This is a page about how to make money on the Internet for a beginner, who does not yet have experience and knowledge, but has a desire to figure out how you can make money on the Internet without investments. Here are the best ways to make money both with your website and without it.

Almost all of these methods have been tested by me personally (with varying degrees of success) and today they are the only options for earning additional income on the Internet honestly and without cheating.

In this article I will talk about general principles work on the web. Then I will describe several ways to make money online which are especially good for a beginner. Some of them are described in more detail in the articles, links to which are located at the end of this text and in the menu on the right. There are also links to articles and more. complex ways making money on the Internet. I recommend it for careful study.

Popular questions:

How to make money on the Internet without a website, or I would go to Abramovichi

Here, my dear visitor, you can learn about how to make money on the Internet without your website and any special knowledge. Moreover, honestly and with my own work (here, by the way, is a good article about that). The methods described here, in addition to the money itself, will also give you some understanding of the reverse side of the World Wide Web.

Once you get started, you will see what many sites on the Internet really are. And what is the so-called "information" located on their pages. The next time you visit such sites and read the teachings of the next "guru" on them, you will already treat these "revelations" with a smile. As they deserve it.

Plus, surfing the Internet is a great way to get money for. Moreover, together with the money you will gain invaluable experience of finding and functioning on the Internet. Which is much more important for a beginner than even money.

In the second, he (again for a certain price) asks to write posts or comments, but already on his SITE (for example, in the forum, if there is a forum, or comment on articles on the site if there is no forum).

Thus, as a result of completing the first order, the fruit fly lover receives external links to his resource, which leads to an increase in the site's rating in and, accordingly, to an increase in the number of visitors from them.

And as a result of the second, unique content appears on the site (which will also be appreciated by search engines) and the appearance of a genuine interest of visitors to the digestion problems of Drosophila flies in the premarital period is created. This gives people who first come to this resource the impression that here they definitely will not waste their time, since so many wonderful insect lovers are actively sharing their thoughts here. What to do with this impression next depends on the directness of the hands of the site owner.

I think that the general meaning of the systems for filling sites with content is now clear to you, so let's move on directly to "exposing" these services and, having torn off the veil of secrecy, we will loudly call their names.

The best way to make money on the Internet for a beginner, or Home for future oligarchs

The best way for a beginner to make money on the Internet is called. With its help and in the presence of a great and burning desire, a person "not burdened" with knowledge will be able to make your first money online(pretty good money).

Advego has a decent number of orders with a high price. The truth and requirements for the fulfillment of these orders are high. But there are also a bunch of simpler tasks, respectively, with a lower price.

In general, it doesn't matter which orders you start with. The main thing - to begin work. The first couple of orders, of course, will be a lot of incomprehensible things, but here I advise you to show perseverance and figure it out, because after that everything will go like clockwork, and you will already be performing further work “on autopilot”. Besides, there is nothing particularly complicated. The most important thing is patience, perseverance and desire to work.

In the meantime, let's talk about other ways to generate income on the Internet without investing money in anything.

How to make money on the Internet on articles, or Fig whether Tolstoy? I am cooler

If you can safely write a small article of 1500-2000 characters on any topic, while your work will be interesting not only to you, but also to someone else, then you have a direct road to articles and whole articles. With these exchanges you can earn by writing articles... More precisely, writing and their subsequent sale.

A convenient, automated sale of articles is organized on these exchanges (by the way, in the above-mentioned Advego there is also a store for selling articles). You can write articles to order or just upload your texts and wait for them to be bought.

In principle, the option of making money by selling your articles is very, very promising. Having found regular customers, you can earn very good money on a regular basis. This is because site owners are beginning to understand that a bunch of inbound links does not make a site popular yet. The quality articles posted on its pages make it popular and interesting. But don't think, I write everything to my site myself :-)

You can find some useful tips for a beginner copywriter at. And it contains my answers to the most frequently asked questions about copywriting, rewriting, etc.

How to make money as a freelancer, or We make money, being able to at least something and at least somehow

Well, and the last way for a beginner to make money on the Internet is to work for. There are a huge number of orders here, but most of them are designed for people with experience and knowledge. Although, if you search very well, then a beginner freelancer will find an opportunity to make money here. So look and do not despair if a more experienced one is ahead of you. Remember, they were all newbies once too.

I wish you to make so much money on the Internet that you have enough for everything, or if you become an oligarch - do not forget about me

I tried to describe everything here real ways how to make money on the Internet for a beginner who does not have a website or any special knowledge. As you can see, the concept of "working on the Internet" gets along well with the concept of "money and profit". The most important thing is not to sit back, but to work (as well as offline, in principle).

I hope that after reading so many letters, you have an understanding of the direction in which to move. Do not build unnecessary illusions and thoughts are real. Remember: my advice on how how to make money online money only shows the way. And how you go along this path depends only on you.

Be careful! And before you take on something, think carefully. Over time, experience will come to you. Your experience, the most invaluable. There will still be mistakes, but success always follows them!

Stability and good luck to you!

Popular questions


Hello Alexey! Today, in search of information about this type of income, as copywriting, I visited your site. I want to thank you for the helpful advice for beginners, as well as for the absence of false promises of freebies. To be honest, I share your point of view about honest earnings and believe that it is work that makes a person a full-fledged member of society. I’m not sure yet if I’m going to try my hand at journalism, but I will gladly take note of the information received on your website. I wish you success!

  • How to make your first money, especially for a schoolboy or student;
  • How easy it is for a beginner to make money on the Internet without investments in Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan and other CIS countries. The methods are universal for different regions;
  • Ways to make money offline: small side jobs and your own mini-business.

1. Resale of things on Avito

With the help of there is a real chance to organize a whole business for resale. To get started, sell your own unnecessary things, offer help to friends and acquaintances. Many do not know how to sell their property, are too lazy to spend time on good description and a photo of the product.

And on this you can get a profit of 20-70% from the cost of production.

A good income will bring the resale of things bought on Avito from less talented sellers. Buy cheaper and offer more. Some things can be restored, which will significantly increase their value. Arrange delivery to other cities. How can you make money? Popular products: appliances and electronics, furniture, jewelry.

2. Sale of goods from China

Requiring a small investment. You place an order on a Chinese site like Aliexpress or TaoBao and sell the product on social networks or one-page sites.

The purchase of Chinese products is several times cheaper, so the markup is from 50 to 200 percent! It is profitable to sell clothes, jewelry, souvenirs (mugs, posters, badges for fans), small gadgets. On this it is possible to get from $ 200 net per month.

3. Promotion of accounts on Twitter and Instagram

This method details how to actually make money online using social media. The promoted microblogging is a source of constant passive income. With over 500 real followers, it's worth starting to monetize your account.

How to promote microblogging?

To attract the attention of subscribers on Twitter and Instagram, make your blog thematic: reviews of fashion news, reviews, cooking, handicrafts, etc. Make cross-posts from your accounts and communities in other social media. media. There are special services for naturally attracting subscribers- Twidium Twitter Edition, SocialHammer.

