Audio tale The Scarlet Flower work of S. T. Aksakov The tale can be listened to online or downloaded. The audiobook "The Scarlet Flower" is presented in mp3 format.

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The Scarlet Flower Audio Fairy tale is a wonderful magical story that is so great to listen to online with the whole family!

Once upon a time there was a widowed merchant with three daughters, and when he set out to go on a merchant's business, he ordered his blood-girls to live peacefully and honestly, promising to bring gifts for this, whatever they wanted. The eldest chose a crown made of precious stones, the middle one - a magic mirror made of crystal, and the youngest one - a scarlet flower.

The merchant wandered through the overseas states, found gifts for his eldest daughters, but he could not find the cherished flower. He wandered into thick thickets, went out to an indescribable palace with unimaginable decoration and unheard of wealth. In the gardens of those fragrant, the merchant found a flower and plucked it. And a terrible monster appeared before him! In return, it asked the merchant to give any daughter, and if they did not agree, he ordered the merchant himself to come back - the monster intended to kill him.

The younger daughter of her father listened and went to the forest monster. She lived at ease, at ease in the palace. Finally, she wanted to look at the lord of these possessions - she looked at the monster, fainted, and then got used to his terrible appearance. Many more events took place in this audiokazka, but how the monster kissed the girl, how it turned into a beautiful young prince, so they played a wedding!

The work of Aksakov the fiction writer mainly refers to the 50s of the last century. Then appeared in print his "fragmentary memories of childhood" in his grandfather's estate in the Volga region - "Family Chronicle" (1856) and "Childhood of Bagrov the Grandson" (1858), which became an artistic discovery of the genre.
Here "the truth is felt on every page," N. G. Chernyshevsky wrote enthusiastically about Sergei Timofeevich Aksakov's autobiographical story "Family Chronicle." These words could be attributed to all the works of the outstanding original Russian writer. Contemporaries called him "the magician of sweet Russian speech." Gogol more than once listened to his oral stories and advised Aksakov to take up the pen. And the very first printed work of the writer - a poetic description of a snowstorm - delighted the great Pushkin.
In autobiographical books written on the basis of memoirs and family legends, Aksakov proved himself to be a subtle psychologist, able to express the subtle movements of a child's soul. Until that time, he was known as a poet, as a sensitive literary critic, one of the first to note the realistic skills of Pushkin, as a brilliant connoisseur of theater, who, even before the appearance of Belinsky's articles, admired the great actor - "plebeian" Mochalov, as a man passionately in love with the nature of his native land and who created her heartfelt poetic sketches. No wonder I. S. Turgenev wrote about Aksakov's "Notes of a Rifle Hunter": "We have never had such a book!"
Aksakov was a lover and connoisseur of Russian antiquity, a propagandist of folk poetry - fairy tales, parables, songs. Even in his youthful poem, opposing the enthusiasm for "all foreign", he called: "... to the customs, to the native language, we will turn ..."
The charm of the Russian song style and the poetic world of folk tales are distinguished by his literary treatment of the fairy tale about the magical, miraculous "Scarlet Flower".
This tale (placed by the writer in the supplement to "The Childhood Years of Bagrov the Grandson") has entered children's reading forever. The fairy tale became famous precisely in Aksakov's "translation", in its original creative re-creation. The writer carefully preserved the intricate ornament of folk epithets and phrases, conveying the light lyrics of this ageless legend of selfless love, and the cheerful slyness of the narrator, and folk ideas about the ideals of nobility, humanity, and devotion.
The plot of the unfading "Scarlet Flower" is in many ways similar to the legends of different peoples of the world about the saving power of love. There are insurmountable obstacles on the path of love, and happiness is achieved only by faithfulness and selflessness. Aksakov's fairy tale owes its popularity not only to the faithfully conveyed folk wisdom, but also to the magnificent, flexible, expressive, "truly Russian" language.
The proposed recording will introduce you to a play written based on this tale.

The Scarlet Flower audio tale can be listened to online or downloaded in mp3 format for free. Listen to the Scarlet Flower audiobook for children without registration with your child.

Audio tale Scarlet Flower listen online

In childhood, we all loved to listen to the tales of grandmothers and mothers about good and evil, about hard work and laziness, about courage and cowardice. Fairy tales awakened the best feelings in us and taught us to be honest, humane, courageous, resourceful.

Many girls dreamed of meeting fairy-tale princes, of ships with scarlet sails, and the boys wanted to become epic heroes, valiant knights, and musketeers. What are our children and grandchildren dreaming of now, how do they see their future? Do we read them our favorite Russian folk and author's tales: A. Pushkin, M. Saltykov-Shchedrin, S. Aksakov? We do not always find time for this.

Therefore, on the site of our children's Internet library "Hobo", collections of the best, most popular audio stories by Russian and foreign authors have been created.

Your children and grandchildren can now listen to the online audio tale "The Scarlet Flower" by S. Aksakov and the tales of other Russian writers on the pages of the virtual library "Hobobo" performed by professional actors.