One of the most serious problems of the modern school is a sharp decline in students' interests in learning and, as a result, a decrease in literacy, tongue-tied language, inability to correctly, logically express their thoughts, unpreparedness for a new form of final certification in the form of the Unified State Exam. Fostering a love of learning and interest in learning English is a serious and responsible task facing teachers of a foreign language.

But this problem cannot be solved even by teaching how to speak and write words correctly. It's just a form. What is important is the main thing that is expressed through the form - the expression of one's "I": thoughts, moods, states, attitudes towards something. Thus, the content of the object should be the development in the child of the ability to master the word so that the words have formed into a meaningful text. It is difficult to implement such content of teaching, because for this it is necessary to teach the student to feel the word, to comprehend the laws of the language and to understand its philosophical foundations. It is important to shift the center of gravity from the focus of teaching on the rules to the plane of their application. In the classroom, various methods of assessing the knowledge of students are used, but due to the fact that recently, when conducting olympiads, competitions, cognitive games, students are offered tasks in the form of testing, it is necessary and expedient to use tasks and test papers in the form of tests. In addition, test control is an operational check of the quality of assimilation, immediate correction of errors, a high degree of objectivity of the results obtained, and filling in gaps. Thus, this allows the teacher to quickly test the knowledge of students and process the information received without wasting time and effort. Another advantage of tests in comparison with other forms of control is that all students are in equal conditions, allowing them to objectively compare their achievements; the subjectivity of the teacher is excluded; test results can be statistically processed. The use of test items allows the teacher to determine how students acquire knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as to analyze their teaching activities. Students will be able to learn about their achievements or gaps in learning, compare their results with the standard, thereby developing self-control in schoolchildren. Parents have the opportunity to find out the learning outcomes of their children. When compiling tests, various types of tasks are used that allow you to determine and measure the level of students' ability to solve new specific problems based on the information received. Multiple choice tasks differ in the choice of answer. The student needs to underline or mark the number of the answer that he considers correct.

Tasks for restoration of correspondence envisage the semantic connection of elements of two lists, where for any word, symbol, phrase in one column it is necessary to find the answer in the other column. Tasks of this type can consist of two consecutive parts, between the points of which it is also required to establish a correspondence. The main advantage of matching tasks is a compact form, which makes it possible in a relatively short time to control the assimilation of a large amount of educational material. Three types of testing are often used. The "entrance" test is most useful when introducing new material, the goal is primary development and consolidation of the material or grammatical phenomenon. A careful analysis of the test results allows you to determine where, and, most importantly, why difficulties may arise in the future with the assimilation of new material. In addition, diagnostic testing can facilitate informed, motivated selection of material for preliminary review with students before learning a new topic. Immediately after the diagnostic testing, students should be told the correct answers for each task. After analyzing the errors, I can implement an effective, timely repetition of the material on which the next batch of new information relies.

An interim test is carried out, as a rule, after studying new material, but before solving basic, typical tasks for the application of the acquired knowledge. The main purpose of this test is to test the correct reproduction and understanding of the definitions and rules by the students. If necessary, the teacher can make several versions of such tests, reforming the existing assignments. Tests of the third type, designed for final control, and are used after training exercises for the application of new knowledge have already been carried out. Such a test includes questions to determine the depth of theoretical material, and not for its simple reproductive reproduction. The tests can also be used for individual work. Analyzing the use of test control, it can be concluded that children cope better with this type of activity than with others. Tests improve the quality of knowledge. Test control increases students' interest in the subject. Working in a classroom where children study with different levels of knowledge in the subject. And most importantly, children with poor preparation perform the tests especially successfully. It is for them that the quality of knowledge during test control is higher than with another type of control. Using tests in the classroom as one of the forms of control over the knowledge of students, we can say that tests contribute to the development of students' ability to observe, generalize, draw analogies, draw conclusions and justify them. It is advisable to conduct tests of a creative nature, aimed at the formation of such methods of mental activity in students as synthesis, analysis, generalization, concretization, analogy. They allow you to organize in the classroom activity situations that contribute to a better assimilation of program material and, in general, logical thinking. The process of teaching English is determined by the goal of students gaining a certain amount of knowledge in the field of grammar, speaking, reading and listening. A necessary element of the educational process, along with the information received, its development is the control of students' knowledge. Computer testing is unconventional in itself, because we are all used to tests performed on paper. Compared to traditional forms of control, computer testing has a number of advantages:

  • fast results;
  • objectivity in assessing knowledge;
  • allows you to obtain reliable information about the possession of students in certain skills and abilities;
  • enables the teacher to correlate these data with the learning objectives set at this stage and to timely correct the process of assimilating new knowledge;
  • computer testing is more interesting in comparison with traditional forms, which affects the increase in the cognitive activity of students and creates positive motivation in them.

