In this article, we will talk about such an important and topical issue as what is a cache, what types of it are allocated and whether it is possible to delete cached data. Similar questions are often asked by users of computers, tablets, smartphones and other modern digital technology. Questions start to arise when users don't fully understand this concept. Allocate several different types of cache memory on different devices... It is an integral part of the technology for reliable and trouble-free operation.

What is cache memory

The term "cache" refers to a piece of computer or mobile device memory taken from hard disk, which contains information, especially often required by the processor. It allows you to ease the work of the processor when it needs a long time download or search information. In other words, this is information that is stored fairly close to the processor itself. The device stores the commands or information that are used most often, and this enables the device to find the requested material faster.

Usually, the device places processed data in this memory area so as not to re-process it and not waste extra time.

The history of the appearance of the term

For the first time the word "cache" (cache) in a computer context was used in 67 of the last century during preparation for the publication of an article for publication in one of the leading specialized journals "IBM Systems Journal". The publication concerned modernization memory in the computer model being developed at that time. The editor-in-chief of the edition, Lyle Johnson, gave the task to write a more pictorial term, instead of the term "high-speed buffer" that existed at that time, however, due to lack of ideas, he himself proposed to call it the word "cache".

The publication was published in the first half of the 68th year of the last century, its authors received an award from IBM, the creation spread and was further refined, and the term "cache" soon began to be used in computer literature as generally accepted.

So what is cache memory and how it came about became clearer. Let's see where and how it can be used.


The cache consists of a set of records, each of which is associated with a data component or a block of information (a small part of them). Each record is a copy of a piece of data in the fundamental memory and has its own unique identifier (tag) that determines the similarity between the details of the data in the backup memory and their copies in the main memory.

Special clients access information within the device:

First of all, they refer specifically to backups(cache). If a record is found there with a corresponding identifier that matches the personal number of the requested data component, then the information items from the reserve are used. Then we can talk about "cache hit". If the corresponding recording not detected, then the data is read from the main memory and again copied to the same reserve with the assignment of an identifier. Now they become available for further inquiries to clients.

Such cases are called "cache miss". The percentage of calls to backups when results are found in them is called the hit rate (or rate).

Computer cache

A stationary computer contains random access memory, which it uses to optimize its work. The cache memory in a computer is a buffer between the main memory and the processor. It is located not far from the processor itself, for this reason it becomes easier for him to use the information that is embedded in it.

You can demonstrate an example of how cache memory works by drawing a certain analogy in order to correctly understand its essence.

For example, a person needs to find out a phone number that he cannot remember. Finding a phone number in a directory would be the same as searching for information in a random access memory... If this phone number is written on a separate piece of paper, a person will be able to find it out soon enough without looking in a directory. This leaflet is an example of cache memory. The computer mechanically loads information there that can often be useful. This, of course, greatly optimizes the performance of the computer, increases its performance.

Internet browser cache

The Internet browser also uses cache memory. It uploads information, images, audio recordings and much more there. This can be detected by the fact that the browser loads the website that the user often visits more quickly than the one that he visited for the first time. This is due to the fact that the browser "understands". In order not to constantly download data from him and not spend time on this, he keeps it in cache memory to optimize performance and save time. For this short-term space, the browser takes up hard disk space.

The browser cache area can be adjusted for yourself in the browser settings. But we should not forget that if he fills the entire area allotted for him with the accumulated information, then fresh information will be loaded there by displacing the old, which is no longer relevant. The browser cache can be cleared effortlessly if the user does not find it necessary.

Obb for games on Android

The owners of smartphones running the Android operating system are often puzzled by the question of whether it is possible to clear the cached data in the phone.

Basically, the cache is needed for a game with multidimensional graphics, which requires special space for itself to swap additional materials. It is often reserved for games spontaneously when you enter the game. Using the Internet, the game itself downloads the information it needs and places it in storage. But from time to time it happens that the cache for the game must be placed in the storage with your own hands. This can be done following the instructions for installing the game.

A cash game is usually set up like this:

  1. The installation file is located anywhere on the device.
  2. The cache, again, must be placed in an additional allocated space on the smartphone, so that during the start of the game it will read information from the required place.
  3. If the cache is where it should be, the game will function safely.
  4. The space where you need to write it is shown, as a rule, in the application description.

What does it mean to clear the cache

This means clearing all the accumulated information on the device, which is required for the efficient operation of the computer or device. This procedure should be performed only when it is really necessary. Suppose, after erasing the memory of the browser, the web resources that the surfer regularly uses will take a little longer to load, since he required download all the data on the page again. After completing the deletion of the cache on the smartphone, games that require it will not be able to start without this data.

