The column "Passing score" shows the average passing score for one exam (the minimum total passing score divided by the number of exams).

What is it and why is it important?

Enrollment in a university is based on the results of three or four USEs (for each exam, you can score a maximum of 100 points). In addition, some universities (Lomonosov Moscow State University, St. Petersburg State University, MGIMO) are allowed to take an additional exam in a specialized subject for the chosen specialty. Some specialties also require a professional or creative exam. You can score a maximum of 100 points for each additional exam. When enrolling, individual achievements (portfolio) are also taken into account, such as the final school essay, an excellent certificate, a TRP badge, volunteer activities. A maximum of 10 points can be awarded for the applicant's portfolio.

Passing score for any specialty in a certain university - this is the minimum total score with which the applicant was enrolled during the last admission campaign.

In fact, we know what points you could have entered last year. But, unfortunately, no one knows what grade you can do this or next year. It will depend on how many applicants and with what points apply for this specialty, as well as on how many budget places will be allocated. Nevertheless, knowing the passing scores allows you to estimate your chances of admission with a high degree of probability, so it is worth focusing on them, this is important.

Beginning: 20,000 ⃏ per month

Experienced: 40 000 ⃏ per month

Professional: 90 000 ⃏ per month

* - information on salaries is roughly based on vacancies on profiling sites. Salaries in a specific region or company may differ from those shown. Your income is greatly influenced by how you can apply yourself in the chosen field of activity. Income is not always limited only by the fact that you are offered vacancies in the labor market.

The demand for the profession

This profession is in high demand, but the level of competition is also high. Several dozen people can apply for one position. Success depends on skills, knowledge, and the ability to interpret them.

Who is the profession for?

Required qualities of a programmer:

  • Systems thinking.
  • Analytic mind.
  • Good memory.
  • Ability to present information in understandable language.

Working conditions

Programmers spend their working day indoors. The work takes place mainly while sitting. During the work, the programmer is often in front of the computer monitor, so the strain on the eyes is high.


Career, like that of other employees, depends on skills and aspirations. In large companies, a specialist can become the head of the IT department, the lead project manager.

Many programmers start their own software business.

It is very popular to work for yourself with an independent search for orders - freelance.

For career growth, it is important to constantly acquire new knowledge and keep up with the development of technology. Preference is given to those who understand the most modern trends in programming.


Job responsibilities:

  • Based on analysis mathematical models and algorithms for solving economic and other problems develops programs that ensure the possibility of executing the algorithm and the corresponding task by means of computer technology, conducts their testing and debugging.
  • Develops the technology for solving the problem at all stages of information processing.
  • Carries out the choice of a programming language for describing algorithms and data structures.
  • Determines the information to be processed by computer technology, its volumes, structure, layouts and schemes of input, processing, storage and output, methods of its control.
  • Performs work on preparing programs for debugging and conducts debugging.
  • It launches debugged programs and enters the initial data determined by the conditions of the tasks.
  • Corrects the developed program based on the analysis of the output data.
  • Develops instructions for working with programs, prepares the necessary technical documentation.
  • Determines the possibility of using off-the-shelf software products.
  • Provides support for the implementation of programs and software.
  • Develops and implements systems automatic check the correctness of programs, typical and standard software, constitutes information processing technology.
  • Carries out work on the unification and typification of computing processes.

Website Programming: PHP and Javascript

Program of the course "Website Programming: PHP and Javascript":

1. Principles of interaction between a web server and a browser.
1.1. The basics of client-server interaction.
1.2. High-level protocols.
1.3. HTTP protocol. Transferring data using the GET and POST methods. URL-encoding data. MIME types.
1.4. Cookie technology.
1.5. Review of existing web servers. Areas of their application.
1.6. Static and dynamic web pages.
1.7. Overview of server web programming technologies (CGI / Perl, PHP, ASP, JSP / Servlets, SSI), their support by various operating systems and web servers.

