People who, even with a busy life, strive to find ways to monitor their health, have long known about the existence of such smart accessories as fitness bracelets. If you belong to this category of citizens and have already begun to ask the price of potential inhabitants of your wrist, then we advise you not to rush. If you already own an iPhone 5s, iPhone 6, or iPhone 6 Plus, then you may not need to worry about the additional costs.

If you are not aware, your smartphones have motion coprocessors installed, that is, in fact, the same chips used in popular pedometer models. And if you open in iOS 8, you will find that the system has been tracking your movements for a long time and keeps statistics on your steps every day. Thus, we can already say that if you have one of the aforementioned iPhone models, then you already carry the pedometer in your pocket. And if you install good app to record movements, the question arises: is it necessary to buy a special accessory for this?

Recently, a study by scientists from the University of Pennsylvania was published, in which the accuracy of the readings of pedometer sensors of popular fitness bracelets, as well as several models of smartphones with installed applications for tracking steps, was compared. The comparison was attended by: Samsung Galaxy S4 with Moves App, Moves App, Health Mate and Fitbit, and Wristbands, Fitbit Flex, Fitbit One, Fitbit Zip and Digi-Walker SW-200.

Participants in the experiment were asked to walk 500 and 1500 steps on a treadmill at a speed of 5 km / h. To obtain the most accurate results, the process was repeated 28 times. As a result, the readings of smartphones' sensors deviated from real data in the range from -6.7 to 6.2 percent. The bracelets, on the other hand, showed much less impressive accuracy, with a deviation range of -22.7 to 1.5 percent.

First of all, I would like to sympathize with those who purchased the Fuelband bracelet: the miracle of technology from Nike as a pedometer is significantly inferior not only to bracelets, but also to phones. In the graph below, you can see how far the recorded metrics deviate from the actual number of steps taken.

The Fitbit One and Fitbit Zip bracelets showed almost perfect results, but if you look at the indicators demonstrated by the iPhone 5s, it becomes obvious that the M7 coprocessor is not so much mistaken to go to the store for a fitness accessory.

The results of this test indicate one thing: if sports bracelets can interest the owners of iPhone models of the last two years, then perhaps the function of an alarm clock and a notifier. As for their main purpose, here their presence seems to be completely superfluous. All that remains is to wait for April and see what performance will be demonstrated by the long-awaited Apple Watch, which is designed to revolutionize sports and healthcare.

Based on materials from

Fitness bracelets are completely safe. No side effects have been identified from wearing them, they only track your physical activity and sleep patterns.

The main function of a fitness bracelet is to constantly monitor your body.

It calculates the number of calories consumed, the number of hours of sleep, and monitors your heart rate. For some, the question of how safe a fitness bracelet is may seem as ridiculous as the question of the safety of visiting a doctor.

However, it is important to know how this device works before you put it on. Much of the wave of technological mistrust has been fueled by recent research that suggests wearing mobile phones in the immediate vicinity of the internal organs. Since a fitness bracelet can ideally be worn for up to 12 hours in a row, it is fairly easy to understand the cause of health concerns.

Fitness bracelets are made of durable rubber material, they come in different sizes, so users will not feel discomfort when wearing them all day or night.

Designed for self-monitoring and assessment of changes in the body, fitness bracelets are highly effective and lead to positive changes without harm to health.

These electronic devices are able to monitor the most important aspects of our physiological state - heart rate, oxygen content in the blood and sleep patterns, so it's natural for you to worry about what additional effects they may have on the body. If you don’t know which fitness bracelet to buy, then we present to your attention an article: Fitbit: make it successful.

However, according to Michael Bergeron, Ph.D. and executive director of the National Youth Institute for Sports, Health and Safety, a heart rate bracelet can be compared to a nurse who measures your heart rate in a clinic. “As long as the sensor is in firm contact with the pulsation point of the radial artery, it will absolutely accurately display the heart rate at rest,” the doctor said.