Sometimes owners of Samsung smartphones, when trying to free up space in the device, are faced with a frightening system warning "cached application data will be cleared." What does this mean?

The user needs to understand what it means to "clear the cache", and have an idea of ​​what consequences this can lead to. Of course, at times there are situations when it is necessary to clear the memory. This could be due to a memory overflow or a problem that it can lead to. It also happens that the cache, contrary to its main purpose, can interfere with the operation of the computer. This needs to be monitored. This will help various programs, utilities and applications.

For example, the CCleaner program for a stationary computer (or its analogue for Android in the form of an application) is able to find the cache in the device system that the user does not need, and delete it on its own. The described program significantly contributes to the optimization of the device's performance. It can diagnose your computer for errors, clean the system registry, and to put startup of programs at startup of a computer or device. This is also an important function, since often computer applications that we download from the Internet are automatically loaded when the operating system starts up.

If a significant number of these applications are loaded during device startup, it can take a long time to turn on. This situation is easily corrected by the CCleaner program and similar utilities.

What is cleansing for?

One of the considerations for what reasons this memory needs to be cleared is to release free space on the system drive. This is especially true for those using multiple browsers. They are all for use own cache will reserve space for themselves from the system disk. As a result, this can significantly affect memory. Likewise, the cache stores the design of web pages.

Suppose, if a user visits a site, his browser will save its design in its personal cache. And after the completion of the released fresh design, the user will not be able to see it, since he will be provided with the design saved in his cache. Apart from this, it also keeps a chronology of web page visits. If the user does not want anyone to be able to find out which sites he visited, he should also clear his memory.

Once again, it will be advisable to clear the cache not only from the computer, but also from the smartphone. Often, after deleting a game, it leaves its cache in the device's memory. For this reason, there may be more than one reserved space on the phone for those games that are already missing. At the same time, the accumulated data can weigh a lot. Let's take into account that smartphones do not have such large quantity memory, like a stationary computer or laptop. Accordingly, keeping these reserves is an unaffordable luxury.

Reservation of space for data and storage of copies in them opens up wide opportunities for significant optimization of the processor of any device:

  • stationary computer;
  • laptop, netbook;
  • tablet;
  • smartphone, etc.

This also significantly reduces the time of its inactivity. Thus, it is not only possible, but also necessary to delete "cached data".


Website caching is one of the most useful technologies. Its application makes websites extremely fast, which leads to better SEO and increased user satisfaction. Not to mention the higher conversion that the internet cache gives.

What is caching?

The very idea of ​​caching implementation is simple. Let me give you an example.

If I ask you how much is 5 multiplied by 3, you will understand that the correct answer is 15. You do not need to calculate it - you just remember the result, and do not carry out any mental processing. This is roughly how caching works.

Websites thousands and sometimes millions of times a month. Every time the browser requests a web page, the server has to do a bunch of complex calculations. It fetches the latest posts, generates the site's header and footer, finds the sidebar widgets, and so on. But in many cases, the result of the calculations will be unchanged. It's great if we could make the server remember the final result, rather than process each request separately. This is exactly what caching does!

How cache pages are served

Internet cache - what is it? Let me explain now. Let's say you have a blog with caching enabled. When someone visits your blog's home page for the first time, they receive it in the usual way: the request is processed on the server, and the resulting web page to be rendered is converted into an HTML file and sent to the visitor's browser.

Since caching is enabled, the server stores this HTML file in its " random access memory" (or RAM), this is done very quickly. The next time you want to view the master page, the server doesn't have to do the processing and conversion to HTML. Instead, it will send the previously prepared HTML file to the browser.

But what if my content changes?

This sounds great, but what if you turned on caching and then publish a new post? Will it not be out of the cache and invisible to visitors? Properly configured caching systems handle these scenarios just fine.

The caching system consists not only of a mechanism for storing prepared HTML files, but also a mechanism for clearing the cache when executing certain conditions... For example, new content is being published.

The configured WordPress should clear the internet cache of the homepage and archive pages when at least one new post is published. In doing so, he must leave all the other pages, since they have not been changed.

Is caching efficient?

A site designed and implemented properly can load in as little as two seconds. Isn't that fast enough? Do I need to use caching? The answer is definitely yes.

By using browser and server caching, you can still reduce load times. And when it comes to download speed, it's always worth doing as much as possible!

How efficient is caching? According to a recent YUI study, browser caching can increase website speed by as much as 300%!

Types of caching

There are two types of caching - server-side and browser-based. Let's take a look at the differences between the two.

