Increase brand awareness, increase sales, attract new customers - all this can be done by promoting a group or website on Facebook. A wide target audience is concentrated here - potential consumers of any product, be it spare parts, equipment or cosmetic services. If you decide to start promoting your product yourself, be careful. You should know the basic rules and common mistakes of product promotion in social networks.

How to promote a group or website on Facebook

Promotion of a resource on Facebook has a number of undeniable advantages. This and coverage target audience, and high speed dissemination of information, and direct contact with a potential buyer. Let's take a closer look at how you can use these benefits to your advantage.

How to start promoting on Facebook

You need to start promoting on Facebook directly by creating your own page, the so-called Welcome Tab. Think carefully about its design and content, principles of conduct, published content. The main task of your page is to cater to the interests and needs of the potential client and grab their attention. When creating your Welcome Tab, adhere to the following guidelines:

The main mistakes when promoting on Facebook

Let's highlight the main mistakes that hinder doing business on Facebook:

  • Bad page title. The title should be short, catchy, reflecting the content of the page. Better not to use lowercase English words for it. Make sure that there are no mistakes or typos.
  • Blank page description. Include all the information: from the website address to your actual location and valid phone number. it important information for the consumer.
  • Similarity to competitors' pages. Get creative and creative to stand out from other pages and sites. So you will acquire uniqueness and potential consumers will definitely not confuse you with anyone.
  • Misrepresentation of the target audience or lack of understanding about it. Do not forget, precise definition target audience is already half the battle.
  • Lack of even an approximate content plan. The content plan serves as the basis for filling your page. It cannot be treated superficially or completely ignored. A well-thought-out content plan is the key to effective audience engagement.
  • Too frequent or too rare publications. Balance: Post multiple entries throughout the day. Just enough to keep your audience from losing you. Don't be too active: social media users don't like intrusiveness.
  • Long delays in responding to messages or user comments. In addition to being annoying and distrustful, Facebook posts a so-called responsiveness indicator for this. Therefore, be careful and try to respond in a timely manner.
  • Features of SMM on Facebook

    Facebook has clients for any business. But remember, selling directly here is useless. The customer must be led to the purchase. The audience of the social network is not easy: educated people with middle and high incomes, businessmen, famous bloggers, journalists. And the main Facebook page isn't just a person's profile. This is the place where all the news that are "like" friends of the user is collected.

    For a company or project, creating a page is more suitable than a group - it simply has more functions: you can insert advertising widgets, they are indexed by search engines, there is no limit to the number of participants, etc.

    Let's take a look at some of the intricacies of Facebook SMM:

  • Create a page and choose exactly what it will represent. If the company has a real address, then the Local Company or Location option will be most appropriate. Here users will be able to check in if they visit your establishment and leave a review.
  • Pay attention to the text and graphic design of the page. Give it a short corresponding URL, make a business card for the company. So the user will immediately understand what you are doing and what you offer.
  • Analyze competitor pages and create your own content plan.
  • Don't forget to add hashtags to your posts. Unique hashtags will serve as a rubricator. With their help, it will be easier for users to find necessary information on your page. Thematic hashtags will help you attract new audiences.
  • Content must be unique. Video posts and gifs are the most active in the search results, and only then are simple pictures. Use their alternation, and don't forget to post interesting stories.
  • For promotion, you can post in free groups, hold quizzes and marathons, thematic weeks or weekends, collaborate with other groups on a mutual PR basis, etc.
  • If there is a budget for promotion, then for a successful SMM you can:

  • collaborate with well-known bloggers and users who shape the audience's opinion;
  • Giveaway, when a prize is announced for reposts, and the winner is selected at random;
  • publish paid posts in promoted groups with your target audience;
  • use targeted Facebook ads.
  • Video: how to properly promote a page on Facebook

    Facebook targeting

    Types of Facebook targeting

    So here's what Facebook targeting is:

  • By demographics and location. The simplest type of targeting, which determines the gender, age and place of residence of the client. You can expand the data and select the composition of the user's family, his marital status, education, etc.
  • By interests and behavior. It takes into account the information that users leave on their page: interests, education, work, likes certain pages or participation in groups.
  • Based on connections. Advertising appears only for those users who, for example, liked your posts, commented on them, etc.
  • There is no temporary targeting on Facebook. Therefore, you do not have the ability to independently set the time for displaying ads. Here the system decides for itself when the user will see them.

