How to properly charge a smartphone with a new battery

The problem with any smartphone is its short battery life. Conventional phones, the predecessors of smartphones, lasted several days without recharging. The battery of modern gadgets sits down in a day, at most two. This is a payment for large screens, multimedia applications, Internet access, etc. Therefore, you have to charge the battery very often, which is why it begins to degrade within a year after use. And in order to extend the battery life of your smartphone, it is important to properly charge it while it is new. There is a lot of discussion about how to properly charge a new smartphone battery. Let's try to understand this issue.

To begin with, it is worth saying a few words about the types of batteries used in phones. Modern smartphones use lithium-ion (Li─Ion) and lithium-polymer (Li─Pol) rechargeable batteries. What are these devices?

Lithium ─ ion batteries have come to consumer electronics, displacing batteries as well. The lithium ion batteries were superior in performance to the above, with the exception of the discharge current. They have this value significantly lower. But since this is not so important in smartphones, tablets and laptops, lithium batteries have firmly occupied this niche.

In lithium batteries, the main problem was the use of lithium electrodes. Due to the instability of lithium, it has not been possible to create a safe source of energy for consumer devices. Therefore, manufacturers began to develop electrodes not from lithium, but from its various compounds. And with a small loss of energy density, they managed to create batteries with the required characteristics.

We recommend that you additionally read the article on battery storage.
This is how lithium ion batteries with a negative electrode made of carbon materials were developed. Cobalt oxides were used as the active mass of the positive electrode. This material has a potential of 4 volts with respect to the carbon electrode in which lithium is intercalated. Therefore, most lithium ion batteries have a voltage of 3-4 volts.

During the discharge of the lithium-ion battery at the negative electrode, Li is deintercalated from the carbon material. At the positive electrode, lithium is intercalated into oxide. When the battery is being charged, this process is reversed. There is no metallic Li in the system. The charge-discharge process is the transfer of Li ions between the electrodes. They even began to be called "rocking chair" batteries.

Smartphones also use lithium-polymer rechargeable batteries (Li-Pol). They are based on the transition of polymers to a semiconductor. This occurs when electrolyte ions are introduced into their structure. As a result of this process, the conductivity of the polymer material increases significantly. Scientists are working towards finding a polymer material that would replace a liquid electrolyte. Such searches are underway for both Li-Ion and metal Li batteries. In the latter, in the case of using a polymer electrolyte, the energy density can increase several times in comparison with lithium ionic ones.

Now battery manufacturers have already mastered the serial production of lithium batteries of the following types:

  • polymer electrolytes in which lithium salts are embedded. It may not be a single polymer, but a mixture;
  • dry electrolytes based on polymer. Most of them are polyethylene oxide with various lithium salts;
  • microporous matrices, where non-aqueous solutions of lithium salts are embedded.

Smartphone battery charger

Now, with regard to the charger (charger) for the smartphone battery. Let's briefly consider the main aspects of choosing a storage device for a smartphone:

  • original or universal charging. It is better to charge the smartphone from the "native" charger. But if you choose a universal charger in accordance with the characteristics of the smartphone battery, then there is no difference. It is safe to charge from a computer, but it takes a long time;
  • what current to charge. The charger should charge with a current not exceeding the maximum battery charging current. This value can be found in the battery specifications. In most cases, with a smartphone battery capacity of up to 1800 mAh, the charging current is 1 A. If the capacity is larger, then 2 A;
  • cable. Use the data cable for charging. The smartphone battery identifies the charger by it. Otherwise, the charging process may end up sadly.

The new battery should be discharged to zero, namely before turning off the smartphone. After that, put it on charging from a standard mains charger. Check your phone manual for the full battery charging time. When charging a new smartphone battery for the first time, add a couple more hours by then. In case of charging with an original charger, you can not be afraid to recharge the battery. Such chargers cut off the power supply when a new battery is filled with capacity. Once your new smartphone is fully charged, you can use it as usual.

You don't have to try to discharge it as quickly as possible. The main thing is not to forget that the new smartphone will need to be charged for charging only after the battery is discharged to zero. And so the new battery will need to be charged and discharged 3-4 times. After that, the charge is already done in the normal mode.

