In this article, readers are invited to find out what to do if the user has forgotten the password for the VKontakte social network. In this case, there are several options for the development of events. Therefore, each person will be able to find for himself the one that suits him the most.

It is worth noting that situations can be very different. It follows from this that there are many alternative solutions. For example, if a user has forgotten the password for the VK social network, and also lost their phone, it is possible to return access, albeit difficult. However, the real owner usually does not have such problems.

A familiar option

It is worth starting with the most common and easy way... What to do when you forgot your password from the VKontakte social network? You just have to restore it. And an ordinary mobile phone will help with this. You will have to go to the official page of the social network and click "Forgot your password?" Under the authorization form. A window will appear on the screen in which you will need to confirm your own phone number. Then you can see the field where you should enter the access password. It is he who will come to the mobile phone. Then you need to come up with a new protective combination and repeat it. In the end, you just need to confirm your actions. After that, the question will no longer arise: what to do if you have forgotten the password from the VKontakte social network, if you have a phone at hand. This method is the simplest and most familiar one for most users.

post office

The next method is somewhat similar to the previous one. Cases are different. Let's say the phone was lost, the number was changed, and so on. In some situations, people begin to think about what to do if they have forgotten the password from the VKontakte social network. In this case, it is advisable to pre-play it safe and link the page to your own email. It will allow you to recover your password when the need arises. It can be assumed that the binding exists. You need to go to the main page of the social network, select "Forgot your password?" Under the authorization form. A window will appear where you will have to enter the address Email.

After that, a letter will be sent to it, where there will be a link to change the "password". You need to go through it, enter new data and save the changes. You can then use the passwords required to log in. It should be noted that this method of restoring access is not very popular. For some reason, almost no one binds pages to e-mail. Thus, if the user accidentally forgot the password from VKontakte and lost access to the mobile device, certain problems with recovery are possible. This is the reason why it is recommended to bind your own profiles to email addresses. This can be beneficial to the Wedb.

Recovery form

What to do if you forgot your password from the VKontakte social network? Of course, provided that there is no access to the phone and binding to an email address. A special form of access restoration will come to the rescue. Although, you will have to try hard. After all, you need to prove your own rights to the profile. You will need to go to the starting page of the VKontakte social network. Then you need to find again the inscription "Forgot your password?". Next, you should click on it and carefully look at the window that appears. At the bottom of it, you should find and click on the "Form for restoring access to the page". The user will be on a new page, where it is worth filling in various fields, as well as explaining the reason for the incident.

The greatest difficulty lies in providing evidence for the profile. To regain access, as a rule, you need to scan your passport with a photo. Thus, it is always necessary to indicate only the correct data about yourself. Otherwise, you will have to conduct long conversations with the administration and technical support... Access will be returned only if the user can prove that he is the owner of the profile. It should be noted that this process can be lengthy. As a rule, it is delayed for 2 weeks, provided there is no passport photo.

All over again

True, there is another way of what to do if you forgot your password from the VKontakte social network. Sometimes it's easier to start a new page. This is especially true for fakes and profiles that contain some fictitious data. In this case, you only need a mobile phone. When new profile will be created, it is advisable to link it to an email, considering past bad experiences. After all, this can help avoid many problems in the future. As you can see, there are many ways to fix this situation. Each user must independently choose what suits him best.

Greetings, dear blog readers. Today we'll talk about blocking accounts in social networks... I will tell you how to solve various problems and save both a blocked and a lost account on the VK social network, and recently I already wrote an article.

Modern reality: a person will not survive without water, without food and ... without access to their social accounts. networks -))). Few things upset us as much as the loss of access to our VKontakte page, or its blocking. But the readers of our blog do not need to be afraid of such an unpleasant situation, because we have considered all possible ways solutions to such a problem, each of them will be described in detail.