Of course, writing tests is a laborious task, it takes a lot of time, but it's worth it, because the effectiveness of the tests is high, since they are not only of a controlling nature, but also educational. Students can see in which tasks they made mistakes, take the test again, and not only achieve correct performance, but also remember the necessary material. For almost every topic studied about the country of the target language, you can make similar tests. The use of electronic computing technology allows you to combine various technical teaching aids with visual aids; streamline teaching material and use it effectively in the classroom, taking into account the individual characteristics of students. Nowadays, the teacher needs to present a large amount of material: conduct a survey, check the knowledge of questions to the topic under study assigned for independent study, conduct a practical lesson, analyze new material and consolidate it. Naturally, such classes are always held in a tense rhythm. When using electronic computing technology, they qualitatively change the content, methods and organizational forms of education, which, under certain conditions, can contribute to the preservation and development of the individual abilities of students, their personal qualities; the formation of cognitive abilities, and their self-improvement. Practice shows that using a computer has many advantages over traditional teaching methods. When using electronic computers in the classroom, the student is involved in the educational process as an active participant. This is especially important when compared with traditional forms of education, in which he is passive. Computer programs make it possible to individualize teaching, make it possible to organize independent actions of students. Each student has the opportunity to work at his own pace, not depending on weaker or, on the contrary, strong classmates. The computer contributes to the formation of his reflection of his activities, allows you to visually represent the result of his actions. Our work experience shows that students who actively work with computers develop a higher level of self-education skills, the ability to navigate in a stormy stream of information, the ability to highlight the main thing, generalize, and draw conclusions. Therefore, the role of the teacher in disclosing the possibilities of modern information technologies in the process of humanitarian disciplines is very important. Until recently, there was a different opinion that a computer can only be used by a teacher of computer science and computer technology. However, today it is already becoming clear that information technologies open up truly enormous opportunities in professional activity. Close attention is paid not only to the mechanism of transfer of knowledge and skills, but also to methods of knowledge control. However, any innovation focused on implementation in the framework of information technology should be introduced when:

  • availability of qualified teachers who have undergone special training to work in the context of the use of information technology;
  • a sufficient number of technical means of the appropriate level;
  • availability of methodologically grounded, appropriate quality educational or other computer programs;
  • the presence of a complete didactic complex (textbook, teaching aids, problem books, knowledge control system) as an application to computer programs.

For the systematic implementation of information technologies in our lyceum, a program is being developed to modernize the educational and material base.

At different levels of training, various types of control of knowledge and skills are used, but control solves a triune task: to determine the depth of mastering the educational material, to determine the transition to the next stage of mastering the material, to select individual tasks for practical and independent work.

Depending on the functions that control performs in the educational process, there are:

  • preliminary control (sets the individual level of the student's training on previous topics);
  • current (intermediate) control (allows the teacher to receive information about the assimilation of knowledge from each student within a certain time);
  • final control (ends with the assessment of knowledge).

In practice, various methods of preliminary, current and final control over the quality of students' knowledge are used. The most common methods are oral questioning and written tests. The subjectivity of assessments is the main thing that determines the imperfection of control by traditional methods. This does not mean, however, that traditional methods of control should be abandoned, but along with them it is necessary to use new ones based on the use of computer technologies.

For all types of control, testing is widely used, which makes it possible to quickly and accurately determine the level of knowledge of students.

The test is the tool that reveals the fact of assimilation.

Studies have found that with current control, about 10-12 operations are enough, and for final control - about 40-50 operations to determine the level of students' knowledge.

The benefits of testing are:

  • the efficiency of obtaining information about the knowledge of students;
  • objectivity of the results obtained;
  • the ability to identify topics and questions poorly mastered by students.
  • To use testing effectively, certain requirements must be met:
  • compliance of the test with the content and volume of information received by students;
  • compliance of the test with the controlled level of assimilation;
  • certainty, simplicity, unambiguousness of the test.

The combination of traditional types of control of knowledge and skills with new types of control based on the use of computer technology contributes to the management of learning processes. The correct organization of the control system at each level leads to an increase in the quality of training.

  1. Continue the development of educational computer programs
  2. Continue the creation of a didactic complex, as an attachment to computer programs (textbook, teaching aids, problem books, knowledge control system)
  3. Improve the qualifications of teachers in the field of information technology.

So, if in the process of teaching English, the functional and stylistic aspect that lies in the mainstream of the ideas of the communicative methodology is consistently and purposefully implemented, this will raise the teaching of a foreign language to a new quality level that meets the needs of modern society, will strengthen the practical orientation of teaching the language, will help successfully to pass the USE in the subject to schoolchildren. Today, new technical means have appeared that increase the possibilities of organizing the educational process. In the process of applying computer technologies, the learner develops, including:

  • development of visual-figurative, visual-effective, theoretical, creative types of thinking;
  • aesthetic education through the use of the capabilities of computer graphics, multimedia technology;
  • development of communication skills.

The use of computer technology is not the influence of fashion, but convenience, economy, necessity dictated by the current level of education development.

Interactive learning involves the interaction of the student with the learning environment, when the student becomes a full participant in the educational process. The methods of interactive teaching include methods that contribute to the involvement of the student in the process of obtaining and processing knowledge: problem, group, research forms of the lesson, role-playing games.

Today we are witnessing the emergence and creators of new forms of interactive learning associated with electronic didactic teaching tools. A modern multimedia lesson has the same structure as a traditional one: actualization of knowledge, explanation of new material, consolidation, control of knowledge. Uses the same methods: explanatory-illustrative, reproductive, partial-search and others. But today there is an opportunity to use dynamic information models in the lesson, instant visualization of the process under study, and modeling of the phenomenon under study. The focus on operational feedback, the ability to build an individual educational trajectory in the information environment of an electronic didactic teaching tool changes the didactic methods of the traditional lesson. The modern multimedia lesson is an intermediate link between the traditional lesson and open education.