Manufacturing companies such as Jawbone believe that their smart gadgets will become one of the most important helpers in the healthcare system in the coming years. In addition, a professor of nutrition at Reyson University said of the Nike Fuelband: "All sports motivation devices can be very helpful for people who need support."

Fitness bracelets (video)

More often than not, our biggest concern is health. Could a device originally designed to improve the quality of our lives have adverse consequences? The fear of technological advances in this case is completely unfounded.

Fitness bracelets have been thoroughly tested and are known to be completely safe, even for pregnant women. They are waterproof and do not carry the potential for electric shock.

One of the obvious ways to dispel your fears about these devices is that thanks to it, you will immediately know about all the negative changes in your physiological state. If the bracelet does not suit you for any reason, you will be the first to know the reason.

There are many advantages to using a fitness bracelet. First, it encourages you to lead healthy image life. If used properly, this device will help you lose weight, which is beyond the power of weight loss pills or watches. Secondly, by wearing a fitness bracelet, you constantly monitor your progress towards achieving your goal.

You can track the number of calories consumed with each meal. If you exceed the permissible calorie intake per day or have been without movement for some time, the device will immediately warn you about this. The bracelet is like a personal fitness trainer who constantly, but at the same time correctly controls you.

Fitness bracelets are great helpers for those planning to lose weight.

Natalie Digate Moot, M.D. and spokesman for the American Council on Exercise, believes that the mere realization that you are moving more and increasing your physical activity is a great start on the road to your goal. She inspires users with her mottoes: "It's easier than it sounds" and "Just move more is the main task."

This can motivate people to perform more actions that have a positive effect and, accordingly, reduce the number of actions with negative consequences.

She also notes that excess weight is the cause of sleep problems: "If you sleep better and longer, you are less likely to overeat and are more likely to follow a diet and fitness program."

Fitness bracelets allow you to share your achievements with other users. Natalie Muth believes that a fitness bracelet is a really working tool, and not just a gadget.

The fact that users of the device can actually make the transition to a healthy lifestyle is its basic premise. If you are worried that a sedentary lifestyle is already beginning to reflect on your internal and external state, it makes sense to invest in a decent fitness bracelet.
Ultimately it all comes down to how you feel about technological innovation. A bracelet used properly is safe, healthy and of course beneficial primarily for your health.

We choose best fitness- bracelet? Review - comparison (video)

How to choose the right sports bracelet (video)

Control the awesome BB-8 droid with the Power Bracelet

While a new Star Wars episode breaks box office records, anyone can purchase the BB-8 droid that has become the film's unspoken symbol. At the Las Vegas International Electronics Show, the toy company announced that iPhone or iPad users will soon be able to use their devices to control a droid using the Force Band wearable device app.

You can see a short video showing an example of how the power bracelet works.

The Verge was able to test the bracelet in action: “Lower your hand along your body - and BB-8 will enter driving mode. When your palm is pointing down, the droid is pointing away from you. If the palm is directed upwards, it "looks" in your direction. Roll around in place and the robot will spin with you. The direction is set in the same way, and the speed is controlled by the level of the arm lift. A wave-like movement of the hand in place would put the droid into gesture control - only the nod caused by the punch worked for me. To exit the gesture mode, you just need to lower your hand. "

Will have to wait

Sure, the bracelet looks like a great buy - but it's still in the prototype stage and won't go on sale until the fall. The price is still unknown.

The company announced another edition of BB-8, which will be presented later in 2016. It will portray a more worn-out droid to match the movie.

BB-8 - pure fun

You can order BB-8 for $ 149.95. With the help of the iOS application, users can control the robot, and, thanks to its personal adaptation, it will change in the course of your child's play, even responding to a voice.

You can even record your own holographic message, like the ones shown in the movie. The battery will last for an hour of continuous play.

Thanks for the likes on the site! Always be a happy, athletic and active person! Write what you think about this, what gadgets do you use and why?

