Obligations of the institution - the obligations of a budgetary institution, an autonomous institution, which are stipulated by law, contract or other regulatory legal act, to provide in the corresponding year to a legal or to an individual, other public legal entity, subject of international law, funds of the institution.

Business transactionDocument basis for accepting the obligation
1. Supply of goods, works, services.A signed and sealed agreement, government contract, municipal contract.
2. Wages and accruals for wage payments.Pay slips, orders from managers, tax registers.
3. Issuance of funds for reporting.A written application from the employee for reporting, approved by the manager. Based on the advance report approved by the manager, the accepted obligation must be adjusted to the amount of the overexpenditure issued or the returned balance
4. Taxes, fees, duties, penalties, fines, other payments.Accounting certificate, writ of execution, court order, tax registers, other primary documents.

To store a list of agreements, state and municipal contracts, as well as other grounds for the emergence of obligations (writs of execution, orders of the head, etc.), the reference book “Contracts and other grounds for the emergence of obligations” is intended.

To register in the program the very fact of accepting the obligations of an institution, the document “Registration of obligations and information under contracts” is intended. The document can be entered from the contract card using the “Create based on” button.

The completed document “Registration of obligations and information under contracts” is presented below. On the “Extra-budgetary funds” tab, you should indicate a list of goods, works, services, broken down by budget classification codes, that must be supplied in accordance with this agreement.

The document's accounting entries will look like this:

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that if you correctly fill out the document “Registration of obligations and information under contracts”, you can later enter the document “Receipt of Ministry of Health” to capitalize the material reserves received by the institution.

If we conclude a contract through competitive procedures, the procedure will be different.

To register in the program the fact of placing an order for the supply of goods, works, services, the contract card must be filled out as shown below, i.e. indicate the type of contract “With a supplier” and set the flags “Accounting for the subject of the contract” and “Concluded based on the results competitive procedures." In this case, the details “Counterparty” and “Counterparty Account” will not be available, since the supplier is not yet known.

When registering an obligation, the “Type of obligation” attribute takes on the value “Accepted obligation”

Accounting records.

After the state (municipal) contract has been concluded, we return to the contract card, set the flag “Competitive procedures completed” and indicate with the switch either “Conclusion of the contract” or “Refusal of the contract”, and also indicate in the “Counterparty” field the supplier, date and number of the state (municipal) contract.

To correctly generate the “Register of Contracts” report and printed form Information about the concluded contract in the contract card must be additionally filled in the “Characteristics” tab

Based on the edited contract card, we enter another document “Registration of obligations and information under contracts.”

In the “Total:” column, the total contract amount is entered manually; the amount in the “Changes” column will be calculated automatically. The column “Before changes:” cannot be edited.

To obtain information about contracts participating in competitive procedures, the report “Results of competitive procedures” is intended.

The procedure for transferring data from
"1C: Accounting Department of a State Institution, Rev. 1.0"

"1C: Public Institution Accounting, Rev. 2.0"

General principles 3

1. 5

2. Preparation and initial setup of the BGU 2.0 database 7

2.1. Creation of a blank BSU 2.0 base. 7

2.2. Preparation of the Chart of Accounts in BSU 2.0. 10

3. Transfer of data from the BGU 1.0 database to the BGU 2.0 database 11

3.1. Uploading data from BSU 1.0 for transfer to BSU 2.0. 11

3.3. Correction of BGU 2.0 settings. 14

4. Checking the transferred data to BSU 2.0 16

5. Setting up work via the web client and thin client
connections to the 1C-cloud database 17

APPENDIX A. 1C configuration update. 24

Appendix 1. Checks before the transition from BGU 1.0 to BGU 2.0 28

Appendix 2. Procedure for creating the BSU 2.0 database 43

Appendix 3. Processing for comparing balances after transition
from BGU 1.0 to BGU 2.0.

