NFC on a phone is a technology wireless communication high quality with a small radius of influence, which allows you to exchange information between two gadgets without contact. NFC is based on RFID, which is radio frequency recognition, which is a method of mechanically identifying an item.

What is NFC?

NFC is a contactless technology that can read and send information from devices over not very long distances. The abbreviation stands for "Near Field Communication". It is based on the principle of exchanging radio signals, identical to Bluetooth, but there is a significant difference. Bluetooth transmits data over long distances, several hundred meters, and NFC requires no more than 10 centimeters. This technology was developed as an extension for contactless cards, but it quickly gained popularity, and developers found application for it in other devices.

There are three ways to use this technology in cellular phones:

  • read mode;
  • emulation, when the device works like a payment card or pass;
  • P2P mode, when information is exchanged between phones.

The chip is stored in the cell phone and is used as a means of payment; you can book tickets, pay for car parking or metro travel, and provide access control. Thanks to technological payment processes without contact, MasterCard PayPass and Visa PayWave cards with integrated antennas appeared, where the role of NFC was taken into account, and applications for Android smartphones were developed.

What is NFC in a smartphone - with close contact, a pair of devices communicate through magnetic field induction, when closely contacting loop antennas form a device. NFC covers frequencies in the 13.56 Megahertz spectrum, and the information transfer speed can reach 400 kilobits per second. The device operates in two modes:

  1. Active. Both gadgets are provided with a power source and transmit information in turn.
  2. Passive. The field power of one of the devices is used.

Which phones have NFC?

NFC on your phone gives you the chance to pay for purchases by touching your mobile phone to the terminal; it’s a kind of bank card on your cell phone. Just 6 years ago there were few devices that supported NFC, but now tablets, watches and other devices are equipped with chips. Which phones have this device:

  • Apple – all iPhone models;
  • Sony – Xperia S, L, Z series;
  • Samsung – Galaxy S series;
  • Motorola;
  • Nokia-Lumia.

How can I tell if my phone supports NFC?

How to check if NFC is available on your phone? There are several ways:

  1. Remove the back cover of the smartphone and inspect the battery; it should have the inscription “NFC” on it.
  2. In the settings, find the “Wireless Networks” tab, click on “More”, if the technology is there, a line with the name of the technology will appear.
  3. Swipe your hand over the screen and open the notification shade, where this option will be listed.

If there is no NFC, what should I do?

NFC on the phone - what are these modules? The following main types are distinguished:

  • SIM cards;
  • external devices;
  • microcircuits;
  • NFC modules;
  • stickers.

The NFC module can be purchased together with the phones, but they are also sold separately. Stickers are attached to the cell phone body; they come in two types:

  1. Active. They provide communication via Wi-Fi/Bluetooth, but consume a lot of energy, so they require frequent recharging.
  2. Passive. They do not exchange information with the phone and do not record it into the device through mobile communication channels.

How to install an NFC chip in your phone?

If it is not initially included in the device, an NFC module for the phone can be purchased and installed. There are two options to choose from:

  1. NFC SIM card, many mobile operators now sell them.
  2. NFC antenna. If there is no near field, this is the best solution. Communication shops also have such devices; they are glued to the SIM card, under the cover of the mobile phone. But there is one drawback: if the back cover is not removable or the SIM card hole is on the side, you will not be able to install such an antenna

How to enable NFC?

A device with NFC can be used not only as a wallet, travel card, or discount coupon; special tags also help to read data about goods in stores, and about any objects in museums and galleries. How does it turn on?

  1. In the settings, select “Wireless networks”, then “More”.
  2. The required inscription will appear, check the “Activate” box.

If your smartphone has an NFC chip, you need to activate Android Beam:

  1. In the settings, click the “Advanced” tab.

Click on the NFC switch, the Android function is activated automatically. If this does not happen, you need to click on the “Android Beam” tab and select “enable”.

  1. In order for data exchange to go smoothly, you need to make sure that both phones support NFC and Android Beam, first you need to activate them. The following is the action plan:
  2. Select a file to transfer.
  3. Press the back covers of the phones together.
  4. Keep devices until sound signal, which will confirm that the exchange has ended.

Regardless of the file type, NFC technology assumes the following information transfer algorithm:

  1. Hold the devices only with their backs facing each other.
  2. Wait until they find each other.
  3. Confirm the request for data transfer.
  4. Wait for a message that the process has completed.

