"Chanson of the Year-2019": all the stars on the main stage of the country

The Chanson of the Year award ceremony took place on April 20 at the State Kremlin Palace! There was a full house in the main hall of the country that evening. Many fans of the genre specially came to the capital to attend the concert. After all, "Chanson of the Year" is a kaleidoscope of your favorite artists, original authors, heartfelt songs!

From now on, Katerina Golitsyna is not only one of the most beloved performers of Russian chanson. The artist will soon present a completely new project! “The most important news of the last three months is the realization of my old dream. This is the creation of a YouTube channel that will introduce new children's songs. And the channel is called "MultiVarik TV". I am his producer, I am his ideological inspirer ... "

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The famous English writer Chesterton somehow sarcastically remarked: "If we call cabbage a cactus, we will immediately find a lot of interesting things in it." And if we, suppose, call an outsider a leader, will we make it out of a loser as a champion? I doubt it, although many are trying to achieve fame and fame in this way. It's just that in their business, where they have to prove their worth, they don't do much. The biathletes of the Russian national team decided to become cacti. Well, if at a distance and a firing range, little is obtained ...

Chizh and K is one of the Russian rock bands, whose work has long been known outside the country. Its founder, Sergey Chigrakov, went through a difficult path before achieving success.

History of creation

The permanent leader of the band and songwriter is Sergey Chigrakov, who has been fond of music since childhood. From the age of 15 he played in amateur teenage groups, at an early age he tried to write his first songs. He graduated from a music school in piano and vocals, then entered the music school.

Creative way

Chigrakov begins to play in a creative team called "GPD" and it is with them that he goes on his first tour. After that, the artist moves to Kharkov, where he takes part in a team with the same name. In Ukraine, the group quickly breaks up into two completely different groups, where Chigrakov finds himself in "Different People".

This group records several albums, in the creation of which Sergey takes part. With them, he tours Ukraine and Russia, gives concerts in remote regions and wins the hearts of thousands of listeners.

In 1993, the producers offered Chizh to record his own album, which is successfully sold in various cities. In terms of sales, this collection did not occupy a leading position, but the fans quickly sold out the disc of their idol. Most of the time the artist spent in St. Petersburg, where he performed in restaurants and clubs, gave concerts for the general public.

In 1994, the performer decides to create his own group, which is called Chizh and K.

From 1995 to the present, the collective has been actively touring around the world. Their discs are released not only in Russian, therefore Australia, America, Israel and other overseas countries are on the list of tours. The collective has more than a million fans and is currently in great demand in many countries of the world. High-quality rock performance is the key to the successful existence of the group.

It is noteworthy that the composition of the group has remained practically unchanged from the very moment of its creation. Sergey Chigrakov, Mikhail Vladimirov, Alexey Romanyuk and Evgeny Barinov have been performing together for over 20 years and are not going to part ways. In 2014, the talented drummer Vladimir Nazimov joined the band. Download songs of the group Chizh and K online free of charge and without registration you can right now.

Despite the rather venerable age, the collective continues to conduct an active touring activity, recording new tracks. Today their repertoire includes about 900 songs and the musicians do not plan to stop there.

Listen to songs of the group Chizh and K online can be on our website right now.

Short biography:

It all began in the mid-90s, after the still unknown connoisseur of Russian rock, singer, guitarist and songwriter - Sergey ChigrakovChizh"), Moved to live in St. Petersburg and in just a few months, without the support of show business" sharks "and without significant financial investments, became famous throughout Russia. Thus, he achieved commercial and creative success.
Sergey Chigrakov- was born on February 6 in 1961. Dzerzhinsk (Gorky region) Under the influence of his older brother, he began to study music. As a result, since the late 70's he played in several little-known bands that played melodic and hard rock.

In June 1989 at the fest
Ivala of the local Rock Club, Chigrakov performed as a member of the POL GPD group (GPD is the name of the Dzerzhinsk Extended Day Group, in which he was previously.)

In the 90s he played in the group "Colonel and fellow soldiers"

At the same time, having graduated from the Leningrad Institute of Culture (correspondence department), already being in the city of Kharkov, he joined forces with Chernetsky and some with the "GPD", thereby creating a team - "Different People".
In 1992, their first albums "Boogie-Kharkov" and "1992" appeared, in which most of the songs were written by Chigrakov. Anti-cultural policy in Ukraine in the 90s did its dirty deed. Performances ceased and no new recordings were released.