With further operation, the new one no longer needs to be discharged to zero. Moreover, it is undesirable. It is necessary to charge the battery when the battery is discharged to a level of 12-14%. By the way, you don't need to charge your smartphone battery up to 100% if it's not new. It is enough to bring the charge level to 80-90%.

Experts recommend that you train your phone's battery once a month. It consists in the fact that the battery is discharged to zero and charged to 100%. Do not forget your smartphone on charging for a long time if you use "non-native" chargers. This can damage the battery. Be careful when using third party chargers designed for cigarette lighters in your vehicle. Match these chargers to the battery characteristics of your new smartphone.

There are such devices, which are popularly called "frogs" for their appearance. With their help, you can charge the battery directly without a smartphone. Their choice also needs to be approached carefully. The requirements are the same, the correspondence to the charged smartphone battery in terms of power, voltage, current.

Overcharging negatively affects the battery and the phone. When buying a new device, it is worth adhering to certain rules of initial use. Otherwise, the phone will start to discharge very quickly. Therefore, it is important to know how to properly charge a new smartphone battery. This procedure is figuratively called "pumping".

Pumping is necessary to keep the charge as long as possible. There are several instructions for such a procedure, but in order to choose the right one, you need to decide on the type of battery.

Mainly used in mobile devices:

  • lithium ion;
  • lithium polymer ;
  • nickel-cadmium .

Nickel ones were used on older phones with buttons. They are significantly different from newer gadgets. In the latter, lithium is already used. They are small, safe and powerful. Lithium batteries do not have a "memory effect" in which the loss of capacity can be disturbed if the battery is not charged correctly.

The new devices also have their own characteristics. Lithium batteries react negatively to low temperatures, so it's better to use your smartphone less often in cold weather. Care should be taken to ensure that the battery is not completely discharged. Lithiums do not like charging "to the eyeballs". The best option is 80-90 percent.

First Charge Versions

It is believed that a new phone battery must be calibrated the first time it is charged. Indeed, this is important. The duration and quality of the gadget depends on the correct charging.

There are several versions of how to charge a new battery:

  1. Smartphone sellers recommend initially discharging the smartphone, and then fully charging it ... There is a version that for a good calibration, the procedure needs to be repeated three times. The same steps apply when purchasing a separate new battery.
  2. According to another method, the gadget is initially completely discharged. ... Then the battery should be filled with the mobile device turned off within 12 hours. At this moment, charging is done by direct current. This procedure is performed only once. Then all the "pumped" gatgets are charged in the usual mode, as required.
  3. It is believed that the first time the battery should be filled with the smartphone off for at least a day ... After such a lengthy calibration, the device will work perfectly. The procedure needs to be performed only once.
  4. Another version: the primary charging of the battery must take place strictly when the mobile device is turned on. ... And it's not worth keeping it connected to the network for a long time. Before using the phone, it is enough to completely discharge it just once, but the device needs to be connected to the network to fill the battery before the smartphone turns off completely.

Some sellers assure buyers that, thanks to modern technology, new charged batteries do not need to be calibrated at all. Each version is partially true. The choice of method directly depends on the type of battery installed in the smartphone. The most common type of batteries are Li-Ion. For Ni-MH batteries, the initial calibration is carried out up to five times, no less.

Regardless of the smartphone, there is a rule that everyone should follow when buying a new phone or battery for a device. It needs to be discharged completely until the mobile turns off on its own. However, until the calibration is complete, you need to monitor the charge level. Its excess is harmful to any type of battery.

The phone needs to be charged with 5 percent of the remaining battery power. Some smartphones have a built-in function of notification about the need to fill the battery. This helps to properly calibrate the new device. If after 100% charging the phone remains connected to the network for a long time, the "pumping" period is interrupted. Initial battery calibration is out of order.

"Native" chargers do not allow filling with excess energy. Some gadgets have a built-in power off function at 100% filling. However, Chinese models often do not have this service, so you need to monitor the initial calibration and turn off the phone on time yourself.

