Computer modeling According to the method of implementation, information sign models are divided into computer and non-computer ones. A computer model is a model implemented using a software environment. Modeling stages 1. Statement of the problem. 2. Model development. 3. Computer experiment. 4. Analysis of simulation results. Stage 1. Statement of the problem Description of the problem Goal of modeling Analysis of the object Stage 2. Development of the model Information model Sign model Computer model Stage 3. Computer experiment Modeling plan Modeling technology Stage 4. Analysis of the modeling results Results correspond to the goal Results do not correspond to the goal Statement of the problem Description of the problem Task ( or problem) is formulated in ordinary language and the description must be understandable. The main thing at this stage is to identify the modeling object and understand it. What should the result be? Formulation of the goal of modeling The goals of modeling can be: knowledge of the surrounding world, creation of objects with given properties (“how to do so that ...”), determination of the consequences of impact on the object and making the right decision (“what will happen if ...”), efficiency of object management ( process), etc. Analysis of the object At this stage, starting from the general formulation of the problem, the modeled object and its main properties are clearly identified. Since in most cases the original object is a whole collection of smaller components that are in some relationship, the analysis of the object will imply the decomposition (dismemberment) of the object in order to identify the components and the nature of the connections between them. Model development At this stage, properties, states and other characteristics of elementary objects are identified, an idea is formed about the elementary objects that make up the original object, i.e. information model. Information model Sign model An information model, as a rule, is presented in one or another sign form, which can be either computer or non-computer. Computer model There are a large number of software systems that allow you to study (model) information models. Each environment has its own tools and allows you to work with certain types of information objects, which raises the problem of choosing the most convenient and effective environment for solving the task. Computer experiment Modeling plan The modeling plan should reflect the sequence of work with the model. The first points in such a plan should be test development and model testing. Testing is the process of checking the correctness of a model. A test is a set of initial data for which the result is known in advance. If the test values ​​do not match, it is necessary to look for and eliminate the cause. Modeling technology Modeling technology is a set of purposeful user actions on a computer model. Analysis of simulation results. The results correspond to the goal The results do not correspond to the goal In this case, the model itself is analyzed, modeling errors are found and corrected.

Currently, modeling is an integral part of
modern fundamental and applied science, and in terms of importance it
approaches traditional experimental and theoretical methods
scientific knowledge.
The purpose of the course is to expand students' understanding of modeling as a method
scientific knowledge, about the use of a computer as a tool for research activities.
The modeling process requires mathematical calculations,
which in the vast majority of cases are quite complex. For
development of programs that allow modeling of a particular process, from
students will need not only knowledge of specific languages
programming, but also proficiency in methods of computational mathematics. At
In studying this course, it seems advisable to use packages
application programs for mathematical and scientific calculations,
aimed at a wide range of users.

Computer modeling, which emerged as one of the areas
mathematical modeling with the development of information computer
technology has become an independent and important area of ​​application
computers. Currently, computer modeling in scientific and
practical research is one of the main methods of knowledge.
Without computer modeling it is now impossible to solve major problems.
scientific and economic problems. A technology has been developed for studying complex
problems based on the construction and analysis using computational
technology mathematical model the object being studied.
This research method is called computational
experiment. Computational experiment is used practically in
all branches of science - in physics, chemistry, astronomy, biology, ecology, even
such purely humanities as psychology, linguistics and philology,
In addition to scientific fields, computational experiments are widely used in
economics, sociology, industry, management.