Appendix 4. Procedure for determining Internet connection speed 50

General principles

Transferring data from "1C: Accounting of a state institution, rev. 1.0" (hereinafter BGU 1.0) to "1C: Accounting of a state institution, rev. 2.0" (hereinafter BGU 2.0) is carried out in several stages:

1. Preparing the BSU 1.0 database for migration

2. Preparing the BSU 2.0 base

3. Transferring data from the BGU 1.0 database to the BGU 2.0 database

4. Checking the transferred data in BSU 2.0

The data transfer process itself is carried out using exchange processing built into the BGU 1.0 configuration, which, using exchange rules (file BGU1_BGU2.xml) downloads data from the BSU 1.0 information base into a file in XML format (data file). The resulting file is loaded into the BSU 2.0 information database using built-in data loading processing. The exchange rules provide for the transfer (conversion) of directory data, budget accounting account balances as of the beginning of the year and documents for the period from the beginning of the current year to the date of transfer.

As part of the project for the transition from BGU 1.0 to BGU 2.0, in addition to transferring data to the BGU 2.0 database, it is necessary to configure the operation of the database via a web client, for this you additionally need to do the following:

5. Setting up work via the web client and thin client

To carry out work according to this instruction, the following files are required:

· Exchange rules file BGU1_BGU2.xml

· Empty BSU 2.0 base

· Processing “Checking BGU1 before switching to BGU 2.epf”

· Processing “ComparisonRBv12.epf”

· Thin client installation distribution kit setup_TS. rar

· A set of instructions for setting up a browser to work with the 1C database via a web client.

The necessary files are provided in the folder “For Transition to BSU 2” on the FTP resource ftp://1CUser:*****@***irkobl. ru/1C_Obmen.

· in the folder “Updates_forBGU_1.0” there are folders with updates for BGU 1.0;

· in the folder “Rules_BGU1_0_36_1_on_BGU2_0_37_15” - an exchange rules file.

· “BGU_2.0.37.18_Empty_Budget_withReference. dt" - dump of an empty database with an installed set of reporting for budget organizations.

· “BGU_2.0.37.18_Empty_Cazen_withReference. dt" - dump of an empty database with an installed set of reporting for government organizations.

To copy to local disk necessary files, it is recommended to open Explorer and copy the address of the FTP resource into the address bar field of Explorer:

For Windows XP – “Address” panel:

A resource will open with the folder “For Transition to BSU 2”

Copy the folder to drive C. It contains all the mentioned folders and files.

1. Preparing the BSU 1.0 database for migration

To prepare the BGU 1.0 database for migration, you must perform the following steps:

1.1. Execute backup information base BGU 1.0 (in the “Configurator” mode, go to the menu “Administration – Unload information base”). All users must first log out of the database. If you need to cancel the actions taken during the transfer, you can restore the database from the saved file (menu “Administration - Load infobase”).

1.2. If your current infobase has a release lower than, then update the configuration to the specified release. Information on how to update a release is supplied with the update package. Brief instructions instructions for installing the update are given in Appendix A.

1.3. In order to update, 1C reminds: “The delivery includes processing for changing the details of settlement, payment and cash documents and re-posting them in order to generate transactions for off-balance sheet accounts 17.30 and 18.30 - file “PDActual_21003.epf”. Accounts 17.30 and 18.30 were added to account 210.03 in accordance with Order 124n dated 01/01/2001, amending Order 157n.”

After updating you need to do the following:
In the "Enterprise" mode, the "File-Open" menu:

Find the file in the delivery directory or use the file “PDActual_21003.epf” from the kit downloaded from the FTP resource. The processing window will open - click execute - after execution the message “Documents processed successfully” will appear. Close processing.

1.4. In the “Configurator” mode, test and correct the information base (menu “Administration – Testing and Correction”). specifying the following settings:

1.5. In the "Enterprise" mode, start deleting objects marked for deletion (Operations menu - deleting marked objects)

1.6. Perform a technological analysis of the Database for the current month (menu Accounting – Technological Analysis). Correct identified errors.

1.7. Check that the organization details are filled out correctly. Accounting is/is not maintained for individual financial statements, accounting of settlements and obligations in foreign currencies.

1.8. Launch the BGU 1.0 database in the "1C: Enterprise" mode and check that the directories to be transferred are filled out correctly using the "Check before moving from BGU 1 to BGU 2.0" processing. Please note the errors highlighted in red.

A description of the start of processing, the checks performed, methods for eliminating errors and the importance of eliminating them are described in Appendix 1.