Browser caching

When you visit a site, you not only need to extract the content of the page you are viewing. For this, a bunch of resources are involved, such as Javascript files, style sheets, fonts that the browser loads in addition to the page content.

Before you clear the cache in the Internet Explorer, you need to understand that caching allows the browser to store these files for a while, so you don't need to retrieve them every time you visit the site. For example, the first time you visit a site, you will get a bunch of resources that the browser will cache. It will take a few seconds, but the next time you visit the site, you will notice a significant drop in loading times.

Server caching

Instead of processing each request, the server takes the results of those requests and stores them. It then serves up the stored results, making everything much faster.

You may come across the terms "object cache" and " full page cache". Both denote caching methods on the server. Full page cache is what we've talked about so far.

Object cache only stores chunks of data, not full page... This can be useful when saving the result of complex operations such as creating navigation menus.

WordPress caching

There are three things to know about caching in WordPress: writing efficient code, using caching plugins, and using the built-in hosting cache.

Using WordPress caching plugins

The most important rule is never use more than one web page cache plugin at a time. This will not make your site faster, but much slower and will simply break as a result.

Use only one caching plugin at a time. When correct setting this will help speed up the site significantly. Best plugins caching - WP Rocket, W3 Total Cache and WP Super Cache.

Using Hosting Caching

This applies to sites that are powered by WordPress. I can recommend WPEngine, Flywheel, and Kinsta. They all provide excellent caching services.

The caching systems used by these hosts perform at a much lower level compared to WordPress plugins, which is much more efficient. They are customized specifically to work with WordPress and the hosting you are using, further increasing their value.

If you are using specialized WordPress hosting, I recommend not installing the caching plugin at all. Many of these hosts even prohibit the use of caching plugins so that they do not reduce the efficiency of the caching systems implemented by the provider.

What is cache? This is a memory with high speed access that can be requested with a high probability. The advantage of a cache (buffer) is that it can be accessed very quickly. The downside is that the cache size is limited.

What is cached data? Imagine that you have installed an application on your smartphone. Certain information and data (including settings) that an application needs access to is cached data.

If we are talking about a game on Android, then in this case, cached data means an archive in which game structures, levels, videos, sound components, etc. are saved.

Don't forget about the cached data stored in the browser. This includes settings, images, files, etc. They are stored in memory and, if necessary, the application, in this case the browser, accesses the cache. So, if you open a previously visited page, then some of the data will not be loaded, but taken from the cache - it may be the same image. Why is this done? In order to reduce the page load time in the browser, as well as to save traffic.

We hope you now understand what cached data, or simply cache on an Android smartphone, is.

Can and how can I delete cached data?

Sometimes cached data needs to be deleted. For example, if an application starts to malfunction, it slows down, and often does not load at all. To do this, find desired application in the section of the same name, for example:

Select "Memory".

Click "Clear cache".

The cached data has been deleted.

As for the deletion of cached data in the browser, this is done through the settings of the web browser. For example, for Google chrome open your browser settings.

Then click on "Personal Information".

Now - "Clear history".

Select the files saved in the cache and then click "Delete Data".

Hello everyone! I noticed that there are practically no information notes on the blog, but here I was asked a question ... what is a cache in a phone and why does it take up so much free space ?! I was puzzled by the offer to google - b ABOUT Most of the resources talked about the computer's memory cache, which has nothing to do with the concept of caching on the phone. People get confused, they try to understand and they fail - it is not surprising.

So what is cache in an android phone? - When you use applications, they save part of the data to the phone for later use (so as not to download it again from the Internet). These files are stored in the application cache.

A simple example. Surely everyone is familiar with the Vkontakte application - it will save images and other data to the phone so that it does not download them from the Internet again every time. Avatars, message history - you probably noticed that some of this data is available even without Internet access, and so - they were loaded from your device and thereby increases the download speed and significantly saves traffic.

What is cached data in an android phone? - This is temporary data that is stored in the memory of your device for faster application performance and saving your internet traffic.

You can see how much the cache of an application or toy takes in the settings of your device, for example, on Xioami smartphones in their MIUI firmware there is a separate item in the settings that analyzes all these nuances and can help you clear the application cache.

To prevent a wave of comments that I gave a not entirely correct definition - I know what a cache is, but in the context of phones, my definition will be more correct and understandable for ordinary people

Is it possible to delete cached data in the phone

You can, of course, delete, but is it necessary?! Is a completely different question. If you do not have problems with free space on your phone, then there is no point in deleting cached data ... if you understand how it works, then it is logical that all applications will again download all this data (although you will win a little free space)

Clearing cached data does not delete other information (logins, passwords or saves of your favorite toys), so if you have any problems with the cache, you can delete it without hesitation.

