A classic divorce on the money of foreigners, rich guys from neighboring countries and compatriots. On a dating site or on a social network, a profile of a charming girl is posted. The beauty is such that you can't take your eyes off. As a rule, there is a sad status, such as "I am sad without your eyes ... Where are you, my betrothed?"

Several photos are posted. This is a face and, of course, a slender body (for example, on the beach). The photographs, although open, are very chaste, with a clear sighting on target audience... The latter are young and not very bachelors who have free money and a desire to have a wife or mistress.

As a rule, the girl herself comes into contact with you, admiring your photo, brilliant commentary or witty status.

Correspondence is very unobtrusive and fast. The girl does everything to meet your expectations. If you need it, she will be a victim of a crime, and a young nurse, and a virgin, and a daughter of a politician, and an extreme lover, and a stay-at-home, and a rocker, and an admirer of Byron ... Everything is done to make a man fall in love with herself. After all, as you know - falling in love is akin to madness.

And now, when the "client is ripe", the divorce for money begins. At first, these are completely harmless hints about running out of money on the phone, then - for a birthday, then for a sick mother. Then the girl agrees to come to visit, but she has no money for a ticket (as a rule, they are all excellent students).

When it turns out (at any stage) that the "groom" lives in a neighboring city or even in the same - the correspondence immediately stops. After all, with such a lot you can't pull out! But if a foreigner is caught - a real luck for scammers. The sums fished out from overseas suitors, according to the Russian police, reach hundreds of thousands of dollars!

Of course, 99% of the time there is no charming girl in nature. An elderly lady, a swindler grandfather, a dropout student, or even an overly inquisitive schoolboy is hiding behind an account. “Male” divorces, by the way, are much more successful than female ones, since men are able to guess and play along with the wishes of their “colleagues”.

At some point, a female voice may be required. For example, the groom will persistently seek phone call... Or even worse - Skype video calls. Scammers and swindlers, of course, do not go for it (there is nothing to show) and the scam instantly goes out.

There are also real girls who are not afraid to either call or talk on Skype. However, these are either already terry swindlers who care about the evidence base and rarely take the initiative themselves. Or it is completely, sorry, deprived of the mind, beautiful fools who immediately go to the police, not suspecting that this is a criminal offense - a fraud. Most recently, such a bride was detained in the capital. She bred a foreigner for permanent illnesses - either she had an appendicitis operation, or her leg was broken. And laughter and sin ... The truth is that the conviction will not be ephemeral, but quite real.

Morality: If you met a girl on the Internet, BEFORE giving even one cent, talk to her on the phone and insist on a video call via Skype or video chat! Even if you don't plan to communicate like that, or you don't have Skype at all. The categorical refusal indicates only one thing - swindlers on the hunt ...

Rome))) and not his hacienda. I told him that. Then I came up with another address. and in parallel at that moment his friend began to write to me. in the end, when I dropped the route of his house and address, etc. he got scared that I would come and disappeared. then Marco got in touch and said. that he was jealous of me and washed down. went to the basement, etc. and when I said that I would come and get him, he allegedly ran away and the police were looking for him)) I was so funny. He could not answer, the excuse is supposedly jealous of a friend, etc. Santa Barbara. those. this is the same person with 2 profiles. The photo is clearly over and there were no new requests to send)) I was already openly making fun of him, then he brought me into the ch.s. , and eventually a friend, when I wrote in the comments that he is a deceiver. but there is such a story.

Divorce of a foreigner on the Internet

So, to write one letter, you need to pay 5 dollars, the next - another 5. Registration costs about the same. Relatively speaking, all for $ 5.
Each site like this has an "affiliate program". This is the conventional name of the method of attracting women to the site.


It works like this: there is an organizer or director of an agency whose task is to register as many profiles as possible. To do this, he, in particular, offers to register all the girls he knows in exchange for a part of the profit.

If the girl agrees, she fills out a questionnaire with information about herself and provides the site administration with a copy of her passport so that they can make sure that she is a real person. The girl also records a video with the words: "I, full name, voluntarily register my profile on the site N".
Further, the choice is for the girl.

How dating sites work "cheating" foreigners for money


In communication, I adjust to the client. It's simple: he writes about some of his fetishes - well, let's sharpen the note and start writing about sexual fantasies in return. I avoid intimacy until the client begins to expand the topic himself.