If there are errors, successful transfer of information is not guaranteed.

1.9. Generate and save to a file (or print) the reports “Turnover balance sheet”, as well as “Turnover balance sheet for the account” for each uploaded account separately as of January 1 of the current year, as well as on a cumulative basis from the beginning of the year to the date of transfer each institution for which records are kept in the information base.

Exchange with treasury authorities in OFK (UFK) formats

How it is produced exchange with treasury authorities(setting up sufd) – how to set it up format, how to upload settlement and payment documents, how to upload statements in format OFK (UFK)?

  • Loading OFK (UFK) formats into the program
  • Uploading settlement and payment documents

After the initial installation of the program "1C: Public Institution Accounting 8, Rev. 2" the ability to upload and download data in formats OFC (UFK) is missing. To connect it, you need to load the appropriate formats into the program and execute exchange setup.

Loading OFK (UFK) formats into the program

Setting up sufd begins with loading formats. The formats necessary for organizing exchange with treasury authorities in OFK (UFK) formats are included in the distribution kit for the standard configuration "1C: Public Institution Accounting 8, Rev. 2", and they can also be downloaded from the configuration support Internet page, where Current configuration updates and additional processing are promptly posted.

Loading formats is carried out in the mode "Exchange format delivery settings"(section, action bar command "Setting up delivery of exchange formats (bank, treasury)").

To download formats, click the button "Load formats", in the window that opens Format download assistant by button "Add" indicate the directory with the installed configuration in which the format delivery file "\1C\StateAccounting\2_0_xx_x\ECExchangeFormats\" is located and then follow the program instructions.

After loading the formats into the program in the tabular section"Types of exchange with treasury/bank" processing "Settings supply format exchange "a new type will appear exchange – "Exchange with OFK (UFK)". When positioning on a given element with the mouse cursor in the table section"Available formats and objects"Documents exported and imported using the specified format type will be displayed.

Setting up exchange in OFK (UFK) formats

After loading the format into the program, you should configure the exchange. For this purpose in processing "Setting up data exchange with treasury systems and bank institutions"(chapter "Setup and administration", navigation bar command "Exchange setup (bank, treasury)", bookmark "Setting up exchange rules") need to be created new setting(button "Create").

In the opened form settings formats used for exchange with treasury systems and bank institutions, in details"Exchange type"you should select the format already loaded into the programExchange with OFK (UFK), you also need to indicate on the formSetting name.

A format setting will be created with a list of configuration objects and formats in which exchange with treasury systems is possible.

Then on the tab "Exchange Method Settings" you should indicate the method of exchange - enter (click on the button "Create") directory element and fill in the details necessary for the operation of the exchange mechanism.

In the form that opens, you should indicate:

  • Name;
  • Exchange type- choose "Exchange with OFK (UFK)";
  • Exchange method– select value "Catalog" or "FTP server".
  • Unloading and loading paths– specify the directory in which the payment file will be created – where documents will be uploaded (from where they will be downloaded).

For the exchange method with the selected value "FTP server":

In addition to the upload and download path also for the job additional settings FTP connections should be set to upload method "FTP". In this case, the upload (download) path must be specified as the name of the directory on the server (without the server name).

You should also specify the parameters for connecting to the FTP server.

Uploading settlement and payment documents

After making all the settings described above in the document "Data export task"(chapter "Cash" , navigation bar command "Exchange tasks (bank, treasury)") by button "Set up exchange" you should create an exchange setting in a new format.

Here you should indicate:

  • Exchange type– select the loaded type from the list "Exchange with OFK (UFK)";
  • Setting formats– select from the directory "Configuring the formats used when exchanging with treasury and banking systems" previously created setting formats;
  • Exchange setup– select from the directory "Setting up exchange with treasury and banking systems""previously created data exchange method;
  • Cash organ– treasury authority, recipient (for export) or sender (for import) of electronic documents.

As a result of this setting, when creating a document"Data export task" will be specified by default setting up exchange with OFK (UFK).

After all the document details "Data export task" filled, you should proceed to generating a list of uploaded objects and then working with the list, generating and sending the file.

1. In the document "Request for data export" you should set the date (period) for which you want to upload documents (button "Set selection"). Objects are searched for the specified period, by default for the document date.