How to make money on a blog?

The simplest income option is selling an account. A blog with 1000-1500 followers is estimated at $ 200 or more. Further more.

It is difficult for a beginner blogger to find partners directly, use special sites for monetization:


So it is really easy for a beginner to make money on the Internet without investments: 500, 1000 and even 1500 $ per month with popular accounts.

4. Educational video courses

An ideal way for those looking for how to make a lot of money from their knowledge and skills. Topics in demand: work in graphic editors, handicrafts, beauty (personal care, manicure, visage), raising children, building relationships with the opposite sex, organizing and promoting business, sports, health, dancing.

The cost of courses starts at $ 10 and can reach 200, 300 and $ 2,000.

How to promote your video course:

  • Create a selling page and connect it to a mailing system such as JustClick or SendPulse. The page needs to be promoted by gaining subscribers for the mailing list. Letters should be interesting, useful and motivating to buy your information product;
  • Advertising on the pages of more successful info-businessmen will allow you to gain popularity and subscriber base faster;
  • Tell your friends and acquaintances about the courses;
  • Participate in webinars, thematic conferences and master classes.

This option allows a beginner to make money without investing large amounts of money.

5. Freelance - working with texts

The relevance of the profession related to text content continues unabated. This is rewriting, copyrighting, typing, (filling information resources). money on the Internet without investments for a beginner quickly and practically from scratch. In the future, you can create your own business service project and deal with large orders, recruiting employees to your team.

The cost of a small informational or commercial text is 3, 4, 6 and more dollars. By creating 4-6 of these materials a day, you will receive a good fee. Content managers receive from $ 300 per month. Remote work often involves frequent payments: daily, once a week, twice a month.

Popular sites and forums where you can make money online:


6. Earnings on creating your own website

Let's figure out how to make money on the Internet from scratch by opening a thematic portal. It can be a resource dedicated to cooking, relationships, teaching something, about sports, health, cars, news, etc. To get real money from the portal, you need good traffic, the content should be interesting and SEO-optimized.

A promoted site can generate income from $ 300 to $ 3-4 thousand per month.

How can you make money?

  • Contextual advertising (Yandex.Direct, AdSense);
  • Banner advertising (AdHub, RotaBan, AdvMaker);
  • Teaser (BodyClick, Teasernet);
  • Selling links on the portal (most conveniently through the exchanges,,,;
  • Income from affiliate programs (the largest aggregators of affiliates are,,,,, The easiest way for beginners to make money in CPA is to have their own resource. Keep in mind that payment is made not for advertising, but for the action performed by the user (registration on the site, purchase, subscription, etc.);
  • (,, The file hosting service pays for downloading files by your visitors. To do this, you need to post on your portal information that you need to download from the file hosting service.

7. Earnings on YouTube

Youtube channel can be monetized and get good profit, . Using someone else's videos is risky, so it's worth taking the time to “uniqueize” it. For example, re-sound, change the audio sequence, frame parameters, selections and reviews from other people's videos, edited manually, work well. YouTube allows you to quickly make money on the Internet, even for a beginner. You should monetize the channel and conclude an agreement not with YouTube itself, but with a partner media network in order to avoid being banned. The most reliable- ATG Media, AIR, VSP, Quiz Group.

8. Creating a video blog

Relatively new way earnings, great for creative people, schoolchildren and students. Famous video bloggers like Katya Klep, Ivan Rudsky, Maxim Golopolosov (blog "+100500") earn thousands of dollars a month from their work. Especially popular are beauty blogs, letsplay (passing games with commenting), reviews. The video blog gets its profit from built-in advertising (Adsense brings $ 3-15 to beginner channels) or advertising of products and companies directly in videos.

9. Earnings on Forex and binary options trading

Currency trading is not an option with which you can very quickly make money on the Internet without investments for a beginner. Forex trading requires analytical skills, good learning skills and little investment. It is worth starting to trade if you have at least $ 50-100.

How to make big money in forex? Take training, be sure to try your hand at test trading, choose a good broker. The more money you invest, the more you can help out, but there is no need to rush. There will be many successful and unsuccessful deals in one month. Successful trading is one that brings in an income of about 4-10% of the invested amount per month.

Forex profit options:

  1. Independent trading;
  2. Trading using "advisors";
  3. Investing in PAMM accounts (professionals work for you, you get interest);
  4. Advising other traders.

The best way for beginners to make money on Forex is to trade using advisor programs that do not allow making bad trades. When choosing a broker, pay attention to the company's experience and the size of the commission on transactions (look not the largest). Top Brokers- Alpari, Finam, Alfa-Forex, Forex4you, Adamant Finance, Forex Club, InstaForex.

Another way to make money online in the financial markets is binary options trading. Where can you make profit on binary options:


10. How a beginner can quickly make money without investing in games

Playing your favorite games, you can earn money. Profit options: sale of game currency, accounts, characters, armor and weapons, or online games with withdrawal of money. Characters and weapons can cost both $ 50 and $ 1500-2000. An average "fancy" account in World Of Tanks is estimated at $ 60-70. Therefore, even without special skills, you can really make money on the Internet.

The best sites for selling characters, currencies, accounts-,,,,

You will have to spend at least 5-6 hours a day. You will get profit in the games GTA 5, online stalker, Russian fishing 3, eve online, elite dangerous, stalker online, in szone online. Portals of games with withdrawal of currency, which are worth visiting:,, Experienced gamers receive $ 20-40 per day.

11. Writing term papers and abstracts to order

How can you make money studying? Popular options: term papers and theses, abstracts, essays, tests. From time to time, such orders can be found on freelance exchanges, but it is better to become an author on a specialized resource. Where to earn:


In the search for customers, use offline methods: posting ads and recommendations from friends, acquaintances, and regular customers.

Average prices for work: abstracts and essays cost from $ 8, term papers - from $ 20, thesis - from $ 90.

12. Profession - webmaster

Website development professionals know best how to make money online. Often these are orders remotely, related to layout, programming, setting up web resources. Website development costs from $ 70 for the most simple tasks, complex projects bring the developer from $ 150-500. Knowledge of layout, programming languages, the ability to work with various admin panels and other skills allow you to earn real money on the Internet without investment, even for a beginner.

There are vacancies for webmasters on the freelance exchanges listed above, as well as on specialized portals:


13. Earnings on photo stocks and photobanks

An interesting and profitable way to make money from your artistic ability. Selling images and illustrations on stocks generates income from every download. That is, having completed the work one-time, you get paid for it for a long time.

Actual and popular types of work: thematic photos (food photography, nature, abstraction, etc.), backgrounds, patterns, icons, vector clipart, thematic illustrations (for the New Year, Halloween, dedicated to attractions, etc.)

