G. Yu. Demina, teacher of gymnasium No. 6 of the Krasnoarmeysky district of Volgograd

Well passed the examination at VGIPC (Volgograd State Institute for Advanced Training and Retraining of Education Workers). Published in Appendix No. 51 2006 to the Academic Year magazine.

Number of teaching hours - 35. Educational field: computer science. Age group - 10-11 grades.

Explanatory note

This program is designed to teach high school students the course " Photoshop for preparation Web -graphics", while it includes elements of general computer science and connections with other subjects of the secondary education course. Working with information has become a separate specialty, in great demand in the labor market. Studying the course " Photoshop for preparation Web -graphics", students acquire knowledge and skills in working on modern professional PCs and software, including optical disks, scanners, modems, the Notepad text editor, FrontPage HTML document editor, technology for creating and editing graphic images.

The need to create a similar program for initial vocational education is due to the fact that the skills of processing and placing information in global network The Internet is becoming necessary at every stage of the professional education of a future specialist.

The course program consists of three sections: “Requirements for student preparation”, “Training content”, “Thematic planning of educational material”. The “Student Preparation Requirements” section determines the final level of skills and abilities that students must possess upon completion of the course. The requirements are distributed along the main content lines of the course and characterize the absolute minimum that all students must achieve. The “Training Content” section specifies the minimum amount of material required to study this course. The section “Thematic planning of educational material” provides specific planning.

Typically, images on a computer screen are created using graphics programs. The main focus of the course is on creating illustrations, image editing and photo editing using Adobe Photoshop.

The course was developed on the basis of the Mandatory minimum content of secondary (complete) general education in the Russian Federation and taking into account the Recommendations for the preparation curricula in computer science, developed by the working group of the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) under the auspices of UNESCO.

The course includes 2 blocks.

Block 1 - “Computer graphics. Photoshop".

Block 2 - “Internet technologies. Basics of Web Design".

The course blocks are interconnected and interchangeable.

Block 1 is devoted to the section of computer science that deals with the creation and transformation of drawings and graphic images - computer graphics. People of various professions use it in their work: researchers in various scientific and applied fields, artists, designers, developers of advertising products, creators of Web pages, specialists in the field of television and video editing and others.

Block 2 includes practical mastery of work techniques when creating a Web site, mastering Web site editor programs.

The training program is designed for a certain level of student preparation:

  • basic knowledge of computer science;
  • Knowledge of basic working techniques in the Microsoft Windows operating environment, version 95 or higher.

Course objectives:

  • study graphic file formats and the appropriateness of their use;
  • teach students to create and edit their own images using tools graphics program;
  • explore the capabilities of the graphics program Adobe Photoshop;
  • learn how to create web page layouts;
  • formation in students of a holistic understanding of the global information space and the principles of obtaining information, as well as the creation of their own information resources.

Course objectives:

  • to form in students unified system knowledge related to the creation, receipt, processing, interpretation and storage of information;
  • show the basic techniques for effectively using Internet information resources;
  • form logical connections with other subjects included in the course of secondary education.

The course is intended for students in grades 10-11 and is designed for 35 training sessions. Classes include lecture and practical parts. The practical part of the course is organized in the form of lessons. An important component of each lesson is independent work by students.

During the learning process, students must acquire skills:

  • create drawings from simple objects in Adobe Photoshop;
  • perform basic operations on objects (deleting, moving, scaling, rotating, mirroring, etc.);
  • paint over drawings using various types of fills;
  • work with the contours of objects;
  • create illustrations using methods for arranging and combining objects;
  • apply various graphic effects;
  • create inscriptions and headings;
  • edit images in Adobe Photoshop;
  • prepare text and illustrations for the website;
  • use the Web editor tools to write a page: create a page, use hyperlinks, format text, use tables;
  • perform page layout;
  • prepare and publish your website on the Internet.

The listed skills are formed on the basis of the following knowledge:

  • features, advantages and disadvantages of raster graphics;
  • description of color in computer graphics;
  • graphic file formats;
  • a set of necessary tools for creating a Web page;
  • basic principles of using the HTML language;
  • principles of working with Web editors;
  • basic tools for editing Web pages;
  • typical Web page structure and site design principles;
  • basic principles of Web design;
  • methods of publishing Web pages on the Internet.

Basic elements lesson


Number of hours

Computer graphics: areas of application, principles of coding fermentation

Concept of pixel, raster, color coding, video memory

Photoshop workspace

Toolbar. Drawing tools. Context menu. Palettes. Control Panel. Status bar. Edit settings window ra

Myself. Job:

Setting up the editor window. Palette layout. Opening a document cops

Working with documents tami

Raster and vector graphics. Image resolution and dimensions. Opening a document. Creating a new document cop

Myself. Job:

Creating a new document with specified parameters parameters (name, dimensions, mode)

Image File Formats

Source and intermediate images images (PSD, TIFF, BMP, JPEG). Formats Web graphics (GIF, JPEG)

Myself. Job:

conservation images in different files new type

Photoshop and Web graphics

Color modes and models. Scanning and image correction. Selecting image fragments. Preparation graphic elements Web pages

Myself. Job:

Scanning an image, highlighting and image fragment correction

Image layers

Layers palette. Changing the order of objects. Creation and removing layers. Merger and removing layers. Linked layers and layer sets

Myself. Job:

Working with layers

Drawing and different types of shading

Choice of color. Filling areas. Gradient fill. Stroke areas tee. Drawing lines. On construction and creation of brushes. Removing fragments and restoring images

Myself. Job:

Creating a new graphic document (filling areas, adding a frame to the entire image or part of it, filling the border of an area)

Correction Basics tones

Tone correction. Correction of tone curves. Brightness and contrast correction. Quick ways new settings tov and shadows. Special color effects

Myself. Job:

Masks and channels

Alpha channels. Quick masking mode. Masks for flowers. Changing colors. Layer mask

Myself. Job:

Adjust an image using the techniques you've learned

How to work with the filter mi. Artistic filters. Styling filters. Deformation filters. Thumbnail filters

Myself. Job:

Change an image using the techniques you've learned

Working with text

Entering text. Edited text. Formatting characters. Formatting paragraphs. Working with text layers

Myself. Job:

Input, editing, transformation of text into graphics technical document

Images for Web

The difference between ImageReady and Photoshop. Operations with image fragments. Creating a Web Page Layout

Myself. Job:

Creating a Web Page Layout

Web page design

Principles of Web Creation - pages

Myself. Job:

Familiarity with various Web sites on the Internet

Hyper Text Markup Language Basics(HTML)

HTML document structure and text formatting. Using lists and tables. Use of images. Applying Frames

Myself. Job:

Creation Web pages on a given topic in text editor Block notes

Using software tools for creating Web sites

Features of the FrontPage editor. Creating and editing Web pages in the FrontPage environment

Myself. Job:

Web creation - pages on a given topic in FrontPage software environment

Cascading tables styles

The concept of a table lei Table support styles. Formation style sheets. CSS rules

Myself. Job:

Style formatting Web pages using external and internal style sheets

HTML placement - document on the server

Choice Web servers. Once placement of a website on the Internet. Registration in search engines

Myself. Job:

Placing Web pages on the Internet

Creating a personal Web site

Development of the site structure. Assembling Web site files

Myself. Job:

Creating a Web site on a given topic


35 hours

1. Computer graphics: areas of application, principles of image coding (2 hours).

Main areas of application of computer graphics. Main directions in the development of computer graphics. Pixel, raster, color coding, video memory.