Webinar plan:
1. Computer modeling as a scientific method
2. Classification of models
3. Basic concepts of CM
4. Stages of computer modeling

1. Computer modeling as a method of scientific knowledge
The Computer Modeling course is a new and rather complex course in
cycle information disciplines. To the extent that the KM course is
an interdisciplinary course for its successful mastery requires the presence of the most
diverse knowledge: firstly, knowledge in the chosen subject area - if
we model physical processes, we must have a certain level
knowledge of the laws of physics, modeling environmental processes - biological
laws, modeling economic processes - knowledge of the laws of economics, except
moreover, because computer simulation uses almost the entire apparatus
modern mathematics, knowledge of basic mathematical
disciplines - algebra, mathematical analysis, theory of differential equations,
mathematical statistics, probability theory.
To solve mathematical problems on a computer, you must be proficient in
full use of numerical methods for solving nonlinear equations, systems
linear equations, differential equations, be able to approximate and
interpolate functions. And, of course, fluency is assumed
modern information technology, knowledge of programming languages
and proficiency in application development skills.

Conducting a computational experiment has a number of advantages over
so-called natural experiment:
- VE does not require complex laboratory equipment;
- significant reduction in time spent on the experiment;
- the ability to freely control parameters, arbitrary them
changes, up to making them unrealistic, implausible
- the possibility of conducting a computational experiment where
full-scale experiment is impossible due to the remoteness of the study area
phenomena in space (astronomy) or due to its significant
time extension (biology), or due to the possibility of introducing
irreversible changes in the process being studied.

CM is also widely used for educational and training purposes.
CM is the most appropriate approach to studying subjects
natural science cycle, the study of quantum mechanics opens up wide opportunities
to understand the connection between computer science and mathematics and other natural and social sciences.
The teacher can use ready-made computers in the lesson.
models to demonstrate the phenomenon being studied, be it movement
astronomical objects or the movement of atoms or a model of a molecule or
the growth of microbes, etc., the teacher can also challenge students to develop
specific models, by modeling a specific phenomenon the student will not only master
specific educational material, but will also acquire the ability to pose problems and
tasks, predict research results, make reasonable estimates,
highlight the main and secondary factors for building models,
choose analogies and mathematical formulations, use the computer
to solve problems, analyze computational experiments.
Thus, the use of CM in education makes it possible to bring closer together
methodology of educational activities with research methodology
work, which should be of interest to you as future teachers.

2. Classification of models
Depending on the construction tools, the following classes of models are distinguished:
- verbal or descriptive models are also called in some literature
verbal or text models (for example, a police report from a scene
incidents, Lermontov's poem "Silent Ukrainian Night");
- full-scale models (model of the Solar system, toy boat);
- abstract or symbolic models. Mathematical models that interest us
phenomena and computer models belong precisely to this class.
You can classify models by subject area:
- physical models,
- biological,
- sociological,
- economic, etc.
Classification of the model according to the mathematical apparatus used:
- models based on the use of ordinary differential equations;
- models based on the use of partial differential equations;
- probabilistic models, etc.

Depending on the purposes of modeling, there are:
- Descriptive models (descriptive) describe the objects being modeled and
phenomena and, as it were, record a person’s information about them. An example would be
model of the solar system, or model of the movement of a comet in which we
we simulate the trajectory of its flight, the distance at which it will pass from the Earth
We have no ability to influence the comet's movement or movement
planets of the solar system;
- Optimization models serve to search the best solutions at
compliance certain conditions and restrictions. In this case, the model
includes one or more parameters available to our influence, for example,
the well-known traveling salesman problem, by optimizing his route, we reduce
transportation cost. Often it is necessary to optimize the process in several ways
parameters at once, and the goals can be very contradictory, for example,
headache of any housewife - how to feed tastier, more calorie and cheaper
- Game models(computer games);
- Training models (all kinds of simulators);
- Simulation models (models in which an attempt is made to more or less
complete and reliable reproduction of some real process,
for example, modeling the movement of molecules in a gas, colony behavior
microbes, etc.).

There is also a classification of models in
depending on their changes over time. There are:
-Static models - unchanged over time;
- Dynamic models - the state of which changes
over time.

3. Basic concepts of CM
Model is an artificially created object that reproduces in a certain
the form of a real object - the original.
Computer model - representation of information about the system being modeled
computer means.
A system is a set of interconnected elements that have properties
different from the properties of individual elements.
An element is an object that has properties that are important for modeling purposes.
In a computer model, the properties of an element are represented by the values ​​of the characteristics of the element.
The relationship between elements is described using quantities and algorithms, in particular
computational formulas.

