Perhaps, every time I decide to write about another victory, it’s worth mentioning my far from high level of control over the situation, but that’s why the accomplishment is more pleasant. I set this one up Wi-fi router as a repeater for my network and an adapter for my computer!

I asked myself a fairly common question - How to configure DIr-300 in repeater mode. How to use a router as a Wi-fi adapter?
Googling and torturing Yasha did not yield useful answers - clones of articles and other forums where ignorant people confuse the completely dense in the question.
The post on the DD-WRT firmware forum was very useful.
And so, I solve the problem of connecting the router as wi-fi adapter. It’s not that I didn’t have my own adapter, I just needed a Lan connection with the same effect, but without a ton of network adapter with the intermediate bonus of increasing network coverage around the house.

Instructions: how to configure Dir-300b1(dir-600) in repeater mode.

1. You will need to install alternative DD-WRT firmware.
Download it from this link DIR-600 B1/B2 - this is for those who install for the first time
Or, if you are updating the existing DIR-600 B1/B2 firmware. We are not afraid that it is for DIR-600, because DIR-300 is its clone.

2. Install the firmware via Crash mode.

  • We take out the food.

  • Press Reset and do not release.

  • We put the power back in.

  • Hold Reset for another 30 seconds.

  • The power icon on the indicator panel is amber.

  • We go to the address and, by pressing the button, select the first firmware file. If it doesn't help, take a second one.

  • Upon completion of the firmware, during which you do not touch the router and do not breathe on it at all, the admin panel is now available at
3. Let's start with the tinctures. This is a corrected excerpt of the most valuable advice on the DD-WRT firmware forum.
1) Do a settings reset and a hard reset

2)P connect the client router via the LAN port (This is not the port where Internet is written)

3)Open Wireless -> Basic Settings tab
open WIFI->basic settings

4) Wireless Mode: Client Bridge (I have a Repeater bridge)
install (type wireless network-> client bridge)

5) Wireless Network Mode: Match Primary Router (I didn’t have this, but the task is simple - the network settings are copied from the main router)
set the wireless network mode as on an access point

6) Wireless Network Name(SSID) : Match Primary Router
set the network name as on the access point

7) Wireless Channel: Match Primary Router
channel as on the access point

8) Wireless SSID Broadcast: Enable
SSID broadcast: enable

9)Network Configuration: Bridged
network configuration: bridged

11)Open the Wireless->Wireless Security tab
open WIFI->security

*12)Set your Encryption to either WEP or WPA-Personal
enter WEP or WPA encryption settings

*13)Note - Don't use WPA2 for Client Bridge mode
don't use WPA2 for client bridge mode

I don’t understand why - I just have WPA2 and everything works.

14)Encryption type as on the main point.

15)Note - 07/15/08 - TKIP + AES is now working on the Client Bridge.- redhawk
on firmware 07/15/08 TKIP + AES now works in Client Bridge mode

16)Enter your encryption key to match the Primary router
enter the network encryption key, as on the access point

17)Save Settings
save the settings

18)Open the Setup -> Basic Setup tab
open installation->basic settings

19)Connection Type will be: Disabled
Wan connection type->connection type->disabled

20)Set STP for Disabled (Enabled sometimes can cause connection problems)
STP check the box to disable

21)IP Address: (Assuming Primary Router IP is
Set IP (If, for example, is installed on the access point)


23)Gateway: (again assuming Primary Router IP is
gateway (or IP of your access point)

24) Assign WAN Port to Switch: Checked or Unchecked - your choice (as I understand, you can expand the number of ports due to this Internet port - it’s up to you)

25)Save Settings
save the settings

26)Open the Setup -> Advanced Routing tab
open installation->routes

27)Change Type to: Router
set the operating mode: Router

28)Save Settings

29)Open the Security -> Firewall tab
open security->firewall

30)You MUST Uncheck all boxes except "Filter Multicast" in "Block WAN Requests" before the next step
Disable SP1 firewall
you must uncheck all the boxes except "Multicast stream filter" in the "Blocking requests from WAN" section
disable SPI Firewall

