Driving school services are quite specific. They can be used only once, so it makes no sense to talk about the formation of a loyal customer base. The key point in promoting the services of a driving school should be its impeccable reputation and high level of service. If we are talking only about one driving school, and not about the whole network, the choice of promotion channels should be approached as carefully and balanced as possible.

Point decoration (including during opening)


Driving schools are often located in office buildings and occupy only a couple of rooms. In this case, it is difficult to come up with something more original than the sign at the door. If the entrance to the driving school is from the side of the street, pay attention to the fact that the facade must be noticeable. Use bright wall paint to match your brand colors. You can also hang billboards on the facade with information about the nature of the services that are provided at your school.


Outdoor advertising


Consider carefully whether billboard advertising can influence customer flow. This is a rather expensive undertaking. The shield should be located near significant human traffic, such as a university. In your address to potential customers, it is better to use specific calls to action rather than beautiful image pictures. Or you can talk about your successes, for example, about the number of students who successfully passed the exam in the traffic police.

Pavement sign

The pavement sign can be used as an auxiliary advertising channel if the building in which the driving school is located is located away from the main streets and pedestrian traffic. Place a pillar sign with a concise and clear indication of the location of the school in such a way that as many potential customers as possible can see it.

Transport advertising

Use training vehicles for advertising, as additional opportunity attracting customers. Branded cars are great advertising for your school in and of themselves. The logo, the name of the driving school and the phone number are enough. Choose simple, readable fonts and rich colors.

Internet advertising

Landing page or website

For a driving school, it is better to make both a landing page and a full-fledged website. On them you can talk about the learning process, the number of training hours, post a presentation video and contact data. Also, do not forget to place a column in which the potential client will enter his contact information. As a reward, you can offer him a small tuition discount.

If you decide to create a website on your own, be sure to read our articles:

Here we have laid out our experience and opinions on the use of various tools that you just need in your work. This will allow you to reduce the time spent on selecting the necessary resources for its creation and to maximize profit from the site as quickly as possible.

contextual advertising

It is advisable to use contextual advertising if your school has several branches. Indeed, in addition to the service itself, the main criterion for attracting customers is the convenient location of the school. For example, within walking distance from the place of study or work. Otherwise, it is money wasted.

Groups in social networks

Social media accounts are the least expensive way to make yourself known. Remember, the content must be original and interesting. Talk about the everyday life of a driving school, post funny photos and do not forget to hold events from time to time to involve your subscribers in the life of the groups. For example, you can play free driving training, but experienced drivers may be interested in an extreme driving lesson.

Printable advertisement


Hire promoters who can distribute flyers advertising your driving school. Distribution is best done near the metro, public transport stops or educational institutions. These ads are primarily aimed at those who would rather not waste time on the road and learn to drive immediately after work or school.

Business cards

Bright business cards with a list of services provided at your school, address and phone number are one of the least costly promotion channels. The conversion will be significant if you place business cards on tables in student cafes or canteens at large enterprises.

Advertising in magazines and newspapers

Such promotion channels also cannot be called economical. A spread in a magazine or newspaper costs fabulous money, plus a one-time placement so that a potential client does not forget about your offer is not enough. It is also unlikely that it will be possible to accurately calculate the conversion rate for such an advertisement.


  1. With us - it means with "rights"!
  2. We really teach.
  3. Learning to drive correctly.
  4. Driving school Virage. You will definitely pass on the license.
  5. Your confident motostart.
  6. Confident driving around Moscow.
  7. Enjoy learning.
  8. Women rule!
  9. The easiest way to get right!
  10. We are responsible for those we have taught.
  11. Enjoy driving!
  12. We will travel on the same roads with you!
  13. Driving confidence for life.
  14. The steering wheels are easy!
  15. The shortest path to driving safely.
  16. It's time to drive a car!
  17. Ride, how to breathe - freely!

The key feature of the promotion of driving schools is that their services are used once in a lifetime, but they choose for a long time and many times recommend (or do not recommend) friends. Thus, the basis of promotion is expert attraction and work with reputation. Let's figure it out
how to do it correctly and efficiently through Internet communications with potential clients.

In this article, we will focus on the burning issues:

  • Why is there not enough promotion tactics and what is a comprehensive Internet marketing strategy;
  • How to increase the number of applications and contracts for training;
  • What measures to take to promote the driving school;
  • Who should be promoting - schemes of team interaction and project management;
  • By what parameters to analyze the effectiveness of advertising.

Strategy and tactics

Strategy Is a global promotion plan, the results you need to achieve in numbers. Tactics - concrete steps on this path.

In 2 cases out of 3 we are faced with the fact that customer marketing is based solely on tactics. This happens when the owner has grandiose, but vague plans, for example, "to become the best in his segment", but does not have an understanding of what exactly it means
"The best in the segment".

