Lesson 3

Libraries and effects in Adobe Premiere Pro.

1. Library. one

1.1. Import of external files. one

1.2. Functional panel. 2

1.3. The simplest operations with clips. 7

2. Using effects. 10

2.1. General information. 10

2.2. Applying effects. 12

2.3. Effects control. 13

2.4. Setting up effects. sixteen

1. Library.

1.1. Importing external files

Adobe Premiere Pro has a library that contains all the clips you work with. The library panel is by default located in the upper left corner of the program.

The library contains both the files you import from external sources and the sequences and movies you create. To import an external file into the library, go to the File menu, select Import.

Find the location of the file that you will import into the library, then select it with a left-click.

Click the "Open" button.

The file has been placed in the library.

At the top of the library there is a preview window for the selected this moment library element, and to the right, information about this file is displayed - in the case of a video file, this is the size, frame rate, duration, and sound quality, if there is one in the clip.

https://pandia.ru/text/78/342/images/image009_112.gif "width =" 160 "height =" 276 ">

The first two buttons are responsible for the way the files are displayed. When the List button is pressed, the library items will be displayed as a list.

And if you click the "Icon" button, the library items will be displayed as icons.

The "Automate to Sequence ..." button allows you to move the selected clip in the library into the sequence.

First select the desired clip in the library by clicking on it.

Then click the "Automate to Sequence ..." button.

A window with parameters for inserting a clip into a sequence has opened.

The first drop-down list selects the order of inserting clips (if several were selected) - in alphabetical order or in the order of the selection sequence.

In the second drop-down list, you can select the method of inserting clips into the track (if several clips were selected) - sequentially one after the other or with binding to unnumbered markers, if you created them in advance.

In the third drop-down list, you can choose where the selected clip or clips will be inserted - either at the end of the existing sequence, or at the beginning, replacing the clips already at the beginning.

Also pay attention to the "Ignore Options" block.

Here you can tick off one of the suggested options. Ignore Audi o - in this case, when inserting a video clip, only the image will be placed in the sequence, or "Ignore Video" - in this case, when inserting a video clip, only the audio will be inserted into the sequence.

https://pandia.ru/text/78/342/images/image022_62.gif "width =" 510 "height =" 356 ">

The next button on the library panel is the "Find ..." button.

Clicking this button brings up a search dialog box that will help you find the objects you need. This feature is useful if you have a lot of clips in your library and you can't manually find the one you want.

The Bin button creates a folder in the library.

Such folders are analogous to folders in Windows, only it is not created physically on your computer, but is located in the project itself. Folders can be used to store clips, allowing you to organize and organize your library files.

The New Item button lets you create titles, sequences, transparencies, blacks, and more in the library.

When you click on this button, a drop-down menu will open in which you can select the type of element you need.

The "Clear" button removes the highlighted file from the library. Click this button.

The program prompts you to confirm the deletion. Click the "Yes" button.

The file will be removed from the library.

Keep in mind that deleting a file from the library will also delete all instances of that file on the timeline, but deleting a clip instance from the timeline will not delete the file from the library. You can revert a deleted clip back to the library by going to the Edit menu and choosing Undo.

This command overrides last action produced by you in the program.

1.3. Basic operations with clips

Let's consider the simplest actions performed with files in the library.

They can be accessed through the context menu. To do this, right-click on a clip in the library.

IN context menu the following commands are available. The Cut command removes an object from the library (as well as all instances of it from the pasteboard) and places it on the clipboard.

The "Copy" command copies the object to the clipboard. https://pandia.ru/text/78/342/images/image035_44.gif "width =" 240 "height =" 164 ">. gif" width = "241" height = "232">. gif "width = "536" height = "377">

Also, many of these and other operations can be performed using the main menu "Edit" ("Edit").

2. Using effects.

2.1. General information

When processing clips in Adobe Premiere Pro, it is possible to use the effects built into the program. A list of all the effects of the program is located in the special panel "Effects" ("Effects"). By default, this panel is grouped with the other two. To activate the panel "Effects", click on the tab of the same name in the lower left corner of the program.

A panel with a list of effects has opened. All effects are subdivided into groups. You can expand a group to view its contents by clicking on the triangle icon next to the group name.

The first group - "Presets" ("Templates") - contains effect templates created by the program developers for an example of applying effects.