An experienced artist is able to create many relevant pictures in a short time. Thanks to this, newbies can earn real money in just 5 minutes.

Where to sell works:


14. Administration of sites, forums, communities in the social. networks

This online income requires an almost constant presence at the computer. The duties of the administrator include ensuring the operability of the resource, tracking comments, maintaining order, and publishing new materials. You can find a suitable site, forum or community on remote work exchanges. From time to time, resources post relevant vacancies. For example, on VKontakte, you should search for a job by thematic hashtags, like #work # administrator. The average salary is $ 200-300 per month.

15. Sports betting

One of the best ways to make money fast on the internet is. This is an almost instant profit that does not require a direct labor process. But to make money, you need to be well versed in sports., follow the news, teams, players. Newbies looking to make money on the betting exchange should start with small amounts. The most famous exchanges are and

16. Design

A talented designer or illustrator can count on a good income from remote work, completing one-off projects. This is printing design, web design, layout of booklets and printed publications, development of corporate identity and logos, minor side jobs, such as prepress of magazines, correction of layout errors, creation of simple templates, etc.

The cost of developing a logo starts from $ 15 and can reach $ 100-150, the creation of a layout for one page of the site is estimated at an average of $ 15, the main page costs from $ 30-35. The simplest posters, menus and brochures start at $ 10 per page. A specialist with experience earns from $ 300 per month sitting at home and doing projects that he has chosen according to his interests.

The best forums and sites where it is possible to make money on the Internet without investment for a beginner in this area:


17. Resale of domain names

A method how to make money very quickly with minimal investment. Over time, this method lost ground a little, since world-famous companies have already created pages on the network. But new ones appear every day, so if you have a good imagination and information about a developing business, you can easily make money on the Internet by selling domain names to companies.

To do this, you need to register the maximum number of valid domains and find buyers. Some will remain unclaimed, while others will earn good money. Sell Domain name can be both for $ 10, and for 50, 100, 1000 and even 10 thousand dollars.

Popular auctions and forums where you can buy and sell a domain name:


18. Promotion of communities in VKontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki

Brings a stable income to the owner from advertising or from selling it. How to quickly make money in VK without investments for a beginner? You should start by choosing popular topics. Among them: quotation books, fan groups, humor, relationships with the opposite sex, etc. New feature- communities that profit not only from advertising, but also from the publication of the posts themselves. These are sweepstakes (for example - "Free Moscow") and auctions, announcements, catalogs of performers (artists, musicians). It costs $ 5 or more to publish your post in a giveaway community with 10,000 or more subscribers. There are 3-10 contests per day.

How do you make money selling bands? To do this, you need to simultaneously create a dozen pages and simultaneously promote them, fill them with interesting content, organize repost contests for a quick recruitment of subscribers. Selling a group (30-50 thousand audience members) can get you $ 100. The more subscribers and the more active the audience, the higher the price.

19. How to make money on the Internet without investing in reviews

Writing reviews does not require special skills, only a competent and interesting presentation. On average, one review costs $ 0, 1- $ 0.5, depending on the size of the text and topic. Writing it takes no more than 20 minutes. Therefore, it is ideal for a beginner and fast at 12, 13, 14 and 15 years old.

It is worth looking for a job on freelance exchanges, as well as special sites that pay for reviews and the number of views. Therefore, you need to choose a relevant topic and write interestingly.

The best resources for making money on reviews:


20. How to make money online by installing applications

With the help of the services advertapp and payforinstall, it is possible without investment and receive funds for downloading and installing applications on a smartphone. Usually these are applications from the AppStore or Google play... From time to time, the customer asks for feedback on the product. One download brings $ 0.2-0.4, $ 3-5 per day. To receive a lot of orders, it is worth registering on several services. The work is simple and accessible to all smartphone owners. In this way, you can quickly make money on the Internet with payments to qiwi, phone, webmoney.

21. Mediation and promotion of other people's goods and services

If you don't have your own business and start-up capital, but you have a commercial streak, sell other people's products for a commission. This can be the services of designers, repairmen, artists (in principle, anyone) or products of various companies: from small furniture production to wholesale of nuts. The intermediary commission is usually 10-50%.

22. The best ways to make money from photos and videos

To open your own photo or video studio, you will need investments in equipment and advertising (at least $ 2000), but the monthly salary of a popular photographer or videographer starts at $ 1500-1800.

The simplest one-hour photo shoot in nature costs from $ 20, and wedding photography - from $ 300.

- to outsource materials filmed by other specialists and earn money on their processing. Photographers and cameramen in the season often do not cope with the volume of orders and are ready to pay for processing and editing. Editing a clip or wedding film takes several days and costs about $ 150-250.

One-time orders are regularly posted on special sites:

  2. photovideo application.rf;

23. How to make money for women while sitting at home

The services of a hairdresser, make-up artist, and manicurist are good because they can actually be provided at home, without renting a salon and without purchasing super-expensive equipment. it is worth taking training courses.

Duration - a month or two, the cost is $ 60-200 for a manicure master, $ 70-250 - make-up artist courses, $ 160-200 - hairdresser courses. The average income of a beginner master is $ 40-50 per day, a demanded professional receives about $ 2000 per month. Promote your services with the help of friends and acquaintances, satisfied customers, the Internet.

24. Tutoring

Make money by sharing your knowledge. A tutor can prepare for school, for entering a university, passing exams, "pull up" in various subjects. In addition to standard school disciplines, lessons are in demand computer literacy, work with specialized computer programs, needlework lessons (cutting, sewing).


25. How to make money online on transfers

Translation of documents, articles, commercial texts, literary translation - good way make money without leaving your home. Most of the vacancies are related to translation into English and from English into Russian. Exchanges with tasks for translators:


26. Stable income from needlework

A way for those who like to create something with their own hands. Handmade jewelry, souvenirs and gifts, natural soap and scented candles, scrapbooking are widespread and popular. Getting cute little things from a private seller is usually cheaper than buying it from a specialty store. How to make money on needlework? Create a website and social media communities to advertise products, participate in theme fairs and exhibitions.

The best sites on the network for selling handmade goods:


27. Kindergarten at home

- look after several babies at the same time. In your own home, you will be able to organize a playground for three or four children. You should look for the first clients among friends and acquaintances, then you will be recommended to other mothers. Children need to organize their leisure time, proper nutrition, daytime nap, possibly literacy training.

28. How to make money from homemade cakes and pickles

Cakes and other sweets, preserves, homemade pickled products are in great demand. The best methods of distributing products are via the Internet, acquaintances and friends. Creative cakes, cupcakes, pastries sell well through social media as gifts. In this way, you can earn $ 200-500 per month. To create a mini business and help out more, you need state registration and quality certificates for products.

29. Wedding industry

Best methods of making money in the wedding industry:

  1. creation of wedding bouquets, boutonnieres;
  2. decoration of glasses;
  3. development of wedding invitations, wish books and other accessories;
  4. wedding decoration;
  5. organization and coordination of weddings, selection of contractors.