2. Work area Photoshop (1 hour).

Menu features. Working field. Organization of the toolbar. Properties panel. Panels are auxiliary windows. View images at different scales. Status bar.

3. Work with documents (1 hour).

What are raster and vector graphics. Advantages and disadvantages of raster and vector graphics. Scaling and editing a graphic document. Opening a document. Creating a new document.

4. Image file formats (1 hour).

5. Photoshop AndWeb -graphics (2 hours).

6. Layers (2 hours).

Features of creating a computer collage. The concept of a layer. Using layers for collage. Operations on layers: deleting, moving, scaling, rotating, mirroring, merging.

7. Drawing and coloring (2 hours).

Selecting foreground and background colors. Using drawing tools: Pencil, Brush, Eraser, Fill, Gradient. Coloring black and white photographs.

8. Basics of correction of halftone and color images (2 hours).

The concept of tonal range of an image. Histogram of pixel brightness. Histogram of light, dark and dull images. The main tasks of tone correction. Tone correction commands. The relationship of colors in an image. The principle of color correction. Color correction commands.

9. Masks and channels (2 hours).

Modes for working with selected areas: standard and quick mask mode. Save selected areas for reuse in channels.

10. Filters (2 hours).

Purpose of filters. Filter types: Distort, Brushstroke, Sharpen, Render, Pixels, Free Transform, Style, Texture, Artistic, Sketch.

11. Working with text (1 hour).

Methods of working with text. Tools for creating text. Selecting text color. Selecting a background. Text effects.

12. Images for Web (2 hours).

The difference between ImageReady and Photoshop. Switching to Photoshop and back. Image optimization. Operations with image fragments. Creating a web page layout.

13. DesignWeb -pages (1 hour).

Technological features of Web design. Professional techniques for creating pages. Graphic effects. Professional Internet resources. Profession of Web designer. The Internet is a new area of ​​business.

14. BasicsHyper Text Markup Language (HTML ) (3 hours).

History of the origin and standards of the HTML language. Syntax of HTML documents. Structure of HTML documents. Text design elements. Paragraphs, headings, dividers, paragraphs, alignment, color and font design. Creating lists in an HTML document. Creating hyperlinks. Graphic design (background images, lines, buttons). Use of images. Parameters that determine the design of graphic objects. Creating tables in an HTML document. Parameters that determine the design of tables. Control the placement of document content on the screen using tables. The concept of frame-frame. Splitting a Web page into parts. Parameters that determine the relative position of frames on the screen and their appearance. Hypertext transitions within and between frames.

15. Using software to createWeb -sites (4 hours). |

Review of software tools for creating Web sites. Basics of working in the FrontPage environment. Editor's workspace. Creation and editing of Web pages.

16. Cascading style sheets (2 hours).

The concept of a style sheet. Style sheet support. Formation of a style sheet. CSS rules. Style properties. Internal and external style sheets.

17. Placing an HTML document on the server (2 hours).

Address registration. Uploading the site (agreements and rules). Testing pages. Registration of a Web site on search engines. Banner exchange, advertising, links.

18. Creating a personal one Web -site (2 hours).

Development of content (content) of the Web site and development of its structure. Creating a Web site using the FrontPage editor. Placing a website on the Internet.


1. Gaevsky A. Yu., Romanovsky V. A. Creation of Web pages and Web sites. M.: Technology-3000, 2005.

2. Zalogova L. A. Computer graphics. M.: Laboratory of Basic Knowledge, 2005.

3. Clark T. M. Filters for PhotoShop: Special effects and design. M.; St. Petersburg; Kyiv: Dialectics, 1999.

4. Makarova N.V. Computer science and information and communication technologies: Textbook: 10th grade. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2006.

5. Makarova N.V. Computer science and information and communication technologies: Textbook: 11th grade. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2006.

6. Pankratova T. Photoshop 7: Training course: Design and graphics. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2006.

7. Solonitsyn Yu. Photoshop for preparing Web graphics. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2002.

8. Solonitsyn Yu. Photoshop 7 for preparing Web graphics: Training course: Design and graphics. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2006.

9. Strelkova L. M. Photoshop: Workshop. M.: Intellect-Center, 2004.

10. Ugrinovich N. Computer science and information technologies: 10-11 grades. M.: BINOM; Knowledge Laboratory, 2004.

11. Ugrinovich N., Bosova L., Mikhailov N. Informatics: Workshop on computer science and information technology. M.: BINOM; Knowledge Laboratory, 2004.


Department of Education

Municipal autonomous institution

Additional education

"Station of Young Technicians, Novouralsk"

Educational program

« Fascinating Photoshop

For additional education children

age 12-18 years for 1 year of study

total number of hours 144"

Developed by: Davydova O.Yu.

Additional education teacher




Explanatory note

Currently, one of the directions of scientific and technological progress is the computerization of all spheres of human activity. Personal computers (PCs), which appeared more than 20 years ago, are no longer a curiosity. New technologies are being successfully introduced into various fields of science. A new area of ​​knowledge and scientific research has become everyday practice, accessible and necessary. Computer science is successfully combined with mathematics, physics, economics, and other subjects. Just listing the professions that can use computer skills threatens to become a lengthy list that will never be complete. New computer professions are born every day along with new software. For a creative person, a PC provides unlimited opportunities for improvement.

Today, information technologies are an integral part of educational and scientific progress, therefore, the “human-computer” system quickly turned into a problem that concerns not only specialists, but also all members of society. Computer science is already firmly gaining its place in secondary schools and additional educational institutions.

Of course, information technology does not stand still; constant updating occurs, as a result of which there is a need to improve human-computer interaction. Acquaintance with new software products and new methods, the lack of high-quality educational and methodological publications - all this creates a need to create a program to expand the range of specifications.

The development of methods and means of modern information technologies creates real opportunity for their use in the system of additional education in order to develop the creative abilities of the child in the process of his education.

Intensive transformations in the socio-political and spiritual life of Russia necessitate a review and search for new ways to improve the teaching and education of schoolchildren. Educational work in a modern school should be focused on meeting the needs of not only society, but also the students themselves.

The current socio-economic situation in the country has significantly affected the education and upbringing system and the organization of children's leisure time. Today, it is additional education that is aimed at solving problems of upbringing and personal development, organizing leisure time, choosing a circle of friends, life values ​​and guidelines, and professional self-determination of students.

The purpose of the course is creating conditions for the development of students’ creative abilities through mastering the Adobe Photoshop raster editor.


  • improve students' research skills and creative potential;
  • master techniques for processing raster images;
  • learn the basic methods of working with vector graphics within this editor.

Currently, there are relatively few computer science programs for students aged 12-18.

Here are some of them:

  • Course program for secondary schools and classes with in-depth study of mathematics.

Compiled by: V.A. Kaimin, Yu.S. Zavalsky

This program contains a highly focused technology for working with graphics, designed for in-depth study of programming.

  • Course program for classes with in-depth study of computer science.

