The appendices to the diploma project may contain copies of constituent documents, balance sheets, and statistical reports on the basis of which the diploma project (DPR) was carried out.

Applications are numbered in order in Russian capital letters: A, B, V, …. The application must have a footnote in the text (for example: “This is confirmed by the balance sheet data given in Appendix A”).

Applications are drawn up as follows: in the center of the application sheet (regardless of whether it is a printed sheet or a copy of the document form) is written: “Appendix A”. Applications are indicated in the contents, but are not included in the scope of the diploma project (DPR).

3 Preparation for defense and defense of the diploma project (HD)

After writing the project, the thesis student must prepare to defend it. This organizational process involves the sequential passage of the following stages.

Printing the work after checking it by the normative inspector assigned to the group.

Formation of the diploma project folder (DPR).

The final qualifying work (diploma project) is presented in a hard cover folder with three holes for secure lacing of sheets.

Decorated The diploma project folder (DPR) includes:

1 Sticker (form) on the spine of the thesis project folder. The sticker must be secured to the folder with tape.

2 Feedback from the thesis project supervisor (DPR) in a transparent file before the title page (not filed with the work).

3 Review of the graduation project. Placed in a transparent file in front of the title page (not filed with the work).

4 Title page signed by the graduate student, consultants, supervisor, reviewer and head of the graduating department.

5 Assignment for completing a diploma project (DTP), signed by the student, consultants, supervisor and head of the graduating department.

6 Abstract.

8 Main text of the diploma project (DPR).

9. Conclusion

10. References

12. Applications

13 Illustrative (handout) material signed by the graduate student, supervisor and head of the graduating department. Filed after attachments to the diploma project .

Handouts are presented for defense in the form of a presentation made in MS Power Point.

In the work, handouts are designed as a graphic part on 8-10 sheets. The first sheet of the graphic part (presentation) is the title page, which indicates the topic of the work, the group and the name of the student and the name of the work supervisor. The sheets of the graphic part are framed in a large frame.

14. CD with the work (explanatory note, presentation, title pages), placed in an envelope signed by the student and supervisor.

Order of work signatures:

1. Student

2. Consultant from the enterprise

3. Leader

4. Standard controller

5. Reviewer

5. Head of department

The overall assessment of the diploma project (GRP) is given by the supervisor upon receipt of written feedback from the supervisor.

Reviewers may be production specialists. The student chooses the reviewer himself. The review should note the significance of the topic, its relevance, the level of the graduate student’s elaboration of theoretical issues and solutions to practical problems, the degree of validity of all proposals and recommendations, highlighting advantages and disadvantages. In conclusion, the reviewer gives a general assessment of the final work, its practical significance, compliance with qualification requirements and gives an explicit rating (“excellent”, “good”, “satisfactory”, “unsatisfactory”), which is taken into account by the members of the State Attestation Committee when considering the results of the defense.

Hello Friends! Today we will talk about the design of diploma applications in accordance with GOST. Specifically, we will look at questions such as:

  1. What is a diploma supplement?
  2. How to arrange it according to GOST?
  3. Where and how is it located?

We will also consider other questions that will help you overcome the barrier to protection. First, let's look at the following question....

What is a diploma supplement?

An appendix is ​​a section of a thesis project that includes material that does not fit into the main body of the text because it is too large.

It is also an excellent addition to your thesis project. Usually the student himself thinks about what points it will consist of. But I still advise you to coordinate them with your supervisor.

It includes the following materials:

  • Volumetric calculations and tables
  • Graphics - drawings, diagrams, models, etc.
  • Sources of information - reporting, orders, codes, etc.
  • Additional materials that were used during the study - answers, questionnaires, questionnaires, etc.

I think everything is clear here. In general, the application includes all large materials that do not fit on a sheet of A4 paper.

Particular attention should be paid, as this plays a big role in the diploma, making it more understandable.

