In the modern world, it is difficult to imagine a person who, since school, has not come across such a concept as "A software package that provides interaction between a person and a computer." Let's try to figure out what it is, and what elements are included in its composition.

What is the name of the software package that controls the operation of the computer?

So, the very concept of such a package arose at the dawn of the development of computer technology and related technologies.

Today it is generally accepted that in the broadest sense of this term, a software package that controls the operation of a computer and ensures the functioning of the computer itself, as well as the performance of certain tasks by the user, is nothing more than an operating system with all its elements. Some people mistakenly think that this is only a specific OS with system-level programs. However, so to speak, "clean" systems are practically not found today.

What is included in

With regard to understanding operating systems, or, as they are sometimes called, "operating systems", this is not only the system part.

The latter is exclusively a software package that controls the operation of the computer and ensures its correct functioning. That's all. Based on the understanding of a "clean" system, it is not designed to perform any third-party tasks that have nothing to do with the "operating system". The creation of such systems would be completely inappropriate, since their use for some specific purposes (at the dawn of computer technology - the usual calculation using mathematical, algebraic or trigonometric operations) would be simply impossible. Therefore, today systems are being created that have tremendous opportunities, if not for all occasions, but at least for most of them.

Yes, and the operating systems themselves today can be found quite a lot: Windows, Mac OS X, Free BSD, Linux, UNIX, etc. In them, in addition to the system part, there are impressive sets of completely different applications, for example, for processing graphics, listening to music , watching videos, etc. Naturally, these are only some elements, not a complete set.

in the general sense?

As for what is commonly called software, it is, in essence, a collection of absolutely all programs that are installed by default or by the user on a particular computer system.

In other words, this is a software package that controls the operation of a computer in the broadest sense: the work itself operating system, the correct functioning of "iron" devices ( motherboards, graphics cards, sound adapters, network devices, disk drives, USB ports and devices, various modules wireless, monitors, etc.), providing interaction between the computer and the user (graphical interface), as well as the ability to combine several machines into local or virtual networks, access to the World Wide Web, and much more.

A system package of programs that control the operation of a computer and provide interaction associated with a given user task and a response to execution by the operating system itself may not always work, in particular, with regard to precisely user portable programs that are not related to the system in any way.

If we talk about applications that allow the user to use all explicit and hidden opportunities systems, here the first place is taken It is through him that a person gets access to all functions and capabilities. But it was not always so. For the first time, an interface of this type was created using object-oriented programming technologies, when the revolutionary Windows 3.1 OS was released.

Prior to this, only command-oriented systems were used. These were the so-called DOS systems, in which access was carried out through command line or by using function key combinations. Many people remembered that time also by the fact that Norton Commander, released for the first time, was not only file manager(as many believe), but a powerful enough tool for editing text information and even viewing some graphic formats.

Nevertheless, today the system software package that controls the operation of a computer includes a lot of elements. So, for example, in addition to applications that ensure the functioning of the "operating system" itself, this concept includes device drivers, which are special programs or dynamic libraries, which already provide interaction between the devices themselves and the operating system. Without a driver, not a single "hardware" component will work - the system simply will not recognize it.

In addition, this list can include and special abilities changing the configuration of a computer system, controlling access to certain functions, setting the simultaneous use of a certain account a local or network user when logging into the system with several registered users on one terminal or several terminals located in a local or virtual network, etc.

General concept of application programs

In addition to the system part, it is possible to single out a specialized software package that controls the operation of a computer and provides any user with the ability to perform a specific task. Such programs are called application programs.

Naturally, today the range of tasks that modern computer systems are capable of performing has expanded significantly. For example, using special mathematical packages, you can easily solve the most complex problems up to tensor equations.

New opportunities

Modern applications related to physics or chemistry can even simulate some situations that have not yet reached implementation in real life. Software packages such as AutoCAD provide the broadest opportunities for designers of various systems in completely different areas of science and technology.

What about sound and video? Previously, it was all about viewing and listening, but today you can easily find some professional software package that controls the operation of a computer and provides not only recording music or vocals at the studio level, but also allows you to create music without using any instruments at all. At the same time, the sounds in such applications are no different from “live” instruments.

The same goes for video processing. Look, the same fight between Neo and Morpheus from the first part of the "Matrix" trilogy was modeled in the program, and not filmed live. However, the list can be continued almost indefinitely.

Windows standard programs

It goes without saying that every known operating system today has its own standard software package that controls the operation of the computer and provides the user with everything necessary to perform other most common tasks. Since our most used modifications are Windows, we will consider this particular set.