How many clients are needed for this? How much profit will this achievement bring? What tools to choose and in what proportions are they most profitable to use? What budget is needed? And most importantly: how many customers do you have now, what is the conversion rate of requests / visits
site, what is the cost of attracting a client today, what services and in what percentage should be developed, what is the marginality of a particular service?

Here are the main steps of strategy formation, we highlight:

  • Determination of specific goals expressed in numbers;
  • Segmentation target audience to form a targeted value proposition for each segment;
  • Analysis of competitors for a number of parameters;
  • Choosing the most suitable internet marketing tools for promotion;
  • Determination of key performance indicators;

Let's dwell on the value proposition. What do your customers need? What are you giving them now and what else can you give?

Highlight key benefits

  • Convenient work schedule;
  • No hidden fees and the ability to receive a tax deduction for training;
  • Free internal exams;
  • Additional crash driving lessons for those who have already obtained a license.

Find a condition that is important to customers, write it into a capacious selling definition and make it your main proposal.

How to increase the number of applications and contracts concluded for training

  1. Draw up a work plan for 6-12 months and determine a promotion strategy

    There are "fast" and "slow" internet marketing tools. The former are expensive, but they are selling right now, the latter are laying the foundation to continue selling tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. "Fast" are much more expensive, but they are necessary,
    when the sales target needs to be met here and now. "Slow" ones require more labor, but, in terms of the cost of acquiring a new customer, they are much more profitable, moreover, they create a stable platform for a constant flow of orders. Only by combining and combining them can you create
    really powerful advertising channels. A detailed plan will give a clear answer to the question “what to do” and in what proportion it is more profitable to tune “fast” and “slow” instruments.
  2. Prepare and finalize all "points of contact" in accordance with the strategy

    Marketer Igor Mann has a good term "points of contact". This is all that the client encounters: website, business cards, commercial offers, signboard, appearance administrators and managers. If you can create a "wow" effect at this stage, the probability
    the signing of the contract is increased by an order of magnitude. It is a fact. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you do not miss this step. Corporate identity, brand book, high-quality advertising materials, fast responsive website, unique template for e-mail newsletters and social groups
    networks, decorated in a corporate style - the minimum that every driving school should have.
  3. Select and configure advertising tools in accordance with the strategy

    Once you've designed your ad campaigns and answered the "what to do" question, it's time to ask the "how to do" question. For this "how" there are more than a thousand options. How exactly will you convey to the world that you need to get a license and take driving training
    exactly with you?

    I would like to emphasize that the tools are configured for each project individually, and this list can be much longer, but an absolute must have:

    Comprehensive promotion from Webolution

    We know how to bring to your site target customers... Leave a request right now and get an individual offer!

    • Website search engine optimization

      Search engine promotion of a driving school website in Yandex and Google is a long-term, but 100% working way. Be on the first page when a user searches for a driving school, get “warm applications” all the time!
      Complex SEO promotion takes into account and works with different types custom queries. High-frequency (for example, the query "driving school moscow") are the most competitive and expensive, but they provide stable traffic at any time of the year. But at first, you should not focus on promoting high-frequency queries, it is expensive and labor-intensive, and the likelihood of such queries being withdrawn quickly is extremely low. Medium-frequency - like "driving school cost" or "driving school Mytishchi", more specific and niche, it is easier for them to reach the TOP of the results.

      Use the name of the school, words that are similar in meaning, the names of the main and additional services... It makes sense to focus promotion on geographic queries - choose key links to the city, district or district of presence for promotion. Your semantic core (list of search queries) should contain not only high-frequency and medium-frequency queries, but as detailed a list of low-frequency queries as possible. Use not only commercial requests (driving schools in yuvao prices), but also information requests when promoting (how to choose a driving school): the "Articles" or "Blog" section is well suited for these requests.

    • Services Yandex maps, Google Maps, 2gis

      Adding a company to Yandex Maps services, Google maps, Yandex directory, 2gis - sometimes the geographical location of classes and sites is of paramount importance - show that you are near, especially since it costs almost nothing and the method refers to low-budget advertising tools.
    • Contextual advertising in Yandex and Google

      Contextual advertising on Yandex and Google (including retargeting and remarketing) - combine targeted contextual advertising with SEO-promotion, and you will leave your competitors far behind. Use UTM tags for in-depth analysis and campaign optimization.
      One of our clients ran a Display Network ad campaign based on customer inquiries that included a mention of a competitor. That is, when a "warm" user purposefully searched for the services of a competitor, our client's ad on the first line offered a unique offer on much more favorable terms. Users eagerly used the opportunity to get a discount, and thanks to such a campaign, the client's market share increased by more than 1.5%. Brilliant results!
    • Targeted advertising in social media networks

