Let's take a look at how to work with dates and times in PHP.

Time inUnix-computers

For Unix computers, the time starts at midnight on January 1, 1970. Any date is calculated as the number of seconds (denoted by timestamp –– timestamp) that have passed since 01.01.1970. These conventions are also used in PHP. For example, we want to go one day ahead. Then you just need to add 60 × 60 × 24 seconds to the current timestamp value.

This time tracking scheme greatly facilitates the operations with dates. For example, if one timestamp value is greater than another, the first value is later than the second.

Time units per second

Getting the current time

In PHP, to get the current timestamp value, call the time () function without parameters, for example:

Many PHP functions for working with date and time take a timestamp value as an argument. For example, the date () function returns a formatted date string, for example:

Creaturetimestamp by date

Functionmktime() will create a timestamp if you specify hour, minute, second, day of month, month and year:


The function generates a timestamp for a date specified as a phrase in English, for example, April 1 or Friday.

The date value must be specified in the YYYY-MM-DD format. If the strtotime function cannot convert the date, it returns false.

Examples of using the functiondate ()

The built-in function floor () is used to discard the fractional part of the result.

The following text can be skipped on first reading

Date formats in databasesMySQL

The PHP timestamp format is incompatible with the MySQL timestamp format.

MySQL has three types of date and time fields: DATA (date), TIME (time), DATETIME (date and time). There is also a special data type TIMESTAMP, which works like DATETIME, but is automatically updated to reflect the current time each time a table record is inserted or updated.

To convert a timestamp in PHP format to MySQL format, you can use the following code:

Date ("Y-m-d H: i: s", $ timestamp)

For example, we can use “2008-10-01 13:23:40” as the date and time.

To get the PHP timestamp from a SELECT query, use the UNIX_TIMESTAMP () SQL function:


MySQL has many other useful functions for working with date and time.

string date(string format[, int timestamp])

Returns the time formatted according to the argument format using the timestamp given by the argument timestamp or the current system time if timestamp not set. In other words, timestamp is optional and defaults to the value returned by the function time () .

Comment: For most systems, valid dates are December 13, 1901, 20:45:54 GMT through January 19, 2038, 03:14:07 GMT. (These dates correspond to the minimum and maximum value of a 32-bit signed integer.) For Windows, the valid dates are 01-01-1970 through 01.19-2038.

Comment: To get a timestamp from a string representation of a date, you can use the function strtotime ()... In addition, some databases have their own functions for converting the internal date representation to a timestamp (for example, the MySQL UNIX_TIMESTAMP function).

The following characters are recognized in the format parameter

The character in the format string Description Return value example
a Ante meridiem or Post meridiem in lower case am or pm
A Ante meridiem or Post meridiem in uppercase AM or PM
B Swatch Internet time 000 to 999
c Date in ISO 8601 format (added in PHP 5) 2004-02-12T15: 19: 21 + 00: 00
d Day of the month, 2 digits with leading zeros from 01 to 31
D Abbreviated name of the day of the week, 3 characters from Mon to Sun
F The full month name, such as January or March January to December
g Hours in 12-hour format without leading zeros 1 to 12
G Hours in 24-hour format without leading zeros 0 to 23
h Hours in 12-hour format with leading zeros 01 to 12
H Hours in 24-hour format with leading zeros 00 to 23
i Minutes with leading zeros 00 to 59
I (capital i) Daylight saving time sign 1 if the date is daylight saving time, otherwise 0 otherwise.
j Day of the month without leading zeros 1 to 31
l (lowercase "L") Full name of the day of the week Sunday to Saturday
L Leap year sign 1 if the year is a leap year, otherwise 0.
m The ordinal number of the month with leading zeros 01 to 12
M Abbreviated name of the month, 3 characters Jan to Dec
n The ordinal number of the month without leading zeros 1 to 12
O Difference from GMT in hours For example: +0200
r Date in RFC 2822 format For example: Thu, 21 Dec 2000 16:01:07 +0200
s Seconds with leading zeros 00 to 59
S English suffix of ordinal number of the day of the month, 2 characters st, nd, rd, or th. Used in conjunction with j
t Number of days in a month 28 to 31
T Time zone on the server Examples: EST, MDT ...
U The number of seconds since the beginning of the Unix Epoch (The Unix Epoch, January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT) see also time ()
w Sequential day of the week 0 (Sunday) to 6 (Saturday)
W ISO-8601 week ordinal, first day of week is Monday (added in PHP 4.1.0) For example: 42 (42nd week of the year)
Y Sequential number of the year, 4 digits Examples: 1999, 2003
y Year number, 2 digits Examples: 99, 03
z The ordinal number of the day in the year (numbered from 0) 0 to 365
Z Timezone offset in seconds. For time zones west of UTC this is a negative number, east of UTC it is positive. -43200 to 43200