The Audio Effects group contains a set of sound effects, and the Video Effects group contains a set of visual effects, respectively.

https://pandia.ru/text/78/342/images/image047_37.gif "width =" 146 "height =" 154 src = ">

Particular attention should be paid to such a concept as transitions. Transitions are the transitions from one clip or section to another during playback. There are a lot of ways to switch between clips (both audio and video). Transitions are also commonly referred to as effects, their list is located on the Effects panel in the appropriate folders: audio transitions - in the Audio Transitions folder, video transitions - in the Video Transitions folder.

https://pandia.ru/text/78/342/images/image050_37.gif "width =" 167 "height =" 264 ">

Now in the Effects panel expand the Video Effects group.

For example, we will apply an effect from the “Adjust” subgroup. Expand this subgroup of effects.

https://pandia.ru/text/78/342/images/image054_38.gif "width =" 139 height = 147 "height =" 147 ">

This effect simulates the illumination of a clip of five. You can change the position of the lights, the type of light, color, intensity, center of light, and diffusion. The rest of the effects are applied in the same way. Multiple effects can be applied to one clip.

2.3. Effects control

Now on the "Program" dashboard you can see the result of the applied effect - part of the image is, as it were, illuminated by a spotlight.

If you are not satisfied with the default settings for this effect, you can do manual setting various parameters. All parameters for the current effect are located in the "Effect Controls" panel. By default, this panel is grouped together with the Source panel. Select the “Effect Controls” tab.

This panel displays all the effects of the currently selected clip on the timeline. The upper part of the panel contains video effects, and the lower part contains audio effects.

https://pandia.ru/text/78/342/images/image062_33.gif "width =" 207 "height =" 129 ">. gif" width = "218" height = "150">

All video and audio effects you add are also placed in this panel. Now you can see on this panel the name of the effect we applied - "Lighting Effects".

The effect parameters are combined into a group, the title of which you can see now. For some settings, it is not required to expand the group, since some operations with the effect can be performed using the controls located on the header.

The Toggle the effect on and off button can be used to turn off the effect without removing it from the clip.

Pressing the button again will turn the effect back on.

Clicking the button to the left of the effect name will highlight the effect area in the dashboard. In this case, pressing this button will highlight the light spot. Click it.

The area of ​​the effect is highlighted with an ellipse, which contains control handles.

By moving these markers, you can change the position and size of the light spot.

The Reset button returns all effect settings to their default settings.

If you manually changed the properties of the effect, then when you click the "Reset" button, all changes will be lost.

2.4. Setting up effects

To adjust the parameters of an effect, you need to expand the group of settings by clicking on the triangle on the left side of the effect bar.

https://pandia.ru/text/78/342/images/image073_26.gif "width =" 366 "height =" 207 ">

Each light source can be adjusted separately from each other. Click on the triangle to the left of "Light 1".

The same parameters exist for other light sources. The parameters below are for adjusting the entire effect as a whole, not individual light sources.

In the line "Ambient Light Color" you can turn on the background ambient light and select its color.

Ambience Intensity adjusts the overall light intensity.

When using other effects, their settings may differ significantly from those considered here, however, it will be easy to establish the purpose of one or another parameter empirically.

To remove an effect from a clip, right-click the effect name. In the context menu that appears, select “Clear”.

Effects are various special effects that, depending on the algorithm embedded in them, perform certain actions, be it changing the brightness and contrast of a clip, or changing its transparency. good in that it allows you to change various parameters of the effect. This, in turn, opens up before us endless possibilities of working with the image of the film.

In Adobe Premiere, all effects are divided into built-in and standard.

Presets are effects that are initially assigned to any clip by default. These include the Opacity, Motion and Time Remapping effect for video clips, and the Volume effect for audio. You can view them by clicking on the name of one of them in the clip header (see below):

Standard are effects that we manually add to clips ourselves. They are divided into Video Effects and Audio Effects. All of them can be viewed in the effects library in the Effects panel:

By the way, I would like to say a few words about the Effects panel. All effects and transitions in the Effects panel are scattered into folders, to open which you just need to click on the small gray triangle. There is a search box at the top of the Effects panel. This is a very handy thing when you know the name of an effect but don't know what folder it is in. In addition to all this, the program developers have provided us with the ability to create folders with frequently used effects and transitions. To do this, click on the image of a small folder in the lower right corner of the panel and the folder will be created.

So, you have selected the effect you want in the Effects panel. In order to apply it to your clip, you just need to transfer it to the Timeline, to the clip to which you want to apply this effect.