Practicing teachers associate an increase in the effectiveness of a modern lesson with the use of multimedia technologies, which have a unique opportunity to increase the information density of a lesson, but require an understanding of the didactic specifics of new carriers of educational material.

In the arsenal of modern techniques, there are various ways and purposes of using a multimedia course:

  • test creation;
  • creation of lesson models;
  • final certification of students in various forms;
  • creation of independent educational sites: creation of educational presentations by students.

A lesson using multimedia courses (median lesson) has its own methodological capabilities and advantages:

  • increasing the efficiency of the educational process due to the teacher's simultaneous presentation of theoretical information and demonstration of demonstration material with a high degree of clarity;
  • the emergence of an opportunity to simulate objects and phenomena;
  • automation of routine operations, etc .;
  • the opportunity to teach schoolchildren to use computer technology to solve educational and work problems, through the practical processing of educational information on a computer;
  • organization of individual work of schoolchildren, the development of their cognitive independence and creativity;
  • increasing motivation for learning due to the attractiveness of the computer, which increases with the use of multimedia effects;
  • development of visual-figurative thinking, motor and verbal communication skills of students;
  • the formation of skills in working with information (search, selection, processing, ordering and allocation of semantic groups, building logical connections, etc.), the formation of the information culture of schoolchildren.

The priority goal of a lesson using multimedia courses is to develop in the learning process the students' abilities for productive independent creative activity in a modern information-rich environment. Taking this into account when developing a media lesson, in the triad of tasks (educational, upbringing, developing), tasks for the formation of components of information culture are additionally distinguished. The work of students in the classroom can be organized:

  • frontally (viewing video fragments, observing changes in objects); individually (practical work);
  • small groups (implementation of a general educational project, setting up a model experiment, etc.) The structure of the lesson can reflect all the components and links of the learning process, as well as the obligatory alternation of activities at the computer and without it:
  • actualization (repetition of educational material, primary assimilation of the material) - the formation of knowledge, abilities, skills (awareness and comprehension of the block of educational information, consolidation of educational material);
  • application (application of educational material in practice, checking the level of mastering the material).

Now no one can imagine the modern learning process without new information technologies that make it easier, more interesting, and more exciting. In many educational institutions of our country, all conditions have been created for the non-standard presentation of material and for conducting lessons, to which children do not go out of hand, but with pleasure and interest. After all, the main task of the teacher is to captivate the child, to make him want to receive new knowledge, not be afraid of difficulties, confidently walk towards the goal. When children go to your lessons with joy and enthusiasm and each time with enthusiasm discover something new for themselves, isn't this a worthy reward for a teacher? Isn't this the highest mark in the assessment of his pedagogical activity? Interactive learning helps in carrying out such an important aspect as monitoring the knowledge of students on the topics covered in a variety of forms.

Testing is one of the options for monitoring students' knowledge. The training begins with entrance testing, is accompanied by current control with the help of assignments in test form, and ends with objective testing of educational achievements.

The problem of control and control and assessment activities is relevant, since all the knowledge transferred by the teacher to the student, the skills and abilities formed by the student or subject to development, must be controlled and evaluated. At the present stage, there is a wide variety of forms and methods of control in teaching methods. Test control is one of the technologies that identifies positive and problem areas in the assimilation of educational material by each student.

It is very important that the final school certification, namely, Unified State Exam (USE) and State Final Attestation (GIA) are carried out in the form of tests for which, of course, students need to be prepared. One cannot fail to mention the educational standards of the second generation, which provide for the mastery of universal educational actions. The test form of control contributes to the improvement of the knowledge of logical and linguistic operations of thinking (completeness, strength, flexibility, depth) in the understanding of language information and the formation of self-control and self-esteem, the ability to independently analyze the educational question, evaluate the proposed answer options, and make the choice of the correct answer. And here the test is the best fit. Firstly, it is an operational, objective check of the level of knowledge, skills and abilities of students, which helps to timely identify and subsequently eliminate gaps in the assimilation of the material. Secondly, the verification of test results takes less time compared to other types of control.

Test forms of control have a number of advantages, including:

  • objectivity in measuring learning outcomes, since they are guided not by the subjective opinion of the teacher, but by objective empirical criteria;
  • identification of the individual pace of learning, as well as gaps in current and final training;
  • decrease in the level of psychological anxiety, stressful state;
  • the possibility of regular systematic monitoring at all stages of the learning process;
  • comprehensiveness, which means that the pedagogical test can cover all sections of the curriculum, provide a complete test of theoretical knowledge, intellectual and practical skills and abilities of students;
  • the unity of requirements for all subjects, regardless of their past educational achievements;
  • high reliability, allowing us to talk about a full-fledged pedagogical measurement of the level of a child's learning;
  • the organization of the rating is an effective means of increasing educational motivation.
  • the possibility of using modern computer tools in testing.

In combination with a PC, tests help to move to the creation of modern adaptive learning and control systems - the most modern in the organization of the educational process.

What are pedagogical tests and testing technologies interesting for us today?

The fact is that tests are a special set of tasks that allow you to give an objective, comparable and even quantitative assessment of the quality of a student's training in a given educational area. In turn, the objectivity and measurability of the quality of education open up tremendous opportunities for managing the educational process - from adjusting the content of educational standards and programs to improving teaching methods.

