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Quick answer:
However, the first action that should be taken is to top up your personal account. To do this, you can activate the “Autopayment” service. To use the service you need to link your bank card to the phone number in “Personal Account. After this, the service is activated by sending USSD-request *114# . After the operation, the personal account will be replenished automatically when the balance approaches the set threshold. By default, the replenishment threshold is 30 rubles, a one-time credit to the account is 150.

  • *141# . Request to replenish your account in an amount set by the provider.
  • *141*7# . Receiving information about the available payment amount.

The absence of a positive balance does not mean that subscribers of VimpelCom PJSC will be cut off from the world mobile communications. Users can receive incoming calls and SMS, even if they go into minus, so the number will always be available. It’s more difficult when the user needs to make a call or go online himself, but the amount needed for such actions is not on his personal account. There is a way out in this situation too. Beeline services with a zero balance allow customers not only to top up their account, but also to use voice communication and even send text messages.

Beeline with zero balance

The possibilities with a negative balance of Beeline subscribers are within a fairly wide range. However, the first action that should be taken is to top up your personal account. To do this, you can activate the “Autopayment” service. To use the service, you need to link your bank card to your phone number in your “Personal Account.” After this, the service is activated by sending a USSD request *114#. After the operation, the personal account will be replenished automatically when the balance approaches the set threshold. By default, the replenishment threshold is 30 rubles, a one-time credit to the account is 150.

The second option for replenishing your balance when the balance is zero is “Trust Payment”. To manage the service, there are the following commands:

  • *141#. Request to replenish your account in an amount set by the provider.
  • *141*7#. Receiving information about the available payment amount.
  • Toll-free number for general questions.

Important! There is no subscription fee for access to the “Trust Payment” service, but the operator writes off a commission for conducting transactions.

The “Trust payment” service is not provided in the following cases:

  1. The number is registered to a legal entity.
  2. Postpaid tariff plans.
  3. Communication costs are less than 50 rubles per month.
  4. The number is blocked at the initiative of the provider.
  5. The amount on the account is 30 rubles.

It is worth noting that the amount of the available payment directly depends on the subscriber’s expenses for services cellular communications.


In addition to account replenishment options, Beeline offers its subscribers the following options:

  • The call is at the expense of another subscriber.
  • Request for account replenishment.
  • Sending messages asking to call back.

Each of the services works even in cases where the subscriber’s phone number is zero. However, the terms of service are different for each option.

How to call at the expense of the interlocutor? In this case, the following procedure is performed:

  1. WITH mobile device The combination 05050 and the subscriber number (without the eight) are dialed.
  2. A connection is established where the user receives a notification that the call will be charged from his number.
  3. There is a conversation in progress or the call is dropped by the interlocutor.

Important! Even if the subscriber rejects the call at his expense, the system automatically sends a text request asking him to call the specified number back.

It should be clarified that you can access the system no more than 15 times a day; the option does not apply to regional and international roaming.

Users can refuse the “Call at the expense of the interlocutor” service on their phone. For this purpose the following scheme is provided:

  • Sending a request *155*0# to disconnect.
  • Receiving a system notification that the option is deactivated.
  • *155*1# to reconnect.

If you don’t have money, you can ask friends and family to top up your account. To do this, send a request with the following content: *143* phone number #. The message arrives at the number of the recipient subscriber and he can transfer any amount to the specified contact from his personal mobile account. The service is provided free of charge and there is no subscription fee.

It is worth noting that the option is valid only within the network, the maximum number of requests is 5 per day.

How to ask your interlocutor to call back? To do this, you need to send a request *144* subscriber number #. The service is valid for all Beeline clients in Russia and the CIS, however, it does not apply to the territory of the Republic of Crimea. The number of requests per day is 10, the option does not need additional connection, there is no subscription fee.

Additional features

The “Live Zero” service is provided for all home network subscribers. The option is included as standard in all operator tariff plans and does not require additional activation. “Live Zero” makes it possible to answer incoming calls, receive text messages, use caller ID and call forwarding services even if your personal account balance is negative.