The alternation method helps to properly charge a new battery. First, the battery is filled to 100 percent, then to 80, then again to 100 percent. This procedure is best done after the 3rd cycle of initial charges. Otherwise, the calibration is lost.

To preserve battery performance (if the mobile device is not going to be used for a long time), the smartphone turns off when the phone has 40 percent charge.

Instructions for the first battery charge

Against the background of all the versions listed above, you can use the general instructions on how to charge a new phone and how many times you need to do it for correct calibration. After purchasing a mobile device, you need to turn it on immediately and completely discharge it, to zero. Then the gadget is put on charge, and the battery is filled with energy to 100 percent. In this case, the phone itself must be turned off.

When fully charged, the phone is activated and the whole procedure is repeated again. Complete discharge and then filling. This calibration must be repeated at least three times, and preferably 5 times. This will help keep the battery working for a longer time. If the seller did not tell you how to charge the battery for the first time, follow the general guidelines.

If you still have doubts about how to properly charge the battery, you can ask the seller about this when purchasing a mobile device. And smartphones should be accompanied by instructions, which indicate the type of battery, how to charge it correctly and how many times the "pumping" is performed.

You don't need to calibrate a new charger. However, in this case, after a few months of operation, a new phone battery may be required. If you do not perform the initial calibration, then the risk increases that the device will work only when it is plugged in after 100-150 days.

Low battery life of a smartphone is an urgent problem for a modern person who needs to always stay in touch. Because of this lack of gadgets, users are forced to regularly incur additional costs - for the purchase, for paid charging services in shops, even for the purchase of "second" phones that can "insure" the main device in case it "sits down".

However, the fact that the gadget is quickly discharged, as a rule, the user himself is much more to blame than the manufacturer. By following some rules for charging a smartphone, you can significantly increase the duration of its battery life.

Why does my phone run out of charge quickly?

The user should not be surprised by the fact that a simple "dialer" is capable of working without an outlet for 1-2 weeks, while the smartphone sits down within a day after the last recharge. The functionality is usually so primitive that it will drain the battery just nothing... At the same time, smartphones have a whole arsenal of additional options, thanks to which they can successfully replace navigators, cameras, game consoles and other highly specialized devices. All these options are rapidly "eating up" amperes.

Here are the main enemies of smartphone batteries:

  • Wi-Fi... When Wi-Fi is turned on, the battery drain is much faster. If the distribution of wireless Internet is also activated on the smartphone, you can see how the countdown of the battery charge percentage goes right before your eyes. An important point is that when Wi-Fi is on, it drains the battery more during periods of searching for a network than during a constant connection. That is why, after leaving the reception area, it is worth not only switching to LTE, but also turning off Wi-Fi.
  • Geolocation... Thanks to the enabled geolocation, the user of the mobile device is able to track his location on the map and find out how far to the destination point. Many people do not feel such a need, and therefore geolocation works in vain on their smartphones, devouring precious milliamps.
  • Long conversations... In the specifications, the approximate battery life of gadgets is always indicated in 2 options: In standby and talk time... Talk time is much shorter. The user should, if possible, replace live communication with correspondence in and messengers, if he wants his device to last longer without recharging.

Contrary to popular belief, applications that are open on a smartphone in the background have almost no effect on battery consumption. Starting a program "from scratch" is a much more energy-consuming procedure, therefore, if you use any application constantly, it is pointless to close it every time.

The reason for the rapid drain on the battery is not always found on programmatic level. Perhaps the whole point is in a technical malfunction, poor quality of the battery or in its deterioration. Each battery has its own service life, which is measured in the number of charge cycles. When the threshold value is reached, the smartphone starts to sit down faster with each new charge.

The battery has an approximate life of 500 cycles, which is one and a half to two years of use. From the 501st cycle, the battery of the "apple" gadget begins to lose efficiency. After reaching the 1000th cycle, the battery capacity, as a rule, is only 50% of the original. You can find out the number of charging cycles on the iPhone using the program Battery life.

Slow charging: what is the reason?

