Despite the fact that the official support for Windows XP by Microsoft already completed, many users are still using it. This is especially true for owners of old and weak personal computers who are simply not able to work with more advanced and up-to-date OS distributions. Since support for this operating system has ended, many vulnerabilities appear in it that could damage it. This article details what you can do if Windows XP does not boot.

There are a large number of errors and malfunctions as a result of which the system used does not boot. These include:

  • Damage as a result of inaccurate user actions, software glitches, or malicious scripts.
  • Problems with the components of the personal computer.
  • Damage hard disk.

Hardware (hardware) problems

If you have Windows XP installed, it can be assumed that you are using fairly old hardware. Search possible problems it is recommended to start with the insides of the computer.

First, you should carefully monitor how the PC boots up. If immediately after the start there will be more than one usual beep, but several, it means that you have found the source of the problem. In this case, you should turn off the computer and call a specialist who will determine which of the parts is damaged.

If the BIOS boots normally, and problems arise with Windows, there may be an accident on your hard drive. Try to connect it to another working PC and scan for bad sectors using a specialized software, or seek help from a specialist.

Launching a good Windows configuration

Live-CD and Live-DVD

These are special discs with a specific version of the operating system installed. With their help you can work with content of hard disk even if the system does not boot.

To use, you need to insert the disc into the DVD drive and do the following:

Windows recovery drive

To complete the steps in this section of the guide, users will need to installation disk or a USB flash drive Windows XP. You need to do the following.


When working in Windows XP, problems arise that can lead to loss of working time. You can restore performance using System Restore.

Microsoft operating systems are particularly vulnerable to viruses. In addition, there are many other reasons that can cause the crash. If the boot area is damaged or system files become infected, users often resort to reinstalling Windows.

When there is no way to start safe mode, and errors occur when starting the operating system, the first thing to think about is system recovery. This feature allows you to revert to a saved copy of system files, thereby giving new life to Windows, without resorting to a complete reinstallation.

Why is it better to use Windows XP recovery than reinstalling

Most IT professionals prefer reinstalling Windows XP over recovery. They argue that in this way the system will be updated, it will stop giving errors, and the problems will disappear by themselves. This is indeed the case.

However, recovery has no less effect, in addition, it has advantages:

  1. Takes much less time;
  2. Does not require Reserve copy all information stored on the system disk (it is worth moving files from folders such as "My Documents", "Desktop", saved in the "Favorites" page);
  3. There is no need to search and install drivers;
  4. No need to reinstall the software;
  5. There is no need to re-enter software, network hardware and custom system settings.

All of these benefits of restore over installation are possible when restore points are created correctly and periodically.

What are Windows XP restore points and how to work with them

To use Windows recovery XP, the following conditions must be met:

  1. Enable the corresponding service;
  2. Create a point that is relevant to you;
  3. The program responsible for the recovery process must be running. It is located in the folder C: \ WINDOWS \ system32 \ Restore \ rstrui.exe

You can check if the recovery service is running simply by running the application from the utilities.

A point is a backup of important data for a specified period of time. As a rule, it is created automatically when you make changes to the system settings. You can create a restore point yourself. We recommend that you do this before installing updated drivers or questionable software.

To create a manual backup, follow these steps:

  1. Open the "Start" menu and go to standard programs;
  2. Find the "System" item and start the system restore;
  3. Select "Create a restore point".

Creation can take from 5 to 30 minutes depending on the workload of Windows. It is recommended to create a point manually immediately after reinstalling the operating system, installing the necessary drivers and programs on it, as well as entering the network settings.

Ways to start Windows XP recovery

Since the process of returning to a previous state of the system is often a critical operation, there are several ways to start it.

Method 1. Recovery using a point

You can start Windows XP recovery from a point by using Safe Mode, if you can start it. This is done using the "F8" key while loading the operating system.

The program will offer to choose one of the calendar dates when automatic or manual backup to a special folder was started. It is necessary to choose the most stable version when Windows XP has not yet been damaged and infected with viruses.

The disadvantages of this method of rolling back to a backup are the following:

  • Safe mode may not start at all;
  • Point files can be infected or corrupted by viruses;
  • Unlike later versions, rollback from points is not possible when using the boot menu or starting from disk;
  • Some files are not replaced, but copies are created;
  • Monitoring the system partition takes up RAM.

Method 2. Rollback using the distribution kit

If you have a Windows XP installation distribution at home written to a disk or flash drive, or the automatic backup service has been disabled, you can always use it to restore your system. Depending on the current situation, you can start the process in two ways:

  • If a operating system boots normally. In this case, you need to insert the installation disc and wait for the menu to load. In it you need to select "Install ..." and click "Next".

In the next window, instead of installing, select "Update" from the drop-down menu.

