Hello to all readers of my blog! The topic of today's article is making money from referrals. I decided to tell you about this because the method really works, and you can earn a lot. Of course, if you approach this matter wisely.

Let's start with simple things. If someone already knows everything about referral systems and affiliate programs, just scroll on.

1. Who is a referral and how to find one?

To make it clearer, I will explain with a specific example. Let's say you registered on some site using . All such sites (boxes) have affiliate programs. What is the essence of affiliate programs, and why are they needed?

It’s also not difficult with a group - I’ve already written about how to promote groups on VK and how to insert advertisements correctly. I recommend it, because this is also a very effective method.

3. How to attract referrals to the project - paid methods

There are not so many such methods, or more precisely, there is only one - buying advertising. I won’t waste time talking about advertising now, if you are interested, read my article about. I think that if you invest in advertising correctly, you can get a lot of referrals automatically.

And especially for you, I recorded a short video with an example of where and how you can buy high-quality advertising to attract thousands of referrals:

3.1. Referrals to any project - link protection

At the beginning of the article, I talked about the fact that some people cut off links for some reason. So, there are several effective ways stop this matter. The best one is link shortening. To do this, we simply use special services. Personally, I use this.

One of the most interesting types of earnings on the World Wide Web is earnings from referrals.

Thousands of different projects offer their users to build referral networks and thereby organize a passive source of profit.

In this article we will try to consider the main questions of people who are just starting to organize their referral network and want to achieve success. The most a common question is “Who are referrals and how to recruit them?”, so we decided to start with this.

Watch the video lesson.

Referrals are users whom you invite to various projects, and in the future you receive profit from their actions. For example, by inviting people to email services, you can receive a percentage of their earnings or from depositing funds.

In addition to email services, you can attract referrals to freelance and copywriting exchanges, in affiliate programs, online casinos, bookmakers, etc.

How to get referrals for free?

To attract new users, the system provides its users with special links, after clicking on which, people register and become referrals of other participants.

In this case, everyone benefits, the services receive a constant “tide” of new users, referrers (people who invite new participants) receive profit from the users’ activity, and referrals learn about the possibility of using a useful service and can contact those who contact them with any questions. invited.

There are many different ways to recruit referrals:

1. The simplest one is to invite all your friends to the service you are using. For example, you can tell your friends and acquaintances about the success you achieved by selling articles on one of the exchanges. This type of attraction is the most effective, because you can explain everything to new users, and your offer will be accompanied by trust.

Unfortunately, your circle of acquaintances is limited, and this method will not bring you a huge audience of users, which makes it not the most practical.

2. If you have the money or time, you can start advertising referral links. For example, you can post entries on forums, thanks to which you will receive new users. In addition, you can invest in an advertising company that will present your banners and links for a fee.

This method can be quite productive, but at the same time it is accompanied by some expenses, both time and money, which limits the circle of people using this method.

Creating a website for the purpose of recruiting referrals

3. The last option we will present is creating your own website. Thanks to your project, you will be able to constantly receive new referrals and distribute advertising.

Separately, I would like to say that thanks to the articles, you will be able to influence the level of interest of users, which will allow you to receive a huge number of potential referrals.

According to many people, this method attracting participants to the service is the most acceptable and productive.

If you also want to build a large referral network, then start implementing your website, perhaps this will allow you to succeed.

If you begin to actively use all opportunities to attract users, then it is quite possible that you will achieve a successful result.

Many people choose this method of earning money, and they are easy to understand, because thanks to referrals you can earn money without doing anything, but only receiving small percentages for their activity.

How to get referrals automatically?

To avoid having to send out invitations yourself, communicate with people and post links somewhere, use click sponsors.

On the best mailers, you can create tasks and ask people to register, or place a referral link on some site.

This is not difficult to do, for example, if you use the Wmmail project, then the instructions for action will be as follows:

It's simple, people will start registering using your link, and all you have to do is check their reports so as not to pay to scammers.

Don't have money for this? This is also not a problem, because you can use the axle boxes to complete other people’s tasks and thereby replenish your balance. Choose the most expensive orders; after completing a task with a payment of $1, you can order 100 completions of your task for 1 cent.

Where can I get referrals for free?

If you have free time, try to attract referrals for free through social media. You can post any posts in them, as well as generate reposts using special services.

It’s good if there is a promoted page, but the most effective option is on similar sites.

