Google is an internationally renowned company that offers its users a variety of Internet products. For example, search engine, browser and email service. With the help of Google, users can search for programs and download games. What is "Ok Google"? Next, we have to get acquainted with this service.

Many have heard about it, but not everyone knows why the corresponding utility was created. We will also try to learn the basics of working with OK Google. Even a preschooler is able to cope with such a task. It is enough to be able to read and use the Internet at an initial level.

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What is "Ok Google"? Many modern users have heard about this service. But what is it for?

OK Google is a voice search tool for information on the Internet. This is a kind of analogue of "Alice" from "Yandex". The service works on both computers and mobile devices. When activating voice search, the Google system is used.

To make it easier to work with the utility, you can install the OK Google application on Android and iOS. We'll talk about this later.

Installation on Android

How to install "About Key Google"? It is not difficult to do it, especially if the user is working with Android or iOS.

  • Go to PlayMarket.
  • Pass authorization in the system using Google-mail.
  • Find the OK Google utility in the corresponding application.
  • Click on the "Download and Install" button.
  • Wait for the operation to complete.
  • After downloading the installation wizard, the installation of the application will begin. As soon as the procedure is completed, the user can immediately use the utility to create search queries.

    Installing on iOS

    What is "Ok Google"? This is the name of the popular voice search service from Google. As we have already said, users can install the application of the same name on their mobile devices.

    In the case of iOS, you can proceed in this way:

  • Connect to the Internet on a mobile device. For example, via Wi-Fi.
  • Open AppStore.
  • Find "Ok Google" among the utilities.
  • Click on the "Download" button.
  • Initialize the application after loading.
  • That's all. Now you can start actively using the voice service.

    Connection option without app

    We figured out what "Ok Google" is. You can use this service without installing specialized applications for mobile devices. To do this, the user must have installed Google chrome on this or that gadget.

  • Go to Google Chrome.
  • Click on the button responsible for opening the main browser menu.
  • Go to "Settings" - " Voice search"-" Ok Google recognition ".
  • Indicate under what conditions the device should respond to a person's speech.
  • In the case of iOS, the guide will look like this:

  • Visit Google Browser.
  • In the upper corner of the application (on the left), click on your avatar.
  • Click on the words "Voice search".
  • Select settings for OK Google.
  • Click on the "Finish" button.
  • Everything is ready to use. Can I activate "Ok Google" voice search on my computer?

    For PC

    Yes. This is the simplest scenario. The thing is that OK Google on a PC works through a browser. The Google Chrome internet browser is ideal for bringing your idea to life.

  • Open the main menu of Google Chrome. To do this, you need to click on the button located to the right of the address bar.
  • Find the "Search" block.
  • Check the box next to "Enable voice search by command ...".
  • After saving the adjustments, the user can easily activate the learned option. But how to do that?

    We use the voice search service

    What is "Ok Google", we figured out. And how to get started with the service, too. Now it remains to figure out how to use the application.

    Computers are the easiest to work with. To successfully use "Ok Google" on a PC, you need:

  • Connect a microphone or any other recording device to your computer.
  • Open Google.
  • Click on the microphone on the right side of the Google search box. When correct settings you can skip this step.
  • Say "Ok Google" and then name the request data. For example, "Okay Google, where to go with the baby in Kaliningrad?"
  • See the search results.
  • On mobile devices, when working with a browser, it is suggested to act in a similar way. If the user has installed a specialized application from Google, you need to:

  • Launch the Google Chrome utility.
  • Say "OK Google" into the phone microphone. You can just tap on the microphone image.
  • Name your request for the search engine.
  • Important: the service requires a network connection.
  • One of the most innovative and significant products of recent times can be safely considered the so-called “ voice assistant»- a program that is activated by your own voice and thanks to which you can enter your requests into the system without wasting time using the keyboard.

    The main and most common voice assistant among users personal computers on the basis of "Windows" is "OK, GOOGLE" ("OK Google" in Russian) - a voice assistant from the company "GOOGLE", the leader of modern computer technologies.

    Ok Google Assistant first appeared in 2012 on the Android 4.1 mobile platform and over time received new features and functionality enhancements.

    More than 4 years have passed since the release of this program, and during this time the functionality has undergone significant changes, and the program is irreplaceable in daily use. Let's consider the possibilities with specific examples.

    Finding information on the Internet

    On computers with the Windows operating system, the use of the service is possible if you have a working microphone and use the “GOOGLE” search engine, which you can select in the browser settings.

    Search for events

    There are times when we need to clarify some information on events: search for a cinema with a new film or the nearest hotel for rest, but there is no time to look for sites and study them - in such a case, "OK, Google" becomes an indispensable tool.

    By opening a browser or activating a function on a smartphone / tablet and asking a question, you will receive an answer indicating the location, distance to this place and general information.

    If you need to make simple mathematical calculations, then by asking a voice command, for example, "three plus two", "OK, Google" will give you the answer. AND will voice him with a voice.

    Setting the alarm and timer

    To set an alarm, you no longer need to poke around in the settings and move the numbers - by asking the command "Ok Google, wake me up every week at 8 am on weekdays", the assistant will set the alarm at 8:00, with a daily repeat on weekdays. If you need to count down the time, then use the command "Ok Google, count down 15 minutes" and the system will start a 15-minute timer.

