Odnoklassniki, like many other free social networks, is famous for providing its users with certain options “for the elite” for an additional payment in real money. One of them is VIP status, which at one time caused a lot of noise and caused a lot of discontent. Let's figure out what it is and how to turn it off.

What is VIP status

VIP status in Odnoklassniki is a set additional functions, inaccessible to mere mortal users. In addition, it is one of the ways to emphasize one’s special position and, to some extent, financial viability - a crown and the inscription VIP appear on the user’s profile.

This paid status includes the following features:

  • "invisible" mode - none of the users will know that you visited their page and will not see that you are online - unless, of course, you yourself want it;
  • return (cashback) of OKs (site currency purchased for real money) that the user spent in games - up to 10%;
  • free use of all emoticons and stickers that are on the site, access to special stickers for VIPs;
  • changing the design of your page by installing exclusive “live” (animated) themes;
  • the ability to decorate your avatar with a variety of frames;
  • the ability to hide information in your profile from strangers;
  • an exclusive set of gifts that you can send to your friends for free;
  • priority when contacting support - a request from a VIP is considered one of the first.

Despite all this diversity, many still think about how to disable VIP status in Odnoklassniki. Why - read on.

Pitfalls of VIP status

As soon as such a VIP service appeared on the site, many users rushed to try it out. After some time, some of them discovered that about 500 rubles had been written off from their bank card. Many accused OK administrators of fraud, but still, in essence, users lost money due to their own carelessness.

VIP status is provided free of charge for only three days. After this period, it is automatically renewed, but in a paid version. And if the user has linked a bank card to his profile, then the VIP payment for the next month will be debited from it. If there are OKs on his account, then the cost of the VIP will be repaid by them. Today, such status for a month costs 249 OKs (currently 1 OK = 1 ruble).

Getting rid of monthly auto-renewal means moving on to how to disable your subscription to VIP status in Odnoklassniki. We will tell you how to do this from a computer and phone below.

How to disable VIP status in Odnoklassniki from a computer

It’s easy to save yourself from objectively meaningless write-offs:

  1. Go to your profile and click under your avatar on the inscription “Buy OKi”.
  2. Pay attention to the list on the left side of the screen - select "My paid features."
  3. How to disable VIP status in Odnoklassniki? Find it in the list of paid options.
  4. Check the box next to "Unsubscribe". Ready!

Please note that even after this operation, you will retain this status until the day on which you paid for it.

How to disable the renewal of VIP status in Odnoklassniki from your phone

Through official application"Odnoklassniki" you can disable this status like this:

  1. Go to the pop-up menu, select "Paid features".
  2. Opposite the “VIP status” line, set the slider to the inactive position (it will turn from green to gray).

Another method that tells you how to disable VIP status in Odnoklassniki:

  1. From your smartphone browser, open your profile in OK.
  2. From the menu select " Full version site".
  3. Follow the path described in detail in the previous subheading: “Buy OKi” - “Paid functions” - check the “Unsubscribe” box next to the VIP status.

VIP status is an option that gives only virtual benefits in Odnoklassniki. To avoid paying real money for it, do not forget to deactivate it after the free three-day subscription.

Hello dear readers of the Sprint-Answer website. Today we will talk about disabling paid services on the Odnoklassniki social network. Although I personally don’t go there much, since I like the VKontakte social network more. Therefore, I do not have a single connected service on the Odnoklassniki website. But exactly paid services OK exist. For example, the same VIP status. Of course, after 30 day period or when the money on your card runs out, this service will cease to operate. But if we need disable VIP status in Odnoklassniki urgently, then in this case we need to do something.

How to enable or disable paid services in Odnoklassniki

First, go to your page on the website. Classmates. There, under your avatar on the left side of the screen you need to find “Services and payments”, or “Buy OKi”. For example, click on the “Buy OKi” button and you will be transferred to a new window. There on the left you need to click on the “My paid functions” button. After that you will be redirected to the page of your paid functions, where you can delete the VIP status (disable it). Emoticons and stickers", "All inclusive", "VIP status" and "Live themes".

Odnoklassniki, like many other free social networks, is famous for providing its users with certain options “for the elite” for an additional payment in real money. One of them is VIP status, which at one time caused a lot of noise and caused a lot of discontent. Let's figure out what it is and how to turn it off.

What is VIP status

VIP status in Odnoklassniki is a set of additional functions that are not available to mere mortal users. In addition, it is one of the ways to emphasize one’s special position and, to some extent, financial viability - a crown and the inscription VIP appear on the user’s profile.