Registration rules

  • And so, the application in the structure of the diploma comes after the source of literature. In most cases, it is not filed with the diploma, but placed in separate folder, but, and if you are allowed to file it, then separate it from the diploma with a blank sheet of paper.
  • If the materials do not fit into the standard A4 sheet format, then GOST rules allow the use of other formats - A3, A1.
  • The page number is placed in the upper right corner. Each application starts on a new page. In the middle it says “APPLICATION”. If one does not fit on the first sheet, then it is transferred to the second and added - “CONTINUATION OF APPENDIX”, and on the final sheet - “ENDING APPENDIX”.
  • If several graphic materials should be placed in one, then they should be numbered so that each illustration is separate.
  • Applications and text of the thesis project are linked in capital letters Russian alphabet. In extremely rare cases, it is allowed to use Latin and Arabic numerals.

Exception letters of the Russian alphabet: Ъ; b; Y; Yo; ABOUT; Z; J and Ch
Latin exception letters: I and O

  • The text can be divided into paragraphs and subparagraphs.
  • Headings are designed in the same style.
  1. Make it readable and understandable.
  2. Decipher all symbols for tables, figures and diagrams.
  3. Do not forget and indicate it in the content of the diploma
  4. Do not pour water, only the most necessary materials.
  5. Stick to one format. Ask your university department.

Example: how to properly design drawings, diagrams and tables

"Appendix A"

Then, from a new line, from a paragraph - “Table A.1 - results of the fulfilled production plan of the ShZMK LLC plant for 2016 -2017.” Let's imagine that the table does not fit. What to do? We move it to another page and label it “Continuation of Table A.1.” We finish it and mark the final page as “End of Table A.1”

The application may also contain drawings; they will be designated “Figure A.2”

Registration in the table of contents of the diploma

Formatting links

At first glance, it seems that application, as well as props " Marking the presence of the application“It’s simply impossible to format it incorrectly. There is GOST R 6.30-2003 “Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for the preparation of documents" (hereinafter referred to as GOST R 6.30-2003), which sets out the rules for preparing the details of organizational and administrative documents. And if there are any questions related to application design, then the majority turns to the text of GOST R 6.30-2003.

This document fragment may really clarify some points related to application design. But, unfortunately, all questions cannot be answered there. For example, it remains unclear:

  1. Where exactly in the documents should the “Appendix Availability Mark” attribute be placed?
  2. Is it always necessary to write “Appendix” on the first sheet of the application in the upper right corner, indicating the document, its date and registration number?

The answers to these questions can be found, but in other documents. Let's try to do this together.

Where should I place the “Application Availability Mark” attribute?

As you know, Appendix A of GOST R 6.30-2003 contains layout diagrams for the details of organizational and administrative documents. If you look at them, you can come to the conclusion that 21 the “Mark of the presence of the application” attribute must be in the range of 60-40 mm from the border of the lower field(See Figure 1). Actually it's not like that. The boundaries, which are marked with dotted lines in these diagrams, can be moved both up and down. Moreover, there are cases when registration of props « Marking the presence of the application"in the range of 60-40 mm from the border of the lower field can lead to disastrous consequences (see Example 1).

Imagine a situation where a letter of notification about an exhibition-conference is drawn up, consisting of two pages, and the text on the second page occupies no more than one-fourth of the total area of ​​the sheet. Accordingly, if props « Marking the presence of the application» placed in the interval of 60-40 mm from the border of the lower field, then there is a lot of free space between this prop and the text (see Figure above). Just at this time free space“cunning craftsmen”, both on the part of the organization that authored the document and on the part of the recipient organization, can, after training, add any text that will allow them to gain their benefit. At the same time, the management of both organizations may not even know that any additions have been made to the text of the letter. Compare the two versions of the same letter shown on this spread.

So, to prevent anyone from adding any new text to an already signed document, It should be placed not closer to the border of the bottom margin, but after the text of the document. Moreover, the indentation should be 2-4 line spacing, the size of the indentation is fixed in the Methodological Recommendations for the implementation of GOST R 6.30-2003, which were published by the developer of GOST - the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Document Management and Archiving (VNIIDAD).

If you look again at the layout of the details of organizational and administrative documents (see Figure 1), you can note that detail 21 - “Mark of the presence of the application” and detail 22 - “Signature”located on the same level. However, the signature should be placed underrequisite “Mark of the presence of the application” at 2-4 intervals. This must be done so that no one can add any other annex to the document after signing the document.

