The world famous Yahoo! invites the domestic user to use the Russian-language version of the well-known portal abroad. Yahoo search engine in Russian began its work not so long ago, but now domestic visitors this service have the opportunity to use the function "Search on the Internet" and read news in Russian from partners of the company.

The section "My favorites" invites users to leave links to sites of interest to them on the main page of the portal, as well as to use other functions in order to give the Russian-language version of the search engine an individual look.

Yahoo search bar (working)

Search engine Yaho and Bing

On the this moment the system is in second place in the world popularity rating. It easily processes about 6-7% of information requests coming from all over the planet. As you can see, this project is not only popular, but also in demand.

Several large corporations tried to acquire this company in 2007-2008, but to no avail. So, for example, in mid-2008 Microsoft offered over 45 billion dollars for it, but the bosses decided to reject such an offer, because they thought that they could earn much more on their own.

But they did not last long, and already in 2009, the Yahoo-Microsoft tandem was formed. But it was not possible to compete. The bulk of the pessimistic forecasts regarding such a merger came true with incredible accuracy. In this regard, the company's management decided, as an emergency, to start introducing a number of innovations. According to their assumptions, they should significantly increase the functionality of the service.

After the service stopped supporting its own engine, moving its search potential to the Bing engine, Yahoo's share in the global market fell by several percent, which is unlikely to be related to the consequences of the transition period.

Apparently, the managers' instinct to keep the company turned out to be stronger over the all-encompassing trust in the partner, since the corporation began to reorganize the Yaho search engine without getting the go-ahead from Microsoft. We decided to focus all work on the following areas:

  • Optimization of advertising tools;
  • Enhancing the protection of data about system users;
  • Creation of your own analytical center.

Search Engine Yahu Review

The project was founded more than twenty years ago, and today it is the oldest and most complete Internet directory.

Today it is the popular Yaho search engine, serving over a million queries every day. It all started with two people, David Philo and Jerry Yang, who were just planning to collect bookmarks in one place.

This search engine has gained success and popularity due to the manual labor of a huge number of editors who tirelessly compose and edit the contents of the catalog.

The difference between Yahoo search engine in Russian from others is that it searches exclusively in the directory. Thanks to a simple and complete list of categories, the necessary heading and the necessary sites are quickly found. The main page of the portal loads almost instantly and displays a list of text links about new sites or materials. In the middle of the page there is a search box with a list of categories. At the bottom of the Yahoo home page, links to the most visited sections of the project are displayed.

If there was no information on your request, then the search engine AltaVista was connected. True, it was turned off a couple of years ago, and now it is connected.

Yahoo - more than just a search engine in Russian

On the one hand, the search for information on the global network is a priority task, but it has long ceased to be a simple search engine, but has become a huge portal that combines many services. E-mail is no longer a surprise to anyone, rather its absence will cause bewilderment, so it's no surprise that the Mail service is present, just like the Messenger instant messaging service. Recently, a new service, Answer, was introduced, combining the intelligence of users and computing. Moreover, in early 2010, the Yahoo search engine acquired the Flickr service, thanks to which people process and send pictures and photos. Now you will not surprise anyone with this, but at that time the service was extremely popular.

It should be noted that in order to increase the popularity of the portal and its services, the company's specialists create versions of their services in other countries. For example, Taiwan decided to test a version of the Answer service, which eventually gained wide popularity, thereby giving impetus to the opening of several more versions of this service in other states. In addition, the search engine has several research centers abroad.

And finally, it should be mentioned that today the employees of the corporation continue to work hard on mobile versions services and services. Using the new Go platform, people work with their emails from their smartphones and tablets, communicate with each other using Messenger instant messages, share photos with the Photos service, search necessary information with Yahoo search engine in Russian. To further increase their audience, the company goes to various tricks in order to lure users. One of these is Yahoo users creating their own commercials.

In Maljac, our father is considered the kindest man,
soft like freshly baked bread.
They think correctly.
But there is too much crumb in it
and no crust at all.
Malville by Robert Merle.

To the question of how the quartet of the most popular sites in the world looks today, the domestic Internet user may not find a definite answer. If there should be no doubts with unshakable positions, and at the top of the conditional rating, then certain difficulties may arise with the determination of the fourth place. ? ? Or maybe Wikipedia ?! But they didn't guess ...