2. Administration of Internet Information Server.
2.1. Basic information about IIS.
2.2. The concept of a "virtual" server. Creating and configuring a virtual server in IIS 5.0.
2.3. The concept of "home" and "virtual" directories. Creation and configuration of a virtual directory.
2.4. Windows network utilities. Ping, netstat utilities.

3. Server solutions based on IIS. Application of ASP and PHP technologies.
3.1. Web server interfaces. CGI and ISAPI interfaces.
3.2. ASP technology.
3.3. The programming languages ​​VBScript and JScript. Features and capabilities.
3.4. Examples of creating a page using ASP technology in VBScript and JScript.
3.5. ActiveX - component concept. Using ActiveX components in IIS.
3.6. PHP technology.
3.7. Language PHP programming... Features and capabilities.
3.8. Configuring IIS to work with PHP.
3.9. An example of creating a page using PHP technology.

4. Administration of the Apache web server.
4.1. Basic information about the Apache web server.
4.2. The basics of configuring the Apache web server.
4.3. Creating a virtual web server in Apache.
4.4. Creation of a virtual directory and setting access rights to it.

5. Server solutions based on Apache. CGI programming. Application of PHP and SSI technologies.
5.1. Using CGI Programs in Apache.
5.2. Perl programming language. Features and capabilities.
5.3. An example of creating a page using a Perl CGI program.
5.4. Server variables.
5.5. Configuring Apache to work with PHP as a plug-in and as a CGI application.
5.6. Server Side Include technology.
5.7. Configuring Apache to work with SSI.
5.8. An example of creating a page using SSI directives.

6. Basics of working with databases in web applications.
6.1. Basics of database theory.
6.2. An overview of databases typical of web technologies.
6.3. SQL language.
6.4. Working with MySQL database.
6.5. An example of a page using PHP technology to access the MySQL database.
6.6. Working with an Access database.
6.7. Configuring ODBC.
6.8. An example of a page using PHP technology to access the Access database via ODBC.
Test (interview).

PHP training cost: 5500 rubles.

Javascript Training Cost: 5500 rubles.

Cost of education: 9,500 rubles.

Lesson schedule: daily or every other day.

Class time:
morning groups from 9-00 to 12-00;
day groups from 12-00 to 15-00, from 15-00 to 18-00
evening groups from 18-00 to 21-00.

Group size: 6 - 10 people

Mini groups: 3 persons

The center also provides individual and corporate training.

After completing the course "Website Programming: PHP and Javascript" Certificate qualifying Webmaster

Tel: 293-44-10

Feedback from our listeners

Suleimanova Lilia

I took the course "Website Programming". I liked very much how the material was presented: the whole theory was immediately done in practice, if a question arose, it was not left unattended. We have passed all the key and necessary points, I think that they gave a very good start for a beginner programmer.
I am very happy and grateful.

He completed training in the course "Web programming" and from the knowledge gained he mastered the main points and foundations of programming. In general, I consider the training to be of high quality and in an accessible form of presentation. I plan to consolidate and improve on the lessons learned in programming. Perhaps I will contact you in the future. I thank the teacher Evgeny Sergeevich Petrushin for his patience.

A. Sergeev, Employee of Tatneft LLC

Passed individual training from 05/15/2013 to 07/19/2013 under the program "Programming: PHP and Javascript". PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is a widely used, open source, general-purpose scripting language. source code... PHP is a programming language specially designed for writing web applications (scripts, scripts) that run on a web server. A huge plus of PHP is that PHP scripts are executed on the server side.
During the training, not only old knowledge in the field of PHP and Javascript programming was consolidated, but new ones were also obtained. Along with giving lectures, practical classes were also conducted, which helped to consolidate the knowledge gained.
The main operators of the PHP programming language, methods of working with ODBC and the MySQL database were considered, the main functions of Javascript in the jquery package were studied, the principles of the local server and the Denwer shell were mastered.
Thank you, the knowledge gained will help in my daily work.