Speaking of location “App availability mark” requisite, it is worth noting a number of other points. If you look at the fragment of GOST R 6.30-2003, published at the beginning of the article, you will see that GOST provides examples of design, where it is clearly visible that the props we are considering are located from the border of the left margin with an indent . However, there are no clear indications of this in the GOST text. But in the Methodological Recommendations for the implementation of GOST R 6.30-2003 they are, and this is what is written there:

Thus, we can conclude that the arrangement we demonstrated in Example 2 will be correct.

In which organizational and administrative documents can the “Stamp of the presence of an application” attribute be used?

The text of GOST R 6.30-2003 states that “App availability mark” requisite can be issued in letters (see paragraph 3.21 given at the beginning of the article). That is, if the letter contains any application, then this detail must be formalized without fail. Moreover, in cover letters, the main purpose of which is to send documents that do not have an address part, “App availability mark” requisite must always be completed (see Example 2).

Also props « Application availability mark", if necessary, may be present in the following forms information and reference documents: certificates, memos, explanatory notes, memos.

But there are types of organizational and administrative documents in which props « Marking the presence of the application» is not issued, because information about applications is indicated directly in the text. This is stated in the Methodological Recommendations for the implementation of GOST R 6.30-2003 and in the Standard Instructions for Office Work in Federal Bodies executive branch. Such documents, for example, include a protocol.

Props « Marking the presence of the application» is not issued in administrative documents: orders, instructions, instructions, resolutions and decisions.

Typically, if an administrative document has reference or analytical annexes (graphs, diagrams, tables, lists), then the text in the relevant paragraphs of the administrative part contains links: “(Appendix 1)”, “(Appendix 2)” or “according to the Appendix 1", "according to Appendix 2". If the appendix to the administrative document is an approved document (regulations, rules, instructions, etc.), the following mark is made in the corresponding paragraph of the administrative part: “(attached)” (see Example 3).

Is it always necessary to write “Appendix” on the first sheet of an application?

Is it always necessary to do on the first sheet of the application in the upper right corner inscription « Application» indicating the document, its date and registration number? At first glance it seems yes. But that's not true. Therefore, many people make mistakes when they put this label on all applications indiscriminately.

Let's consider cases when inscription "Application" indicating the document, its date and registration number should not be affixed.

Firstly, it is inappropriate when you are sending any an independent document that does not have an address part, together with a covering letter .

However, if it is not a covering letter that is sent, but, for example, a notification letter or an invitation letter, and the attachment includes additional materials that were specially prepared for this letter, then the above inscription must be placed on the attachment.

Secondly, you shouldn't do it inscription « Application» on a document approved by an administrative document. It is when designing such applications that mistakes are most often made. And look what happens: there are options when the necessary information is missing (Example 6) or when it is duplicated (Examples 7 and 8).

Possible options incorrect registration is not limited to this. However, the rules for drawing up annexes to administrative documents are regulated using the example of decrees and orders of the President Russian Federation in the Model Instructions for Office Work in Federal Executive Bodies.

From the above, we conclude that the approved documents must contain the requisite “Document Approval Statement,” which is drawn up in accordance with GOST R 6.30-2003, and not the inscription “Appendix No.” with the data of the administrative document. But if the application is of a reference or analytical nature (i.e., not approved), then in its upper right corner the inscription “Appendix No.” should be written indicating the relevant document, its date and registration number.

How should applications be designed?

At application design The following simple rules should be followed:

  1. Applications Always are issued on standard sheets of paper, not on letterhead documents.
  2. Since applications are not registered separately, they should not contain the details “Document Date” and “Document Registration Number”. After all, the date and registration number of the document to which the application relates can be seen in the upper right corner on the first page of the application in the inscription “Appendix...” (see Example 5) or in the details “Document approval stamp” (see Example 9).
  3. The title to the application text is printed in a centered manner; there is no period at the end of the title. The name of the application type (the first word of the application title) is highlighted in capital letters and can be printed in space (POSITION, LIST, LIST, etc.) . The line spacing between the first line of the title and subsequent lines can be increased by 6 pt.

    The title of the application is located under the inscription “Appendix...” or the attribute “Document approval stamp” and is separated from them by two to four line spacing.