The business can be turned into a small wedding business. You need to create your own website, social media pages, actively engage in advertising and direct sales of your services. Almost the only investments are in business advertising.

Organization and decoration of only four to five weddings a month bring income of $ 2500-3000 net.

30. Manufacture of furniture and decor items

Furniture in stores is quite expensive, especially when it comes to unique designer items. This allows you to compete with the furniture giants, offering buyers exclusive products at an affordable price. To organize a small home production, you will need a minimum area (from 20 sq. M, your own garage is perfect).

What to make? Frameless furniture (sofas, poufs), tables, chairs, cabinets, pallet beds, folding furniture, interior items such as floor lamps and blinds, garden sculptures, etc., can be added here. The production of cat houses and scratching posts can be added to this.

How to make money on this business? Best of all, products are sold through their own website, in social media. media and with the help of large selling portals such as,,, etc.

31. Minor repair services

This is a side job method for guys. Nail shelves, change broken tiles, fix wiring, etc. Large firms such orders are not accepted, and not everyone has those familiar with the "golden hands". This service is also called “husband for an hour”. Where to make money in this way?

Post bright notices in the area listing the types of work, take a look at ad sites, such as,, Special services related to repair -,,,

32. Animator, promoter

How do schoolchildren and students looking for a side job make money? Common options are distributing leaflets, participating in promotions (conducting tastings, product presentations), working as an animator or assistant animator at children's events.

Best sites for job search:


Try to contact advertising and BTL agencies directly, this will reduce the risk of being deceived. Job search in social media works well. networks by thematic hashtags(for example, # job # promoter # animator, etc.) Average salary - $ 2-5 per hour.

33. Small part-time job, execution of orders

How to make money for a beginner without the Internet? It is possible to find a part-time job offline, but it will not bring large sums. For the most part, you will need to carry out simple assignments (walk the animals, go shopping, clean the house, help with the transportation of things, etc.)

An ideal option for making some money for a student during the summer holidays. The first clients should be looked for among friends, such vacancies are not posted on large message boards, but it is worth looking at special resources:

  4. instruct.rf;

For a small task, like delivering a gift, you can get about $ 2-5.

34. Leasing of real estate, property, equipment

A good option for making money even for a newbie in business. In the presence of free real estate (house, apartment, garage), it can be profitably rented out. Rent of equipment brings a good profit. However, some investment is required. For example, acoustic system for 400 W costs about $ 450, and a daily rental is $ 30. A professional heavy smoke generator will cost $ 600, and on its rental you will receive $ 100-150 per day. Investments pay off in a short time, and the business allows you to make a lot of money quickly and realistically.

35. How a beginner can quickly make money on the Internet on clicks and comments

A very simple way available to every web user. Among the common tasks: surfing through the pages, solving captchas and pictures, putting likes, comments, subscribing to accounts and communities, taking surveys, registering on specified sites. Approximate prices for work:

  • With clicks per day, you can earn $ 0.7-1.3;
  • Surfing in a day really makes about 0.2-0.3 (in 5-6 hours);
  • Solving pictures (captcha) - $ 1-1.5 (4-5 hours).

The method is not profitable and time consuming.

How and where can a beginner make money without registration, investments and invitations:


Additional platforms for earning

Above, we have given real ways for a beginner to make real money on the Internet, but some resources were left without attention. We offer several more web portals for finding work on the network:

  • Naming service, from a copywriter you need to come up with a domain name, company, slogan;
  • Exchange with a wide range of tasks: from typing a manuscript to developing a print for a T-shirt and editing a presentation from pictures;
  • The main direction is writing texts;
  • Everything for copywriters: naming, translations, proofreading, writing news and press releases;
  • A resource for professional copywriters with a wage level above average;
  • Copyright Exchange plus an article store;
  • Distant work for programmers;
  • Diverse site for programmers, designers, copywriters, editors;
  • Programming assignments;
  • Catalog of tenders for website development, promotion and advertising projects;
  • Help.Ru. Orders and minor work for nannies, housekeepers, nurses, tutors;
  • Any kind of work at a fixed price. You need to create your own offer, set a price for the service, and you can earn real money on the Internet without leaving your home. A good start for a beginner;
  • A wide variety of tasks for professionals in all areas of freelancing;
  • Work for copywriters, webmasters, IT specialists;
  • Most of the tasks are related to website development and design;
  • A good choice versatile tasks;
  • Competitions from well-known companies for artists, photographers, designers, advertisers and developers;
  • Competition projects(come up with a name, corporate identity, etc.), the winner who proposed the most original solution gets paid.

All of the above services allow a beginner without investing money in rubles and dollars. Payment is best accepted on WebMoney, Qiwi, Yandex.Money, PayPal.

Is it possible to earn large sums quickly and easily?

In your search for easy profit, do not fall for the tricks of scammers and the promises of mountains of gold (“$ 1000 a day in online casinos”, financial pyramids, etc.). Do not send prepayments as collateral that you will not let the customer down. If you receive a request to drop even a penny amount to someone's account, close the conversation and look further. Feel free to ask for daily wages for your work. This applies to aspiring freelancers. If you do not know the customer and are just starting cooperation, it is better to make sure of his honesty. Otherwise, you risk working for weeks for free.

For those looking for how to make money without financial investment and labor, let's say that money does not fall from the sky.

You either need to work hard, or be a talented and creative person. Methods of making big and quick money without any effort are often associated with fraud.

We have shown you how to create your own mini-business or just earn some money. , acquire new knowledge and skills, develop and get good profit.

Many of us, while browsing the Internet, come across similar ads: “Income 1000 rubles without leaving home”, “Make 100 thousand in a month on the Internet”, “Work for schoolchildren, housewives and retirees on the Internet”. After reading such an ad, you involuntarily think: "What if you can make money on the Internet?" This thought is replaced by another: "How to make money through the Internet?"

So in this article we will take a closer look at the whole concept of making money online, consider which sites generate income, and which ones will take your money. However, the main purpose of our material is that you can understand in which direction you should move for moneymaking on the world wide web.

What sites make millions a day?

Oh, you can become a millionaire in a day if you download a ready-made trading strategy for or Forex. And then there is an online casino where you can get over $ 5,000 for every click. Plus, you can find secret match-fixing on the Internet, and with the help of bookmakers you can multiply your money with every bet.

If you haven't figured it out yet, all of the above methods are just an excuse to get money out of you. There is no freebie on the Internet, you do not need to imagine yourself as a kind of genius who has solved the mystery of humanity and found a secret way to make money. Believe me, millions of users have trodden this path before you. And even if they have created some kind of script or trading strategy, no one will share it with you, because it is commercially unprofitable.

For example, consider several types of "earnings" that should not be addressed:

  • watching videos for money;
  • various online casinos and roulettes;
  • and binary options;
  • "Magic wallets";
  • games with "real money withdrawal" (), etc.