      Targeted advertising on Vkontakte, Facebook, Instagram. Branding, communicating with customers, direct advertising and building a loyal community are three obvious benefits of social media promotion. For inspiring examples and success stories, check out official groups Rocketbank, Burger King, Adidas Sport. Of course, you need a media plan, proper account design, and support for user engagement and activity, but the effort is worth it. Guaranteed!
      Algorithms of targeted advertising in social networks are becoming smarter every day, and a well-designed advertising publication organically falls into the user's news feed without causing negative reactions. With the help of hypersegmentation tools, you can make your ad appear to a strictly defined group of people (in accordance with the portraits of your target audience). For example, a 17-18-year-old man who is subscribed to the auto flea market and was active in them during the month will see an advertisement aimed at a student looking for his first car with the message “smartly celebrate coming of age, get your license”. It is just as easy to single out the segment of young mothers, on which an ad is set up with an advertising idea “get the license to be mobile and take the child to the developmental sections”. It is easier to find and formulate a client's problem on social networks, which is solved with the help of training at a driving school. Develop a few scenarios and experiment with the form of the message. Pay ads for impressions or clicks - depending on the strategy and goal of the campaign. We recommend that you try both options, measure the results, and invest in the one that is more productive for you.
    • Placing a company on directory sites

      Placing a company on driving school catalog sites - just be where they are looking for you (first-driving school.rf, avtogai.ru, Yandex.Katalog, schoolauto.ru and others).
      If your driving school is relatively new, it is advisable to consider paid priority placement on these resources. Feel free to ask students to provide feedback on training after they have been granted rights.
    • Email marketing

      E-mail marketing - mailing to a customer base can bring in a lot of extra money. Work with those who have left an application, but are not yet ready to receive training.
      Work under the program of additional sales of additional services with those who have already studied with you. Conduct surveys and get free feedback... Only, for heaven's sake, no spam - by doing this you will negate all efforts.

    Separately, we will take out two marketing tools that do not relate to Internet promotion, but work both on their own and when conducting complex campaigns

  4. Work with a reputation

    This point can generally be developed into a separate article, but if you condense the information into a couple of sentences, monitor all brand mentions on the network using special services (the simplest and free one is Google Alerts, for social networks Babkee or
    YouScan), respond to every review, both negative and positive. It is better if specialists who know how to work with negativity are directly involved in communications. Show your customers that you can hear them.

The key feature of the promotion of driving schools is that their services are used once in a lifetime, but they choose for a long time and many times recommend (or do not recommend) friends. Thus, the basis of promotion is expert attraction and work with reputation. Let's figure it out
how to do it correctly and efficiently through Internet communications with potential clients.

In this article, we will focus on the burning issues:

  • Why is there not enough promotion tactics and what is a comprehensive Internet marketing strategy;
  • How to increase the number of applications and contracts for training;
  • What measures to take to promote the driving school;
  • Who should be promoting - schemes of team interaction and project management;
  • By what parameters to analyze the effectiveness of advertising.

Strategy and tactics

Strategy Is a global promotion plan, the results you need to achieve in numbers. Tactics - concrete steps on this path.

In 2 cases out of 3 we are faced with the fact that customer marketing is based solely on tactics. This happens when the owner has grandiose, but vague plans, for example, "to become the best in his segment", but does not have an understanding of what exactly it means
"The best in the segment".

How many clients are needed for this? How much profit will this achievement bring? What tools to choose and in what proportions are they most profitable to use? What budget is needed? And most importantly: how many customers do you have now, what is the conversion rate of requests / visits
site, what is the cost of attracting a client today, what services and in what percentage should be developed, what is the marginality of a particular service?

Here are the main steps of strategy formation, we highlight:

  • Determination of specific goals expressed in numbers;
  • Segmentation of the target audience to form a targeted value proposition for each segment;
  • Analysis of competitors for a number of parameters;
  • Choosing the most suitable internet marketing tools for promotion;
  • Determination of key performance indicators;

Let's dwell on the value proposition. What do your customers need? What are you giving them now and what else can you give?

Highlight key benefits

  • Convenient work schedule;
  • No hidden fees and the ability to receive a tax deduction for training;
  • Free internal exams;
  • Additional crash driving lessons for those who have already obtained a license.

Find a condition that is important to customers, write it into a capacious selling definition and make it your main proposal.

