Electric currents are divided into: palpable, non-releasing and fibrillation.

    Sensible current is an electrical current that causes noticeable irritation when passing through human body

    Non-releasing current is an electric current that, when passing through the human body, causes an irresistible convulsive contraction of the muscles of the arm in which the energized conductor is clamped.

    Fibrillation current – ​​causes cardiac fibrillation as it passes through the body.

Threshold current– the smallest current value that causes the corresponding reaction. The values ​​of these currents are different for alternating and direct currents.

The threshold perceptible current does not cause damage to a person, and in this sense it is not dangerous. However, prolonged (several minutes) passage of this current through a person can adversely affect his health and is therefore unacceptable.

The exact values ​​of safe current, which can pass through a person for a long time (for several hours) without harming him or causing any sensations, have not been established.

Threshold non-releasing current can be conditionally considered safe for humans, since it does not cause immediate damage. However, with prolonged passage of current, serious disturbances in the functioning of the lungs and heart can occur, and in some cases death occurs.

Outcome of human defeat electric shock depends on many factors. These include:

Operating mains voltage; the resistance of all elements of the current circuit, including the human body; duration of current passage; current path through the human body; human condition; environmental conditions; coincidence of the moment of passage of current through the heart with the T phase of the cardiac cycle (cardiocycle).

The resistance of the human body consists of the active and capacitive resistance of the skin at the input and output of the current and the active resistance of the internal tissues.

The equivalent resistance circuit of the human body has the form:

Dry, intact skin has a resistance (at 15-20 V) of approximately 100 kOhm, and the resistance of internal tissues is 300-500 Ohm.

Human resistance varies from person to person and varies for the same person under different conditions. The skin's resistance sharply decreases when it is damaged (even up to 500-700 Ohms), moisturized (by 15-50%), and contaminated (especially with conductive substances). A person's resistance decreases as his condition worsens - fatigue, hunger, illness, and intoxication increase the risk of severe damage.

The resistance of the human body greatly depends on the applied voltage, the duration of the current flow, the type and frequency of the current.

With prolonged current flow, the body resistance decreases due to increased blood circulation under the electrodes and sweating. At low voltages (20-30 V) in 1-2 minutes the resistance decreases by 25% or more (at higher voltages the decrease is more significant).

As a result of an increase in the frequency of the current, Zh decreases (due to a decrease in capacitance) and in the limit (at f = ∞) tends to R ext = 300 Ohm.

The main parameters on which the outcome of a person’s electric shock depends are the touch voltage, the value of the current through the body and the duration of its exposure.

The following parameters and their values ​​are established as electrical safety criteria.

    Duration of current exposure to a person – t,s

    the maximum non-febrillatory current, which with a probability of 99.5% does not cause fibrillation in subterranean animals (the weight of the body and heart of which approximately corresponds to a person) - Ih add, mA

    maximum permissible touch voltage applied to a person - Upr add, V

GOST 12.1.000-88 SSBT “Electrical safety. “Maximum permissible levels of touch voltages and currents” establishes the permissible values ​​of the above criteria during emergency modes in industrial electrical installations. These values ​​are given in the table



The highest permissible touch voltages Uat currents Ihat normal operation of the electrical installation

Classification of premises and working conditions.

According to the danger of electric shock, 3 classes of premises have been established (GOST 12.1.007-78)

    High-risk premises. Characterized by one of the following characteristics: conductive dust; conductive floors; dampness ≥75%; temperature ≥35˚C for a long time (2 hours or more); the ability to simultaneously touch grounded parts of the building (communications) and the housing of electrical equipment.

    Particularly dangerous premises. Signs: dampness 100%; chemically active environment; two or more signs of a high-risk premises.

    Without increased danger - there are no specified signs.

First aid for electrical injury.

    Quickly release the victim from the effects of electric current by turning off the current, or separating the person from contact with the source using an insulating object (dry clothing, a stick, etc.). For voltages over 1000 V, use only insulating agents

    If a person’s pulse and breathing are stable, then provide fresh air and rest.

    If breathing is absent or unstable (breathes with sobs), then artificial respiration is necessary. If there is no pulse, indirect cardiac massage is necessary.

    In all cases of electric shock, you must call a doctor.

Artificial respiration is carried out using the active method - exhaling air from one’s lungs into the victim’s lungs (“mouth to mouth”). Exhaled air contains about 18% oxygen (inhaled air contains about 21%).

Before starting, tilt the victim’s head back, and then sharply exhale air into his lungs 10-12 times a minute. The victim exhales independently by compressing the sternum.

Indirect cardiac massage.

When a person's sternum is pressed, it compresses the heart, thereby pushing blood out of the heart into the blood vessels. When the sternum is released, blood enters the heart again. The frequency of pressure is 60 times per minute. The place of pressure is 1-2 cm above the end of the sternum.

The effectiveness is checked by stopping the assistance for a few seconds. If breathing and pulse are spontaneous, assistance is not resumed. Otherwise, it continues until the doctor arrives.

Signs of revival are: complexion - pink, steady breathing, constriction of the pupils (indicates the supply of oxygen to the brain).

