What are the four characteristics of the information society named by the author?

Read the text and complete assignments 21-24.

The formation of the information society is far from complete, but it seems possible to highlight some of its characteristics.

The sector associated with the production of knowledge, processing and dissemination of information is becoming dominant in the economy. As a result, the share of costs for research and marketing of new products exceeds the material costs for its production. Thus, in the US pharmaceutical and computer firms, the latter dropped to 10-15% of its value (in the US automotive industry, they are still above 50%, which apparently determines its lag behind Japan's).

Share of know-how sales, i.e. technical information in the total volume of foreign and domestic trade begins to exceed the share of products of the agricultural, mining and manufacturing sectors of the economy. According to existing estimates, in the United States, this “threshold” was surpassed in the 1980s.

The share of the country's independent population engaged in the creation, processing and dissemination of information begins to exceed the number of the labor force employed in agriculture and industry. It should be noted here that the service sector is differentiating: some of its workers, even in the most developed countries, are still engaged in rather heavy physical labor, while most of them are starting to serve the information sector of the economy.

Information flows receive a new material medium, i.e. the global telecommunications network; and the Internet.<...>

The phenomenon of “human crisis” is becoming an essential and previously not considered factor of social development ... A person living in developed countries is exposed to huge flows of information, the possibilities of understanding which are not limitless. This leads to the fact that some of the information is not consciously perceived at all, cut off or absorbed uncritically.<...>

We can talk about the beginning of the process of the emergence of the global information society as a new stage-by-stage phase of world civilizational development.

N.V. Zagladin


The response should include the following signs:

1) the sector related to knowledge, production and processing of information becomes dominant in the economy;

2) the share of sales of technical information in the total volume of international trade exceeds the share of agriculture and industry;

3) the share of the population engaged in the production and processing of information exceeds the share of the population engaged in industrial and agricultural labor;

4) information receives a new material medium (Internet, world telecommunications).

TEST No. 5
Informatics (base 9)
Option 1
1. The information revolution is ...
changes in society

2. The third information revolution is associated with the invention ...

The emergence of a more perfect way of storing information is associated with ...
information revolution.
4. On what elements were the second generation computers built?
1.on microcircuits
2.on electronic tubes
3.on semiconductors

5.On integrated circuits
5. What generation of computers were built on microcircuits?
5.the fifth
6. When ... the company focuses on the development and implementation of the technical base
- computers that provide the accumulation of information and prompt receipt
the results of its processing.
7. As a result of what information revolution, the mass distribution of the printed
products made cultural values ​​available to the public, opened up the opportunity
independent and purposeful personality development?

8. The society of production and consumption is ...
1.information society
2.industrial society
9. In what society from a person is required the ability to create, the demand for
in the information
in industrial
10. Ability to purposefully work with information and use it to obtain it,
processing and transmission of computer information technology, modern
technical means and methods are ...
information culture

TEST No. 5
Informatics (base 9)
Option 2
1. How many information revolutions have humanity survived?
1. 2
2. 3
3. 4
4. 5
2. The fourth information revolution is associated with the invention ...
microprocessor technology
3. The emergence of a means to strengthen your own intellectual activity
associated with ... the information revolution.
the first
4. On what elements were the first generation computers built?
1.on microcircuits
2.on electronic tubes
3.on semiconductors
4.on electromechanical relays
6.On integrated circuits
5. What generation of computers were built on integrated circuits?
6. Informatization is ...
stages of the emergence of means and methods of information processing that caused
society determined by the level of development of industry and its technical base
a society in which the majority of employees are engaged in production, storage,
processing, sale of information and its exchange
the process by which conditions are created to meet the needs of any
a person in obtaining the necessary information
7. What information revolution took place during the Renaissance?
the first
the second

8. Society moves to a higher level of development and acquires a new quality
thanks ...
2.information revolution
9. What kind of society is based on intelligence as a tool of knowledge?
Within what approach does information culture mean
a set of knowledge, skills and abilities of search, selection, storage, analysis
information, that is, everything that is included in information activities, directed
directed to meet information needs?

TEST No. 5
Informatics (base 9)
Option 3
1. The first information revolution is associated with the invention ...
3.microprocessor technology
2. The emergence of means of information communication is associated with ... information
3. As a result of what information revolution did the telegraph, telephone, radio appear?
4. How many generations is the history of the development of computers divided into?
1. 2
2. 3
3. 4
4. 5
5. What are the components of the fourth generation computers?
1.on microcircuits
2.on electronic tubes
3.on semiconductors
4.on electromechanical relays
5.On integrated circuits
6. The Information Society is ...
stages of the emergence of means and methods of information processing that caused
dramatic changes in society
society, determined by the level of development of industry and its technical
a society in which the majority of workers are engaged in production,
storage, processing, sale of information and its exchange
process by which the conditions for satisfying needs are created
any person in obtaining the necessary information
7. As a result of which information revolution it became possible to provide
faster exchange of information between people?

