Developing our group or community on VK, each of us was upset when we saw bots and dogs among the subscribers of the VKontakte public. Today we want to tell you ways how you can independently check how many bots are in your VK group, tell you what is the allowed limit of dogs in groups and much more.

How to find out how many bots are in the VK group.

Many of us ask ourselves the question, why do I have so many bots and dogs in my group, because I have not used the promotion services? It's very simple: very often people delete their accounts or subscribe to pages from their fakes, which are subsequently banned. So how can you find out how many bots are in a group or community?

There are several simple ways:

Find out how many bots are in the VK group: method 1.

The easiest way to find out how many incapacitated aks in the VKontakte social network are in your group, we emphasize in yours, since this information is available only to administrators and creators of the community or group.

Go to our group in the menu, select the community statistics section, and scroll to the very end, at the very bottom under all statistics you will see “ The percentage of suspicious accounts is at least"- these are bots and blocked participants

According to unconfirmed information from our readers, this inscription appears when reaching 5000 or 10000 people in your group or public.

Find out how many bots are in the VK group: method 2.

In order to find out the exact number of bots in your or someone else's group, you can use the VK application:

Find out how many dogs are in the VKontakte group: method 3.

Here's another good and working way to find out how many bots are in a VKontakte group. It is enough to go to the site

The limit of dogs and bots in the VK group.

Users who use the services of cheating subscribers know firsthand what bots and dogs in a group can get banned. What is the limit of bots and dogs you can have in a group and are not afraid of a ban for cheating VK. There is no exact answer, but if your public has 45 or more% of blocked members, then the chances that the group will be blocked are very high. In our next articles, we will teach you how to securely wind up subscribers and tell you how to quickly and completely clear your groups of dogs.

We hope you enjoyed our article, we will be glad to receive your comments.

New users on the VKontakte social network register every day, but at the same time, on a regular basis, people leave the site, deleting or abandoning their accounts. If an account has been inactive for a long time and a social network suspects that it is "dead", after a while it may be blocked or deleted, especially if there are complaints about it. After deletion, the VKontakte account becomes a so-called "doggie", that is, an image of a branded sad dog is installed on its avatar, and all information about the user is erased from the page. Such "dogs" in the VKontakte group create numbers, but can cause negative feedback from users if there are a large number of them. In this article, we'll look at how to remove them.

Table of contents:

Where do the "dogs" come from in the VKontakte group

As noted above, "dogs" represent deleted accounts. Most often, they appear if a person used the service to cheat users in a VKontakte group. Often, in the early stages of a community's existence, cheating is the best way to start and recruit a certain number, which users resort to to develop their group.

Please note: During cheating, users from hacked accounts most often join your group. As a rule, these same accounts are also used for other groups, not only for joining them, but also for writing comments, reposts, various ways to promote a service or product. That is why the accounts of such users quickly turn into "dogs" after they receive several complaints for their actions.

How to find out how many dogs are in a group

If you have a large group, it is difficult to "by eye" determine the number of remote users in it. There is a special tool that allows you to find out how many blocked and deleted users are in the community.

This application is called "Finding Dead Members and Subscribers." To use it, you need to be an administrator of the group in which you want to check. Select one of those you want to check in the list of groups, and also set the accuracy (the more accurate the check, the longer it takes). Then click "Scan" to start checking the group.

Please note: Depending on the size of the group, as well as on the selected accuracy, the verification time will differ. With normal accuracy, checking a group of 150-200 thousand people will take about 5 minutes.

Upon completion of the verification, you will see a detailed report, which indicates how many "dead" accounts in the group. At the same time, you can see the division by remote and blocked users. In addition, if you click on the number of participants who are marked "dead", their full list will open.

How to remove "dogs" from the VKontakte group

There are several ways to remove "dogs" from the VKontakte group. Consider three options in this article, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Manual removal of blocked users

If the user is deleted, a "dog" appears on his avatar. Accordingly, it will not be difficult to find it in the list of group members. This means that you can manually clear the group of such users.