  • If Windows XP does not boot at all, then the last resort by using recovery from disk will be to start from the boot area. To do this, you need to select the desired device with the distribution kit in Bios in the boot priorities and start from it. During the installation process, an option selection menu will be offered, where you will need to press the "R" button, which starts the system recovery.

After the distribution detects the system partition and finds the installed copy, it will offer a choice. It is necessary to highlight it and once again confirm the action with the "R" button.

  • When restoring the system from the distribution kit, the driver files, which are system ones, can be replaced, which can lead to new hardware conflicts;
  • To start rollback, it is advisable to use the installation disk from which the installation was made;
  • An official or at least not stripped-down distribution is required, as in most assemblies to save space for drivers, otherwise the rollback function may be disabled there.

Do not forget that the recovery function does not guarantee 100% system performance at the end of the operation and will not return lost data. If your personal files have been damaged, use a specialized program.


Despite the fact that, unlike modern versions in Windows XP, the recovery system is far from ideal, you should not disable it. In the seventh and eighth versions of Windows, the use of a fallback point for rollback is more thoughtful. Most of the errors and problems of this process are fixed there. In addition, the main distinguishing feature is the ability to create a copy of an entire partition (image) for subsequent recovery and work with a point from the bootloader.

Each method has its drawbacks, and not always backup copy can be salvation. However, in most cases, this option allows you to quickly restore your personal computer... And then you can start the necessary operations to treat viruses or search for deleted information.

I thought of writing an article on restoration Windows boot XP... In practice, I have often met with a situation where Windows simply does not boot, and the "reinstallation again" comes to mind. But sometimes it becomes necessary to simply restore the system without reinstalling. And this, I can tell you, is possible. In 80% of cases, the system can be restored without reinstalling Windows.

I will write a lot, therefore, right off the bat!

First, get yourself a LiveCD or LiveDVD. You can download it here: LiveCD. Also, LiveCD is available in some builds of programs, for example, in ZverDVD. Be sure to burn such a disc. Record on DVD-R or CD-R, as they make deeper and higher quality tracks. Never use RW discs. You will have problems with them.

Now let's look at the essence of the problem. We are considering the issue of no boot Windows XP... That is, the computer turned on, the disks were initialized, but Windows boot Did not happen. The options are described below.

The computer goes into reboot

This means that for Windows failed to boot, and in the boot settings it is written that in case of a failure, the computer needs to be restarted. In order to understand where the failure is, you need to disable the automatic restart of the computer in case of failures. This is done as follows.

While the system boots, hold down the F8 key. The method selection menu will open Windows boot... We select the item "Disable automatic restart on system failure".

The "blue screen of death" opens

Blue Screen of Death is also called BSOD. Its purpose is to show the user what has happened to the system.

The picture shows three pieces of BSOD text that matter to us. Perhaps some of the points may be missing. So what do these points mean:

  • 1. The name of the file that caused the system to crash.
  • 2. Description of the error.
  • 3. Stop code. It can be used to find a solution on the Internet.

Your task is to study this data and find a solution. Alternatively, you can replace the faulty file with a file from the distribution kit. The second option is to boot from the LiveCD, download CureIt and scan the file for viruses.

Computer locked

Sometimes it happens that the computer does not boot, and on the screen there is a white inscription on a black background that the computer is locked for one reason or another. It looks something like this:

Whatever is written on the screen, the main task is not to send SMS, not pay bills and not spend money on this beggar. We just boot from the LiveCD and scan the disk with the system for viruses. CureIt is ideal for scanning. Usually, after disinfecting the system, the computer boots up quietly.

White cursor on black screen

If a white cursor blinks on a black background while the computer is loading, but the download does not occur, then the reason is in one of the drivers or a program that hangs in the startup.

In order to understand which file failed, you need to enable the display of running processes in the system at boot time. This is how it is done.

Loading from LiveCD. Open the disk with the system in TotalCommander, and find a file called "boot.ini" in the root. We open it with a notepad. Find a line like this: " multi (0) disk (0) rdisk (0) partition (1) \ WINDOWS = "Microsoft Windows XP Professional RU" / execute / fastdetect". It is necessary to enter the parameter" / sos". The result should look something like this:" multi (0) disk (0) rdisk (0) partition (1) \ WINDOWS = "Microsoft Windows XP Professional RU" / execute / fastdetect / sos". Save the file and reboot. Now, when you boot the system, you will see what is loading. If loading a file takes a long time, then this file fails. The solution is to replace the file or update the required driver. It may make sense to run the files through antivirus.


I have described the most common mistakes and their solutions if Windows XP won't boot... But each case requires its own solution, so you will need to turn on the brain.

Scanning the system disk with an antivirus program almost always helps. My recommendation is CureIt.

That's all. Good luck in your achievements!