32)Open the Administration tab
APPLY Settings

After this, you can wait a little and restart the router manually, but after loading it will be available at this address

Brief F.A.Q.
1) in network connections on two computers should the IP be set to automatic? - yes, if DHCP is enabled on the router that is configured with an access point
2) should we (two computers) see each other in the “workgroup computers” tab? - yes
3) in general, a bridge type connection works without an Internet connection, i.e. like a local network? - there will be a local network and the Internet both on the machine connected to the client and on the machine connected to the access point

I don’t think it’s worth mentioning how long it took to find those little things that were missing from the clone manuals.

To extend the range of Wi-Fi networks at home or in the office, use different ways. A router with more than powerful transmitter or a large number of high gain antennas.

Another option to resolve the issue is to use the Dir-300 D-Link router as a repeater of the main router.

Client mode in standard firmware

When the D-Link Dir-300 operates as a basic router for home or office local Wi-Fi networks, its technical capabilities are not always enough to provide reliable connection all its subscribers. Especially those who are located at a considerable distance from the access point. The coverage area is expanded by installing Dir as an additional router, choosing its location empirically.

WiFi routers act as the main routers. The provider's cable is connected to them, and another device is used as a repeater, repeater or repeater. The signal itself is not amplified by it, but spreads over a long distance.

The standard firmware version does not provide for the use of Dir-300 in repeater mode. Problems with the firmware lead to complete absence operating mode pages in the interface. When you configure the Dir router as a client, the device connects to the main router’s network and distributes Wi-Fi to consumers. When you set the same settings as on the base router, the device turns into a repeater.

We will assume that the settings of the main router to which the provider cable is connected have been completed. That is, the DHCP server is enabled on the router,
IP and DNS addresses are obtained in automatic mode,
The connection type defined by the provider is set. And also completely behaved Wi-Fi setup, parameters are set that determine the security of the network.

The router is configured on a PC connected to one of the four LAN connectors. WAN port - for the provider cable. Login to the repeater interface occurs after:

Therefore, open the Wi-Fi section, and in it - the “Client” item.

On new page Check the boxes “Enable” and “Broadcast wireless network”. Select and specify the parameters:

  • name (SSID);
  • wireless network standard;
  • its authentication and encryption type;
  • channel used;
  • PSK encryption key (password).

The parameters of the Wi-Fi repeater are completely identical to the parameters of the broadcast network of the main router. Execute the “Apply” command.

When returning to home page select the “Network/WAN” section by clicking on the “Add” stencil. We create a new connection, where we specify “Dynamic IP”, “Wi-Fi Client interface”.
Save the settings by clicking the “Apply” stencil. A pop-up window will appear asking you to save the device configuration.
After clicking on it, the client will connect to the main Wi-Fi, and consumers will receive the Internet.

Alternative firmware

DD WRT is a universal firmware for routers, created to expand the capabilities of “fine-tuning”, taking into account the requirements of each user. Updating is inherent additional features, including setting up a Wi-Fi repeater, which is not in the menu D-Link router Dir-300. Before installing the firmware, you need to find out the manufacturer (D-Link), model name and version (Dir-300). Then enter this data on the DD WRT website indicating the revision. If the latter is present in the list, the firmware is downloaded: a file with the extension .bin - on the PC.

After entering the Dir interface, find the “System” tab, and in it - the “Software Update” item. By clicking on the “Browse” stencil, we find the downloaded file and execute the “Update” command. After the process is completed, reboot the Dir-300 router.

Repeater mode setting

After update software and installing universal firmware, there is a chance to configure the Dir-300 router as a repeater (repeater) of the Wi-Fi network signal of the main router. To do this, disable DHCP in the settings. From it, the router automatically receives an IP from the specified range for certain time. We manually assign a free static IP to the repeater that is not included in this range. In addition, we enter the connection data: gateway and DNS server addresses that match network address Dir-300 router, provider subnet mask.

