These days we constantly deal with information. Thanks to development information technology, now work, creativity, entertainment have largely become processes for processing or consuming information. And among this huge amount of information, some of the data should not be publicly available. Examples of such information include files and data associated with business activities; private archives.

Some of this data is not intended for the general public simply because “they don’t need to know about it”; and some information is vital.

This article is devoted to the reliable protection of vital information, as well as any files that you want to protect from access by others, even if your computer or storage media (flash drive, hard drive) falls into the hands of unauthorized persons, including those who are technically advanced and have access to powerful computing resources.

Why you shouldn't trust closed-source encryption software

Closed-source programs can include “bookmarks” (and don’t hope they aren’t there!) and the ability to open encrypted files using a master key. Those. you can use any complex password, but your encrypted file can still be opened easily, without brute-forcing passwords, using a “bookmark” or the owner of the master key. The size of the encryption software company and the name of the country do not matter in this matter, since this is part of the government policy of many countries. After all, we are surrounded by terrorists and drug dealers all the time (what can we do?).

Those. Truly strong encryption can be achieved by properly using popular open source software and a crack-resistant encryption algorithm.

Is it worth switching from TrueCrypt to VeraCrypt?

The reference program that has been providing very secure file encryption for many years is TrueCrypt. This program still works great. Unfortunately, development of the program has currently been discontinued.

Its best successor was the VeraCrypt program.

VeraCrypt is a free disk encryption software based on TrueCrypt 7.1a.

VeraCrypt continues the best traditions TrueCrypt, but it adds enhanced security to the algorithms used to encrypt systems and partitions, making your encrypted files immune to new advances in brute-force attacks.

VeraCrypt has also fixed many of the vulnerabilities and security issues found in TrueCrypt. It can work with TrueCrypt volumes and offers the ability to convert TrueCrypt containers and non-system partitions to the VeraCrypt format.

This improved security only adds some latency to opening encrypted partitions, without any impact on performance during the encrypted drive phase. For a legitimate user this is an almost imperceptible inconvenience, but for an attacker it becomes almost impossible to gain access to encrypted data, despite the presence of any computing power.

This can be clearly demonstrated by the following benchmarks for cracking (brute force) passwords in Hashcat:

For TrueCrypt:

Hashtype: TrueCrypt PBKDF2-HMAC-RipeMD160 + XTS 512 bit Speed.Dev.#1.: 21957 H/s (96.78ms) Speed.Dev.#2.: 1175 H/s (99.79ms) Speed.Dev.#* .: 23131 H/s Hashtype: TrueCrypt PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA512 + XTS 512 bit Speed.Dev.#1.: 9222 H/s (74.13ms) Speed.Dev.#2.: 4556 H/s (95.92ms) Speed.Dev.#*.: 13778 H/s Hashtype: TrueCrypt PBKDF2-HMAC-Whirlpool + XTS 512 bit Speed.Dev.#1.: 2429 H/s (95.69ms) Speed.Dev.#2.: 891 H /s (98.61ms) Speed.Dev.#*.: 3321 H/s Hashtype: TrueCrypt PBKDF2-HMAC-RipeMD160 + XTS 512 bit + boot-mode Speed.Dev.#1.: 43273 H/s (95.60ms) Speed.Dev.#2.: 2330 H/s (95.97ms) Speed.Dev.#*.: 45603 H/s

For VeraCrypt:

Hashtype: VeraCrypt PBKDF2-HMAC-RipeMD160 + XTS 512 bit Speed.Dev.#1.: 68 H/s (97.63ms) Speed.Dev.#2.: 3 H/s (100.62ms) Speed.Dev.#* .: 71 H/s Hashtype: VeraCrypt PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA512 + XTS 512 bit Speed.Dev.#1.: 26 H/s (87.81ms) Speed.Dev.#2.: 9 H/s (98.83ms) Speed.Dev.#*.: 35 H/s Hashtype: VeraCrypt PBKDF2-HMAC-Whirlpool + XTS 512 bit Speed.Dev.#1.: 3 H/s (57.73ms) Speed.Dev.#2.: 2 H /s (94.90ms) Speed.Dev.#*.: 5 H/s Hashtype: VeraCrypt PBKDF2-HMAC-RipeMD160 + XTS 512 bit + boot-mode Speed.Dev.#1.: 154 H/s (93.62ms) Speed.Dev.#2.: 7 H/s (96.56ms) Speed.Dev.#*.: 161 H/s Hashtype: VeraCrypt PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256 + XTS 512 bit Speed.Dev.#1.: 118 H /s (94.25ms) Speed.Dev.#2.: 5 H/s (95.50ms) Speed.Dev.#*.: 123 H/s Hashtype: VeraCrypt PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256 + XTS 512 bit + boot-mode Speed.Dev.#1.: 306 H/s (94.26ms) Speed.Dev.#2.: 13 H/s (96.99ms) Speed.Dev.#*.: 319 H/s