Here you can find a standard file manager called "Explorer", graphic viewers and editing tools, a player for video and music, text editors, system administration tools and configuration settings in the form of a "Control Panel", a built-in browser for accessing the Internet, tools for setting up local or virtual networks, special tools for people with disabilities (for example, for those with low vision, the system suggests using to enlarge the image) and much more.

Companion programs and components

Some of the additional components include a software package that controls the operation of the computer and ensures the security of the system. In the Windows operating system, these applications are commonly referred to as firewalls or firewalls.

In addition, almost all users today widely use antivirus software designed specifically to protect computers from virus attacks or the penetration of malicious codes, spyware or unwanted programs that can not only significantly disrupt the operation of the entire system as a whole, but also lead to its complete “crash” ".

Instead of an afterword

As you can see, the software package that controls the operation of a computer is not only an "operating system" that ensures the interaction of a PC with a person, but also many additional elements that allow you to focus on performing a specific task. So there is simply no need to say that this is exclusively an "operating system". Here, the understanding of such a term is much broader. And if we take into account the rapid development of computer technology, who knows, maybe in the near future such systems will generally go beyond our current understanding and will be intended for completely different, as yet unpredictable purposes.

| Planning lessons for the academic year | Programs and files.

Lesson 5
Programs and files.
Keyboard simulator in game mode

Programs and files

For a computer to work, it needs sets of program instructions. The totality of all programs is software computer.

Mandatory piece of software operating system (OS). OS is a special software package that control the operation of a computer and provide interaction between a person and a computer.

You can find out which operating system is installed on the computer by the corporate picture:


Specific tasks (text input, drawing, calculations, and others) are performed on a computer using application programs, or applications.

Programs and data are stored on disk as files(from the English file - a folder for papers, dossier). As in a business office, whose employees carefully sort information, computer files contain information of the same type, related to each other. The contents of the file can be a list, arbitrary text, program, table, figure, and so on.

A hard disk or floppy disk can contain many files. To avoid confusion, each file is named and placed in a specific folder. A folder will be created for each of you on your hard disk, where files with your texts and pictures will be stored.

The most important thing

Software is a collection of all computer programs.

Operating system it is a package of programs that control the operation of a computer and provide interaction between a person and a computer.

Application programs (applications) are programs with the help of which specific tasks are performed on a computer: text input, drawing, calculations, and others.

Questions and tasks

1. What do you mean by computer software?

2. What is an operating system for? What is the name of the operating system installed on your computers?

3. What programs are called application programs?

Keyboard simulator in game mode

Keyboard simulator "Hands of a soloist"

These training materials were developed within the framework of the competition "Development of Information Sources of Complex Structure (ISSS) for the General Education System". The "Soloist's Hands" simulator is aimed at developing an individual skill of the blind ten-finger typing method on a computer keyboard in a schoolchild. "Hands of a Soloist" is a set of multi-level educational trainings for students from grades 7-9. The proposed product "Hands of a Soloist" allows you to increase the motivation of students, as well as stimulate their enthusiasm for the school subject, which in general will contribute to an increase in the efficiency of the educational process and the level of knowledge gained in computer science classes. The methodological manual will allow you to choose the desired trajectory for teaching students in grades 7-9 and include the use of the simulator in the curriculum for the subject "Informatics" as part of the lesson schedule. The methodological manual provides a detailed distribution by hours and training modules.

Today it is already difficult to imagine a person who has never come across such a concept as a software package that provides interaction between a computer and a person. Let's try to figure out what such software packages are and what elements they consist of.

What is the name of the software package that controls the operation of the computer? For the first time, this concept arose at the dawn of the development of computer technology and technology. Nowadays, it is customary to understand this term as a software package that controls the operation of a computer and ensures the functioning of a computing system, and is also responsible for performing certain tasks. In general, it is nothing more than an operating system in conjunction with all its elements. Many people mistakenly assume that a software package that controls a computer is a specific operating system with system-level programs. But it is worth noting that operating systems in their pure form are practically not found today.

What is included in the concept of OS? The concept of an operating system includes not only the system part, which is a package of programs that ensure the correct functioning of and control the operation of the computer. In pure operating systems, such a software package is not designed to perform third-party tasks. The development of such systems from the point of view of their use would be completely inappropriate, since their use for some rather specific tasks would be impossible. These tasks include ordinary calculations using algebraic and trigonometric operations.

For this reason, systems are being created today that have great capabilities, albeit not for all occasions, but allowing you to deal with many different situations. Today you can find many operating systems: Windows, Free BSD, Mac OS X, Unix, Linux, etc. In addition to the system part, they have a large set of various applications for listening to music, processing graphic information, watching videos, etc. These are just a few elements, not a complete set of applications.

What is software?