Compiled by: A.G. Gein, A.I. Senokosov

This program is aimed at familiarizing students with the branch of social production; not a single graphic editor is studied.

  • Optional course program.

Compiled by: G.K.Grigas

This program is morally outdated; there is no study of techniques for working with graphics.

This course is designed for one year of study and is aimed at students aged 12-18 who have basic knowledge of user computer science and have skills in working in the simplest graphical software products, such as Paint Brash, LogoWorlds, Corel Xara, Photoimpression, Laza Labl and others.

Number of children in the group: 10 people.

Throughout the school year, students become familiar with and quite thoroughly master such a raster editor as Adobe Photoshop.

This editor will open up enormous opportunities for students to process raster images and photographs. Vector graphics tools will allow you to draw any shape and design its fill and outline, create your own custom font, text effects will decorate your work, and filters will give it a special style. All of these drawing tools make design work much easier and give students endless creative opportunities.

This program uses such teaching methods as: reproductive, partially search, research.

Work on this program can be carried out using the following forms of organizing educational activities: individual, frontal.

Forms of conducting classes: lectures, conversations, seminars, games, practical and laboratory work, competitions for creating graphic and animated images.

During the learning process, several forms of organization of control are identified: introductory, current, milestone, final.

This course involves the use of the following typology of classes: combined, communication of new knowledge, repetition, consolidation of knowledge, control and assessment of knowledge, systematization of the studied material, lesson-conversation, lesson-game, lecture-visualization (the main content of the lecture material is presented in figurative form).

Estimated outcome of the academic year:

During the 1st and 2nd half of the year, students perform various laboratory and practical work, which allows them to create a database of individual projects. In the future, the guys draw up these projects in the form of books or presentations.

The results are summed up every six months and are implemented by preparing a database of individual projects, participating in exhibitions and competitions.

Thus, this program expands and deepens students’ knowledge of the basics of computerization and develops students’ creative abilities with the help of information technology.

Educational and thematic plan


Number of hours




Sociocultural block.

Introduction to the computer program Adobe Photoshop. Purpose and capabilities of the program.

Basic tools, menu.

Panels and palettes.

Basics of working with raster images.

Additional Photoshop tools.

Working with files: saving, optimization, printing.

Program settings.

Color: selection and control.

Working with layers.

Selecting image fragments and working with them.

Working with layers: effects and additional tools.

Image color correction and coloring.

Text in Photoshop.

Sociocultural block.

Vector graphics in Photoshop.

Gradients and filters for the entire image.

Final lesson.


TOPIC 1. Sociocultural block. (8 hours)

Recruitment to associations. Formation of a children's team.

TOPIC 2. Introduction to Photoshop. (2 hours)

Primary instruction on TB. Purpose and capabilities of the program.

TOPIC 3. Basic tools, menus. (2 hours)

Basic Concepts: window, panel, interface, menu, icon.

Photoshop interface. "Hot" keys. File menu. Edit menu. Menu Image. Layer menu. Select menu Filter menu. View menu. Window menu. Help menu.

Practical work: exploring the main menu of the program.

TOPIC 4. P annels and palettes. (4 hours)

Basic Concepts: toolbar, options bar, palette.

Toolbar. Options panel. PalettesNavigator\Info\Histogram. PalettesColor\Swatches\Styles. PalettesHistory\Actions\ToolPresets. Character\Paragraph palettes. PalettesLayers\LayerComps\Channels\Paths. PaletteBrushes. PaletteAnimation. Opening an image using AdobeBridge. Palette Folders. Palette Favorites. Preview palette. Keywords palette. Metadata palette. Search files.

Practical work: exploration of basic panels and palettes.

TOPIC 5. Basics of working with raster images. (16 hours)

Basic Concepts: layer, pixel, channels, layer mask, blending mode, filters, image mode.

Basic concepts: layer, pixels, channels, layer mask, image modes, blending modes, filters. Scanning as an image source. Using the CropandStraighten command. Create a new image. Selecting the characteristics of color spaces. Changing the pixel scale. Resize the image. UnsharpMask filter. Changing canvas sizes. Rotate the image. Changing the image viewing scale. Moving an image in a window. Change the image display mode.

Practical work: a practical study of the color spaces of the program. Working with images.

TOPIC 6. Additional Photoshop tools. (10 hours)

Basic Concepts: linear mode, nonlinear mode, automation.

Events. Actions and automation. History palette: linear and non-linear palette modes, snapshots, HistoryBrush tool, ArtHistoryBrush tool, Erase tool.

Practical work: Use the Brush tool and the Art Brush tool.

TOPIC 7. Working with files: saving, optimization, printing. (6 hours)

Basic Concepts: raster format.

Team New. Open Team. Browse Team. Save command. Place team. Import and Export commands. Scripts Team. FileInfo command. Print command. The rest of the File menu commands. Raster formats.

Practical work: Explore the File menu.

TOPIC 8. Program settings. (4 hours)

Basic Concepts: "hot" keys.

Basic settings. SectionFileHandling. SectionDisplay&Cursors. Transparency&Gamut section. Section Units & Rulers. Guides, Grid & Slices section. Plug-Ins & Scratch Disks section. SectionMemory&ImageCache. SectionType. Setting hot keys. Menu settings.

Practical work: study of the main sections. Menu settings.

TOPIC 9. Color: selection and control. (8 hours)

Basic Concepts: dialog box.

General concepts about color. Selecting a color in the ColorPicker dialog box. Selecting a color in the Color palette. Selecting a color in the Swatches palette. Eyedropper tool. Choosing colors when working with images. Removing red eye.

Practical work: Remove red eye from photos. Working with different color shades.

TOPIC 10. Working with layers. (6 hours)

Basic Concepts: layer, layer transformation, adjustment layer, opaque layer, fill layer.

The concept of a layer. Create a new layer. Basic operations with layers: displaying and hiding a layer, the order of layers, deleting a layer, transforming a layer. Layer opacity. Adjustment layer. Fill layer.

Practical work: working with layers.

TOPIC 11. Selecting image fragments and working with them. (20 hours)

Basic Concepts: selection area, snap, rulers, guide lines.

Selecting a fragment of an image. Operations on selection areas. Moving and copying selected fragments. Snaps, rulers and guide lines.

Practical work: Select a fragment and work with the selected areas.

TOPIC 12. Working with layers: effects and additional tools. (10 hours)

Basic Concepts: mask, layer linking.

Drop Shadow effect. Inner Shadow effect. Outer Glow effect. Inner Glow effect. Bevel&Emboss effect. Satin effect. Color Overlay effect. Gradient Overlay effect. Pattern Overlay effect. Stroke effect. Linking layers. Masks. Composite images.

Practical work: Apply effects to layers.

TOPIC 13. Image color correction and coloring. (10 hours)

Basic Concepts: retouching.

General concepts. TeamVariations. Levels Team. Curves Team. Color Balance Team. Hue\Saturation command. Brightness\Contrast command. Invert command. Equalize command. T hreshold command. Posterize team. Replace Color command. Match Color Team. Photo Filter command. Shadow\Highlight command. Filling. Retouch.

Practical work: working with core teams.

TOPIC 14. Text in Photoshop. (6 hours)

Basic Concepts: linear deformation, rasterization.