The article describes a way to expand the coverage area of ​​a wireless Wi-Fi network based on Asus equipment and D-link, home or small office class. For example, Asus WL-320gE, Asus WL-520gU and D-Link DIR-300. Often in a room (office, apartment with many concrete walls, two-story premises) the signal from 1 router is not strong enough to reliably cover the entire workspace. The way out of the situation is to become installing a repeater (repeater or amplifier) ​​Wi-Fi signal.

One solution to the problem is to install separate routers (access points) in adjacent rooms with different networks. In such a situation, different parts of the network can receive quick access to the Internet, but cannot interact with each other. For this option, in principle, it is possible, but for an office it is categorically unacceptable.

So, we need a stable Wi-Fi network throughout the office. For this we need to have two devices − WiFi router And point WiFi access with repeater function.

Wireless Distribution System (WDS) technology

Allows expand your wireless network coverage by combining multiple WiFi access points into single network without the need for a wired connection between them (which is mandatory in a traditional network design). You can use the creation virtual Wi-Fi access points, .

Negatives WDS :

  • Network throughput drops up to 50% compared to a regular connection.
  • The speed of work via WiFi decreases because one channel is used to connect points
  • compatibility problem between different manufacturers
  • WEP encryption only.

Positive aspects WDS :

  • lack of wired connection between Wi-Fi access points
  • saving MAC addresses of network clients

WDS operates based on MAC addresses, similar to a network switch. URE- this is a signal repeater, the signal is relayed without processing, like a wire repeater - by a hub, when the received packet is simply repeated to all ports, or with an antenna crab.

Setting up the Asus Wl-520gU router

For example, the Asus WL-520gU router is connected to a wired Internet provider and will act as a gateway for other computers on the network. Asus WL-520gU router address in local network It will also act as a DHCP server on the local network. But the main thing is that in the same network the router and access point should not simultaneously be DHCP servers.

WiFi network and options settings for using WDS

MenuWireless -> Interface:

  • SSID: yourNetworkName
  • Channel: 10
  • Wireless Mode: Auto, 54g Protection installed
  • Auth. mode: WPA-Personal
  • WPA-Encryption: TKIP

MenuWireless -> Bridge

  • AP Mode: Hybrid
  • Channel: 10
  • Connect to APs in Remote Bridge List: Yes (Remote Bridge List does not contain mac addresses)

MenuWireless -> Advanced:

  • Enable AfterBurner: Disabled
  • Hide SSID: No

MenuSystem Setup -> Operation Mode:

  • Select Home Gateway mode

Configuring an Asus Wl-320gE access point as a repeater

The access point on our network has an IP address of The DHCP server on this access point must be disabled.

MenuIP Config -> LAN:

  • IP:
  • Mask:
  • Gateway:

MenuWireless -> Interface:

  • SSID: yourNetworkName
  • Wireless Mode: Auto (the checkbox for 54g Protection is not checked for some reason)
  • Auth. mode: WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK
  • WPA/WPA2-Encryption: TKIP
  • Network Key Rotation Interval: 0

MenuWireless -> Advanced:

  • Hide SSID: No
  • Set AP Isolated: No
  • Mode: URE


  • SSID: yourNetworkName
  • Auth. mode: WPA/WPA2-PSK
  • WPA/WPA2-Encryption: TKIP
  • Network Key Rotation Interval: 0

Setting up D-link DIR-300 in Wi-Fi repeater mode

At d-link settings dir-300 as a Wi-Fi signal repeater, the settings of the second access point remain unchanged. It is recommended before setting up.

Alternative firmware D-link DIR-300

DIR-300 with factory firmware does not have Wi-Fi signal relay mode. Search official firmware D-Link with repeater support is useless. Therefore, let’s pay attention to the project DD-WRT firmware at

DD-WRT- This free firmware for wireless routers , built on BroadCom, Atheros, Xscale, PowerPC chips. Initially developed for the Linksys WRT54G series of routers (including WRT54GL and WRT54GS) and is a miniature operating system, based on the Linux kernel. Distributed under the GNU GPL v2 license.