What is commonly called software? In fact, it is just a collection of many programs installed by default or by the user himself on a particular system. It is a software package that controls the operation of a computer in a broad sense. He is responsible for the operation of the operating system itself, for the functioning of the hardware filling (graphics cards, motherboards, sound adapters, disk drives, network devices, wireless modules, USB ports, monitors). Also, using the software, you can realize the ability to combine several machines into virtual or local networks, organize access to the World Wide Web and do a lot of useful things.

However, software packages that provide interaction between a user and a computer terminal may not always work. This is especially true for user programs connected to the system. When it comes to applications that allow the user to use hidden and explicit capabilities, then the graphical interface takes the first place. After all, it is through the graphical interface that the user gets access to all the possibilities and functions. But this was not always the case. For the first time, an interface of this type was created using object-oriented programming technologies.

At that time, the operating system Windows 3.1 was released. Previously, systems were used that were focused exclusively on the execution of various commands. These are the so-called DOS systems. They were accessed using function keys or through the command line. Many users will also remember that time by the fact that the first version of Norton Commander allowed not only working with files, but also editing text and even viewing graphical information. However, today the system software package that controls the operation of a computer consists of a large number of different elements.

So, in addition to applications that ensure the functioning of the operating system itself, this concept also includes device drivers (special programs that provide interaction between devices and the operating system). Not one hardware component of a computer will work without drivers. The system just doesn't recognize them. also in this list you can enable accessibility to change the configuration of a computer system, configure the use of accounts, control access to certain functions.

Application programs: a general concept

In addition to the system part, there is also a specialized software package that provides the user with the ability to perform specific tasks and controls the operation of the computer. These are the so-called application programs. Today, the range of tasks that modern computer terminals can perform has become significantly wider. For example, using special mathematical packages, you can easily and simply solve complex problems like tensor equations.

New opportunities

Today, application programs, the work of which is associated with the solution of physical or chemical problems, make it possible to simulate the most complex processes. Sometimes such phenomena have not even reached the realization in real life. Application packages such as Auto CAD provide incredible opportunities for designers of various systems in all possible directions of development of science and technology. It is no longer necessary to talk about video and sound ... If before it all came down to simple listening or viewing, today users can find professional software packages that even allow you to create your own music without using tools. Moreover, the sounds in such applications are almost indistinguishable from real instruments. The same goes for video processing. All special effects in modern cinema are modeled using special programs.

Windows: standard programs

Of course, each operating system known today has its own standard set programs that controls the operation of a computer terminal and provides the user with everything necessary to solve the most common tasks. We most often use modifications of the Windows operating system. Therefore, we will consider the standard set of programs for this operating system. In this system, you can find a standard file manager, which is also called "Explorer", tools for viewing and editing images, a media player, text editor, system administration tools (Control Panel), built-in Internet browser, tools for configuring virtual and local networks, as well as special tools for people with disabilities.

Additional components and programs

Of the additional components, special attention should be paid to the software package that controls the operation of the computer and ensures the security of the system. In the operating room Windows system such applications are called firewalls or firewalls. Today, almost all users use antivirus software, which is designed specifically to protect your computer from virus attacks and the penetration of malicious objects, unwanted programs and spyware applications that can significantly disrupt the system as a whole.


As you can see for yourself, the software package that controls the functioning of the computer is not only a pure operating system that provides interaction personal computer and a person, but also many other elements that allow you to focus on completing a specific task. Thus, one cannot speak exclusively about the concept of an operating system. The understanding of such a term in this case will be much broader. If we take into account the rapid pace of development of computer technology, then perhaps soon such systems will generally go beyond the scope of today's concepts.

