On July 10, 2018, the functionality of the social network Instagram was supplemented with an innovation that allows users to create their own. The innovation was greeted with a bang, and the very next day the stories of many users were full of stickers of questions they created. One of the interested subscribers started a rumor that the answers to such questions are purely anonymous, which led to many funny situations. So how to answer questions on Instagram, are the answers anonymous, and what to do if clicking on a sticker redirects you to another story? Let's look at it in this material.

How to answer questions from your subscribers

Currently, answers to questions in Instagram Stories are possible in two main forms:

In the latter case, we will need to go to the story with your initial question, and swipe up to go to statistics. Here we will see the answers received to our question, from which we will need to choose the one we like.

Tap on this answer, after which a sign will appear with three options:

Of the three options listed, we are interested in the first. Let's look at its features.

Choosing a background for our story, location the question asked and the answer on the screen. As noted above, the question will be anonymous and its authorship will not be available to other users. Our response to it can be presented either in text or using photos or videos, with the addition of various graphic elements.

What to do if, when you click on a sticker, it transfers to another story

There are situations when when you click on a question sticker, instead of typing an answer, you are transferred to another story. This is usually due to outdated version the Instagram application you are using, or the lack of a corresponding update for your version of the operating system.


Above we discussed the ability to answer received questions on Instagram. And what needs to be done so that the question asked of you becomes the basis for publishing your next story on Instagram. If questions on social media your networks are not working correctly, then I recommend updating (or even reinstalling) the Instagram application, which in many cases allows you to fix the problem.

Comments on Instagram are the main method of communication that allows absolutely all users of this social network to communicate with each other.

Today we will tell you how to write comments on Instagram, respond to specific people, and how you can delete comments you have written.

How to comment on Instagram?

In order to leave a comment under a specific photo in the Instagram application, you need to click on the message icon located under the publication.
Then type the text, click the “Publish” button and your comment will appear under the desired photo.

How to reply to a comment on Instagram for a specific person?

Sometimes it becomes necessary for your comment to be addressed not to everyone, but to an individual, so that he can definitely see it. To do this, you need to write the account of the user you are contacting. How to send a message like this:

1. If a person has already written something in the comments, then just click on the “Reply” button under his message, the account name will appear in the reply field, after which you can type a comment and click the “Publish” button. The user to whom the comment is addressed will see it in notifications.

2. If the person you want to write to in the comments has not yet checked in there, then simply type the @ icon first, and then the name of his account, for example, like this: @ivanpetrov and then the text of the message.

If you need to leave a comment on Instagram and tag not one person, but several at once, you must put the @ icon in front of each person’s login.

How to add emoticons in comments on Instagram?

How to delete a comment?

On Instagram at at the moment There is no way to edit comments, and therefore you often need to delete a comment in order to write again. How to do this?
Swipe the comment from right to left; a red button will appear; clicking on it will delete the message.

How to write comments on Instagram from a computer?

In the browser version, you can respond to a comment on Instagram in the same way: to leave a comment, you need to write some text and press the Enter button. How to write a comment to a specific user: first enter his login in this format @ivanivanov, and then add the necessary text and press Enter.

To delete a comment, you need to hover your mouse over it and click on the cross that appears on the right.

Now you can easily add a comment on Instagram under your favorite post or take part in a discussion, both in the application and from your computer!

One of the most popular modern social networks is Instagram. By the end of 2014, the number of its active clients exceeded 200 million people, and this figure is constantly and steadily growing. The Russian audience in November-December amounted to 13.3 million clients, 2,600,000 active authors among them. Can you imagine how wildly popular Instagram is in Russian?

What to do with comments

It’s a rare person who has never heard of this project, but some people wonder how to use this social network. But the popularity of the application is partly due to its simplicity. One of the most common dilemmas is how to respond to comments on Instagram. Everything is simpler than it may seem to inexperienced clients of the program. Let's figure it out together. So, a short instruction on how to respond to a user on Instagram. Communication through private messages is not provided here. This feature is available in other similar programs. When asked how to respond to a person on Instagram, there is only one answer - leave a comment. It can be written to any photo if you have access to it, that is, in conditions where the user has not hidden his profile with privacy settings. Let's look at how to write comments to other people so that they see them and can respond to you.

Rule No. 1. Respond to opinions

If subscribers have left a review and you would like to respond to it, you need to open the comments under the post, enter the “@” symbol, called “dog” and start entering the name (nickname) of the interlocutor (the program is so consumer-oriented that it will even offer you a list of those , who you can choose), and then enter your message. Your friend will immediately receive a notification that they were mentioned in your statement, in the section where photo likes are usually shown.
Friends' comments left under your photos will also be displayed in the specified tab. Your new subscriptions will also be displayed there.
It is not necessary to indicate the nickname of the interlocutor before the message, you can do it in the middle or at the end, the person will be notified by the system about this comment in any case.