Clear cache or wipe app data? - What to choose…

Surely with the function "Clear cache" you paid attention to the "Erase data" button - these are extreme measures ... by doing this you clear the application cache and delete all program settings. After that, the application or game will start from scratch (as if you installed it for the first time).

If you erase the data of the Vkontakte application, then you will have to re-enter your credentials at startup. Likewise with toys - you will lose the entire gameplay and start from the very beginning (if you are not using cloud save)

After clearing the data of the application or toy, try to start it ... without stale data and cache, you are running the program for the first time, just check if this solved your problem if you were looking for the "Erase data" function to resolve problems with the application.

When to clear cache or data

Now let's move on to the eternal question - is it worth clearing the cache on the phone forcibly ?! Most likely you will not have to do this, however, some applications may not work correctly ... if you notice that one of the programs started to eat space in the device memory - you can safely clear the cache.

If an application or a game works frankly badly or does not work at all (and it is quite possible that you just want to launch it as the first time) - you can "Erase data" and perform the initial setup. Be careful - you won't be able to recover your data!

Conclusion - what we learned about the cache

Here we are with you and sorted out what is the cache in the phone and why it takes up so much space. I hope my unlucky note helped you understand these terms and you are no longer afraid of these incomprehensible expressions - I am always glad to see you in the comments!

The cost of older models of smartphones is overpriced. We all understand perfectly well that the difference in price between 16 GB and 32+ GB models is unreasonably large. We are talking about the iPhone, and about all the variety of flagship representatives of Android. As a result, a person takes a junior model with 16 gigabytes of storage on board in the hope that this will be enough. But, often reality does not live up to his expectations.

What eats up memory in a smartphone

First, you need to understand that the amount of memory specified by the manufacturer in the device is not the same as the amount of memory available to the user. That is, in practice, we always have less memory available than what is written on the package, and this is true for both the iPhone and the Android family.

In both cases operating system devices take up 2-3 GB of memory, and you cannot return them to the user's disposal - this space is needed for the device to work.

So when you look for new smartphone, then consider this: 16 GB is actually about 13 GB, and 32 GB is at best 29-30 GB.

In the future, the amount of memory remaining for the user will be encroached upon. installed applications and games... The screens are getting better, the picture must be of better quality, the graphics are getting cooler - this seriously makes the applications heavier.

Also, over time installed applications will get fat accumulating in memory cache data- this is everything that remains in the device while the application is running and after it is closed. Any application that receives content from the Web saves it on the device for faster delivery to the user. Watch YouTube - Get cached videos. Listen to music online - it is cached locally. Surf the Internet through Chrome - the pages visited in the browser are cached.

If you have Android and you find yourself in a situation where you urgently need to get several hundred megabytes of space for a video or photo, then clear the cache data.

Settings -> Memory -> Tap on Cache Data.

You can also selectively clear the cache for individual applications.

Settings -> Applications -> tap on a thick application -> Clear cache.

In iOS, such staff resources no, but there are third party utilities.

These days, 1 GB for a single game already seems quite acceptable. Periodic cleaning games with a preliminary question to myself "will I still play this?" will help get rid of boring and unnecessary toys that continue to take up a fair amount of memory. The same is true for any other application. Didn't like the app? Do you plan to use it in the future? Delete it, don't just keep it on the device.

Music uploaded by the user to the device is getting better and better. Some people no longer accept 320 kbps mp3 and only want flac. Such tracks take up several times more space on the device.

Consider whether the headphones you are using will provide enough sound reproduction to make you feel the difference? Maybe an average quality mp3 is enough?

If we are talking about Photo and video then it's even worse. Top current smartphones are equipped with 8+ megapixel cameras that can shoot FullHD video with a high frame rate and take very high resolution photos. Such photos and videos take up a lot of space. For example, 1 hour of 1080p video can take up 10 GB of space on your smartphone.

With captured videos, there are virtually no options. They need to be periodically moved from a mobile device to a computer for subsequent storage or placement on video hosting.

Photo storage can help mobile app Dropbox - it has a function to automatically transfer pictures from device memory to the cloud.

And yet, the more technologically advanced our mobile devices, the more space will be required for applications and content. Manufacturers understand this, and often go to meet the user, embedding a slot in smartphones and tablets for removable memory cards... Unfortunately, users of iPhones, Googlephones and some other Android lines are deprived of such an advantage. Google invites us to store all data on the web.

Many developers also support this concept - now we have hundreds of thematic online services available that provide content in the form of streaming. They are complemented by dozens of cloud storages. In this case, the memory of the device will be clogged much less, but the requirements for the quality and speed of the mobile Internet will significantly increase.