Negative consequences of implementation information technology

Along with the “digital divide” and the “virtual barrier”, changes in information technology of work performed can often have a negative impact on people (information noise, etc.) participating in these processes, causing them various negative reactions (information, psychological barriers, etc. .).

Information noise means that in the total volume of received useful data there are extraneous signals (noise). In the IPS, it indicates that as a result of searching for the request, the user received information that did not correspond to his request (irrelevant).

Information barrier- one of the factors preventing obtaining necessary information, making it difficult to use documents as sources of information. It is largely caused by the laws of development of information flows: the constant increase in the number of publications, their dispersion in various publications, the aging of publications and, on the contrary, their actualization. The information barrier affects both the stratification of information and society. Its appearance and deepening are facilitated by such phenomena as information noise, psychological barriers, etc.

Psychological barrier usually arises as a person’s defensive reaction to attempts to change the established sequence of his actions. It is associated with the extreme importance of carrying out new complex species works, with overloads that appear when searching for data, selecting them from a large array of obtained information and studying selected materials, sometimes amounting to several hundred and even thousands of documents.


Remember the main thing - information is a multifaceted concept. It includes data, information, messages and knowledge; characterized by its sources, consumers, distribution environment and means of delivery. In this case, for example, not all knowledge, information and data become information.

Information has various properties, for systematization of which different options for its classification are used.

The science of “Informatics” studies the types and properties of information and information processes. Abroad, it is usually called computational science. It distinguishes two basic directions: theoretical and applied computer science. The latter serves as the basis for the formation of “industry informatics”.

Methods and ways of working based on the use of information processes in order to perform certain tasks, create information resources, services and products, etc. called information technology. Information technologies have existed since time immemorial - since the formation of human mental and physical activity. Their evolution is usually considered from the moment of the invention of printing in Germany, that is, from the middle of the 15th century. Experts associate the current (6th) stage of information technology development with the use of information technologies in the 21st century. nanotechnology and supercomputers capable of performing various information processes with the help of their combined computing power, located in any place on our planet and interconnected via telecommunications (Internet). The properties of information technologies determine the properties of information.

Information technology tools (tools) refer to the information technology base or platform. Οʜᴎ include hardware, devices and complexes (computers and peripheral devices for them, office equipment), telecommunications, software products and software. “Platform” is an important component information technology structures– internal organization of information technology, representing the relationship of its components. It includes hardware and software, databases and user interface.

Information and communication technologies play an important, if not decisive, role in the economic, political, social, and cultural development of modern societies. Information technology is a strategically important industry that influences all aspects of life in any modern society. They create ample opportunities for economic growth and social development of individuals and societies as a whole.

Information technologies have a life cycle. In general, it is characteristic of most living and nonliving objects, for example, humans, animals or plants. The life cycle of information technology means the period of life and effective use of technical means, computer programs, site or portal, communication line connecting, for example, an Internet service provider and its user.

The development of information technology is also associated with the emergence of problems, barriers and risks that create inequality among people (“digital divide” and “virtual barrier”). Changes in the technologies of work performed sometimes have a negative impact on the people involved in these processes, causing them negative reactions, for example, rejection and rejection, fatigue, etc., generating information noise, as well as information and psychological barriers.


Answer the following questions:

1. What is information?

2. What is the relationship between the concepts: “information”, “data”, “information”, “messages” and “knowledge”?

3. List the properties of information that you know.

4. What sources and what consumer information do you know?

5. Give definitions and characteristics of types of information.

6. Name the types of scientific and technical information.

7. Information technology, technological operation and process. Give these concepts definitions and brief descriptions.

8. What does the term “IT Platform” mean?

9. The role of information technology in the development of the economy and society.

10. Explain the concepts of “Information Life Cycle” and “Information Sphere”.

11. Name the ones you know negative consequences implementation of information technologies.

12. List the reasons for the negative consequences of the introduction of information technology.

Negative consequences of the introduction of information technologies - concept and types. Classification and features of the category “Negative consequences of the introduction of information technologies” 2017, 2018.