If you believe the authoritative web ratings (the same Alexa), then immediately after the mentioned trio follows Yahoo! is an American veteran with a monthly audience of 700 million users. This fact, as well as the curious fact that the popularity of Yahoo! in the States, according to some estimates, surpasses the love of Americans for, makes you take a closer look at the history of the development of this global portal.

The birth, strange name and first recognition of Yahoo! (1994-1996)

With the birth of Yahoo! owes to Stanford University, where at the dawn of the 90s, Jerry Yang and David Fileo, students of electrical engineering, studied and were friends. In January 1994, Jerry and David collaborated to launch Jerry and David's Guide to the World Wide Web with a highly original title, which is translated from English as Jerry and David's Guide to the World Wide Web.

The resource was a hierarchical directory of links to other sites of various subjects that the guys liked. According to the guys themselves, it was originally purely entertaining in nature. He was a kind of hobby for them and nothing more. In other words, at that moment, none of the two could even imagine that in the future their brainchild would face worldwide recognition and commercial success.

In April 1994, friends decided to replace the original bulky name with a more sonorous one. That was the word "Yahoo". The updated site at that time could be accessed at

By the way, about the name. There are two main versions of its origin:

  • The first states that the word "Yahoo" in the United States is still used to refer to the rude and uncouth people of the southern part of the country, where David Filo is from. Therefore, the latter was often called that way at the university. As you can see, David was not very worried about this, giving his nickname worldwide fame.

  • Second version boils down to the fact that the word "Yahoo" is an acronym for "Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle". Translated from English - "Another hierarchical importunate (helpful) diviner."

Which of the versions is the most consistent, everyone has the right to decide independently, but it is known for certain that the fathers of Yahoo! adhere to the first of them.

Whatever it was, by the end of 1994, the popularity of the project had increased markedly. It now boasted 1 million unique visitors per month. And this figure has steadily increased.

In pursuit of the outstanding commercial potential of their site, Jerry and David leave their studies in order to fully concentrate on the further development of the resource. In January 1995, the site moved to a new one - And already in March, a corporation of the same name was created. For this purpose, the comrades attracted investments from the venture capital company Sequoia Capital (California, USA) in the amount of $ 3 million.

Since emptying the year, in April 1996, Yahoo! enters the US stock market, making its creators millionaires overnight. With a par value of $ 13 per share, 2.6 million shares were sold. And this is almost 34 million conventional units.

This year the site itself is undergoing qualitative changes. From now on, it is not just a collection of links to interesting Internet resources. It is a search portal, with start page which millions of users in Western countries start their own. At this time, the launch of "MyYahoo" - a personalized user page, which, among other things, displays the latest news, stock quotes, weather forecasts, etc. In September 1996, the first overseas office of Yahoo! In Great Britain.

On this one could draw a line under this period in the development of Yahoo !, if not for one "but". You have probably noticed that I use the name of the portal with enviable persistence in conjunction with an exclamation mark. This is done for a reason. The fact is that at the time of the registration of the trademark by Stanford students, such a name was already listed in the private property of manufacturers of barbecue sauce, knives and even watercraft. In view of this, it was decided to make the name unique by adding an exclamation mark. That is why using the name of the portal without this sign (which is still common today) is erroneous.

Riding the wave of the dot-com success (1997-2000)

The end of the 90s of the last century was a period of rapid development of all kinds of Internet companies: from the largest to the smallest (the so-called "dot-com boom"). The boom was driven by giants like MSN, Lycos and, of course, Yahoo !. A characteristic feature of that time was the opening of additional services based on these, initially search, portals in order to attract as many visitors as possible.

In the case of Yahoo! the search for new ideas for new services was quite simple, if not primitive. The company began to buy up developed web projects in batches and create its own products on their basis. So, in 1997, the free mail service RocketMail was purchased, on the basis of which its own postal service Yahoo! Mail. In 1998, the purchase of ClassicGames and eGroups followed, which then became Yahoo! Games and Yahoo! Groups respectively.

In other words, the fate of many of the acquired projects was not as rosy as those of those mentioned above. For example, in 1999, Yahoo! bought the then popular GeoCities for a fabulous $ 4.6 billion. I bought it in order to ditch it safely. For a whole decade, the project languished in the bowels of the Web, until it finally disappeared in 2009. But such examples for Yahoo! there are quite a few. The corporation bought out promising and even profitable web projects in order to eventually bring them into decline.