As you can see, there are a lot of ways to deceive a gullible user, but there is also a "full-fledged job". You might have stumbled upon a similar ad: "We need a typesetter", where you are required to retype the text from a scan - this, alas, is also a scam.

In general, do not look for easy ways, in the best case, you will earn a penny, and in the worst case, lose a lot of money.

Where to start your journey? 3 ways for a beginner

1 way to make money on the Internet - work on axle boxes... Buxes are platforms where advertisers post simple tasks (like, click on a site, repost, etc.) that even a schoolchild can do. On such sites it will be possible to reach a normal income only in the case of permanent work, which will take all day. This method is ideal for novice users - here you will buy your first money, withdraw it to your electronic wallet, and also gain invaluable experience in recognizing all kinds of "scams".


Method 2 is posting reviews and comments... Here, you will need a more or less decent level of literacy, otherwise the moderators will block your work. If you are all right with this, you can start creating reviews for any product or service, as well as write comments for money. For one comment, you can earn from 30-50 rubles and more. How many of these comments can you write in a day? Here is about the same earnings you will get. It's more difficult with reviews - you first have to publish a dozen really good reviews (preferably with a photo), and then get paid for each view.


Hello! In this article, we will tell you about how to make money on the Internet in 2018.

Today you will learn:

  • Where to make money on the Internet if you can't do anything;
  • How to get a stable income on the network with average investments;
  • Is it possible to fully work on the network and earn a lot.

What you need to do before you start earning

The interest in making money online among a narrow circle of people began in the early 2000s, when the first money came to the Internet, the first advertising of various goods and services appeared, and large companies began to take an interest in programmers. In those days, there was no such thought that it was possible to earn money on the Internet.

We owe the misconceptions and myths that go around making money on the Internet to those annoying TV ads about Forex traders. In them, a man with a laptop was lying on the beach and earning money with a slight movement of his hand. From that moment on, most people think that making money on the Internet is either extremely easy, or it is just some kind of deception.

In fact, this is the same job, just without leaving your home. And like any other job, you need to properly prepare for it.

The first thing a person needs to do who wants to make money on the Internet is to open their wallet in several payment systems: Webmoney and Yandex Money. Qiwi wallet will be less popular. It is quite simple to manage, you do not need to enter a huge number of passwords in it, as in Webmoney, but not all customers prefer to pay in this system.

The next step is to go to the bank and purchase a bank card. It is advisable to take a bank card from large banks such as Sberbank, Tinkoff... Opening your card is necessary in order to be able to spend your electronic money, which will be calculated with you.

This little preparation will allow you to work on most sites with almost all customers, and not give up work because your wallet is inconvenient for the customer.

Working ways to make money on the Internet without investment

At this point, we have collected for you all the ways to make money on the Internet without any investments, which do not require preparation, special knowledge (with rare exceptions).

Method 1: Executing small orders

You don't even need any preparation.

There are two popular sites where you can search for orders: Work-zilla and YouDo.

On these services, jobs are published by people who either do not have enough time to do something, or they are simply lazy, and it is much more convenient to pay for routine work.

Examples of such tasks: edit the text, type the text, leave a few comments, register on the site, make a presentation, find certain information on the Internet, fill the site, call customers, post an ad, etc.

The services are easy to learn and quite loyal to newbies, so it is a pleasure to work there at the beginning of your online career.

There is even a review about real earnings on Workzilla.

Method 2: Writing Articles

If you overcome the initial fear, gain experience and work for a year or two, you can get a fairly popular and well-paid copywriting profession.

You can find work on copywriting exchanges: etxt, advego, contentmonster, slogoved, etc. (here).

Each of the exchanges has its own characteristics, but the general tendency is approximately the following: the more completed tasks behind the author's back, the more clients and fee for one article.

The main misconception: to write articles you need to be either a philologist or a journalist, or you must have a talent for this. This is absolutely not the case. Yes, in order to earn decent amounts (from 1-2 thousand rubles per article) you will need to gain experience and skills, but the initial threshold for entering the profession is quite low: it is enough to express thoughts coherently and use spelling and punctuation checking services (at first the banal word will come down in time).

Method 3: transcribe audio and video

Audio and video transcription - translation of text from audio to written format. That is, in fact, you will simply rewrite what is said on audio and video media. We have highlighted this in a separate block, because of all freelance professions, this is the easiest to do (after writing the texts, of course).

You will need good headphones, a small set of programs for slowing down audio and video. Also, quick and touch typing skills will not be superfluous.

Idea 15: Create Your Own Blog

Creating your own blog is almost the same as building a website, only slightly easier. The site has more stringent requirements for the presentation of the material, its quality and, in general, the content, the situation with the blog is somewhat different. In order to make your blog popular, it is often enough to write about what interests you. The main thing is to write well.

Blogs are less popular now than they were 10-12 years ago, but nevertheless, you can still make money from them.

Idea 16: Create your own Vkontakte group

Groups on social networks are not only a place with funny pictures and interesting quotes. In fact, they are also created to earn money from advertising. And due to the wild popularity of social networks, you can earn money on a well-promoted group as on a full-fledged website, while making much less effort to bring it to the top.

Starting a group is much easier than a website or blog. And promotion requires much less resources - you can hardly use money investments and then you will develop very slowly, gradually gaining subscribers, or spend money and recruit a lot of people in the shortest possible time in order to work effectively with advertisers.

Idea 17. Earnings on accounts on Twitter, Vkontakte, Instagram, Odnoklassniki

If you have a well-promoted account in one of the social networks, then you can easily monetize it. Each social. the network has its own characteristics, requirements for accounts, but nevertheless, the general conditions are approximately as follows: many active subscribers, many visits, likes and, in general, activity on your page.

Making money on your account is almost the same as on a well-promoted group. You also attract advertisers and post sponsored posts for a fee. Now the most popular social network, in which they actively use advertising services from popular accounts (from 100 thousand live subscribers) is Instagram.

Idea 18: Make Money on YouTube

Method 39: Developing Mobile Applications

Market mobile applications develops extremely rapidly. And mobile app developers are highly valued right now.

There are two ways to make money by developing mobile applications:

  • Create your own applications;
  • Make them to order.

The first method is good because you do not have to fulfill the requirements and if you can create something really popular and interesting for users, you can get a good passive income.

Custom app development is a more sustainable way to make a profit. Interacting with large companies, you will be able to create applications for their needs, and then serve them. This option is suitable for those who want to get a stable, well-paid job.

Method 40: administering online projects

Managing various online projects is not an easy task. Everyone who wants to master this profession should know the peculiarities of programming languages, be able to fill sites with content, advance by search queries, set up ads and know other subtleties that he must follow.

In fact, now administrators of online projects can be divided into those who independently perform all functions and receive about 30-70% of the project's income, and a person who controls and adjusts the stability of all processes on the site, and then already, he receives a fixed fee ...