In addition, users have access to the “Talking Letter” service. The essence of the option is that subscribers can record and send to their family and friends voice messages. The service is provided free of charge, without a subscription fee, however, listening to the recording will cost 1.15 rubles per minute.

It is worth clarifying that subscribers with a zero balance can call technical support, use short commands and telephone numbers to enable/disable various options and subscriptions, contact representatives emergency services cities.

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At first glance, the Beeline company provides its customers with ample opportunities to use communication services with a zero balance. However, such concern is fraught with pitfalls. Firstly, most services operate only in the region of connection; therefore, traveling to a neighboring region cuts off the subscriber from cellular services. Secondly, for the option to deposit funds in advance, the provider charges a commission, and after 3 days, writes off the entire amount, regardless of the state of the personal account. Thirdly, communication services at zero are still paid for, albeit not by the subscriber himself, but by his family and friends. Therefore, talk about “ free cheese"doesn't work here. However, we must pay tribute that the client can always be in touch, regardless of the state of the personal account.

If it so happens that your phone account suddenly becomes zero, and there is no way to top it up right away, then you get the feeling that the whole world has collapsed. It is at this moment that the need arises to inquire about the health of the parents, to discuss the purchase with a friend.

There is no need to worry about these trifles, because at the moment Beeline offers a wide range of services, even with a zero account. To do this, you need to select one of the offered services.

Opportunities with a zero account on Beeline

For subscribers who use non-contract numbers, the Beeline company pleases its users with many services, giving them the full opportunity not to lose contact when opportunities with zero balance on Beeline are not limited by boundaries. The services are easy to connect with simple steps.

  • What can you do when you have a minus:
  • the “Autopayment” function will help you top up your account for free and on “autopilot”;
  • "Auto" options trust payment" and "Trust Payment" also add cash to the balance;
  • Such services, which will be described in detail below, make it possible to always be in touch with the help of loved ones and relatives, since they are activated immediately.

If there is no money in your account, don’t worry, there is also an automatic connection “Live Zero”, which will always keep you in touch when your phone is always on.


With this option, your account will never drop to zero on Beeline, because when the money runs out, your balance will automatically increase by the set level.

“Prepayment” clients are free to decide what minimum threshold to enter for auto payment and the amount that will be credited to the account. Those subscribers who pay monthly do not worry about constantly topping up their account. At the end of the month they receive an invoice for the loan provided.

To activate the option, you need to dial the simple combination *114*9# “call” button, and to deactivate it, you need to type *114*0# “call” button on your keyboard.

"Trust payment"

The total amount that Beeline can provide as a loan is different for everyone, it is calculated from the average bill payment amount for the last three months.

You can use this service both within Russia and abroad. You can use the provided service no later than three days, after which it will be automatically disabled if the client does not have time to use it. Just top up your account.

Activation of the service - *141# “call”. By dialing *141*7# “call”, it will immediately show how much money needs to be deposited into the account. Read more about this service.

"Auto-trust payment"

This function does not need to be activated. If there are no fifty rubles in the account, then money will be automatically transferred to it. The amount of the total credit is based on spending on the phone for a full ninety days.

If a Beeline subscriber is in Russia, then the service is triggered with a bill of no more than 50 rubles, if he has traveled abroad, then 150 rubles.

You will have to pay for this service: the day of activation - 50 kopecks, subsequent ones - 75 kopecks each.

To turn on the service, the phone needs to press *141*11# “call” button, to turn it off – *141*10# “call” button.

“Top up my account” service

You can send an SMS to friends or family with a request; it is sent as part of the “ ” function.

This notification applies, in addition to Russia, to Ukraine and other neighboring countries, and other operators support this function.

To send a message with a request, you need to dial a short combination - *143*(phone number to whom you want to send the SMS)# “call”. This number is dialed in full, not forgetting “+7”.

Transfer services are different, it all depends on what country the recipient is in: through a bank card, go to a payment system salon, transfer cash through your account to your SIM card. This feature is called Mobile Transfer.

Beeline account has zero, how to call?