First you need reflash DIR-300 with DD-WRT firmware. There are descriptions of various firmware methods of this router. DIR-300 Revision B1 can be flashed directly from the standard administrative web interface. If you have any problems with the firmware, you can try reset the router from crash mode.

Setting up D-link DIR-300 in repeater mode

After successful firmware, proceed to setting up the router in Wi-Fi repeater mode. During the first connection to the reflashed DIR-300 via IP address, you will be asked to set a new username and password for subsequent configuration.

Instructions for installing DIR-300 in Wi-Fi repeater mode

Installation - Basic Settings

  • disable the WAN interface
  • DHCP server
  • we register network settings to our repeater. It must be on the same network as the main router. For example, there is a network, the gateway and DNS server acts as a router with IP address For the Dir-300 repeater, we knock out a free static address, for example, which is not within the distribution range of the DHCP server.
  • Save the settings.

Wi-Fi setup

  • Wireless network type - Repeater-bridge,
  • set the SSID name to the same as that of the relayed network
  • Save the settings.

Setting up a secure network with WEP encryption

  • Wi-Fi Network Security
  • register a similar encryption algorithm and network key that is used in the expandable network!
  • Save.

As a result we have configured repeater Wi-Fi networks based on DIR-300. If you have any questions or would like to contact the ITcom specialist contact number.

Many people who actively use the Internet connection currently have a Wi-Fi router. In today's offices, routers are considered an essential element of infrastructure and provide access to the Internet for many users. Often there is a need to connect a device as a client. In client mode, the router independently connects to an existing wireless network and distributes the Internet from it to connected devices.

What might you need? this mode? For example, you have 2 desktop PCs and 1 Smart TV, which only supports a wired connection. Pave network cables from the wireless router is not too easy due to the latter's location. It is much easier to use the D-Link DIR-300.

Client mode can be configured in three different ways:

Enabling client mode in standard firmware

In the instructions given here, setting up the client mode on the DIR-300 is carried out on equipment that has been installed in advance reset to standard. In addition, all procedures are performed on a wireless router that is connected to a PC.

Flashing the DD-WRT router

DD-WRT is free firmware for wireless routers based on BroadCom/Atheros/Xscale/PowerPC microchips. You can download it from this link Firmware for routers revision B1 is done as follows:

  1. Enter in the search bar of your web browser . Enter your login details. Update the firmware file through the device menu.
  2. At the 1st launch of the firmware enter your login and password administrator.
  3. You can configure the equipment.

For revision A devices, firmware must be installed throughTFTP.

The article describes a way to expand the coverage area of ​​a wireless Wi-Fi network based on Asus and D-link equipment, home or small office class. For example, Asus WL-320gE, Asus WL-520gU and D-Link DIR-300. Often in a room (office, apartment with many concrete walls, two-story premises) the signal from 1 router is not strong enough to reliably cover the entire workspace. The way out of the situation is to become installing a repeater (repeater or amplifier) ​​Wi-Fi signal.

One solution to the problem is to install separate routers (access points) in adjacent rooms with different networks. In this situation, different parts of the network can access the Internet quickly, but cannot communicate with each other. For this option, in principle, it is possible, but for an office it is categorically unacceptable.

So, we need a stable Wi-Fi network throughout the office. For this we need to have two devices − WiFi router And WiFi access point with repeater function.

Wireless Distribution System (WDS) technology

Allows expand your wireless network coverage by combining several WiFi access points into a single network without the need for a wired connection between them (which is mandatory in a traditional network design). You can use the creation of a virtual Wi-Fi points access, .

Negatives WDS :

  • Network throughput drops up to 50% compared to a regular connection.
  • The speed of work via WiFi decreases because one channel is used to connect points
  • compatibility problem between different manufacturers
  • WEP encryption only.

