This guide is dedicated to the program Open Broadcaster Softwar e (hereinafter OBS) and its settings for streaming on and So let's start in order.
1. First you need the program itself OBS- to do this, go to the site go to the section Download and download the distribution kit. Install it following the instructions of the installer.
2. Run the program. And we will make the settings for the stream on
2.1. Next, we need to go to the program settings - Settings -> Settings

2.2. In the menu that appears, we can change the Language, we can also immediately call our profile (Profiles are some kind of presets of settings, for example, you can create a profile for stream to Twitch in 720p quality, and create a profile for stream to Cyberheim in 1080p, and switch between them just with a couple of mouse clicks). First, let's create our first profile. To do this, you need to click in the window to the right of the inscription " Profile: "erase everything that is written there and write your name, for example, I will write" 720p Twitch ", and press the button Add to.

Let's also look at the steps required to delete a profile right away. When installing the program, a profile is automatically created for you " Untitled", now we will delete it. For this, to the right of the line" Profile: "there is an arrow down (drop-down menu) select a profile there" Untitled"and press the button" Delete".

2.3. Go to the " Coding". In this window, one of the most important settings for your stream is set, in most cases the picture quality will depend on them in dynamic scenes.
From 1st September began to demand from streamers to set the Constant bitrate, respectively, we put a daw next to CBR (constant bit rate) we also check the presence of a jackdaw at CBR padding(in the absence - order!).
To stream on with permission 1280x720 I would advise using a bitrate in the 2000-2500 range (at 2000 there will be a less clear picture, but fewer viewers will complain about freezes, at 2500 on the contrary the picture will be more High Quality, but viewers may start complaining about the more frequent freezes of the picture). For example, let's take something in between - 2200
Below we see the Audio settings, everything is simple here, set Codec: AAC and Bit rate: 128.

2.4. Broadcast... In this tab, we must select the broadcasting service and specify the channel key in it. In our case, it will be So we expose:
Mode: Live
Broadcast service: Twitch /
Server: EU: London, UK(you can have another one starting with EU :)
Play Path / Stream Key (if available): here we have to insert the key from our channel. To get it, you need to go to the Twitch website, create an account / log in and follow the following link On the right you will see the button " Show Key"

click on it, and copy the key that appears (starts with live_). Be VERY careful and copy the ENTIRE key, an error in 1 character will prevent you from starting the stream.
Auto reconnect: Checkmark
Auto-reconnect delay: 10(As small as possible, this number determines how many seconds after the fall of the stream, OBS will try to start it again.)
Delay (sec): 0(As a rule, the delay is set on the stream of Company or Special battles, the delay is set in seconds, for example, to set the delay to 10 minutes need to write 600 )

Please note that OBS writes in red, this is just due to the new requirements which entered into force on 01.09.2013. (below we will fix it)
2.5. Tab Video... Here we choose the resolution in which viewers will see our picture. IN Base Resolution: choose Custom: and enter 1280 and 720.
Frames Per Second (FPS): put 30

2.6. Audio... Microphone and general sound settings. We choose playback device sound (usually this Loudspeakers) also choose Microphone if you want to use the Push To Talk system (so that what you said could be heard on the stream only when you press a certain button) then put a daw next to Use "Click to Talk" and to the right, select the window and press the button to which we want to assign this function (for example, I assigned it to Q)
NIG Delay (ms): 200(if viewers complain that the endings of your phrases often disappear, then you can increase this value (but do not overdo it, I advise you to increase it by 200 and conduct tests. For me personally, everything is fine and with a value of 200)
Microphone on / off hotkey and Hotkey On / Off sound- you can set hotkeys for these actions (they will mute the microphone and sound on the stream)
Application gain (multiplier): 1(this setting increases the sound of all applications, I advise you to leave 1, but if suddenly setting the sound to maximum in the game, the audience complains that they do not hear the sound, you can change this value (I advise you to add 1) (I am fine even with a value of 1)
Microphone gain (multiplier): 1(this setting increases the sound of the microphone, I advise you to leave 1, but if suddenly turning the volume of the microphone, the audience complains that they cannot hear you, you can change this value (I advise you to add 1) (I am fine even with a value of 1)

2.7. Advanced tab.
Multithreaded optimization checkmark
Process Priority Medium
Scene Buffering Time (ms): 400
Preset x264 CPU: Veryfast(for owners of heavy-duty processors, you can put faster or fast, I do not advise, tk. the load on the CPU will increase very much)
Keyframe Interval (sec, 0 = auto): 2(Twitch's demand)
CFR (Constant Frame Rate) check mark
Match the sound to the timing of the video checkmark(there is a rare bug that the sound lags behind the video and this checkbox fixes it, one of our streamers came across this)

3. Settings for
3.1. We create a profile - for this we go to the tab General... to the right of Profile: write the name of the profile, for example: " 1080p Cybergame"and click Add.