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  • Fitness trackers are great for counting steps, ...

For health, can they be worn all the time.

Such publications raise great doubts among future buyers. However, manufacturers consider trackers exclusively from the positive side.

A modern gadget can remind you of a walk, calculate your calorie consumption, or wake you up at the right moment.

In this article, we will analyze whether there is harm from sports bracelets, how to wear them correctly, how the gadget affects different people. The opinions of qualified doctors will help you to deeper understand this topic and decide on the purchase.

How to wear the device correctly

New buyers of a fitness tracker may feel that the basic functions of such a device do not depend on the position and wear option. In practice, heart rate, calories, and steps may vary if the device is incorrectly measured.

Sports bracelets are designed to be worn on the wrist in the heart rate measurement zone. Such models have a flexible strap made of silicone, leather and other materials for a comfortable fit on the hand. Putting on the bracelet is as simple as possible:

The bracelet should fit snugly to the hand, it is in this position that an accurate heart rate measurement is possible (applies to models with a heart rate monitor). In this case, the wrist should not be pinched - in such a situation, blood flow decreases, the correctness of measurements suffers.

After purchasing the tracker, you need to decide on the hand on which it will be located. The manufacturer recommends putting the bracelet on the opposite hand from the presenter (for example, for right-handers - on the left, and vice versa).

Important! After synchronization and the first measurements, you should not change your hand - this negatively affects the accuracy of the obtained indicators.

From time to time, the sports bracelet must be removed so that the wrist can relax and be in a pinched state. For waterproof models, remember to dry the strap after washing your hands or bathing. When moisture accumulates under the bracelet, chafing and irritation may appear, and the risk of microbial growth increases.

Be sure to see:

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Is it possible to be in the bracelet all the time

Wearing any accessory on your wrist 24/7 is not best idea... It doesn't matter whether we are talking about a technological device or a leather bauble. Any bracelet can catch on various objects and clothes, have an unsightly look under the sleeves of sweaters and shirts.

Such nuances largely depend on the size of the device: compact models will cause a minimum of discomfort, and devices with a massive display can noticeably interfere with the owner. For example, Mi Band bracelets from the manufacturer Xiaomi can be worn almost constantly, the large Garmin Vivoactive VR tracker is better left for training (otherwise, constant mechanical friction can ruin both the device and clothes).

With constant wearing of the bracelet, distinct marks may appear on the wrist. And in sunny weather, such a strip may remain whitish against the background of a tanned hand.

Some models may interfere with sleep. This is extremely illogical, since they have to monitor the sleep and its quality. If the selected bracelet has large dimensions and is fixed too tightly, with any turn on the side in a dream, you can noticeably rest your hand.

The last concern when wearing a sports bracelet all the time is hygiene. Even the modern and 100% hypoallergenic material of the strap can provoke an unpleasant reaction on the skin. All the fault is the accumulation of moisture, dirt, grease and sweat under the bracelet. Such an environment is the most convenient for the reproduction of microbes. Any tracker must be periodically removed and cleaned in an acceptable way: for example, wash waterproof models under water, and wipe other devices with special cleaning wipes.

Do I need to shoot at night

Many modern fitness bracelets that are on the electronics market have a built-in heart rate sensor. With its help, the user can not only see the heart rate at a particular moment, but also get an analysis of the quality of sleep.

During the night, such a tracker measures the pulse at a certain interval and activates other sensors. Thanks to such work, in the morning you can get acquainted with detailed information about the ratio of sleep phases (fast and slow), duration and compare the quality of night rest with previous days. Such a tracker should not be taken off before bed, as it is fully adapted for such wear. Variants that are not designed for sleep tracking can be filmed at will.

Note! To increase comfort and prevent hand squeezing during sleep, experienced users simply loosen the tracker the day before.

