Everyone who uses mobile internet, at least once faced with an unexpected loss of money from the phone account. The main reason is that some sites automatically pay visitors to pay content subscriptions. As soon as you listen to music or click on the picture on such a page, a decent amount has already been debited from the balance of your mobile.

Content personal account

It is possible and necessary to combat such fraudulent applications. The easiest way to avoid unnecessary spending is to open a Tele2 content personal account. The essence of the service is that to your main mobile account a separate, content one is attached. So the payment for your calls, messages, the Internet will come from your main account. And all costs for content can only be deducted from content.

If there are no funds on the content account, then the funds will not be debited, and the fraudulent subscription will not be activated. This way you can control unwanted content costs and protect yourself from unnecessary subscriptions and services. Even if some paid subscription is connected to you while surfing, money will not be withdrawn from your main account. You yourself can plan how much you are willing to spend on content.

Video instruction on how to prohibit paid subscriptions on Tele2

Connecting and managing a content account

To activate the service of a content personal account, you need to come with a passport to the branch of the Tele2 service center and fill out an appropriate application. No more than ten days after the registration of the application, the content account will be opened. You will be notified about this by SMS.

To close a content personal account, contact the customer service center or call the help desk at the number.

Tele2 content personal account management is very convenient. For this, the following commands are intended:

  • typing *160# "Call", you confirm the use of the service;
  • team *160*1# "Call" calls up a certificate of the balance on the personal account;
  • to transfer money from the main account of the subscriber to the content account, dial * 160 * AMOUNT #"Call";
  • You can return funds from the content account to the main account by using the command * 160 * AMOUNT * 0 #"Call".

You can replenish your content account by transferring a certain amount from the balance of the main personal account.

  • For example, if you need to transfer 50 rubles to a content account, dial * 160 * 50 # "Call";
  • And to return funds back to your personal account, send the command * 160 * 50 * 0 "Call".
There is an option not to replenish your content account at all. Then you will be sure that extra money will not disappear from your main personal account.

In addition to the "Content Account" service, I recommend be sure to enable the ban of web-subscriptions via USSD command *931# (call). Thus, you "deny" all subscriptions that can independently connect when visiting various websites.

Connecting, maintaining and disconnecting the service of a content personal account from Tele2 is absolutely free. Now you can be calm. Safe mobile Internet surfing and the safety of funds in your personal account are ensured.

Have you ever been perplexed because of the gratuitous withdrawal of money from your mobile account? Surely many users of modern smartphones have been in such a situation. Why might this be happening? It all depends on many reasons, but the main thing is that the user gets to the subscription page of some content, for example, music, without even knowing it. These stories happen to clients of different mobile operators, including Tele2.
Article content

  • 1 Background
  • 2 What is the “Content personal account” service for?
  • 3 How to activate the funds control service?
  • 4 Transferring funds to a content account

History of the issue

Young people of today open their browsers looking for the latest music hit or video clip, but when they open this or that site, they find that they are not. the information you need, and a helpful link suggests where to listen to it or watch it. You suspect nothing and, of course, make a transition, and when you write a link, a fraudulent script is embedded in it, which automatically, without your knowledge, subscribes. This automatically means daily debits from your mobile account.

However, it is simply impossible to find out in the standard way - no sms from the operator about connecting a paid subscription come, but the money is debited daily. Moreover, the amounts can go up to a thousand rubles a day, and a naive user finds out about this when it is too late to do something. This usually manifests itself when printing out the details of expenses, and only then it becomes clear where the money from the account actually went.

What is the “Content personal account” service for?

Even if you make claims to the Tele2 operator for some subscriptions, then most likely you will lose - after all, the operator itself did not participate in this fraudulent scheme, but only provided traffic to enter the Internet space. And no printouts and details will help here - you yourself went to a dangerous site with a dangerous script.

BUT! there is efficient way protection against unauthorized write-off - create a separate content personal account Tele2. Any user of the company has the right to activate this service, thereby, as it were, to secure his individual mobile account from the actions of all sorts of fraudsters.
A separate connected account from the main balance will not allow fraudsters to get directly to your funds, and even if this happens, the main money will not be touched.

How to activate the funds control service?

Dial * 160 # from your smartphone, and send a request with the voice call button. This command will create a so-called "content account" separate from your main balance, and your fixed assets will be inaccessible to all kinds of scammers and swindlers.

Why do operators keep silent about such useful option? The answer suggests itself - they get their percentage of all your paid subscriptions, even without the operator's knowledge.

To protect yourself from unforeseen expenses, you can do the following:

  • Get information about connected paid subscriptions by sending a request with the command * 160 * 1 #, and activate it with the voice call button.

  • Open up mobile app"My Tele2", if you have already installed it on your mobile device, and in the information section, uncheck all active positions. If it is not on your device, install it from your manufacturer's store.