Note! If you have selected a profile (for example 720p Twitch) and you create a new one, then it completely copies all the settings of the previous profile, and you only need to adjust it a little.

3.2. Coding... To stream on, you don't need to use CBR (constant bit rate) but we still use because we are streaming on
Max Bitrate (Kbps): 3700(For 1080p streaming on I advise you to use the bitrate 3500-4000 (since the service has broadcast servers are in Of Russia(at coming in Europe) then the bitrate can be set higher, for example, if you stream 720p on Twitch - use a bitrate of 2000-2500, then for the same stream on you can use a bitrate of 2500-3000))
Audio: AAC - 128

3.3. Broadcast
Mode: Live
Broadcast Service: Custom
Server: In order to find out the server - you need to log in / register on the website - go to your account at the link select the "Channel" tab and copy what is next to Broadcast settings:(eg rtmp: // 1953 / live)
Play Path / Stream Key (if available): And here we copy what is next to Stream Name (Path):(but first you need to click the Show button to make the numerous asterisks disappear) usually starts with your nickname. (copy from the same page from which the Server was copied)

3.4. Video
since we plan to stream in 1080p then write to Custom: 1920 1080
Frames Per Second (FPS): 30

3.5. Settings Audio and Extended you can take exactly the same as for stream on

4. Settings Scenes and Sources
First, let's figure out what a Scene is and what a Source is.
A scene is a certain profile that contains one or more source (s). Those. for convenience, we can create scenes with the name of the games: "WoT" "WoWP" "CS", etc. and each scene will have its own sources configured, for example, in the "WoT" scene there will be a source with game capture, a source with your webcam, etc. those. Sources are some kind of layers, and the source that is higher in the list will be in the foreground, and the one below in the background. Well, let's get down to business.
4.1. Initially we have Scene let's rename it to "WOT" to do this, right-click on it and select "Rename"

we write "WOT" Click ok. we get the scene with the name WOT
4.2. Next, let's add to this scene a source with a picture of the game. To do this, the game must be running!
Right-click in an empty window Sources: and choose Add to -> The game

Enter a name, for example WOT.
A window appears. IN Application: we should find our game in the drop-down menu : WoT Client
also put a tick "Stretch image to full screen" and "Capture the mouse" we press OK

Also in the sources you can add Slide show(several pictures periodically changing) Picture(static picture or gif animation) Text(any text) Device(Webcam).
You can view the result of the picture by clicking on the button "Preview"

You will have a video with your layers. As I wrote above, the source that is above is in the foreground, and the one below is in the background. If you plan to overlay pictures / text on top of the game, then the game should be at the very bottom of the Sources list.

In order to adjust this or that layer (its size or position on the screen) - WITHOUT leaving the Preview mode, click on Scene change and click on the source you want to edit. A red frame will appear around the selected source, by dragging which you can resize the source itself. You can also move the source to any place.

We also see red "bars" that will help you adjust the volume balance between the microphone and the rest of the sounds (here I am not an advisor to you, this is very individual and needs to be coordinated with the audience.)

Well, the finish line, in order to start the broadcast - stop the preview and click Start broadcast.

It is very important that when streaming you do not have Loss of frames. If you have a loss of frames, then you may have problems with the Internet or you simply do not have enough of your channel for the current stream settings. Try to lower your bitrate.

Hyde prepared neRRReQuCb specially for viewers of ACES TV.

This article will focus on how to set up Open Broadcaster Software(abbreviated as OBS) for by itself for streaming.

How to set up Open Broadcaster Software for

We will proceed in order:

1) We need the OBS program itself, for this we go to and download for free from their website, as shown in the screenshot below:

Once downloaded and installed, the installation will be quick.

2) Now run the program using the shortcut on the desktop, and start setting up in order to stream to
2.1) Click on the top "Settings" -> "Settings" as shown in the screenshot below:

2.2) Choose a language and name your profile, you can create several profiles, for example 1080p on Twitch, and 720p Cybergame, and easily switch between these profiles at any time in a couple of seconds. And so to begin with, let's create our first profile. You can name the profile whatever you want, as it will be more convenient for you to navigate. And so we enter the name and click "Add".