It is extremely difficult to become an administrator in any online project. You need to look for vacancies, go through online interviews with potential employers and, in general, know the many nuances of the work of each specific project.

But despite the fact that becoming an administrator is difficult, his tasks are often to control all processes, which implies a lot of free time. Administrators' pay is also often measured in hundreds of thousands.

Method 41: Editing video

Editing video is quite a useful skill even in everyday life. Most of the people who love to shoot videos in one way or another have edited their creations. But some people do it professionally, getting a lot of money for editing finished videos.

Now one of the most in-demand skills is editing video from GoPro cameras. The popularity of these cameras has also increased the demand for the profession of an editor - a person who can make a really high-quality picture from video trash.

Video editing orders can be easily found on freelance sites, in Vkontakte thematic groups and on various forums.

Method 42: Text translations

Translations from different languages ​​have been appreciated since the very inception of freelancing as a profession. But now, in view of the fact that most quality materials on highly specialized topics can be found only on English-language forums and websites, competent translators have become even more appreciated.

There are two ways to work as a translator: get a job in a news or information company that runs its own website, and translate relevant materials for them, or freelance. Each of the options is good in its own way, but without any portfolio and work experience, they are rarely taken to a large company, so it is recommended to build a portfolio on freelance sites.

For those who just want to do translations, but are not yet sure of the knowledge of the language, it is recommended to go to copywriting exchanges - they do not pay so much for translations, but at the same time the quality and complexity of the work are low.

Method 43: setting up ads

The overwhelming popularity of online sales has led to the fact that many people who start selling do not know how to correctly set up advertising for their product.

Of course, there are also paid tasks for which, if you spend 4 hours a day, you can earn 100-150 rubles. who don't want to do anything at all.

Website for making money - seosprint.

Method 53: watch video

The same as making money on clicks, the only difference is that you do not need to sit on the site, but watch a commercial. Most often, these will be either popular video ads, or another ad for a "way to beat the casino."

You can earn a little more from watching a video than from clicks - about 150 rubles for 2-3 hours of your time. The only positive is that when watching a video, you can collapse the tab and go about your business online or offline.

Method 54: earnings on captcha input

This method is more profitable than clicks and watching videos, but also more labor intensive. For those who do not know, captchas are those characters that are asked to be entered as protection from robots. And certain sites that interact with bot programs provide them with captcha input services.

The experience of people I know shows that by entering captcha you can earn from 100 rubles per hour, with proper effort, but after some time your hands will start to hurt, your eyes will get blurry and tired. Is not best job, but at the same time, if there are no other options, it is suitable for a small income.

Method 55: earn money from surveys

Most sites say that if you register for 5-7 popular questionnaires, you can receive up to 5-7 thousand rubles a month, and this is an hour a day - in fact, 20-25 hours a month, a fairly decent amount.

But few people say that in order to get into the category of respondents, you need to meet certain requirements, and no one says in advance which one. And most of the questionnaires prefer to obscure conclusions and block funds for any reason.

For those who decide to make money on questionnaires - a small life hack. Most often, services are of interest to mothers aged 27-45, housewives living in the Central Federal District or large cities.

Method 56: earnings on file hosting

Once it was a fairly relevant option, but now it has become a thing of the past. The bottom line is the following - you upload a file to the exchanger and for a certain number of downloads (more often for 1000) you are charged a reward of 5-7 dollars.

Now file hosting is rarely used even by those who create unique programs, preferring to give the opportunity to download for free and either donate voluntarily, or buy VIP versions for a fee. But somewhere in the backyard of the Internet, file sharing is still alive, so you can try your luck.

Method 57: make money on questions and answers

There are services that pay users for correct answers to other people's questions, but at the same time, the probability of payments is quite small, and rewards are often 1-10 rubles for a complete, detailed and relevant answer.

Nevertheless, for those who like to search for information and share it, such sites may be suitable.

Doubtful types of earnings

Here we have collected for you very risky types of earnings that you should not make your main income. You can earn money on them, and in most cases it will be really easy money, but they are associated with great financial and moral risk.

Method 58: Forex

Method 60: Online casino

There is no need to say anything here. Everyone knows the stories about how the lucky ones hit the big jackpot in the casino. But real life is far from being a movie, which is why you shouldn't hope that you will come and take the bank right away.

Online casinos are in the means of making money for one simple reason: if you make small and medium bets at a distance, then you will always go into the red, but if you control them, nothing terrible will happen. But when you do break the pot, it will be much more significant than all the losses (although in total, you went into the negative).

Method 61: Financial pyramids

Everyone remembers the legendary MMM. One of the largest financial pyramids in Russia, which left hundreds of thousands of depositors without money.

Now in Russia there are financial pyramids of a much smaller scale, but at the same time, the scheme of work has remained the same - the collection of investments, initial payments and a successful "bankruptcy" after a certain period of time.

Financial pyramids in the list of earnings because. That you can still raise money on them if you know how and when they are closed. In most cases, such projects are closed only for clients who have entered them, but for others who consistently sponsor them with new fundraising, everything is going steadily.

If you can attract people to financial pyramids for a long time, then your income will be consistently high throughout the entire period. official action pyramids.

Method 62: HYIP projects

HYIPs are an even more specific way to spend your money than pyramids. These are services that openly say that in a few months, at most in a year, they will close, which is why they pay those who invest money - fabulous interest - up to 30 per month.

But like pyramid schemes, these projects are quickly closed. Nevertheless, there are people who professionally make money on it, and sites that help to do it. But the method is extremely risky.

An alternative to financial pyramids and HYIP projects is investing on the Internet.

Method 63: Games with withdrawal of money

This was once a very popular myth. They say there are several games with withdrawal of money, and it is enough just to play them and officially it will be possible to withdraw real currency for game resources. And many people fell for this, not thinking that the games themselves need to exist for something and bring money.

There were only a few real projects that withdraw in-game currency for real money. But at the same time, these were such well-developed worlds that many players preferred to stay in them, rather than withdraw their money. And it was on this that those games lived - on those who remained and lived, developing within this world.

Now there are no such projects left, they have been replaced by near-investment games - projects that force players to buy in-game values, with a payback period from a month to a year, and after one or two payment periods are safely closed.

How much can you really earn on the Internet

And now let's touch on the most interesting question - how much a person without experience can really earn on the Internet.

Depending on the method, you can earn from 5 to 30 thousand rubles. Moreover, the minimum bar can be achieved without even putting much effort, but for everything above 20 you will have to work hard every day.

After 3-4 months of work, a set of decent experience and a client base, or the implementation of your first projects, you can start earning 30-70 thousand rubles a month. The only condition for such growth is constant improvement and a lot of work. 3-4 hours a day and 20 hours a week will not work. For such a level of earnings, you need a full working day and a decent workload, then you can really get a stable high income.