In addition, by clicking "Set selection" You can set up additional selections based on the details of unloading objects.

Searching for objects for uploading is done by pressing a button "Fill in with objects for the period: from... to....". When you click the button, a search is made in the information database for objects that are not marked for deletion and that meet the following conditions:

  • the document has not been posted;
  • the document has execution status "Prepared";
  • flag "Paid" the document execution status is not set on the form;
  • the organization corresponds to the organization specified in the document "Data export task";
  • the cash authority corresponds to the cash authority specified in the document "Data export task";
  • the object is present in the list of upload settings (reference "Format Setting"), and it is set to a non-empty upload format;
  • the object has not previously been unloaded with the specified format type and Cash Authority;
  • object matches set values additional selection in the form "Parameters for selecting documents for export".

Tabular part "Export objects" filled with found objects.

In the column "Format" reflects the format in which settlement and payment documents will be uploaded. By default, the last valid upload format is used.

Objects that are not needed to be unloaded can be removed from the list (using the corresponding icon or context menu item).

The selected objects will be analyzed and, if there are no filling errors, a file will be generated.

If for some reason the settlement and payment document was not included in the upload file or errors occurred during the export, information about them will appear in the column "Information" opposite the problematic document being uploaded, and in the column "Upload file name"- text "!The object was not unloaded! There are filling errors.".

By clicking on the inscription "Details"(or by pressing the Enter key), you can open the form with detailed description detected errors.

3. After all identified errors in the uploaded documents have been eliminated, the generated files should be sent to the recipient - written to the directory specified in the exchange settings or to an FTP server.

To do this, click the button "Send files". The generated files will be transferred to the specified directory or to an FTP server, and information about the uploaded objects will be saved in the information register "History of exchange with treasury systems". The generated files are stored in the infobase. This allows you to repeat the sending if necessary.

The generated files can be seen in the information register "Attached files" "Attached files" "Open", you can open the generated file for viewing.

4. Transfer the generated file to the treasury.

After the documents are uploaded to the transfer file, their execution status will be changed to "On performance".

Download Treasury Statements

1. The received file with the treasury extract should be placed in import directory(you will need to specify it in the exchange settings).

2. In a new document Data import task(chapter "Cash", navigation bar command "Exchange task (bank, treasury)") is necessary by analogy with Export task data specify the following settings:

  • Organization;
  • Exchange type;
  • Setting up formats;
  • Exchange setup;
  • Cash office;
  • Period of imported documents.

3. Then you should fill the document with objects from the import files "Data import task"(button "Fill with objects for the period:...") and load them into the database (button "Upload files").

These import files can be viewed using the button "Open document".

4. To load data from import files, click on the button "Download". Then on the tab "Import Objects" statements uploaded into the system will be reflected in the form of documents "Extract from personal account".

Please note that uploaded documents "Extract from personal account" will not be filled out completely, since the import files do not always contain enough information to fully fill out the documents.

In particular, the header of the document will be filled in "Extract from personal account", on the bookmark "Leftovers" information about personal account balances will be provided, also on the tab "Documents" previously submitted documents will be indicated ( Payment order, Application for cash expense, Application for cash expense (abbreviated), Application for cash, Application for cash ( bank card) , Return request, Consolidated application for cash expense etc.), as well as documents "Cash receipt" And "Box Office Retirement" for amounts for which the corresponding settlement and payment documents were not found.

You can set standard operations for documents included in the extract. For this purpose in the document "Extract from personal account" you should press the button "Set up a standard operation for executing documents"

Under each document in the field "Typical operation" should be selected from the list of typical operations of this document the desired operation and fill in the additional details of the selected standard operation on the right side of the form.

To save the settings, click on the button "Write down additional details".

When posting a document "Extract from personal account" the documents contained in it will also be posted and postings will be generated based on them.

Important. Documents "Cash receipt" And "Box Office Retirement" When importing, the Statements will be partially filled in - the document header, document amount and information about the counterparty are filled in. The tabular part is not filled in, since the transfer file does not contain details of the amounts of receipts (disposals) by budget classification codes. In this regard, after the import procedure, you should check the loaded objects and, if necessary, fill them in manually.