Any other characters encountered in the string format, will be displayed in the resulting line without changes. Z always returns 0 when used gmdate () .

Examples of using the date () function

You can avoid recognizing a character as a formatting character by escaping the character with \. If a special character (for example, \ t) is combined with \, add another \.

Escaping characters in the date () function

The date function exists to display the time or date in a custom format.

This example displays the current date in day / month / year format as numbers. After reading this article to the end, you can display the current date and time in any format.
This function allows you to display not only the current date and time, but also convert the time stamp to a specified format. The timestamp is the number of seconds since linux was founded. This number can be obtained using the time () function. The timestamp in the date function is an optional parameter.To get the format you want, you can use special modifiers in the first parameter. There are a lot of them.

The character in the format stringDescriptionReturn value example
alowercase am or pmam, pm
AUppercase AM or PMAM, PM
BSwatch Internet time000 to 999
cDate in ISO 8601 format (added in PHP 5)2005-06-11T11: 11: 11 + 00: 00
dDay of the month, 2 digits with leading zerosfrom 01 to 31
DAbbreviated name of the day of the week, 3 charactersfrom Mon to Sun
FFull month nameJanuary to December
gHours in 12-hour format without leading zeros1 to 12
GHours in 24-hour format without leading zeros0 to 23
hHours in 12-hour format with leading zeros01 to 12
HHours in 24-hour format with leading zeros00 to 23
iMinutes with leading zeros00 to 59
I (capital i)Daylight saving time sign1 if the date is daylight saving time, otherwise 0 otherwise.
jDay of the month without leading zeros1 to 31
l (lowercase "L")Full name of the day of the weekSunday to Saturday
LLeap year sign1 if the year is a leap year, otherwise 0.
mThe ordinal number of the month with leading zeros01 to 12
MAbbreviated name of the month, 3 charactersJan to Dec
nThe ordinal number of the month without leading zeros1 to 12
ODifference from GMT in hours+0200
rDate in RFC 2822 formatThu, 28 Jan 2011 15:11:14 +0200
sSeconds with leading zeros00 to 59
SEnglish suffix of ordinal number of the day of the month, 2 charactersst, nd, rd, or th. Used in conjunction with j
tNumber of days in a month28 to 31
TTime zone on the serverExamples: EST, MDT ...
UThe number of seconds since the beginning of the Unix Epoch (The Unix Epoch, January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT)1356361196
wSequential day of the week0 (Sunday) to 6 (Saturday)
WISO-8601 week ordinal, first day of week is Monday (added in PHP 4.1.0)For example: 42 (42nd week of the year)
YSequential number of the year, 4 digitsExamples: 1986, 2012
yYear number, 2 digitsExamples: 86, 12
zThe ordinal number of the day in the year (numbered from 0)0 to 365
ZTimezone offset in seconds. For time zones west of UTC this is a negative number, east of UTC it is positive.-43200 to 43200

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Date and time representation

In distributed systems such as the Internet, time plays a special role. Due to a slight discrepancy in the system clock, a player in the Forex market can lose tens of thousands of dollars in a few minutes; the business intelligence system will make a mistake in forecasting; NNTP servers in the process of synchronization will lose important information needed by the user, etc.