    If you have your own business, or you just want to draw attention to some important topic, then, for sure, a Facebook page on your behalf is already open. Perhaps on this moment you can't boast of enviable user activity. Or even you can, but still want even more audience coverage. What to do? Promote your Facebook page, of course! And how to do this, we will tell you in this article.

    Start simple - get attention

    Have you seen how many different types of publics are represented on Facebook? Even for one subject, albeit the narrowest, you can find several dozen similar Pages. Naturally, your first priority is to stand out from this diversity. It is possible to do this, despite the skepticism of many users. Start by choosing a bright but very clear title and Page address. It is not necessary to advertise the promoted goods or services in the title. It is important that users social network there was a direct association of a product or service with the name of the public.

    Then take care of the design. Choose a presentable, but not "dry" image for the Header, work on the description of the Page - this is also very important. Choose a post style. In some cases, it is better to choose an exclusively informational presentation of the material, in others - to work in a creative direction.

    Finally, content is very important. Here, as a rule, a lot of questions arise. How often and at what time of day should you post? How to captivate the audience? Should fans of the public be allowed to post their content? Naturally, there are no universal answers. In each specific case, you need to take into account the target audience, the topic of the public, etc. It is important to understand that the Page promotion is largely provided by its fans. If they like the content, they will share it. And so the sharing chain will be launched, available only to social networks. And you will get new fans and an increase in user activity.

    More serious methods

    Even if you have worked hard on the above points, there is still no one hundred percent (or even fifty percent) guarantee that your public will create a furor on Facebook. You will not be able to get the expected user activity without the full promotion of the Page. So, there are several ways to help you achieve your goal. You can choose the most effective one for yourself, you can combine them. The main thing is not to get confused in the end and take a serious approach to solving the problem.

    1. Invite Friends and Contacts Email and other social networks. This method is relevant for newly created Pages. Understandably, the first step is to invite all your Facebook Friends. They may have already invited their Friends, etc. One more opportunity should not be missed - import of contacts from social networks (Odnoklassniki, VKontakte) and your e-mail. The second is especially effective if the addresses of your clients are in the contact list.

    2. Indicate the place of work in your Profile. Of course, this is not a complete way of capturing a wide audience, but it can still attract the attention of your new Friends or just visitors to your personal profile.

    3. Tell about your public in all your profiles and on the site, if there is one. It is clear that Russian Internet users are not united with Facebook. Other social networks allow you to promote your Facebook public for free. If you have Twitter, write in the Information a link to the Page in FB and "write down" a picture with its address in the Hat. And if you also managed to get your own website, then be sure to install the Like Button at the end of each published article. And don't forget to post your Facebook business card! It will take a few minutes to create it, but it will definitely attract the attention of site visitors.

    4. Collaborate with other publishers. Mutual advertising is very convenient. And often you don't even need to invest money. You have advertised someone's product, and your Page will also be advertised. Just do not overdo it with such posts, otherwise the public will turn into a message board that will only annoy the Fans.

    5. Track statistics. Aware - armed. Monitoring user activity - The best way analyze the situation and understand which promotion methods are effective and which ones can be discarded.

    7. Add hashtags. No, these hash words aren't just for Instagram posts. With their help, users of the social network will be able to find the material they need. Accordingly, your posts will fall directly into the hands of your target audience. Well, how not to use this?

    8. Buy followers and their likes. Perhaps this method will seem not entirely honest to some, but many people use it. Go to any service that offers services for buying or selling "likes", and after paying a small amount, order subscribers for yourself. Creating visibility of user activity is very important if you need to attract more fans in the shortest possible time.

    Finally, if you have not mastered the promotion of the Page on your own, contact the professionals. Of course, you have to pay and completely trust the third party company. But sometimes it's much more effective method than a waste of time learning new skills in promoting Facebook publics.