To do this, just open the full list of group members and start scrolling down gradually by clicking on the "Remove from community" button next to each user whose avatar has a "dog".

The advantage of this method is complete control. You see each person you remove, whereas with the other two methods, everything is at the mercy of automation.

There are also a couple of disadvantages to this method. The first one is the duration, it will take more than one hour to remove all the "dogs" from a large group. The second drawback is the possibility of accidentally deleting users who are not "dogs". Often people put a "dog" icon on their avatar, but if you go to their page, you can see that it is active.

Automatic removal of "dogs" by means of VKontakte

The social network VKontakte understands that blocked users are of no use to the group and offers to get rid of them using its own tool. If you go to the "Statistics" section under the group administrator account, at the very bottom you can find the "Clear group from bots" button, as well as the approximate percentage of bots in the group. Click on this button and the cleaning process will start.

Depending on how many users and bots there are in the group, it will take different time to remove the "dogs".

The advantage of this method is its simplicity and the absence of the need to use third-party services. The downside is the uncontrolled deletion of users. In fact, you do not have the opportunity to see who exactly the VKontakte social network considers a bot, and these are not always “dogs”. In addition, as practice shows, even after such a cleanup, there are dogs in the group, that is, the effectiveness of the method is rather low.

Automatic removal of "dogs" by third-party services

There are a lot of third-party services that allow you to remove "dogs" from a group. In this article, we will consider how to use the well-known olike service for these purposes.

Important: If you are using a third party service to complete this procedure, be sure to make sure it is a trusted and trusted service provider. In addition, after removing the "dogs" it will not be superfluous to change the password from the group administrator account.

To remove "dogs" through the serviceolike, you need to do the following:

The advantage of such removal of "dogs" from the group is the automatic process and quality of work. The disadvantages are that you cannot control who exactly will be deleted by the service, and the process of cleaning up the group is quite lengthy, especially if there are many members in it.

How to determine the markup in the Vkontakte group?

Owners of various companies very often turn to ad networks and freelancers, asking them to promote their community on social networks.

It is difficult to promote the Vkontakte group, and the results of the work may differ significantly from the expected ones.

Most often, clients cite examples from other communities, claiming that they need something similar. But at the same time, they do not even think that most of the publics and groups are simply screwed up and in fact do not bring clients to their owners at all. Don't believe this? Then let's figure out how to determine the cheat in the Vkontakte group.

Many Vkontakte groups are screwed up

In addition to the fact that determining the markup is necessary for everyone who decides to attract customers from social. networks, it will be useful for those who decide to buy a site. The forums often offer the purchase of a promoted group, but by paying money you can not get any efficiency, since users will be wound up (bots).

Determine the cheat in the group

First, let's find advanced communities for high-frequency queries.

Let's enter the word "Repair" in the search:

The first two groups with a large number of participants are ideal for testing. We go to them and pay attention to their geographical location:

And now it is not difficult for us to check whether the participants are really interested in the services of this company, or they were simply cheated into the community. Go to the search by participants and set some parameters:

As soon as we indicated the country "Russia" in the region, the number of participants dropped by 2 times. And what will happen if we try to sort subscribers by Moscow and St. Petersburg, because it is there that the company provides services:

Slightly more than 15,000 participants from the cities where the services are provided, but this does not mean that some of them are not wound up.

As for the second group, this is generally an amazing example. The page states that they only work in St. Petersburg:

If you search for participants and indicate the city, then you can see at least an approximate number of real subscribers:

Imagine, out of 99,000 participants, only 5,000 are from the same city, but what does this mean? All of them were twisted and there can be no other explanation for this.

If you are engaged in cheating, and your client asks you to do a high-quality promotion of the group, like those who are in the top positions, just show him this article. And if you decide to buy a group and for this you decided to find out how to determine the cheating of a public, then be sure to check the statistics as well.

If the subscriber growth charts look unnatural and uneven, this is a reason to think about abandoning the deal.

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How to find out about the quality of participants in Vkontakte groups? Bots or real followers? And you will also find out how and why they get subscribers.