Is the gadget harmful

For a healthy person

The sports tracker is designed to simplify an active lifestyle and increase productivity. It is not a magic weight loss or fitness pill. The small device helps to track physical activity and calorie consumption, on the basis of which you can draw up an optimal exercise schedule, nutritional value of a diet. Constant reminders from the tracker motivate you to walk more, lengthen your workouts and give up an extra portion of high-calorie foods.

However, even for the average person, the bracelet can turn into an unhealthy addiction. For example, the owner will not want to spoil the statistics of the sports profile and will go running even if they feel unwell. In this case, the benefits to the body will be questionable.

Any extremes and fanatical enthusiasm, even in the case of a healthy lifestyle, can lead to unpleasant consequences. With an excessive obsession with statistics, eating disorders can appear, and in suggested personalities, nervousness can increase.

While maintaining a healthy motivation for sports, the bracelet is only an assistant and addition to an active lifestyle. You should not turn the pursuit of virtual achievements into an end in itself, forget about well-being in attempts to compete with other users.

For pregnant

Fitness trackers are completely safe. With their regular wearing, no side effects have been identified for the body. Such devices simply track the individual activity and sleep of the owner.

Many concerns among pregnant women are caused by insufficient knowledge about the mechanisms and principles of the device. Such devices have a number of sensors for monitoring different activities and physical indicators. They do not scan our body and are not proven sources of dangerous wavelengths. Trackers are most often made of hypoallergenic rubber or silicone and are designed to be worn regularly.

All devices are thoroughly tested in the laboratory before being released into the mass market. Their safety is confirmed by international certificates, so such devices have no restrictions for use by pregnant women.

Important! The internal mechanism is reliably protected by a sturdy case, which eliminates the threat of electric shock.

One of the obvious advantages of such bracelets for pregnant women is round-the-clock monitoring of well-being and physical indicators. The tracker does not affect the development of the child in the womb - such devices, on the contrary, help to improve the condition of the expectant mother.

For people with pacemakers

Stylish wristband trackers allow you to track your heart rate and activity without being placed on your chest. This sensor format is suitable for people who have a pacemaker installed.

The heart rate monitor in wrist models does not "listen" to heartbeats, but measures the transparency of the skin with the help of photocells and LEDs. Based on the received data, the current heart rate value is calculated. Such bracelets do not come into contact with the sternum, therefore they can be used without restrictions for the cores.

The obtained indicators will help you adhere to a healthy lifestyle and always be aware of your own heart rate, regularly monitor your well-being without harm to your health.

For a person with health problems

There are many benefits of fitness bracelets:

  1. Such devices motivate to lead a healthy lifestyle.
  2. Helps regulate weight without additional pills.
  3. Increases athletic performance and training results.
  4. Sleep is monitored and allowed to gradually adjust the rest regimen.
  5. Prevents prolonged inactivity and helps avoid inactive lifestyles.

Important! The bracelet resembles a personal fitness trainer who constantly takes care of the health and athletic training of the wearer. However, there is a big flaw here. A set of recommendations in the tracker's memory cannot replace a full-fledged interaction with a trainer.

The device does not take into account the current state of health, possible injuries in the past, psychological well-being, medical contraindications, etc. The entire program costs only a few physical indicators, including:

  • age;
  • height.

For example, not every person with chronic diseases is able to walk 10,000 or more steps per day (such an indicator is laid down as a norm in many trackers). If you have health problems or in old age, a strict sports regimen can only harm and worsen the condition. For this reason, you need to connect critical thinking and always focus on your well-being, the recommendations of doctors.

Photo from

In user reviews, you can find examples when the tracker offered a low-calorie diet for a nursing mother or increased activity during fever and general malaise.

When using such a gadget, one should abandon fanaticism. In some situations, you can and should have a snack when you feel hungry, stop while running for a break. The bracelet cannot regulate the entire lifestyle (especially in the presence of diseases).

Can radiation from bluetooth cause damage?

Bluetooth technology is used almost everywhere today and is a safe example of advanced technology. In addition to headsets and smartphones, this technology is at the heart of fitness trackers. However, some users occasionally question the health and environmental impact of such waves.