    Page promotion is a series of activities that include:

    1) creating inbound targeted traffic to the page.

    2) converting him into fans. At the expense.

    3) maintaining the page, so that "word of mouth" attracts even more incoming targeted traffic.

    4) see point 1

    In this article, I will only consider free ways to create inbound targeted traffic to a Facebook page.

    20 ways to promote and promote "Fan" of the Facebook page:

    1. Ask your friends and friends of friends to join your page.

    In this way, I gained about 30 fans. Don't be afraid to ask them. Write: “Hi, I have created a new page. Look, can you be interested in this? "

    Of course, consider the information that is written in the friend's profile. This refers to the so-called "friends". After all, you do not know everyone (for example, 500 people) who are on your friends lists.

    If you offer a page about MLM, and your profile says “I hate MLM”, then you shouldn't ask this person to look at your page. Don't turn it into simple spam.

    2. Suggest the page to your friends.

    Unlike the previous method, this one simply notifies a friend that you invite him to view your page. The response from this method is not very great.

    In order to do this, you need to go to your page and click "invite friends"

    And from the list that appears, select the friends whom you want to invite to see your page.

    3. Install the Facebook social plugin on your blog.

    - In the "Width" field, specify the desired width of the plugin

    - Check the "Show Faces" box to display the faces of your page fans

    - Click "Get Code" and select "Iframe"

    - Copy and paste the code to your blog (if you have WordPress) via the "Text" widget

    - as a result, there should be a widget in the sidebar with the name "let's be friends on Facebook"

    Now blog visitors can click on "I like" (become a fan of the page) without leaving it.

    4. Edit your profile.

    5. Find and start chatting on topic pages and in groups.

    Communication on thematic pages is a very important element. Because you draw attention to your profile (which has a link to the page) and establish yourself as a person who knows this topic.

    To find such pages and groups, enter in the search " keyword»That relates to your topic, and filter the search results by page only.

    - Get to know it and understand what it is.

    - Start by commenting on posts on the page. Also ask and answer questions from other members of the page.

    (in the image, Svetlana commented on the publication of the page. Thus, drawing attention to herself)

    - After a while, when you will no longer be a casual visitor, but become a "seasoned" of this community, start giving links to your page in the comments.

    - Make friends personally with the members of this community.

    - Agree with the page administrator that you can publish links on the wall of the page to your page. Usually, if this is not a commercial resource and you have already established yourself as an interesting person and interlocutor, it will be free.

    6. Comment on behalf of your page.

    Everything happens, practically, as in the previous version, but the comments come on behalf of your page.

    In order to switch to the "page" mode, you need to go to your page and click on "use Facebook as (page name)":

    7. Comment on publications

    Enter the keyword of your topic in the "search" field and select the "publication of all" tab in the list that appears:

    After choosing a publication related to the topic of your page, comment on it.

    8. Subscribe to your e- mail, link to Facebook page

    9. Ask your Twitter followers to join the page

    Tweet that you have a Facebook page on such and such a topic and give a link to it.

    10. Promote your page offline

    Recently, I was at a seminar dedicated to "Increasing Sales". Everyone exchanged business cards and some of them had a link to a Facebook page.
    Also on any of your products, in addition to the link to your site, add a link to the fan page.

    11. Tell all employees of your company to place the link to the company page in the field "work".

    If you are posting videos on YouTube.

    14. Invite all of your email subscribers to join the page.

    15. Create a group on and in the announcements indicate the link to your page. Choose a catchy name for the group and immediately fill in 5 articles, because after creating a group, it will be included in the "new groups" mailing list, to which 3 million people have subscribed, and you will immediately receive a significant influx of new members.

    Also post announcements to your articles in other thematic groups. After asking permission from the group admins.

    16. Make a guest post with the blog owners.

    Find thematic blogs (use google search on blogs) and contact the owner of the blog, invite him to write a guest post. And he benefits (content) and you (at the end of the post, insert the link to your page).