Of course, testing does not replace or cancel the traditional forms of pedagogical control based on direct teacher-student communication. Such control performs important teaching functions, it equips teachers with information about the level of knowledge of their pupils, about gaps in their training, and even about the emotional and psychological state of the class.

As with all science-based technologies, testing requires serious preparation on the part of those who intend to seriously engage in the creation and use of educational tests. First of all, it is necessary to master the strict rules and mathematical apparatus used in the field of pedagogical measurements. Testing does not recognize any workarounds: sloppy, untested tests can only give erroneous results, so using them will be a step backward, not forward.

Types of pedagogical control.

1. Current control.

Current control is characterized by the deliberately set goal of monitoring the progress of training. Conducting current control is the easiest way for a teacher to obtain operational information about the correspondence of students' knowledge to the planned mastery standards. This information creates conditions for the timely correction of the process of assimilating knowledge, skills and abilities by trainees and helps the teacher to rebuild the educational process in the right direction.

2. Thematic control.

Thematic control reveals the degree of mastering of the section or topic of the program. Based on the data of thematic control, the teacher makes a managerial decision. He concludes that additional work on this topic is necessary if the control results are unsatisfactory, or proceeds to the study of the next topic if the control results indicate good preparation of students. With this type of control, the development of a test system is organically linked with the use of a personal computer.

3. Mid-term control.

The functional purpose of midterm control is to identify the results of a certain stage of training. In this case, the assessment of the level of training of trainees is carried out using credits, exams or tests. An important indicator of the usefulness of midterm control is the level of formation of self-control skills in trainees, the ability to control the results of their own activities and correct it in the process of completing tasks proposed by the teacher.

4. Final control.

The purpose of the final control is to assess the work of students after completing the entire course. Usually the form of the final grade of the student is his mark on the exam or the results of the final test.

Entrance testing.

Entry testing is assigned to the beginning of training, which allows you to get an answer to the two most important questions for this period:

  1. the first question is aimed at identifying the degree of possession of basic knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to start training;
  2. the second - to determine the degree of mastery of new material before starting to study it.

Weak students accumulate a chronic lag in knowledge, skills and abilities. In this regard, pretests (preliminary tests) are often offered as an alternative to traditional means of control. Of course, it is far from always possible to check everything that is important for the upcoming training. However, if there is such an opportunity, then in the content of the pretest it is better to display all the basic knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for the assimilation of new knowledge.

Testing in the learning process.

The current tasks of the educational process are usually correlated with formative tests. Formative testing aims to implement a differentiated approach to successful and unsuccessful students in the daily learning process.

The logic of formative testing is quite simple and familiar to the teacher. If the majority of children do not cope with the tasks of the formative test, then the learning process should be repeated, increasing the detail, increasing the number of explanations and reducing the difficulty of the learning tasks.

Diagnostic tests come to the rescue when the student's difficulties are systematic. Their main goal is to establish the causes of gaps in the student's knowledge, which is achieved by a special selection of tasks in the tests. Thus, the cause of the gaps is established and the ways to eliminate them are outlined.

You can give a simplified model of the functions of formative testing.

Final testing.

At the end of the course, students are offered final tests, sometimes referred to as school achievement tests. Their main purpose is to provide an objective assessment of learning outcomes upon completion of a certain course.

When creating tests, it is important to avoid measurement errors. Most often, the test is built on increasing difficulty. If a strong student answers incorrectly to an easy test item, then the resulting zero is most likely the result of an accidental mistake, misspelling or simple inattention on the part of the student, i.e. is purely random.

The situation is quite different when a group of strong learners fails the same easy test item. Then the error has an obvious systematic nature, and therefore the question arises about the failure of the task. As a rule, the error is caused by miscalculations of the test developer. The reasons for insolvency can be different. Most often, the inconsistency is generated by the fact that the content of the assignment allows for an ambiguous interpretation among well-trained students, or is generally focused on identifying other knowledge and skills.

A similar conclusion about inconsistency can be made when a group of poorly trained subjects successfully copes with any difficult task from the end of the test. True, here isolated cases of correct answers by weak students may be the result of guessing, cheating, or other forms of data distortion. However, the persistent nature of such results mainly indicates the inconsistency of the content of individual test items. There is no doubt about how to deal with failed assignments. It is clear they should be excluded from the test.

Let's get acquainted with the main stages of test design.

The main stages of constructing a pedagogical test.

  1. Defining the purpose of testing, choosing the type of test and the approach to its creation.
  2. Analysis of the content of the academic discipline.
  3. Determination of the test structure and strategy of assignment arrangement
  4. Development of test specification, selection of test length and time of its execution.
  5. Creation of pre-test tasks.
  6. Selection of tasks for the test and their ranking according to the chosen presentation strategy based on the author's estimates of the difficulty of the tasks.
  7. Examination of the content of pre-test tasks and the test.
  8. Examination of the form of pre-test tasks.
  9. Redesign of the content and form of assignments based on the results of the examination.
  10. Development of a methodology for approbation testing.
  11. Development of instructions for students and teachers conducting test approbation.
  12. Conducting approbation testing.
  13. Collecting empirical results.
  14. Statistical processing of test results.
  15. Interpretation of processing results in order to improve the quality of the test.
  16. Correction of the content and form of tasks based on the data of the previous stage. Cleaning the dough and adding new tasks. Optimization of the order of the assignments in the text.
  17. Repeating the approbation stage to perform the next steps to improve the quality of the test.
  18. Establishment of test norms and creation of a scale for assessing the results of the subjects.