Although in the policy of the sites on which I worked, this issue is not clearly spelled out. It is more difficult when the interlocutor is an intellectual and is looking for the love of his life.

At first I thought up a lot, but now I don't think about pseudo-biography for a long time. After all, fantasy is the ultimate thing, especially when you work with various profiles and have to live several lives.
In addition, work in general quickly gets boring. Therefore, I usually describe my day, adjusting it to the personality of my heroine. Like: “Hello dear! Today they called me for an interview, talked about my work. " Customers rarely write first. For two years of work, two or three users wrote to me like this.

How Russian women cheat foreigners for money on the Internet: an investigation by NTV

The rest is divided between the director, translator and the owner of the profile. On the sites where I worked, they were distributed approximately like this:

  • the director of the agency gets 40%;
  • translator - 50%;
  • the girl from whose profile the correspondence was conducted - 10%.

If a girl writes on her own, she gets 60% of the profit.

Can you imagine how much money can be raised? Specific numbers are mostly kept secret. And I heard that the directors earned a lot of money on this, which they can use to fly to Sri Lanka, Egypt, Spain and drive a BMW X Series.In the beginning, I worked with two profiles, so my first salary was very modest: just 50-60 dollars. But then I still did not know all the nuances and did not get my hands on it.
For example, sometimes you can take a risk, put pressure on a client, they say: “You don’t love me, you don’t write to me”.
There are users who have enough to write twenty letters. There are those that send more, but there are very few of them now. The financial viability of the client plays an important role. Communicate until they empty their wallet. Once a client came to me "from the red book": he wrote about 2000 letters.


One American invited to Trump's inauguration wrote recently. I even sent a photo from the event. First, I promised I’ll come - we’ll meet.

However, he stopped writing. It is very common for clients to have seven Fridays a week. Meeting, or Gulchatay, open your face! On dates - it all depends on whether the girl on whose behalf I am in correspondence agrees to such a meeting.

If she doesn't mind, the meeting can take place. Usually she is accompanied by a translator or director: he knows English well and can translate if necessary. If a girl doesn't want to date, then this is how the script might develop.


Like: “Hello dear! Today they called me for an interview, talked about my work. " Customers rarely write first. For two years of work, two or three users wrote to me like this. There are a lot of girls' profiles, so my task is to interest, to call the man for a conversation. After all, this is the job I get paid for.

Therefore, I usually start with mass mailing of the same type of messages like: “Hello, dear! I want to meet you / What brings you to this site? / Who are you looking for? / Take a look at my new photo session ”- and so on. And I attach a photo where the heroine is all so beautiful, walking down the street or swimming in the pool.

Like: "Look, what I am!" In general, I always write as I think, without thinking about how a woman would write. "Translators" can maintain one questionnaire or many. In fact, the number of heroines depends on how much time and effort you have.

Let's take a look at the different types of online dating scams.

Reply With a quote In the quotation book of Gossip-News, apply by name Tuesday, October 20, 2009 15:26 (link) Kisoula, yes, and you still need to know how to cash this phone money (by the way, how can I learn?)) 10 years ago, Russian brides they traveled well on a bachelor's day - the grooms were then invited for a visual acquaintance at their own expense. Reply With quote In the quote book Tuesday, October 20, 2009 08:32 PM

Kisoula Believe me, they still invite and send money. ReplyWith QuoteAdd QuoteAll Glupets CallTuesday 20 October 2009

16:58 (link) Literate? 😀 Reply With quote In the quotation book Tuesday, October 20, 2009 23: 17link Elena_Orias at you some kind of program evaluates the texts? “The victim estimated it by five points!)) I suppose the breeders hired a psychologist to make it more touching ...

How to breed a foreigner for money on the Internet

Take off 5 years and forget about them there for free food will not play with fire! no, and you are unlikely to get money, well, in general, the article is such a fraud for the purpose of profit). such girls are not good at deceiving, first they confess their love and then write a statement about rape ... I don't know how about criminal liability, but nobody canceled the boomerang law 🙂 you will be easily found ... foreigners are not Russian fuckers. ... what do you do, you know, WHAT is it called? I don’t know about girls. ... But in Moscow on Tverskaya, an uncle taxied me and began to communicate in excellent English.

To say that his wife died, and I am a copy of his wife and he would like to marry me. Then he invited me to a cafe. It's good that I refused even tea.