    Good day, friends! In one of the articles, we have already analyzed the social network. Today we'll talk about how to promote a Facebook group on our own and what we need for this.

    Facebook provides an opportunity not only to communicate with people from different parts of the world, but also to promote your services and products, that is, to develop your business.

    Group promotion is one of the ways to work with the target audience. There are more than enough methods, but we will cover the most basic ones.

    Types of groups

    Before talking about promotion, let's define what types of communities generally exist:

    • closed. To enter here, you need to send a request to the administrator;
    • secret. Private chat-only groups that members know about. Upon request, you will not be able to join, only at the invitation of the creator or administrator;
    • open. All and sundry can join these groups.

    The direction of each group is also different:

    • a meeting;
    • personal page;
    • fan page for doing business or selling services and goods;
    • group - usually created for communication.

    In order to create a community, you need to open your page.

    After that, on the right side you will find the “create” tab, select the type, write the name, indicate at least one person who will become a member (this is a prerequisite, otherwise you will not be able to go further) and you can choose any icon for the group.

    That's all. You start to design and attract an audience there.

    How to make a high-quality Facebook group

    Start with a description. Under the avatars of the participants there is an “information” button, which must be pressed, then select the desired section for editing.

    So you can tell your subscribers about your group, why it is interesting and why they should subscribe to it.

    For more popularity and income, activity is necessary. You will need to publish new information every day that will be interesting and relevant to a specific audience.

    Only then will subscribers comment on posts, take part in polls and share information with friends.

    ), and also talked about website promotion in social networks (SMM and SMO). Moreover, the latter method is gaining more and more popularity.

    The audience of social networks is huge and it would be a mistake not to try to use it to your advantage. Why? Because when working with social media, you get direct contact (in fact, a trusting relationship) with your target audience (without impurities), which significantly increases the likelihood that they will become your customers. Another thing is that it is not always easy to implement all this in practice.

    With today's article, I just want to start a series of publications on promoting my business (commercial site) by means of SMM and SMO. To begin with, we will start with, which, although inferior to Vkontakte in terms of the size of the Russian-speaking audience, is superior in quality. We will talk about creating business pages on Facebook, about attracting an audience, about advertising, filling pages and much more.

    What exactly can be promoted on Facebook?

    Let's talk a little about how why exactly Facebook? In Runet, the monthly audience of this social network is about twenty to thirty million users per month. This is about two times less than the Vkontakte audience, but the figure itself is simply huge. At the same time, the age of the overwhelming majority of users of this social network (more than three quarters) falls within the framework of eighteen to forty-five years (on average, it turns out to be about thirty years on the Runet).

    And this is a very active audience with money (managers, entrepreneurs, etc. people who are ready to discuss business issues, and not show off and assert themselves). Registration on Facebook is allowed only from the age of 13, and at the same time there is no such popular type of content on Vkontakte as "free" movies and music (meaning the ban on uploading such content to the social network itself), which the unpromising business "shkolota" loves ...

    The content of this social network in Runet is approximately equally represented by entertainment and cognitive (intellectual) information. In connection with all of the above, it turns out that the average paying capacity of a Facebook user is higher than in other popular social networks of the Russian Internet (Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, etc.). Well, besides this, the functionality of this social network is very high, and it can be used to solve many different tasks (as a replacement for a blog or website, as an online store, geolocation in mobile applications etc.).

    The posts that generate the most likes, comments, and reposts will generate new users, most likely from your target audience. It is called viral effect when popularity starts to snowball. Both entertaining and educational posts can be viral.

    The opposite situation is also possible, when the content on your business page is not interesting, then it will not receive any development, and you, accordingly, will receive additional profit.

  • To promote your Facebook business page, you can use apps(now they are displayed in the left menu, but previously they were in a prominent place under the cover). For example, when you click on any of the applications shown in the second screenshot from here (with an attractive name), you will have to "like" this BS, because without this you will not see something "tasty" (looks like blackmail, isn't it).

    Previously, this could be abused even more (I don’t remember the details, but such a stub could be hung, in my opinion, on the BS itself, and not on the application button) and get likes pretty quickly. I think it works well now.