  • Open the LC page on your home computer and view the detail reports, in the services section, uncheck all active subscriptions.
  • Transferring funds to a content account

    Well, if you still need some kind of subscription to certain content, then you can transfer a certain amount to a specially reserved account with the command * 160 * sum # and a voice call button. To return the money back, use the command 160 * amount * 0 # and do not forget to press the call button.

    To close the account, you can call the operator and ask him to turn off the use of a separate reserved account. The cost of connecting / disconnecting is 0 rubles, that is, the operator does not charge funds to open a reserved separate content account.

    All these methods will help protect your personal funds and not be left in the red when you need to urgently contact your family or friends.

    In our family, almost all members are subscribers of tele2 - we are satisfied with everything: the tariff, coverage area, quality of communication, and this review would not have appeared if just a few days ago a very unpleasant incident had not happened - my husband "in between cases" wrote off 720 rubles.

    Someone will say: "So with your husband, not with you! The review is not based on your own experience!" How founded!

    It all started with the fact that my husband asked if I could top up his account, since it was time to write off the subscription fee. I replenish his account, because this is the most convenient way to withdraw money from WebMoney with a minimum commission, and he throws the same amount to me on the card. Hearing this request, I was very surprised - literally on the 10th, I specially withdrawn 350 rubles to his account in advance, so that he would not forget about the payment once again and the packages of unspent minutes would be transferred to the next month. I immediately went to the tele2 website and ordered a detailization of expenses. What was my surprise that just a week ago my husband contributed another 350 rubles. and the account was less than 5 rubles.

    I attach the detail below:

    720 rubles for incomprehensible content!

    The husband immediately called the information desk and the following dialogue took place:

    Hello, please tell me why they charged me 720 rubles?

    You have two TV2 subscriptions - XXX and Music

    So I didn't connect anything!

    You could browse the Internet, an advertisement popped up and you clicked OK by accident.

    Ahhh, well, the kids could do it, they play on my phone

    As a result, the conversation ended in nothing, and I still sat and studied the details. Subscriptions were made on weekdays between 8 and 9 o'clock, when the husband was driving and was physically unable to use the phone.

    I also decided to call the help desk and the consultant, with a mockery, offered me to connect the promised payment, while the commission would figure out whether my husband signed up or not. Moreover, the consultant exerted pressure during the conversation, and after 15 minutes I still gave up and ended the conversation. However, this did not stop me, I began to search in a search engine for similar situations and their resolution.

    On the advice of the same deceived subscribers, I came to the official Tele2 website and wrote to the ambulance subscriber help. I was not only promised a 100% refund within a week, but 300 rubles were immediately returned to the account so that the subscription fee could be paid off at the tariff.

    Below I attach a fragment of the correspondence, where it is described in detail how a subscriber can "connect" himself paid subscriptions to tele2:

    After this small victory, I was not yet going to write a review until I decided to check the expenses of my mother-in-law:

    and your own:

    Ta-dam! Content again! But nobody plays my mother-in-law's phone and mine!

    Having learned from the previous write-off, I immediately went to the emergency subscriber's office:

    I was soooo lazy to start anew the discussion on each number, which I directly wrote to the consultants: "I know that this is illegal and I am entitled to a 100% refund."

    "As an exception, we will refund your funds and disable all subscriptions!"

    It was incredibly pleasant that I managed to defend my rights and return all funds back, but it would be even more pleasant if this situation did not arise at all.

    This is how cleverly they have a subscription mechanism! I always put money exactly on the monthly fee and the day before the write-off, and here in a couple of months I paid 50 rubles more than necessary and they connected me with modest subscriptions of 4 and 8 rubles a day, but you can go for a walk on your husband - 60 rubles / day is the most it! Moreover, the husband, judging by the detail, listened to music at 12 o'clock in the morning, and at 3 o'clock he received XXX materials for such a substantial amount, if unlimited internet and work profile on Toloka, where this good is a shaft - free of charge and for every taste. In general, the version with her husband is simply fantastic, since at 23 o'clock he already sees the tenth dream. Well, the subscriptions of a woman who uses the phone only for calls also look very implausible.

    I'll tell you a little more about the tricks this operator... My tariff is called "My online" / 350 rubles per month and it suits me completely:

    Arranged ... So I just went to the profile to take a screenshot of the tariff parameters and saw such a surprise:

    The thing is that once I added a package of minutes for 50 rubles and this amount began to be debited from me every month. I thought that everything here is like on MTS and the package is connected once, if necessary, but nooo, I increased the monthly subscription fee.

    When I dealt with the content, I removed the additional package and was sure that the amount of monthly charges had become 350. And so it was:

    I confirmed my actions:

    And after a couple of minutes, an error pops up:

    Would you wait another two minutes after confirmation? Me not!

    At this point, I would have finished my review, but then I noticed that I was again charged for something. I immediately order detailing:

    CONTENT! KAAAK ?! To me, just yesterday, all-all subscriptions were turned off in the emergency subscriber's, this subscription is not in the list of services!