Posts need to be designed beautifully so that they attract attention. The image must be:

It is these systems that are best to look for, because just one person you invite can attract a whole network of participants.

You don’t need to pay any money on social networks, but there are now so many advertisements being distributed there that your posts may simply be deleted or not viewed. Plus, it’s worth taking into account their rules; the page can be frozen for spam.

How to quickly get referrals?

Do you want to attract a huge audience in the shortest possible time? Then you will have to invest money. You can negotiate with site owners about advertising placement.

If you don’t want to contact directly, try using the system, many different sites have been added there that rent out different areas of the site:

This is part of the available resources; the table shows impressions and prices per month. An unusual form of payment is used here. Money is paid not for clicks or impressions (as everywhere else), but for 30 days of advertising.

The prices are relatively low, so this service can be considered one of the best for attracting referrals.

In addition to the above service, there are many alternative resources where you can also order advertising or place an affiliate link:

  1. – through this site you can order placement on video advertising sites.
  2. – suitable for advertising in VKontakte and Odnoklassniki groups.
  3. – here is the largest database of advertising platforms from social networks.
  4. – buy links from blogs, YouTube channels and social networks. networks.
  5. – payment for impressions in the advertising line (you can order from me, line at the top).
  6. – order placement of banners on partner sites.

If you plan to invite people to some services for beginners to make money, you will find it useful. You will pay only 20 kopecks for clicks on your promotional materials.

Be sure to keep in mind that this system is mainly used by beginners, so there is no point in advertising something serious, such as Forex brokers.

Even professionals make great efforts to attract new users to various systems. My main income is referral networks, so I know firsthand how difficult it is to find active user, capable of bringing good profit.

  • should be used as much as possible more ways set of referrals;
  • shows good results;
  • most effective way attracting referrals, this is your own website;
  • to come up with tempting texts, you need to learn this;
  • use short sentences, do not send people text of 5000 characters;
  • create original banners and teasers, do not use hackneyed promos;
  • never deceive people, because after registration they will not be active;
  • offer your help to referrals so that they do not leave the project;
  • motivate people to become a referral, offer bonuses or refback;
  • make short links so that no one goes to the site directly ();
  • Animated banners provide the highest conversion;
  • using different ways and services, follow the statistics and draw conclusions;
  • invite only interested people; in this matter, quality is important, not quantity.

As you work, you will gain experience and you will have your own secrets for recruiting referrals. The most important thing is not to stop and work actively, because here everything goes into perspective, at first there will be no income.

It’s difficult to say how many referrals you can attract in one way or another, because a lot depends on how much money is spent, how filtered target audience and whether good promotional materials are actually being used.

In any case, this is a decent option for earning money that is worth using.

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Again, passive and additional income on almost any Internet project - referrals (partners). What are they? Essentially, these are users who will register based on your recommendation (link) on any service that provides a referral (affiliate) program.

There are many profitable affiliate programs that offer everyone who wants to build their own referral networks, thereby providing their loved one with a solid profit. You just need to pick up your affiliate link and start collecting referrals by distributing the link on the Internet.

Ok, this is clear. But where can you get it, or rather, how can you attract referrals through your link so that they will follow it and register? This question is asked by many beginners who are learning how to make money on the Internet. This page will discuss effective ways to recruit referrals for any project - both paid and free methods.

Free ways to attract referrals

You can attract referrals for free, but believe me, too much effort and time will be spent, and the effectiveness will be much to be desired. However, the methods really work and there is no reason not to use them.

Note. To disguise referral links, use special services like goo.gl.

Method No. 1: invite friends and acquaintances to become referrals

Everyone has friends and acquaintances. Another thing is how many there are. There’s not even anything wrong with inviting your relatives as referrals. If the project is worthwhile and can change their lives for the better, then why not.

Tell your friends about the project and its benefits. Perhaps this will spark interest and they will become your referrals. Remember not to say things that are not actually true. The important thing here is not to overdo it when describing the site(s) you are inviting them to.

Conclusion: This is far from the most effective way to recruit referrals. At best, you can find a dozen or two potential refs among your friends.

Method No. 2: attract referrals from forums

Forums are the favorite habitat of most referral guides. Why? Firstly, it is free, and secondly, it is simple and very effective method attracting referrals using your referral links to any projects.

Each forum has requirements for the design of new topics (topics) and messages. In some places it is prohibited to create duplicate topics, and in others it is allowed to “produce” similar topics and spam. Don't forget to read the rules before/after registration.