Classification of goals.

When creating a test, the task is set to reflect in its content the main thing that students should know as a result of training, therefore, it is impossible to limit ourselves to a simple listing of learning goals. I would like to include everything in the test, but, unfortunately, this is not possible. In order not to lose the most important thing, it is necessary to structure the goals and introduce a certain hierarchy into their mutual arrangement. Without a doubt, there are no and cannot be ready-made general recipes, since each discipline has its own priorities.

The most technologically advanced from the point of view of most test developers is the goal system built by B.S. Bloom. In his classification, he distinguishes:

  1. knowledge of titles, names, facts;
  2. factual knowledge;
  3. knowledge of definitions and understanding of their meaning;
  4. comparative, comparative knowledge;
  5. classification knowledge;
  6. knowledge of opposites, contradictions, synonymous and antonymous objects;
  7. associative knowledge;
  8. causal knowledge;
  9. algorithmic, procedural knowledge;
  10. generalized, systemic knowledge;
  11. evaluative knowledge;
  12. procedural knowledge;
  13. abstract knowledge;
  14. structural knowledge;
  15. methodological knowledge.

Test creation requirements.

If testing is carried out using forms, then the tasks are accompanied by instructions:


With the computer issuance of knowledge, the instruction may look like:


The requirements should be as follows:

  1. in the text of the assignment, any ambiguity or ambiguity in the wording must be eliminated;
  2. the main part of the assignment is formulated as briefly as possible, as a rule, no more than one sentence of seven to eight words;
  3. the task has an extremely simple syntactic structure, no more than one subordinate clause is entered into the main text of the task;
  4. the main part of the assignment should include as many words as possible, leaving no more than two or three of the most important key words for the given problem for the answer;
  5. all answers to one item should be approximately the same length, or the correct answer may be shorter than others, but not in all items of the test;
  6. from the text of the assignment, it is necessary to exclude all verbal situations that contribute to the choice of the correct answer using guesswork;
  7. the frequency of choosing the same number for the correct answer in different tasks of the text should be approximately the same, or the number of the place for the correct answer is chosen in random order;
  8. the main part of the assignment is freed from any material irrelevant for the given problem;
  9. all repetitive words are necessarily excluded from the answers by entering them into the main text of the tasks;
  10. from the number of incorrect answers, answers arising from one another are excluded;
  11. tasks containing value judgments and student opinions on any issue are excluded from the test;
  12. all answer options for each task should be equally likely to be attractive to subjects who do not know the correct answer;
  13. none of the answer options should be a partially correct answer that, under certain conditions, turns into a correct answer;
  14. the main part of the task is formulated in the form of a statement, which turns into a true or false statement after substitution of one of the answers;
  15. the answer to one task should not serve as a key to correct answers to other tasks of the test;
  16. if the task has, among others, alternative answers, one should not immediately give an alternative answer after the correct one, since the respondent's attention usually focuses only on these two answers;
  17. all answers should be parallel in construction and grammatically consistent with the main part of the test item.

The task of the teacher is to prepare children for the test of knowledge. But the task is not only to transfer knowledge, but also to prepare students psychologically. You can offer reminders to those who take testing:

T Renew!

Before proficiency testing, you should complete as many published assignments as possible. You cannot learn to cope well with tests without performing them, replacing them with other types of control. Constant training not only leads to acquaintance with the typical constructions of test tasks, but also gives an experience of self-regulation.

Hurry up!

Train with a stopwatch in hand. Time the test execution time, limit it. Without such training, forcing you to work at the fastest pace, without imitating a competitive situation, it is impossible to simulate the stress that any testing causes.

Try it!

In training, use the correct tactics, following all the recommendations for solving individual tasks. For example, you should not re-read an obscure construction several times, but you should immediately get acquainted with the answer options. The answer will clarify what exactly is required in the instructions for this task. This is a concrete example of a tactic to try.

Skip it!

Learn to skip difficult or incomprehensible tasks. Remember: there will always be tasks in the test that you will surely cope with. It’s foolish to miss points just because you didn’t get to “your” assignments, but were stuck on those whose educational material you do not know.

But this tactic is not applicable if the test is built on the principle of "stairs" and starts with easy questions. Then do not skip all the first tasks.


If you are not sure about the choice of the answer, but intuitively prefer some option, then do not leave the question unanswered. Trust your intuition. This trust usually leads to an increase in points.


Many tasks can be solved faster if you do not immediately look for the correct answer, but consistently exclude those that are clearly not suitable. The exclusion method allows you to focus on just one or two attributes, rather than five or seven (which is much more difficult).

Reduce the choice!

If several answers out of four or five options seem completely inappropriate, and the rest are equally likely, then choose “by typing”. “Negative knowledge” is also knowledge, do not refuse to use it.

Think only of the current assignment!

When you see a new task, forget everything that was in the previous one. Items in tests are not related to each other. This attitude has another invaluable psychological effect - forget about past failures. Think that each new task is a chance to score points.

Read the assignment to the end!