Anyone who has already ordered the promotion of a VKontakte group from SMM agencies or bought advertising on exchanges is probably familiar with the feeling. First, joy, and then disappointment and understanding that you were thrown. It is also important to know about the presence of bots when you are in such a group.

What should be done to determine the presence of bots in the VKontakte group?

The first thing that can be noticed is that there are thousands of people in the group, and there is no activity at all (no normal comments, reposts).

Then we press "Search by subscribers" (next screen) and we see a completely different number.

Why is that?!

The fact is that the group is pumped by bots. That is, non-existent users. Now I will show you how to look at the root and how to see the real, not fictitious, number of members of the VKontakte community.

If you choose a group for promo posts on your own or want to check a community from the advertising exchange ( for lousy, use the search on VKontakte communities.

ATTENTION! Don't be happy just to see the number of members in the group! Dig deeper. Namely, carry out the SEARCH BY PARTICIPANTS! (by clicking on the "Subscribers" or "Participants" block)

Most likely, a surprise awaits you. Because such a search, unlike the standard one, shows a real picture in the community

There were 10, now 6.7 thousand ...

Attention, if the difference in the number of people in a group when searching by members is more than 20%, then the group is most likely pumped by bots.

If less, it can be attributed to the error of the VKontakte algorithm when issuing results.

In addition, if you are targeting your product or service to women or men separately, I strongly recommend that you set the acc. filters and see the number and proportion of them in the group.

For example, we choose a female audience:

From 6.7 thousand 1.9 - female audience.

The indicator of "dog" faces in the search for the participants immediately makes it clear that the group is of poor quality:

You can check it like this if the group is regional. For example, a group of local cafes, schools. We just select the country, the city where the establishments are located. And if most of the subscribers are from another country or completely different cities, then we can say with confidence that the subscribers are "wound up" and there is no benefit from them. Since they are in a group and do not enter.

How to wind up Vkontakte subscribers - important features

Often in a personal VK they ask me about how to wind up Vkontakte subscribers. Personally, I don't do this. But then people write that they ordered a cheat there, and after a while the subscribers began to turn into "dog faces." And then what to do? I decided to briefly add information here, maybe it will be useful to you. Let's start in order.

The "dogs" in the community influence its promotion. The Vkontakte administration fights as much as possible with the artificial accumulation of members in the group. Only groups with real, live and "thematic" members enter the TOP.

The promotion of the Vkontakte group should be of high quality. If blocked members prevail in it, then sanctions may be imposed on the community. The simplest thing a group can expect is to drop out of the search entirely. In the worst case, the group can be blocked.

Enter the link to the VKontakte group

Recently scanned groups:

((((100 / group.maxcount * group.totaldel) .toFixed (2)) === "NaN"? 0: (100 / group.maxcount * group.totaldel) .toFixed (2)))%


Total subscribers:((cur_res.maxcount))

Of these "dogs":((cur_res.totaldel)) ((((100 / cur_res.maxcount * cur_res.totaldel) .toFixed (2)))%)

Temporary "dogs":((cur_res.banned)) ((((100 / cur_res.maxcount * cur_res.banned) .toFixed (2)))%)

Eternal "dogs":((cur_res.deleted)) ((((100 / cur_res.maxcount * cur_res.deleted) .toFixed (2)))%)

10 "> Result:
The community has a critical level of blocked users. Immediate cleaning of the dogs is recommended!

0 "> Result:
The community has an acceptable level of blocked users. But it is recommended to periodically check the community for "dogs"!

There are no blocked users in the community!

Cleansing the community of blocked users

Service cost - 299 .

Perpetual access - payment is made 1 time... You will be able to clean up the communities you administer unlimited number of times.

The service includes the ability to choose which type of "dogs" should be removed from the group: all, eternal, temporary.

After payment, a letter with a link and instructions for removing the "dogs" will be sent to your email address. You will get unlimited access to the tool for all your communities.

SMM service AntiDogs advises all administrators to check groups for "dogs" on a monthly basis and clean up blocked users in a timely manner to avoid blocking communities.

We accept payment Yandex money and Visa / MasterCard