Also in OBS itself there will be a "Untitled" profile, you can safely delete it, click on the profiles drop-down menu, select "Untitled", and click delete.

2.3) Now click on "Coding" on the top left, line 2. By the way, here we will make with you the most important settings in OBS, since the quality of your stream will already depend on this.

There must be 2 check marks on CBR (constant bit rate) and CBR padding, if by some miracle they are not worth it, tick the boxes.

In order to stream as 1280x720 on Twitch, I advise you to set the bitrate to about 2300, there will be a better picture on the stream, and without lags, and if you set the bitrate to higher, the picture will be better, but your viewers will complain about lags on your stream, but watch streams with lags, I think no one will.

Audio settings, just put "Codec: AAC" and "Bitrate 128".
Click "Apply" and go to the next step.

2.4) Now click on "Broadcast".

Here we choose:
Mode: Live broadcast.
Broadcast service: Twitch.
Server: here already put the one that is closer to you, although you can put any one that starts with EU.
Play Path / Stream Key (if available): Here we must put our key from Twitch, to find out your key, follow this link and click "Show Key" ...

Copy your key and paste it into Play Path / Stream Key.
Auto reconnection: Put a check mark.
Auto-reconnect delay: You can leave it at 10, this function responds after how many seconds OBS will try to restart the stream if it drops.
Delay (sec): You can leave it at 0.

If at the bottom under the settings it is written in red that something is not configured correctly, click "Optimization" and agree.

2.5) Go to the "Video" tab.

Bet desired resolution, and 30 FPS.

2.6) Go to "Audio".

Here we set up the microphone and sound. You need to select "Playback device", select "Speakers", then select the microphone "Microphone"
We leave the rest unchanged.

2.7) Go to "Hot Keys".

Here I think there is no need to explain, if you want to be heard only when you press the desired button, put a tick "Use the function: Press and talk", and put a button convenient for you. In the "Broadcast" section, I also think you understandably put the necessary buttons in the section you need.

2.8) Go to "Advanced" and set the settings as in the screenshot below:

3) Let's go to the "Scenes" and "Sources" settings.
Let's figure out what's what, "scene" - a profile that will contain one or more sources. That is, we create scenes with the names of games: for example, "LoL", "Dota2", "CS: GO", "WoT", etc., and then in each scene we will already set up our sources, for example in the "LoL" scene will be a source with a capture of the game itself, and a source with your webcam, etc. To understand the sources of this layer, and the desired source, which will be in the list above, it will be in the foreground, and of course the one below will be in the background.

3.1) Initially it will be just "Scene", rename it for example "LoL", just right-click on it and click rename.

Enter "LoL" and click ok, and we get a scene called "LoL".

3.2) Now, let's add a source to this scene so that it takes the picture of the game we want to stream. To do this, we need to start the game, just start the game with bots.

Right click on an empty area in Sources and select Add -> Game.

We write the name for example "League of Legends".

In the "Application", we must find our game, as I wrote above, you must run it to find it, if you did everything correctly, choose the League of Legends (TM) Client.
Also check the box for "Stretch the image to full screen" and "Capture the mouse" and click ok.

And in the sources you can add a Slide Show (several pictures that will change periodically). Image (picture or gif-animation). Text (any of your text). Device (such as a webcam).
To see your result you need to click "Preview".

And if you add layers as I wrote above. That is, the Source that is higher is in the foreground, and the one that is lower is in the background. That is, you decided to add pictures and text to the game, the game should be at the very bottom of the list.

To adjust the layer as it is convenient for you, that is, its size and where it should be, without leaving the "Preview" mode, click on "Change scene", and click on the source you want to drag or resize. When you select the source you need, a red frame appears around it, thus you can move it where you need to, or change its size.

And setting up the sound and microphone, you already customize it for yourself.

Well, now it remains only to click "Start broadcast".

It is also very important if you want to make money on your streams, there are good affiliate programs, and there is a category of the game, thereby choosing the game you need, and advertise it in your streams or in the description with the necessary link to the game through the affiliate game, and get good money from this. I give links to these affiliate programs below:

To give you the rights to offers in the Games category, say that you are a streamer and you will advertise games like this.
We also provide a video, how much you can earn! You can rewind the video to 22:09 to the time where the statistics and income of the person who made replays on his channel shine! If it becomes interesting, watch the full video!