You can follow my microblog on Twitter

In this article, we will look at all the popular reasons why Wndows 7 or xp does not load on a laptop or computer and a black screen appears with inscriptions. Those. Possible software problems and how to fix them will be discussed. This will be a continuation of the first part of our review, in which we considered possible options why the computer does not boot, and hardware problems (with hardware). So, if you did not find the answer to your question here, then be sure to read the first part - perhaps it is there.

If your PC does not show any signs of life at all and does not react in any way to pressing the power button, then we recommend that you read the article why the computer does not start. It discusses the main causes and remedies for this breakdown. But do not forget that if you do not want to deal with the problem yourself, then you can always contact our service and order a computer repair at home.

We tried to this review was as complete as possible, and collected all the most popular reasons why windows 7 or xp does not start on a computer or laptop. Each case has repeatedly met in our practice. But it is also possible that you will not find a solution to your problem. In this case, write in the comments, and we will try to help you.

On a black screen, the inscription: NTLDR is missing and Windows does not load

This is one of the most common reasons why Windows xp or 7 does not start. The message "NTLDR is missing" is translated as "NTLDR is missing". NTLDR is a boot file for the operating system, which requires three files (NTLDR, boot.ini, and to be present on the active partition of the hard disk that is configured to boot. In the case when at least one of the files is missing or there is no access to it, then Windows 7 or xp will not boot and will give an error.

Possible reasons and what to do:

  • The NTLDR,, and boot.ini files have been moved or completely removed from the disk containing the operating system. In this case, you need to copy the missing computer files from the working OS.
  • Severe viral infection - a deep scan of the PC for viruses is required. It may also be necessary to repair damaged system files.
  • Too many files have accumulated in the root directory of the system drive.

Unfortunately, due to the nature of the file NTFS systems, which is used on most modern computers, simply deleting unnecessary files from the root directory of the system partition is unlikely to help fix the problem - Windows will not start anyway. Additionally, you may need to copy the boot files from your work PC.

  • If several operating systems are installed on the hard disk at once, then there may be a conflict between them.

You can fix this problem by booting the computer using the operating system recovery disc and manually editing the boot.ini file, which is responsible for the OS boot sequence.

Windows XP won't boot due to registry problems

Typically, this problem is specific to this version of the operating system. In the newer ones (seven, eight, ten), we did not encounter such a problem.

Before the download starts, one of the following messages appears on a black screen:

  • Windows cannot start because of a corrupted or missing file \ WINDOWS \ SYSTEM32 \ CONFIG \ SYSTEM;
  • Windows cannot start because of a corrupted or missing \ WINDOWS \ SYSTEM32 \ CONFIG \ SOFTWARE.

These messages mean that your operating system registry is faulty. There may be several reasons why this could happen and now Windows XP does not start:

  • Your PC has been infected by a virus.
  • You improperly shut down your computer by forcibly turning it off using the button or unplugging the power cord.
  • You are out of order (or have already gone out) HDD.

There are several ways you can get your operating system back on track. In a successful scenario, it will be possible to do this even without reinstalling the entire system. But all these methods require deep knowledge of the software part of the PC.

A beginner, having made even a small mistake or inaccuracy, risks losing the opportunity for subsequent successful recovery. In addition, you may need to restore personal information on your hard drive. Therefore, we recommend contacting specialists with this problem.

The following message appears on the black screen: BOOTMGR is missing

"BOOTMGR is missing" translates to "BOOTMGR is missing". If Windows 7 or XP does not boot and this message appears, then this means that the boot sector is missing or damaged.

This could happen due to improper installation of programs, due to a failure in the operating system, careless user actions, or due to problems with hard disk... Before trying to fix the error, it is necessary to diagnose the hard disk for bad sectors.

In order to eliminate this problem you need a boot disk from which Windows was installed. It is necessary to boot the computer from the disk and select the "Startup Repair" item in the "System Recovery Options".

In this case, the boot sector will be restored to automatic mode... If after that all the same Windows 7 does not start, and you do not know what to do, then it is better to contact the service. Because recovery boot sector in manual mode, a very complex operation. Inaccurate actions can lead to the loss of all information stored on the computer.

Why Windows won't boot and freezes during boot

Many have encountered a problem when, during the startup of the operating system, a logo with a scrolling line appears and the computer freezes on this. It's pointless to wait an hour, two, or a day - Windows won't start.

Here are the main reasons why this can happen:

  • The operating system has undergone a strong virus infection - in this case, a full scan of the system disk for viruses can help. You can do this by booting your computer from an emergency recovery disc or by connecting the hard drive to another computer.
  • The operating system is out of order

You can try booting into Safe Mode and doing a System Restore, or you can try Booting Last Known Good. It often helps to solve the problem. To do this, immediately after turning on the PC, start pressing the "F8" key. A menu should appear where you can select this download option.

  • Malfunction of the hard disk of the computer.