As you can see, cracking encrypted VeraCrypt containers is several orders of magnitude more difficult than TrueCrypt containers (which are also not at all easy).

I published the full benchmark and description of the hardware in the article “”.

The second important issue is reliability. No one wants to lose valuable and important files and information due to a software error. I knew about VeraCrypt as soon as it appeared. I followed her development and constantly looked closely at her. Over the past year I have completely switched from TrueCrypt to VeraCrypt. Over the course of a year of daily use, VeraCrypt has never let me down.

Thus, in my opinion, it is now worth switching from TrueCrypt to VeraCrypt.

How VeraCrypt works

VeraCrypt creates special file, which is called a container. This container is encrypted and can only be connected if the correct password is entered. After entering the password, the container is displayed as additional disk(like an inserted flash drive). Any files placed on this disk (i.e., in the container) are encrypted. As long as the container is connected, you can freely copy, delete, write new files, and open them. Once a container is disconnected, all files on it become completely inaccessible until it is connected again, i.e. until the password is entered.

Working with files in an encrypted container is no different from working with files on any other drive.

When opening a file or writing it to a container, there is no need to wait for decryption - everything happens very quickly, as if you were really working with a regular disk.

How to Install VeraCrypt on Windows

There was a half-spy story with TrueCrypt - sites were created to “download TrueCrypt”, on them the binary file (well, of course!) was infected with a virus/Trojan. Those who downloaded TrueCrypt from these unofficial sites infected their computers, allowing attackers to steal personal information and facilitate the spread of malware.

In fact, all programs should be downloaded only from official websites. And this is even more true for programs that address security issues.

Official placements installation files VeraCrypt are:

Installing VeraCrypt on Windows

There is an installation wizard, so the installation process for VeraCrypt is similar to that of other programs. Is it possible to clarify a few points?

The VeraCrypt installer will offer two options:

  • Install(Install VeraCrypt on your system)
  • Extract(Extract. If you select this option, all files in this package will be extracted, but nothing will be installed on your system. Do not select this if you intend to encrypt the system partition or system drive. Selecting this option may be useful, for example, if you want to run VeraCrypt in the so-called portable mode. VeraCrypt does not require installation on the operating system in which it will run. After extracting all the files, you can directly run the extracted file "VeraCrypt.exe" (VeraCrypt will open in portable mode))

If you select the checked option, i.e. file association .hc, then this will add convenience. Because if you create a container with the .hc extension, then double click VeraCrypt will be launched from this file. But the downside is that third parties may know that .hc are encrypted VeraCrypt containers.

The program reminds you to donate:

If you are not short of money, of course, be sure to help the author of this program (he is alone) I would not want to lose him, like we lost the author of TrueCrypt...

VeraCrypt Instructions for Beginners

VeraCrypt has many different features and advanced features. But the most popular feature is file encryption. The following shows step by step how to encrypt one or more files.

Let's start by switching to Russian. Russian language is already built into VeraCrypt. You just need to turn it on. To do this in the menu Settings select Language…:

There, select Russian, after which the program language will immediately change.

As already mentioned, files are stored in encrypted containers (also called “volumes”). Those. you need to start by creating such a container; to do this, in the main interface of the program, click on the button “ Create Volume».

The VeraCrypt Volume Creation Wizard appears:

We are interested in the first option (“ Create an encrypted file container"), so we, without changing anything, press Next,

VeraCrypt has a very interesting feature - the ability to create a hidden volume. The point is that not one, but two containers are created in the file. Everyone knows that there is an encrypted partition, including possible ill-wishers. And if you are forced to give out your password, then it is difficult to say that “there is no encrypted disk.” When creating a hidden partition, two encrypted containers are created, which are located in the same file, but are opened with different passwords. Those. you can place files that look “sensitive” in one of the containers. And in the second container there are really important files. For your needs, you enter a password to open an important section. If you cannot refuse, you reveal the password for a not very important disk. There is no way to prove that there is a second disk.