And he takes out a wallet and like: Oh, some dollars. Will I lend him rubles, and he will give me later. I look, and next to the currency exchange office.

How to breed foreigners for money on the Internet

Every now and then exclamations were heard: "The letter has come!" Then I already had experience of working on the Internet: I sat, clicked on sites, increasing their traffic, so that the owners “rip off” their advertisers more. For a month I "called" six bucks - it was enough only to replenish the phone or buy a pack of cigarettes.

Once I asked a neighbor who, as it turned out later, was one of the organizers of this business, what exactly they were doing. It turned out they were just writing letters on dating sites and getting paid for it.

It was spring, I just wanted to earn some money for the summer. So he became a "translator" (the "official" title of the guy's position - author). When I agreed, I understood that in fact I would correspond, posing as women. How the system works At first glance it seems that this is just a dating site. But such portals are not aimed at people finding true love.
Best Dating Sites Error! The browser is not configured correctly! The site is not fully reflected. Some functions don't work! Java Script and Active X features are disabled.

For full site operation, allow the site to run Java and Active X scripts. Configure your browser, right! Read on how to customize your browser! Various types of scammers are heading for offline dating sites.

With the development of the Internet, a wide variety of methods of deceiving gullible users are developing. And the more the development of the network, the more victims of fraud, since the Internet becomes available to more and more people who, due to insufficient technical literacy and little experience of communication in the network, are actively pursuing a variety of tricks. Dating sites are no exception: they are constantly under the gun of all sorts of scammers and scammers who profit from gullible users.

The divorce of foreigners for money and real estate in Thailand is not a discovery, but rather a fact that many people no longer pay attention to. Hundreds of fatal mistakes made by foreigners, namely, tying their fate with the secrets. Local authorities turn a blind eye to this, because for the Thai economy, this is also to some extent a plus. Many people go to Thailand for fatal happiness, and not only foreigners fall for the tricks of the taekas, but also the Russians, who sell business in their homeland and invest all their hard-earned money in Thai investments and real estate. Especially the number one prey are foreign pensioners, because they are the bottomless money bag for the taekas. They will do literally everything to get what they want and the person eventually notices that only money is needed from him, and in some cases it turns out that a person is literally deprived of everything and he goes to homeless on the street, but even on the cruel streets there will be good people, who sympathize and understand. Everyone has a different fate, but many have the same result - loneliness and death, which takes them very quickly into their arms. I can only say one thing, survives in Thailand, only a cunning and sophisticated person in every sense. When a person is taught by bitter experience, he makes fewer mistakes and trusts people less, but there are those that life does not teach. Not all Thai women are prostitutes, prostitution is the last link a woman can do. Do not forget that the local population is involved in almost all aspects of business. Real estate, tourism, bank employees, the list of professions is very large. Almost everyone wants to improve their lives at the expense of a foreigner. Only a very small percentage are happy families, where children are born and there is a family life, everything else is just a fake. I was very surprised when I found out that some people who have lost everything do not want to fly to their home. They live very well here too. Of course, the immigration police of Thailand monitors the fate of such foreigners, sooner or later they will simply be deported to their homeland. Money spoils Thais more and more every year. There are more and more scammers. In addition to enterprising Thais and Taeks, Ukrainians and Russians go to black jobs. That there is only one MMM pyramid. Thank you Mavrodi, this infection has spread throughout the Internet, and people are still being deceived. Not only are they doing this fraud on the net, they are not ashamed to fly to Thailand, open offices and brazenly steal from people. Also, a very large flow of people fly to Thailand who sell dietary supplements, pacifiers, under the guise of elixirs of youth. In general, the fraudster drives the fraudster. A lot of people are cheated in real estate. Realtors are ready to go over their heads for the sake of their goal. Thais love to cheat with a deposit, if a foreigner paid a deposit for a studio, then you will no longer see your money. Even on trifles, the female population of Thailand loves to cash in on tourists, for example, in tourist places and not only they really like to put on weight and give the price for goods three or even five times more. Money is made on the carelessness and inexperience of foreign citizens. So cheating and divorce is very versatile. Be very careful and careful before making acquaintances with people.