The most common access problems are associated with the following situations:

  • forgot your username and / or password to your profile;
  • there is no way to restore the profile, because the linked number is currently unavailable;
  • the account was not tied to any number at all;
  • the service does not send a "Verification Code" in any way to resume the login;
  • you deleted the page yourself, and the possible renewal period has already passed;
  • the profile has been frozen due to viruses, spam messages, or suspicious user activity.

All these problems are solvable, just follow our instructions -))).

How to restore a page in contact if you forgot your username and password

According to the statistics of such requests, most often problems with entering arise due to the fact that users simply forget the password to their page. Do not immediately panic, for starters, try to find it.

If the password was saved by you in the browser (during the first authorization on the sites, most browsers ask the same question: "Save password?"), It is enough:

  • reopen VK;
  • make two quick clicks within the "Login" field;
  • choose your login (or phone number, if the page was registered to it) from the options offered.

The password will appear automatically. It will be displayed in dot format. But you can see it! For this you need:

  • select the dot-password in the "Password" field;
  • click within it with the right mouse button;
  • from the emerging context menu select the section "View element code";
  • in the fragment highlighted in blue, look for the word "password" and enter "tex" instead;

  • on the main screen, the password will be displayed already in the format of letters and / or numbers. Write it down somewhere for yourself so you don't forget it again.

If the password was not saved by the browser, you will have to restore it (more precisely, receive a new password to enter). The algorithm of actions will depend on the ability to use the phone number to which the page is linked, or the e-mail that was used during registration.

1. There is access to the number:

  • follow the link "Forgot your password or can't enter?";
  • in the input window that appears, enter the linked mobile number;
  • we are waiting for the corresponding SMS.
  • follow the steps offered by the Recovery Wizard.

2. Do you have access to the email address to which the account was registered?

We follow the above algorithm by finding the corresponding letter from the VK support service in the e-mail box.

3. The page was not tied to a number, or access to that mobile is impossible (you need to restore it without a phone number)

You cannot do without the help of the "VK login access restoration service".

To do this, you will need to enter the address of the VK-page to which you want to return access. Remembering this address is not at all necessary, because you can find it out through a search (which, fortunately, works even without first entering any page):

  • enter the name and surname indicated on the page;
  • in the list that appears (guided by the avatar), select your profile;
  • an additional link “this is my page” will be displayed below;
  • then the recovery wizard will "ask" you to clarify the following data:
  • old phone number to which you linked the page;
  • a new number to which she will be linked now;
  • your login, with which the page was registered;
  • the password that you previously used to log in (since we do not remember it, we leave the field blank);

You can find out that the submitted application for renewal is approved (or not approved) only on the page to which the site will redirect you after clicking the "Submit application" button. In order not to lose it, it is worth copying its address from the address stock and regularly “visiting” it until the time when a letter from the administration about the result of processing the request is displayed on the screen. A new password will be sent to the specified mailing address. There you can also find information that the profile is attached to a new one. mobile number... Since the password in the letter is generated automatically, we recommend that you change it immediately upon entry to one that will be easy to memorize.

Sometimes it happens that the data received in the e-mail message does not fit (we see the information "The username or password was entered incorrectly"). This is a glitch in the system itself. You will have to re-create a request for renewal of the profile, and in the "Notes" field tell about what happened. After these actions, access will be returned 100%. BUT! Re-restoration can only be requested after a period of 24-48 hours. There is nothing to do, you have to wait.

The page was not tied to the number (or now there is no access to the number), and the page contains fake (untrue) data (name, surname)

If you do not know how to restore the VKontakte page if you have forgotten your username and password, and even the page does not contain your first and last name, we will tell you the algorithm of actions:

  • according to the requirements of the Recovery Wizard, we indicate the data from the page (fake name and surname);
  • we clarify our real name and surname data;
  • we send a photo or scanned image of documents that confirm the new data of the full name, "complete" with them you must also provide a selfie with a monitor, on the screen of which the access recovery page will be opened.

Only after restoring access to the page, the full name will be replaced with real ones, be prepared for this.