Do not rush to understand the condition of the assignment by the "first words" and finish building the ending in your own imagination. This is a surefire way to make mistakes in the easiest questions.

Don't be upset!

In any professionally prepared test, there are many tasks that you simply should not cope with (as planned). Moreover, no one has to complete all 100% of the tasks.

This setting can be useful for “round” excellent students who are accustomed to achieve maximum results using conventional control methods. If you want to become a cool “test” fighter, learn not only to strike, but also to “hold” punches.


  1. Selevko G.K. Modern educational technologies. - M .: Public education, 1998.
  2. Sailor D.Sh. Informatization of general secondary education. - M .: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2004.
  3. Mayorov A.N. Theory and practice of creating tests for the education system. - from M .: - Intellect Center, 2001
  4. Ermakov S. Fundamentals of creating an information system for ensuring scientific research in the context of a single educational space // Science in Olympic sports. -2005. - No. 2. - p. 117 - 127 p.
  5. Zaitsev V.P., Kramskoy S.I. Theory and practice in the algorithm of scientific research on physical culture and sports: Monograph. - Belgorod: Publishing house of BSTU. 2008.-202 p.
  6. Kramskoy S.I., Zaitsev V.P. Management of creative activity of the department of physical education and sports of a technical university: Monograph. - M .: Publishing house of ASV of Russia, 2004.-244 p.
  7. Lubysheva L.I. Sociology of physical culture and sports: Textbook. allowance. - M .: Publishing house. Center "Academy", 2001. -240 p.
  8. Avanesov V.S. Composition of test items. M., 2002.
  9. Anastazi A., Urbina S. Psychological testing. SPb., 2002.
  10. Unified State Exam. Collection of normative documents. M., 2002.
  11. Melnikova M.B. Theory and practice of constructing pedagogical tests. M., 2002.

The test can be used in informatics lessons for the lesson control of students' knowledge, as well as thematic control. The test consists of 10 questions. It takes 10 minutes to complete. The test was created in the easyQuizzy program.

This development is intended for the lesson control of students' knowledge. The test contains 11 questions. Completion of tasks is limited by time. You are offered 10 minutes to complete the test. The test was created in the easyQuizzy program.

Target audience: for grade 11

I bring to your attention a template for creating tests, or rather one of its implementations on the example of the computer science test "Information Coding".

This template allows you to create tests of the "Select one of many" type. The number of questions in the test can be arbitrary, the number of answers to one question can also be any, incl. and different for each question

Features of this version of the test.

  1. Protection against decisions by brute force. Each time you take the test, the order of the questions and the order in which the answer options are displayed change.
  2. Protection from source code research. Blocked right mouse click and the ability to select text.
  3. Possibility of additional verification of test results

Target audience: for grade 9

The resource was created in the program Microsoft PowerPoint using environment Visual Basic for Applications.

Purpose: creating conditions for the formation of students' skills to correctly place in a certain order the codes of the requests that the search server found for each request.

EOR is used to control the formation of the skill of determining the amount of information using the alphabetical and meaningful approaches. The problem book was developed for students in grades 10, enrolled in the program of N.D. Ugrinovich for grades 10-11. The topic of the book corresponds to the introductory topic of the course of the 10th grade "Information and Information Processes"

The interactive task book is an executable file that does not require installation. By double-clicking the program, the student enters his name and begins solving problems. For one test, the student is asked to solve 5 problems (they are randomly selected by the program from a set of ten problems)

The tasks have two levels of difficulty. Simple - suggest a free-form answer (you need to enter a number in the text field - the answer to the problem). For more complex problems, the choice of one answer from several is offered. After solving all 5 problems, the student receives a mark (on a five-point scale) and the opportunity, if necessary, to view the report indicating the incorrect answers.

Target audience: for grade 10

The test is an executable file (exe format); it does not require installation and use of additional software to work.

The subject of the test corresponds to the content of the "Computer as a universal device for information processing" section of the author's program of N.D. Ugrinovich for grades 8-9.

The test contains 10 questions of various types and can be used for a short test on the topic "Computer device".

Target audience: for grade 8

The test is used to control the assimilation of the material of the thematic section "Information and Information Processes" of the author's program of ND Ugrinovich for grades 8-9. The content of the questions corresponds to the material of the 8th grade textbook from the author's teaching materials.
The test contains 10 questions from different topics of the section and can be used both independently and as an admission to the written or practical parts of the test for the section.

Target audience: for grade 8

The test is used to control the assimilation of the studied topic (homework check - 10 minutes at the beginning of the lesson). The subject of the test corresponds to the content of the section "Computer as a universal device for information processing" of the author's program of ND Ugrinovich for grades 8-9. The content of the questions corresponds to the material of the 8th grade textbook from the author's teaching materials.

Test on the topic "Computer presentations"

1.PowerPoint is ...

  1. animation designed for preparing presentations and slide films
  2. program for preparing presentations and slide films
  3. text editor
  4. program designed for editing texts and pictures.

2.Elements of the PowerPoint interface

  1. title, menu, status bar, task area, etc.
  2. word, paragraph, line
  3. Monitor screen
  4. System unit

3.To remove text, a picture from a slide, you need ...

  1. Select it and press the ESC key
  2. Click on an object
  3. Select it and press the DELETE key
  4. Erase

4.Start Slideshow

  1. Show presentation
  2. Add effect

5.Can the background color be changed for each slide

  1. Sometimes

6.How to exit the presentation view mode?