Here are some forums for attracting referrals:

  • mmgp.ru— a good forum about earnings and investments with strict rules for publishing news;
  • wm-forums.ru— a forum about making money, not as popular as the previous one;
  • imoneyforum.ru— previously you could spam here and create similar topics about any Internet project, now the forum is moderated.

Search for online forums using a search engine using the phrase: forums about making money (investments, with investments, without investments)

There are forums on the Internet where you don’t even have to register to write comments, for example here, ruble.webtalk.ru

One more trick. On the forums you are allowed to create a special signature (this is done in your profile), which will be shown under each of your published messages. In this signature you can leave your referral link (or even several) in the form of text or a mini-banner (userbar 350x19). The latter can be created in Photoshop, online generator or find a suitable one on the website userbars.ru.

This is what a signature with referral links will look like under a post from the MMGP forum (highlighted with a frame).

How to get referrals from Ucoz forums

How to get referrals from Yukoz forums? Ucoz is a popular platform on which thousands of websites and forums are created. You don’t need to create the latter. Enough register one time unet profile to be able to leave your messages with referral links on any ucoz forums.

Your actions to recruit referrals from ucoz forums:

  1. create a unet account— this is one key (registration) to all doors (ucoz-forums);
  2. find thematic ucoz forums, for example, enter the phrase “ucoz forum about making money on the Internet” in a search engine or find suitable ones in the rating Top Ucoz Forums;
  3. Log in to the forum by clicking on “Login” and selecting the “U” icon (the very first one offered);
  4. on the forum, go to the appropriate section (mlm, HYIPs, investments, etc.) and start writing messages by inserting a referral link.

Note. Remember that beautiful design of posts attracts more attention - if possible, add pictures, banners, format the text (color, font size). In general, make it stand out from the crowd of others.

Conclusion: to attract many referrals you will have to write messages every day, create topics on many, many Internet forums. It’s still a lot of work, but with a guarantee of results.

Method number 3: attract referrals from social networks

Note. To search for referrals through the VKontakte social network, it is better to create another profile (page). You can use the main one, but it is not advisable.

3.1 Referrals from sites through the VKontakte widget

The meaning of the method of recruiting referrals is to publish messages with your referral links on sites where the VKontakte comment widget is installed. Many site owners allow such messages to be published, as long as it does not look like spam - start with words like “Thanks for the article...”. And remember that you should not post a ref on all or many pages, but only on the topic of the article.

How to get referrals? Let's say you need to recruit referrals for some game project. To do this:

  1. enter the desired phrase into a search engine, for example, “games with withdrawal of money” and look at the sites from the search results;
  2. add, where possible, your comments with referral links - it is advisable that the added project is not repeated, that is, absent from the author’s page and do not forget to add a picture to attract attention.

3.2 Referrals from VKontakte social network groups

Similar to the previous method, only here we write messages in groups directly on the VKontakte website. You need to find thematic groups via VKontakte search and add comments with your refs. And don't forget to spice up your message with an image or video so it will stand out from the crowd. Low-key comments will go unnoticed.

Several groups to attract referrals using your links:

  • vk.com/info_bizness;
  • vk.com/club73589028;
  • vk.com/club69103671;
  • vk.com/rabotayu;
  • vk.com/joinmygroup.

3.3 Referrals through sending messages to friends on VKontakte

Yes, this is outright spam for which your VKontakte page can be blocked. That's why you need a fake page. In addition, many affiliate programs warn in their rules about this method of attracting referrals as prohibited, and if detected, the affiliate account may also be blocked.

But the gist of it is this. You create a page, promote it to the maximum, for example here vktarget.ru— recruit friends and subscribers, post photos, add posts to the wall, etc. Then send them messages with your offer.

To send one message to several friends at the same time do this:

  1. log in to VK;
  2. go to the "My Messages" tab;
  3. then "Write a message";
  4. select any recipient, and then click on the “Add+” button and add the rest (max 14 per day);
  5. write the title and text of the message, then click on the “Send” button.

3.4 Referrals from your group or public

The most effective method of attracting referrals from social networks is to create your own group or public VKontakte for a project (or several) and then promote it.

It’s not difficult to create a VKontakte group and then fill it with information. You will have to tinker with its promotion, but the result is worth it.