Scientific and technological progress is an integral and important part modern life. Technology takes up more and more time and space, developing like living organisms, except that all these processes in technology are controlled by humans. The main tasks that the developers set for themselves are to improve the standard of living and eliminate human involvement in routine, monotonous, monotonous work. However, in reality, not everything is so good; not all achievements are beneficial. There are also negative aspects of progress that oblige society to think about the problems of stupidity, alienation, and depersonalization of a person. Let's look at some of the identified problems.

1. People have forgotten how to think.

Thinking is that small but significant part that distinguishes people from animals. All the time we tried to create our own kind, and now, in the era of computerization, this is becoming more and more real. Attempts are increasingly being made to create artificial human intelligence. But while it is not there, we can only use the knowledge that people have received. Most of this knowledge is available through the global Internet, which is not only a storehouse of world knowledge, but also a huge “dump” of information intended for entertainment, leisure, communication, etc.

Nowadays it is not necessary to know, for example, when A.S. Pushkin was born; just type in the search “When was Pushkin born” and you will get the answer. When such knowledge is needed, the person performs the following actions:

1) types a search query; 2) receives the necessary information;

3) uses this result for its intended purpose; 4) and... forgets.

The rapid development of technology lags significantly behind the development of information technology, which can lead to computer systems will become smarter than all of humanity in 2050.

2. People stop communicating directly with each other.

Over the past few years, we have seen the rapid development of social networks. Initially, they were supposed to help people have a dynamic address and phone book, where users themselves add information about themselves, which provides a convenient means of communication.

But, like any other part of human life, they began to acquire less and less idealistic and more vital features. Games, entertainment, and outright garbage. The worst thing is that social networks are now very popular and fashionable, as many have chosen them as an alternative real life, spending more than 10 hours a day “online”.

It can be noted that social networks have become a stronghold of frankly low-brow information promoting drugs, violence and other negative topics. And since they are considered fashionable, many “immature minds” idealize this information and consider it quite normal for their own “implementation” into life.

A person has ceased to be a person on the Internet, all individuality is erased, and thinking becomes monotonous and simple. It all comes down to pressing a Button. The button is the central part social network. She thinks for you, with Her help your “friends” will show you that they liked your photo. She is asked to press because whose Button is pressed more often has some place in society. Over time, people forget how to communicate directly in real life, because online you can do things that you would never allow yourself in reality: complete absence control in expressions, illiterate writing is the norm, because you can imagine yourself as a completely different person, with a different name, than you really are.

3. People stopped working

Even at the dawn of industrialization and mechanization, humanity was faced with the contradictory results of the introduction of machines. On the one hand, they saved people from hard work, and on the other, by replacing a person with a machine, the dismissed worker lost his job and livelihood.

Of course, if robots do their work faster and better, then the entrepreneur will not even think about who to hire, a human or a robot. But at the same time, we have to think, what will billions of people do? Of course, engineers developing more and more new technical solutions won't be unemployed for now. But the emergence of artificial intelligence will save humanity from this work. Here one surprising point arises: a person works to avoid working in the future. It turns out that with the development of artificial intelligence that surpasses human intelligence, a person for the first time in his history will cease to control progress, but will only draw on the information received artificial intelligence. This is a real picture of the development of technology.

4. People stop being... people

Having analyzed the previous points, the question naturally arises:

What is the essence of man, what distinguishes him from other creatures? We can state that he is capable of thinking, reasoning, communicating; creating, creating a second nature; is able to work, and this ennobles, develops and distinguishes a person from the surrounding reality; he feels, experiences, loves, hates, suffers, rejoices.

But he is gradually losing all this with the development of science! And, consequently, he ceases to be a person in the classical sense of the word. Modern man no longer thinks - the computer tells him the solution, he no longer communicates, but just presses buttons, he does not work - robots do it for him.

5. Society 2.0

Why 2.0? Firstly: it has now become fashionable to name something after the example of program versions (1.0, 2.0, 2.2, etc.). Secondly: the society of the second version combines the achievements of modern science and technology and the cultural level of the past. Science in modern society should occupy the same role as culture, but no more, but nevertheless, it must continue to develop. Science must learn much more than it knows at any given moment.