The page was tied to a new number, but the verification code does not come to it, without which the profile cannot be restored

There are also such cases: the new mobile number is entered correctly (with the entered "+" at the beginning and the number is indicated in the international format), restarting the computer (laptop or tablet) and / or phone does not help - SMS still does not come. In such a difficult situation, the only one come out is to write email to the address ... In the letter, you need not only to state the essence of the problem, but it is also advisable to leave links to the account to which you are trying to return access, attach several that will confirm that you did everything correctly and the problems with entering were not caused by your mechanical error in the data entry process. The answer in recommendations from the administration will come to your mail, but it will take up to 5 days to wait for it.

How to restore a page in contact after deletion

Before you restore a deleted page in a contact (which you deleted yourself), you need to check if seven months have passed since the date of deletion, because your next actions depend on this. If less than the specified time has passed, you can restore it in almost a few clicks:

  • after deleting, log in to VK again using your username and password;
  • click on the "Restore" button, which will be displayed on the screen under the inscription "Page deleted". Or the button "Restore your page", which is located near the date until which you can still restore your account in such a simple way.

Before you restore a page in contact, after the deletion of which more than seven months have passed, remember as much data as possible that will confirm the fact that you are its owner. Because it will not do without the technical support of the Contact, which you can contact from the VK page or contact via mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

By the way, if you believe the reviews of VK users, even this is not always the case, it turns out to restore access. But you still need to try to do everything possible, while there is at least some chance of recovery -))).

If you need to renew an account that was deleted by the administration of the service, carefully read the next section of the article.

We figure out how to restore a VK page that was blocked (frozen)

The reasons for blocking the Vkontakte service page are different:

  • Your gadget, through which you regularly log into your account, is "infected" with viruses that caused the distribution of advertising data about cybercriminals from your account, because of this "suspicious activity" the page was frozen;
  • Your gadget is infected with viruses that modify the account login page and, for example, may require payment of a certain amount for the user's access. Because of this, they can also be blocked until malicious virus will not be destroyed;

To solve the first two problems, you need to clean the gadget of those malware that caused this situation. The usual check and "cure" with a stationary antivirus is not always enough.

If your tablet or phone "got sick with a virus", the administration of the service, like many users who have previously encountered a similar problem, recommend using mobile version Kaspersky Anti-Virus.

  • Your actions provoked a reaction from other users who marked the distributed content as spam and, accordingly, the moderators "reacted" in this way to extraneous complaints. If this is the problem, the page that opens instead of your profile will have information about the reasons for the denial of access.

Provided and "instructions", following which you can renew your account, but without changing the password will not do. By the way, at this very moment it will be possible to add a mobile number to the page, if a number is not linked to it, or to change the number linked to an account.

The service will send an SMS to the specified number with a verification code. After entering the new password, you need to click on the "Unfreeze the page" button.

Sometimes a specific date is indicated until which the account will be unavailable for use. Contacting the administration will not help. So it remains only to wait for the specified number. Why can't I recover earlier than the specified time? This is just the policy of the service, and there is no point in arguing with it.

  • The page is blocked for serious violations of the policy of the administration of the service, and they can even be blocked for such violations forever. And you shouldn't trust the "craftsmen" who promise to restore access "for a certain fee", it is impossible, they just want to cheat you for money.

You can also try to "bring back to life" a page that has been blocked forever -))).

You need to look for help in technical support (at the bottom of the page you will find a link where you can ask questions of interest, or, as in this case, forgive, after all, unfreeze the profile). It is very important to think over well the text of the letter to them, because it should indicate all the reasons for which certain actions were carried out that caused the blocking. If you were “punished for good reason,” that is, for actions that grossly contradict the policy of the service, we recommend that you ask the moderators for forgiveness, tearfully promise “never to do this again”, perhaps your request for freezing will still be considered.

  • "Suspicious page activity" is probably the most common reason for blocking.