8. The impetus for what information revolution was the invention in the middle of 40
x years of the XX century electronic computing machines (computers)?
9. In what society will the activities of people focus mainly on
processing of information, and the production of energy and material products will be
entrusted to machines?
in the information
in industrial
10. Which approach is used for the content of the concept of "information culture"
expands, since all the information accumulated by mankind is
the property of world culture?

TEST No. 5
Informatics (base 9)
Option 4
1. The second information revolution is associated with the invention ...
2.microprocessor technology
2. The emergence of qualitatively new (in comparison with the oral form) means and methods
accumulation of information is associated with ... the information revolution.
the first
3. As a result of which information revolution there was a possibility of accumulation
knowledge in writing for transmission to future generations?
4. A means of strengthening one's own intellectual activity is ...
1. phone
5. On what elements were the computers of the third generation built?
1.on microcircuits
2.on electronic tubes
3.on semiconductors
4.on electromechanical relays
5.On integrated circuits
6. Industrial society is ...

changes in society
2.Society determined by the level of development of industry and its technical base
3.a society in which the majority of employees are engaged in production, storage,
processing, sale of information and its exchange
4.the process by which conditions are created to meet the needs of any person
in obtaining the necessary information
7. As a result of what information revolution there was an opportunity
to provide a faster exchange of information between people?
the first

1. Information Society:

1) the concept of a post-industrial society;

2) a new historical phase in the development of civilization

3) philosophical utopia

4) chronological period of the 20th century

2. The transition to the next global stage in the development of society is carried out by:

1) scientific and technological revolution,

2) social revolution

3. Highlight 4 main reasons for information revolutions:

1) language spread

2) the spread of agriculture

3) the emergence of writing

4) mass printing

5) the invention of the steam locomotive

6) the use of electrical communication

7) use of computers

4. The distinctive features of the information society are:

1) increasing the role of information and knowledge in the life of society

2) an increase in the share of information communications, products and services in the gross domestic product

3) the majority of the population has television equipment

4) the majority of the population uses mobile communications

5. Creation of a global information space, provides:

1) effective information interaction of people,

2) access to world information resources

3) meeting the needs of people in information products and services

6. The most significant threat of the transition period to the information society is:

1) dividing people into: 1) having information, 2) not having access to it

2) dividing people into: 1) those who know how to handle information technologies 2) those who do not have such skills

3) high cost of information technology

4) the use of complex synthetic materials in information technology

7. Despite the dangers, information technology:

2) increase the ability of people to participate in political decision-making and follow the actions of governments;

3) provide an opportunity to actively produce information, and not just consume it;

4) provide a means of protecting the privacy and anonymity of personal messages and communications