For many cases (hiding not very critical files from prying eyes) it will be enough to create a regular volume, so I just click Next.

Select file location:

The VeraCrypt volume can be located in a file (VeraCrypt container) on a hard drive, USB flash drive, etc. A VeraCrypt container is no different from any other regular file (for example, it can be moved or deleted like other files). Click the "File" button to specify the name and path to the container file to be created to store the new volume.

NOTE: If you select a file that already exists, VeraCrypt will NOT encrypt it; this file will be deleted and replaced with the newly created VeraCrypt container. You can encrypt existing files (later) by moving them to the VeraCrypt container you are creating now.

You can choose any file extension; this does not affect the operation of the encrypted volume in any way. If you select the extension .hc, and also if you associated VeraCrypt with this extension during installation, then double-clicking on this file will launch VeraCrypt.

History recently open files allows you to quickly access these files. However, entries in your history like “H:\My offshore accounts of stolen dollars worth of dollars.doc” may raise doubts in the minds of outsiders about your integrity. To prevent files opened from an encrypted disk from going into history, check the box next to “ Don't save history».

Selecting encryption and hashing algorithms. If you are not sure what to choose, then leave the default values:

Enter the volume size and select units of measurement (kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, terabytes):

A very important step is setting a password for your encrypted disk:

Good password- this is very important. Avoid passwords with one or more words found in the dictionary (or combinations of 2, 3 or 4 such words). The password must not contain names or dates of birth. It should be difficult to guess. A good password is a random combination of upper and lower case letters, numbers and special characters (@ ^ = $ * + etc.).

Now you can again use Russian letters as passwords.

We help the program collect random data:

Note that here you can check the box to create a dynamic disk. Those. it will expand as it is filled with information.

As a result, I have created a test.hc file on my desktop:

If you created a file with the extension .hc, then you can double-click on it, the main program window will open, and the path to the container will already be inserted:

In any case, you can open VeraCrypt and select the path to the file manually (To do this, click the "File" button).

If the password is entered correctly, a new disk will appear in your system:

You can copy/move any files to it. You can also create folders there, copy files from there, delete them, etc.

To close the container from outsiders, press the button Unmount:

To regain access to your secret files, remount the encrypted drive.

Setting up VeraCrypt

VeraCrypt has quite a few settings that you can change for your convenience. I highly recommend checking the " Automatically unmount volumes when inactive for a period»:

And also install hotkey For " Immediately unmount everything, clear the cache and exit»:

This can be very... VERY useful...

Portable version of VeraCrypt on Windows

As of version 1.22 (which is in beta at the time of writing), a portable option was added for Windows. If you read the installation section, you should remember that the program is already portable and allows you to simply extract your files. However, the standalone portable package has its own peculiarities: you need administrator rights to run the installer (even if you just want to unpack the archive), and the portable version can be unpacked without administrator rights - that's the only difference.

Official beta versions are only available. In the VeraCrypt Nightly Builds folder, the portable version file is VeraCrypt Portable 1.22-BETA4.exe.

The container file can be placed on a flash drive. You can copy it to the same flash drive portable version VeraCrypt - this will allow you to open an encrypted partition on any computer, including those without VeraCrypt installed. But be aware of the dangers of keystroke hijacking - an on-screen keyboard could probably help in this situation.

How to Use Encryption Software Properly

Some tips to help you keep your secrets better:

  1. Try to prevent unauthorized persons from accessing your computer, including not checking laptops in luggage at airports; if possible, send computers for repair without a system hard drive, etc.
  2. Use a complex password. Don't use the same password you use for mail etc.
  3. Don't forget your password! Otherwise, the data will be impossible to recover.
  4. Download all programs only from official sites.
  5. Use free programs or purchased (do not use hacked software). And also do not download or run dubious files, since all such programs, among other malicious elements, may have kilologgers (keystroke interceptors), which will allow an attacker to find out the password from your encrypted container.
  6. Sometimes, as a means of preventing keystrokes from being intercepted, it is recommended to use on-screen keyboard- I think this makes sense.

Hello to blog site readers who suddenly urgently need to set a password for some of their personal files and folders! After reading this article, you will not only password-protect your personal data, but also encrypt it in such a way that even the FSB will not be able to decrypt anything :-). I did not exaggerate about the Security Service, but to make sure of this, read the instructions below.