Here we see all the effects that have been applied to this clip. They are divided into two groups: Video Effects and Audio Effects. In addition to the default effects, here is the Brightness & Contrast effect, which we added in the previous paragraph.

Click on the gray triangle to the left of the effect name in the Effect Controls window to expand the nested list of parameters.

Move the sliders to adjust the effect parameter settings. Adobe Premiere has a wide variety of effects. Some of them have only one parameter for setting, and some can be as many as 20. So you can easily customize any effect "for yourself" while focusing on viewing the frame in the Program window.

As you probably already guessed, you can apply multiple effects to a clip at once. They are applied in the order in which they are located in the Effect Controls window. Sometimes the order in which effects are applied can have a significant impact on the final image of a movie. In cases where the order of the effects does not suit you, you can change it by simple drag and drop.

If you have applied any effect to the clip, and it does not suit you, you can delete it simply by selecting it in the Effect Controls panel and pressing the Delete key.

Sometimes it happens that you tugged at different sliders, changed something here, changed something there, and it turned out to be some kind of garbage. Then you sit and think: how to return everything to its original form, and here is the best way for us to use the saving Reset button, which will return all the effect settings to their original state.

If you need to turn off an effect without deleting it, you can use the Toggle the effect on or off button. It is located to the left of the effect name. By clicking on it, the icon will disappear and the effect will be disabled.

It so happens that after adding an effect to a clip, the program does not have time to calculate it and a red bar appears above the clip. As I wrote in previous articles, this means that you need to additionally visualize this segment. To do this, set the work area using the work area bar and execute the command Sequence => Render Work Area or just press the Enter button.

In this article, we looked at static effects and their settings. There is also such a thing as dynamic effects, but I'll introduce you to them in.

In addition to being able to apply effects to track items and clips in a sequence, Premiere Pro can apply effects to master clips.

The main clip can be called the parent clip, and all sequence clips created from this main clip are its child clips.

Unlike regular sequences, multi-camera sequences, and bins, master clips are objects in the Project panel. Examples of master clips are merged clips, subclips, and synthetic clips (such as adjustment layers and color masks).

If a project contains several elements that reference the same file on disk, then each of these elements is an independent master clip. Therefore, parent-child relationships cannot exist between items in the Project panel. This relationship can only exist between the main clips in the project and the clips of the sequences in the timeline.

When you apply an effect to a base clip, the effect is automatically carried over to all sequence clips (child clips) created from that base clip.

Using Master Clip Effects in Premiere Pro

    To apply an effect to the main clip in Premiere Pro, drag the effect from the Effects panel to the Project panel. Source Monitor or .

    To apply an effect to multiple master clips at the same time, select the desired items in the Project panel, and then drag the effect you want to apply to those items.

    Adjust the effect parameters in the panel Effect controls.

    Insert segments of the main clip into sequences. Any effects applied to the main clip are carried over to all the portions of that clip that are part of the sequences.


    The effects work regardless of whether the sequence clips from the main clip were created before or after the effect was applied.

A red line is displayed below the FX icon for the corresponding clip to which the base clip effect is applied. In addition, a new tab called All has been added to the Effect Controls panel, which displays the applied effects.

Important notes

  • Panel Effect controls controlled by focus. This means that if the panel Source Monitor the main clip is loaded and the focus is on the panel Source Monitor, then on the panel Effect controls the main clip is loaded.
  • If a single clip of a sequence is selected in the Timeline panel and the focus is in the Timeline panel, then on the panel Effect controls the selected track item is loaded.
  • To view or change the effect of the main clip with a sequence clip, use the function Synchronize frame... In this case, the main clip corresponding to this episode clip will be loaded into Source Monitor... Double-clicking a sequence clip only loads that segment, not the main clip. On the panel Effect controls in this case, the effects of the track item are displayed instead of the main clip.

Turn main clip effects on or off on thumbnails

You can display the effects of the main clip to see faithful playback of the clip in a thumbnail. The effects on the clip thumbnail in the Project panel are customizable.

For example, for a master clip, you can use a transform effect instead of a motion / opacity effect.

Most of the Premiere Pro video effects are available except those described below.

  • Internal Effects: Motion, Opacity, Speed
  • Warp Stabilizer effect
  • Floating Shutter Removal effect

You cannot pre-render the effects of the main clip. For this reason, you should avoid using processor-intensive effects as they can degrade playback on the original monitor.

Audio effects cannot be applied to master clips.