Features of working with text. Type tool. Editing text. Additional features when working with text. Effects when working with text. Creating text with a brush.

Practical work: practical tasks and laboratory tasks on creating and formatting text.

TOPIC 15. Sociocultural block. (4 hours)

Holding public events within the association.

TOPIC 16. Vector graphics in Photoshop. (20 hours)

Basic Concepts: spline, vector graphics, contour, vertex, clipping path.

The concept of spline. Features of working with vector graphics. Creating outlines. Transform paths and selection areas. Moving the outline. Copying a contour. Contour transformation. Working with individual vertices. Setting up vertices. Adding and removing vertices. Outlining contours. Filling contours. Clipping paths. Shapes: creating shapes, shape styles, working with custom shapes, features of working with layers. Rasterization of vector objects. Import and export of contours.

Practical work: practical tasks for mastering techniques for working with vector graphics.

TOPIC 17. Gradients and filters for the entire image. (12 hours)

Basic Concepts: gradient, filter.

Creating a gradient. Working with gradient sets. Setting the gradient. Working with the filter gallery. Weakening the effect of the filter. Liquify filter. Extra filter. FilterPatternMaker. FilterVanishingPoint. Artistic&Sketch group filters. FiltersgroupsBlur&Sharpen. Group filtersBrushStrokes. Group filtersDistort. Noise&Pixelate group filters. Render group filters. Other groups.

TOPIC 18. Final lesson. (4 hours)

Summing up. Design of created individual projects in the form of books or presentations. Project protection.

Educational and methodological support

  • An office equipped with personal computers.
  • Technical equipment for classes: computer (monitor, system unit, speakers, keyboard, mouse, mouse pad), server, printer, scanner, video projector, Internet.
  • Materials: notebooks, pens, pencils, rulers, stroke, eraser, floppy disks, disks (CD or DVD), flash card, memory card, printer paper, color and black cartridge, files.
  • Equipment: whiteboard, markers for the board, air conditioning, computer tables, adjustable chairs.
  • Methodological means:
  • Literature:
  • Computer programs:

Computer program Adobe Photoshop CS 5 – MS Windows version 2010;

Computer program Adobe Image Ready CS 5;

Computer Microsoft program Office Word 2010;

Computer program Microsoft Power Point 2010.

  • Tests, practical work, laboratory work.


  1. Goryachev A.V. Workshop on information technology."

M.: Laboratory of Basic Knowledge, 1999

  1. Demidov A.G., Grokhulskaya N.L. “Classes in a computer class: hygienic requirements. Methodological recommendations".

Ek.: Ural State Pedagogical University, 2001.

  1. Journals "Informatics and Education".
  1. Kaimin V.A. "Informatics. A textbook and a collection of problems with solutions.”

M.: Bridge, 1994

  1. Karaseva E.V. Retouching in Photoshop raster editor. New life for old photographs. M.: AST Publishing House LLC: NT Press Publishing House, 2005
  1. Karaseva E.V., Chumachenko I.N.. Step by step. Photoshop CS 2 M.: AST Publishing House LLC: NT Press Publishing House, 2005
  1. Lapchik M.P. “Methods of teaching computer science.” St.: 1987
  1. Educational program of Municipal Educational Establishment of Children's Education "SUT". Novouralsk, 2005
  1. Pedagogical glossary.
  1. “Programs for secondary general education institutions. Fundamentals of computer science and computer technology.” M.: Education, 1992
  1. Standard of secondary (complete) general education in computer science and ICT.
  1. "Teacher's newspaper".

Approved by decision
Pedagogical Council
Chairman of the PS
director *************

Additional general education general development program
"Computer graphics and design"

student age: 11-15 years
implementation period 2 years
focus: technical

Yaroslavl 2017

Explanatory note
Direction of the additional educational program The additional educational program "Computer Graphics" has a scientific and technical focus, because includes experience in mastering information technology and is designed for children of secondary school age, it involves mastering skills in working with modern information technology software packages.
Relevance The relevance of this program lies in the fact that it provides students with the opportunity to master graphic editors as a tool of self-expression and it focuses not just on learning the working tools of editors, but on the integrated use of various techniques when performing work. A number of advanced lessons (Paint editor) have been developed for demonstration to students hidden possibilities"simple" editor. Graphics skills will be useful for electronic communication, in the design of school essays, reports, and in the preparation of various electronic documents, to create exclusive cards for the holidays. Or maybe one of them will create; After all, mastery of computer graphics techniques does not exclude, but stimulates creativity.
Pedagogical feasibility The pedagogical feasibility of this program is seen in the possibility of a long-term influence on the formation of a teenager’s personality, providing him with ample opportunities for self-expression using computer graphics. Professional computer graphics, as a rule, is studied by children of high school age, students, adults, and most educational programs on this topic are designed, at a minimum, for high school students. But now children of middle school age come to computer science clubs with sufficient basic training and the request “to learn to draw on a computer.” There was a need to adapt complex material to a given age.
Target to create optimal pedagogical conditions for expanding children's knowledge in the field of computer graphics and design with the help of professional graphic editors.
  • Develop skills in using existing knowledge of working in the simplest graphic editors (Paint) when performing complex work;
  • Develop skills in working in professional graphic editors;
  • To give children an initial idea of ​​the variety of techniques for processing and creating images, special effects;
  • To promote the development of attention, artistic taste, and creative abilities of students;
  • To promote accuracy, patience, and independence when performing work.
Principles and methods of training
  • Scientific principle
    Its essence is that the child assimilates real knowledge that correctly reflects reality, which forms the basis of the corresponding scientific concepts. The principle of visibility Visual images contribute to the correct organization of the child’s mental activity. Visualization ensures understanding and lasting memorization.
  • Accessibility principle
    It involves correlating the content, nature and volume of educational material with the level of development and preparedness of children. Move from easy to difficult, from known to unknown. But accessibility is not equated with ease. Learning, while remaining accessible, involves serious effort, which leads to personal development.
  • The principle of developmental education
    Requires orientation of the educational process towards the child’s potential capabilities.
  • The principle of awareness of the learning process
    This principle presupposes the need to develop a reflexive position in the child: how did I learn something new, how did I think before. If a child sees his achievements, this strengthens his faith in own capabilities, encourages new efforts. And if a child understands what and why he made a mistake, what is still not working out, then he takes the first step towards self-education. “A child, no matter how mediocre the level of his abilities, must experience success in something, feel like a creator, a master, superior in some way to others,” V.A. Sukhomlinsky.
  • The principle of educational teaching
    The teaching activity of a teacher is usually educational in nature. The content of training, the form of its organization, methods and means influence the formation of the personality as a whole. Teaching methods
    1. Consistent familiarization with various computer graphics techniques: constructive - is the simplest and consists in the fact that the depicted object is made up of separate parts. It is more often used during the learning stages of editors' tools; combined – several graphic techniques are used to create an image.
    2. Verbal method:
    • conversation, story
    • explanation, clarification
    • questions
    • verbal instruction
    3. Visual:
    • demonstration of visual aids, including electronic ones (video lessons, paintings, drawings, photographs)
    • display of work progress (partial, complete)
    4. Gaming. Elements of competition.
Distinctive features of this program from existing programs This program is modified, as it was created on the basis of lessons from educational sites, but the selected material is adapted taking into account the characteristics of the educational institution, age and level of training of students. The distinctive feature of the program is that:
  • The simplest graphic editor is used to create complex works;
  • Material for studying professional graphic editors is adapted for children of middle school age;
  • When studying various techniques for performing work, students become familiar with the works of artists and designers;
  • To comprehensively consolidate the material, independent creative and project activities of students are used;
  • Classes with career guidance topics are included to understand the role of acquired knowledge in professional activities.
Age of children participating in this program The program is intended for children of secondary school age from 11 to 14 years old. By this age, children have acquired some experience working with a computer, the Internet, and computer graphics. Registration for training is made at the request of parents and children, with a medical certificate without special selection.
The groups have a permanent composition.
Time frame for implementation of the educational program The program is designed for 2 years of study.
Forms and mode of classes The main form of organization of the educational process is a training session, a conversation session, a competition session. Classes are structured taking into account the teaching, educational and developmental side of the pedagogical process.
Classes are held according to an approved schedule of 2 academic hours, 2 times a week with a break for warm-up, 144 hours a year.
Expected results Upon completion of training, the child must:
  • have an understanding of the possibilities of creating and processing images;
  • be able to use various techniques for creating and processing images, be able to create animated special effects;
  • be able to create your own graphic objects using the capabilities of professional graphic editors;
The program provides for certification of students aimed at identifying the initial, current, intermediate and final level of theoretical knowledge, development of practical skills, developed competencies and their compliance with the predicted results of additional general education - additional general developmental programs.
Entrance assessment conducted by an additional education teacher in September.
Intermediate- in December, April-May - based on the results of the semester or academic year.
Final certification takes place in April-May upon completion of the full course of study.
Forms for summing up the implementation of an additional educational program Methods for determining effectiveness:
  • Practical tasks
  • Independent creative and design work,
  • Exhibitions, competitions, competitions.
  • Individual folder of works in electronic form;
  • Student’s portfolio (lecture materials with additions and comments from children, printouts of lesson work, work from participants in competitions, exhibitions, documents - certificates from exhibitions, etc.)