For a long time, humanity has been moving towards the level of development of science and technology that exists today, and throughout all this time it has not noticed that it is being destroyed from within: those qualities of a person that make it such are being lost. Direct communication is increasingly fading into the background, giving way to remote communication, thinking comes down to the fact that “the computer knows best,” and as a result, complete trust electronic sources.

At the same time, all the shortcomings and negative consequences of technology development are offset by positive ones: with the growth of science, universal human knowledge also grows, allowing one to save resources, money, and time. Also, an increasing number of people are taking the path of enhancing cultural values, using modern technological advances.


1) kuku: (2013-02-24 17:51:33 )

Is it possible or not to make it bigger or not and fatter please

2)Fed: (2013-04-18 11:06:15 )

Use the key combination on your keyboard: Ctrl + mouse wheel!

3) I: (2013-05-30 22:28:07 )

I think that people will think more, discuss scientific achievements and developments, dream and fantasize. Intellectual abilities will increase sharply thanks to learning technologies, and we will be able to live in a society with a high culture and be in a constant process of self-development, using the knowledge acquired by humanity. Knowledge about the world will expand, which will allow you to realize all your abilities. Science will determine the direction of society. Travel will become the main entertainment.

4) vetal: (2013-10-13 07:48:25 )

5) vetal: (2013-10-29 14:02:35 )

I, it's nice to see that someone sees positive aspects in our relationship with technology. Just like Jacque Fresco

6) guest: (2014-02-06 17:27:37 )

The robots will kill us aaaaaaa))))))))

7) Turk: (2014-03-06 16:33:48 )

QuotesChimp have noticed that numerous variables enter the price of your premium. The good thing about the majority of the automobile insurance costs systems is they are according to issues strictly inside your manage. This being therefore, you will find actions you may try to keep your rates down.

8) guest: (2015-04-15 20:05:52 )

9) Valeria: (2017-04-27 23:01:17 )


10) Valeria: (2017-04-27 23:02:04 )

11) valeria: (2017-04-27 23:02:49 )

Good for history

12) guest: (2017-04-27 23:03:04 )

13) valeria: (2017-04-27 23:03:04 )

Good for history

14) valeria: (2017-04-27 23:03:06 )


15) oleg: (2017-12-24 20:50:29 )

The topic of wars in the light of new technologies is not disclosed.

16) Tanya: (2018-02-11 19:05:52 )

It'll be in Russian

Life cycle of information. Information sphere

Information can exist for a short time (for example, in the memory of a calculator during calculations carried out on it), for some time (for example, when preparing a certificate), or for a very long time (for example, when storing important personal, commercial, public or government data) . These time periods determine the life cycle of information, consisting of the following stages: appearance, existence and disappearance (“death”).

Since information has a price and is a commodity, it is often perceived as a service, product or product. Here we note that the life cycle of a product affects its two main states.

The first state is associated with the processes of its production, carried out from the moment of preparation of the project to the release of a specific product. It is based on the concept of product lifecycle management (PLM), which combines existing developments into a single integrated solution. It affects the design, technological, and production stages, the completion of which is the commercial stage. This solution includes: 1) an engineering data management system (English: “Product Data Management”, PDM), which connects all components and ensures interaction with systems designed for enterprise resource planning (ERP), customer relationship management (CRM), and suppliers (SCM). This concept applies to enterprises with both discrete and continuous production. The implementation of PDM systems helps to increase the efficiency of product development, reduce costs and time for design, improve the quality and cost of manufactured products, reduce errors and more easily meet customer requirements. However, enterprises have to solve technological, financial, organizational and psychological problems. At the same time, the greatest of them is the problem of internal disorganization in the enterprise, when there is no common ideology, and various structures try to solve their local problems, as a rule, with cheap software and hardware.

The second state determines the period of existence of the product from the moment of its release, operation, when the product becomes a product or service, and until the end of use (disposal). The life cycle of products and services is discussed in lesson four.