Why are more and more mobile manufacturers equipping smartphones with an NFC chip, and what are the possibilities? this technology opens to the user?

Nowadays, the mobile market offers a wide variety of high- and mid-price smartphones that are equipped with an NFC chip. Before you pay for an additional function, you need to understand what it is and why it is needed in the phone.

What is NFC?

NFC (Near field communication) is a wireless communication interface, one of the main characteristics of which, as the name suggests, is a short range (up to 10 cm). Among the features of the technology we can also highlight:

  • Possibility of exchange with other devices and passive tags.
  • Compact sizes.
  • Low power consumption.
  • Low data transfer speed.
  • Connection setup time is 0.1 seconds.
  • Budget cost.

Thanks to its small size and low power consumption, NFC can be used in small devices. In smartphones, the antenna is usually mounted on the battery compartment cover or the inside of the back panel if the battery is removable. So that users do not have the question of how exactly to apply the gadget to transfer data (this problem is especially typical for tablets due to their large size and short range of technology), the location of the chip is often marked with a special sticker on the case.

Since the NFC interface is only a base that does not provide a clear solution for use, mobile manufacturers and application developers have to independently develop work scenarios. This can cause problems when apps and devices from different manufacturers interact with each other.

Ways to use NFC

Perhaps one of the most common ways to use NFC is. The user can attach a bank card to his mobile device, with which he will pay in the future, for example, if the card is left at home. In this case, the possibility of data interception is extremely low due to the small range of the interface; a lost or stolen unlocked smartphone poses a great danger.

To make a payment via NFC you will need:

  1. Bank card marked paypass.
  2. Application of the relevant bank.
  3. Find the NFC item in the application menu.
  4. Place the card on the back of the phone to read it.
  5. Remember the password for payment transactions sent in an SMS message.

The next method of using technology is data exchange. By using Android programs Beam can be transmitted various files from one mobile device to another. However, the transmission speed is very low, so this function is more suitable for sending small text messages and links.


1. Activate NFC - check the box next to this item in the “Wireless Networks” menu, unlock your smartphone and turn on the screen.

2. Select an agent:

  • Google Chrome - to transfer the current active link.
  • Google Maps - for transferring the route.
  • Google Play - for transferring applications, books and other content presented in the service.
  • YouTube - to send a link to a video.
  • Contacts - to transfer a contact.
  • Gallery - for transferring photos and pictures (however, this can take a long time due to the low transfer speed, so in this case it is better to use special applications, which will be discussed below).

3. Bring the devices closer until the alarm sounds.

4. Touch and hold the screen to confirm the transfer.

5. Another beep will sound indicating successful file transfer.

There are various applications that use the NFC interface only for pairing, and subsequent file transfer is done through bluetooth connection or Wi-Fi: Send! File Transfer, File Expert HD and Super Beam WiFi Direct Share.

The next method is reading and writing tags. This function works similarly, only the NFC chip is used rather than the smartphone camera. It can be useful for automating home and work life. To create your own, you will need clean blanks and special programs to record the necessary information. You can assign the following actions to a tag, which will be performed after it is read: sending an SMS message or email, calling a contact, opening a link, connecting via Bluetooth, launching an application and much more.

Several programs for creating tags:

  1. WiFiTap WiFi NFC - for connection wireless network. Helps guests connect to a Wi-Fi hotspot quickly and without entering a password.
  2. ABA NFC - for creating various standard format tags.
  3. SmartTag Maker is a special application for users of Sony products, which contains a number of blanks used not only with the NFC interface, but also with the headset, Bluetooth devices, power supply, etc.

Bottom line

Each user decides for himself whether he needs additional NFC function in a smartphone or not. However, this technology is being used in increasing numbers mobile devices. Therefore, if you did purchase a gadget with NFC support, you now know how to use all its capabilities to make life more convenient.

The service will be launched in Russia on May 23 Android Pay. Its analogues are Apple Pay, Samsung Pay and Alipay - already work in Russia, in addition, some banks and payment systems There are applications that allow you to pay in stores using your smartphone. Firstly, it’s convenient - you don’t need to carry plastic with you, and secondly, it’s safe - you don’t need to “shine” your card and enter a PIN code for small purchases. However, most users inexpensive smartphones contactless payments through apps are not available for the unfortunate reason that their devices do not have an NFC chip. It is necessary to pair a smartphone with a payment terminal and transfer transaction data.