Many ways have been thought out so that you can dial a number for a call without having an account real money. Can be easily notified the right person, using the “Call me” or “Call at the expense of the interlocutor” functions.

Each of us, at least once in our lives, has faced a situation where we urgently need to make an important call with cell phone. However, according to the law of meanness, there are not enough funds in the account, and there is no way to replenish it. Beeline subscribers can solve this problem using the “Trust Payment” service by borrowing the missing amount of money from the operator.

Conditions for lending to a Beeline mobile account

“Trust payment” on Beeline is possible both with a negative or zero balance, and with a low balance on the mobile account.

The operator determines the degree of low account balance as follows:

  • the balance is 30 rubles (subject to monthly payment - up to 100 rubles);
  • balance 60 rubles (from 1 to 3 thousand rubles);
  • the balance is 90 rubles (more than 3 thousand rubles).

The user can count on the provision of the “Trust payment” service only if:

  1. he has been the owner of the SIM card for more than 2 months. This measure was introduced in order to protect the operator from scammers who want to receive the promised payment without the intention of repaying the debt in the future.
  2. there is a fact of movement of funds in his account over the past months. In particular, a loan is provided if the amount of payments a Beeline subscriber makes for any operator services is more than 50 rubles.

If both conditions are met, the subscriber can borrow from the Beeline operator.

What loan size can you expect if there is a minus?

A Beeline subscriber cannot borrow a certain desired amount (for example, 500 rubles), since the size of the loan is limited by the operator and depends on the monthly payment for the services provided. The higher this indicator, the higher the degree of confidence of the operator and, accordingly, the loan amount.

Approximate amounts " trust payment» from Beeline:

  • 50 rubles (loan amount) - less than 100 rubles (received payments for the previous month);
  • 80 rubles (payment 100 - 1 thousand rubles);
  • 100 rubles (payment 1 - 1.5 thousand rubles);
  • 200 rubles (payment 1.5 - 3 thousand rubles);
  • 450 rubles (payment over 3 thousand rubles).

Is it possible to receive money from Beeline while roaming?

Subscribers in roaming can also borrow from the operator. However, in this case, the minimum payment for services for the last month should not be less than 450 rubles. The loan amount for such subscribers increases in proportion to the amount of payments received for the previous month and is accordingly:

  • 150 rubles (if the monthly payment is 450 rubles - 1 thousand rubles);
  • 200 rubles (payment 1 - 1.5 thousand rubles);
  • 450 rubles (payment 1.5 - 3 thousand rubles).

In addition, for lending money, a subscriber in roaming, in addition to the amount of the loan, is charged for services (15 rubles) during the period of its repayment.

How to activate “Trust payment”?

To borrow from the Beeline operator, just dial the key combination *141# on your phone and click on “call”.

Beeline also provides subscribers with the opportunity to refuse this service. To do this, you need to contact the operator at 0611. After this, access to activating the “Trust Payment” service will be prohibited and the subscriber, even if the account has a minus, will not be able to use the operator’s funds on credit.

How long does it take to repay a loan from Beeline?

It is necessary to repay the debt, taking into account the loan, no later than 3 days after receiving it, otherwise the phone number will be blocked until the payment is received in the account (and it will be impossible to take out the loan again). For subscribers in roaming, the repayment period has been increased to 7 days.

Everyone sometimes has troubles, like a minus on their mobile account balance. Often there is money, but the walk to the terminal is either too far or unreasonably long. For such cases, the Beeline operator has a solution - a trust payment.

Conditions for activating the “Trust payment”

You can activate this service only if your number meets several requirements:
- you must be a Beeline subscriber for at least two months;
- you must have spent at least 50 rubles on any services over the previous months;
- there should be very little money in the account (from 30 to 90 rubles, depending on the level of expenses in previous months).

The minimum amount of the trust payment is 30 rubles and increases as the length of service in the Beeline network increases and the funds spent in recent months. You can use these funds for 3 days, after which they will burn out and be added to the minus on your phone. The maximum amount for this service is 150 rubles. The money is small, but it should be enough for a few urgent calls or access to an electronic wallet.