There are a lot of girls' profiles, so my task is to interest, to call the man for a conversation. After all, this is the job I get paid for. Therefore, I usually start with mass mailing of the same type of messages like: “Hello, dear! I want to meet you / What brings you to this site? / Who are you looking for? / Take a look at my new photo session ”- and so on. And I attach a photo, where the heroine is all so beautiful, walking down the street or swimming in the pool. Like: "Look, what I am!" In general, I always write as I think, without thinking about how a woman would write. "Translators" can maintain one questionnaire or many. In fact, the number of heroines depends on how much time and effort you have. The maximum number of profiles from which I corresponded at the same time is six. Now I am keeping only one questionnaire. The duration of the communication is very relative.

Divorce of a foreigner on the Internet

Deception and lies, like a ghostly fog, One day in life will respond with pain ... Betrayal will return, like a lump, Come down from the heights of fate with an avalanche of snow. Disaster will break out like thunder, For the pain of the soul - reckoning is inevitable ...


To be able to love, a tremendous talent, When love is given without falsehood. And, launching a new boomerang, Just remember that everything will return in response…. *********************** He who has thrown once will be thrown. Let not immediately, albeit much later. But the deed will be returned.


He who has not forgiven will not be forgiven. He who deceived will be, he himself will be deceived, Deeds will not go anywhere. The future hits with a boomerang - All yours gives you. ...)))))))) first get money .. at least some. And why the heck asked for money if you are not going to go ?! Go take off, then you will say that you spent or forgot your address ...

or changed her mind.


All this story confused me, but when he spoke about the gift and asked for my address, I decided to check what people were saying. And good people have fallen for the same bait so many times. Thanks everyone! They seem to be using a couple of stories with some minor modifications! [Reply] [Cancel reply] Eleanor: 2017-12-06 00: 39: 17 I'm currently texting with an American.

I haven't asked for an address yet, but what's wrong with having my address? [Reply] [Cancel reply] Tatyana: 2018-02-02 00: 21: 57Pay attention if he addresses you personally by name. If the name has not been mentioned more than once, then it is just a divorce. Be careful! [Reply] [Cancel reply] Alla: 2017-12-08 17: 29: 29It's hard to say.

What if this is not an American, but the address will be known. Or an excuse to send a parcel, but there is no money and it will start. See what happens next. [Reply] [Cancel reply] Marina: 2017-04-20 02: 14: 13Girls, I have the same nonsense ...

How dating sites work "cheating" foreigners for money

I was told that you can check the photo through a picture search, it turned out to be a photo of a famous Turkish doctor, on Instagram he has a lot of new photos every day, he keeps a blog! I wrote to the site administration. Take care of yourself and don't send money! And the letters were wonderful !!! You can write a book) [Reply] [Cancel reply] Nata: 2018-03-07 20: 19: 13 Hello everyone. I talked with an Italian from the north (I didn't ask for any money, but such a poetry. Then he offered some kind of nonsense to marry for money for his father. And then he burned out. I started exploration and the game))) spoke sweet words (as usual) talked for a long time ... then he was supposedly going to come, but he didn't think that I would start punching everything like that. I said that the hotel does not have a reservation, no surnames, no names he said. then he came up with that his father was in a coma. therefore he did not come. okay) the next time he didn’t come on the scheduled day. since

Let's take a look at the different types of online dating scams.

Our reader Oksana told about one such method of online fraud. Here is what she writes: “I want to tell you my story about one of the methods of fraud on the Internet. I did not become a victim of these scammers, but I really want to warn other potential victims.

I managed to find out that a certain group of scammers uses dating sites for their own purposes. Three weeks ago, on the Love Planet website. I got a message from a certain David Taylor. allegedly a resident of London, age 39. In his first message, he wrote that he liked me very much, and asked me to give him my address. mailbox or wrote to him - dtaylor23rambler.ru.

that, you see, it will be so more convenient for him to communicate and send me his photos. Well, that's where it all started. Love and touching messages began to come from him. In broken Russian, the handsome man said that he was born in Moscow and lived there.
There are a large number of small fraudsters on dating sites who mainly use women's profiles and "cheat" men for small gifts or sums of money under the guise of "nothing to eat", "the traffic on your phone is about to run out - top up your account" , "I got sick, and the scholarship is tomorrow, there is nothing to bring down the temperature" and so on. After receiving what they want, they either stop communicating, or they do not give up their attempts to gradually "milk" the simpleton who has fallen into their network, maintaining his interest. Usually, their production does not exceed a couple of thousand rubles, and the victims are fairly wealthy men, aimed at finding relationships without obligations - most of them will not report to the authorities for a couple of thousand rubles.