The reason that the smartphone is charging slow, it is hardly a malfunction of the gadget and its components. Most likely, the problem lies in the elements of the charger or in the power source.

If the smartphone is being recharged not from the outlet, but from the port of a laptop or PC, you should not expect that the battery will fill “to the brim” in the usual time. USB port format 2.0 provides power in just 2.5W, while for recharging a battery with a capacity of 3000 mAp require approximately 5 watts... Ports of the format cope better with the task of recharging gadgets 3.0 giving 4.5 watts

However, if the laptop is equipped, then you can forget about connecting the smartphone to the outlet forever. The new USB type is capable of charging devices with up to 100 watts, which means that it will not be difficult to quickly fill the battery of a mobile phone and even a tablet through this outlet.

Poor quality USB cable and insufficient adapter performance can also cause slow charging. When choosing an adapter, pay attention to current power- indicator, expressed in amperes (A). Previously, this moment had to be taken into account - if the current power was low, the device was charged slowly or "did not get" the capacity. In this case, it was impossible to "bend" the stick, too much current could harm the battery. In 2019, this problem does not exist.

There is no need to worry about the fact that a too powerful current "burns" the smartphone - all gadgets have special charging controllers that do not pass more current than the device is able to withstand. In addition, a high-quality SDU has similar controllers.

How to charge your phone: the main rules

Mobile users still remember the rule from the 2000s: discharge your phone to 0%, then fully charge... This rule is relevant only for nickel batteries, which now you will not find "in the afternoon with fire." Most smartphones come with lithium-ion batteries that cannot be discharged to zero - this causes them irreparable harm!

In recent years, the manufacturers of mobile equipment began to receive information that in order to "maintain" the life of the battery, it should be kept at a level of 20 to 80%. Of course, you can go beyond this framework, but ideally you should adhere to the recommendations. In some modern gadgets, already at the hardware level, the function of automatically cutting off the power supply when the capacity reaches 80% is implemented, or there is a corresponding option in the power settings. Representatives of the company spoke about this mode. If there is no special function, then nothing prevents you from installing the appropriate software from PlayMarket or AppStore, which will perform a similar task.

  • Do not leave a fully charged smartphone plugged into an outlet- all the more so for the whole night. This leads to overheating of the battery and, as a result, to a reduction in its life. To avoid disastrous consequences, the user should pay attention to impulse chargers - we will tell you how they differ from the usual ones later.
  • Monitor temperature... During recharging, the smartphone already heats up - if it is also left in the sun, it can easily fail. Of course, the device should not be covered or hidden somewhere. All this is additional heating and, as a result, possible breakdown. Do not forget that low temperatures are no less detrimental to the battery. The reference ambient temperature for charging is 20 degrees Celsius.
  • Power your smartphone regularly- at least a little bit. Short-term charging is not detrimental to modern lithium-ion batteries- this is proven by an organization called Battery Research and Manufacturing University (Cadex)... To be able to feed the gadget in any conditions, it is worth purchasing the so-called -. Our site has already talked about
  • Once every three months (but not more often), completely discharge the smartphone and charge up to 100%. This measure will allow you to calibrate the electronics, which is responsible for the correct display of the percentage of charge. A user who neglects such a measure should not be surprised that his gadget "suddenly" turns off at 5-10%.
  • To not allowdeep discharge . This concept means a long stay of a smartphone in a discharged state. The gadget is dead and does not turn on- one of the most common complaints from users claiming warranty service.

An important point - if the phone is planned to be "mothballed", that is, it will not be used in the near future, the battery should be charged up to 50%. In this state, the device must be turned off. It is impossible to completely discharge or charge the smartphone before sending it to temporary rest.

The recommendation to use only original accessories for recharging is highly questionable. Of course, it is better to feed the gadget with the charger that was included in the kit. However, if it fails, the user will face a serious dilemma due to an understandable desire to save money - after all, the original accessory is twice or three times more expensive than the universal one.

Actually there is no big difference between universal and original chargers... If a universal charger for a smartphone is produced by a well-known company, and not by a Chinese "know-name", it will definitely not ruin the gadget.