What is the name of the disk drive from which the operating system boots?
a) Boot drive;
b) Boot diskette;
c) Boot partition.
2 question
What is the name of the graphics format used in the Windows operating system?
a) PDF;
b) XML;
c) BMP.
3 question
What is the name of the initial record on the disk (hard or floppy), where the information necessary for the operating system to work with the disk is recorded?
a) Bootstrap;
b) Boot partition;
c) Boot -sector.
4 question
Which function is WINE designed to do?
a) to configure and run SSH servers;
b) for Windows startup–Programs in the Linux operating system;
c) to run the Virtual Box emulator;
d) to run the VMware emulator;
e) to launch the GNOME OS Linux GUI.
5 question
A piece of information left on the Web client computer by the program running on the Web server side. Used to store customer-specific data, such as username and region.
a) Trojan-Spy.Win32 spyware virus (according to the classification of the Kaspersky Lab);
b) cookie;
c) virus blocker of programs - browsers;
d) banner virus.
6 question
What is the name of the memory standard and technology that doubles the data transfer rate between the memory and the processor?
a) DDS;
b) DEC;
c) DDR;
d) DSL.
Question 7
What is the name of software component that allows you to interact with computer devices?
a) DSL;
b) Dream Weaver;
c) Driver;
d) Dynamic languages.
8 question
What is the name of the information barrier that prohibits access to the protected network for all protocols except those allowed?
a) Flash;
b) Firewall;
c) File fragmentation;
d) Fire Wire.
9 question
A file (data) transfer protocol and a way to move files between different computers. It uses the TCP protocol as a transport mechanism for data transmission.
a) Bluetooth;
b) Wi-Fi;
c) FTP;
d) IrDA.
10 question
One of the popular formats for saving graphic files for transferring images on the Internet. Allows you to create animated graphic images.
a) DJVU;
b) JPG;
c) GIF;
d) PDF;
e) FB2.
11 question
What is the name of the standard for data transmission in cellular networks mobile communications?
a) Wi-Fi;
b) Bluetooth;
c) GPS;
d) GPRS.
Question 12
What is the name of the wireless interface standard?
a) IEEE;
b) IEEE 802.11;
c) IGMP;
d) IEEE 802.11 b / g / n.
Question 13
What is the name of the JAVA language archive?
a) RAR;
b) ZIP;
c) JAR;
d) GZIP.
Question 14
The office suite includes a set of programs. Name the program for creating presentations, analogous to PowerPoint Microsoft Office.
a) Draw;
b) Impress;
c) Math;
d) Base.
Question 15
How many bytes are there in 1024 kilobytes?
a) 10024 bytes;
b) 1048576 bytes;
c) 104,800 bytes;
d) 1048650 bytes.
16 question
What is the name of the music compression format that allows users to download music from the Internet?
a) MKV;
b) MP3;
c) MP4;
d) AVI.
Question 17
What is the name of the technology for converting multiple internal IP addresses of a network into one or more external addresses used to communicate with the Internet?
a) DNS;
b) HTTP;
c) NAT;
d) IP v4.
Question 18
In these batteries, instead of poisonous cadmium, metal-hydrogen compounds are used.
a) Li-ion batteries from Soni Ericson;
b) Nokia Li-polymer batteries;
c) Nickel-metal hydride batteries from GP.
Question 19
Name executable file operating room programs ANDROID systems, by their expansion.
a) * .EXE;
b) *. RPM;
c) *. APK;
d) *. VHD.
Question 20
What program extends the capabilities of any software package?
a) Playlist;
b) Plug-In;
c) Portable soft;
d) PE-file.
21 questions
A special file format developed by Microsoft for the exchange of formatted text documents. This format correctly remembers and reproduces the location of text and pictures on the page.
a) * .TXT;
b) *. DJVU;
c) *. RTF;
d) *. PDF;
e) *. FB2.
Question 22
What are the names of the connectors for installation on the motherboard different types processor families 486, Pentium and Pentium Pro?
a) sosket 7;
b) sosket 478;
c) sosket 1-8;
d) sosket 486.
Question 23
Which program is not an operating system emulator?
a) QEMU;
b) Virtual Box;
c) Moba LiveCD;
d) VMware player;
e) WINE.
Question 24
What is the function of a file with the * .VMDK extension - in the emulator of VMware Workstation v7 operating systems?
a) a description of the parameters of the virtual hard disk;
b) the main configuration file of the virtual operating system;
c) permanent memory RAM;
d) swap file virtual machine.
Question 25
What evaluation period is set for the user in the computer Microsoft program Virtual PC 2007?
a) the period for free use, the program is set at 30 days;
b) the period for free use of the program is set at 60 days;
c) the period for free use, the program is set at 10 days;
d) the period for using the program is not set;
e) requires payment when installing the software product.

Windows interface All PC operating systems today provide a graphical user interface. This allows even a novice user to work confidently in the operating system environment (perform file operations, launch programs, etc.).

Graphical interface Interface Interface is a set of tools and rules that ensure interaction between elements or systems, interaction of computer devices or interaction between a computer and a person. Interface An interface is a set of tools and rules that ensure interaction between elements or systems, interaction between computer devices or interaction between a computer and a person.

Desktop Immediately after loading the operating system, the Desktop appears on the screen, on which icons and shortcuts to objects are located (a shortcut is a picture with a small arrow in the lower left corner). They provide (with a double click) quick access to drives, folders, documents, applications and devices. The left side of the screen usually contains the My Computer, Trash and My Documents icons.

Taskbar At the bottom of the screen is the Taskbar, which contains the Start button, icons, buttons for running tasks and open folders, indicators, and a clock. The Start button allows you to call the Main Menu, which provides access to all system resources.

Windows are the foundation of Windows Windows are the foundation of Windows. They contain almost all programs, documents and folder contents are displayed. The window can be active or inactive. Active is the window with which in this moment the user works. The title of the active window is usually highlighted in a different color.