Everyone probably has certain files or even entire folders of files that others should not see. And it doesn’t matter what it is - pictures, music files, photos, text documents. And today there are many ways to protect them. For example, in some Windows versions 7 and Windows 8 Pro have the “BitLocker” encryption function, but I immediately abandoned it, since it can only work on Windows, and even then only on certain versions.
If you have WinRar archiver, then you can put a password for the folders and files in the archive. At the same time, all file names (my_passwords.txt, prohibited_video.avi, secret_world_capture_plan.txt, etc.) will be visible to everyone. Moreover, now in free access There are programs that can easily guess archive passwords. For this reason, I think that this method is just a child’s prank, and since we are serious people, we need serious tools to encrypt our data
I've been using the free and easy-to-use TrueCrypt program for a long time to set passwords on files. With this program you can not only password protect folders, but also hide their contents. The visitor will not see the names of the files or their number.
To download the program, go to the official website It's better to download right away latest version. Installation is standard. After installation and launch, we will see the following window:

At first glance, everything is very complicated and unclear. But this is only for the first time. After installing the program, look at the weight of the files on which you want to put a password. We will need this to create a file container.
TrueCrypt works as follows: we need to create a file container of the size we need (from several megabytes to several gigabytes), where we will put all the secret files. TrueCrypt will encrypt all these files and folders on the fly using the AES 256 encryption algorithm. This algorithm is the default, but it can be replaced with another. But I categorically do not recommend that you do this, since AES is by far the most crypto-resistant (undecipherable).
As if to prove this, AES 256 is used by the US government and military forces.
So what do we need to do? As mentioned above, TrueCrypt does not encrypt files and folders directly, but with its help we can create a file container where we can upload confidential materials.
1. Go to the “Volumes” item and click “Create a new volume”:

In the window that opens, we see some of the capabilities of TrueCrypt:

a) Create an encrypted file container;
b) Encrypt the entire disk (and even a flash drive). In the near future, developers plan to encrypt CDs.
c) Completely encrypt the system disk with Windows. This function is often used in small enterprises that use pirated software, so that inspection authorities cannot find out the version and authenticity of the OS.
But we are now interested in the first possibility. Leave the checkbox on the first item and click “Next”.
2. In the “TrueCrypt Volume Creation Wizard” window, the program prompts us to select the volume type:

Certainly, regular users those who are not being hunted by the intelligence services choose the first option. Then the program will create a seemingly ordinary file in which we will store secret data.
The second option is more secretive. TrueCrypt will create a hidden volume. That is, in a regular volume (file container), another “hidden” one will be created. It will be hidden and outsiders will not even be able to know whether it exists or not. Only you will have access to it.
Therefore, if they torture you with a soldering iron and demand a password, then with a clear conscience you should provide the password to an ordinary volume that contains all sorts of harmless files - photos from your birthday, 50 books of the Collected Works of V. Lenin in .dox format, etc. And all truly secret data will be in the same container, but in a hidden volume, the existence of which only you know.
Personally, I select a regular volume and click on the “Next” button. In the next window, the program asks us to select the file in which the volume will be created:

Attention! Select (or create) a new empty file. The file name should not attract attention. For example, among a bunch of text documents with the works of Pushkin, Lermontov, etc., create, for example, the document Ruslan-i-Lydmila-Pushkin.txt. Then click “Select file” in the program window and add the newly created this file.
After your selection, Trucrypt will ask you about replacing the document:

Click “Yes”. Then “Next”.
In the “Encryption Settings” window, the program gives you the opportunity to select an encryption and hashing algorithm. I recommend not changing anything:

On next step we are kindly asked to indicate the size of the future TrueCrypt container:

I advise you to take a little extra. If your data weighs 200 MB, then it is better to set the size to 250 MB. — you never know if you have to add something.
For example, I set the size to 2 MB.
The next step is probably the most important. We will set a password and more:

I won’t rant too much about the fact that the password should be complex. Of course, it must consist of letters, numbers and symbols @#$%)(^&**(!”;%:?**). Otherwise, why need a password if it can be guessed by brute force.
In addition to the password, you can select the so-called “Key files”. These are ordinary files (photos, videos, text documents), without which it will be impossible to open our encrypted folder. Of course, we are not forced to choose “keywords” - but this is a very good security measure. Even if an attacker can guess the correct password, he will still need to select the correct key file, otherwise access to your data will be denied.
You can even select not one, but several key files, so that no one can gain access. Moreover, the program does not show how many key files the user has specified - 1 or 10. The attacker will have to guess for himself.
I recommend using photographs as key files. Everyone has entire photo albums on their computer. And from this photo album with hundreds of photos, select 2 and set them as “keywords”:

The main thing is to remember them or write down their names, otherwise without them you will not get to the encrypted folder. Remember also that something might happen to the computer or someone at home may delete the folder with “keywords” - then this will be a real disaster for you. Therefore, in addition to your computer, write them down on a flash drive and/or cloud storage- or .
By the way, you don’t have to set a password to open the container, but open it only using key files. That's exactly what I did.
Next, we need to randomly move the mouse cursor inside the new window:

According to the developers, the cryptographic strength of the container will be even more reliable due to these mouse manipulations. After a few minutes of moving the cursor in the window, click “Place” and TrueCrypt will create an encrypted container:

Depending on the size of the container file, it will take from a few seconds to a few minutes to create the volume. This is the time we just have to wait.
The volume has been created, exit the program:

Now we go into this software again and look for our file (in my case it is Ruslan-i-Lydmila-Pushkin.txt) and click on the “Mount” button:

Enter the password, if you set one, and the key files, if you set them. I didn’t set a password for this container, but set only “keywords”:

I press “OK”. That's it, the volume is mounted. Now I'm going to Windows Explorer and I see that a new disk has appeared there:

I can safely throw all confidential files and folders into it. After copying, go to the program interface and click “Unmount”. Now let's try to open this file without TrueCrypt. Here's what we'll see:

This is what we need! Now we have encrypted all our secret files and folders and set a password with key files. Truly impenetrable protection! You can create as many file containers as you like, the program does not limit us in this.
I hope you found the article useful. I say goodbye to you for today and wish you success! See you again!

Category: .

Protecting important confidential information that may be stored in directories on hard drives, in logical computer partitions, or on removable storage devices is of interest to many users. But, speaking about how to encrypt a folder with a password, some people somewhat misunderstand the essence of the issue, believing that in the general case it is enough to set some kind of password combination that restricts access to the folder. This is incorrect, since in matters of ensuring data security, one should take into account both setting a password to gain access to it and encrypting the files themselves located in the protected directory. That is, it turns out that protection should be at least two-level. After all, if the contents of the folder are not encrypted and the password is cracked, then the files can be viewed without difficulty. Thus, further we will consider both password protection of directories and content encryption. Some ignorant users claim that Windows does not have such tools. They are deeply mistaken, since such tools are available, and they work no worse than third-party programs specially developed for such purposes (except that some settings may look a little more complicated).

How to hide folders using the simplest method?

And first, let's look at the most primitive means of hiding data from prying eyes, which any user should know about. Of course, we are talking about setting special attributes that apply to both folders and the files stored inside them.

For a directory in Explorer, you can use the hidden object attribute setting (after confirmation, the files inside will be hidden automatically), and for the files themselves, you should use the read attribute (so that simple editing or deletion actions cannot be performed with them). But this, as is already clear, is the simplest and most unreliable way to protect important data.

How to password protect a folder on a computer using an archiver?

Much more interesting is the technique of using directory compression using appropriate programs. With their help, you can set passwords, apply encryption (usually based on AES algorithms), and even free up some disk space (precisely by packing the content into an archive). Not all file types, however, can be compressed strongly enough (for example, music files in MP3 format are already compressed, and the sizes of the created archives are practically no different from the originals). But various kinds of office documents are compressed to a very high degree.

Nevertheless, let's see how to password-protect a folder on a computer using this method. Almost all archivers known today have such tools at their disposal.

For example, in WinRAR it is enough to check the box next to the password protection field, enter the desired combination and confirm it before starting the compression process. But this is only providing access protection. If we talk specifically about how to encrypt a folder and the contents of nested objects, you can use file name encryption or even blocking the entire archive as additional tools. But in WinRAR this technique looks somewhat unfinished, therefore, if you need high-quality data encryption, it is better to do it in the 7-Zip application, which in this regard has much more powerful tools.

How to encrypt a folder in Windows 7 and higher using EFS?

