Offline mode involves opening a site without connecting to the network. For example, if a user opened a resource on the Internet with content that interested him, and after a while he wants to return to it again, but there is no connection. In this situation, there are two ways out: either try to set up a connection, or log into the site offline. As you can see, the function can be quite convenient. However, some users wish to opt out of it. Therefore, let's take a closer look at whether it is possible to disable the offline internet explorer mode and whether it is worth doing.

How to use offline mode

Offline mode allows you to view the pages you have already visited, even if you are not connected to the network. But not all sites will be able to open in this way. This function can be used if you have previously made a special save. Also, for your convenience, if you plan to use IE as your main browser, we recommend it.

To do this, open your browser and go to the File menu. Check the box opposite the corresponding inscription. We open the history journal. In it, you need to find the web page that interests you. Now we are trying to open it. Offline mode is a convenient feature, for example, when your ISP restricts traffic on the Internet.

However, when connected to a network, you will have to manually disable this function. In addition, sometimes the browser goes offline of its own accord, which is not very desirable. That is why it is necessary to know how to deactivate the function. Let's see how to do this in internet explorer.

Disable offline mode

There are several ways to disable offline mode. They differ mainly in the level of difficulty. Accordingly, it is recommended to do this through the registry only for confident users, since if you do something wrong, you can seriously harm the system. The easiest way would look like this.

So, when viewing a page of a site offline, an attempt to go to another leads to the fact that a warning appears that it is impossible to view it. There are two buttons below the message. One of them offers to work autonomously, the other - to connect. By clicking on the last button, we turn off the offline mode.

In addition, select File from the toolbar at the top of the application window. IN context menu remove the selection in front of the “work autonomously” inscription. If the browser toolbar is missing, you can pin it. To do this, right-click on a free field at the top of the application. In the drop-down menu, select the Menu Bar.

Next, go to Service and select Browser Properties. Open the Connections section. In it, you will need to put a selection on the inscription, which says that it is necessary not to use dial-up connections. After that, go to the network settings. In the window that opens, uncheck the boxes next to all the labels. We confirm the actions by clicking OK, and then close the dialog box. The last step is to reboot the device for the changes to take effect.

Disconnect via registry

As already mentioned, it is advisable for confident users to access the registry so as not to damage the system. If you are still confident in yourself, then.

Next, select the HKEY + CURRENT_USER folder. In it, open the file Software. Now let's go to the Microsoft-Windows branch. In it, select CurrentVersion and look for the inscription Internet Settings. Here we open the GlobalUserOffline string parameter. If not, you will have to create it yourself. Next to it, set the value 00000000. We close the registry. After we restart the computer, the offline mode goes into the “disabled” status.

It should be remembered that changes to the user configuration on the computer are made only with administrator access. You may also need a password to system resources. Do not forget that even though the Registry Editor - useful tool, you need to work with it extremely carefully. After all, any incorrect changes to the records can lead to the need for a complete reinstallation of the system.

Offline email

I would like to note a little about the advantages of the offline mode. For example, you can use it to work with by e-mail even if there is no internet connection. So, maybe this is for Gmail users. When the network is disconnected, it is possible to check mail, send letters, etc. Messages will be saved in the Outbox folder and as soon as a connection appears, they will be automatically delivered to their destination. The postal service offers correct operation even without network access, which is very convenient for many users.

In order for this to be possible, you need to go to the Gmail settings. Here we turn on the offline mode, and at the bottom of the screen we put a checkmark opposite the Save changes inscription. Next, a window will appear asking you to install offline mode. The ability to enable this function came from the use of Gears. It should be noted that it is possible to use it on internet explorer from the sixth version and above, but it is best to use latest version-. The developers have thought over the possibility of configuring the synchronization and downloading of mail in off-line mode.

So, offline mode can be a pretty handy feature if you know how to use it. In the case when the browser starts automatically transferring pages to autonomous mode, of course, it is advisable to disable it. How to do this - we have discussed above. Actually, you will need to either use the tools in the browser itself, or edit the registry. The latter option is more complex and requires the utmost care from the user. Using the settings in the browser itself is the best option which, moreover, is simpler.