Scientists unequivocally indicate that the radiation from household devices does not harm human health, since the permissible range is maintained. Manufacturers and developers confirm this position with data from independent laboratories. When studying wireless technologies(including Bluetooth) the radiation level of gadgets was several times lower than normal.

The yellow publications periodically publish articles on the dangers of wireless headsets due to close wearing to the brain. The appearance of neoplasms, nervous pathologies and deterioration of well-being is allowed. However, such statements remain unconfirmed information and are unfounded. Wearing a fitness bracelet with built-in Bluetooth on your wrist cannot harm your body.

Opinion of doctors

M. Bergeron, sports physician, executive director of the National Youth Institute of Sports and Health

Analyzing the work of sports bracelets, I can compare them with a nurse in a clinic. A special sensor accurately measures the pulsation of the radial artery. In this case, you can always compare the indicators at rest, with low activity or intense sports. And the ability to save data allows you to accumulate statistics.

In my opinion, such devices impress with their mobility and ease of use. I often recommend them to the elderly or post-injury patients. When used wisely, these devices help you better organize your own daily routine.

N. Fulbend, Professor of Nutrition at Reyson University

Sports bracelets and all similar sports devices are aimed at increasing motivation and discipline. Such gadgets are useful to all people who need additional support and incentive to play sports. For example, constant reminders keep your activity goal up-to-date, and calorie counting helps you maintain a healthy diet.

I do not see any reason to talk about the harmfulness of such devices, their benefits for humans are obvious.

N. Digate-Moot, MD, spokesman for the American Council of Health

Awareness of the level of one's own activity helps to move faster towards the goal. Trackers are a good incentive for beginners in sports who do not yet know how to intuitively determine the intensity of activities or are poorly aware of the capabilities of their body.

Long-term use can improve a person's health and make changes to his usual routine, teach him to monitor his own body. When users are able to track their own progress, they notice new strength and motivation for future goals.

Useful video

Main conclusions

Doubts about the usefulness of fitness trackers arise from a lack of information. When analyzing all technological capabilities and sensors inside a sports bracelet, the question of its harm becomes irrelevant. How to wear the device correctly:

  • place the tracker just above your wrist, firmly fixing the strap;
  • periodically remove the bracelet and clean it in a convenient way;
  • dry the strap after getting wet.

When using fitness devices, you should be critical of the information received. Take into account your own health and state of health, and in the presence of chronic diseases, consult your doctor.

Probably everyone who considers himself a supporter of a healthy lifestyle knows (and some are the owner of this fashionable gadget) what a modern fitness bracelet is.

The peak of popularity of this device, which is useful in many respects, has already passed, however, even today there are many who consider the bracelet necessary in the daily control of their body and to get the most out of their workouts.

It is quite possible that you, having succumbed to a newfangled hobby at one time, acquired a similar fitness bracelet, but in recent months it has been peacefully living out its life in a distant drawer of a table or chest of drawers. So, was it worth the candle, does such a gadget really help in training and self-control, or is its functionality, to put it mildly, embellished?

Perhaps this is a conspiracy of marketing companies and manufacturers who have earned tens and hundreds of millions of dollars from bracelets? Is it worth taking out your old fitness bracelet to the white light again, or is it better to leave it as it is? Let's figure it out together.

The main functions of fitness bracelets. What is it needed for?

What is any fitness bracelet, what is it for and how is it used in various sports? You should not attribute supernatural and miraculous properties to this gadget, believing that as soon as you wear it constantly, your well-being and health will improve and reach a new level by themselves.

By the way, this is exactly what numerous scammers and unscrupulous sellers advocated at one time, advertising inexpensive bracelets with minimal functionality as a panacea for almost any ailment.

In fact, a fitness bracelet is a rather complex and multifunctional technical device used as a control sensor, as an alarm clock, and as an organizer for your daily routine. It is used to measure heart rate (some models can even measure blood pressure), to track different phases of sleep, to monitor your daily activity.