This paid status includes the following features:

  • "invisible" mode - none of the users will know that you visited their page and will not see that you are online - unless, of course, you yourself want it;
  • return (cashback) of OKs (site currency purchased for real money) that the user spent in games - up to 10%;
  • free use of all emoticons and stickers that are on the site, access to special stickers for VIPs;
  • changing the design of your page by installing exclusive “live” (animated) themes;
  • the ability to decorate your avatar with a variety of frames;
  • the ability to hide information in your profile from strangers;
  • an exclusive set of gifts that you can send to your friends for free;
  • priority when contacting support - a request from a VIP is considered one of the first.

Pitfalls of VIP status

As soon as such a VIP service appeared on the site, many users rushed to try it out. After some time, some of them discovered that about 500 rubles had been written off from their bank cards. Many accused OK administrators of fraud, but still, in essence, users lost money due to their own carelessness.

VIP status is provided free of charge for only three days. After this period, it is automatically renewed, but in a paid version. And if the user has linked a bank card to his profile, then the VIP payment for the next month will be debited from it. If there are OKs on his account, then the cost of the VIP will be repaid by them. Today, such status for a month costs 249 OKs (currently 1 OK = 1 ruble).

Getting rid of monthly auto-renewal means moving on to how to disable your subscription to VIP status in Odnoklassniki. We will tell you how to do this from a computer and phone below.

How to disable VIP status in Odnoklassniki from a computer

It’s easy to save yourself from objectively meaningless write-offs:

  1. Go to your profile and click under your avatar on the inscription “Buy OKi”.
  2. Pay attention to the list on the left side of the screen - select "My paid features."
  3. How to disable VIP status in Odnoklassniki? Find it in the list of paid options.
  4. Check the box next to "Unsubscribe". Ready!

Please note that even after this operation, you will retain this status until the day on which you paid for it.

How to disable the renewal of VIP status in Odnoklassniki from your phone

Through the official Odnoklassniki application, you can disable this status as follows:

  1. Go to the pop-up menu, select "Paid features".
  2. Opposite the “VIP status” line, set the slider to the inactive position (it will turn from green to gray).

Another method that tells you how to disable VIP status in Odnoklassniki:

  1. From your smartphone browser, open your profile in OK.
  2. Select "Full version of the site" from the menu.
  3. Follow the path described in detail in the previous subheading: “Buy OKi” - “Paid functions” - check the “Unsubscribe” box next to the VIP status.

VIP status is an option that provides only virtual advantages in Odnoklassniki. To avoid paying real money for it, do not forget to deactivate it after the free three-day subscription.

Some time ago appeared on Odnoklassniki new feature VIP status. It offers various functions that are not available to users without VIP status. These are, for example, exclusive gifts, “live” themes, some paid features, etc. In general, a complete exclusive.

This service is paid, but there is free period, after which a certain amount is debited from the user’s account. Actually, this is indicated in the window where the service itself is activated:

By the way, at the time of writing, the service can only be activated by linking a bank card to Odnoklassniki.

To disable VIP status, here's what you need to do. Go to your page and under your avatar, click on the line “Buy OK.”

The OK payment window will open. Look at the left side of the window, there you will see a menu, one of the sections of which is called “My paid features”. Click on it.

Important point. If you cancel your subscription, the service will remain active until the period specified in the notification, after which it will not be renewed. That’s what it says, at least, on the Odnoklassniki support page.

How to disable VIP status in Odnoklassniki from your phone?

Obviously, you need to do the same thing, only the sections will be slightly different.

Call up the menu and click on the “Paid features” line.

Next to the VIP status section there should be a lever that disables the function.

If you don't see anything, then try another option: open mobile version Odnoklassniki in the browser (not in the application), call up the menu and click “Full version of the site”.

A full-fledged version of the site will open (as on a computer) and you can disable the service in the way that we told you about in the first part of the article.

If you managed to unsubscribe from the service, please write about it in the comments.

Today I go to social network Odnoklassniki and I see an offer to connect to VIP status. I decided to see what this function is and how to connect it. It turned out that it is free only for the first three days, and then money will be debited from my account for using it. Then I immediately had a question about how to turn it off and I went to look for a way out.

Of course, using such a status gives a lot of positive benefits, but I don’t need them, since my main communicator is Skype, and everything else is completely unimportant, much less the Odnoklassniki network.

The tariffs for using the service are as follows, although they are not high, but I don’t need them at all.

If you select any tariff from the proposed list, even free, you will be redirected to the payment page. You will not need to pay for the three-day trial period, but for auto-renewal, which is automatic.

I haven't activated the service. If I had a card at hand, I would have done it for clarity, but I forgot it in the office at work today, so I will explain how to disable the service using my fingers.

On home page Odnoklassniki, in the left corner under your avatar there is a field called “Services and payments” - go there.

There you will see all the commercial services provided by the site and can activate and deactivate any of them.

Here, where the “buy” button will appear, another one will appear, by clicking which you can disable the function.

It's simple, you just need to be a little more careful and everything will work out. Good luck!