After a year of work, an accomplished specialist in many of the above areas can earn from 60 thousand rubles.

There are no restrictions on making money on the Internet - you can always start a multi-billion dollar company on the Internet (as a real example - Amazon).

There are really a lot of earning opportunities on the Internet. It is enough to work, develop in your professions and after a short period of time you can consistently earn large sums of money.

Infographics with ways to make money online

Here, we found more infographics on the Internet:

How do you make money on the Internet? Share your ideas and feedback in the comments!


Now you need to set a goal for yourself. Or you come in for a good income, which can turn from additional income into the main way of making money. Or you need money to meet minor needs, such as paying for the Internet or replenishing the balance cell phone.

In the application, you can adjust the font size, the overall scale on the screen and much more, but the most important thing you should do is to check the box next to "do not download images". This will reduce yours several times, and if you use the intended tariff, then your expenses will be as minimal as possible.

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Helpful advice

Check the application for compatibility with your phone model before downloading!

Almost everyone uses daily the Internet to search for any information, because in this "web" you can find whatever information you want. The Internet gives us the opportunity to keep abreast of the latest news in the world, read our favorite magazines in electronic form, communicate with friends and much more. Many cellular operators having caught the demand of the consumer, we created such a service as unlimited the Internet... This service provides for the use of the Internet but in any quantity, but for a monthly fee.

You will need

  • Phone, SIM card.



  • make money right away
  • How to make 1000 rubles per day or per hour on the Internet without

Today, few of the netizens the Internet it is necessary to explain about electronic and rules for using wallets. With the advent of electronic wallets, an online business started, because it became possible to pay to receive payments with virtual money. For many, the spaces of the world wide web have become a place of work. Why not try to make money on electronic wallet.


Here is one of the ways that will allow you to simultaneously make a profit both in virtual and in life. Let's say you have a certain amount of money in electronic wallet... There are people who, for various reasons, cannot replenish their mobile phone balance. You transfer your virtual money to the balance of the person in need, and take cash from him, taking into account the commission for the service. This procedure can be performed not only with the balance of phones.

You can also earn money online at the rate agreed by the exchange participants. There are sites on which users, due to various circumstances, are forced to sell at a rate different from the official one, by agreement of the parties to the exchange. Here you can win on currency rates. Currency transfer to such sites is carried out through sites - exchangers, which can be presented in the form of programs. Each such exchanger has its own service fee.

IN the Internet there are large companies that offer work in the Internet-wallet... Typically, this job consists of transferring salaries from a corporate wallet to employees' accounts. For this work, you receive a certain percentage of the amount of money transferred, or a fixed salary. However, a lot of scammers have appeared in this area lately, so be careful.

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Free cheese, perhaps, really only happens in the mouse. And here is free access on the Internet has long been the same reality as free software... In order to use it, you need to know who provides it and under what conditions.


Some cellular operators provide a free access to special versions of the sites Facebook, VKontakte and LiveJournal. Check with your carrier's support team if this service is provided by your carrier. Be sure to change point access a (APN) from WAP to Internet, if not already done. Also, find out the URLs of the specialized versions of the sites, since access to their regular versions, they are still charged. For access and use the built-in browser for them, not third-party browsers that work through proxy servers. Even on these sites, images are paid, and when you go to view them, you will be warned about it. Remember that in roaming traffic will still be paid.

If you are worried about the significant volume of traffic consumed when using navigation applications, use a specialized version of Yandex.Maps. Find out if this service is supported by your operator, and where you can download such a specialized version. Point access in this case, it should also be designed to work with the Internet, not WAP. Remember that in roaming, traffic will still be paid in this case.

Find out the location of free points in your area access and WiFi. In no case do not use other people's home routers in this capacity, the users of which have opened access to everyone unintentionally, and, perhaps, do not even know about it. Free points access but are usually available on the territory of various catering establishments. Remember that in a number of them from the street - it is imperative to go inside the institution. Ask the security guard if you can use WiFi on the premises without ordering anything.

While in Moscow, use one of the following services to get access to the Internet using a regular analog modem (not ADSL!): The first of them allows you to receive access only to a certain set of sites, and the second - to any. Before using any of these services, make sure that you have activated a tariff for outgoing calls from a landline phone. Also remember that an analog modem makes the subscriber line busy when connected (it used to be okay, but now almost everyone is out of the habit of it).

There are providers that allow you to access the Internet for free. As a rule, in this case, certain restrictions are imposed: either on the data transfer rate, or on the list of available resources, or on the physical space within which access is possible.


If you have any device equipped with a WiFi interface (smartphone, netbook, etc.), you can access the Internet in some cafes or restaurants. Observe, however, one rule: stay inside the establishment. Connecting while outside can qualify as illegal access to computer information, and in foreign countries, a special term is even used to refer to such actions - piggybacking. But if, when you are in the premises of the institution, the security guard asks you to leave only for the reason that you are not ordering anything, immediately obey. From this point of view, McDonald's differs favorably: in it, expulsion for visitors who do not order anything is extremely rare. But in it, access is usually organized in such a way that at one time you can download no more than 30 megabytes in a time not exceeding 15 minutes. Reconnecting from the same MAC address on the same day is not always possible.

In some cities there are providers that provide free Internet access using the classic technology - dial-up. If you still have a modem that supports this outdated standard, would you give it a try? But remember that such access will be really free only if you have an unlimited landline phone tariff activated. If this is not the case, regular ADSL will be much cheaper. In addition, the speed turns out to be low, while working, it turns out to be busy, and some of the providers provide access to only a limited list of sites.

If there are pensioners among your relatives, tell them that in a number of Russian people special points have been organized to provide them with free access to the Internet. There is also carried out and retirees using this network. Find out if this service is available in your city.

Cellular subscribers in most regions provide free access to special, lightweight versions of some sites. For access to them to be truly free, be sure to correctly configure the access point (APN), and use a browser that works directly, and not through a proxy server. For a list of resources, access to which is free, check out the operator's website or in the support service. It should be noted, however, that in the past two years, operators have reduced the cost of full unlimited Internet access so much that getting free access to only a certain list of resources has become almost pointless.

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Do not illegally try to get free internet access.

IN internet there are many ways to make money for users. Many probably wondered about how you can make some money in internet to pay for any needs.


To begin with, it is worthwhile to understand that money themselves in wallet will not fall, that is, you will have to work painstakingly. The other side of this issue is that on this moment time in internet a large number of so-called "scams" appeared, which promise large amounts of money, but do not pay anything in the process. A lot of information has also been written about this on special user blogs.

Earn money you can write articles. For this, there are special exchanges that allow users to order and perform various jobs. In this case, you can communicate with customers through the communication system on the site. Popular systems include Etxt, Advego, Miralinks and many others. You need to register in the system. Next, you find yourself a customer who gives you a job. You can post articles for sale. However, don't think that the articles will be bought right away. We'll have to wait a while. Try to write several articles a day.