Before restoring access to the VK page, which was blocked for this very reason, make sure that you have access to the mobile number associated with the profile, because you will also need to confirm the identity of the profile owner via SMS. Come up with a new one, really strong password if this "suspicious activity" is not your doing, but those "intruders" who hacked the profile. It is better to make the new password radically different from the previous one, so as not to face this problem again.

If on the monitor, when you re-enter, you keep a message that you now need to send an SMS to the specified number to enter, this is another option for “divorce for money”. It is necessary to re-check the gadget with an antivirus, and clear the browser of incomprehensible extensions, which, by generating exactly VK-like pages and forwarding to them, can also lure money from users in a similar way.

We hope that my instructions helped to restore access. If none of the above methods helped - describe your situation in the comments to the post, he will try to solve your problem as soon as possible.

If the material was useful and you subscribe to the blog mailing list. Do not forget to like and repost the article. All the best!!!

Respectfully yours, Galiulin Ruslan.

Invalid password. How to recover?

We are usually sure that we are entering the password correctly. But if it suddenly does not fit (the VK site does not accept it), do not rush. Maybe you are typing Russian letters instead of English ones? Then switch the language. And if big letters instead of small ones? Then turn off the Caps Lock button. If the password does not work, no matter what options you tried, or you have forgotten it, you need to restore access.

To restore access to the page, go to the VKontakte website and click on the link "Forgot your password?":

Another way is to open the link. If you are on a phone, open this link: for mobile users. A new window will appear, in it - the VKontakte website, and you can switch between it and this page. Come back here and read on.

Do not register a new page with the same number! You will not be able to restore access to the one from which you forgot the password.

Recovery begins. What should be done?

You will be asked to enter the phone number or e-mail (email address) with which you logged into VK. The easiest way to recover is by phone number, if it is at hand. Enter and click "Further":

Perhaps a window "Confirmation of action" will appear - there you need to check the box "I am not a robot" and / or to complete a small task. Read more here:

What if I don't remember my login? See here how to find it: What to do if you forgot your VKontakte login. And if you can't remember either your phone number or your email, look a little below, there is a link that you need ("click here"):

Next, you need to provide a link to your page (it looks something like this: or just idi (for example, id12345678). To find a link to yourself, there will be a people search at the bottom. And this instruction: will help you find out the ID of the old page. Then you will be shown your first and last name - if everything is correct, press "Further" and proceed to the full recovery procedure:

How do I find my old, previous page?

To find the old page and regain access, first exit with new page(this is a link "Go out" on the VK website in the upper right menu). Then you still have to remember how the old page was registered: to which phone number, e-mail address - at least something.

If the number to which the page was linked is at your fingertips, see below.

And if you have a number, but you don’t remember the last name (the name was not real), see these tips: What to do if you forgot your last name, first name on VKontakte.

Password recovery via SMS

After the password has been invented, you need to do this:

  1. Where asked for "phone or e-mail", enter your phone number, for example, 89161234567.
  2. You will be asked for your last name: enter the last name that you indicated on the page. This is done for security reasons.
  3. The page will show the user's avatar, his first and last name. If this is exactly you, confirm it.
  4. You will receive an SMS with a recovery code on your phone. This is not a password! This is the recovery code, you will need to enter it there on the page. If VK sends the code in a personal message, read this - The code was sent to private messages, why?
  5. Now you will be prompted to set a new password that you came up with. It will need to be entered twice and both times in the same way. Do not press Enter between them, but move to the second field with the mouse. Is the Caps Lock button on? If the indicator is on, only uppercase letters are entered. And if Num Lock is off, then numbers are not entered on the right side of the keyboard, keep that in mind. Also, remember in which language you enter the password.
  6. When you change your password, you will receive another SMS. There you will be reminded of your username and this new password.
  7. Now you can go to Contact. This can be done from the main page of VKontakte or from start page"Login" (VHOD.RU) - the second option is more convenient, since in the future it will be easier for you to go to your favorite sites with one click.