Conclusion: the method of recruiting referrals from social networks is justified if you have your own promoted group, but for this you will have to invest in cash to get maximum effect. Publishing messages will also provide an influx of referrals, but not as noticeable as we would like, but the method is completely free.

Method number 4: attract referrals from YouTube

Everyone knows about such a cool video hosting YouTube, which has an audience of millions. But not everyone knows that with its help you can earn a lot of money, and also attract referrals to your structure. So, let's look at how to get referrals from YouTube.

4.1 Referrals from YouTube through comments

Nothing complicated. Looking for suitable channels for posting comments: enter the necessary queries in the YouTube search and publish comments with referral links. Sometimes channel authors can disable comments on videos, but this rarely happens. That's it!

4.2 Referrals from YouTube from your video channel

From your video channel on YouTube you can attract a lot of referrals to any project. The method is really effective in terms of recruiting referrals, but to implement it you need to do the following:

  • create your own video channel on YouTube;
  • record training/explanatory videos and then upload them to video hosting;
  • promote the video channel and feed it with new materials.

You can also use other video services, for example, Rutube.

Conclusion: a well-promoted channel on YouTube can provide you with a constant influx of working referrals, but for this to happen it will take some time to organize this process. In addition, you will have to learn how to create smart videos (for example, in Camtasia Studio) and be able to promote your channel.

Other ways to attract referrals for free

One may doubt the effectiveness of the methods proposed below for attracting referrals, but nevertheless there are methods, they are free and known to many referrals:

  • boards free ads — you have to publish many advertisements in the categories “jobs,” “vacancies,” and others — high-quality and visited boards are moderated and it is not a fact that your advertisement will be missed — boards can be found by searching for “looking for a job” in Yandex or Google;
  • mailing list— sending advertising announcements to recipients, and for this you first need to collect your database of e-mail addresses and/or use paid services mailings smartresponder.ru, standartsend.ru(provides his base).

Paid ways to attract referrals

It is much easier to attract paid referrals to any project. The methods discussed below are quite effective, with the help of which you can get a lot of referrals and quickly build your own structure.

Method No. 5: buying referrals on exchanges

I hope that the article helped you in the question of how to attract referrals. The only thing left to do is to choose one or more methods for recruiting refs for your favorite projects. Good luck!

Good luck to you, Patience and Good Luck!


Hello friends. Today, from this article and its video lessons, you will learn in detail about how to attract referrals, what methods of attracting referrals exist and how to use these methods correctly in order to attract more and more referrals and receive more and more more money. So, how to attract referrals, read and watch carefully:

If you want to receive constant good passive income on the Internet, then you simply must know how to attract referrals, know all the ways to attract them. And let's start right away with these very methods, and also read detailed explanations for each method and watch video tutorials.

But first, I want to remind you that you need to attract referrals through your referral link or through a referral banner, which also, one way or another, contains this link. A person follows this link, registers on the project and becomes your referral. So wherever you're looking to get referrals, find your referral links first!

And now about ways to attract:

How to get your friends to become referrals

This is the easiest way. You can easily tell your friend or all your friends about the project, and then, if they are interested, give them a referral link, following which they will become your referrals. It is better for everyone to work with such referrals, because... You can help them with everything, even over the phone.

How to attract referrals through social networks

There are a huge number of people on social networks every day who can easily become your referrals. To do this, post information about projects (where you are going to involve) on your pages in your groups, notes, statuses, etc. and put your referral link there.

For example, right on your wall you briefly describe the project, say that you can earn money there and leave a referral link that people will follow to register and become your referrals.

Especially to attract referrals, you can even create several groups where all the necessary information will be located, as well as your referral links.

How to attract referrals using forums

If you communicate on some forums, then you can attract referrals. Any forums where you can leave links in your signature will do. How to attract?

Go to your profile settings on the forum and edit your signature so that there is very short information and a referral link. For example: “Earn money here: and referral link.”

After that, just continue communicating on this forum. Forum visitors will see your signature and will follow the link and become your referrals.

How to Attract Referrals Using Blogs

The main thing here don't spam! Leave good quality comments on thematic blogs. And carefully enter your referral link into these comments so that without it the comment would not make sense.

For example, on a website for making money, you leave a comment that everything is described there perfectly and you liked everything, but there is another website for making money, which you also checked and you can even provide screenshots of payments, etc. Enter a link in this comment.