If you are roaming, the credit is valid for up to 7 days and the amounts increase (from 100 to 300 rubles, depending on the level of past expenses).

If you have an IMPORTANT or very URGENT question, ask!!!

How to connect “Trust payment”

Using the USSD request “*141*7#” you will find out how much money they can give you on credit. And upon request “*141#” this money will be credited to your account. You can connect the service as many times as you like, but at least a day must pass between two connections and the balance must be replenished. If your phone is already blocked even for incoming messages, a trust payment will not help you.

Loan to pay for “Home Internet”

Trust payment can be connected not only to mobile phone, but also on cable Internet Beeline. In this case, the amount of money in the account should not exceed the monthly subscription fee, otherwise the service will not be activated. It is also required that you have at least two subscription payments paid on time, and the moment of taking the trust payment can be either five days after the billing day or 3 days before it. This payment is valid for up to seven days, after which it also goes negative.

Connection of a trust payment for cable Internet is carried out through Personal account user on the Beeline website. The time until it ends will also be displayed there.

IMPORTANT: The information on the site is provided for informational purposes only and is current at the time of writing. For more accurate information on certain issues, please contact official operators.

Even the most attentive subscribers are not always able to control the balance on mobile number. Sometimes situations arise when you urgently need to call, send a message or use the Internet, and cash there is not enough money in the account to complete the transaction. In this case, of course, you can go to the nearest operator’s office or ATM and top up your balance. However, sometimes this is not possible. In such cases, Beeline subscribers with a zero balance can use free services, which allow you to always stay in touch. In this article we will tell you more about them.

Service "Trust payment"

By activating this service, Beeline customers with a zero balance can not think about the lack of funds in their account for three days. A trust payment involves the transfer of a certain amount to the subscriber’s account, which can be used for any services provided mobile operator. The amount of such payment is determined individually, based on how much the client spends monthly on communications. By the way, only those subscribers who have been using the number for at least three months can activate this service. To check the available amount, enter *141*7# on your phone. The service is activated using the command *141#.

There is also a variant of this service when the trust payment is activated automatically when a certain balance value is reached on the subscriber’s number (for example, as soon as the amount on the account is less than 50 rubles, an accrual occurs). This can be convenient for forgetful clients: at a critical moment they will not have to think about the question of how to call with a zero balance. Beeline allows customers to take care of their account in advance. You can activate the service through the Internet assistant, as well as through the client center operator.

"Live Zero" service

This option is provided free of charge and is available to all Beeline users. Services with a zero balance, implying the client’s ability to receive incoming calls and text messages, remain active. This means that, despite the absence, the subscriber will always remain in touch.

Beeline: opportunities with zero balance for subscribers

If the trust payment, however, urgently needs to contact friends or family, you can send them the request “Call me back.” Having received such a message, they will definitely call. Such a request is sent by entering the command: *144* number of the subscriber to whom the message needs to be sent #. It is also possible to send a request to top up your account. You can send it by entering the command: *143* number of the subscriber to whom you want to send the message #. These services are not charged.

Call at the expense of another subscriber (only for Beeline customers)

Another interesting option that can be useful to Beeline subscribers with a zero balance is a call at the expense of another person. You cannot simply use such a service; you must first obtain its approval. If the subscriber refuses to pay for the call after reading the corresponding message, then you will not be able to communicate with him. You can use the service by dialing 05050 + the number of another subscriber on your phone and pressing the dial key. In order to protect yourself from such requests, you can set a corresponding ban using the command *155*0#.

How to top up your account with a zero Beeline balance: other methods

When the balance on the number is close to zero and you need to top up your account for further use of the communication service, you can use the usual methods of transferring funds. Through a terminal, ATM, online banking, cash in the office, etc. If the subscriber does not remember the phone number, then you can find out the Beeline number if the balance is zero by entering the request *110*10#. The information will be displayed on the device screen. Thus, Beeline customers with a zero balance will not be left without communication. You can use any of the previously described services until funds arrive in your account.