Due to improper operation or simply, over time, bad sectors may appear on the hard disk. The information that was recorded on them becomes inaccessible and as a result, Windows 7 or XP may stop loading and freeze during the boot process. You can restore and replace bad sectors, well, it would be best to replace the hard drive itself. You can read it.

Also, in case of such a malfunction, you can try "Download the latest good configuration". If all the same it does not bring results, then in the same menu try the item "Safe mode" (in English it can be "Safe mode"). When it turns on, then try to "roll back" to the previous state. To do this, in the "Start" find and run "System Restore".

Appears " blue screen of death"

Another popular problem is when Windows 7 does not load beyond the logo, and a "blue screen of death" appears. In this case, you also need to call the boot menu using the "F8" key.

The menu should have an item "Computer troubleshooting". Press it and the "Recovery Options" window should appear on your screen.

Let's briefly analyze the items that are in it.

  • Startup Repair - Automatically analyzes problems that prevent Windows 7 from starting and attempts to fix them. It doesn't always help, but it's definitely worth a try.
  • System Restore - from here you can also "roll back" the system, as well as from Safe Mode.
  • System Image Recovery - If you have a saved system image on your hard drive, you can recover using it.
  • Diagnostics Windows memory- checking the system memory for errors.
  • The command line is for "advanced users". With it, you can delete, copy or move files manually.

Thus, first of all, try to use the "Startup Restore" item, if it does not help, then "System Restore".

In this article, we examined the main reasons caused by a software malfunction of the computer, due to which very often Windows does not load. We hope that we were able to answer all the questions and explain in an accessible way what to do in this case.

If you still did not manage to find out on your own the reason why Windows 7 or XP does not start on your computer or laptop, and you don’t know what to do next, then you can always contact us for help - to the center computer assistance website. Our service technicians will quickly and accurately determine the cause of the breakdown and eliminate all faults. In addition, they will give valuable advice on how to make sure that this does not happen again.

Also write your questions in the comments. And you will definitely get an answer to them.

If you are faced with the problem that the operating Windows system XP does not load, the first step is to find out the nature of the breakdown.

There are two variants of the problem:

  1. Software error due to software malfunction.
  2. A hardware error caused by the failure of a specific part.

1. The computer responds, but does not boot

You pressed the Power button, and nothing is displayed on the monitor, but the cooler is working and the lights come on? Most likely the monitor is not properly connected or a hardware error has occurred. What to do if the matter is still in the hardware part?

Alternatively, contact has disappeared somewhere in your PC due to clogging with dust. Then you should do the following:

  1. Unscrew the cover from system unit and remove the video adapter and RAM.
  2. Carefully remove dust on the parts and the system unit itself.
  3. Thoroughly wipe the contacts of the video adapter and RAM.
  4. Put all the parts back and check if the computer works.

If after the steps taken, the computer does not turn on and Windows XP does not boot, you will need to find the part that is out of order. This can be easily done using the BIOS (Basic Input / Output System). The main thing is to know which version is installed on the computer.

Each time the PC boots, it is checked using the BIOS. If any failure occurs during the test, the computer emits a sound, by the type of which you can find out the cause of the failure. You can find out about what kind of breakdown a certain sound signal says from the BIOS signal table.

If you do not know what version of BIOS you have, then you will have to suffer. You will need to change your parts one by one to others (borrowed from someone) until it becomes clear which one is inoperative. Is this option not feasible for you? Then it only remained to turn to specialists.

2. The computer does not respond at all

If you press the Power button, but the computer does not respond (the cooler does not make noise, the lights do not light up), you should immediately check if the computer is connected correctly. To do this, make sure that the switch on the back of the system unit is turned on and carefully examine the power cables.

If everything is connected correctly, then most likely the power supply has broken. If you have never dealt with electrical appliances, it will be quite difficult to eliminate such a breakdown yourself. But it would still be nice to borrow a power supply from someone, connect it to your PC and check if it turns on. Not sure how to connect? Then it is worth contacting specialists.

3. The computer turned on, but Windows XP does not start

There are times when the PC is turned on, the monitor is working, but Windows XP does not load (black screen). The screen displays a window as in (Figure 1).


If you see such a message, it means that the computer cannot find the storage device on which the OS is stored. Simply put, the computer does not see the HDD, therefore Windows XP does not boot.

First of all, find out if the hard drive is connected correctly. If everything is fine with the hard drive, then the operating system has become unusable and you will have to reinstall Windows.

You can also see the text as in (Figure 2) when the computer starts up.

Figure 2 - Message

It means that system files lost or damaged. In this case, you need:

  1. Load the last successful configuration. To do this, you need to turn on the computer and press F8 on the keyboard. Then select the desired item from the displayed menu.
  2. Follow the steps above, but click on "Safe Mode". Perform a system restore if the OS boots.

If the operating system does not boot at all, then it is most reasonable to reinstall Windows XP.