What if the code doesn't arrive?

Read the instructions:

What to do if it says “Error. Not available for this user "?

If you recover the password through the application on the phone and an error occurs, try to do it from a regular computer, laptop or tablet - just go to the site through the browser and follow this instruction, which you are now looking at, from the very beginning. Another possible situation is that your page is not linked to this phone number. Maybe you have never done this, and if you did, then maybe then this number was "untied" from the page. See the next way -.

What to do if “Error. Limit on the number of requests exceeded?

Such an error happens when you request a password recovery code to be sent via SMS to your phone. The site writes that the code will be sent and then informs about the excess of the number of requests per day. First try to do everything from your computer, if you are doing it from your phone now. If the computer does not work, read on for an explanation: this means that the protection against too frequent attempts to recover the password has worked. What to do? You have to wait one day. Try to recover your password tomorrow. You don't have to ask for the code all the time. This is such a security measure against intruders, so be understanding. Perhaps someone wanted to hack your page. Be patient until tomorrow, request the code and be sure to install complex password, which is difficult to guess (more about passwords -).

What to do if “Error. Fast password recovery is not available ”?

It means that you have enabled login confirmation by mobile phone, and it is no longer possible to recover the password via SMS. What to do in this case is written here:

What if the wrong page is being restored?

You have created another page with the same phone number! Read here:

How can I find out the password if I don't remember it, forgot it?

Read here:

How to restore access without a phone if the linked number is no longer there or is lost

You are trying to restore access to the page, and when VKontakte reports that it will now send an SMS message with a code, you understand that you no longer have access to this number. Then you have exactly two options: restore the number (SIM card), if possible, or go through the full restoration procedure. Both ways are here:

How to link a VK page to a new phone number?

The page can be linked to a new number, even if you do not have access to the old one. Just change the number in the settings (

Sometimes, entering a password, VK users are surprised to find that the site does not accept it. In such cases, you need to check the correctness of the cipher spelling: maybe there was a typo or the Caps Lock key was pressed, or maybe the password was entered not in English, but in Russian letters. Most often, the password is recovered already at this stage. But if all else fails, then you need to recover the password with the help of the VK administration. To do this, you can follow the link "Forgot your password" or "Can't enter?".

Recovery by phone number

If a person has access to the phone to which the account was linked, then all further actions will be extremely simple.

Recovery via email

This method is almost - like a copy of recovery by phone number, with the only difference that at the beginning of the password recovery process, you must enter an email address instead of a mobile number.

These two methods are simple and reliable, and are also used when recovering passwords from accounts on other sites. However, to use these methods, you need to have a phone at hand or at any time you could go to your e-mail, and such an opportunity is not always available. The next section of the article will describe a way to recover a password without a phone and mail.

Recovery without a phone number

This method can only be used if the URL of the user's page is known.

If all procedures are performed correctly, the site will direct the user to the restored page and send a notification about the resumption of the account. Most likely, the page will have to be linked to for security purposes.

These password recovery methods are reliable and the only ones that work. There is no other way to restore access to your account.

Invalid password. How to recover?

We are usually sure that we are entering the password correctly. But if it suddenly does not fit (the VK site does not accept it), do not rush. Maybe you are typing Russian letters instead of English ones? Then switch the language. And if big letters instead of small ones? Then turn off the Caps Lock button. If the password does not work, no matter what options you tried, or you have forgotten it, you need to restore access.

To restore access to the page, go to the VKontakte website and click on the link "Forgot your password?":

Another way is to open the link. If you are on a phone, open this link: for mobile users. A new window will appear, in it - the VKontakte website, and you can switch between it and this page. Come back here and read on.

Do not register a new page with the same number! You will not be able to restore access to the one from which you forgot the password.

Recovery begins. What should be done?