By the way, if you often make purchases in online stores in Russia and China, even in such as alliexpress, you can get an additional 4% discount on any purchase! Read this article on. And you will know how you can save on any purchase in online stores, and even for flights and hotel reservations.

OBS (Open Broadcaster Software) - free software for video capture, recommended in the circles of streamers.

First you need download this program:.

P.S ... Both versions are downloaded at once - 32 and 64 bit. After installation (quickly and easily) to start, select the one that suits your bit depth.

So, having downloaded and installed - run:

We immediately select the item " Coding"and set the settings as shown in the screenshot:

You can change the bitrate parameters to your own if your channel "pulls", but you also need to check afterwards that the broadcast is laggy!

IMPORTANT: where arrows are shown, select and set as in the screenshot above. Where the item "Stream Key" is inserted key with GoodGame ().

We open " Video":

We set the parameters that are determined automatically + you can select the "Scale Resolution" item. In general, these indicators can be changed in case your stream will lag, as well as indicators in the "Encoding" tab - bitrate.

Configure the parameters of the OBS tab as shown in Fig. above or your own (if you know). And click "OK" .

Let's move on to capturing the game.

In the "Scenes" window, wait with the other mouse buttons, see a drop-down menu, click "Add Scene":

P.S. We do not pay attention to other scenes on the screen - this is an EXAMPLE!

As we can see, from the drop-down list we are asked to select several options for video capture.

The most common is " Window". That is, you start the game, then select Window in OBS and point to this game, after which the program will know what to capture.


We do not change any parameters (everything is by default), but we are looking for a game in the list - until we launch it, we will not see it.

I see the game in the window, select it and press " OK".

If the game is visible in the preview window FULLY(in the whole window) - this means that the capture was completed correctly, then you can press " Stop preview"and when you are ready to broadcast online, press on" Start broadcast".

However, it happens that the preview reveals a defective video capture, for example:

In this case, click on "Change Scene" and see a red frame with squares in the corners:

Drag (for example) the lower right square until the image is stretched to fill the entire area of ​​the black square:

If all is well, we have filled everything in, then you can click on "Scene Change" again and the OBS program will remember how to behave with this application for capturing.

In general, this is all you need to START a stream!

Open Broadcaster Software (or OBS for short) is a popular cross-platform application with which thousands of gamers broadcast their broadcasts on various Internet resources around the world. However, in addition to the ability to transmit a video stream for online broadcasting, the program can also make a simple video recording locally on a computer.

Content of the article:

Where can I download Open Broadcaster Software (OBS)?

You can download the program for the operating system you need from the official website:

Recording in the program is quite simple, you first need to add the desired source for capturing, and then click the "Start recording" button.

Add the desired source

In order to add a new source, you need to press the plus sign in the column labeled "Sources" (located at the bottom, see the picture above), and select the desired type of source for recording:

Capture game: this item will capture any full screen applications, or only video from the selected game. In order to select a game, you must first start it, minimize it, and only then use this item.
Capturing a window: only one specific window of the program will be captured, including games that run in windowed mode.
Screen Capture: everything that happens on the screen will be captured, including the desktop and all other programs.

Create a profile

After adding the source, it will not be superfluous to create a separate profile for the local record.

A new profile is created in the top menu "Profile" - "Create".

Enter the name of the profile, for example, "Recording to a computer".

Setting up a profile

Then you need to open the profile settings ("File" - "Settings").

Open the "Output" tab, and customize it to fit your needs:

Video bitrate: since the recording is performed locally on the computer, you don't have to save money and set the values ​​to 10000.
Encoder: if your computer is equipped Nvidia graphics card models GTX 660 and above, you must have access to the encoder NVENC, which should be chosen. On AMD cards, the encoder performs the same tasks as NVENC H264 / AVC (AMD Advanced Media Framework)... Owners of the latest models Intel processors can use the services of the video card built into the processor by choosing the QSV encoder. And finally, the most resource-intensive option for a processor is the x264 encoder.
Audio bitrate: in fact, 160 is enough to record normal game sounds and voices. However, nothing prevents you from setting higher values, 192, 256 or 320.
Recording path: The folder where all recorded videos will be saved
Recording format: the default is flv, the best option will be mp4.

Output Resolution: the resolution in which the video itself will be written, regardless of the resolution of the game / monitor from which it is recording. For weak computers, it may be relevant to set the resolution lower than it actually is, for example, instead of 1920х1080, set 1270х720.
General FPS values: The number of frames per second in the video. Owners powerful computers they can set at least 60, while owners of weak machines shouldn't raise the number of frames above 30.

