talk about the home or start page, which can be easily changed or restored, the main thing is to know its address.

The home (start) page is the web page that you see when you start your browser.

When you connect to the Internet and click on the button of your chosen browser, then the home page of the one that you have installed, either by default or by someone and once installed, is loaded. So, you can easily change it and connect any page as a start page.

These properties are inherent in all main browsers, which is very convenient when working, especially when your home page has accidentally changed, to which you are so accustomed that you feel complete discomfort.

Does the situation sound familiar? We will fix this.

How to change home page in major browsers GoogleChrome, MozillaFirefox, Opera, InternetExplorer

1. If your browser is Google Chrome, then click in the upper right corner on the button "Configure and manage Google Chrome" (three horizontal stripes). Next, select "Start Group - Next Pages - Add".

In the window that opens, write the address of the page that you want to see the start page. For example, you want to see Yandex.

Enter the site address and click OK. That's it, now your home page will be, and when you start the browser, it will open.

Thus, you can make any website or page home, knowing them.

2. In the event that you work in Mozilla, then we are looking for the house icon in the top menu, on the right. Found it? Now, with the MozillaFirefox browser open, open in the new owner the page that we want to make the start page, after which, simply drag it with the mouse into the house.

If you don't have an icon with a house at the top, then open “Settings” in the upper right corner (three horizontal stripes), find it here, right-click to call context menu and click on the item "Move to the toolbar".

You now have a house on the toolbar. After that, drag our start tab to the house. Now at you will open the start page that you have chosen.

You need to click on the Opera icon in the upper left corner, then go to the "Settings" tab.

We put a tick in the item "Open a specific page or several ... ". We call the next window by clicking the "Set pages" link, enter the address of the home page and click OK.

Now, when you start the browser, your start page will open. You can make several pages open at once when you load Opera. To do this, enter the addresses one by one and click OK.

4. InternetExplorer

In the upper right corner we are looking for the "gear" (Service or ALT + X) and in the menu that opens, select the "Browser property" item.

In the window that opens, change the existing address to your own and press the OK button.

You see, there is nothing complicated, so you can change the home page, or return the start page that has disappeared to oblivion in any browser. The main thing is to know what to press and how.

That's all for today. Subscribe to blog updates, and receive announcements of articles to the address of the release of new posts on the site.

I wish you success.

Regards site!