    Sending SMS messages

    When you need to send a message to someone from the contact list, then using the service "Okay Google" you can do it by voice, without typing the text manually. The communication algorithm of the service is built in such a way that by asking questions, the system will, as it were, guide you through the necessary steps. Set the command "OK Google", send SMS to mom "and the system will ask which number to send the future SMS message to, by selecting the number, you dictate the text by voice, after which, after a short pause, the system will ask" send or change this message ", you give the desired command and the SMS goes to the addressee ... This is perhaps one of the most interesting and useful functions in the "Okay Google" service.

    Dialing a phone number

    Similar to the above function of sending SMS messages, "OK Google" is able to make calls according to your voice request.

    To do this, press the "OK Google" command button and say "Call your father / work / mobile / home" and the system, if there is a marked "worker" or any other type, will make a call to the specified type of number to a specific subscriber.

    It is important to remember that the "Okay Google" service on computers works in a truncated mode and is suitable mainly for finding information. The version in the "ANDROID" system allows you to almost fully control the device itself and find necessary information online.

    Working with the "ANDROID" system

    The service "Okay Google" is an integrated program in operating system"ANDROID", which allows you to enable and disable various functions of the smartphone / tablet, as well as run programs and games. Thus, thanks to "Okay Google", you get full access to phone control.

    In the conclusion of the description of the commands, it is worth noting that the development of this service does not stand still, and only basic voice input commands are considered here, in fact, the "OK Google" service is able to search for answers to a variety of questions, thereby helping you in your daily work and leisure ...

    Installing "Ok Google"

    The site contains the most recent version of the browser.

    Next, you need to go to the service settings and enable "speech recognition", select "from the application" and Always recognize... So the service will hear you regardless of whether you are playing or the device is in standby mode.

    1. If the window of the "Okay Google" service does not respond to requests and does not display letters when speaking, the microphone of the device does not work.
    2. When you try to activate the service, the device does not respond, the input window does not appear - check the service settings and enable "always recognize".
    3. Check regularly for updates for Google system services through the app store Google play"- updates fix bugs, improve performance and support for various devices.

    With the voice command OK Google, you can search the internet and control others Android functions devices. But, this function only works in the Google Now application. In order for this voice command to work in any application, you need to make some changes to the settings. Now you will learn how to enable Ok Google on Android.

    To turn on the OK Google voice control, open the Google Now app. In most cases, this application is opened with a swipe from the on-screen home button. On the smartphones Samsung to open Google Now, you need to click on the mechanical Home button, and then click on the Google button at the bottom of the screen.

    After opening the Google Now application, you need to click on the button that opens the side menu. It is located in the upper left corner of the screen.

    In the settings window, go to the "Voice Search" section, and then to the "Ok Google Recognition" subsection.

    After repeating the OK Google command three times, a message will appear on the screen stating that the setting is complete. Now you can use voice control from any application.

    What if nothing works? If a this instruction did not work for you, then you may need to update the application responsible for the OK Google voice control function. To do this, go to the store Google applications Play and find there an application called "Google" (yes, this application is simply called Google) and update it by clicking on the "Update" button.

    What can you use OK Google voice control for? Voice control allows you to perform many of the typical mobile device action without the use of hands. For example, using voice commands, you can create a reminder, find an event in the calendar, open the application, call, write a message, get directions, and of course you can search the Internet.

    With some devices, the "Ok Google" command can be pronounced slightly differently.

    How to enable voice search

    How to start a voice search

    On some devices, other variations of the "Ok Google" command also work.

    How to change the "Ok Google" command settings

    Modes of the command "Ok Google"

    • Ok Google
      If the screen is on or the device is charging, the command can be given regardless of what is open on the screen. Please note that in this mode the feature may interfere with other voice-activated services.
    • While driving
      The command can be given when using google Maps and Android Auto.
    • Always on
      The command works regardless of whether the screen is on.

    Lock screen settings

    • Unlock with Voice Match
      You can open sites and do other things with the "Ok Google" command without manually disabling the screen lock. However, this requires your voice to be successfully recognized.
    • Personal results
      When this feature is enabled, voice searches show personal results, including when the device is locked.

    Sample voice with the command "Ok Google"

    • Overwrite Voice Sample
      If Google can't recognize your voice, please create a new sample. If you don't have this setting, you may not have turned on the "Ok Google" feature.
    • Remove voice sample
      You can delete the voice pattern recorded on the device.

    How to remove voice samples with the "Ok Google" command

    When you set up Voice Match in the Assistant settings, voice samples are saved in your Google account... You can delete them if you want.

    How to use voice commands

    How Google remembers your favorite apps

    If you do not name the application (for example, simply say "Scan receipt"), you will be prompted to select an application from the list. After you repeat this a few times, Google will remember which app you are using and will open it right away.

    To have a clarifying question appear every time, follow these steps:

    The app will not start automatically. It will first appear in search results (this may take a few minutes).

    Where to use voice search

    Feature is supported in English in Australia, UK, India, Ireland, Canada, Singapore, USA and South Africa.