The import files will be saved in the system. If controversial issues arise (for example, discrepancies between imported information and paper-based treasury data), they can be opened and analyzed. Uploaded files can be seen in the information register "Attached files"(form navigation bar command "Attached files"). By highlighting the file with the cursor and pressing the button "Open", you can open the generated files for viewing.

This completes the sufd setup.

The program allows you to gain practical skills and knowledge about the procedure for maintaining budget accounting in 1C Accounting of a government institution 2.0 in an interactive format.

Detailed description of the topics studied

The program contains tasks in the following sections:

1. Initial setup programs:

Setting the program title
- Filling out the directory of classification characteristics of accounts
- Filling out the directory of Chapters on budget classification

2. Regulatory and reference information:

Filling out organization information
- Setting up accounting policy parameters
- Personal accounts of the institution
- Registration of employee information
- Filling out personal accounts
- Registration of counterparties
- Entering contracts and other grounds for the occurrence of obligations
- Description of the group of contracts

3. Entering initial balances:

Initial balances of OS
- Leftover materials
- Cash balances
- Financial results of previous periods

4. Authorization of expenses

5. Reflection of transactions on a personal account:

Advance to supplier
- Reflection of salaries in accounting

6. Cash transactions:

Receipt of cash
- Cash disposal
- Cashier's report

7. Inventory accounting

8. Asset accounting

9. Accounting for settlements with suppliers

10. Closing the month and regulated accounting registers

The program was prepared for certification by 1C and can be used both for independent study of the capabilities of 1C Accounting for Government Institutions 2.0, and for organizing the educational process in budgetary, state-owned and autonomous institutions, in professional retraining centers, CSOs, ATCs, etc.

The training program does not provide rights to use the 1C:BGU 2.0 program.

Get started

Select an option to work with the program:

Instructions for installing the program on your computer

To start training you need to complete the following steps:

1. Install and configure the 1C BGU 2.0 program on your computer

Download configuration template 1C Accounting of a public institution
(username and password will be required to receive updates)
- open 1C Enterprise 8 (list information bases);
- create an empty database "Educational Budget Accounting" based on the template

2. Install V8 tutorial

Download the program installation file by clicking the button:
(if necessary, confirm/allow the ability to download the file)

Run the downloaded file setup.exe
(in case of a danger warning, allow the file to run);
- Follow the installation program instructions.

Important! The program requires an Internet connection to operate.

3. Launch the training program and select the information base:

Launch the training program through the “Training site” shortcut on your desktop;

In the list of information bases, select "Educational Budget Accounting";

Launch 1C:Enterprise, select a user and click OK.

You can also expand the methodological support of the free program,


Program features:

Solving practical problems of budget accounting in the 1C program;
- checking the reflection of transactions and issuing information about errors;
- availability of personal statistics for solving practical problems;
- ability to view ratings of training participants;
- technical support users of the training program;
- links and access to methodological materials of the ITS reference database;
- availability of recommendations (tips) for solving practical problems;
- full access to instructions (with pictures) for all tasks to be solved.

Description of all the capabilities of training programs...

Accountants, programmers and 1C consultants who want to independently learn and gain practical experience in maintaining budget accounting in the 1C Government Accounting 2.0 program.

", budget issue No. 1

With the onset of the new financial year, government agencies must not only correctly reflect incoming budget assignments in the program, but also correctly re-register obligations of the previous period for the current one.

How is authorization carried out?

Transactions on authorization of expenses are reflected in the corresponding analytical accounts of account 0 500 00 000 “Authorization of expenses”.

Authorization is carried out as follows:

    a consolidated budget schedule is drawn up and approved;

    budget allocations are approved and communicated to fund managers and recipients;

    the limits of obligations accepted by recipients of funds are agreed upon and communicated;

    confirmation and verification of fulfillment of obligations is carried out.

Accounting for the authorization of expenses is carried out reflecting correspondence on the items of authorization on the basis of primary documentation, which is established by the financial structure of the corresponding budget.