Displaying a thumbnail with main clip effects

Select Source File Settings in the Effect Controls Panel

In the Main tab of the Effect Controls panel, you can configure source file settings for RED, ARRI, CinemaDNG, DPX, and Sony F65 formats.

Load the master clip into the Source Monitor and adjust the White Balance, Saturation, and Exposure settings for the source files. You can save your selected source file settings as an effect preset for later application to other clips.

They can also be copied to other clips. For example, you can select source file settings for one clip and apply them to other elements in the project by copying and pasting.

Frequently asked Questions

What is the difference between a master clip and a clip on disc?

When you import media from disc into the Project panel, Premiere Pro creates a master clip. Each time the same media is imported into Premiere Pro, a separate master clip is created.

Therefore, a Premiere Pro project can contain several different master clips that point to the same media file on disk.


Use the Reveal In Explorer (Windows) or Reveal In Finder (Mac) commands to locate the media file for the selected clip on disk.

How to determine what is loaded on the panel Effect controls- main clip or track item?

Here are some tips to help you determine the type of the loaded item:

  • Clip name. In the case of a track item, the clip name will be preceded by the sequence name. In the case of a master clip, on the panel Effect controls only the clip name is displayed.
  • Headings. In the case of a track item, on the panel Effect controls the headings of the Video Effects and Audio Effects sections are shown. There are no such titles for the main clip.
  • Internal effects. In the case of a track element with a video component, the Video Effects section shows the effects of Motion, Opacity, and Time change... In the case of the main clip, these internal effects are not shown.

Can main clip effects be applied to sequences?

No, you cannot directly apply the main clip effect to a regular sequence or a multi-camera sequence.

What types of effects can I apply to Master Clips?

Another lesson from Alexey Dneprov. Perhaps it will be useful for someone to know.

Good day to you. In Adobe Premiere Pro, version CC 2014, you can not only pre-edit clips in the source window (Source) by length, but also apply any effects to the original clip before adding it to the timeline.

Importing multiple clips into the window library Project:

Drag one of the added clips to the window Source(or just double-click the left mouse button on the selected clip):

Click on the picture to enlarge

Go to the tab Effects:

Click on the picture to enlarge

And choose any filter or effect. Let it be an effect Fast Color Corrector from folder Color Correction:

Click on the picture to enlarge

Select the effect and drag it to the clip in the window Source.

For convenience, drag the effect control tab (Effects Controls) to the right by placing in the program monitor window (Program):

Click on the picture to enlarge

Editing the clip:

Click on the picture to enlarge

After editing the original clip, add it to the timeline:

Click on the picture to enlarge

The clip will be added with the effects and the specified parameters. And in the project window library (Project), the corresponding sequence will appear:

Click on the picture to enlarge

With added effects and preset parameters.

The source clip itself in the project window library (Project), will also be changed:

Click on the picture to enlarge

Now, when added to the timeline, it will already have the effect applied:

Click on the picture to enlarge

This feature, if used correctly, can make the job of pre-preparing clips before placing them on the timeline a lot easier.

Good luck to you. Best regards, Alexey Dneprov.

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How to make video effects in adob prime about video tutorial

Effects for video and animation in the program
Adobe Premiere Pro CC

Here you will see the fifth video lesson from the Course “ Adobe Premiere Pro»

In the video tutorial below, you will learn about effects to enhance your video. In a programme
Premier Pro has a wide variety of video effects. With the help of them
you can either improve or degrade any video.

All Adobe Premiere Pro video effects are divided into two groups. The first group includes only
three effects. They are called "fixed effects" because they are applied to
timeline panels automatically when adding video to the panel

The second group is located in the "Video Effects" folder. There are many of them and you can add them selectively.

So let's start with fixed effects. To do this, go to the "Effect Controls" panel.
is intended not only for working with video effects but also kkk transitions kkkk, all
the effects are located there on the left.

There is no point in describing video effects further in words, so watch Artyom's video tutorial
Lukyanov, which he specially wrote down on this interesting and necessary topic,
on which beginners almost always have questions.

But, after watching this lesson, I hope that questions about video effects in a programme
You will no longer have Premier Pro SS and you will be able to run independently
the "Video Effect" folder and apply them one by one to your video project,
and also remove previously applied, but already unnecessary effects.

After the 15th minute, it will also be shown how to apply animation effect on video.

There will be questions - write

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Adobe Premiere Pro | video effect in adob prime about video tutorial)