You will be asked to enter the phone number or e-mail (email address) with which you logged into VK. The easiest way to recover is by phone number, if it is at hand. Enter and click "Further":

Perhaps a window "Confirmation of action" will appear - there you need to check the box "I am not a robot" and / or to complete a small task. Read more here:

What if I don't remember my login? See here how to find it: What to do if you forgot your VKontakte login. And if you can't remember either your phone number or your email, look a little below, there is a link that you need ("click here"):

Next, you need to provide a link to your page (it looks something like this: or just idi (for example, id12345678). To find a link to yourself, there will be a people search at the bottom. And this instruction: will help you find out the ID of the old page. Then you will be shown your first and last name - if everything is correct, press "Further" and proceed to the full recovery procedure:

How do I find my old, previous page?

To find the old page and regain access, first exit the new page (this is the link "Go out" on the VK website in the upper right menu). Then you still have to remember how the old page was registered: to which phone number, e-mail address - at least something.

If the number to which the page was linked is at your fingertips, see below.

And if you have a number, but you don’t remember the last name (the name was not real), see these tips: What to do if you forgot your last name, first name on VKontakte.

Password recovery via SMS

After the password has been invented, you need to do this:

  1. Where asked for "phone or e-mail", enter your phone number, for example, 89161234567.
  2. You will be asked for your last name: enter the last name that you indicated on the page. This is done for security reasons.
  3. The page will show the user's avatar, his first and last name. If this is exactly you, confirm it.
  4. You will receive an SMS with a recovery code on your phone. This is not a password! This is the recovery code, you will need to enter it there on the page. If VK sends the code in a personal message, read this - The code was sent to private messages, why?
  5. Now you will be prompted to set a new password that you came up with. It will need to be entered twice and both times in the same way. Do not press Enter between them, but move to the second field with the mouse. Is the Caps Lock button on? If the indicator is on, only uppercase letters are entered. And if Num Lock is off, then numbers are not entered on the right side of the keyboard, keep that in mind. Also, remember in which language you enter the password.
  6. When you change your password, you will receive another SMS. There you will be reminded of your username and this new password.
  7. Now you can go to Contact. This can be done from the main page of VKontakte or from the start page - the second option is more convenient, since in the future it will be easier for you to go to your favorite sites with one click.

What if the code doesn't arrive?

Read the instructions:

What to do if it says “Error. Not available for this user "?

If you recover the password through the application on the phone and an error occurs, try to do it from a regular computer, laptop or tablet - just go to the site through the browser and follow this instruction, which you are now looking at, from the very beginning. Another possible situation is that your page is not linked to this phone number. Maybe you have never done this, and if you did, then maybe then this number was "untied" from the page. See the next way -.

What to do if “Error. Limit on the number of requests exceeded?

Such an error happens when you request a password recovery code to be sent via SMS to your phone. The site writes that the code will be sent and then informs about the excess of the number of requests per day. First try to do everything from your computer, if you are doing it from your phone now. If the computer does not work, read on for an explanation: this means that the protection against too frequent attempts to recover the password has worked. What to do? You have to wait one day. Try to recover your password tomorrow. You don't have to ask for the code all the time. This is such a security measure against intruders, so be understanding. Perhaps someone wanted to hack your page. Be patient until tomorrow, ask for a code and be sure to set a complex password that is difficult to guess (more about passwords -).

What to do if “Error. Fast password recovery is not available ”?

This means that you have enabled confirmation of entry by mobile phone, and now it is impossible to recover the password by SMS. What to do in this case is written here:

What if the wrong page is being restored?

You have created another page with the same phone number! Read here:

How can I find out the password if I don't remember it, forgot it?

Read here:

How to restore access without a phone if the linked number is no longer there or is lost

You are trying to restore access to the page, and when VKontakte reports that it will now send an SMS message with a code, you understand that you no longer have access to this number. Then you have exactly two options: restore the number (SIM card), if possible, or go through the full restoration procedure. Both ways are here:

How to link a VK page to a new phone number?

The page can be linked to a new number, even if you do not have access to the old one. Just change the number in the settings (