Educational and thematic plan

1 year of study
No. Program section Total hours Theory Prak-
1 2 2
2 12 4 8
Entrance assessment 2 2
3 Support programs 12 4 8
4 Learning simple Adobe Photoshop editor tools 22 10 12
5 16 6 10
6 Collaging technique, combining images 10 4 6
7 Using different techniques to create images 12 5 7
Interim certification 2 2
8 10 4 6
9 8 4 4
10 8 3 5
11 16 16
Final certification 2 2
12 Educational and game activities 10 10
Total 144 49 95
2nd year of study
No. Program section Total hours Theory Prak-
1 Introductory lesson. Safety precautions. Fire safety equipment. 2 2
2 18 6 12
3 Composition of images 22 10 12
4 Entrance assessment. Create a poster with sample object classes. 2 2
5 Lines 16 6 10
6 Text 12 4 8
7 Interim certification. Quest game. 2 2
8 Objects 24 10 14
9 Fills 18 6 12
10 Exhibition activities of students 16 4 12
11 Stroke outlines 4 2 2
12 Collections of objects 8 4 4
Total 144 54 90

Contents of the additional educational program

Sample lesson structure

  1. Organizational part. Checking readiness for class;
  2. Main part. Theoretical (lecture) part;
  3. Practical 1 – completing current assignments on the topic of the lecture (with the help of a teacher, collective performance, performance in pairs);
  4. Break - warm-up;
  5. Practical 2 – completing individual tasks (independent work);
  6. The final part. Summing up.

Introductory lesson. Safety precautions.
Theory: Safety rules in the computer lab. Rules of conduct in educational institution. Fire and terrorist safety rules. Rules traffic. Introduction to the work program for the year.

1 year of study

Let's remember the principles of working in Paint
The technique of drawing the volume of an object, using textures, highlighting, copying, reversing, scaling parts of the drawing.

Support programs
Studying this material shows children the possibilities of using already familiar programs for working with graphics, the opportunity to look at the existing knowledge base from the point of view of its practical usefulness. Lessons on using the Internet, searching and saving information, working with presentations: creating presentations, new frame, inserting text, inserting graphics, design templates, animated and sound effects.

Collaging technique, combining images.
Studying the specifics of graphics using the collage technique. Introduction and discussion of classic works in this technique. Drawing collages "from simple to complex" (from "gluing" ready-made images in Paint to a single, coherent picture in GIMP), techniques for combining images.
Creating a simple collage, selecting a theme and materials, adding special effects (glow, stars, splashes, etc.), collage “Toys”, “Horse running along the seashore”.

Exhibition activities of students.
This topic occupies an important place within the program both as an incentive to study the material, increase children’s self-esteem, the significance of their achievements, and as a concentration of acquired knowledge and their comprehensive application in practice. During the academic year, each student submits at least 2 works for regional-level competitions (4 per course) and 2 works for exhibitions at the institution (4). Selecting a theme for the exhibition. Step-by-step analysis of creating a drawing. View works on the topic on the Internet (works of artists, designers).

Using various techniques to create images.
Studying the properties of various tools that allow you to both create new images ("Winter Forest" - working with brushes) and process ready-made ones ("Portrait with a Brush" - an artistic brush tool with a background) in a special artistic manner. Practice “Laughter room” (transformation of your photo) Elliptical area. Draw the volume “Ball” (gradient), “Postcard New Year’s balls”, “New Year’s balls with stars” (use the transformation tool), Painting with a brush “Winter Forest”. View artists' works. Analysis, Selection of palette., Practice “Winter Forest”, “Drawing a Christmas tree in the snow”, Mixing colors. Drawing snow (using brush patterns), selection using the Quick Mask tool, practice “Pet Store Sign”, Filters. Gallery of filters. Practice “Drawing clouds”, Stained glass technique. View works of famous artists. Practice “Stained glass - flower”, stained glass on a free theme., Combining filter effects. Practice “Creating water texture.”

Learning the principles of working in Adobe Photoshop
Their similarities and differences from working in Paint (raster graphics, methods of copying, cutting, transferring, layers, selection areas, complex tool parameters).

Learning simple Adobe Photoshop editor tools
Mastering work in a professional graphic editor begins with studying the work of its simple tools, similar to those already known to students (from the Paint editor), such as an eraser, a brush, an oval, and a rectangular selection area. At the same time, when studying these tools, one becomes aware of the principles of work in a more serious editor.

Ways to create GIF animation
Animation is an expressive tool for displaying computer graphics. This special effect can be widely used in electronic form (graphics for presentations, electronic documents, emoticons, nickname design, avatar, emails, postcards, calendars).

Design methods text information in Adobe Photoshop
The design of texts plays an important role both in the study of the editor and in the application of this knowledge in practice (design of various documents, presentations, colorful signatures). Texts can also be part of the graphics themselves (covers of books, music albums, signature of the work).

2nd year of study

Basic concepts of computer graphics
This section covers some basic computer graphics concepts. We will also get acquainted with the organization of the workspace and user interface of CorelDRAW and learn some standard techniques for working with graphic documents.