How to get referrals using YouTube

Post a variety of your own videos on . These can be either special videos or everyday ones. For example, you can record a video about how to make money on some service or just make a cool video on your mobile phone.

And in the description of each video, put your referral links with a brief description of where these links lead. This way, you can also attract more referrals.

How to attract referrals using your own website

This is the most best way attraction, which is personally the most basic for me and brings me referrals every day for various projects. Perhaps, thanks to this site, you will also become my referrals on some projects, and this is usually much more profitable than not being anyone’s referral.


You will find all the necessary information on how to create a website on this site “” in the appropriate sections on the right. Don't forget to create bookmarks so you don't lose sight of the necessary information.

Leave comments to the articles you like and share them with your friends. Let everyone know about the opportunity to earn good money through the Internet.

And remember: anyone can make big money on the Internet!

Where can you find referrals, how to recruit your own team of referrals and receive a good and stable income. A referral is a person who followed your link and joined the project. In this case, the link is called referral. The more referrals you find, the more your income will be. Today our task is to find as many referrals as possible. So where can you find referrals?

Where to find referrals

It’s worth noting right away that there are two ways to attract referrals, and therefore search for them: paid. Let's start with the free ones.

Free ways to attract referrals

Firstly, these are posts on various thematic forums. For example, if you want to attract referrals interested in making money on the Internet, then look for forums and blogs dedicated to this particular topic. On the forum you write some kind of advertising message to which you attach a referral link. It is advisable to include in the message such phrases as: “earning money on the Internet”, “making a profit on the Internet without investment”, etc.

All this allows you to increase the likelihood that exactly the people you need will come through your referral link in the message. You should not place your messages anywhere, since spam, as a rule, does not bring positive results.

Secondly, free message boards on the Internet. You can proceed according to the same scheme as in the previous version. The main thing is also not to spam, but to post only in topics specially designated for this. Thus, the question of where to find referrals will not be so difficult for you.

Thirdly, these are social networks. For example, classmates, my world, VKontakte etc. Here you can create a special group where you describe in more detail the whole essence of your project, of course, with a referral link.

By inviting interested people, you create permanent additional income for yourself. And if you attract a multi-level affiliate, then your income will grow later and without your participation. Since the people you invite will also attract referrals, thereby creating a large referral network. The main thing is to connect as many people as possible who are interested in your project.

Fourthly, this is the creation of your own website. Probably one of the most effective options. Creating your own website is not that difficult. Now there are many designers that allow you to build a website absolutely free. For example, ucoz.ru, narod.yandex.ru, etc.

If you want to create a worthwhile website with a future perspective, then I advise you to create it on paid hosting and on the WordPress platform. Traffic is very important for the site; the more traffic, the more referrals you will have. If you already have a website, then it will again contain information about various projects and your referral links.

Fifthly, " viral advertising" The point is that a person registers on a site created for one purpose: advertising sites and links. When registering, you are asked to look at 10 other people’s links, and then enter special code for confirmation. Then you leave your referral link on this site. As a result, the person who registers after you will see your link first. The next one after him is the second one. Etc. up to 10. The problem is that you will now be forced to invite 10 participants using your referral link. Thus, you somewhat solve the problem of where to find referrals, and on a free basis. Of course, it's a little troublesome, but not that difficult.

Paid ways to attract referrals

  1. First way. Books, etc. Advertising on these projects is quite affordable and here you simply select the type of advertising, pay for it and observe the result. You can place a referral link in surfing, contextual advertising, in various messages, in created letters. There are also many different banner formats available. You can create a paid task, but you need to explain to the contractor that further cooperation will be required. you will also find many answers to questions about where to find referrals.
  2. Second way. Ordering advertising links through various advertising platforms. There are special organizations on the Internet that place advertisements on a huge number sites. This banner advertising on the edges of pages, advertising when you go to the site, and even advertising that does not allow you to leave the site without visiting the link.
  3. Third way. There are two giants on the network for placing contextual advertising, these are Google Edwords and Yandex Direct. By placing your links there and coming up with a captivating title, you will see the results immediately. These projects have a fairly high price for advertising. But if the projects for which you are recruiting a team are worthwhile, for example, Forex, etc., then you will more than recoup your costs.

Of course, we have only listed some methods, and we hope that this article will partially answer the question of where to find referrals. Good luck to you! How do you attract referrals?

Where to find referrals updated: January 16, 2017 by: admin