  4. The margin sizes, fonts and line spacing when printing applications are identical to the sizes used when printing document texts.
  5. The application sheets are numbered independently, starting from the second sheet. Page numbers are placed in the middle of the top margin of the sheet. In this case, the number is written in Arabic numerals without punctuation marks (dots), without indicating the word “page” or its abbreviated versions “page.” or "s." and dashes.
  6. Organizational and legal documents - instructions, rules, regulations, regulations approved by administrative documents and which are appendices to them - must be signed by the head of the structural unit who developed this application. Other applications, if necessary, may also be signed by an authorized official. If the application is not signed, then it is advisable to end it with a horizontal line located in the center of the text at a distance of approximately 3 line spacing. The length of the line should be several centimeters. This simple trick will protect you from adding any text to the end of the application after signing the main document (see Example 5).

Here is an example of the correct design of the first page of the Regulations on a structural unit, which is an appendix to the administrative document (see Example 9).

* * *

Concluding the article, I would like to note that if questions arise related to the preparation of documents or the organization of work with them, it is better to look for answers in several regulatory documents or sources at once, rather than stop at one. This is the only way to get the most complete answer to your question.

1 Organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for document preparation: Guidelines for the implementation of GOST R 6.30-2003. - VNIIDAD. — 2003.

2 The location of some details, which should be issued only in specific areas of the document page, are indicated directly in the text of GOST R 6.30-2003 and the above-mentioned Methodological Recommendations. Such details include: “Visas for document approval”, “Note on the execution of the document and sending it to the file”, “Note on receipt of the document by the organization”, “Identifier of the electronic copy of the document”.

3 If there are several applications, they are numbered, i.e. the inscription “Appendix” must include the sign “No” and the serial number of the application (see Example 5).

4 Exceptions are independent documents that do not have an address part, are sent with a covering letter to a third-party organization (see Example 4) and are indicated in the letter as attachments. These documents are prepared in a standard manner, i.e. according to the rules applicable to certain types of documents.

1 layer thickness should be from 0.5 to 20 mm.

2 figure 1 – 14

Numbers in table columns should be inserted so that the digits of numbers in the entire graph are located one below the other, if they relate to the same indicator. In one column, as a rule, the same number of decimal places must be observed for all values.

If a document contains a small amount of digital material, it it is inappropriate to format it in a table, but should be given in text, arranging digital data in the form of columns.


Maximum deviations of profile sizes for all numbers:

in height...................................................  2.5%

along the shelf width...................................  1.5%

by wall thickness...................................  0.3%

3.3 Formulation of mathematical formulas

Formulation of formulas in a course or diploma project is carried out in accordance with GOST 2.105-95 andGOST 7.32-2001.

Mathematical formulas in documents are separated from the text at the top and bottom by one free line.

The transfer of the formula is carried out after specifying the mathematical sign (=,+,-, : ,х) with its repetition on new line. Between the signs of arithmetic operations and adjacent symbols or numbers, gaps are made in one space (for example: 6 x 9 = 54; A - C = D).

An explanation of the meanings of the symbols is given directly below the formula, the writing of which ends with a comma. Explanations begin after the word “where,” without a colon. The word “where” is written one space below the formula. The meaning of each character is written on a new line, one below the other. The meaning of the first character is written after one space after the word “where”. A semicolon is placed at the end of each explanation. The last explanation ends with a period. The use of typewritten and handwritten symbols in the same formula is not allowed.

If there are several formulas in the text, they should be numbered. Numbering is carried out in Arabic numerals, which are placed at the same level with the formula at the border of the right margin of the sheet in parentheses. Numbering can be continuous or associated with the number of a section (chapter) of the text, but not with the numbers of paragraphs or subparagraphs.

Examples of continuous numbering: (1), (6). The numbering associated with sections (chapters) is as follows: (1.3), (6.5), etc. Here 1 and 6 are the numbers of sections (chapters), 3 and 5 are the numbers of formulas in them. When referring to a formula in a document, it is performed according to the example: according to formula (3); in accordance with formula (2.5).


The density of each type of sample  is calculated using formula (1).

where m is the mass of the sample, kg;

V - sample volume (m3);

 - sample density (kg/m 3).