The standard functionality of a high-quality fitness bracelet, regardless of cost and manufacturer, includes such features as:

  • measuring the total number of steps (per day, per hour, per minute);
  • measuring the distance traveled;
  • pulse control;
  • smart alarm clock;
  • counting calories burned during exercise;
  • tracking sleep phases.

What is the difference between fitness bracelets for different sports and how to choose the right device for your needs? It is important to understand what goal you set for yourself when buying such a gadget.

If you are just trying to lead an active lifestyle and control calories, you can choose models of the middle price category with step counters, heart rate monitor and calorie counting.

Often such bracelets are practically indistinguishable from wristwatches and are perfect for any wardrobe. They are compatible with your mobile gadgets, which allows you to control the situation on the screen of smartphones on Android base or iOS.

Which fitness bracelet to choose

If you are a professional athlete, you should consider more advanced options that allow you to not only keep track of steps, calories, heart rate and other parameters, but also analyze your workouts for better results.

A professional running fitness tracker, for example, can help keep your body at the best pace.

For those visiting the pools, waterproof swim bracelets are suitable, which can function even at serious depths. If you are looking for a weight loss assistant, you can choose a model that calculates calories consumed and burned. Their only drawback is the need for the constant manual introduction of the calorie intake of food. It takes a lot of time, however, and results in good results.

How to choose a brand or manufacturer? In this area, today there are several brands that deserve attention. First of all, these are bracelets from Xiaomi of the MiBand line, which are among the best in terms of price and quality. Workouts are monitored using your smartphone.

Model Samsung Gear Fit is a complete smartwatch with a color display that displays all the information you need. Professional athletes often choose the Garmin brand and the popular Vivofit range. The gadgets of this line are distinguished by their minimum size, maximum functionality, and the measurement error is no more than 3-4%.

Fitness bracelets - good or bad?

Do you need or do not need a personal fitness bracelet? Everyone should answer this question independently. In this matter, as elsewhere, motivation is very important. Buying a fancy and multifunctional gadget and wearing it instead of a wristwatch is like using a modern smartphone exclusively for calls and text messages.

The bracelet will not force you to lead a healthy lifestyle and will not work a miracle by evaporating your extra pounds during sleep. It is very important to understand that only your desire to change yourself for the better and achieve a certain sports form is a guarantee of success.

In this case, the bracelet acts as a kind of trainer and motivator. It can help make your workouts in the gym, jogging, or in the pool even more productive.

Its only disadvantage for many is that expectations are unjustified - we believe that the mere possession of such a gadget is evidence of the correctness of the chosen path, sometimes without making any effort to personally contribute to the improvement of your body.

So, the bracelet is a bracelet, and no one canceled proper nutrition and constant fitness classes! And if you still want to look great, then take out your fitness tracker and go to: it will make your workouts even more productive!

Three years ago, my friends and acquaintances went crazy en masse. While I more or less regularly went to the gym and kept in shape, they bought bright Jawbone fitness bracelets.

As a result, all our meetings were reduced to presentations of a mega-useful gadget. We got together, and over and over again I listened to the fact that going in for sports without a tracker is no longer solid. That in the application it is necessary to enter information about the absorbed calories. That sleep mode is extremely important (wow!), And Jawbone allows it to be monitored and adjusted.

Joint trips to restaurants turned into clownery. At the end (and sometimes in the middle) of meals, people in all seriousness took out their iPhones, and then with a pompous air they counted and hammered in calories. Sometimes I had to google the energy value, but my acquaintances were not lazy. Jawbone made them zezhniki for a while. Diet, sleep and physical activity were monitored by girls with the first signs of anorexia, and pot-bellied guys who suddenly stopped loving beer.