How to respond to comments even faster on Instagram

In application versions on Apple devices It is possible not to click on the comment, but to swipe it from left to right with your finger, and then touch the button indicating the answer. Next, a nickname will also appear, and all you have to do is enter a message.
Another way to respond to comments on Instagram is that you can open them, and then simply press and hold for a couple of seconds the nickname of the user to whom you would like to respond. Then, in the same way, a window will open for entering your message with the name of the interlocutor already indicated there, and all you have to do is write a comment.

Rule No. 2. Comment on friends’ photos

In cases where you do not respond to opinions, but want to speak out about another user’s photo, it is not at all necessary to write the person’s nickname, because he will already see a notification that someone left a message under his picture. Sometimes not all comments may be reflected. A situation may arise when there are too many of them and some of them will not be displayed. To see everything, you need to click on the “See all comments” line.

Rule No. 3. Delete opinions

It’s okay if you suddenly made a mistake when writing or noticed that your subscribers leave suspicious statements, links to third-party sites, or advertisements. Then we recommend deleting these messages. It is important to know that you can clear your own comments or opinions that users left under your photos. You have the right to delete all inscriptions under your own posts, but only personal ones under other people’s posts. Below are step-by-step instructions for deleting a comment under your photo on Instagram.

Step 1. Open the photo you need by simply touching its image.
Step 2. Click the “Comments” button. A list of posts attached to this post will open.
Step 3. Lightly pinch the replica with your finger and move it slightly to the left so that a button with a trash can icon appears.
Step 4. A ribbon appears with two icons: “Reply to comment” and “Delete”. Click on the last option.
Step 5. If you wish, you can send a complaint against the author to the project administration.


So, in this article we figured out how to respond to comments on Instagram and looked at the basic rules for commenting. By following them, you can easily communicate with your friends. We hope that our tips helped you, and now you have become a confident user of this application. Let us note in conclusion that Instagram is completely free application. Interestingly, it produces square-shaped images, similar to those taken with instant photography cameras such as Polaroid.

How to respond to a specific person on Instagram if other comments create inconvenience? Most often, popular bloggers and media personalities face such difficulties, since they have the largest number subscribers who literally write several dozen messages every minute. But the need for an answer arises in almost all people with open accounts and posts.

Instagram updates and changes very often. Previously, in order to write a response to a specific person, it was necessary to enter his login directly in the message field and only then the text addressed to him. This was accessible to everyone, but caused some inconvenience. It was also possible to reply without indicating a nickname, but there was no guarantee that the user would read what was addressed to him. Now these methods work, but recent updates to social networks have simplified the processes of using the interface.

From phone

Only registered and authorized users can respond to messages and comments, so you must log into your profile before taking action. Next, you should do the following:

  1. Find a blog and post you are interested in.
  2. Click the commenting icon (located directly below the picture and shaped like a cloud).
  3. Find the entry you are interested in.
  4. Click under the “Reply” entry, write and send the text.

If they respond to your post, you can comment on it in the same way or simply by clicking on the notification.

From computer

Writing a reply letter to any user from a phone is quite simple. But how can you reply to a comment from a specific person on Instagram on the web version of the social network? Latest updates, unfortunately, do not provide for simplification of the procedure. Therefore, you will need to act using the following diagram:

  • Log in to the system.
  • Select the post you are interested in (you don’t have to open the feed of other people’s posts. It is located to the right of the image (or below, if the content is viewed in the news feed) immediately after the account owner’s signature).
  • Select a commenter and enter his username in the message field.
  • Write the text and press the Enter button on the keyboard.

This is the only way to create a record. But it is possible that with the new update the commenting order will change.

Note: The login must be preceded by the @ sign in the message, otherwise it will not be addressed to a specific user.

How to reply to multiple users

If you need to write a response to two or three people on the phone, the response method described above will not work. In this case you will have to use old scheme. To do this you need:

  1. Select any entry under the post.
  2. Write, starting with @, all logins to which the message will be addressed.
  3. Write out the text and press send.

This way, it is possible to respond both to your own posts and to the publications of other bloggers. At the same time, it is recommended not to create conflict situations and not write “spam” in order to avoid blocking. Quotes are not required to write text.

How to write a comment to a specific person on Instagram

Easiest to use for communication mobile version social network. It has a number of undeniable advantages over the computer:

  • is always nearby;
  • takes up less space;
  • has more advanced functionality;
  • saves time for writing text and publishing posts and entries;
  • loads faster.

When using the smartphone version, consumers rarely have questions about how to respond to a specific person’s comment on Instagram, since the interface is very simple and understandable even after updates. Here you can write a response either to someone else’s comment or to a letter addressed to a specific user. You are also allowed to leave a regular comment under the post.

Note: If, due to an error or accident, a user's response is deleted, it is possible to restore it by clicking on the red tab with a message about deletion. This should be done immediately after deletion, since after a few seconds it will disappear and you will have to write the text again.