PHP contains many functions for working with date and time. The most commonly used are:

  • time ()- returns the current absolute time. This number is equal to the number of seconds that have passed since midnight January 1, 1970 (since the beginning of the UNIX era).
  • getdate ()- reads information about date and time. Returns an associative array containing information for the specified time or for the current (by default) time. The array contains the following elements:

    Example 1

    Using getdate () $ val) echo "$ key = $ val
    "; echo"
    Today: $ d. $ D. $ D ";?>


    Seconds = 21 minutes = 4 hours = 12 mday = 10 wday = 4 mon = 11 year = 2005 yday = 313 weekday = Thursday month = November 0 = 1131613461 Today: 11/10/2005

  • date ()- date and time formatting. Arguments: format string and absolute time. The second argument is optional. Returns a string with the specified or current date in the specified format. The format string can contain the following codes:
    AIncluded designation "AM" or "PM"
    dDay of the month (01-31)
    DAbbreviated name of the day of the week (three letters)
    FFull month name
    gHours (12-hour format without leading zeros)
    GHours (24-hour format without leading zeros)
    hClock (12 hour format)
    HClock (24-hour format)
    iMinutes (00-59)
    jDay of the month without leading zeros (1-31)
    lFull name of the day of the week
    LLeap year (0 or 1)
    mMonth (01-12)
    MAbbreviated month name (three letters)
    nMonth (1-12)
    sSeconds (00-59)
    tNumber of days in a given month (28 to 31)
    UAbsolute time
    yYear (two digits)
    YYear (four digits)
    zDay of the year (0-365)
    ZTime zone offset in seconds (-43200 to 43200)

    Any other information included in the format string will be inserted into the returned string. If you want to add characters to the format string that are format codes themselves, you must precede them with a backslash "\". Characters that become format codes when added with a backslash must be preceded by two forward slashes. For example, if you want to add "n" to a string, you would enter "\\ n" because "\ n" is a newline character.

    Example 2

    Using date ()


    Today: 10.11.05 13:03

  • mktime ()- returns the absolute time, which can then be used with the date () or getdate () functions. Accepts up to six integer arguments in the following order:

    day of month

    Example 3

    Using mktime ()


  • checkdate ()- checking the correctness of the date. Arguments: month, day, year. Returns true if the date is correct, i.e.
    month - an integer from 1 to 12;
    day is an integer not exceeding the total number of days in a given month. In this case, leap years are handled correctly;
    year is an integer from 1 to 32767.

    For example:

    If (! Checkdate ($ month, 1, $ year)) ($ d = getdate (); $ month = $ d; $ year = $ d;)

    Attention! The date can be in a valid range, but other date functions will not accept this value. So, you cannot use mktime () for years before 1902, and you should also use it carefully for years before 1970.

  • strftime ()- formation of local date and time. Arguments: format string and absolute time. The second argument is optional. Returns a string with the specified or current date in the specified format. In this case, the names of months and days of the week are extracted from the locale selected using the Format string function can contain the following codes:
    % aAbbreviated name of the day of the week
    % AFull name of the day of the week
    % bAbbreviated month name
    % BFull month name
    % cPreferred Date and Time Format
    % CCentury number
    % dDay of the month (1-31)
    % DSame as % m /% d /% y
    % eMonth (1-12)
    % hSame as % b
    % HClock (24-hour format)
    % IClock (12 hour format)
    % jDay of the year (0-365)
    % mMonth (1-12)
    % MMinutes
    % nNewline character
    % pThe designation "am" or "pm" is included
    % rTime using a.m./p.m.-notation
    % RTime in 24-hour format
    % SSeconds (00-59)
    % tTab character
    % TSame as % H:% M:% S
    % uDay of the week number (1 - Monday, 7 - Sunday)
    % UWeek number. Countdown starts from the first Sunday of the year
    % VISO 8601: 1988 week number. The first week must have at least four days, and Monday is considered the first day
    % WWeek number. Countdown starts from the first Monday of the year
    % wDay of the week number (0 - Sunday, 6 - Saturday)
    % xPreferred date format without time
    % XPreferred time format without date
    % yYear (two digits)
    % YYear (four digits)
    % ZTime zone (name or abbreviation)
    %% The "%" character

    Any other information included in the format string will be inserted into the returned string.