Positive aspects WDS :

  • lack of wired connection between Wi-Fi access points
  • saving MAC addresses of network clients

WDS operates based on MAC addresses, similar to a network switch. URE- this is a signal repeater, the signal is relayed without processing, like a wire repeater - by a hub, when the received packet is simply repeated to all ports, or with an antenna crab.

Setting up the Asus Wl-520gU router

For example, the Asus WL-520gU router is connected to a wired Internet provider and will act as a gateway for other computers on the network. The address of the Asus WL-520gU router on the local network is It will also act as a DHCP server on the local network. But the main thing is that in the same network the router and access point should not simultaneously be DHCP servers.

WiFi network and options settings for using WDS

MenuWireless -> Interface:

  • SSID: yourNetworkName
  • Channel: 10
  • Wireless Mode: Auto, 54g Protection installed
  • Auth. mode: WPA-Personal
  • WPA-Encryption: TKIP

MenuWireless -> Bridge

  • AP Mode: Hybrid
  • Channel: 10
  • Connect to APs in Remote Bridge List: Yes (Remote Bridge List does not contain mac addresses)

MenuWireless -> Advanced:

  • Enable AfterBurner: Disabled
  • Hide SSID: No

MenuSystem Setup -> Operation Mode:

  • Select Home Gateway mode

Configuring an Asus Wl-320gE access point as a repeater

The access point on our network has an IP address of The DHCP server on this access point must be disabled.

MenuIP Config -> LAN:

  • IP:
  • Mask:
  • Gateway:

MenuWireless -> Interface:

  • SSID: yourNetworkName
  • Wireless Mode: Auto (the checkbox for 54g Protection is not checked for some reason)
  • Auth. mode: WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK
  • WPA/WPA2-Encryption: TKIP
  • Network Key Rotation Interval: 0

MenuWireless -> Advanced:

  • Hide SSID: No
  • Set AP Isolated: No
  • Mode: URE


  • SSID: yourNetworkName
  • Auth. mode: WPA/WPA2-PSK
  • WPA/WPA2-Encryption: TKIP
  • Network Key Rotation Interval: 0

Setting up D-link DIR-300 in Wi-Fi repeater mode

When setting up d-link dir-300 as a Wi-Fi signal repeater, the settings of the second access point remain unchanged. It is recommended before setting up.

Alternative firmware D-link DIR-300

DIR-300 with factory firmware does not have Wi-Fi signal relay mode. Search for official D-Link firmware with repeater support it is useless. Therefore, let’s pay attention to the project DD-WRT firmware at

DD-WRT- This free firmware for wireless routers, built on BroadCom, Atheros, Xscale, PowerPC chips. Initially developed for the Linksys WRT54G series of routers (including WRT54GL and WRT54GS) and is a miniature operating system based on the Linux kernel. Distributed under the GNU GPL v2 license.

First you need reflash DIR-300 with DD-WRT firmware. There are descriptions of various firmware methods of this router. DIR-300 Revision B1 can be flashed directly from the standard administrative web interface. If you have any problems with the firmware, you can try reset the router from crash mode.

Setting up D-link DIR-300 in repeater mode

After successful firmware, proceed to setting up the router in Wi-Fi repeater mode. During the first connection to the reflashed DIR-300 via IP address, you will be asked to set a new username and password for subsequent configuration.

Instructions for installing DIR-300 in Wi-Fi repeater mode

Installation - Basic Settings

  • disable the WAN interface
  • DHCP server
  • We assign network settings to our repeater. It must be on the same network as the main router. For example, there is a network, the gateway and DNS server is a router with the IP address For the Dir-300 repeater, we knock out a free static address, for example, which is not within the distribution range of the DHCP server.
  • Save the settings.

Wi-Fi setup

  • Wireless network type - Repeater-bridge,
  • set the SSID name to the same as that of the relayed network
  • Save the settings.

Setting up a secure network with WEP encryption

  • Wi-Fi Network Security
  • register a similar encryption algorithm and network key that is used in the expandable network!
  • Save.

As a result we have configured Wi-Fi network repeater based on DIR-300. If you have any questions or would like to contact the ITcom specialist contact number.