In modern society, it is difficult to imagine a person who would not know what the Internet, browser, link and similar terms are. Some users are well versed in software and setting up a computer as such, however, there are those who sometimes need help in solving various issues. It is well known that in order to access the World Wide Web, a browser must be installed on an electronic computer - a program specially created to display Internet pages. There are a lot of such browsers today, however, everyone knows Internet Explorer, standard program integrated into the Windows package.

Lost your connection? It doesn't matter - in this article we will tell you how to work on the Internet autonomously.

As we have already found out, to access the network, a browser must be installed on the computer, and, of course, it must be connected and configured to work on the World Wide Web. However, even if the Internet is disconnected, you can still browse the pages. How can this be done?

The offline mode function is intended primarily so that the user can still browse the Internet in the event of a restriction of access to the network. But the specified function works only with respect to pages that have already been opened earlier.

To enable it, you need to open the browser and go to the "Service" tab, where you will find the inscription "Work offline", with a red cross (disabled) or a bird (enabled) placed next to it.

Using offline mode

After enabling the function, you can start directly browsing the Internet. Use the bookmarks to open the required global network resource, and if they are absent, enter the name in the address bar. If a window pops up on the screen in which the program tells you that this page cannot be opened, alas, nothing can be done. This is a fairly common problem, so we recommend that you open the pages you are interested in using the "Journal".

It's not news to anyone that any browser saves all the movements of the user and open sites in the so-called "History", or in the IE browser - "Journal". It is here that the user himself can view and remember when and which pages he opened. To open the journal, click on the "Favorites" button, next to which there will be a yellow star. In the window that appears, there will be three tabs, including "Favorites", "Channels" and "Journal". Open the last one and you will see a drop-down menu with which you can sort web portals by different criteria, and just below the days of the week when you used the browser. If you click on the site you are interested in, a list of the pages you have visited on this web resource will open below it.

Now take a look at these pages. If the font with which they are written is transparent, then you will not be able to open it using offline mode, and when the text is bright and rich, then most likely the page will be opened.

Using email offline

In addition to browsing the web when not connected, this feature allows users to access Gmail emails. Even in the absence of the Internet, you can check your mail, write letters, save them, and more. The written letters will be saved in the "Outbox" folder, from which, as soon as a connection appears, they will be sent to the specified addressee.

To enable this feature, go to your Gmail page and go to settings. Here you will see many tabs, among which there will be "Offline". After you go to it, you will be prompted to install Gmail Offline, a special plugin that allows you to work with mail without access to the World Wide Web and synchronize data after the appearance of the Internet. After installation, the corresponding icon will appear in the "Services" menu. The first time you open the plugin, the utility will ask you whether to start using it or not to use it yet. By agreeing, you will be taken to the lite version of the Gmail mail page. Now you can go here and work whenever your internet connection goes down.

Disable offline mode

After you finish working offline, we recommend that you turn it off, because sometimes the browser automatically goes offline, which, of course, is undesirable.

The first and the most in a simple way disable is a set of actions that you took to enable it. Just uncheck the box next to Work Offline.

You can also disable this feature by going to the Tools tab on the menu bar and opening Internet Options. There you need to go to the "Connections" section and prevent the program from using dial-up connections. Then you need to go to the "Network Settings" menu and uncheck all the boxes. After that, click "OK", thereby confirming the accepted changes, and restart the device for them to apply. If you can't find the tab you're describing, you might have a hidden menu bar. To open it, click the mouse at the top of the browser and select the "Menu bar" item in the drop-down menu.

Here, in fact, is all the necessary information and actions that will help you in the event of such an annoying problem as the loss of an Internet connection. By the way, setting up offline access to mail is possible not only for Gmail, but also for other mail services. Review your mail settings and you will surely find a similar item.

If the Internet does not work for you, or you want to save traffic, and you urgently need to open a website, then Internet Explorer with built-in offline mode will come to the rescue. How to enable or disable it, read below.

What is offline mode in Internet Explorer

Working offline allows you to open sites that you have previously viewed without Internet access. That is, if you clicked on a link, and then you lost the Internet, you can turn on the offline mode and calmly enter this link again and follow it.

How to turn on and off in the browser

To activate the mode in Internet Explorer 9 and 11 versions, just click on the word "File", and then uncheck the box next to the words "Work offline". If you want to enable offline mode, then click on the words "Work offline" again to return the checkmark.

If you do not have a line with the "File" section, then right-click on an empty space near the address bar and select the "Menu bar" item in the list that appears.