You can create your own site, which, with successful optimization, will bring a certain income. At the same time, you can invest the funds received in the project in order to increase revenue. To develop your project, you can hire experienced programmers or learn programming languages ​​to do everything yourself. However, this will take a lot of time.

Earn money on the wallet also possible through bonuses. IN internet there are sites that pay a bonus every 24 hours. The amount usually ranges from one kopeck to a ruble. These are small money however, at least some amount will be. At the same time, the business level of your wallet will gradually increase, which in the future will help you with large sums.

The Internet is a great way for information, communication and entertainment. There are many ways to connect to the Internet, but they all have a significant drawback - you have to pay for access to the network. However, you can go online for free.


When using a dial-up modem, you can take advantage of the promotions of companies providing Internet access. These promotions are that the first thirty to forty seconds are free. During this period, you will be able to download the Internet page, and if you have a download manager, download any part of the file. Look for these promotions online. It is optimal to use a specialized dialer program. The principle of its work is that after a certain time, it breaks the connection. Set this time in the parameters and use it for free access within the first thirty to forty seconds.

If you have a wi-fi adapter, activate it. Search for new networks. Due to the widespread use of wi-fi networks, there is a high probability of finding one that does not have a password. Connect to it and set up automatic connection. Do not use the resulting speed at full speed to avoid raising suspicion. Do not upload large files. Use rate limiting in torrent clients and download managers - in this case, the chances are high that you will go unnoticed. Otherwise, a password will be put on the network you are using one day.

Use free internet in public places. Find places where you can use free wi-fi. Find a list of such places on the Internet or ask friends. As a rule, these are restaurants, cafes and hypermarkets. Look for a sign that says wi-fi. Many cafes only provide access to their customers. Activate your wi-fi module and start searching for new networks. Find an open network and keep the automatic connection. If you find wifi network, but there is a password on it, contact the service personnel to get a login and password for accessing the Internet.

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Advice 11: How to make money quickly on the Internet without investment

The Internet can become not only a source of information and entertainment, but also a way to make money. The main thing is to know where you can get money and how to do it so as not to lose what you earned.


Become an electronic media writer. Many sites are constantly recruiting authors, especially people with experience in journalism and just with a good style are welcome there. Usually, to write such articles, you can use knowledge from the same Internet and thus earn money without leaving your home.

Sign up for an online article exchange for freelancers. One of the most famous of these resources is Etxt. A job on such a site can be found by both a journalist and. But keep in mind that the cost of articles on such resources is usually low, moreover, you only receive single orders, which means that you have to spend additional time looking for work for yourself. However, such a resource can be used to find regular customers.

Engage in stock trading. It can be both a game on the exchange rate on the Forex exchange, and trading in stocks. However, for such earnings, you still need at least a few thousand rubles of starting capital. Plus, you can lose your money due to inexperience and lack of financial knowledge.

Become a moderator on a forum or resource. Most often, these posts are occupied by enthusiasts, but there is also paid moderation. Apply with a letter to the administration of the forums that you visit most often. Perhaps they are just looking for a person for such a job.

Tip 12: Who does Google's free home internet provide?

Google is now also an Internet Service Provider. On July 26, 2012, in the North American city of Kansas City, the presentation of the ultra-fast broadband network The Google Fiber took place, on the creation of which the company worked for about two years. It is noteworthy that the creators of the network even provided a free option for their future customers.

Perhaps, few people refuse to have the Internet at home with a data transfer rate of one gigabit per second. High-quality video can be watched without waiting for the end of the buffering process. And transferring and downloading large files will take only a few moments. And in general, such speeds will open horizons that users have only dreamed of until now.

It is these fantastic opportunities that The Google Fiber network will provide to its customers - and "in one bottle" - or rather at one end of a broadband cable for a single subscription. Moreover, residents of Kansas City will be able to use The Google Fiber in September 2012. While the subscription is underway. They are offered three tariff plans to choose from.

1. Superfast home Internet and television. Standard package costs $ 120 per month. If the client wants to connect some additional TV channels that are not included in the standard TV broadcasting list, they will also have to pay extra for them. No connection fee is charged, moreover, the company will provide the client with a free one to control traffic.

2. Superfast home internet without TV. Cost - $ 70 per month. You will not have to bear additional costs either.

3. Free broadband home internet. The connection speed will be lower - 5 Mbps. In addition, you will have to pay for the connection.

How soon residents of other cities will be able to join The Google Fiber is not yet known. Ironically, the United States lags behind other developed countries in terms of home broadband internet accessibility. So such an initiative of Google received praise at the highest level - from the head of the US Federal Communications Commission Julius Genachowski. He, like the vice-president of Google itself, Milo Medin, noted that the transition in Internet speeds from megabits to gigabits opens up the broadest prospects for innovation in the fields of science, education, medicine and business.

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Modern man cannot imagine his life without the Internet. Indeed, the Internet has become an integral part of our life. But what to do when there is no money for the Internet, or you just want to reduce monthly expenses?

You will need

  • Surely you think that nothing is free and the Internet is no exception. But we must not forget that along with the rapid development of man and technology, there are more and more opportunities that an ordinary person can use almost or completely free of charge.


"Vkontakte" "Twitter" "Facebook" "Wikipedia" "Arguments and facts", as well as sms-notifications from the social. networks and mail. All these internet services through mobile phone absolutely available for Beeline subscribers. You just need to have a positive account balance.

Some Internet providers often arrange various promotions, with the help of which any subscriber can get free Internet on his computer. Often they ask for some kind of symbolic service in return, and in some cases they do not require anything in return, but, however, the provided Internet is not at high speed.
So, the Intelin company in 2009 launched a campaign according to which the citizens of Moscow can receive free Internet and even money (within 800 rubles). Look, maybe there are similar promotions in your city.

There is a concept called Dial UP (analog telephone line + modem). The simplest and lowest speed type of communication. The principle of communication is based on dialing through a regular telephone line to the provider, after which the computer gains access to the network. With this connection, an hourly rate is charged. The maximum possible speed is 33 600 Kbs, but this speed is often lower due to poor quality telephone lines.
There are providers who provide free Internet access to attract customers and to test the quality of the Internet. For example, for Moscow, these are MTU Inform, Caravan, Demos, Cronyx, etc.

There is an option for those who are willing to pay a little. We are talking about 100-200 rubles / month.
It's simple: you negotiate with your closest neighbors, connect wi-fi, divide the amount into 4th or 5th and calmly live on the Internet. In addition to being economical, this option is also very convenient in terms of dominance over the wired one.


Do not forget that there are unscrupulous companies, so when you decide to take part in any action, study all the necessary information, consult with a specialist and check the reputation of the company.

The imposed sanctions and falling oil prices led to the depreciation of the national currency. Thus, reducing the paying capacity of the population. Lack of money makes you think about new sources of income. One of the ways to get money is to work remotely via the Internet or freelance.