Composition of images
In vector graphics there are several classes of such clearly defined graphic objects under the general name of primitives. In this section, we will get acquainted with a set of CorelDRAW primitives, their attributes and methods of construction in a drawing, as well as other objects that, while not being primitives in the strict sense of the word, are in many ways similar to them.

This section discusses techniques for constructing all kinds of lines. As a rule, it is working with lines that causes the greatest difficulties for CorelDRAW users. The reason for this is not the difficulty of mastering and using the tools, but a lack of understanding of the models by which lines are represented in the image. In this section we will get acquainted with such object classes as curve, dimension line(dimension line), connecting line (interactive connector line) and super line (artistic media group). We will learn how they work and master the techniques for constructing them.

The need to introduce automation tools for working with text into the toolkit of graphic designers, designers, and advertising artists is beyond doubt. However, if when working on text document by using word processor the semantic function of the text plays a primary role (the information that text symbols encode), then when text is included in a graphic image, its aesthetic function, the artistic impact that the same symbols have on the viewer with their outline, color, and relative position, is no less important.

The main structural units of images in vector graphics are objects. In the process of working on an image, the user analyzes his creative concept, mentally breaks the future image into separate objects, and then works with them, arranging them in accordance with the composition and achieving the desired visual effect by adjusting their attributes. This section discusses the most commonly used object processing techniques. In addition, most of the techniques discussed include components into more complex methods of transforming objects, so it’s worth paying enough attention to mastering them.

We already know that when determining the shape of the objects that make up a vector image, we have to deal with lines and nodes. The location of the nodes, the type of object and the shape of the line largely determine what we see in the final image. In many ways, but not in all. Nodes and lines are the skeleton of the image, but the perception of this image is determined not only by them. Considering finished work, the viewer sees not the objects themselves, but their fills and contours. The next section is about outlines, but now we'll look at fills. In vector graphics, filling is usually understood as filling a closed object.

Stroke outlines
This topic is devoted to stroke - a set of model parameters that control the color and other characteristics of the display of image lines. Previously, we considered all the lines included in vector graphics images to be the same, since the line was considered only as the boundary of the object. In this topic, lines are treated as independent elements of the image, and the emphasis is not on their shape, but on the way they appear on the monitor screen and the printed page.

Collections of objects
Previously, operations were considered that make it possible to organize individual objects, arranging them in accordance with the requirements of the composition of the future work and the artistic intention of the author. However, most works are constructed not simply as a sum of objects - individual objects form more or less stable formations of a hierarchical structure. For example, several ellipses can form new image elements - car wheels or daisy petals. This topic discusses operations that result in the creation or destruction of formations that include several objects.

1st and 2nd year of study

Independent creative project activity
Practical exercises on a free topic, as a rule, after studying the next block of the program, facilitate the consolidation of the material being studied, the development of attention, accuracy, and patience in children when performing work, and the development of creative activity. In the second year of study, preference is given to carrying out project work that requires complex step-by-step analysis and implementation ("Photo frame", "My calendar"). Projects help to comprehensively consolidate the material, are used in exhibition activities, and are also a demonstration of options for applying the acquired knowledge.

Classes on career guidance topics
In the second year of study, children become aware of the graphical capabilities of the computer in the editors they are studying and, accordingly, their capabilities in computer graphics. Classes on career guidance topics with the help of psychologists provide an opportunity to evaluate one’s activities in this area already on the scale of children’s future life and professional activities.

Educational and game activities
They help strengthen friendship in the team, create a relaxed, informal environment for relaxation and discussion of certain work issues (exhibitions, topics studied, application of knowledge in practice). At such classes, competition games are organized using computer programs for the development of creative thinking, visual memory, attention, thinking.

Methodological support

Teaching methods

  1. Consistent introduction to various computer graphics techniques:
    • constructive - is the simplest and consists in the fact that the depicted object is made up of separate parts. It is more often used during the learning stages of editors' tools;
    • combined – several graphic techniques are used to create an image.
  2. Verbal method:
    • conversation, story;
    • explanation, explanation;
    • questions;
    • verbal instructions.
  3. Visual:
    • demonstration of visual aids, including electronic ones (video lessons, paintings, drawings, photographs);
    • display of work completion (partial, complete).
  4. Game. Elements of competition.

Monitoring educational results
continuous status monitoring educational process, identifying the level of development of abilities, personal qualities of students and their compliance with the predicted results of the program.

Criteria basis for monitoring educational results

Criteria Indicators Diagnostic tool Forms of fixation Dates
1. Level of development of cognitive potential in the field of the program 1. Mastering ZUN
2. The quality of practical work performed.
3. Interest in learning.
4. Student achievements.

Oral survey.
Statistical analysis of the current and final development of knowledge skills.

Practical and independent work.
Analysis of creative works.

Pedagogical observation.

Individual educational route.

Portfolio of works, photo and video materials.

Group observation sheets.

Portfolio of achievements.

During the year
2. The level of formation of the moral potential of the individual. Dynamics of moral orientation. Pedagogical observation. Individual and group observation sheet. Within a year.
3. Level of development of students' creative abilities.

1. Student participation in events and exhibitions.

2. Availability of products of original, creative, inventive activity.

View and analyze a portfolio of creative works.

Pedagogical observation.

Photo and video archive, portfolio of achievements.

Portfolio of works

Individual and group assessment sheet.

Within a year.

Logistics support

To implement the program for one educational group, it is necessary to have appropriate equipment and materials.

  1. A bright, clean, ventilated room with ventilation.
  2. Computers.
  3. Peripherals.
  4. Output devices (printers).
  5. Scanners (flatbed).
  6. Digital slide projector.
  7. Tables, chairs, cabinets.
  8. Blackboard.
  9. Methodological and didactic materials.

Pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the program

Teacher: Vasilyeva Svetlana Vyacheslavovna, education - higher, *****************, highest qualification category.


  1. Goryachev A.V. et al. Computer science in games and tasks. Issue 1.1 Lesson plans. – M.: “Express”, 1995. – 56 p.: ill.
  2. Gurova L. L. Psychology of thinking. – M.:PEZ SE, 2005, p.266
  3. Demircheglyan G.G. Computer and health. M.: "Lukomorye", Temp MB, New Center, 1997. - 256 p.
  4. Efimova O., Morozov V., Ugrinovich N. Course in computer technology with the basics of computer science. Textbook for high school. M., ABF, LLC “AST Publishing House”, 1999. – 432 pp.: ill.
  5. Zhitkova O. A., Kudryavtseva E. K. Graphic editor Paint. Power Point presentation editor. (Thematic control in computer science.)/ Zhitkova O. A., Kudryavtseva E. K. - M. Intellect-Center. 2003 – 80 p.
  6. Zakharova L.N. and others. Professional competence of a teacher and psychological and pedagogical design: Textbook. allowance. Nizhny Novgorod: Publishing house Nizhegorod. University, 1993.
  7. Kamburova L. Step by step. Complex educational project. Informatics. – M. NPO “School” - Open World Publishing House, 1998
  8. Lebedev O.E. Competence-based approach in education // School technologies. – 2004. – No. 5. – P.3-1
  9. Markova A.K. Psychology of teacher work: A book for teachers. - M.: Education, 1993.
  10. Novikov F. A., Yatsenko A. D. Microsoft Office 2000 in total. – St. Petersburg: BVH-Petersburg, 2001.-728 p.: ill.
  11. Savin N.V. Pedagogy. "Enlightenment", Moscow, 1978
  12. Simanovsky A. E. Development of creative thinking in children. A popular guide for parents and teachers. – Yaroslavl: Gringo, 1996. – 192 p., ill.
  13. Simonov S.V., Evseev G.A., Alekseev A.G. General informatics: a textbook for secondary school. –M.: AST-PRESS, Infocom-Press, 2000. -592 p.
  14. Figurnov V. E. IBM PC for the user. Ed. 6th, revised and additional - M.: INFRA-M, 1995.-432 p.: ill.
  15. Shafrin Yu.A. Information Technology. - M.: Laboratory of Basic Knowledge, 1998. - 704 p.
  16. Federal Law on Additional Education
  17. Appendix 2 to the Regulations on the 8th All-Russian Copyright Competition educational programs additional education for children. Appendix to the letter of the Department of Youth Policy, Education and Social Support of Children of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 11, 2006 No. 06-1844. Approximate requirements for additional education programs for children.
  18. Collection of SanPiN
  19. "Convention on the Rights of the Child", M., 1990.