The state of the system is represented in a computer model by a set
characteristics of elements and connections between elements.
The structure of the data describing the state does not depend on the specific
state and does not change when states change, only the value changes
If the states of the system functionally depend on some
parameter, then a process is called a set of states corresponding
orderly change of parameter.
Parameters in the system can change either continuously or discretely.
In a computer model, the change in a parameter is always discrete. Continuous
processes can be simulated on a computer by selecting a discrete series
parameter values ​​so that successive states are less than
differed from each other, or, in other words, minimizing the time step.

Statistical models are models in which
information about one state of the system is provided.
Dynamic models - models in which
information about system states and shift processes
states. Optimization, simulation and
probabilistic models are dynamic models.
In optimization and simulation models
the sequence of state changes corresponds to
changes in the simulated system over time. IN
in probabilistic models, the change of states is determined
random variables.

4. Stages of computer modeling
Modeling begins with the object of study. At stage 1, laws are formed,
managers of the research, information is separated from reality
object, essential information is formed, unimportant information is discarded,
the first step of abstraction occurs. The transformation of information is determined
problem to be solved. Information that is essential for one task may turn out to be
insignificant for the other. Loss of essential information leads to
incorrect solution or does not allow you to get a solution at all. Accounting
unimportant information causes unnecessary complexity and sometimes creates
insurmountable obstacles on the way to a solution. Transition from real object to
information about it is meaningful only when the task is set. At the same time
the formulation of the problem is refined as the object is studied. That. at stage 1 in parallel
processes of purposeful study of the object and clarification of the task are underway. Also on
At this stage, information about the object is prepared for processing on a computer.

A so-called formal model of the phenomenon is constructed, which contains:
- A set of constants, constants that characterize the modeled
the object as a whole and its components; called statistical or
constant model parameters;
- A set of variables, changing the value of which can be controlled
behavior of the model, called dynamic or control
- Formulas and algorithms connecting quantities in each state
modeled object;
- Formulas and algorithms describing the process of changing states of the simulated

At stage 2, the formal model is implemented on a computer,
suitable software for this, a solution algorithm is built
problem, a program is written that implements this algorithm, then written
the program is debugged and tested on specially prepared test benches
Testing is the process of executing a program in order to identify
errors. Selecting a test model is a kind of art, although for this
some basic principles have been developed and successfully applied
Testing is a destructive process, so it is considered that the test is successful,
if an error is found. Check the computer model for compliance
original, check how well or poorly the model reflects the main
properties of an object, it is often possible with the help of simple model examples, when
the result of the simulation is known in advance.

At stage 3, working with a computer model, we directly carry out
computational experiment. Let's explore how our model will behave in that
or in another case, with certain sets of dynamic parameters, we try
predict or optimize something depending on the given
The result of the computer experiment will be information
model of the phenomenon, in the form of graphs, dependences of some parameters on others,
diagrams, tables, demonstration of a phenomenon in real or virtual time

Information modeling on modern stage development
computer science is impossible without the use of technical means, first of all
computers and telecommunications, without the use of programs and
algorithms, as well as ensuring the conditions for the use of these funds for
specific workplace, i.e. achievements of science called ergonomics.
Ergonomics is the science that studies the interaction between man and machine
in specific conditions of production activity in order to
rationalization of production.
Ergonomic requirements are:
in the optimal distribution of functions in the “man-machine” system;
rational organization of the workplace;
compliance of technical means with psychophysiological, biomechanical and
anthropological requirements;
creating optimal conditions for human life and performance
indicators of the working environment;
mandatory compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements
to working conditions.