Natural agriculture It is based on industry, in agriculture - to increase labor productivity. Destruction of natural addiction. The basis of production is information. The service sector is at the forefront.
Primitive crafts Machine technology Computer techologies
The prevalence of collective ownership. Protecting the property of only the upper stratum of society. Traditional economics. The basis of the economy is state and private property, a market economy. The presence of different forms of ownership. Mixed economy.
The production of goods is limited to a certain type, the list is limited. Standardization is uniformity in the production and consumption of goods and services. Individualization of production, right up to exclusiveness.
Extensive economy Intense economy Increase in the share of small-scale production.
Hand tools Machine technology, conveyor manufacturing, automation, mass production A developed sector of the economy is associated with the production of knowledge, processing and dissemination of information.
Dependence on natural and climatic conditions Independence from natural and climatic conditions Cooperation with nature, resource-saving, environmentally friendly technologies.
Slow introduction of innovations into the economy. Scientific and technical progress. Modernization of the economy.
The standard of living of the bulk of the population is low. Population income growth. Mercantilism consciousness. High level and quality of life of people.
Dependence of position on social status. Basic units of society - family, community The emergence of new classes - the bourgeoisie and the industrial proletariat. Urbanization. The erasure of class distinctions. The growth of the share of the middle class. The share of the population employed in the processing and dissemination of information over the labor force in agriculture and industry increases significantly
The stability of the social structure, the boundaries between social communities are stable, the observance of a strict social hierarchy. Class. The mobility of the social structure is great, the possibilities of social movement are not limited. The emergence of classes. Elimination of social polarization. Erasing class distinctions.
Dominance of the Church and the Army The role of the state is growing. Political pluralism
Power is hereditary, the source of power is the will of God. The rule of law and law (though more often on paper) Equality before the law. Individual rights and freedoms are enshrined in legislation. The main regulator of relations is the rule of law. Civil society. The relationship between the individual and society is based on the principle of mutual responsibility.
Monarchical forms of government, political freedoms are absent, power is above the law, the absorption of the individual by the collective, the despotic state The state subjugates society, society outside the state and its control does not exist. Granting political freedoms, the republican form of government prevails. Man is an active subject of politics. Democratic transformations Law, right - not on paper, but in practice. Democracy. Democracy of "consensus". Political pluralism.
Norms, customs, beliefs. Continuing education.
Providencealism consciousness, fanatical attitude to religion. Secularization consciousness. The emergence of atheists. Freedom of conscience and religion.
Individualism and identity of the individual were not encouraged, the collective consciousness prevails over the individual. Individualism, rationalism, utilitarianism of consciousness. Striving to prove yourself, to achieve success in life.
There are few educated people, the role of science is not great. Elite education. The role of knowledge and education is great. Basically, secondary education. The role of science, education, the information age is great. Higher education. A global telecommunications network, the Internet, is being formed.
The prevalence of oral information over written. The dominance of mass culture. The presence of different types of culture
Adaptation to nature. Liberation of man from direct dependence on nature, partial subordination of it to himself. The emergence of environmental problems. Anthropogenic civilization, i.e. in the center - a person, his individuality, interests. solution of environmental problems.


Types of society.

Traditional society- a type of society based on subsistence agriculture, a monarchical system of government and on the predominance of religious values ​​and worldview.

Industrial Society- a type of society based on the development of industry, on a market economy, the introduction of scientific achievements in the economy, the emergence of a democratic form of government, at a high level of knowledge development, on scientific and technological progress, secularization of consciousness.

Post-industrial society- a modern type of society based on the dominance of information (computer technology) in production, development of the service sector, lifelong education, freedom of conscience, democracy of consensus, on the formation of civil society.


1.By the degree of openness:

closed society - characterized by a static social structure, limited mobility, traditionalism, very slow introduction of innovations or their absence, authoritarian ideology.

open society - characterized by a dynamic social structure, high social mobility, the ability to innovate, pluralism, lack of state ideology.

  1. By the presence of writing:


written (proficient in the alphabet or sign letter)

3.According to the degree of social differentiation (or stratification):

simple - pre-state formations, there are no leaders and subordinates)

complex - several levels of government, strata of the population.

Explanation of terms

Terms, concepts Definitions
individualism of consciousness a person's desire for self-realization, the manifestation of his personality, self-development.
mercantilism the goal is the accumulation of wealth, the achievement of material well-being, money issues are in the first place.
providentialism fanatical attitude towards religion, complete submission to it of the life of both an individual and the whole of society, a religious worldview.
rationalism the predominance of reason in the actions and actions of a person, and not emotions, an approach to solving issues from the point of view of rationality - unreasonableness.
secularization the process of liberation of all spheres of public life, as well as the consciousness of people from the control and influence of religion
urbanization urban and urban growth

Prepared by: Vera Melnikova

Multimedia educational test "Information revolutions" Teacher of informatics GBPOU Technological College № 21, Moscow Grishakina Tatyana Viktorovna The educational test contains 11 different tasks and an interactive mini-crossword puzzle.

  • The educational test contains 11 different tasks and an interactive mini-crossword puzzle.
  • On each slide, the question of the assignment is formulated and it is indicated how the assignment should be completed.
  • If you choose the wrong answer to the task, you can continue choosing the answer to this task.
  • The transition to the next slide is carried out by clicking the Next button in the lower right corner or by using the corresponding control buttons.

Test instructions

Start testing

Exercise 1.

The information revolution is ...

Choose the correct definition:

the stage of new inventions in society;

the stage of the emergence of means and methods of information processing, which caused dramatic changes in society;

stage of political changes in society.


correct answer


Task 2.

The Information Society is ...

Choose the correct definition:

a society in which the majority of workers are engaged in the production, storage, processing, sale and exchange of tangible products;

a society in which the majority of employees are engaged in production, storage, processing, sale and exchange of information;

a society in which the majority of employees are engaged in the production, storage, processing and sale of industrial goods.

incorrect unswer

correct answer


working personnel;

Task 3. The main resource of the information society is ...