(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7)

date - Formats the output of the system date / time


String date (string $ format [, int $ timestamp = time () ])

Returns a string formatted according to the specified format template. The timestamp specified by the timestamp argument is used, or the current system time if no timestamp is specified. So timestamp is optional and defaults to the value returned by the function time ().

Parameter List

The resulting string template ( string) with a date. See formatting options below. There are also several predefined date / time constants that can be used in place of these parameters. For example: DATE_RSS replaces template "D, d M Y H: i: s".

The following characters are recognized in the format parameter
The character in the format string Description Return value example
Day --- ---
d Day of the month, 2 digits with leading zeros from 01 before 31
D Day of the week text representation, 3 characters from Mon before Sun
j Day of the month without leading zeros from 1 before 31
l(lowercase "L") Full name of the day of the week from Sunday before Saturday
N The ordinal number of the day of the week according to the ISO-8601 standard (added in PHP 5.1.0) from 1 (Monday) to 7 (Sunday)
S English suffix of ordinal number of the day of the month, 2 characters st, nd, rd or th... Used in conjunction with j
w Sequential day of the week from 0 (Sunday) to 6 (Saturday)
z The ordinal number of the day in the year (starting from 0) From 0 before 365
A week --- ---
W The ordinal number of the week of the year in accordance with the ISO-8601 standard; weeks start from monday (added in PHP 4.1.0) For example: 42 (42nd week of the year)
Month --- ---
F The full month name, such as January or March from January before December
m The ordinal number of the month with a leading zero from 01 before 12
M Abbreviated name of the month, 3 characters from Jan before Dec
n The ordinal number of the month without a leading zero from 1 before 12
t Number of days in the specified month from 28 before 31
Year --- ---
L Leap year sign 1 if the year is a leap year, otherwise 0 .
o Year number according to ISO-8601 standard. Has the same meaning as Y unless the ISO week number ( W) belongs to the previous or next year; then the year of that week will be used. (added in PHP 5.1.0) Examples: 1999 or 2003
Y Sequential number of the year, 4 digits Examples: 1999 , 2003
y Year number, 2 digits Examples: 99 , 03
Time --- ---
a Ante meridiem (English "before noon") or Post meridiem (English "afternoon") in lower case am or pm
A Ante meridiem or Post meridiem in uppercase AM or PM
B Time in Internet time (alternate time of day) format from 000 before 999
g Clock in 12-hour format without leading zero from 1 before 12
G Hours in 24-hour format without leading zeros from 0 before 23
h Hours in 12-hour format with leading zeros from 01 before 12
H Hours in 24-hour format with leading zeros from 00 before 23
i Minutes with leading zeros from 00 before 59
s Leading zero seconds from 00 before 59
u Microseconds (added in PHP 5.2.2). Please note that date () will always return 000000 since it takes an integer ( integer) parameter, while DateTime :: format () supports microseconds. For example: 654321
Time zone --- ---
e Timezone code (added in PHP 5.1.0) Examples: UTC, GMT, Atlantic / Azores
I(capital i) Daylight saving time sign 1 if the date corresponds to daylight saving time, 0 otherwise.
O Difference from GMT, in hours For example: +0200
P Difference from GMT with colon between hours and minutes (added in PHP 5.1.3) For example: +02:00
T Timezone abbreviation Examples: EST, MDT ...
Z Timezone offset in seconds. For time zones west of UTC, negative numbers are returned, and times east of UTC are returned positive. from -43200 before 50400
Full date / time --- ---
c Date in ISO 8601 format (added in PHP 5) 2004-02-12T15: 19: 21 + 00: 00
r Date in the format "RFC 2822 For example: Thu, 21 Dec 2000 16:01:07 +0200
U The number of seconds since the beginning of the Unix Epoch (The Unix Epoch, January 1, 1970 00:00:00 GMT) see also time ()

Any other characters encountered in the wildcard string will be printed to the resulting string unchanged. Z always returns 0 using gmdate ().


Since the function in question takes as a parameter timestamps of the type integer formatting character u will only be useful when using the function date_format () and custom timestamps created with the function date_create ().