Another technique provided in Windows systems is to change additional attributes of directories and files within them. How to encrypt a folder using such tools? Simple too!

Through the directory properties in Explorer, on the general tab next to the main attributes discussed above, you must click the “Other” button and check the box next to the encryption field, after which you will need to agree to the application of such actions to attached files and directories. Access to data will be limited at the level account, and if such protection is activated, the administrator will be required to log in accordingly.

Backing up the encryption key

How to encrypt a folder using the method just described, apparently, there should be no difficulties. Once the steps are completed, a lock icon will appear on the catalog icon. But here you should pay attention to the fact that the key itself, necessary to decrypt the contents, is stored on the hard drive, and if it is damaged or deleted, it will not be possible to unlock the desired directory.

To create backup copy key, first through the “Run” menu you need to call the so-called “Certificate Manager” (certmgr.msc). In the certificates section on the right, through RMB on your account, select the item all tasks and export, then agree to perform the actions for private key. At the stage of selecting the data exchange file format, you can not change anything, and then you should enter a password to import the key and save the key, for example, on a flash drive.

Setting up encryption capabilities through the registry

Now let's see how to create an encrypted folder more simple method, but using more complex preparatory measures. The bottom line is to include the encryption item directly in the Explorer context menu.

To do this, go to the registry (regedit) and in the HKCU branch through the Software folder, find the Explorer directory, as shown in the image above. It contains an Advanced folder. In it, using RMB, create a 32-bit DWORD parameter called EncryptionContextMenu and assign it a value in the form of one and close the editor.

How to encrypt a folder on a flash drive, hard drive, or perform similar procedures with single files?

Simply select the desired object in Explorer and use RMB to activate the encryption option. The object icon will turn green. To decrypt, do the opposite. But please note that encryption will only be available for your account.

Program LocK-A-FoLdeR

Finally, let's see how to encrypt a folder using third party applications. Everything is much simpler with them. In the described program, you first need to create a so-called master password, then go directly to the lock and simply select the desired directory on your hard drive or removable media.

Flash Crypt utility

This program is also quite easy to use, since during installation it integrates its own items into the context menu file managers. To install protection via RMB on a folder or file, select the appropriate item, enter and confirm the password, and then click the Protect button.

Anvide Lock Folder Portable App

This utility good thing is that the installations are on hard drive does not require, is portable and can be launched from the most ordinary flash drive. In it, as in the first program, you first need to create a main master password to secure the utility itself, then select the desired directory (you can simply drag it into the application window), enter the lock password twice and click the set protection button. After this, access to the hidden encrypted folder can only be obtained through this program.

Note: Keep in mind that using multiple encryption utilities or techniques on the same computer and for the same object is not recommended, since such actions may result in a conflict between software and loss of important information. And, of course, you can use not only the utilities described above, but also other applications, of which you can find a lot today.

Encryption is an integral capability in data transformation that allows you to hide important information from prying eyes. Decryption can also be performed to decipher and read the data. This method implements secrecy, that is, the encryption or decryption key is stored only by trusted persons and should not fall into the wrong hands.

On a computer running an operating system Windows users store a lot of information, from photos, movies and music to important documents. Moreover, to protect them, it is not enough to set a password when logging into the system; you need to set more reliable protection, which provides encryption. For example, you can encrypt separate file or a folder, or an entire disk (container). To do this, programs such as VeraCrypt, DiskCryptor, TrueCrypt and others are used.

It's worth noting that Windows can automatically create an EFI encrypted partition that is not related to the programs mentioned. Typically the partition size is about 300 MB and there are system files boot, namely the EFI\Microsoft\Boot branch, where configuration files (BCD) are stored

Truecrypt application

There is software such as TrueCrypt. She was one of the first who earned the attention of the intelligence services (according to rumors), after which the official website was closed and updates for the product were no longer released. There are many rumors that something happened to the developers, the project was closed down and they left hidden messages. This suggests that Trucrypt is a standard and very reliable encryption software and this was not profitable for someone. Source code The application has been opened and thoroughly checked, no hidden spy holes were found.

Unfortunately, TrueCrypt was not released for Android systems, but there are various applications that can open similar containers on mobile devices. They can be found in the Google store or app store.