The life cycle is characteristic of most living and nonliving objects, such as humans, animals or plants. In information technology, in this case, we talk about the life cycle of technical means, computer programs, a website or portal, a communication line connecting, for example, an Internet service provider and its user.

The development of information technology is carried out through scientific and technological progress(NTP), promoting the creation of new means of production, improvement of various service services, etc. As a result, huge arrays (volumes) of information are created, distributed in society, which form the information environment (sphere).

Under information sphere refers to any activity aimed at:

  • 1) creation and dissemination of information;
  • 2) formation of information resources, preparation and provision of information products and services;
  • 3) information consumption.

Negative consequences of the introduction of information technology

Along with the “digital divide” and the “virtual barrier”, changes in information technology of work performed can often have a negative impact on people (information noise, etc.) participating in these processes, causing them various negative reactions (information, psychological barriers, etc. .).

Information noise means that in the total volume of received useful data there are extraneous signals (noise). In the IRS, it indicates that as a result of searching for a query, the user received information that did not correspond to his request (irrelevant).

The information barrier is one of the factors that impedes obtaining the necessary information, making it difficult to use documents as sources of information. It is largely caused by the laws of development of information flows: the constant increase in the number of publications, their dispersion in various publications, the aging of publications and, conversely, their actualization. The information barrier affects both the stratification of information and society. Its appearance and deepening are facilitated by such phenomena as information noise, psychological barriers, etc.

A psychological barrier usually arises as a person’s defensive reaction to attempts to change the established sequence of his actions. It is associated with the need to perform new complex types of work, with overloads that appear when searching for data, selecting them from a large array of information received and studying selected materials, sometimes amounting to several hundred or even thousands of documents.

Man in the information society

Information culture

Recently, a new category of culture has emerged - informational. This is due to the fact that in order to live and work in the information society, a person must be prepared to quickly perceive and process large amounts of information; he needs to master modern means, methods and technology of work.

The degree of awareness of one person directly depends on the information acquired by other people. Therefore, it is no longer enough to be able to independently master and accumulate information, but one must learn a technology for working with information when decisions are prepared and made on the basis of collective knowledge. Thus, a person must have a certain level of culture to work with information.

Information culture is the ability to purposefully work with information and use computer information technology, modern tools and methods (???) to receive, process and transmit it.

Information culture is manifested in the following:

In specific skills to use various technical devices- from telephone to personal computer and computer networks;

The ability to use computer information technology in your work;

The ability to extract information from various sources - from periodicals to electronic communications;

The ability to present information in a clear manner and use it effectively;

Knowledge of analytical methods of information processing;

Ability to work with various types information.

Information culture borrows and uses the achievements of many sciences: cybernetics, computer science, information theory, mathematics, database design theory and a number of other disciplines. An integral part information culture is knowledge of information technology and the ability to apply it in practice.

Split reality and split personality

Virtual reality (VR) is a highly developed form computer modeling, which allows the user to immerse themselves in an artificial world and directly act in it using special sensory devices that link their movements with audiovisual effects. In this case, the user's visual, auditory, tactile and motor sensations are replaced by their imitation generated by a computer.

Characteristic features of virtual reality are:

Real-time simulation;

Simulation of the environment with a high degree of realism;

The ability to influence the environment and have feedback.

The most common type of virtual reality is computer games.

Computer game is a game built using the multimedia capabilities of a computer. One can argue for a long time how computer games correspond to reality and how they influence the psyche and behavior of the player, but their role in the formation of personality is already undeniable. What is the phenomenon of split personality worth when a young man not only completely “immerses” himself in virtual reality game, but also plays several roles there at the same time, controlling several characters. The phenomenon of split personality, characteristic of schizophrenia, has not yet been noted.

But the phenomenon of cognition of reality through the world of computer games has been noted, when socialization occurs not only through reading books, textbooks and communicating with adults, but also through a computer game, especially strategy. Computer games train the speed of perception and processing of information, so necessary for modern life.