Appendix 1
Criteria-evaluation basis for assessing educational results in the additional general education - additional general developmental program "Computer Graphics and Design"

Task Criterion Indicator Method
Learn how to work in various graphic editors Work completion level Practical work (quality, completeness, quantity);
maintaining and understanding theory records.
Oral survey;
control tasks;
competitions within the association.
Participation in competitions (level of competition, effectiveness). Participation in competitions.
Teach various techniques for processing and creating images, creating special effects The level of practical application of various techniques in working with images
Practical work using various techniques (quality, completeness, quantity) as instructed by the teacher.
control tasks.
Independent creative work (quantity, level, completeness). Self-assessment of the child’s work; teacher observation, exhibitions at the stand.
Develop the constructive and technical abilities of students Graphic image processing level. Recording theory notes, practical work on image processing (quality, diversity, quantity). Working electronic folder of individual works;
maintaining workbooks.
Independent creative work using studied techniques and methods (quality, diversity, quantity). Participation in competitions.
Develop students' creative abilities Level of self-
creative works.
Completeness, diversity, quantity (by topic). Observation;
Application of studied techniques and methods to perform original creative works (in a comprehensive manner). Observation;
participation in competitions.
Formation of accuracy, patience, self-
student life
Level of implementation of practical work (step by step). Intermediate states of practical work (availability). Self-analysis;
level of competitive works.
Accurate record keeping of theoretical material. Observation (observation sheet)
Formation of a value attitude towards work Level of implementation, use of original works. Level of completion, completeness, use of original works... Number of completed works.
Participation in events of the establishment of subsidiaries, design of a work stand and charity events using original works Number of original works for events.

Appendix 2
Child-level results system

Focus Scientific and technical
Program name Additional general education - additional general developmental program "Computer graphics and design"
Age 11 - 14 years old
Purpose of the program Expand children's knowledge in the field of computer graphics and design for their successful socialization and professional training.
Learning outcomes
  • knowledge of the theoretical foundations of image creation and processing capabilities;
  • ability to use various techniques for working with images and animation;
  • the ability to create your own graphic objects using the capabilities of various graphic editors.
Development results
  • development of constructive and technical abilities;
  • development of creative abilities.
Education results
  • formation of accuracy;
  • formation of a value attitude towards work.

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2013-2017 Svetlana Vasilyeva. For any use, a link to the site is required.

Design (English) design - design engineer)- idea, plan, goal, intention, creative concept, project, drawing, calculation, design, sketch, drawing, pattern, composition. High-quality design is creativity + professionalism. The above qualities, of course, come with experience in the field of design, but the Computer Design course will help you reveal your talent and show your imagination.


The educational program for additional education for children “Computer Design” was created on the basis of an exemplary program in computer science and information technology (basic level) of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Direction of the additional educational program

Educational program for additional education for children "Computer Design" - comprehensive, modified. The focus of this program is scientific and technical. The program is intended for children 10 - 14 years old. Classes are aimed at developing the cognitive, intellectual and creative abilities of children using the means and methods of computer science and ICT.


The relevance of creating the program is due to the fact that in the context of the beginning of mass implementation computer technology, knowledge, abilities and skills that make up “computer literacy” become super-essential. Representatives of many professions have already for a long time use a computer. This program is a favorable means for the formation of instrumental personal resources, for the formation of meta-subject educational results: mastering methods of activity applicable both within the educational process and in real life situations.


The program is built in accordance with the requirements modern society to education: ensuring personal self-determination, creating conditions for the development of a child’s motivation for knowledge and creativity, creating conditions for his self-realization, providing assistance in finding his place in the modern information world.

Pedagogical feasibility

The program promotes the creative development of children. The modern information society requires constant updating and expansion of professional competencies. It is necessary to capture the most promising trends in the development of the global market and keep up with the times. In the process of implementing this program, knowledge and practical skills in working with computers are formed and developed, which are necessary for everyone to be successful in the future.

Principles of program content

  1. Comfort: an atmosphere of goodwill, creating a situation of success.
  2. Creativity: implementation of creative tasks through the use of active methods and forms of work.
  3. Activity: transition from joint actions of an adult and a child to independent ones.
  4. Reliance on internal motivation: emotional involvement of the student in the creative process.
  5. Personality-oriented interaction: creating an uninhibited atmosphere in the creative process that stimulates creative activity.

Distinctive features of the program

The peculiarity of this educational program is that it is aimed at those children whose interests in using the capabilities of a computer go, at a certain stage, beyond the scope of the school computer science course, is based on students’ basic computer skills, expands existing knowledge, deepens it, and creates conditions for differentiation and individualization of learning. Integrated presentation of knowledge from different fields contributes to the formation of a holistic perception of the world around us.

Purpose of the program

The goal of the program is to create conditions for social, cultural and professional self-determination, creative self-realization of the child’s personality.

Objectives of this educational program

1 year of study


  • mastering the knowledge system
  • about the role and purpose of application software for creating, editing on-screen graphic images, presentations,
  • about information modeling as the main method for creating drawings,
  • about the basic techniques and principles of composition and design in graphics;
  • mastering computer skills
  • when working with graphic objects,
  • to create drawings using composition techniques, design in graphics;
  • when creating presentations.


  • development of graphic skills,
  • developing the ability to organize one’s own educational activities,
  • development of the need for independent work,
  • developing the ability to speak in front of an audience, presenting to them the results of their work using ICT tools.


  • cultivate diligence,
  • develop the ability to evaluate the work of peers; self-esteem,
  • to cultivate the desire to use the acquired knowledge in the process of learning other subjects and in life.

2nd year of study


  • mastering the knowledge system
  • about ways and methods of mastering new tools of an information nature,
  • about the role and purpose of application software for photo restoration and digital image processing,
  • about information modeling as the main method for creating composite images,
  • about the basic techniques and principles of restoring black and white and color photographs.


  • development of cognitive abilities,
  • development of intellectual and creative abilities,
  • development of elements of systems thinking,
  • development of communication skills.