In March 1993, while in St. Petersburg, Chizh, with the assistance of whom he had met 2 years earlier, recorded his debut album “Chizh”. And on May 1, 1994, he finally moved to live in St. Petersburg, having parted with the "Different People" group the day before.

Already in the summer of the same year, Chigrakov gathers the group " CHIZH AND COMPANY».
Together with him, the composition included:

Alexey Romanyuk (bass guitar)
-Vladimir Khanutin (drums)
- Mikhail Vladimirov (rhythm guitar)

Until the end of the year, the collective gave intensive concerts and managed to release 2 albums - studio and concert "Live". Moreover, their songs began to be played on radio stations and on television.
In the second half of the 90s, the Chizha group toured continuously around the country and abroad, and also released a dozen albums.

In January 1996, they were joined by another participant - Evgeny Barinov "Powerful". (vocals, percussion, accordion).
In February 1998, while on tour, Hanutin unexpectedly left the group. In his place, Igor Fedorov, a native of the city of Leningrad, was soon taken.

1998 to 2000 - Chizh & Co gave concerts already in large St. Petersburg. This number included the presentation of their album "Nothing to Lose" (1999)
In July 2001, Chigrakov's second solo album, "Haydnom I Will Be," was released, recorded by him alone. (following the example of Eric Carmen and Paul McCartney, etc.)
At the end of June 2002 - the group performed at a grand concert at the SKK, dedicated to the fortieth birthday of Viktor Tsoi (leader).
In the autumn of the same year, "Chizh & Co" toured the United States, having performed in Israel before that.
And in 2003 they gave a series of acoustic concerts in Canada. And again we drove through the States. And in the summer we performed at the Wings rock festival in Tushino (Moscow).

In the same year, the director of the group, Alexander Gordeev, in connection with the move from St. Petersburg to Moscow, relinquished these duties. (In parallel, he was the director. They also left them.)

In 2004 - "Chizh and Co" declared itself the year of acoustics and played uplugged concerts without electric guitars.
They celebrated their tenth anniversary in St. Petersburg with a grand concert, on November 12 of the same year at the Oktyabrsky Big Concert Hall, and then in Moscow.

Spring 2005 - The Mystery of Sound released the recording "About Elephants" - a joint performance by Chigrakov and Pavel Mikhailenko (founder of "GPD" and "Different People").

In the 90s, rock was the most popular musical direction in Russia. At that time, dozens of new musical groups appeared, including the Chizh and Co group. became the frontman of the band.


Sergey "Chizh" was born on February 6, 1961 in Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod Region. While still at school, he began performing as a substitute in various musical groups along with his older brother. Sergey graduated from a music school, after which he entered a music school.

The first "adult" group was the group "GPD" ("Extended Day Group"). For the sake of working in a group, Sergei moved to Kharkov, but the team soon split into two halves. Chizh joined the half, which decided to create new group- "Different people".

The group managed to record several albums, one of which ("Boogie-Kharkov") was completely written by Sergei Chigrakov. The disc did not become popular at the time of release, and six years later it found its listeners. Then Chizh wrote the first hits: "Darling" and "I want some tea."

In 1993, Sergei decided to record a solo album. Morally, he helped him in this, and the musician was inspired to take this step by Andrey Burlak and Igor Berezovets. The album was released simply under the name "Chizh". To record the disc, musicians from other Russian rock groups were invited - N. Korzinin, A. Brovko, M. Chernov and others.

A year later, Chigrakov decided to perform in St. Petersburg clubs. To do this, he invited Alexei Romanyuk and Alexander Kondrashkin with him. They became members of the future popular rock group "Chizh and Co". Men were inspired to create their own group by the success of the St. Petersburg public.

The first line-up of the group included vocalist and guitarist Sergei Chigrakov, bassist Alexei Romanyuk, drummer Vladimir Khanutin and guitarist Mikhail Vladimirov. In 1994 they recorded their debut live album "Live", and later released the disc "Crossroads".

In 1998, after touring abroad, drummer Vladimir Khanutin left the group, he went to the NOM group. He was replaced by Igor Fedorov, who used to play in the bands "NEP" and "Television".

In the fall of 2003, the group's staff decided to change the director. Instead of Alexander Gordeev, they hired a classmate and longtime friend of the soloist - Colonel Andrei Asanov.

In 2010, drummer Igor Fedorov left Chizh and Co. In his place, Sergei Chigrakov immediately invited Igor Dotsenko, a member of the group. In an interview he said that Igor is Chizh's favorite drummer. After Dotsenko died, Vladimir Nazimov took his place at the drum kit.