How to properly charge a new battery?

To follow the advice to discharge and charge a new smartphone three times is a sure way to "ditch" the battery in the first days of use. So it was necessary to do this again with nickel batteries - as for lithium batteries, each complete discharge significantly reduces their service life.

Modern gadgets do not have special requirements for the first charge. Users do not need to believe in "noodles" that consultants and "pseudo-experts" of thematic sites "hang on their ears".

It is best for the smartphone owner to take the manual, find out what it says about the charging time, and leave the gadget plugged into the outlet for the time specified in the manual. After this time, you should disconnect the device with 100% charging from the power supply and then adhere to the rules listed above.

How to choose a smartphone charger?

Many of the parameters to look out for when choosing a phone charger have already been mentioned in this article. In fact, for modern gadgets, the SZU is selected according to the principle - the higher the current, power and voltage, the better. The fact is that a few years ago, a powerful charge could very well burn out the battery. In 2019, power supplies have controllers and modes that determine what exactly is connected to them and, based on this, they supply current with safe parameters.

Other parameters to look at when buying are as follows:

  • A type... All memory devices are conventionally classified into 2 types: transformer and impulse... Pulse ones differ in that they are equipped with timers that are able to automatically stop charging. The impulse memory mode lasts about 4 hours - this time, as a rule, is enough for the battery to gain the bulk of its capacity. Then the energy begins to be supplied in small portions - "impulses" - so that the smartphone does not lose its charge.
  • Construction and design... Solid chargers that prevent the user from disconnecting the cable from the power supply are a thing of the past. Acquisition of such a charge unprofitable, because the owner of the gadget has to buy a USB cable “in addition” to it - if he intends to download data from a PC to a smartphone.

It is more advisable to purchase a cable and adapter equipped with multiple ports.

Thanks to this adapter, the user is able to charge two or more mobile devices. at the same time- to do this, you just need to buy a second cable, which is much cheaper than additional charging.

When ordering a charging adapter on the Chinese website, the user should also pay attention to plug type... For Russian sockets you need European standard plugs- example in the picture above in the upper left corner. However, there is no particular sense in ordering an SDS in China today, Russian online stores offer more than a decent selection of high-quality devices with adequate prices. You can find the best options in our rating of wall chargers below.

Best wall chargers

Qumo 23714

Price: from 1 299 rubles.

Quite a budget model with 3 outputs. The top has support for Quick Charge (3.0, 2.0, 1.0). The maximum current is 4.2 A, the power is 18 W. The SZU automatically selects the necessary parameters for charging the connected gadget, and also has protection against voltage surges, overloads and short circuits. An option for those who need to quickly and safely charge several gadgets without paying a lot of money for it.

Aukey PA-Y9

Price: from 1,490 rubles.

Stylish charger from Aukey is equipped with a reversible USB-C 5V / 3A connector and a classic USB-A 5V / 2.1A port. The total power is 25.5 watts. This will allow you to safely charge any gadget from the latest iPhone to any tablet. The case of the SZU is made of high-quality plastic with Soft Touch coating. The plug, if necessary, retracts into a special niche on the case, which simplifies the process of storing the unit or carrying it with you.


Price: from 1 690 rubles.

A model with an interesting design and three connectors. This is a great option for charging Apple appliances and any other expensive devices. The upper USB-C port with 5V / 5.4A is designed for charging or notebooks powered by Type-C, the two lower USB-A 5V / 2.4A ports are suitable for powering any mobile gadget. The total power is 28 watts.

The SZU received support for Automax technology, which is able to understand which device is connected to it and give the appropriate current parameters for safe charging. In addition, protection against overheating, short circuit, high voltage is provided. The power supply comes with a silicone case (you can choose between a red or a blue version), which has slots for attaching the power cable.

RIVACASE Rivapower VA4125 + Lightning

Price: from 1 890 rubles.

