The very first thing you need to figure out is what parsing is. Perhaps you know this definition, and even if not, it will be easy to understand. Parsing- means to collect information from any source with subsequent data processing. If we talk about special cases, parsing in seo (in other words, parsing search results) is the collection and analysis of statistics on user queries.

Search engines use parsing too. So, search robots parse, analyzing web pages and entering information about them into the database of search engines.

Yandex.Wordstat is a very useful service in seo. But working with it is possible only if you have a Yandex. It allows you to select keywords based on user queries in order to further compose a semantic core from them.

First of all, you need to define the topic. What do you sell? What services do you provide? Having defined your topic and what you will ask for, you can start using Wordstat.

Enter your query in the search bar. And expand it with the returned results.

The results are presented in two columns. The number next to the request is the projected number of impressions per month that can be obtained by selecting the request you like with a key phrase. The forecast is for the last 30 days before the date of statistics update.

You can configure the search results to be shown by region. If you provide services only in Moscow, select the "All regions" tab (it is located just below the search bar) and customize it for yourself.

In the left column, all phrases with the words of your query, and the words in it, are sorted in descending order of frequency of impressions. It is important for you to immediately select those options for extended keys that will be target for your project. Target queries are those queries for which a user entering a query into a search engine can find what he needs on your site. Target phrases will be of lower frequency, and users who come from search results will be able to find what they wanted, which means they will not leave your site right away. These visitors are important to you, because they are the ones who can perform the target action - buy a product or order a service.

Check the selected phrases - exclude those with a frequency close to zero. To do this, use the ““ (Quotation marks) operator.

Then go to the right column.

The right column shows queries similar to yours. Having collected what you need, do not forget to check the phrases with the operator ““ (Quotes).

Having typed a sufficient number of key phrases, you proceed to the next stage: divide the phrases by frequency. This completes your work with Wordstat.

For some keywords, Wordstat gives incorrect information. How can you check it? Go to the "Request History" tab and take a look at the statistics.

Statistics readings are presented in 2 graphs: absolute and relative.

Absolute indicator Is the actual value of impressions in different periods of time. And the relative indicator is the ratio of impressions for the query of interest to the total number of impressions on the network. It demonstrates the popularity of the query among all others.

If the graph of the relative value is higher than the absolute one, then, perhaps, there is an automatic cheating of the request, or the interest in the request is higher than normal. Perhaps this is due to the season. So the demand for skis is higher in winter.

The parsing process can be automated. In this case, it is possible to use not only paid and free software but also browser extensions.

1. Extension for Yandex browser Wordstat Assistant. Install it in your browser, and when working with Yandex.WordStat, a panel will appear on the left in which you can collect your favorite keywords.

2. Key Collector- the program is paid, but highly functional.

  • There is a “Yandex.Wordstat” tab in the settings. By clicking on it, you can set the parsing depth. More keys can be collected this way. But it is recommended to set it to 0 so as not to increase the time. And the keys can be expanded in another way, and it will take less time to collect them. The maximum number of pages for parsing in Yandex.Wordstat is 40. Each page contains up to 50 phrases. Thus, the maximum number of results for one phrase in Wordstat is 2000. And if you want to collect more data, you need to expand the input word list by adding qualifying words. For example, not just "cabbage", but "cauliflower", "cabbage production", etc .;

Yandex Wordstat is one of the basic services for SEO-optimizers working in the Russian Internet. The standard tool of the system allows you to search for key phrases from the search results - high, medium and low frequency - using operators for this to increase search efficiency and setting up geolocation. Among SEOs, the process of collecting key queries that are relevant to the topic of the site is called parsing.

Experts carry out parsing Yandex to form a semantic core - a linguistic "backbone" for future content, which most accurately reflects the niche or service that the site offers. For this, there is its own search tool in Yandex - Yandex Wordstat Assistant, which can be linked to your account for free. With its help, it is convenient to collect and upload the collected keywords to an Excel spreadsheet.

You can use this tool, but only if you have a relatively small site where the semantic core is no more than a thousand requests. If the amount of work involved in collecting the semantic core is much greater (for example, for an online store with many products), then it will be unreasonably long to parse Yandex results manually using Wordstat Assistant. It is more expedient to do this with the help of special programs and online services - free, shareware and paid (for example, Key Collector).

Let's consider the basic principles of working with Wordstat, as well as popular tools for automatically collecting search queries.