Through the registry editor

If the first method did not help, then follow these steps:

  1. Open Windows Search.
  2. Find the Run app.
  3. In the search box, enter regedit.
  4. We go through the following sections: HKEY_CURRENT_USER –Software –Microsoft - Windows - CurrentVersion - Internet Settings and, by double-clicking on the GlobalUserOffline label, change the parameter to 0.

Video: how to remove offline mode in Internet Explorer

Offline mode in Internet Explorer is a very useful feature, but sometimes it can cause problems, so always remember how to turn it off.

If you have the ability to open the site without an internet connection, you can work using the offline mode. But in this case, you will be able to open only those resources that have already been viewed before. To help you understand what this is about, imagine that you have read an article on the Internet. After a while, you decided to do it again, but the connection was interrupted. In this case, the

Your computer has the ability to remember some of the pages you visit. Offline mode in this case will allow them to be opened when the Internet connection is inactive. However, previously visited sites will not always open in this mode.

Now, when almost every apartment has unlimited Internet, this mode is practically not used, but in cases where you need to pay for each megabyte, it will be very useful. So if the issue of economical use of traffic is relevant for you, you can periodically activate this function. However, users may face a different problem. It so happens that when you launch a browser, you receive a message from it that it is impossible to open a particular site due to the active offline mode.

Let's talk about how to disable offline mode in some common browsers. For example, in Opera, when you try to go to any resource, you will see a message on the display stating that this moment this mode is active, therefore it is impossible to work with sites. You will then be presented with instructions on how to disable offline mode. To do this, you must click on the retry button and reload your page. After these steps, this mode should be disabled, and the site you need will load.

As for a popular browser like Chrome, there is no offline mode in it, so there will never be such problems. I don’t know why the developers thought that it would not be useful to users. Perhaps in the future this function will be implemented in it.

As for how to disable offline mode in another well-known browser called Mazila, this procedure is similar to the opera one. But you can still do this without waiting for such warnings to appear. To do this, you need to call the menu through the "File" tab, in which you uncheck the box in the offline line.

For Opera, this is done by clicking on the menu button, which is located in the very top line, and there you need to click on the settings section in which to deactivate autonomous work... Also, this browser has another way to disable offline mode. In Opera, you can use the inherent only function of bringing various buttons to the panel. So do it with the button that is responsible for this mode.

We examined with you what offline mode is in browsers, what it is for, how to disable it. Just do not confuse this function with the similar one in some games. Steam offline mode has nothing to do with this. The names are indeed very similar, but that is the only similarity.

Many browsers allow the user to work offline - view previously visited pages without the need for an Internet connection. Offline mode is useful in cases of saving traffic with a set limit.

There is no function in browsers automatic shutdown offline mode. It can be manually disabled in several ways, depending on the browser you are using.

Fast navigation through the article

Internet Explorer

Disable offline mode in Internet browser Explorer can be changed by changing the settings in the "File" menu, as well as through the Windows registry.

Main menu

  • Browser must be launched;
  • Press the "Alt" button;
  • Click on the "File" menu on the top toolbar;
  • Uncheck the box next to Work Offline.

Windows Registry

  • You need to open the Start menu;
  • Enter the query "regedit.exe" in the search bar;
  • Run the program from the search results;
  • Find the "GlobalUserOffline" parameter by going along the path - HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Windows / CurrentVersion / Internet Settings;
  • Change the parameter value to "0" by double-clicking on the "GlobalUserOffline" line;
  • Close the Windows registry window;
  • To restart a computer.


Remove offline mode in Opera browser can be done through the "Settings" section or a special button.


  • You need to click on the "Opera" button located in the upper line of the browser;
  • Go to the "Settings" section;
  • Uncheck the box next to "Work offline".


You can enable and disable offline mode by simply clicking on the corresponding button located on the toolbar. To place a button on the toolbar, you must:

  • Go to the "Service" section;
  • Open the "Registration" subsection;
  • Go to the "Buttons" tab;
  • Select the category "My buttons";
  • Find the "Offline Mode" icon;
  • Drag it with the mouse to the toolbar. When the offline mode is enabled, the button will change color.

Mozilla Firefox

Disable offline mode in the browser Mozilla Firefox available through the main menu of the program. For this you need:

  • Launch the browser;
  • Go to the "File" menu;
  • Uncheck the box next to the "Work offline" line.