Not the most interesting SZU from the point of execution, but quite convenient and functional. The model is equipped with two USB-A connectors with 5 V / 3.4 A with a total output power of 17 W. This is enough to charge two smartphones or tablets at the same time. Includes a detachable 1.2m Lightning cable to charge your iPhone. The charger is available in white or black. An excellent option for those who need a power supply with a cable included for a reasonable price and with good quality.

Belkin F7U011vfSLV

Price: from 1 990 rubles.

Belkin accessories are the most loved by Apple owners. This is not surprising, since this company does not only high quality, but also very stylish. The model received two outputs - USB-C and USB-A. The first has a current of 3 A, the second 2.4 A, the total power is 27 W. SZU is made of high-quality plastic with high wear resistance and fire-fighting properties. The case is quite compact, which makes it convenient to carry with you. Color: Silver. There is MFI certification.

ANKER PowerPort Speed ​​5 Ports 63W

Price: from 2,990 rubles.

A model designed for 5 devices at once. Suitable for those who have a lot of gadgets at home or in the office. All outputs are USB-A type, two ports support Quick Charge, the remaining three support PowerIQ (automatic selection of current supply parameters depending on the connected device). The device has a blue LED indicator of operation - by it the user will be able to understand that the RAM is connected to the network. The accessory is small, all internal elements are hidden in a high-quality plastic case. The total power is 63 W, the maximum current is 12 A. There is MFI certification, that is, Apple officially recognizes this device as safe for its equipment.


Unfortunately, domestic users continue to stubbornly believe the widespread myths about charging mobile devices. They do not even suspect that, trying, for example, to discharge the batteries of smartphones to the end, they are doing a disservice to their devices. Recommendations that remained in the memory of users in the 2000s are relevant for nickel batteries... In modern smartphones, there are lithium ion batteries whose care requirements are completely different.

Modern mobile devices perform many functions. Therefore, they often require recharging. Not everyone knows how to properly charge the phone so as not to damage the battery. There are several guidelines to help you extend battery life.

Modern smartphones on charging.

Smartphones are powered by lithium-ion or polymer batteries. The first type has replaced nickel-metal hydride and nickel-cadmium batteries.

Despite the many positive characteristics, lithium-ion batteries have a number of disadvantages. In its pure form, metal was rarely used. It was replaced with different alloys.

Lithium polymer power supplies operate on the principle of polymer transfer to a conductor. Electrolyte ions increase conductivity. The following types of batteries are now produced:

  • with polymer fillers enriched with lithium salts;
  • with dry polymer fillers;
  • with porous matrices provided with lithium-based compositions.

How to properly charge a new smartphone battery?

Smartphone manufacturers advise in a special way, otherwise the battery can be damaged. Replacing a non-removable battery is difficult. The general rules for charging include the following recommendations:

Tip: how to properly charge your new smartphone.

  1. Start with a complete discharge. It is not necessary to load the smartphone for this. Loss of charge should be gradual.
  2. The device is connected to. You need to know how long a full charge cycle takes. 2 hours are added to the value indicated in the instructions.
  3. After the charge is restored to 100%, the smartphone can be used as usual. After waiting for the discharge again, the charging procedure is repeated. To increase the battery life, 3-4 such cycles are enough.

New phone with li-ion battery

Lithium-ion power supplies are sensitive to full discharge. Even a new phone shouldn't be discharged to 0%. The charge should be kept at 20-30%. Do not keep the phone connected to the mains at all times. It is recommended to undercharge the battery keeping the capacity at 90-95%.

New smartphone with li-pol battery

Lithium polymer batteries also do not tolerate critical discharge. You need to “swing” the battery no more than 2 times. When the charge drops to 15%, the smartphone is connected to the mains. Subsequently, it is recommended to recharge the device in small portions.

There are several opinions as to whether the battery should be fully discharged and recharged the first time. Lithium polymer power supplies have no memory effect, so this procedure is pointless.

In the manufacture of the battery, an inhibitor is introduced to extend the life of the product. During the first charge recovery cycles, the substance disintegrates, which increases the battery capacity.

Li-pol battery for smartphone.

How to extend the battery life of your phone?