    You can create an application with a title, for example, "Free Video Course", and your page will be liked in order to gain access to it (the game from the user's point of view is worth the candle). And then you can become even more insolent and offer to receive a video course by mail, which will also allow you to collect an Email database (i.e. kill two birds with one stone - likes plus subscribers).

    You can use tabs (application areas) to organize contests or quizzes to collect, again, a subscriber base. Alternatively, you can use the app to create an online store based on Facebook a (with product cards, shopping cart and other attributes). Moreover, such applications will not necessarily be paid.

  • Involvement of the target audience you can indirectly evaluate when viewing the statistics of your business page on Facebook(at least by gender and age). There it will also be possible to see the dynamics of the appearance (and removal) of likes for this page, as well as to determine the methods of obtaining them - organic user behavior, or it was ad clicks followed by a like (paid).

  • How and why to promote a business page on Facebook?

    To do this, you can use both paid and free methods. Let's start with free, although not free, because you still have to work.

    In addition, there are paid promotion methods your BS on Facebook:

    1. Targeted advertising on this social network - in the news feed or in the right column. In the first case, your ad post will be shown in users' news feeds, and in the second case, the ad you have created will be shown in the right column of the interface of the window of this social network.
    2. You can give money not to Facebook, but to the specific owner of the community you are interested in. He will publish the post you need on his page or in the right group... This can be a regular post with information about your BS, or, for example, they publish some interesting information as an advertisement (the same tests or the announcement of free courses), and already on the landing page (tab of your BS) to satisfy the interest, the user will have to like your business page (this way you can gain a lot of fans in one advertising publication).

    Classical example of making money on Facebook looks like that:

    1. You create a BS and a number of tabs on which you place something you want (free or interesting). But access to this coveted can be obtained only by like the page and sending you your Email address (through the form on the tab, for example).
    2. Next, you push the budget into the advertising of your business page (through targeting or directly in the communities). This stimulates the flow of visitors to your BS, which leads to an increase in the number of its fans and email subscribers.
    3. Then you send in letters everything that you promised (for example, a free video course, a discount coupon, etc.). Well, and only then it will be possible to start slowly sending letters with various "indecent" offers, which have the idea of ​​making money on this user. Those. you entice him, and only then, using the “social engineering” method, persuade him to cooperate (lure him up and only then throw the hook).
    4. You again invest a part of the profit you have made in advertising your BS on Facebook and keep doing this in a circle until you get bored.
    5. Naturally, interesting and useful publications for your target audience should regularly appear on your BS. This will allow you to increase the number of subscribers and fans in a natural way, i.e. no additional advertising costs. Although, it is possible that you entrust the filling of the business page to a contractor who will have to pay for it. In any case, it increases trust and, as a result, improves the conversion of users of your BS to customers of your business (the feeling of being sniffed is reduced).

    But this, of course, is not the only way. Your business page on Facebook can solve, for example, the following tasks:

    1. Attracting an additional flow of visitors to your website (commercial or informational)
    2. Getting additional sales directly from the BS or again by driving traffic to your online store
    3. Increasing the popularity and recognition of your brand is only relevant for large companies.

    To achieve your goals, you will have to regularly do the following(or entrust them to a specially trained person):

    1. First you need to create and properly arrange your BS
    2. Analyze your future potential target audience and understand what content they will need to provide
    3. Engage in its daily promotion using both paid and free methods
    4. Fill your page with new and interesting materials for your target audience every day. Here you are great, which helps to set up deferred publications in many social networks, including Facebook.
    5. Answer questions asked daily (in comments and private messages), and periodically "creative" with contests, tests, etc. things.
    6. Read the news daily on your competitors' BS for "inspiration" and draw new ideas (adopt positive experience and not repeat their mistakes)
    7. Track statistics on a daily basis in order to quickly make adjustments to purchased ads

    All that we talked about today is, of course, general words and pure theory, but it costs us nothing. go directly to practice, which we and you will not apply to do in the next publication of this heading.