Relying on experience, I will tell you, my dear reader, that not everyone knows that you can write comments on Insta and respond to them. Here's an example:

About a week ago, I sat with a friend in a bar, talking about everything. And as usual, there comes an awkward pause in the conversation, when you can check notifications on social networks, scroll through your feed in search of something interesting. My friend was flipping through the “black list” page; as far as I understood, this is a page where they dump establishments and companies that do not suit their clients. The one with the huge balls pokes his phone at me and says that he was able to find this establishment on this list. Nasty things were said there, but as a regular visitor to these places, I know that this is all untrue or an isolated incident. Well, I said that he should write that everything is fine here and perhaps there was an accident, you shouldn’t judge so categorically just because of one incident. And he, with even more surprised eyes, asks: “What, can I write a comment?!” I thought maybe he was joking, but it turned out not. The person didn’t know that you could write comments on Insta. I thought that they were just scrolling through the feed, and likes were used as feedback. A funny incident in 2k18.

So, this article is precisely for such people.

How to reply to a comment?

When you see a post that somehow shocked you or aroused your interest, you involuntarily want to express your point of view. And the user's point of view can vary from @#$! to a constructive proposal. You can express your thoughts on this matter in the comments. There is a bubble icon under each post. By clicking on it, you can see other people's comments and leave your own.

For users personal computers the rules are the same. But in order to leave your comment on Instagram, you don’t have to click on the “cloud”; a line appears under each post called “add a comment.” By clicking there, you can start typing. Thus, writing comms from a computer is a little more convenient than through a smartphone.

To respond to a person who contacted you, you don’t need to link to his Instagram account, just click on the comment, then click on the “reply” button and write the text.

But keep in mind that on social networks you need to be polite and show your good manners; you can use emoticons to show that you are peaceful. Even if an unflattering review is written under the photo, try to smooth out the corners, because everyone has different requirements for the photo. A polite and kind exchange of words will only relax the situation.

How to respond to a specific person's comment?

In addition to leaving your opinion under the post, you can write to a specific person in the comments. For what? Perhaps he does not support your views or, on the contrary, is on the same wavelength as you.

Under the post, find the line “see all comments.” The entire list of comments will open in front of you: scroll through, read and choose who to respond to.

Users who log in from personal computers, unfortunately, are deprived of the opportunity to exchange comments with other people under the post. But there is a way out. If you want to contact someone, enter “@his nickname”, without spaces. And write the text. A notification that he was tagged in the comments will be sent directly to his phone.

How to reply to comments from multiple people at once?

For example, there are times when you want to respond to several people at once in a comment. Writing the same thing to every user is not a royal thing, and they can be regarded as spam, but this has consequences, you know. Dogs are coming to our aid again! In order to send a reply to several people, you need to put “@” in front of your comment and write the nicknames of the commentators to whom you want to write messages.

A good example: @kathryn_dyer, @brandonreinhardt, @carrybasee, and don’t forget to put emoticons, it’s important :)

Important Note

When you write your comment, think a hundred times about what exactly to write. Because they cannot be edited. Yes, you can’t even edit your comments on Instagram. Everything has its own reason, nothing is done just like that. We will correct our comment on other social networks, and no one will stop us. We can edit it as we see fit. Editing a comment on Insta was banned because many people abused it. They began to change the written reviews, they could change the text beyond recognition. And we are not talking about correcting errors or typos. On various social networks they dabbled something like this:

Hello! Are you on your phone?
- Yes!
- Well, okay)

And there are a lot of such cases, so the Insta developers made the right decision to leave the comment as it is and not be able to change it. Therefore, forget about the question: “How to edit comments on Insta?”

To correct your comment, you will have to delete your old one and write a new one. But what if you have a very long text and you don’t want to write it again? You will find the answer in the next sentence. We will do the copying. Below is indicated step by step instructions how to copy text on Instagram:

  • press the screen on the comments;
  • a window will appear;
  • copy the text by clicking on the “copy text” button;
  • pinch the screen in the comment field;
  • click "paste".

On different models Phone menus may vary. For example, in Samsung, the window does not appear, so we copy it differently:

  • click on the text of the comment;
  • Selection Tools will appear;
  • select the desired text area and click “copy”
  • then the same thing.

For PC users, everything is much simpler. Simply move the mouse over the desired text with the left button held down and press CTRL+C, and in the text input field press CTRL+V. This is how we managed to insert the old text, correct it and resend the comment left earlier.

How can I recover a deleted comment and is it possible to get it back? We should note that if you deleted a comment and refreshed the page, you will not be able to restore it.

Oops, how unexpected...

How to reply to a comment in a story?

Let's start with the fact that you cannot leave comments in stories. People write their opinion about your stories only in Direct, and no one else manages to find out about it. If your friend decides to publish a story, and you consider it your responsibility to somehow respond to him, then in the lower right corner there is a “write a message” button. Click there, insert your message and send.


Today we learned about many things that we may not have known about before. We use a free social network, so there is no one to present our claims to. And there are not so many of them, technologies and ideas always strive for perfection. Developers are trying to add different features for Instagram to stand out from others, and they are doing well, since other popular social networks are borrowing ideas from Insta.

Do you have any questions? Ask them in