The methods for extending the useful life depend on the type of battery, but there are general guidelines:

  1. The smartphone is charged only with the original device. When the probability of overcharging increases, the device automatically stops the cycle. Using the charger supplied with another smartphone may damage the performance of the battery.
  2. It is necessary to properly operate the battery. It is recommended to store the phone at a positive temperature and normal air humidity. Overheating or hypothermia negatively affects the operation of the device.
  3. When sent for storage, the battery is discharged to 50%. Do not leave your phone with a fully charged or discharged battery.
  4. Artisanal methods cannot be used to restore capacity. Connecting wires directly or mechanical impact slightly extends the time of using the smartphone. However, the use of such methods makes the battery unsuitable for further use.

How to properly charge a smartphone with a li-ion battery?

  1. Using the included charger. The device has the required characteristics, so the battery will function properly for the period declared by the manufacturer.
  2. By connecting to a computer. Charging will take longer, but the battery will not recharge or fail.
  3. Through the car cigarette lighter. The method is convenient when using the phone while traveling. Charging can take 12 hours.
  4. With the help of a universal charger. The "frog" type device is suitable for restoring the capacity of any type of battery.

The charge is calibrated every 3 months. During the procedure, the battery must be completely discharged and charged to 100%.

Rules for charging a phone with a li-pol battery

Power supplies of this type are charged to 90% and disconnected from the mains. If the phone has completely lost its charge and turned off, it must be immediately connected to the charger. Frequent recharging does not harm lithium polymer batteries. The procedure can be carried out at any convenient time. You cannot keep the phone connected to the network for more than 3 hours. If the battery is permanently connected to an outlet, it could be damaged.

Batteries of this type are equipped with a controller. Even if the indicator shows 0%, some of the energy is saved. When the 100% mark is reached, the current stops flowing. When the indicator drops to 99%, the voltage supply resumes.

Charging the ni-mh battery

Nickel-metal hydride batteries differ from previous types with a shorter service life and the presence of a memory effect. The battery remembers to what level it was charged earlier, and begins to lose capacity faster. This is avoided by “rocking” the battery. The phone is discharged to 0%, connected to the network and waiting for the scale to fill up to 100%. The capacity increases by 5-10%.

Charger ni-mh for batteries.

What is not allowed when charging a phone battery?

A battery of any type is sensitive to a drop or rise in temperature, mechanical stress, the use of non-original chargers.

With li-ion battery

Frequent full discharge can damage this type of power supply. It is not recommended to fully recharge or allow overcharging. Dangerous for such batteries and frequent calibration.

Battery performance deteriorates if it gets cold or overheated. The charge is maintained at the level of 80-90%. Phone battery training on Android is carried out every six months.

With li-pol battery

Products of this type are sensitive to the following influences:

  • complete loss of charge;
  • frequent training and calibrations;
  • constant being in a state connected to the network;
  • differences in ambient temperatures.

As with lithium-ion batteries, it is optimal to keep the charge at the level of 20-90%.

With ni-mh battery

Older batteries cannot be partially charged. This leads to a gradual decrease in capacity. It is not recommended to store a phone equipped with such elements in a charged state. With heat and mechanical stress, the battery is damaged faster than more modern products. Regular full discharge / charge helps maintain capacity. The training is carried out every 2-3 months.

When buying a phone with any power source, you need to understand that the device will not last forever. Aging and battery failure are natural processes. Correct operation of the communication device helps to slow them down.

After buying a new smartphone, the first thing the user does is connect the gadget to the network via the charger. At the same time, few people think about the fact that certain rules must be observed when charging for the first time. And then you can see that the phone has to be recharged more and more often.

The decrease in battery capacity occurs for two reasons: improper handling of the gadget and violation of the rules for the first installation for charging. In this article, we will tell you about the main types of batteries and teach you how to properly charge your smartphone battery for the first time, in which case the phone battery will last much longer than the warranty period.

On the pages of technical forums and sites, it is customary to talk about 4 main types of batteries for phones. However, in 2017, you can completely limit yourself to two types. The fact is, nickel-cadmium and nickel-metal hydride were used in gadgets 10-15 years ago and are no longer used. This is due to the fact that such batteries are difficult to operate - they have to be charged only after being completely discharged, and they can also be very toxic.