In his other book, “Futurshock,” Toffler notes the already manifested features of the new society: the too rapid variability of life, the associated feeling of instability of everything that is happening, and notes the new problems caused by this, which he calls the word “futurshock.” “Transience, novelty and variety are characteristics of the future that shock us,” Toffler wrote. “Futurshock” - literally, “shock from a collision with the future.” According to Toffler, it manifests itself in disruption of decision-making processes.

Main trends in the development of information technology

Globalization. Companies can use IT to conduct business in the global market, anywhere, immediately receiving comprehensive information. The internationalization of software and the information product market is taking place. Gaining benefits by continuously spreading information costs over a wider geographic region becomes an essential element of strategy.

Convergence. The differences between industrial products and services, information products and the means of obtaining them, and their professional and everyday use are being erased. Transmission and reception of digital, audio and video signals are combined in the same devices and systems.

Increasing complexity of information products and services. The information product in the form of software and hardware, databases and data warehouses, operation services and expert support tends to constantly develop and become more complex. At the same time, the IT interface, despite the complexity of the tasks being solved, is constantly being simplified, making the interactive interaction between the user and the system more and more comfortable.

Interoperability. Problems of optimal data exchange between computer information systems, between the system and users, problems of data processing and transmission and the formation of the required information have acquired the status of leading technological problems. Modern software and hardware and data exchange protocols make it possible to solve them in an increasingly complete manner.

Elimination of intermediate links (Disintermediation). Developing the ability to interact clearly leads to simplification of the delivery of an information product to the consumer. The chain of intermediaries becomes unnecessary if it is possible to place orders and receive what is required directly with the help of IT.

Negative consequences of informatization and overcoming them.

positive consequences Negative consequences
Free development of the individual. Information society. Socialization of information. Communicative society. Overcoming the crisis of civilization "Automation" of a person. Dehumanization of life. Technocratic thinking. Decline in cultural level. Avalanche of information. Elite knowledge (polarization). Isolation of the individual
Expansion of freedoms. Decentralization. Alignment of the hierarchy of power. Increased participation in public life Reduced freedoms. Centralization. The “overseer” state. Expansion of government bureaucracy. Gaining power through knowledge. Increased manipulation of people
Increased productivity. Rationalization. Increased competence. Growth of wealth. Overcoming the crisis. Saving resources. Security environment. Decentralization of industry. New products. Quality improvement. Diversification The ever-increasing complexity of life. Exacerbation of the industrial crisis. Concentration. Exposure to crises. Standardization. Mass unemployment. New requirements for worker mobility. Dehumanization of work. Stress. Dequalification. Disappearance of numerous professions
National independence. Third World countries have a chance to develop. Improving the country's defense capability Increased interdependence. Technological dependence. Exacerbation of South-West relations. Vulnerability. Increasing danger of a new war

Information technologies and systems in tourism (types of information technologies in tourism, classification information systems in the tourism industry, the structure of automated management systems for tourism industry facilities).

IT in tourism is divided into 2 groups:

Modern means office equipment (SSOT)

Personal computer

Modern means of communication

Office equipment(Xerox)

Automated workplace

Audio and video equipment

New application programs (for a specific field of activity)

Local computer networks

Global Area Networks and the Internet


Booking and reservation systems

The structure of an information system is a collection of its individual parts, called subsystems.

A subsystem is a part of the system, distinguished by some characteristic. The general structure of an information system can be considered as a set of subsystems, regardless of the scope of Application. In this case, they talk about a structural feature of classification, and the subsystems are called supporting ones. Thus, the structure of any information system can be represented by a set of supporting subsystems.

Among the supporting subsystems, information, technical, mathematical, software, organizational, legal and other support are usually distinguished.

Technological support AIT consists of subsystems that automate information services for users, solving problems using computers and other technical controls in established operating modes.

Information support(IO) represents a collection design solutions by volume, placement, forms of organization of information circulating in AIT. Linguistic support (LS) combines a set of language tools for formalizing natural language, constructing and combining information units during communication between AIT personnel and computer technology.