V.V. Vasiliev, L.A. Simak, A.M. Rybnikov. Mathematical and
computer modeling of processes and systems in the environment
MATLAB/SIMULINK. Textbook for undergraduate and graduate students. 2008
91 pp.
Computer simulation of physical problems in
Microsoft Visual Basic. Textbook Author: Alekseev D.V.
Author: Orlova I.V., Polovnikov V.A.
Publisher: University textbook
Year: 2008

Anfilatov, V. S. System analysis in management [Text]: textbook / V. S.
Anfilatov, A. A. Emelyanov, A. A. Kukushkin; edited by A. A. Emelyanova. – M.:
Finance and Statistics, 2002. – 368 p.
Venikov, V.A.. Theory of similarity and modeling [Text] / V.A. Venikov, G.V.
Venikov. - M.: Higher school, 1984. - 439 p.
Evsyukov, V. N. Analysis automatic systems[Text]: educational and methodological
guide for implementation practical tasks/ V. N. Evsyukov, A. M.
Chernousova. – 2nd ed., Spanish. – Orenburg: IPK GOU OSU, 2007. - 179 p.
Zarubin, V. S. Mathematical modeling in technology [Text]: textbook. for universities /
Ed. V. S. Zarubina, A. P. Krischenko. - M.: Publishing house of MSTU named after N.E. Bauman, 2001. –
496 pp.
Kolesov, Yu. B. Modeling of systems. Dynamic and hybrid systems [Text]:
uch. allowance / Yu.B. Kolesov, Yu.B. Senichenkov. - St. Petersburg. : BHV-Petersburg, 2006. - 224 p.
Kolesov, Yu.B. Systems modeling. Object-oriented approach [Text]:
Uch. allowance / Yu.B. Kolesov, Yu.B. Senichenkov. - St. Petersburg. : BHV-Petersburg, 2006. - 192 p.
Norenkov, I. P. Fundamentals of computer-aided design [Text]: textbook for
universities / I. P. Norenkov. – M.: Publishing house of MSTU im. N.E. Bauman, 2000. – 360 p.
Skurikhin, V.I. Mathematical modeling [Text] / V. I. Skurikhin, V. V.
Shifrin, V.V. Dubrovsky. - K.: Technology, 1983. – 270 p.
Chernousova, A. M. Software automated systems
design and management: textbook [Text] / A. M. Chernousova, V.
N. Sherstobitova. - Orenburg: OSU, 2006. - 301 p.

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1 slide

DIM A(5) FOR I= 1 TO 5 INPUT A(I) NEXT I S=0 FOR I=1 TO 5 S=S+A(I) NEXT I PRINT S Development: Klinkovskaya M.V., teacher of computer science and ICT Municipal educational institution gymnasium No. 7 in Baltiysk, 2008-09 academic year.

2 slide


3 slide


4 slide

Verbal models - oral and written descriptions using illustrations Mathematical models - mathematical formulas that display the relationship between various parameters of an object or process Geometric models - graphic forms and volumetric structures Structural models - diagrams, graphs, tables, etc. Logic models are those in which various options choosing actions based on inferences and analysis of conditions Special models - notes, chemical formulas, etc.

5 slide

N. Copernicus and the image of Copernicus’ heliocentric system, not the Sun moves around the Earth, but the Earth rotates around its axis and the Sun; The orbits of all celestial bodies pass around the Sun. it is not the Sun that moves around the Earth, but the Earth that rotates around its axis and the Sun; The orbits of all celestial bodies pass around the Sun.

6 slide

Formalization is the process of constructing information models using formal languages. Formal languages: systems of specialized linguistic means or their symbols with precise compatibility rules. MATHEMATICAL LANGUAGE OF ALGEBRAIC FORMULAS F = ma LANGUAGE OF CHEMICAL FORMULAS H 2 O NOTE

7 slide

8 slide

Work 1. Modeling object: classmate. The purpose of modeling: building a verbal model of a person. Simulation parameters. Last name, first name, patronymic of the object. Facial features, body type (height and weight) Favorite subject of the subject, reasons. Hobby object. Modeling Tool: Word Processor Microsoft Word. Topic: “Constructing a verbal model in the environment text editor»

Slide 9

Work progress. 1. Open the Microsoft Word text editor. 2. Select a modeling object (any classmate). 3. Create a mental image of it in accordance with the modeling parameters. 4. Create a mental image using a text editor. 5. Show the result to the teacher.