What can he do? TrueCrypt:

  1. Encryption sections or entire disks, including SSDs.
  2. Encrypt operating system.
  3. Encrypt external media(USB, SD, etc.).
  4. Option on-the-fly encryption, when encryption and decryption are carried out immediately after opening the file or container.
  5. Works on any old and new operating systems – Windows, Linux and Mac OS.
  6. Fully free.
  7. Availability of the following algorithms— AES-256, Twofish, Serpent + combinations.
  8. Creation encrypted containers on media or in the cloud.
  9. Creation hidden section.

And the last possibility is that no one will be able to understand that the file or drive is encrypted using Tricrypts, since they will consist of random sets of characters.

To use the program, you need to find and download it. Everything you need is on the website You just need to download version 7.1a, do not use others under any circumstances, this is the most stable. We find the version of TrueCrypt Setup 7.1a.exe.

Launch the installer. A window opens where we agree with license agreement and indicate the installation type “Install” - Full or Extract - Portable version.

Let's move on to the Russification of the program.

We find everything on the same site catalogLangpacks. Open it and find Langpack-ru-1.0.0-for-truecrypt-7.1.a.

Received extract the archive along the path C:\ProgramFiles\TrueCrypt. In this case, the program must be closed.

We launch the application and look at the interface. Usually it is translated into Russian automatically. If not, then go to the “ Settings", and then to the section " Language" Click on the Russian language option.

Now let's go to the settings and note a few important parameters. Open the “Settings” tab, “Options” section:

How to create and mount a simple volume

Any volume in the TrueCrypt utility it is called a cryptocontainer. A volume can be not only a partition on a PC, but also an entire drive or flash drive.

Launch the program and click on the button “ Create Volume" The Volume Creation Wizard appears. Here you can choose one of three options. To begin with let's try the first one

Next, we indicate any file that will represent a container. In this case, remember that this the file will be deleted and replaced with another. Therefore, we choose only unnecessary files. You can create a blank document in Notepad, save and use the resulting file. After selecting, check the “Do not save history” checkbox.

At the next stage, we use the disk encryption algorithm. You can leave the default settings and click " Next».

Then we indicate media size, whatever we want and then write a strong password.

The next stage is formatting a partition. There is no way without this. Select the one you need file system, preferably NTFS. Leave everything else as is and click “ Mark up».

In the main window of the program, shave any free drive letter. Next, click on the button “ File" and specify the encrypted container file. Press the button " Mount" and enter the password you specified.

Now in the catalog " My computer» the media with the letter you selected will appear. We transfer important files there.

Advantage The great thing about this container is that it can be used anywhere. Transfer to a flash drive, send by mail, to the cloud. You can even make a copy of this file.

Encryption of disk and external drives

The procedure for creating an encrypted drive or flash drive is no different from the previous description. There are only a couple of points to note.

Next, a window with partition creation modes will appear. There is two methods– “Create and format an encrypted volume.” The data on the flash drive will be destroyed, but the creation process will be quick. “Encrypt partition in place” - here data encryption will proceed slowly.

Next window - installation encryption algorithm. Everything is as at the beginning of the article. You can leave it as is. Then we set a password and select a file system.

Now, to display the encrypted disk, you need to set any drive letter in the main window of the program and click on the “Device” button, indicating your flash drive. Then click “Mount” and enter the password.

Create a hidden volume

The essence of a hidden container is that a regular encrypted partition is first created, and then a hidden partition is placed in it. This makes it even more difficult to find information.

After launching TrueCrypt, click on “Create Volume”. Next we indicate first point– “Create an encrypted file container.”

This time you need to check the option “ Hidden volume TrueCrypt." Click " Next».

By indicating this type section, another window opens with other modes. There is a normal mode and a direct mode. Their description is already given in the TrueCrypt window. Just select the first item.

Next, we look for the file that will be the container for the hidden section. This can be a disk or a regular file. Check the “Do not save history” checkbox.

So, windows will then appear identical to those you saw earlier. Only the parameters of the encryption algorithm, formatting and file system will be needed indicate twice, since two sections will be created and two passwords will be needed.

After all the steps taken, a window for creating a hidden partition will appear.

The procedure is the same as when creating a simple volume.

How to mount a hidden partition? Everything is simple here. Two sections were created - a hidden one, located in the container file. Specify the letter, click the “File” button, select the crypto file and enter the password not for it, but for the hidden container.

How to encrypt the system drive and operating system

The principle is that after turning on the computer or laptop bootloader is loading TrueCrypt, not the operating system. When the correct password is entered, the system will boot.