Technical support (TO) is a complex of technical means (technical means of collecting, registering, transmitting, processing, displaying, reproducing information, office equipment, etc.) that ensure the operation of automated information technology.

Software(BY) includes a set of programs that implement the functions and tasks of AIT and ensure the stable operation of complexes of technical means.

Information systems in the management of sports competitions (types and classification of information technologies and information systems used at sports facilities; structure of automated management systems for physical education and sports facilities).

The IS must ensure the implementation of the following functions:

Timely presentation of data from a subordinate object (or an object at a lower level of hierarchy in the industry) to required level making a decision in the required form (document, video and sound recording, etc.);

Collection, systematization, accumulation, processing, issuance, display and transmission of the specified information for the purpose of its analysis and generalization, development of solution options;

Timely communication of decisions in the form of documents and orders to subordinate departments;

Monitoring the execution of orders;

Information support for sporting events;

Providing the educational and training process with automated support tools

Negative consequences of the introduction of information technology

Along with the “digital divide” and the “virtual barrier”, changes in information technology of work performed can often have a negative impact on people (information noise, etc.) participating in these processes, causing them various negative reactions (information, psychological barriers, etc. .).

Information noise means that in the total volume of received useful data there are extraneous signals (noise). In the IRS, it indicates that as a result of searching for a query, the user received information that did not correspond to his request (irrelevant).

Information barrier – one of the factors that impedes obtaining the necessary information, making it difficult to use documents as sources of information. It is largely caused by the laws of development of information flows: the constant increase in the number of publications, their dispersion in various publications, the aging of publications and, conversely, their actualization. The information barrier affects both the stratification of information and society. Its appearance and deepening are facilitated by such phenomena as information noise, psychological barriers, etc.

Psychological barrier usually arises as a person’s defensive reaction to attempts to change the established sequence of his actions. It is associated with the need to perform new complex types of work, with overloads that appear when searching for data, selecting them from a large array of information received and studying selected materials, sometimes amounting to several hundred or even thousands of documents.

General conclusions

Remember the main thing - information is a multifaceted concept. It includes data, information, messages and knowledge; characterized by its sources, consumers, distribution environment and means of delivery. In this case, for example, not all knowledge, information and data become information.

Information has various properties, for systematization of which different options for its classification are used.

The science of “Informatics” studies the types and properties of information and information processes. Abroad, it is usually called computational science. It distinguishes two main directions: theoretical and applied computer science. The latter serves as the basis for the formation of “industry informatics”.

Methods and ways of working based on the use of information processes to complete certain tasks, create information resources, services and products, etc. called information technology. Information technologies have existed since time immemorial - since the formation of human mental and physical activity. Their evolution is usually considered from the moment of the invention of printing in Germany, that is, from the middle of the 15th century. Experts associate the current (6th) stage of information technology development with the use of information technologies in the 21st century. nanotechnology and supercomputers capable of performing various information processes using their combined computing power, located anywhere on our planet and interconnected via telecommunications (the Internet). The properties of information technologies determine the properties of information.

Information technology tools (tools) refer to the information technology base or platform. They include hardware, devices and complexes (computers and peripheral devices, office equipment), telecommunications, software products and software. “Platform” is an important component information technology structures – internal organization of information technology, representing the relationship of its components. It includes hardware, software, databases and user interface.

Information and communication technologies play an important, if not decisive, role in the economic, political, social, and cultural development of modern societies. Information technology is a strategically important industry that affects all aspects of life in any modern society. They create broad opportunities for economic growth and social development of individuals and societies as a whole.

Information technologies have a life cycle. In general, it is characteristic of most living and nonliving objects, for example, humans, animals or plants. The life cycle of information technology means the period of life and effective use of technical means, computer programs, a website or portal, a communication line connecting, for example, an Internet service provider and its user.

The development of information technology is also associated with the emergence of problems, barriers and risks that create inequality among people (“digital divide” and “virtual barrier”). Changes in the technology of work performed sometimes have a negative impact on the people involved in these processes, causing them negative reactions, for example, rejection and rejection, fatigue, etc., generating information noise, as well as information and psychological barriers.