The doctor restores normal heart function using a defibrillator. The capacitor is discharged in 0.01 ms at a voltage of 4.5-6 kV. This provides a current of 15-20A, which stops the chaotic contraction of the heart and restores rhythmic ones.

Plastic plates and signs are made of matte two-layer foamed PVC with a thickness of 2-3 mm. The material has low weight and high rigidity, which allows it to be ideal replacement for stickers. Unlike them, the sign does not follow the unevenness of the wall and can be attached to it pointwise in several places using double-sided tape or glue and can be easily removed from it without damaging the surface. In addition, signs can be easily attached with self-tapping screws.

If necessary, plates and signs can also be made of plastic of any thickness from 1 to 5 mm.

Light fastness and moisture resistance

The lightfastness of the paint is at least 5 years Depending on the intensity of solar radiation, the moisture resistance of the paint and material, it is possible to use the signs outdoors without additional protective equipment. For more information about the material and printing method, see the section PRINTING TECHNOLOGY


The material is fireproof (belongs to self-extinguishing materials). The material and paints are certified for indoor use.


Double sided tape

Due to its light weight, the material is firmly held on a flat surface using double-sided tape. There are various types tape for various surfaces. If necessary, you can purchase the required amount of tape along with your order or separately. We can send a description of the tape to your email.

Self-tapping screws

When fastened with self-tapping screws, the material does not crack, and there is no need to pre-drill holes to attach the sign.

Universal polymer waterproof adhesive for PVC

The adhesive is suitable for quickly gluing PVC and foam to any surface.

You can buy "TAIFUN" glue in the section "Related Products". Click .

Installed on poles and fences of power lines, electrical equipment and devices, doors of power panels, electrical panels and cabinets.

Cost, rub. per piece (including VAT 18%)
Size, mm Metal Plastic Self-adhesive film
Circulation, pcs. 50 100 200 from 500 50 100 200 from 500 50 100 200 from 500
150x150 224 187 175 163 125 104 97 91 23 20 18 17
200x200 270 225 210 197 147 123 115 107 42 35 32 30
300x150 283 236 220 206 154 128 120 112 47 39 37 34
250x250 329 274 256 239 176 147 137 128 65 54 51 47
400x200 375 312 292 273 199 166 155 145 83 70 65 61
300x300 401 334 312 292 212 177 165 154 94 78 73 68
500x250 492 410 383 358 257 214 200 187 130 109 102 95
600x300 636 530 495 463 328 273 256 239 188 156 146 137
400x400 584 486 455 425 302 252 235 220 167 139 130 121

Our company sells posters and signs on electrical safety. They are used to warn strangers, as well as specialists working in the power supply system, about the danger of high voltage electric shock.

As a rule, safety signs are placed in electrical installations, as well as:

  • on high-voltage line towers:
  • on electrical equipment and electrical appliances under high voltage;
  • on the doors of electrical switchboards and substations;
  • in control rooms;
  • on electrical panels and cabinets;
  • on fences that prevent strangers from entering dangerous areas where there is a risk of electric shock.

Our offers

Our capabilities allow us to accept orders for a large number of signs. Depending on the application, electrical safety warning signs can be made of materials with varying degrees of strength. If you intend to mark hazardous areas in interior spaces, where the signs will not be exposed to atmospheric influences and temperature changes, it is more advisable to use self-adhesive film. This type of marking can be done on a scale where an equilateral triangle has side lengths:

  1. 50 mm
  2. 100 mm
  3. 150 mm
  4. 200 mm
  5. 250 mm
  6. 300 mm

These dimensions are provided for by national and international standards and are also used for external warning signs.

We offer external options in the following versions: on non-flammable hard PVC plastic, with a thickness of 1.5 to 2 mm, and also on a metal base made of galvanized steel. The metal sign has rounded corners and curved edges, and, if necessary, a bracket on the back side (with aluminum rivets or spot welding).

Additional features

When accepting an order, our specialists draw up a detailed technical specification, where they indicate not only technical parameters, but also other wishes of the customer. This includes, for example, brackets and stands, applying a fluorescent layer or using reflective film instead of the usual colored self-adhesive.

In addition to the standard sign, we accept orders for posters, signs and shields informing about the location of electrical wiring or warning about the danger of unauthorized work in the area of ​​high-voltage transmission lines.

In this case, in graphic editor A pilot layout is drawn up, which, after approval by the customer, is launched on the cutting plotter. The entire process is carried out with high precision, thanks to new technologies for transferring digital images to the plotter. The number of copies per order is unlimited.

About the sign itself

The Electrical Hazard sign is a black lightning bolt or zigzag icon on a yellow background. Lightning is directed from top to bottom, from the top of an equilateral triangle to its base. The triangle has rounded or sharp edges edged in black.

International standards also provide a warning message: “Caution, high voltage” or “Caution, electrical voltage”. We offer both the standard version without an inscription, and both of the above options, where the image is accompanied by text.

Signs installed at the entrance warn that their effect extends to the entire territory. They must be clearly visible at any time of the day, so the use of reflective or fluorescent film is allowed.

The order price depends on the material and parameters of the sign.