We've sorted out the wording, let's move on to the review, in which there will be no winners and losers, but just good extensions.

Browsec VPN for Google Chrome – installation and configuration

Installation in the browser does not require special permissions, this means that “Frigate” will not bother you with advertising or perform extraneous actions without our knowledge.

An unusual decision by the developers was to abandon the usual connection to the server using a button. Access via VPN is carried out exclusively to sites included in the list, which can be configured by clicking right click mouse on the extension icon.

Before use, create your own list and enter the Internet resources you most visit.

If the sequence of actions is correct, in the right edge of the browser window you will see an icon with information about a successful connection.

To change the server, you must click on the flag image.

Frigate successfully passed the data transfer speed test, outperforming many of its “rivals”.

Final comparison table

The review was not intended to identify best offers on the market, I wanted to show the main points for choosing a solution that suits your needs. Some extensions that show disastrous results in data transfer measurements may show the opposite results in paid versions.

When compiling the final table and “distributing” places, not only dry numbers were taken into account, but also my subjective opinion about the convenience of this or that extension.

It is also worth noting that during the measurements, the extensions could have had “temporary” technical difficulties, due to which they showed low results.

And don’t forget about an excellent replacement for extensions, albeit paid, but reliable - .

Hi all!

It is very simple to enable VPN and now you will see it. I'll show you how to enable VPN in Opera browser, Google Chrome and on Android devices as well as iPhone. It’s worth saying right away that everything that will be discussed next is also applicable in other browsers and systems. So use it if necessary!

In the Opera browser on your computer

If you need to enable VPN on a computer or laptop, then it is as easy as possible to do this in the Opera browser.

Open your browser, click on the Menu icon and go to Settings.

In the window that opens, we need the Security tab, and then the VPN section. In this section there is an item Enable VPN. Check the box and we're safe :)

VPN is enabled and it is already working. If you pay attention to the address bar, you will see a VPN icon displayed on the left, by which you can determine whether the VPN is actually working.

Now you can check sites for functionality.

On an Android phone

If you want to activate anonymity on your phone, you need to install a special application from Google Play. There are a whole bunch of such applications, but many of them are unstable. We need some proven tool. At the time of writing this tutorial, I am using the Turbo VPN app. Connects quickly and works well.

In the app store, enter the name Turbo VPN and install it.

Now it's easy to enable VPN on your phone. Launch the application and click on the carrot icon.

The hare begins to run briskly and after a few seconds turns on the VPN.

The only disadvantage of Turbo VPN is that advertisements appear in the application from time to time. But this is not only a minus this application, but also all other VPNs that have a free version. If you want no ads, then you will have to buy a premium version or a premium account.

On iPhone in iOS

You can enable VPN on an iPhone in the same way as on an Android smartphone. IN App Store There is also a Turbo VPN app. I tried about a dozen VPNs and Turbo VPN seemed the most stable to me.

We typed Turbo VPN into the App Store, installed it, launched it, and clicked the carrot. Let's check!

In the Google Chrome browser on your computer

Google Chrome is no different from other applications. You need to install a special extension for it.

Click on the Menu icon and go to Additional tools– Extensions. Or just

Today I would like to touch on the topic of specialized browser extensions Google Chrome.

The blocking of certain Internet resources is now unlikely to surprise anyone. However, any problem always generates a corresponding solution. Surely you know that there are specialized resources and applications that can effectively bypass various online prohibitions. In this article you will get acquainted with the best free VPN-extensions.

A fairly popular VPN service that successfully combines speed and excellent anonymity. The extension's arsenal includes 15 servers that hide your real location.

To start using TunnelBear, you need to download a special proprietary application to your PC and create your personal account in it. After completing registration, you will be provided with 750 MB of traffic for a month. Not a lot, but better than nothing.

An excellent VPN, which, however, is not without some paid services. Interestingly, the extension does not require you to go through a registration procedure. It is worth noting that the free version of the service has a limited set of servers. If you are unable to do without a high-speed connection, then a paid extension option will come to your aid.

A completely free VPN that gives you complete freedom in terms of traffic consumption. There are 15 different servers available for connection. Note that the extension is based on the principle of peer-to-peer service. This means that all devices connected to the system are involved in the process of traffic exchange.

Another good VPN extension. The main disadvantage of Touch VPN is the small number of available servers (4 pieces). It is also worth noting that the speed of data exchange in the service directly depends on the number of users using your server at the moment.

To work with the service, you must go through a simple registration procedure. After authorization is complete, you will become the proud owner of the entire free VPN With unlimited traffic. Tell me, what else does an average Internet user need to be happy? Key expansion options also include automatic activation secure connection when opening certain resources.

Bypassing RuNet blocking

I've been using this anonymizer lately. Lightweight, simple, free with no traffic restrictions. There is an opportunity to work in automatic mode It’s like click and forget.

Today, the abbreviation VPN can be heard literally on every corner. Services, browser plugins, and even routers with a VPN connection option are appearing. Many users use a VPN connection to access websites blocked in the country. Others use it to improve overall security when accessing the Internet. However, most VPN users They don’t know how it works.