In recent years, mobile device manufacturers have been using two main types of batteries:

  • Li-ion;
  • Lithium polymer.

Such batteries can be charged at least 50, at least 20% of the charge. In addition, they are much more convenient to operate. The advantage of using lithium-polymer batteries is also that such batteries can withstand more charge cycles, and thanks to polymer electrolyte, they can be made lighter and thinner.

Speaking about how to properly charge a smartphone battery for the first time, many technical experts recommend performing a so-called swing or battery calibration:

  1. Fully discharge the phone before turning off the phone. This can be done by running several resource-intensive modules at the same time (Wi-Fi, GPS, flashlight, and so on);
  2. Connect the charger. The user manual should indicate how long it takes to fully charge the phone;
  3. Leave the phone to charge for several hours, for example overnight. By the way, it is recommended to charge the switched off smartphone so that the battery does not consume power to maintain the operation of the main systems;
  4. Repeat this procedure 2 or 4 times.

After such a buildup, you can charge the battery at any time without waiting for a complete discharge and leave it connected to the mains even with a 100% battery indicator scale. This is another advantage of Li-Ion and Li-Pol batteries: the battery does not overcharge.

Follow these simple tips to keep your phone battery as long as possible:

  • Do not let the phone battery drain completely. It is enough to bring the indicator level to 10%, and you can connect the charger;
  • You don't need to fully charge your phone. It is recommended to alternate the charge up to 70-80 and up to 100% several times a month;
  • Do not leave your smartphone online for a long time. Modern batteries, of course, can cope with the excess charge, but you should not abuse this opportunity;
  • Make sure that the phone is not exposed to heat or cold. Lithium-ion and lithium-polymer batteries are highly moody with respect to high and low temperatures;
  • If you do not use your phone for a long time, it is better to remove the battery, as the unused battery can soon, as the techies say, “fade away”.

Which smartphone with a powerful battery is best for you?

A modern user's mobile gadget rarely lies idle for more than 5 minutes. Moreover, calls and SMS are not the largest share of active use. Internet access via Wi-Fi or mobile traffic, geolocation, working with applications, playing games, watching videos and playing audio - all this puts a heavy load on even the most capacious battery.

Considering these factors, it is preferable to choose a smartphone in which a large battery capacity is combined with the performance of the hardware. A big plus in this case is the availability of the gadget. It is wrong to think that a smartphone with a powerful battery should cost tens of thousands of rubles. So, the British company Fly has been proving with each new smartphone model for 14 years that it is possible to produce a productive and long-playing device and at the same time adhere to the budget price category.

The most powerful smartphone in terms of battery capacity in the brand's model lineup is. The 4000 mAh battery demonstrates high battery life:

  • up to 15 hours of conversation;
  • up to 350 hours of waiting;
  • up to 8 hours of video playback and Internet browsing via Wi-Fi;
  • up to 70 hours of listening to music.

In addition, the smartphone battery supports XLife technology. This means that Fly Nimbus 12 can be used as an external battery to charge another smartphone or tablet. The smartphone did not disappoint in terms of technical stuffing either. A powerful 1.3 GHz quad-core processor will provide long and stable work with applications, and high-quality display of videos and photos takes place on a bright and contrast 5-inch IPS-display in HD resolution.

If the user needs a lithium-polymer battery installed in the smartphone, the gadget itself meets all modern technical requirements, and at the same time is notable for its availability, we recommend paying attention to the novelty of the spring-summer 2017 season -. Largely due to the use of a compact Li-Pol battery for 2400 mAh, the smartphone in a metal case has been made thin and light.

Combining various modes, for example, going online via Wi-Fi, watching videos, making calls, SMS and working with applications, you can safely forget about the charger from morning until late at night.

Now you know how to properly charge your phone for the first time. Choose the most suitable, reliable and powerful gadget for yourself, do not forget about our recommendations - and you will not have to think about buying a new smartphone for a long time.