The optional timestamp parameter is integer a timestamp that defaults to the current local time if no timestamp is specified. In other words, the default is the result of the function time ().

Return Values

Returns a formatted date string. If you pass a non-numeric value as a parameter, timestamp will be returned FALSE and a level error is caused E_WARNING.

List of changes

Version Description
5.1.0 The valid date range for timestamps is usually between December 13, 1901, 20:45:54 GMT, through January 19, 2038, 03:14:07 GMT. (They correspond to the minimum and maximum value of a 32-bit signed integer.) However, for PHP versions below 5.1.0 on some operating systems (eg Windows), this range was limited to dates 01-01-1970 to 19-01-2038.

Timezone errors now generate level errors E_STRICT and E_NOTICE.

5.1.1 For standard date / time formats, there are special constants that can be specified as the format parameter.

Examples of

Example # 1 Examples of using a function date ()

// set the default timezone. Available since PHP 5.1
date_default_timezone_set ("UTC");

// will print something like this: Monday
echo date ("l");

// will output something like this: Monday 8th of August 2005 03:12:46 PM
echo date ("l jS \ of F Y h: i: s A");

// prints: July 1, 2000 is on a Saturday
echo "July 1, 2000 is on a". date ("l", mktime (0, 0, 0, 7, 1, 2000));

/ * an example of using a constant as a formatting parameter * /
// will output something like this: Wed, 25 Sep 2013 15:28:57 -0700
echo date (DATE_RFC2822);

// will output something like this: 2000-07-01T00: 00: 00 + 00: 00
echo date (DATE_ATOM, mktime (0, 0, 0, 7, 1, 2000));

To prevent a character from being recognized as a formatting character, escape it with a backslash. If the escaped character is also a formatting sequence, then it SHOULD be re-escaped.

Example # 2 Escaping characters in a function date ()

// will print something like this: Wednesday the 15th
echo date ("l \ t \ h \ e jS");

To display past and future dates, it is convenient to use the functions date () and mktime ().

Example # 3 Function sharing example date () and mktime ()

$ tomorrow = mktime (0, 0, 0, date ("m"), date ("d") + 1, date ("Y"));
$ lastmonth = mktime (0, 0, 0, date ("m") - 1, date ("d"), date ("Y"));
$ nextyear = mktime (0, 0, 0, date ("m"), date ("d"), date ("Y") + 1);


This method is more reliable than simple subtraction and addition of seconds to the timestamp, since it allows you to flexibly switch to summer / winter time if necessary.

A few more examples of using the function date ()... It is important to note that you should escape any characters that need to be left unchanged. This is also true for those characters that are not recognized as formatting characters in the current version of PHP, as this may be introduced in future versions. Single quotes should be used to escape escape sequences (for example, \ n).

Example # 4 Formatting using date ()

// Suppose the current date is March 10, 2001, 5:16:18 PM,
// and we are in the Mountain Standard Time (MST)

$ today = date ("F j, Y, g: i a"); // March 10, 2001, 5:16 pm
$ today = date ("m.d.y"); // 03.10.01
$ today = date ("j, n, Y"); // 10, 3, 2001
$ today = date ("Ymd"); // 20010310
$ today = date ("h-i-s, j-m-y, it is w Day"); // 05-16-18, 10-03-01, 1631 1618 6 Satpm01
$ today = date ("\ i \ t \ i \ s \ t \ h \ e jS \ d \ a \ y."); // it is the 10th day.
$ today = date ("D M j G: i: s T Y"); // Sat Mar 10 17:16:18 MST 2001
$ today = date ("H: m: s \ m \ i \ s \ \ m \ o \ n \ t \ h"); // 17:03:18 m is month
$ today = date ("H: i: s"); // 17:16:18
$ today = date ("Y-m-d H: i: s"); // 2001-03-10 17:16:18 (MySQL DATETIME format)

To format dates in other languages, use instead date () functions setlocale () and strftime ().

Notes (edit)


To get the timestamp from the string representation of the date, you can use the function strtotime ()... In addition, some databases have their own functions for converting the internal date representation to a timestamp (for example, the MySQL »UNIX_TIMESTAMP function).