  1. ENTER

7. Computer presentations are:

  1. linear
  2. interactive
  3. indicative
  4. circular

8. What is the extension of the presentation file?

  1. * .txt
  2. * .ppt, * .pptx, * .odp
  3. * .doc, * .docx, * .odt
  4. * .bmp

9. For what purpose can the File - Save As command be used?

  1. To save the document in a different text format
  2. To save a table document in Excel workbook format
  3. To save the document under a different name
  4. For help on saving documents

10. What needs to be done to save changes to the file?

  1. Run the command "File - Open ..."
  2. Run the command "File - Properties ..."
  3. Run the command "File - Save"
  4. Press the "Copy" button on the toolbar

11. In the presentation you can use:

  1. digitized photographs;
  2. sound accompaniment;
  3. documents prepared in other programs;
  4. all of the above

12. You need to change slides automatically. You will choose from the menu:

  1. Demo → slide change
  2. Demo -> customize animation
  3. Service → setting

Insert Missing Words

  1. A way of representing objects and images in computer graphics, based on the use of geometric primitives such as points, lines, splines and polygons, is called
  2. A computer program designed to process text files such as creating and making changes is called .
  3. An ordered sequence of commands required by a computer to solve a given problem is called .
  4. The Windows object for grouping files and other folders is .
  5. The information process, as a result of which an information product is created, .
  6. An area of ​​memory that is used fordata storage,for exchange is called .
  7. An artificial representation of movement in cinema, on television or in computer graphics by displaying a sequence of drawings or frames with a frequency at which a holistic visual perception of images is provided is called .
  8. What concerns multimedia tools:
  1. sound, text, graphics, images
  2. sound, speakers, graphics.
  3. animation, test, video, multimedia programs
  4. video, animation, text, sound, graphics.

Test on the topic "Computer presentations" Key

Insert words

  1. Vector graphics
  2. Text editor
  3. Program
  4. Folder
  5. Information Technology
  6. Temporary, designated, clipboard.
  7. Animation

From edition 06/07/2015:

The publication of the results of this test caused a wide resonance among industry professionals, the test participants continued to vigorously discuss its results, drawing conclusions based on the opinions of invited independent experts. We are pleased to provide our readers with additional information on this event:

We would like to emphasize once again that AV Club, being an independent platform for holding open events for industry specialists in such tests, does not pretend to choose one winner. The main tasks in creating a script are to identify the benefits and features of installing systems for using data in the work of design engineers, installers and other interested industry professionals. Conclusions about the championship are made directly by invited experts and are deeply subjective.

Text: Pavel Kudelin

As expected, the testing was pretty damn interesting and informative. Almost four hours of assignments, auditions, comparisons gave such an amount of information that is akin to a full-fledged training with practice. The testing scenario was fully implemented, and at the exit the experts noted that “I want more tasks”. This, of course, speaks of a dense and eventful event.

When the script was being created, we took a course on analyzing the multimedia capabilities of systems and the functionality for working with documents. In testing, there are no tasks for voting and simultaneous translation, but in fairness, we note - this is for another four hours. And we will gladly take these tasks into the next test.


Let's explain a little how the technical side of testing looked like.

Three conference systems (Bosch, Taiden, Televic) were presented in sets of a chairman and two delegate units. The systems were connected with a balanced signal to the Symetrix audio platform, from which, without audio processing, they were output via the aes / ebu digital interface to the Fohhn amplifier and acoustics.

Each manufacturer has its own technology television cameras. Bosch and Taiden have their own cameras, Televic does not offer cameras, so a circuit from an integrator was implemented during testing.

Special thanks to Bryullov Consulting for technical assistance in organizing testing and providing additional equipment.


In the first stage, we asked experts to evaluate the industrial design of the remotes. This is the quality of the screen, and the ergonomics of the menu, and the quality of the buttons, the ergonomics of the remote control. Taking into account the fact that manufacturers mentioned the possibility of standing at the console, I also wondered how convenient it was.

Bosch: the external design was noted by all experts. The remotes are really beautiful. In this case, the screen is located at an angle that provokes glare. The reflection of the ceiling lights is also noticeable when working with the remote control while standing.

Taiden: many experts have noted that the size of the remotes is too large for many applications. We can agree with this, considering that due to this, users have a really large screen for working with documents. The interface is ambiguous, but for many customers, it can be, oddly enough, closer and more understandable.

Televic: many were confused exclusively by the cut-in format of the remotes. Otherwise, the screen is of good quality, the internal structure of the menu seemed incomprehensible to one group and very pleasant to another. The remote itself is wide. This means that during installation it is necessary to design a significant area for the delegate's workplace.

Bosch Taiden Televic
4,79 4,07 4,14

Each system has its own concept of working with documents. Despite the fact that Android is installed on all consoles as a system, the functionality is extremely different.

Let's try to formulate, for a start, the differences between the concepts of working with documents.

  • The possibility or impossibility of installing third-party applications on the operating system of the remote control. For example, for integration with external systems;
  • Possibility or impossibility of downloading documents from the delegate's workplace;
  • Working with many different file formats or their significant limitation.