    I "ordered" content at the very moment when my phone was lying in my bag, and I supported my daughter before performing at a choreographic competition. In fact, I enjoyed the subscription with Unforgettable Travel:

    This time, in an ambulance, I came across a more stubborn consultant and refused to return my 8 rubles. The amount is ridiculous, but the situation itself is extremely unpleasant, because just yesterday I read a "sincere" apology on behalf of the company. Neither I nor the Tele2 employee wanted to give in to each other, and as a result, I was transferred to another specialist:

    The second specialist took a very long time to load information on my sim card... Perhaps my chat was simply left "hanging" on the sidelines, in the hope that I would regret my time and score on my pennies. After a decent amount of minutes, I received the following response:

    I put my passport in my purse, I'll run into the office of tele2 this evening, add paperwork to them.


    FIXED 17:30: I gladly accepted the application and promised to resolve the issue within a month.

    Corrected 02/27/2018: From the very morning I was in for a surprise:

    They returned my 8 rubles, but with what text! "For the subscriptions you have connected!"

    I hope they won't connect anything else to me.


    At my request to disable additional packages, they sent me combinations, typing which I received a message that additional services no, however in personal account still hangs this package added to the base rate:

    And to this question I received the following answer:


    Yesterday we were sitting at a party, drinking wine, the phone on the table suddenly lit up. And there is a letter of happiness - you have an xxx-subscription connected, 30 rubles a day. Taught by previous write-offs, I went to the site, and there I turned from the gate, an hour Izh "fiddled" in the end and the money was returned and about CONTENT ACCOUNT told, about which apparently should not be told:

    I want to let you down the result: I am not going to change the operator, since I am completely satisfied with my tariff and the quality of communication (as well as my family members), but I will control the costs on a monthly basis. In a similar situation, ask about the service I described above.

    Have you ever wondered because of the gratuitous withdrawal of money from your mobile account? Surely many users of modern smartphones have been in such a situation. Why might this be happening? It all depends on many reasons, but the main thing is that the user gets to the subscription page of some content, for example, music, without even knowing it. These stories happen to clients of various mobile operators, including Tele2.

    Modern young people open their browsers in search of the latest music hit or video clip, but when they open this or that site, they find that there is no necessary information, and a helpful link suggests where to listen to it or watch it. You suspect nothing and, of course, make a transition, and when you write a link, a fraudulent script is embedded in it, which automatically, without your knowledge, subscribes. This automatically means daily debits from your mobile account.

    However, it is simply impossible to find out in the standard way - no sms from the operator about connecting a paid subscription come, but the money is debited daily. Moreover, the amounts can go up to a thousand rubles a day, and a naive user finds out about this when it is too late to do something. This usually manifests itself when printing out the details of expenses, and only then it becomes clear where the money from the account actually went.

    What is the “Content personal account” service for?

    Even if you make claims to the Tele2 operator for some subscriptions, then most likely you will lose - after all, the operator itself did not participate in this fraudulent scheme, but only provided traffic to enter the Internet space. And no printouts and details will help here - you yourself went to a dangerous site with a dangerous script.

    BUT! There is an effective way to protect against unauthorized write-offs - to create a separate content personal Tele2 account. Any user of the company has the right to activate this service, thereby, as it were, to secure his individual mobile account from the actions of all sorts of fraudsters.

    A separate connected account from the main balance will not allow fraudsters to get directly to your funds, and even if this happens, the main money will not be touched.

    How to activate the funds control service?

    Dial * 160 # from your smartphone, and send a request with the voice call button. This command will create a so-called "content account" separate from your main balance, and your fixed assets will be inaccessible to all kinds of scammers and swindlers.

    Why do operators keep silent about such a useful option? The answer suggests itself - they get their percentage of all your paid subscriptions, even without the operator's knowledge.

    To protect yourself from unforeseen expenses, you can do the following:

    1. Get information about connected paid subscriptions by sending a request with the command * 160 * 1 #, and activate it with the voice call button.
    2. Open the mobile application "My Tele2", if you have already installed it on your mobile device, and in the information section uncheck all active positions. If it is not on your device, install it from your manufacturer's store.
    3. Open the LC page on your home computer and view the detail reports, in the services section, uncheck all active subscriptions.

    Transferring funds to a content account

    Well, if you still need some kind of subscription to certain content, then you can transfer a certain amount to a specially reserved account with the command * 160 * sum # and a voice call button. To return the money back, use the command * 160 * amount * 0 # and do not forget to press the call button.

    To close the account, you can call the operator and ask him to turn off the use of a separate reserved account. The cost of connecting / disconnecting is 0 rubles, that is, the operator does not charge funds to open a reserved separate content account.

    All these methods will help protect your personal funds and not be left in the red when you need to urgently contact your family or friends.