About VPN technology in simple terms

The term VPN stands for Virtual Private Network. Let's look at this definition in detail. We will start from the word Private, which is the main thing in this term. It means that:

The VPN connection is secure, private and created personally for the user using certain virtual servers. The information passes through this server and then reaches the user without the ability to track it. It can be compared to a car that is hiding in a tunnel with many exits. An outside observer cannot see where this car is going inside the tunnel, and will not be able to figure out exactly where it will exit.

There is usually no need to use a VPN connection all the time. It slows down your network speed, so it's best to turn on your VPN before visiting a site where you want to remain anonymous.

What is such a secure connection used for:

I would like to talk about whether the use violates VPN laws Russia. In reality, of course not. And it’s not even that a VPN can be used for a variety of purposes, not just to access prohibited sites. The technology for blocking websites in Russia is not ideal. Just recently, my ISP blocked access to many sites that I didn’t even think about banning; they came under attack by accident. Other users encountered the same problem. In this case, although the VPN was used to bypass the block, it allowed access to services, including those for which people paid their money (for example, the Playstation Network service). Maybe someday the use of VPN itself will be banned, but I hope it doesn’t come to that. As for accessing sites that are prohibited in our country, I in no way encourage anyone to use loopholes in the system. The purpose of this article is to give people information about VPNs, not to teach them how to bypass official bans.

Video: Briefly about VPN

VPN in Google Chrome

Some browsers have the option to enable VPN by default, but Google Chrome is not one of them. To use a VPN connection in this browser, you must install one of the popular custom extensions.

One of the advantages of using VPN extensions is that they do not have any special technical requirements. If you have the Google Chrome browser itself running, then VPN extensions will work correctly.

Extensions for accessing VPN in Google Chrome

There are many extensions for accessing VPN, but they all differ in connection quality and other parameters. But before we begin reviewing specific extensions, let’s figure out how to install them:

  1. After opening the browser, find and click on the icon with three horizontal stripes in the corner of the screen.

    Click on the button with three stripes to open a drop-down menu

  2. Go to the “Tools” or Tools section.
  3. Then select Extensions.

    In the "Tools" section, select "Extensions"

  4. You will see a list of all installed extensions. Here you need to click on the line “Get more” to open the extension store.

    In the extension selection window, click the Get more extensions button

  5. After selecting the extension in the store, click on the plus that appears on the right side of the page.

    Click on the plus on the extension page to add it

  6. And confirm its addition using the “Add” button.

    Click the “Add” button for the extension to be added

  7. The extension is installed in your browser.


The ZenMate browser extension offers easy access to VPN servers. IN free version extension, you can choose a server in one of four countries. If you have a paid premium account, the choice will increase to thirty. The extension requires simple registration once added to the browser:

This extension has only one serious drawback. Servers in the free version are often overloaded, so the connection speed may not be satisfactory at all. The paid version of the extension does not have this problem; although the speed is reduced, the Internet works fine.

The paid version of the ZenMate extension has higher Internet speeds

Video: How to use the ZenMate extension

Hola VPN

The Hola service was quite popular at one time. Easy installation extensions, completely free access to the servers. But, unfortunately, the developers turned out to be not the most honest people. The fact is that the Hola service not only opened a VPN connection to the user, but also installed malicious software on the computer and used user traffic to DDOS attacks and had other hidden and unpleasant effects. Now the rating of this service on most sites is very low.

Hola extension has been found dangerous for users


Next up is the Browsec service. He's completely on English. The price of the paid version is from 220 rubles per month. In the free version you can choose a server from one of four countries, and in the paid version - from twenty-four. This extension is good at protecting user traffic: it hides the user’s IP address, encrypts his data, and helps bypass blocking.

Installing this extension is extremely simple:

The downside of this extension is complete absence information about its developers. The entire privacy policy remains hidden, and no one guarantees that the situation with the Hola extension will not be repeated here. On the other hand, so far the developers have not given any cause for alarm. This is a good free extension with no traffic limit.


In addition to partial anonymity, when using a VPN extension, you can access blocked sites in your own country. But as with everything, there are also disadvantages, including the speed of the Internet connection, depending on the distance of the country to which the server is connected.

Program or extension

For use, you can use both specialized utilities and browser extensions. Here the whole choice lies in the personal desire of each user. There are a lot of specialized utilities various settings, and extensions are designed for one-click use. Let's consider all the options in more detail.
In order to use a VPN extension, you need to find and install it:

Method 1: Unlimited Free VPN - Hola

One of the most popular free extensions, due to its simplicity, it is used by many Internet users. Traffic here is encrypted, and all data is cached in order to increase the speed of the Internet connection and network transmission. In simple terms— the more users in your region who use this extension, the faster the connection speed will be. One of the advantages is large number servers.


Method 2: Touch VPN

Free extension, but only 4 servers: Canada, USA, Denmark and France. Due to the fact that there are fewer countries, the connection speed will be lower if a large number of people connect to one server.


Method 3: TunnelBear VPN

Using this extension, you will get safe and fast surfing. Servers are located in one of 15 countries. To use this extension, you must create free account, which is given 500 MB of traffic per month.


Method 4: VPN from HideMy