And now for each of the manufacturers:

A WEB server is deployed on a separate server. Pages for uploading, storing files are created on it. Pages, of course, are created in the desired design, and the web server itself can be either from flat html files or be an internal site on a CMS system or a document management system with access via HTTP. The desired page is displayed in the remote control. The file is downloaded through the page and then opened by the default Android application on this remote control.

In theory, this means that you can change the default applications, develop applications for your file types, and more.

You can distribute the file to all consoles forcibly.

Important: it was not possible to get a clear answer whether this method is the main one from the manufacturer or is it an implementation of working with files from Hi Tech Media, which acted on behalf of the manufacturer.

pros Minuses
  • Ability to create any interface by displaying pages from a web server.
  • The ability to work with any type of files if there is an appropriate application for viewing them on the remote control.
  • Additional task for organizing IT infrastructure (web server), page design.
  • Differentiation of access to files is implemented not at the conference system level, but by web server tools.
Uploading files is possible both through the operator and by the user, if he has the rights to upload to the web server and the corresponding interface. Whether it's a plus or a minus is up to you.

The system has a server that stores documents. Documents are loaded into a single file archive. It is a flat folder that can be accessed over the network. Access to the folder can be given to users, or it can be left only for the operator. Plus, the consoles have a built-in USB port through which you can connect flash drives by downloading files directly to the same shared storage. USB file upload rights can be configured for a specific console.

To view the file, you need to go to the menu section for working with files from the remote control. There you need to download the file to the console (locally) and then open it.

External applications cannot be installed on the console. You can distribute the file to all consoles forcibly.

Only PDF format is supported. This is for security reasons. The operator uploads the prepared PDF file to the system. The file can be associated with a specific event, part of the event, or be shared. After downloading through the operator software, the file, if the user has rights, can be displayed.

External applications cannot be installed on the console. You can distribute the file to all consoles forcibly. There are wide settings for working with the file. For example, you can give users access to navigate the presentation while it is speaking, or prevent users from leaving the current slide.

Bosch Taiden Televic
4,14 4,36 4


Despite all the multimedia of conference systems, it would be strange to bypass the sound quality test. We did not get around this characteristic by arranging blind testing of microphones. At Bosch and Taiden, the microphone consoles come with two microphone options: the classic gooseneck microphone and the array microphone. Testing was carried out on one console from each manufacturer. But what kind of remote control it will be, with what type of microphone - the manufacturer himself chose.

Two people (man and woman) read the same text. Half of the text was read while sitting at a close distance from the microphone, the other half - while standing.

Expert estimates:

Bosch Taiden Televic
4,07 3,57


When the documents were loaded, we suggested working with them, trying the usability of the interface, the ease of use of the screen for working with materials.

I agree with a number of experts who said that the interface is very different from the usual way of working with documents on mobile devices. And it might be easier for the participants if the model was recognizable.

And here are the results:

Bosch Taiden Televic
4,14 4,43 4,36

Read expert comments. It is clearly noticeable in them how clear the interface is for some, and for some it is completely confusing.


It uses its own HD cameras, which output the IP stream to the camera and the digital SDI signal to the switching system. With your cameras, basic settings are very quick and easy. Control by presets stored in the camera. In the case of complex tasks (it is necessary to register a camera track, for example), it is necessary to use external control systems, since there is no such possibility in the basic functionality. But the speed of connection and settings really pleases.

Likewise - your cameras, work with presets. Presets for each workplace + general plan. For basic features, it is quite enough.

The manufacturer does not offer its own cameras, so a combination is required: camera + central unit + control system. During the testing, Bryullov Consulting demonstrated its own solution based on Cue System control systems with tablet control. I would like to note that the solution itself is very functional, but it implies that the customer or integrator has the necessary competencies in the field of systems integration.

One way or another - all three systems have an open interface for interacting with external systems and, if there is a full-time programmer, creating a connection with technological television will not create problems.

Bosch Taiden Televic
4,79 4,07 4,5


The systems have the ability to broadcast an external signal. At this stage, we decided to test how well the video stream broadcast over IP will be displayed on the consoles. To do this, we connected a laptop with a video (1080p) via HDMI to all systems and brought the control signal to the display.

The following points caught my eye:

Bosch- the signal disintegrated, strong braking and signal sticking were visible. The quality is unacceptable for the workflow. Strong color distortions too. The likely reason is that the central unit does not have a built-in encoder in IP and the encoding was carried out by third-party applications (not Bosch), which simply could not provide the desired quality.

Taiden- you can adjust the quality of the signal encoding depending on the required bandwidth. The coding quality was checked at 768 Kbps - pixelation is visible, especially given the large screen in the consoles. Then we set the stream to 2000 Kbps - everything became fine. Some coding delay is visible. The picture on the controls lags behind the control picture on the display.

Televic- ideally! The delay is not visible at all, the quality is excellent. A representative of the manufacturer who was in the hall said that this is the company's know-how in terms of optimizing encoding on the H.264 codec.


My personal impressions of testing coincide with the experts' estimates. I want to add this:

  • The user interface can and should be made more intuitive. But this is the first swallow in the field of multimedia conferencing systems, so there is no doubt that this will happen.
  • The functionality / safety dilemma is handled differently by each manufacturer. Bosch has the ability to install its own applications (integration with video conferencing from TrueConf was demonstrated). Taiden can connect USB sticks locally. And Televic insists it's unsafe.

Who is right and where is the golden mean - time will tell.