Why did this happen? According to some experts, one of the main reasons was that after acquiring a startup, Yahoo! began to redraw the established rules of use for visitors. The latter objectively did not like it, and they gradually left the project, dooming it to extinction.

What else do you remember about the reporting period? Yes, the mass of various achievements of Yahoo !, both with a plus sign and with a minus sign. For example, in 1999, Yahoo! Messenger. This instant messaging program is popular to this day, especially in the United States.

On the negative side of Yahoo! can be attributed to the pathological unwillingness to develop their own search mechanism. Until 2000, Yahoo! uses search technologies from independent developers (say, Inktomi). And in June 2000, Yahoo! enters into a 4-year agreement with Google to use the Google search engine on As practice has shown, this step cost Yahoo! dear. In a relatively short period of time, the users of the portal have ceased to be associated with the search engine. As a result, many of them began to use Google directly, thus significantly reducing the "search" audience of Yahoo !.

Another blunder of Yahoo! led by Tim Coogl (chief executive since 1995), some consider a failed 2000 deal to buy the newly popular one. I would not be so categorical. It is not yet known whether we would have had the current one if Yahoo! Had "gotten" to it in due time.

Despite the achievements and miscalculations, the popularity of Yahoo! at the turn of the millennium, it grew at an incredible pace, and with it its market capitalization. When the dot-com boom reached its zenith (early 2000), Yahoo! gave $ 118.7, and the assets of the company itself were estimated at an incredible $ 100 billion. For Yahoo! it was a historic maximum! The company has never reached such financial heights again.

On the ruins of its former greatness (2001-2007)

And history knows many examples when the period of rapid growth of the company was replaced by its no less violent fall. Yahoo! Corporation did not escape a similar fate. She turned out to be one of the few who was lucky enough to survive the "dot-com crash", but at the same time lost much of its former greatness, including financial. Suffice it to say that in September 2001 the company's share price dropped to its all-time low of $ 8.11 per share. Now the cost of Yahoo! did not exceed 10 billion "American presidents". So, over the course of a year, Yahoo! has lost the status of the most expensive web company on the planet! This led to Tim Coogl losing his position at the helm of the company to Terry Simil.

For the reporting period of direct development of the portal, several distinctive features are also characteristic.

First, Yahoo! continues its chaotic evolution in all directions at once. Trying to replace the entire Internet for the user, Yahoo! launches a huge number of new entertainment, news and sports web products. For example, in 2005, the company introduced its own music service, Yahoo! Music as well as Yahoo! 360 °.

At the same time, a series of not fully thought out purchases from the Internet giant continues. Thus, such social platforms as,,, and others are transferred to the company. Many of them, due to the unique skill of Yahoo! lead to degradation of great sites, have not reached their full potential. The very same Flickr, the main photo hosting of the Network at that time, noticeably lost its popularity, having moved under the wing of Yahoo !.

Secondly, the company, due to the fact that in 2003 the agreement with Google came to the final (see above), finally decides to develop its own search engine. For these purposes for 2002-2003. experienced developers in this area were bought: Inktomi, Overture Services Inc., AltaVista and AlltheWeb. The result of their joint work for the good of the corporation was the creation of their own search technology - Yahoo! Slurp, which has been used on since the end of 2003.

Thirdly, having recognized all the prospects in a timely manner, Yahoo! since 2003, he has begun to work not only on its development, but also on its implementation in its services. In 2004, Yahoo! became "smart" - learned to "adjust" to search queries and user preferences.

And finally, fourthly, Yahoo! continues to demonstrate its failure in "skirmishes" with other influential Internet corporations. Let's say in 2006 Yahoo! loses the fight to Google, first for, and then for DoubleClick (an experienced player in the market). The attempt by Yahoo! crush under yourself.

During 2005-2007 between the management of Yahoo! and Microsoft are in active dialogue over a possible merger. However, in the end, the companies did not agree on anything in particular. Perhaps we have established closer cooperation in areas of interest to both. The local result of such friendship can be considered, for example, the fact that Yahoo! Messenger and MSN Messenger are now able to interact with each other.

In general, the logical result of the reporting period can be considered a statement by the company that it is impossible to compete on an equal footing with the already recognized leader of the Internet - Google. As a result, in 2007, Terry Simil resigned from his post, yielding to one of the founders of Yahoo! - Jerry Young.