  1. Open the program and on the “System” tab find the option"Encrypt system disk."
  2. The Volume Creation Wizard will open, where you will install regular option system encryption. For encryption, select the “Encrypt entire disk” option.

In the following windows there will be options with explanations, for example, single or multiboot OS, that is, one or more systems. The remaining parameters do not differ from those you saw earlier.

Creating a hidden operating system

You can protect your data as much as possible by creating a hidden OS. To organize you will need more than 2 sections. Now open the program and on the “ System» select “Create hidden OS”.

Further, the procedure will be similar to simultaneously creating an encrypted container of a regular OS and a hidden partition. The program window contains all the explanations that must be read, since wrong actions may damage your system.

VeraCrypt program

VeraCrypt is a tool for encrypting files of any type. A good alternative to TrueCrypt. With his help can be created encrypted partitions, external media. Main advantage is reliability, and also the program is in Russian. The developers convince us that it is almost impossible to decrypt the data.

Installation and initial settings

You can download the installer from the following resource - . Installation occurs in the same way as with a regular program.

Creating a Simple Volume

After installation and launch, you will see a window almost identical to TrueCrypt. To change the language, go to settings " Settings" and select the section " Language" We set the language to Russian.

Click the “Create Volume” button. Another window will appear where you need install first method– “Create an encrypted file container.”

Next, click on the line “Regular VeraCrypt Volume”. (Everything is the same as in TrueCrypt).

Next you need to find a file that will become a crypto container. Click " Next».

The next step is setting the disk size. We indicate the desired value and move on.

Now we come to creating a password. combination It is recommended to use complex.

The drive must be formatted. In the window we specify the file system, and leave everything else as default.

When the container is created, in the main window of the program use any letter disk, then click on the “File” button and select the file that was used for encryption. Enter the password. Ready.

Encryption of flash drive and local drives

Securing an external USB drive or external hard drive is an important undertaking. In the main VeraCrypt window, click “Create Volume” and click on second point"Encrypt non-system drive." The remaining settings are exactly the same as when creating a simple volume.

Remember that when encrypting a flash drive, it will be formatted and all data on it will be destroyed.

Click on the tab “ System", click on the option "Encrypt system partition".

Select the first type - “Normal”.

At the next stage click on the item"Encrypt the entire disk."

When the “Encrypt protected area” window appears, select “No”.

If you have one operating system on a PC, select “Single boot”, if there is more than one – “Multiple boot”.

In settings encryption algorithm leave the parameters as they are.

We specify the password for our system container.

Next will be the stage of creating an encryption disk. You can save it anywhere by clicking “ Review" and indicate the location.

At the cleaning mode stage, select the “No” method. But you can read the description in more detail and choose another option.

Other settings are not complicated. Basically you need to click the “Next” button.

Once the system is encrypted, after reboot you will see the following window.

Hidden volume and operating system

When you have selected the “Encrypt system partition” option, in the window that opens you need to select the “Hidden” item. Now we act on the basis of the above instructions. Note that the parameters are almost 100% identical to TrueCrypt, so you can navigate for instructions for this encryption program.

DiskCryptor application

DiskCryptor is different from previous utilities. First of all, it works only underWindows. The program also allows you to protect any disk, partition and external media. The program is quite reliable because it was created by one of the TrueCrypt developers.

Description utility capabilities:

  • Algorithms AES, Twofish, Serpent + combinations.
  • Dynamic disk support.
  • Transparent encryption of partitions, any USB drives, CD/DVD drives.

You can download the tool from the official website -

How to encrypt a partition in DiskCryptor

Open the utility and select the media or flash drive that needs to be encrypted. Click on the button on the right Encrypt».

A window will open asking you to select the volume encryption algorithm. hard drive. You can choose just one or all at once. Then click “Next”.

In the Password and Confirm fields enter the password. Click OK.

The encryption process will begin, which, depending on the size of the media, will be long or fast.

After completing the procedure, the window next to the desired volume should show inscriptionmounted, which means the media is mounted. To unmount it, just select the disk and click “Unmount” on the right.

To access the encrypted media, just select it and click the “Mount” button. You need to enter your password and click OK.

To decrypt a partition, you need to select the disk and click “ Decrypt" If the procedure does not complete correctly, you need to transfer important files to another drive and format the media.