When I asked if this attention to data accounting would definitely help me become a fitness hero, they poked my nose at some graphs. “Look, today I have passed more than yesterday. At the weekend we will go out of town, in general I will set a record,” - there was so much sincerity and optimism in these words that I did not troll and did not persuade.

Soon the bracelets came to the gym. The distinction was clear: muscular guys in wet T-shirts were pressing and squatting, and the owners of the trackers were resting on the lightest cardio equipment. Their foreheads did not even have time to sweat, and the pauses between approaches were endless, because the victims of the bracelets constantly monitored the progress in iPhones.

Getting in shape was delayed, but only Jawbone and other similar devices were discussed in the locker room. Real pitching at this time was silent: someone was drinking protein, and someone was so tired of pulling iron that they could not find the strength to maintain a dialogue with connoisseurs of new technologies.

At the same time, fans of bracelets infiltrated social networks and published reports on jogging a day later. There was nothing wrong with that, just the percentage of pride in their posts went off scale. Fortunately, almost all of the runners quickly fell out and stopped broadcasting their daily morning routes.

The tracker trend lasted less than a year, and then the bracelets suddenly started disappearing from the wrists. When I asked why this happened, former fans of ultra-fashionable gadgets listed the reasons for a long time:

1. Tired of charging. Someone had to do this every 2 days, someone - once every 10 days, but the process itself was still straining.

2. Tired of steaming with food and calories. Of course, entering all the data manually is very dreary - it takes a lot of time.

3. It is inconvenient to constantly walk with a bracelet on his wrist. It's a matter of habit, but sometimes an extraneous elastic band on the arm can really infuriate.

4. The bracelet is broken. Usually stopped charging suddenly (Chronic Jawbone Disease). Or died after contact with water, if it was not waterproof.

5. The bracelet is lost. The fastener broke, flew off my hand, and where it all happened - you can't even remember.

And only a few people were frank with me. “You know, I thought that this thing would make me go in for sports. But in vain - as I loved the sofa and beer more than a rocking chair, I continue to love” - the adequate explanation sounded like this.

This is the main disadvantage of the fitness bracelet - it is not magical, but creates the illusion of magic. “Yes, now I’ll go in for sports, I’ll move a lot, I’ll quickly lose those extra pounds,” think those who have just acquired a tracker. It’s strange that these people don’t buy a GoPro in the hope that after the purchase, life will instantly brighten. The logic here is the same as with bracelets.

If you spend a couple of evenings reading specialized literature, it will become clear that in most cases, you can lose weight and pump up without electronic accessories. The main thing is to work hard, not sparing yourself (if possible, with a trainer and nutritionist), and not believe in miraculous bracelets.

The target audience of these deceitful trackers is just naive beginners who do not understand that the bracelet is useless at the initial stage of training. It is needed not by amateurs, but by experienced athletes who have already reached their peak of form and want to figure out how to squeeze even more opportunities out of the body.

But for athletes and trackers are different - powerful, professional and quite expensive (on average - $ 500-1000). And bracelets in the Jawbone genre are toys that randomly count the heart rate (or don't count it at all) and send obvious indicators such as the number of steps and the distance traveled to the smartphone.

In fact, the only not hopeless function is the smart vibrating alarm clock, which works at the most comfortable time for the body. But there is such an alarm clock in the Xiaomi MiBand bracelet for a couple of thousand rubles - it is not surprising that this device slammed almost all other amateur trackers.

According to analysts from eMarketer, the market for fitness bracelets has dropped 40% over the past year. Jawbone (the most mainstream firm) almost collapsed back in May 2016, but finally announced the demise of its own trackers just now. Fitbit is also in crisis - out of desperation, the company bought out the startup Pebble and will produce smartwatches. They, unlike the dying fitness bracelets, have at least some kind of future.

They are just more practical and functional: there are notifications, voice assistant, music control and other convenient things. Therefore, a person who buys a watch for sports will not throw it into a dusty box when he finally realizes that the secret of a good figure is not in a fashionable gadget, but in banal willpower.