  • education of information culture,
  • fostering a sense of responsibility for the results of one’s work;
  • formation of an attitude towards positive social activities,
  • developing a desire for productive interaction and cooperation with peers and adults.

Time frame for the implementation of this educational program

The program is designed for 2 years of study.

Age of children participating in the educational program

Children's age is 10 - 14 years.

Methods and forms of solving problems

The form of classes is group. The training schedule is as follows: 1st year - 2 hours per week, 76 hours per year, 2nd year - 2 hours per week, 76 hours per year. Total 152 hours over 2 years. The group capacity is 15 people. The composition of the group is permanent, enrollment of children is free. Combined classes: consist of theoretical and practical parts. Since the program is focused on a large amount of practical work using a computer (up to 65% of study time) on all topics, classes include health-saving technologies: organizational issues, room ventilation, breaks, breaks, during which eye exercises and physical exercises are performed for prevention general fatigue.

Work with a computer is carried out in three forms:

  1. Demo - The work on the computer is performed by the teacher, and students reproduce the actions at the workplace.
  2. Front - synchronous work of students to master or consolidate material under the guidance of a teacher.
  3. Independent- performing independent work on a computer within part of a lesson, one or more lessons with accompanying assistance from the teacher.

Project technology is used to perform creative work.

Expected results

After completing the first year course, the student will know:

  • purpose and basics of using computer graphics;
  • special terminology;
  • operating principle of the graphic editor;
  • the simplest methods of creating and editing graphic images using the program;
  • the concept of composition, design in graphics;
  • purpose and capabilities of the presentation creation program;
  • ways to create presentations using templates;
  • what can you do with the text;
  • what can you do with a graphic image;
  • animation control methods.

The student will be able to:

  • launch a graphic editor, create and edit images;
  • save and load images;
  • perform operations on fragments;
  • write inscriptions on the image;
  • solve typical problems of processing graphic information;
  • create and edit graphic cards yourself;
  • create and edit presentations using MS PowerPoint.

Upon completion of the second year course, the student will know:

  • features, advantages and disadvantages of raster graphics;
  • purpose and capabilities of the program Adobe Photoshop;
  • methods for describing colors in computer graphics - color models;
  • methods for obtaining color shades on the screen and printer;
  • basics of working with text; ways to effectively design photographs;
  • techniques for restoring photos using the program Adobe Photoshop;
  • techniques for creating multilayer documents, photomontages, collages.

The student will be able to:

  • create, paint and edit simple raster graphics;
  • select, move and copy graphic images and transform images;
  • save selected areas for later use;
  • perform operations with layers; create multilayer documents; create photomontages, collages;
  • apply various effects to text;
  • edit photographs using various artistic means;
  • color black and white sketches and photographs;
  • perform tone correction of photographs; perform color correction of photographs; retouch photos;
  • create photomontages and collages.

Methods for determining effectiveness

Program management: after studying each section of the program, creative tasks are performed on a given or free topic, and a lesson is held - a “vernissage” of students’ work. At the end of each year of study, students complete a creative project, which is presented at the final classes. Best works are sent to various computer science competitions.

Educational and thematic plan

Topic name Number of hours
general theory practice
1 year
1 Module 1. Drawing in a raster graphics editor 30 11,5 18,5
2 Module 2: Creating Presentations 42 12 30
Repetition. Reserve 4 1,5 2,5
2 year
3 Module 3. Photomaster 66 21 45
4 Repetition. Reserve 10 5 5
In just 2 years 152 51 101

Module 1. Drawing in a raster graphics editor (30 hours)

Contents of the material. Main characteristics of the graphic editor. Introducing the graphical interface. Saving the drawing. Open a file with the desired picture. Choice of color. Drawing . Creating drawings using a pencil. Changing the scale of the drawing. Graphic primitives and their use in creating graphic images. Selecting a background. Using algorithms in a graphic editor environment. Techniques for working with repeating objects. Working with fragments of a drawing. Rotate the picture, stretch, compress, tilt the object. Working with text. The concept of composition, design in graphics. Giving volume, shadow, light and shade to objects. Image of objects in perspective.

Module 2. Presentation creation (42 hours)

Contents of the material. Introduction to the program PowerPoint. Create presentations using templates, auto content wizard. What can you do with text? What can you do with a graphic image? Animation of objects. Animation control. Animation effects. Set the slide show duration. Drawing in PowerPoint. Autoshapes. Image scaling. Slide design. Inserting sound. Recording of speech accompaniment during the show. Inserting an image. Preparation and presentation of presentations on a chosen topic.

Module 3. Photomaster (66 hours)

Contents of the material. Introduction to the program Adobe Photoshop. Working with files. Creating a background. Color theory. Color models. Color modes. Change the background of the picture. User defined brush. Changing the scale. Selection and movement tools. Working with areas. Drawing tools. Drawing techniques: imitation of various media. Eraser tool. Layers. Masks and channels. Basics of tone correction. Basics of color correction. Digital drawing. Draw free-form curves. Basics of working with text. Formation of characters and paragraphs, “burning” and “ice” inscriptions. Shining text. Applying filters. Effective photo design. Creating composite images. Restoration of black and white photos. Restoration of color photographs. Printing images. Image transfer Photoshop to the program PowerPoint. Program Adobe Photoshop and Web. Photomontage. Create a photo montage with your own photo. Collage.

Module 4. Repetition (14 hours)

Methodological and software

Methodological recommendations for carrying out practical work. Didactic support: training exercises, individual cards, multi-level tasks, entertaining tasks, game tasks, a system of eye exercises.

Software: operating system Windows office application, including a presentation development program, raster graphics editor PhotoShop / Linux operating system, free software ("twins" of the necessary software products). Bosova L.L., Ugrinovich N.D. Computer workshop on CD-ROM. - M.: BINOM, 2007.

List of teaching staff used

  • Graphic editor Paint
  • Microsoft PowerPoint
  • Adobe Photoshop

Organizational conditions that make it possible to implement the content of the program require the presence of a specially equipped office:

  • teacher's workplace: computer - AQUARIUS, Intel CORE Duo
  • 12 student workstations: computers - AQUARIUS, Intel CORE Duo
  • inkjet printer, laser printer
  • scanner
  • Panasonic interactive whiteboard.

List of used literature

  1. Bosova L.L., Bosova A.Yu. Informatics. Methodical manual. - M.: BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, 2007.
  2. Strelkova L.M. Photoshop. Workshop - M.: Intellect-Center, 2006.
  3. How to switch from a computer to YOU. Creative projects and original solutions - "JSC Publishing House Reader's Digest", 2008.
  4. Bosova L.L., Bosova A.Yu., Kolomenskaya Yu.G. Interesting computer science problems. - M.: BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, 2006.
  5. Bogomolova O.B. Logic problems. - M.: BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, 2006.
  6. Gorbunova L.N., Lunina T.P. Club of cheerful computer scientists. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2009.
  7. Bosova L.L. A set of digital educational resources "Informatics". - M.: BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, 2007.
  8. Resources of the Unified Collection of Digital Educational Resources (http://school-collection.edu.ru/)
  9. Materials from the author's workshop of Bosova L.L. (