Recent history of Yahoo! (2008 - present day)

On the eve of the global financial and economic crisis, Yahoo! makes a statement that mass layoffs of its employees are not far off. No sooner said than done! In December 2008, over 1.5 thousand employees were dismissed, which is slightly less than 10% of their total number.

Not long before that, the helping hand of Yahoo! once again held out by Microsoft. The company offered to buy Yahoo! for a record $ 44.6 billion. This offer was rejected by Yahoo! due to a very low price. Undervalued by Yahoo! executives.

Despite the fact that the "deal of the century" could not be concluded, the companies continued their cooperation. One of its most significant manifestations was the decision to use the search robot Bing on since 2008, the parent of which is precisely Microsoft. Thus, Yahoo! once again demonstrated its inconsistency, finally leaving the search segment of the Web at the mercy of Google and Microsoft.

Further development of Yahoo! associated with leapfrog in the top management of the company. In 2009, Jerry Yang left his post. After him, Carol Bartz and Scott Thompson took turns at the helm of the corporation. I must admit, they stood without results, because nothing good with Yahoo! until mid-2012 did not happen. On the contrary, the next massive layoffs, the throwing of management in search of new niches for the company, etc. There seemed to be no end to this and, accordingly, Yahoo! sooner or later, but it will repeat the fate of many of its long-forgotten purchases.

And when many specialists have already resigned themselves to this idea, the company in July 2012 was headed by Marissa Mayer - an eccentric, but at the same time very ambitious top manager, who most recently served as vice president of Google. Not to say that Marissa, during her time at the helm of Yahoo !, was able to radically change the portal and everything connected with it. But certain inclinations for the better were clearly outlined.

Her anti-crisis approach to management allowed the company to finally say goodbye to the huge ballast in the form of frozen and half-dead projects and concentrate on those whose potential is beyond doubt. At least hers.

So, in May 2013, Yahoo! acquired the popular Tumblr blogosphere for $ 1.1 billion, and relaunched Flickr on a grand scale (in Times Square). The company plans to create real, and not imaginary, competition to the recognized leaders of the Network in the field of mobile applications and video hosting.

In the future, we will find out whether Mrs. Mayer will succeed in her plans. In the meantime, it is worth noting that the wind of real change that she brought to Yahoo !, is already bearing fruit. So, the corporation began to be mentioned much more often in the media, and in a favorable light. Updated services Yahoo! began to grow into a new audience. Curiously, Yahoo! they even managed to outperform Google in some way - at the end of July 2013, various services of Yahoo! turned out to be more in demand among US residents in comparison with the projects of the search giant. The portal's American audience grew by 21% per year, which has not been observed for several years.

As a consequence of all that has been said, this year the value of the company's shares jumped to its five-year high. It's only the beginning?!

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  • send a message

    In Russia, the program did not take root, although the messenger from Yahu has a number of advantages. Among them - support for a large number of platforms (Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, Palm OS, Android, etc.), tight integration with the Yahoo! portal, which allows you to use mail, keep a calendar and address book, track the most important news, stock quotes, market conditions, weather forecast.

    The built-in search bar makes life much easier for users, which sends to the site for found links. Standard features include conferencing, voice and video communications, and chats.

    When installing the program, a new panel, which will give access to all of the listed features of Yahoo! Messenger. On the one hand, it is very convenient, on the other hand, such intrusiveness is annoying, especially since this panel appears regardless of your desire and consent, and you can only delete it together with Yahoo! Messenger. For those who are especially impatient, a response tracking function is provided - so that before your interlocutor touches the keyboard, you will already know about it.

    The appearance of the program is customizable using "skins". In addition to this latest version The Internet pager supports changing the background of message windows: you can simultaneously enjoy the swimming of fish or some kind of cartoon and chat. The developers called this innovation IMVironments, posted a lot of animated background images on the site and promised to update them regularly.

    Features of the program:

    • Real-time communication.
    • Integration with games, search and music services of the Yahoo portal.
    • Possibility to organize voice and video conferences.
    • High quality video calls.
    • Multi-user chats, photo and file sharing.
    • Access to radio stations.
    • The Launchcast service allows you to listen to your friends' music files.
    • You can play chess, checkers, backgammon, dominoes, etc. right in the window for sending messages.

    Russian: To Russify the Yahoo! Messenger, use the application from the Build- archive. Run it after installing the program and the messenger interface will be displayed in Russian.