How to parse correctly in Wordstat: an overview of programs for analyzing search results

Parsing Yandex SERPs is the process of collecting search queries on a given topic (using basic markers). With Yandex Wordstat Assistant, you can easily get basic information for the formation of the semantic core - search queries, the number of impressions per month for each phrase, as well as words similar in topic that help to expand the reach target audience... The Wordstat parser allows you to get information by words and by regions, while the system is focused on sites.

If you want to perform an advanced search that includes not only Yandex, but also social networks and other search engines, you need to use universal tools, for example, A-Parser. This software product is easy to use, but to work effectively with it, you need to buy a proxy for parsing.

In whatever environment you work, use the universal scheme for collecting the semantic core:

  • formation of a basic list of markers (queries that are uniquely relevant to the site);
  • collection keywords;
  • removal of "garbage" - unnecessary and accidentally included in the list of requests;
  • clustering of keywords by site sections or topics.

We consider the main algorithm for working with Wordstat and Yandex parsim for collecting semantics using the example of a real estate agency website. Let's say we need to compile a list of relevant keywords that correspond to the base marker "apartment rent".

Advice! Pay attention to the clues like “search along with this” in the next search results box - this will help you reach a wider audience when composing your SEO content.

To make it easier for yourself the task of manual parsing, use the operators Yandex. For example, by putting a "!" Sign at the end of a search phrase, you will fix the end of the search query, and the system will search for words in this particular word form. The operator "-" (minus) will allow you to remove unnecessary words, and the square brackets "" - to fix the order of words in the query.

Experts advise to combine manual and automatic selection of queries to compose a semantic core, especially for beginners. Using the standard Yandex Wordstat Assistant tool, you develop the skills of intuitive selection of search phrases that lead to the site target customers using medium and low frequency keys. High-frequency phrases don't always work, especially in a competitive niche.

If you do not have time for manual parsing in Yandex Wordstat, use special tools. Various things can be found on the Internet software, but most Russian-speaking SEO-optimization specialists do parsing of Yandex search results using Key Collector.

This is a desktop product that allows you to create and store projects for each site in the local computer memory, upload and save files and do keyword parsing in accordance with regional settings. The program requires linking to an account. To work with key search queries in the Key Collector, there are icons of the main search engines in Runet (in our case, it is a Yandex parser, although you can choose Google, Bing and others).

Other useful SEO services include:

  • Serpstat- a multifunctional platform for professionals with a trial version with limited functionality, as well as a paid subscription from $ 19 to $ 299 per month;
  • Ahrefs is a web service with many useful options, including niche monitoring, competitor analysis and site indexing improvement. To collect the semantic core, the Keywords Explorer tool is provided. You can test it from $ 7 per week;
  • Semrush- an analogue of Ahrefs in terms of functionality, more expensive in terms of tariffs (from $ 99 and above).

Experts say that Kay Collector is the most convenient and functional program, which makes the life of the optimizer much easier. It has many useful options for fine-tuning Yandex parser parameters (for example, search depth, selective search for queries by base frequency, etc.).

But the program has a nuance - it is paid. The cost of the license is 1800-1900 rubles for electronic and non-cash payments, respectively.

Advice! If for some reason you do not want to use this product, you can try its free analogue "Slovoyob". A simpler option is also suitable - Bukvarix - free service to collect keywords and form a semantic core.

Parsing Yandex Wordstat can be done independently and using special programs. Manual collection through the Wordstat Assistant tool pays off if your niche has a narrow focus and few competitors, and the list of search queries is relatively small. For large volumes of work, it is recommended to use special programs for parsing and analytics.

One of the most popular modules in Rush Analytics is the Yandex Wordstat parser, and this is no coincidence. When collecting the semantic core, it is necessary to know exactly the frequency of the collected requests in order to correctly prioritize promotion and get rid of "junk" and zero requests. Often the task is to break through tens of thousands of requests for frequency in Yandex, but this is not an entirely simple task for self-written Wordstat parsers and desktop programs, and here's why:

  1. Yandex Wordstat has good protection against parsing, for example, banning IP addresses from which parsing and throwing out captcha in response to requests from bots. To efficiently collect data from Wordstat, you need an efficient IP address connection algorithm and other tricks.
  2. To parse a large amount of data using desktop programs, you will need a lot of IP addresses (proxies), which Yandex can easily ban if the connection algorithm is not optimal, and proxies are not cheap
  3. Also, for parsing, you will need to automatically enter a large amount of captcha (for example, connecting Antigate for this task). This factor, with a non-optimal parsing algorithm, can make the parsing itself unprofitable, since the cost of the captcha will be too high
  4. Most desktop programs have no data loss protection during collection. So, for example, having collected half of the data and spent money on it, if the parser fails, you risk not only not getting the remaining data, but also losing the data already collected

Parsing Yandex Wordstat in Rush Analytics

Taking into account all the difficulties that may arise when parsing Wordstat, we made our Wordstat parser as fast, convenient and resistant to the maximum number of problems associated with parsing:

  • No proxies or captchas! You no longer need to think about banning your proxies or a huge amount of captchas issued by Yandex. Just create a project, upload keywords and wait for the finished file with the result
  • High parsing speed. Our algorithms use the optimal IP connection scheme and other tricks to make the parsing speed phenomenally high - you won't even notice how your project gets done!
  • Data safety. By creating a project in our parser, you can be sure that it will be successfully completed and available for download at any time and from anywhere in the world - all data is stored in the cloud!
  • Support for all Yandex regions. Many users have a need to determine the frequency of queries in Yandex not only for the region "Moscow" or "Russia", but also for others, including "Ukraine" and "Belarus". In Rush Analytics, you can determine the frequency of requests for any region that Yandex currently supports.
  • Collection of all frequencies. With the help of our parser, you can collect all the frequencies: search query, "search query", "! Search! Query".

  • Collecting the left column of Wordstat. In addition to checking the frequency of requests, it is possible to collect keywords from the left column of Wordstat with a parsing depth setting from one page to collecting all pages in the left column.
  • Collecting the right column of Wordstat. Collection of keywords is available from the right column of Wordstat.

If you need high-speed collection of frequencies Yandex Wordstat - Rush Analytics The best decision especially if you need to collect large amounts of data. Individual conditions are provided for users with the need to collect more than 100,000 requests per month, just write to our support at

Download parser archive
This parser collects keywords and frequency into an Excel file from the Yandex wordstat service.
If your frequent tasks include the collection of statistics on keywords from the yandex waterstat service, then one of the ways to optimize the workflow is to delegate the task of parsing keywords to the parser.
This parser is not original in functionality, but original in the simplicity of settings and data retrieval by keywords.

The functionality of this parser allows you to collect key words from the service, statistics of the requested keys collected, the exact frequency of keys, as well as ungroup the collected keys into clusters.

Parser settings:

1. Login from - in this field you must enter the address of your mailbox from Yandex mail

2. Password from - in this field you must enter the password from your mail on Yandex

3. File with keywords - this field specifies a file with a list of keywords (the file must be saved in utf-8 format, each key on a new line), if you plan to activate clustering of queries after collection, then this file should contain only 1 basic passphrase (all words are in lowercase only (in small letters))

4. File with negative keywords - this field specifies a file with a list of negative keywords (the file must be saved in utf-8 format, each negative word on a new line)

5. The depth of capture - to what depth to parse

6. Explore results - this option activates the stage of query clustering after the keys are collected by the base phrase (by activating this option, you must specify the file to save the study)

7. Check for exact frequency - this option activates the collection of the exact frequency for the collected keys

8. Deep Scan - this option activates deep scan

9. Key for captchas - optional

10. File for saving keys - Excel file, into which keywords from the service will be saved

11. File for saving the study - Excel file in which the grouped clusters will be saved after clustering

If you have any questions or wishes - write to the mail [email protected]
skype - vipvodu
Download parser archive

An example of a file with clusters by key is a client base.

1. Check the settings carefully before starting.
2. If the program, after pressing the button - start - turns off - then most likely something is wrong with the settings, or there are hanging processes after the previous interrupted parsing, hanging processes must either be killed in the task manager, or restart the computer.
3. Do not interrupt parsing, wait for the inscription - All data is saved

If you have a large project with a semantic core for several hundred or thousands of requests, you must admit that sitting in Wordstat and selecting them manually will seem like a sophisticated torture. It is good that there are helper programs that can take over the bulk of the routine work. One of these programs is called Slovoyob.