In 1995, the group recorded their next album - "About Love". Its peculiarity is that most of the songs on it are covers of songs by other artists. In addition to them, the musicians recorded a folk song "Here's a bullet whistled." In the same year, "Chizh and Co" recorded an album, which included their best hits. The album was recorded at a concert in St. Petersburg.

The following year the band recorded two albums: "Erogenous Zone" and "Polonaise". In addition, they recorded a video for the hit Polonaise. The Russians liked the video series, because some of them were filmed in America, and they were able to see abroad. In the same year, the group was replenished with one more member - keyboardist Evgeny Barinov.

All the musicians of the group freely participated in extraneous projects, recorded solo albums and performed as part of other groups. For example, guitarist Vladimirov recorded a solo disc "Wake and in a Dream".

In 1997, the group decided to devote their work to their parents. They recorded an album that included cover versions of Soviet hits. "Chizh and Co" shot two videos for the songs "Under the Balkan Stars" and "Bombers". The same album included their hit "Tanks rumbled on the field ..."

In the spring of 1998, the collective went to Israel with a concert. There they recorded another album - "New Jerusalem". It includes hits "For Two", "Russo matroso", "Phantom" and many others. Also this year the collective has recorded a new collection of songs "The best blues and ballads"

In the fall, Chizh & Co went to America to perform at the Astoria Club for their American fans. They then gave an acoustic concert specifically for the BBC radio show. This recording was later released as a live album "At 20:00 GMT".

The team spent the next year touring the country. They went abroad twice. For the first time in the USA, where they performed at a festival with such masters of the rock variety as, and many others. The second time was in August. They went to Latvia for a rock festival, where they met again with their stage colleagues.

In 2000, the team also toured a lot, they flew again to the United States, then Israel. The musicians developed their solo projects, Sergei recorded a joint album with Alexander Chernetsky.

2001 was a happy year for Chizh's fans, because Chigrakov, at last, recorded his solo album "I Will Be Haydn!" The album is unique, because the artist himself performed all the musical parts, sang himself. He did not involve any other musicians or producers in the work.

The group continues to tour the country. Each of their performances is sold out. The guys perform both at large venues and give concerts in clubs, where they communicate with fans after the performances, take photos and sign autographs.

In 2002, Chizh and Co surprised their fans and drew attention to the band by going on tour in the Arctic. The local area impressed the musicians. After the trip, Sergei recorded a new composition "Blues on Piles".

In the fall, the band went to America again, where they spent a couple of months performing all over the South Coast. It is worth noting that not only compatriots living there came to their concerts, but also ordinary Americans who love Russian rock.

A year later, the group expanded its touring geography and went to conquer Canada. Everyone knows that one of the largest Russian diasporas lives in Canada, so the team was well received, despite the fact that the group did not perform in full. Some of the musicians were denied a visa.

The band declared 2004 the year of acoustic music. They went on a tour without electric guitars, performing all songs at concerts in an acoustic style only. The musicians toured a lot around the world. The band's lead singer has recorded several blues compositions with black Americans in the United States. The band went to the East for the first time, giving a concert in Singapore.

In the same year, the group celebrated its first anniversary - the team turned ten years old. On this occasion, they gave two big concerts in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Favorite hits and compositions of friends of the group, who came to congratulate "Chizh and Co", sounded from the stage.

For several years, the members of the collective have recorded solo albums, participated in the recording of albums of other groups. Everyone was engaged in creativity, but the musicians did not get together.

Chizh and Co now

The last studio album of the group was released in 1999, but fans do not lose hope that the musicians will record at least one more. The Chizh and Co members work on solo projects, occasionally getting together to perform at festivals.

The group did not announce about the breakup, but the team does not speak in an interview about the continuation of the joint work, does not talk about future albums or videos. In February 2018, Sergei Chigrakov wrote the music for the song "Love is tired in secret."


  • 1994 - "Eternal Youth"
  • 1994 - Crossroads
  • 1994 - Hoochie Coochie Man
  • 1995 - "Here's a bullet whizzed"
  • 1996 - Polonaise
  • 1997 - Bombers
  • 1997 - "Under the Balkan Stars"
  • 1999 - "Password"
  • 1999 - "Food, food ..."


  • 1994 - Crossroads
  • 1995 - "About Love"
  • 1996 - "Erogenous Zone"
  • 1996 - Polonaise
  • 1997 - Bombers
  • 1999 - Nothing to Lose
  • 2001 - "Pastoral"