    Despite my rather low rating of this search engine, still the first address Email was @yahoo. But this is a distant service for all of us, more it reminds us of a good media portal, like a rambler, which simply lost ground and left the list of search engine competitors. The site is completely tailored for a foreign user, so it is useless to look for some news here, and even more so in Russian.

    Although my knowledge of English is quite applicable to using this site, it is still very boring. By the way, the mail from Yahuu is also not as reliable as they say about it. SPAM is sent to the mail in quite a small amount. And it's just inconvenient to be there. Before going to America, and I went there according to one program, I just needed to have mail on this service, so I had to create it. Now I no longer use it, moreover, recently I just could not remember the password for the mailbox, but I restored it and looked, and there was just a bed of spammers.

    If we compare Russian products with each other and American ones, then we can single out such a feature. Google has the same priority over Yahoo as Yandex over Mail. There are a lot of different services on yacht, such as sports, dating, horoscopes, blogs and much more. It's just that each person chooses what he likes. I like Yandex, because I'm used to it, and here everything is in Russian, they publish only our news, not covering it, as they do on foreign sites.

    What's even worse is that our sites are just horribly indexed by this search engine. In this regard, a huge number of SEO optimizers simply do not pay close attention to this and place a big stake on promotion through Yandex and Google. I also have my own website, I put a lot of emphasis on the TIC and PR indicators from Yandex and Google, respectively. Yahuu also has its own directory of sites, but to get your resource there are simply terrible requirements, and often you rarely see our domestic site in this directory. Foreigners do not like us, except for Google, which indexes my sites even better than Yandex.

    Anyway, this is my assessment of the Yahoo search engine. I just shared my impressions of this portal. But this is so unusual for us that even one percent of Runet users do not use this resource as the main one for search queries.

    Thanks for attention! We share our impressions!

    Video review

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    Yahoo- the largest portal and search engine on the Internet, which takes a good share of search traffic around the world.

    So far as of May 2011 Yahoo search engine second after the share of searches in the United States. Also, for example, in Japan, the search engine Yahoo leads the search.

    Initially, Yahoo was created as a large directory, then it grew into a portal with a bunch of different services and a search engine.

    Who are the creators of Yahoo?

    Yahoo founders Stanford University graduate students David Philo and Jerry Young.

    In 1994 they developed a directory with links to other sites. Since then it was difficult to search for sites on the World Wide Web, the catalog gained immense popularity in a very short time, and by the fall of 1994 more than one hundred thousand users were using the catalog, and it had more than one million requests.

    If you look at Yahoo, the directory looked like this in 1995-1996:

    History of Yahoo

    In 1995, Yahoo Corporation was founded, and a year later, divisions were opened in countries such as Germany, Sweden, Italy, Spain, China, India, Japan and Canada.

    Then there was the Internet boom, and at that time Yahoo was making good money on advertising. By the time major search engines such as MSN, Lycos, Excite and Yahoo appeared, they were developing and growing at a great rate. And in order to attract and retain more visitors on the sites, search engines have acquired different services.

    In 1997, Yahoo acquired the RocketMail portal, which soon became the base for Yahoo Mail. Later, and eGroups were also acquired, resulting in Yahoo games and Yahoo Groups. In June 1999, Yahoo introduces Yahoo! Messenger is an instant messaging service.

    Until 2004, the search engine Yahoo used Google search technology, but after absorbing the search engines Inktomi, AltaVista and AllTheWeb, as well as the Overture service, it switched to its own search.

    In 2005-2006, Yahoo launched a number of new services like Yahoo! Music, Flickr and Yahoo! 360 °. The corporation also acquired a number of companies such as,, and webjay.

    In 2008, Microsoft made offers to shareholders to buy Yahoo for $ 44.6 billion, but the deal never materialized.

    Search engine Yahoo has a leading position in the Japanese market, and in 2010 it acquired Cirius Technologies, developer of the AdLocal geo-contextual advertising system, further strengthening its position in the Japan region.

    Yahoo profit

    The company's revenue in 2008 was $ 7.209 billion (in 2007 - $ 6.97 billion). Net profit - $ 424.298 million (2007 - $ 660 million).
    In 2009, revenues were $ 6.46 billion and net income was $ 605 million. In 2010, Yahoo's net income rose 105% to $ 1.24 billion.

    Features of promotion in Yahoo

    Yahoo search is different from Google or Bing. In order for the site to rank better in Yahoo, you need to add it to the search engine directory. The addition is paid and is billed annually.