Configuring Hot Keys

Now it remains to configure Hotkeys to start recording (if, of course, you plan to use them):

Open the "Hot Keys" tab, and add keys for the "Start Recording" and "Stop Recording" items. Then we close the settings, make sure that the desired one has been added and selected in the "Sources", after which you can start recording - either through the previously configured hotkeys, or through the "Start recording" button.

Recently streaming different types gained great popularity - live broadcasts are filmed, bloggers, users, etc.

For the same reason, more and more programs are being developed to simplify and speed up this process, and one of them is.

This material describes how to set up OBS for streaming and how to work with this software.


What is OBS? The acronym stands for Open Broadcaster Software. This is a free, free software for streaming (live broadcasting).

It allows you not only to broadcast video from, but also to capture it from the screen and output to the stream.

A distinctive feature of this particular program is that many different add-ons and plugins have been developed for it, which can greatly expand its functionality and capabilities.

Important. The distribution of the program is carried out completely officially and you can download it from the official website.

Download and install

To download the program proceed according to the algorithm:

  • After clicking an additional window will appear where the service will require the installer to be installed;
  • Click on the green Download installer button to download the installer;
  • In case your operating room Windows system Vista, then in the additional window a download link will appear a special package developed specifically for this version of the operating system;
  • The browser will ask you for permission to download the installer file - give it (allow saving or executing the file);

  • After downloading and running the file operating systemwill ask for permission to make changes to the computer- give it;
  • The installer will start - click Next;

  • Then specify the location where you will save and install all program files;
  • Click Next repeatedly until the installation is complete.

The program icon on the desktop will be created automatically. After that, restart your computer and start using the program.

General settings

First, do the basic setup of the interface in order to work with the program it was as easy for you as possible.

  • Run the software from the shortcut on the desktop and go to the top menu bar in the Settings section;
  • In the drop-down menu, you can configure the display system of the program windows - above other windows, below them, or in full-screen broadcast mode;
  • Go to the Settings section (in the same drop-down menu);

  • In the left menu, go to the General section;
  • Here you can select the language for working with the program (Russian is in the basic list and the crack is not needed) - click on the arrow in the corresponding window and select;
  • Next, you need to create your profile - give it a name, or change it by clicking on the Rename button under the input field;
  • Customize cursor display(enable or disable) by checking the corresponding checkbox;
  • You need to customize the tray icon, which is also done by setting the checkboxes in the corresponding checkboxes;
  • Determine if you want to display the log at startup.

All changes made at all stages must be confirmed by pressing the OK button to save the result.

At this stage, the program is fully functional.

Now it's easy to work with it and you can move on to more specific options related specifically to streaming.

Important! You can choose not to create Profiles. In fact, they are needed only by those who stream using this program to several sites at once, and with different settings. By clicking on the arrow in the Profiles field, you can select the one you need for a particular site.


These are settings that are no longer related to the operation of the program as such, but directly to the video that goes live, therefore, you need to treat this stage as carefully as possible.

  • You should not change the settings in the Audio section if you do not understand it well enough - by default they are at the most acceptable level;
  • Bitrate indicators are very important, since it will depend on them how much your video will slow down for users - for a start, it is better to set it within 2200 Kbps, but with a satisfactory result and high speed outgoing connection it can be raised to 3500;
  • The default buffer size must be equal to the maximum bitrate, otherwise the video will not play normally;
  • It is permissible to set it a little more (although in principle it is not necessary), but for this, check the checkbox Different buffer size;
  • If the connection speed is normal, leave the indicator in the Quality field as high as possible - it can then be changed depending on the result;
  • Also check the boxes Constant bitrate and Padding;
  • You can try different encoder, but x264, installed by default, gives quite acceptable results.

The maximum bitrate settings for 1080p quality are 3000-3500, for 720p - 1800-2500, 480p - 900-1200, 360p - from 500 to 800.


Go to the Broadcast section to configure the features of the stream itself.