When authorizing expenses, entries to reach limits and accept obligations within their limits are recorded in the following accounting entries:

    Kit KRB 50115000 Kit KRB 50113000– this posting reflects the amounts of liability limits communicated to the recipient in the prescribed manner or the amount of adjustments made during the reporting (financial) year in accordance with the notice of limits.

    Kit KRB 50113000 Kit KRB 50113000– reflects the detail of the indicators communicated to the recipient of the limits by codes of subarticles and articles of KOSGU. If the limits were adjusted without breakdown by KOSGU, the amounts of adjustments made during the year are also reflected.

    Kit KRB 50113000 Kit KRB 50211000– the amounts of obligations assumed by the recipient within the limits and changes made during the year are taken into account.

Reflection of the authorization of expenses in “1C:BGU 8”, ed. 2

In the program "1C: Public Institution Accounting 8", ed. 2.0, to reflect budgetary allocations (BA) and limits of budgetary obligations (LBO) of the current financial year, communicated by the manager of budgetary funds (RBS), the document “ Budget data", which is located on the " tab ».

In the document " Budget data» are required to fill out:

    « Personal account» – must be indicated according to which the transferred budget funds are taken into account.

    « Put into effect» – the date must correspond to the date of entry into force of the budget data specified in the Expenditure Schedule.

    « Organization» – the organization whose budget data is registered is selected.

    « Type of budget data» – the type of budget classification KRB or KIF is indicated.

To formulate operations for the transfer of BA and LBO from the RBS to the subordinate PBS, the document “ Expense schedule", which is also located on the " Planning and authorization».

In the header of the document " Expense schedule» must be filled in:

    « Effective date» – date of entry into force of the Expenditure Schedule.

    « Organization» – RBS transmitting budget data to the PBS.

    « Where» – in the Administrator field, select the RBS that transmits budget data.

    « Personal account» – indicates the personal account in which the transmitted budget data is taken into account.

    « Where» – the recipient of budget funds is filled in by selecting a value from the Counterparties directory, indicating the recipient’s account and the treasury authority.

    « Signatures» – information about the persons signing the document is indicated.

According to clause 312 of the Instructions for the application of the Unified Chart of Accounts, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated December 1, 2010 No. 157n, for the correct generation of reporting, indicators or balances on the corresponding analytical accounts for authorizing expenses generated in the reporting financial year for the first, second and subsequent years for the current (next) are subject to transfer to analytical accounts for authorization of budget expenditures, respectively.

The transfer of authorization indicators is carried out on the first working day of the current year. In 2018, the first working day is January 9. To automate the re-registration of obligations in the program “1C: Public Institution Accounting 8”, ed. 2, processing " Re-registration of obligations" To call this processing, you can use the navigation bar command " Re-registration of obligations" in the section " Planning and authorization».

Processing " Re-registration of obligations"should be launched on the first working day of the new year. By the button " Fill in" on the tab " Agreements and other grounds for obligations» the tabular part will be filled with a list of contracts under which obligations were assumed for planning periods in the ending financial year. Such obligations are subject to re-registration in the new year.

If the budget classification codes by which the obligation is taken into account are not valid in the current year, then at the same time on the tab “ KPS transfers"A list of outdated KPS will be automatically generated.

After clicking the " Generate documents» forms « Re-registration of obligations" on the tab " Generated documents"a list of new documents will be generated" Registration of obligations and information under contracts» type « Re-registration of obligation" or " Re-registration of the obligation (taking into account the subject).”

Unfulfilled obligations from previous years that are planned to be fulfilled this year should be re-registered independently, i.e. enter documents for accepting obligations.

To close the authorization accounts for the financial year being completed, use the document “ Closing of authorization accounts for the ending financial year" In the “Period Closing Assistant” you need to set the month (December of the current year) and year (the year in which you want to close authorization accounts). To fill out the document " » need to follow the hyperlink « Open list of documents" To correctly reflect transactions in the document " Closing current year authorization accounts» the following points must be taken into account:

    Fiscal year - indicates the year in which authorization accounts must be closed.

    A typical operation is the closure of authorization accounts for the financial year being completed.

    Automatic filling of the tabular part must be done by clicking the “Fill in according to accounting data” button.

After completing the document Closing current year authorization accounts» by the button « Seal» You can print out the “Accounting certificate” using f.0504833.