Try to say hello to the "suspect" several times in a row - she, as if nothing had happened, will answer all your greetings. In other cases, fake pages may send links to viruses, advertising materials, or sites, for visiting which the owner will be charged a modest penny. All this is harmless enough, but it can deliver a lot of unpleasant emotions.
High stakes players. Another category of scammers (otherwise called scammers) is much more dangerous and more like marriage swindlers: they trust the victim - mostly a single woman over 30 years old, bombarding her with compliments and confessions, scribbling passionate and ardent letters, promising to marry and take away to the capital or abroad. According to users of the site topznakomstv.rf, it can be rich and famous foreigners, military from the United States or from other countries, employees of diplomatic missions.

How to breed a foreigner for money on the Internet ways

When he was 10 years old, his mother died, and his English father took him to his place in England. He now lives in a house in the suburbs of London. He is the owner of a small restaurant, again in London. After several messages, the young man decided that the girl was ripe, and so timidly asked for her home address in order to send a bouquet of flowers.
Flower delivery is now in vogue. Also, the boyfriend urgently wanted to hear my voice - and he also asked for a number mobile phone... Then came the most interesting part. It turns out that he cannot get through to me, and even leaves for a few days on business, but in order for me to think about him, you see, he decided to send not flowers, but jewelry. “Darling,” he wrote. “You don’t even need to go to the post office, I turned to an international parcel delivery company, and they will bring your gift home with a courier.”
Singing teacher, music channel journalist, model, housewife, student - this is an incomplete list of his online roles. Many people have already heard the walls of this coffee shop, but such a story, perhaps, for the first time. Beginning Everything happened according to the principle: "A person is formed by his environment."
I was in my fourth year, lived in a hostel and decided to change the room. In the new building, I met the guys who worked in this business. Once I noticed how my new neighbors were vividly discussing some kind of correspondence. Every now and then exclamations were heard: "The letter has come!" Then I already had experience in the Internet: I sat, clicked on sites, increasing their traffic, so that the owners “rip off” their advertisers more. For a month I "called" six bucks - it was enough only to replenish the phone or buy a pack of cigarettes.
In communication, I adjust to the client. It's simple: he writes about some of his fetishes - well, let's sharpen the note and start writing about sexual fantasies in return. I avoid intimacy until the client begins to expand the topic himself. Although in the policy of the sites on which I worked, this issue is not clearly spelled out. It is more difficult when the interlocutor is an intellectual and is looking for the love of his life. At first I thought up a lot, but now I don't think about pseudo-biography for a long time. After all, fantasy is the ultimate thing, especially when you work with various profiles and have to live several lives.


In addition, work in general quickly gets boring. Therefore, I usually describe my day, adjusting it to the personality of my heroine. Like: “Hello dear! Today they called me for an interview, talked about my work. " Customers rarely write first. For two years of work, two or three users wrote to me like this.

A key sign of such a scammer (or a scammer behind a female avatar) is that the girl will never make direct contact by phone or video, she will avoid asking about herself and asking for new photos. Fakes, bots, spammers. An outwardly attractive and real profile is replete with clear hints of intimate moments and relationships without obligations, but in the process of communicating on messages 4-6, the girl sends a certain site on which, allegedly, there is her uncensored photo and it is more convenient for her to communicate there. To access the site from an unlucky womanizer, they will be required to send an SMS, the cost of which reaches a couple of hundred rubles.

Naturally, the victim will not receive either a real girl or a relationship without obligations, and, most likely, a robot programmed for typical phrases communicates with her in a chat.

But I am a little familiar with the rules and therefore, it seemed to me all this strange. I didn’t pay, I wrote to him that I don’t need problems with the law and he disappeared. Everything, all the love passed at once. I was very offended, but over time I set myself up to this: you have to pay for pleasure.

I felt good, albeit virtually. And I advise you girls, not to give your address to anyone, to demand personal contact, at least on Skype and not pay for anything. Good luck to all. [Reply] [Cancel reply] Evgeniya: 2017-02-23 14: 36: 21Girls! Thanks for your posts! I have the same thing - the doctor is a Russian emigrant in the USA, he also asked about gifts, he also went to a friend's wife for his birthday and bought an apple watch for me at a discount. She misses me so much - she has no strength, she asks for an address so that the watch can be urgently sent, because he just can't wait for it to arrive in 2 months! He sends a lot of photos, very cute.