10 slide

Work 2. Topic: “Building a mathematical model using the formula editor” Object of modeling: mathematical formula for rectilinear uniformly accelerated motion of a body (change in x coordinate) Purpose of modeling: building a mathematical model Modeling tool: editor Microsoft formulas Equation.

11 slide

Work progress. 1. Open the Microsoft Word word processor. 2. Select the Object command from the Insert menu 3. Select Microsoft Eqation 3.0. 4. Create a formula using character sets and patterns. 5. Below the formula in the document, explain the notation used in the entry (description of quantities). 5. Show the result of your work to the teacher. 1. Open the Microsoft Word word processor. 2. Select the Object command from the Insert menu 3. Select Microsoft Eqation 3.0. 4. Create a formula using character sets and patterns. 5. Below the formula in the document, explain the notation used in the entry (description of quantities). 5. Show the result of your work to the teacher.

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Determine the sequence of typing the formula; All characters are typed sequentially using the keyboard; Numbers, signs and variables can be entered using the keyboard; You can move between formula elements using the cursor keys or by clicking the mouse to place the cursor in the desired location; If there are several formulas, separate one from the other by pressing the Enter key; If you want to type text while in the formula editor, you should select Style, Text. To edit a formula, double-click on it. Instructions TIPS FOR SET FORMULAS

Slide 14

Know the classification of models by presentation form. Give examples of verbal and mathematical models. What software tools can you use to create such models? Make up a verbal model of explanation with your parents in a situation where you received a bad grade. Try to convince your parents that your “D” is almost a blessing. Using the given verbal model, create a mathematical model: the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the legs. Complete this task using your computer.

15 slide

Literature: N. Ugrinovich “Informatics. Basic course - 9" S. Beshenkov, E. Rakitina "Informatics. Systematic course – 10” N.V. Makarova “Informatics 7–9”, O.L. Sokolova. “Universal lesson developments in computer science. 10th grade." Moscow. "VAKO", 2006.

1. Models of objects and processes

2. Classification of models

3. Main stages of modeling

Model– a simplified idea of ​​a real object, process or phenomenon.

Modeling– building models for research and study of objects, processes, phenomena.

Question: Why create a model, why not study the original itself?

Firstly, in real time the original (prototype) may no longer exist or does not exist in reality

Secondly, the original can have many properties and relationships. In order to deeply study a specific property that interests us, it is sometimes useful to abandon less significant ones without taking them into account at all.

Amenable to modeling

Countless models can be created for the same object (process, phenomenon)

Signs of classification of models:

  • Area of ​​use
  • Taking into account the time factor
  • Branch of knowledge
  • Presentation method



















An information model is a set of information that characterizes the properties and states of an object, process, phenomenon, as well as the relationship with the outside world.


Iconic model


Verbal (Latin “verbalis” - oral) model is an information model in mental or spoken form.

Types of information models by presentation form









Geometric model

Geometric model

Geometric computer model

Verbal model

Verbal model

Mathematical model

Mathematical model

Drawing up a mathematical model is a very important stage in many modeling problems.

To design formulas, a special application is used - Microsoft Equation Formula Editor.

Structural model

Structural model



Logic model

Logic model

Special models

Special models

Computer model

A computer model is a model implemented using a software environment.

Computer modeling tools are hardware (Handware) and software (Software).

STAGE I. Statement of the problem

Description of the task

Purpose of modeling

Object Analysis

STAGE II. Model development

Information model

Iconic model

Computer model

STAGE III. Computer experiment

IV STAGE. Analysis of simulation results

Simulation plan

Simulation technology