Formulas, following one after another and not separated by text, separated by commas.

3.4 Application design

Applications in a course or diploma project are completed in accordance with GOST 2.105-95 andGOST 7.32-2001.

Applications can be, for example, graphic material, large format tables, descriptions of algorithms and problem solving programs, etc.

The text of the document must contain links to all applications. Applications are arranged in the order of references to them in the text of the document.

Every application should start with new page indicating at the top in the middle of the page the word “Appendix” and its designation, and below it in parentheses the word “(mandatory)” is written for a mandatory application, and “(recommended)” or “(reference)” for an informational one.

The application must have a title, which is written symmetrically relative to the text with a capital letter on a separate line.

Applications are designated in capital letters of the Russian alphabet, starting with A, with the exception of the letters E, Z, Y, O, CH, b, Ъ. After the word “Application” there is a letter indicating its sequence.

If a document has one appendix, it is designated “Appendix A.”

The application must have continuous page numbering in common with the rest of the document.

All attachments must be listed in the table of contents with their names and titles. Links to the application are formatted as follows: “Information about modern computers is presented in Appendix A.”

Appendix A


Modern microcomputers

Figure A.1 – Notebook

Table A.1 – Characteristics of the IBM PC


Microprocessor type

1.Clock frequency, MHz

2. Bit depth. bit

3. Amount of RAM, MB

4. Cache memory size, KB

5. NMD capacity, GB

Figure 3.4 – Application design example

5. Design of an application to the project

1. The project may have applications (provisions, plans, programs, reports, lists, tables, lists, sample forms, and so on). A project that has several applications is numbered in Arabic numerals without indicating the N sign. If there is one application to the project, then its numbering is not indicated. When referring to applications in the text of the project, the N sign is also not indicated.

2. The legal force of applications and decisions of the Duma of the city to which they relate is the same.

3. All documents attached to the project with the references “attached”, “according to the appendix”, “Appendix 1”, are drawn up as appendices to the project in accordance with this Procedure. The use of italics, underlining or other emphases is not permitted.

4. The mark “Attachment” indicating the date and project number is placed in the upper right corner of the page, aligned to the left, printed in lowercase letters, font size 14.


to the Duma decision

city ​​of Nizhnevartovsk

from___.___._____ N ____

5. The name of the application must correspond to the name specified in the project, printed in a non-bold font size of 14 lowercase letters, centered.

6. Application text begins with paragraph indentation, printed in lowercase letters, font size 14, justified.

7. The application may have the following basic structural elements of text:

1) section;

4) subparagraphs;

5) paragraphs.

8. The structure of the application to the project and the need to include certain structural elements of the text in it are determined based on the scope and content of the project. The structural elements of the text of the annex to the project are arranged in a sequence that ensures the logical development of the topic, the transition from general provisions to specific ones.

9. Sections and chapters have a title and a serial number indicated in Arabic numerals. The title of a section or chapter is printed in lowercase letters, in bold font, size 14 and centered. If there are no chapters in the project, no section is entered.

10. All points of the project application begin with a red line. The paragraphs have a single (end-to-end) numbering for the entire application or chapter (section), which is indicated by Arabic numerals with a dot; they do not have headings.

11. The clauses of the annex to the project can be divided into subclauses, which are indicated by Arabic numerals with a bracket without a dot. After numerical designations with a bracket, subclauses begin with a lowercase letter and are separated by a semicolon. If a project subclause includes several paragraphs, they are separated from each other by dots.

12. A project paragraph is a piece of text between two indents (red lines).

13. If in the appendix to the project this or that object or this or that concept is repeatedly mentioned, then at the first mention of such an object or concept it is given in full, and in brackets an abbreviated name is given in the form: “(hereinafter -___)”. It should be borne in mind that the introduced abbreviation is not of a normative nature and is used in a specific text. The draft does not use abbreviated names of government bodies of the Russian Federation, government bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, or local government bodies of municipalities.

The names of bodies, organizations and other objects mentioned in the draft are given in full accordance with their official names provided for in the charters, regulations on them, decisions on their creation or renaming, and so on. The use of abbreviated names is allowed only in non-text appendices to projects.