  • In the Mode field, select by clicking on the Live stream arrow;
  • Below, specify the Broadcast Service you want to stream to;
  • FMS URL is a field for choosing the optimal server for streaming - indicate in it the one that is as close as possible to you, this is the only way to achieve normal broadcast quality and speed;
  • Now you may need a broadcast key (this is a requirement of the stream site, therefore it is not needed for all live broadcasts) - you can find it out on the site itself;
  • Copy the key and enter it in the appropriate field, if necessary;
  • Confirm Auto reconnect and set its period (it is better to set it to a minimum, since the quality of the broadcast will depend on it in the case of an unstable connection);
  • Set the delay to 0 seconds, although even with these indicators, in fact, it will still be, since it also arises due to the remoteness of the server from you;
  • Set to low latency mode;
  • At your discretion, you can configure the continuation of the recording after the broadcast and save the broadcast to a file (in this case, specify where exactly you want to save by clicking on the Browse button).

After completing all the settings, click Apply and then OK.

It is better not to change the repeat buffer settings at all, since they are set to be optimal.


In this section, make settings to optimize video quality.

  • In the Video card field, click the down arrow and in the drop-down list specify your video card from which you are going to stream;
  • In field Base Resolution you must specify the resolution and aspect ratio of your video in the stream;
  • Please select Custom, and then you will be able to prescribe the aspect ratio of the video picture yourself in the corresponding windows;
  • If you select the Monitor option, the resolution is set automatically according to your monitor resolution;
  • In the field next to the Monitor line, by clicking on the arrow, you can choose which monitor to use for the program, if you have several of them;
  • Section Scale Resolution allows you to reduce the picture, while maintaining the aspect ratio, which is done to reduce the load on the central processes, the video card and other hardware parts of the computer;
  • Set (the number of frames displayed per second) - an indicator of 30 gives normal video quality and speed even on old and weak computers, although if the hardware resources allow. it is better to set this indicator to the maximum possible.

It is better not to make any more changes in the section.


Adjust the sound of your future stream in this way:

  • Playback device- leave as default or specify the one through which you prefer to play by clicking on the arrow in the corresponding field;
  • In the Microphone field, similarly choose which one you will use - especially important if you have several of them;
  • Reinitialization- a button that should be pressed if you reconnected the device or installed a new one;
  • Save the check mark in fieldShow only connected devices, as this simplifies the process of selecting devices and configuring them;
  • Configure the forced mono mode as you like if you need them;
  • Leave the Latency indicator the same or lower it slightly, but in general it is optimal;
  • Amplifying Applications- an indicator for increasing the sound volume of a running application several times - indicator 1 is 100%, respectively 2 - doubles the sound of applications on the air, etc. (set the indicator depending on how important it is for a particular stream);
  • Microphone gain works on the same principle, but instead of sound signals from applications, the sound from the microphone is subjected to volume changes.

In this case, the optimal settings may differ for different devices and even for different services, so you need to configure them by trial and error.

Broadcast start

After all the basic settings have been made, you can start the actual broadcast.

In this example, in the pictures, we consider the broadcast to the Twitch platform, and to launch it at the stage of general settings, we needed a key from the service.

Scenes and sources

There can be several scenes, and you create them yourself, depending on, for example, what games you will stream.

  • Right-click on a free area in the Scenes field;
  • Select Create Scene;
  • Enter the name of the scene, for example, the name of the game that you will stream from it;

  • Launch the game or application that you are going to stream;
  • Add Sources in the same way - specify where exactly the image should be captured to the Stage during the broadcast;

  • Consider the process of selecting a source using an example section Game- after clicking on this item, an additional window will open;
  • In the Application field, select which game you want to stream (this game must be currently running on your computer);
  • You can also set up Capture by hotkey and specify the key itself - if you do this, the picture of the game during the broadcast will appear only when this key is pressed;
  • Also specify the function Stretch to full screen to obtain a picture of sufficient format;
  • A check mark in the Capture the mouse column will make the cursor appear;
  • It is also convenient to set up the inversion of the cursor color on click, as this will allow the audience to better understand the process of the game;
  • Now click OK.

These are the basic settings of the source, which will be convenient for you to work with, and it will become clear to the viewers what is generally happening on the screen.

Click the Preview button to evaluate the quality of the broadcast settings.

Start streaming with a click of a button Start broadcast and stop it with the button Stop broadcasting.

You can also quickly adjust the volume of the microphone and application sounds by indicating the necessary data on the appropriate scales.


This program has wide functionality that is combined with a simple and intuitive interface.

In addition to the basic settings, there are also many additional ones, such as working with hot keys, playing sound from the microphone only when you press a certain button, etc. a large number of currently developed add-ons and plugins allow you to optimize the program for different technical data PCs and games are much faster and easier.

Important. Currently, the development company has discontinued technical support OBS Classic software, therefore it is recommended to switch to using OBS Studio, which is not much different and is also distributed free of charge.