With the help of a small life hack, you can add support for contactless payments to any smartphone, even without NFC. However, in this case, the payment will be made not through the application, but by a bank card (necessarily with support for MasterCard PayPass or Visa payWave). Our task is to hide it in a smartphone and not violate the rules of use established by the bank.

You can install the card in a smartphone in one of two ways - between the battery and the back cover or under the protective case. Obviously, in the first case, the smartphone must have a collapsible case, and be prepared for the fact that the cover will be deformed and in the future will not fit tightly enough to the battery, which is why the device may turn off inadvertently. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase a cover in advance, which will replace the deformed one after you have played enough with contactless payments or decide to get rid of the device.

Keep in mind that if you put a case on your smartphone, the card most likely will not be read by the terminal, since the waves from the NFC chip will not be able to penetrate the barrier. Some terminals do not support contactless payment, and in this case it is better to have a backup card that is not hidden in the smartphone.

If the case of your smartphone is non-separable, there is not enough space inside for a card, or you are not ready to spoil the back cover, the card can be placed under the case. It is better to choose an opaque case or bumper made of soft material (plastic, silicone, leather, etc.) To prevent the card from falling out, glue it to the case or body using stationery glue or thin tape - it holds well, but if you wish, you can get it out card without damaging it.

As an option, you can use a book case with compartments for cards and simply lean it against the terminal when paying for goods. It is important that the case is not thick and dense - in this case, the NFC chip of the card will not be read. If there are several branches, leave only one bank card in them.

It would seem that it would be much easier to hide not the entire card, but only the chip, in a smartphone or under a case, but the fact is that you cannot cut the card. You risk damaging the antennas of the NFC chip; in addition, the seller has the right to refuse to accept payment if you cannot show the entire card with the number, security codes, name, surname and signature. The bank card is the property of the bank and the seller can confiscate it (even if it is cut off) and call the police to clarify the circumstances. Of course, such cases are extremely rare, but it is better not to take risks and not conduct illegal experiments with payment instruments. If the card is intact, there will be no claims against you.

What's inside the contactless card:

This seemingly dubious way of paying has several advantages. Firstly, most likely, your smartphone is always with you, which means you will always have money with you (if it is on the card). Secondly, even if the smartphone is discharged, the card will work. And thirdly, unlike banking and payment applications, a plastic card works without the Internet. Even if you use mobile internet, in some stores there may be no connection (for example, due to thick walls or placement in the basement): you would not be able to pay through the application, but you could easily pay with a card in your smartphone.


First you need to turn on this chip. In devices from Xiaomi, this can be done in the following way:

  • go to the “Settings” application;
  • open the tab “ Additional features”;
  • select the “NFC” item and set the switch to the active position.

Possibility of use:

  • Data transfer

In the same menu you can activate Android Beam. With it, you can transfer data between two Android devices that have NFC.

To transfer a document/image or any other file:

    enable NFC on both devices;

    select the file that needs to be transferred;

It is important to remember that the transfer speed via NFC will be lower than using Bluetooth.

Fast device synchronization

If you are used to using wireless headphones or a smart phone household appliances, then NFC will probably come in handy here too. To connect new headphones or a smart washing machine, you do not have to carry out a long search and synchronization procedure via Bluetooth. You just need to turn on NFC and touch your smartphone to your smart device. The location where the NFC chip is located is marked special character:

Using labels

The presence of NFC in a smartphone will also help optimize and speed up the operation of the device through the use of NFC tags.

What is an NFC tag? This is a small flexible plate that is equipped with an NFC chip and a small amount of memory. It can be used to store various types of information that will be used later. For example, you can save your alarm clock settings or enable airplane mode to a tag. The limits of using this function are limited only by the built-in tag memory and your imagination.

Card emulation

NFC technology also allows you to emulate cards: you can make various payments using your smartphone (only with terminals that work using PayWay technology). For successful work The system will require a phone with NFC and a special banking application through which you link your card to the gadget.

Also, a smartphone with NFC will help replace a work pass or, in the near future, a travel ticket. When using smart locks with NFC, you also don't have to worry about the key - now it will be your device's job.

Use to view information

Some brands and companies use NFC tags that store information about the device or how the device was purchased. For example, if you want to find out more about a desired fur coat or a new car, then simply move your smartphone to the tag and get all the necessary information.

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