What is Slovoyob

Slovoeb- a free (and significantly reduced in functionality) version of the program, which is loved by professional optimizers. Most of the functions of KeyColletor are unlikely to be needed by an ordinary user, so you can get by with Slovoyob to solve the main task - the selection of keywords.

By the way, the paid KeyCollector also allows you to parse words from Google AdWords - this is especially useful if your site is focused primarily on countries where Google provides the main traffic. Free Slovoeb is limited only by Yandex.

First you need to download the Slovoyob program. You can do this by following the link on the blog.

The program does not require installation. Just unzip the archive to any comfortable spot on your computer and run Slovoeb.exe. In the future, all your settings will be stored in the selected folder. Before starting work, do not forget to read the material about - the information in the article is relevant for this program as well.

Slovoeb setup

Here's what we see after launch:

Before getting started, there are a number of settings that need to be made. The first is to specify Yandex accounts for keyword parsing. Let me remind you that you can work with Wordstat only after authorization. Therefore, I advise there are about five accounts specially designed for Slovoyob. Do not use special characters inpasswords of these accounts!

I do not recommend using your real account, as the program makes a lot of requests to Yandex per unit of time, for which you can get sanctions.

Click on the gear icon in the upper left part of the program window and go to settings.

Select the Yandex.Direct tab and enter the account data in the format Login: Password... Optionally, you can specify a proxy. Be sure to read the memo in the settings window!

I advise you to study and change other software settings.

Automatic captcha recognition

The next step is to automate captcha recognition. Agree, what is the point in the program, if every time it requires you to manually enter the captcha issued by Yandex. Since Slovoyob will send requests to Yandex many times in a short period of time, captchas are inevitable.

I use the service Antigate... If you wish, you can use other programs. Slovoeb supports the following:

  • Antigate
  • CaptchaBot
  • RIPCaptcha
  • ruCaptcha
  • SocialLink

I had never heard of many of them before.

In the case of Antigate, there is a caveat: they moved to a new site (although the old one is still available). They use common base, so there is a single account on both sites. Which one to register on is up to you. The first one is more classic, spartan, more familiar to experienced webmasters. The second is more modern.

Please note that Antigate is paid. But inexpensive. I have enough 1 dollar for 2 months of work (or even more).

Go to the anticaptcha settings page by clicking on the tab on the left side of the settings window.

In field Antigate key enter your anti-captcha key. You can get it in the Antigate profile settings.

This completes the basic setup of Slovoyob.

Selection of keywords with the help of Slovoyob

It's time to proceed directly to the selection of requests. To do this, you need to create a new project. All his data will be saved to a file. There can be an unlimited number of such files, so you can easily switch between projects.

Click on the "Create Project" button:

In the window that opens, choose where to save the file and how to name it. I usually name the files by the name of the site and save them to the project folder (where all the other data on it is located). Someone keeps all Slovoyob files in a single folder. Whom it is more convenient.

The next step after creating the project is setting up the region. If your site is focused only on a specific region (or regions), you need search query statistics for it, and not around the world. Click on the region selection button and check the boxes you want.

Here everything is the same as in the Wordstat interface:

It's time for your keywords!

To start selecting requests, click on the button “ Batch collection of requests from the left column of Yandex.Wordstat“As shown in the screenshot.

In the window that opens, enter the keywords based on which you want to select queries. Everything is exactly the same as in the Wordstat interface. The main difference is that in the program you can enter several words at once, and the program will work with them in turn, while in Wordstat you need to work with each word in turn, manually, which significantly increases the work time.

Click on the “ Start collecting“. Hooray, now you can go make coffee or switch to other tasks. Slovoyob will take time to collect requests.

Stop words

After the program has parsed the keywords, it is necessary to filter them, discarding combinations and formulations that are not of interest to us. This can be done using stop words. Click on the big button “ Stop words”With a picture of a shield. In the window that opens, click on the button “ Add as a list“. In another window that opens, list the stop words (each with a new line) that should not be in your search query. For example, we are not interested in queries with the words “download”, “torrent”, “ a new version”, “latest version”And so on, since we do not distribute the program itself, but only its description.

After entering the stop words, click on the “ Mark phrases in the table”In the lower left corner of the stop word window.

Working with frequency in Slovoeb

There is one caveat left: the frequency of requests displayed in the column is the base frequency, that is, a phrase with all word forms. To determine frequencies using operators, click on the button with the magnifying glass and select “ Collect the frequencies of the form ” ” “.