Choose an answer option:




all of the above.


Task 4. Information that a person can meaningfully reproduce and apply in practice is ...

Choose an answer option:




Task 5. Establish a correspondence between inventions and information revolutions.

Choose the information revolution:



telephone, radio


and personal

a computer


Task 6. Arrange in chronological order the time periods when each of the information revolutions took place.

The first information revolution

Select the time period:

Second information revolution

Third information revolution

The fourth information revolution

4th century BC

late 19th century

mid-16th century

early 11th century

end of XX century

Task 7. What was the significance of the first information revolution from the point of view of computer science?

Choose an answer option:

Task 8. What was the significance of the second information revolution from the point of view of computer science?

the emergence of a personal computer, which makes it possible to solve the problem of storing, transferring and processing information at a qualitatively new level.

Choose an answer option:

the emergence of information communication tools;

the emergence of qualitatively new means and methods of accumulating and transmitting information to future generations;

the emergence of a more perfect way of storing and mass accessibility of information;

Task 9. What was the significance of the third information revolution from the point of view of computer science?

the emergence of a personal computer, which makes it possible to solve the problem of storing, transferring and processing information at a qualitatively new level.

Choose an answer option:

the emergence of information communication tools;

the emergence of qualitatively new means and methods of accumulating and transmitting information to future generations;

the emergence of a more perfect way of storing and mass accessibility of information;

Task 10. What was the significance of the fourth information revolution

from a computer science point of view?

the emergence of a personal computer, which makes it possible to solve the problem of storing, transferring and processing information at a qualitatively new level.

Choose an answer option:

the emergence of information communication tools;

the emergence of qualitatively new means and methods of accumulating and transmitting information to future generations;

the emergence of a more perfect way of storing and mass accessibility of information;

Task 11. Insert the missing words in the definitions.

Left-click on the pass:

Information society - in which workers are engaged in production, storage, processing and sale, especially its highest form -.

revolutions are the stages in the emergence of means and methods of information that have caused cardinal in society.











Task 12. Solve a mini-crossword puzzle.

Select a crossword question:

7. The main resource of the information society.

1. Electronic computer.

6. The name of the inventor of the printing press.

4. Apparatus for transmitting and receiving sound at a distance.

5. Worldwide computer network.

3. Inventor of the telegraph alphabet.

Working with the training test


Choose further actions.

Finish the test

Re-run the test

The article "History of the development of the information society" - .

  • The article "History of the development of the information society" - http://www.uchportal.ru/publ/15-1-0-2011.
  • Article "Information revolution" http://www.wikiznanie.ru/ru-wz/index.php/%D0%98%D0%BD%D1%84%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%BC%D0%B0%D1%86 % D0% B8% D0% BE% D0% BD% D0% BD% D0% B0% D1% 8F_% D1% 80% D0% B5% D0% B2% D0% BE% D0% BB% D1% 8E% D1 % 86% D0% B8% D1% 8F
  • Article "Information revolutions and information technologies" http://imcs.dvfu.ru/lib/eastprog/revolutions_and_technologies.html
  • Information Revolution Poster http://olgaleshukva.narod.ru/tablisa/20.JPG

List of sources used

Images Images

  • Computers - http://www.clipartbest.com/clipart-Rid6qqr6T , http://www.clipartbest.com/clipart-Rid66Ro6T. https://elearningindustry.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Responsive-eLearning-Design.jpg.
  • Book - http://www.clipartbest.com/clipart-dc7Ly7Goi.
  • Feather - http://www.clipartbest.com/clipart-dirxG559T .
  • Telephone - http://www.clipartbest.com/clipart-9TzoGb8ec .
  • Radio broadcasting - http://www.clipartbest.com/clipart-xigLEo6yT.
  • Test - http://razvitie19.ucoz.ru/test/test.jpg, http://cliparts.co/cliparts/rin/bLM/rinbLMRiR.jpg.
  • Abstraction - http://olymp.i-exam.ru/sites/default/files/images/wrpsbg1.jpg.
  • Planet - https://www.mosoblreclama.ru/img/1/re676.jpg.


  • Background - http://www.kefline.ru/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/215.jpg.
  • Check mark symbol - http://www.clipartbest.com/cliparts/9iz/MpR/9izMpR55T.png .
  • Cross symbol - http://www.clipartbest.com/cliparts/Kcj/XjK/KcjXjKqMi.png .