How to increase the number of applications and contracts concluded for training

  1. Draw up a work plan for 6-12 months and determine a promotion strategy

    There are "fast" and "slow" internet marketing tools. The former are expensive, but they are selling right now, the latter are laying the foundation to continue selling tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. "Fast" are much more expensive, but they are necessary,
    when the sales target needs to be met here and now. "Slow" ones require more labor, but, in terms of the cost of acquiring a new customer, they are much more profitable, moreover, they create a stable platform for a constant flow of orders. Only by combining and combining them can you create
    really powerful advertising channels. A detailed plan will give a clear answer to the question “what to do” and in what proportion it is more profitable to tune “fast” and “slow” instruments.
  2. Prepare and finalize all "points of contact" in accordance with the strategy

    Marketer Igor Mann has a good term "points of contact". This is everything a client encounters: a website, business cards, commercial offers, a signboard, the appearance of administrators and managers. If you can create a "wow" effect at this stage, the probability
    the signing of the contract is increased by an order of magnitude. It is a fact. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you do not miss this step. Corporate identity, brand book, high-quality advertising materials, fast responsive website, unique template for e-mail newsletters and social groups
    networks, decorated in a corporate style - the minimum that every driving school should have.
  3. Select and configure advertising tools in accordance with the strategy

    Once you've designed your ad campaigns and answered the "what to do" question, it's time to ask the "how to do" question. For this "how" there are more than a thousand options. How exactly will you convey to the world that you need to get a license and take driving training
    exactly with you?

    I would like to emphasize that the tools are configured for each project individually, and this list can be much longer, but an absolute must have:

    Comprehensive promotion from Webolution

    We know how to bring target customers to your site. Leave a request right now and get an individual offer!

    • Website search engine optimization

      Search engine promotion of a driving school website in Yandex and Google is a long-term, but 100% working way. Be on the first page when a user searches for a driving school, get “warm applications” all the time!
      Comprehensive SEO takes into account and works with different types of user queries. High-frequency (for example, the query "driving school moscow") are the most competitive and expensive, but they provide stable traffic at any time of the year. But you should not focus on promoting high-frequency queries at first, it is expensive and labor-intensive, and the likelihood of such queries being withdrawn quickly is extremely low. Medium-frequency - like "driving school cost" or "driving school Mytishchi", more specific and niche, it is easier for them to reach the TOP of the results.

      Use the name of the school, words that are similar in meaning, the names of basic and additional services. It makes sense to focus promotion on geographic queries - choose key links to the city, district or district of presence for promotion. Your semantic core (list of search queries) should contain not only high-frequency and medium-frequency queries, but as detailed a list of low-frequency queries as possible. Use not only commercial requests (driving schools in yuvao prices), but also information requests when promoting (how to choose a driving school): the "Articles" or "Blog" section is well suited for these requests.

    • Services Yandex maps, Google Maps, 2gis

      Adding a company to the services Yandex Maps, Google Maps, Yandex Directory, 2gis - sometimes the geographical location of classes and sites is of paramount importance - show that you are nearby, especially since it costs almost nothing and the method refers to low-budget advertising tools.
    • Contextual advertising in Yandex and Google

      Contextual advertising on Yandex and Google (including retargeting and remarketing) - combine targeted contextual advertising with SEO-promotion, and you will leave your competitors far behind. Use UTM tags for in-depth analysis and campaign optimization.
      One of our clients ran a Display Network ad campaign based on customer inquiries that included a mention of a competitor. That is, when a "warm" user purposefully searched for the services of a competitor, our client's ad on the first line offered a unique offer on much more favorable terms. Users eagerly used the opportunity to get a discount, and thanks to such a campaign, the client's market share increased by more than 1.5%. Brilliant results!
    • Targeted advertising in social media networks

      Targeted advertising on Vkontakte, Facebook, Instagram. Branding, communicating with customers, direct advertising and building a loyal community are three obvious benefits of social media promotion. For inspiring examples and success stories, take a look at the official groups of Rocketbank, Burger King, Adidas Sport. Of course, you need a media plan, proper account design, and support for user engagement and activity, but the effort is worth it. Guaranteed!
      Algorithms of targeted advertising in social networks are becoming smarter every day, and a well-designed advertising publication organically falls into the user's news feed without causing negative reactions. With the help of hypersegmentation tools, you can make your ad appear to a strictly defined group of people (in accordance with the portraits of your target audience). For example, a 17-18-year-old man who is subscribed to the auto flea market and was active in them during the month will see an advertisement aimed at a student looking for his first car with the message “smartly celebrate coming of age, get your license”. It is just as easy to single out the segment of young mothers, on which an ad is set up with an advertising idea “get the license to be mobile and take the child to the developmental sections”. It is easier to find and formulate a client's problem on social networks, which is solved with the help of training at a driving school. Develop a few scenarios and experiment with the form of the message. Pay ads for impressions or clicks - depending on the strategy and goal of the campaign. We recommend that you try both options, measure the results, and invest in the one that is more productive for you.
    • Placing a company on directory sites

      Placing a company on driving school catalog sites - just be where they are looking for you (first-driving school.rf, avtogai.ru, Yandex.Katalog, schoolauto.ru and others).
      If your driving school is relatively new, it is advisable to consider paid priority placement on these resources. Feel free to ask students to provide feedback on training after they have been granted rights.
    • Email marketing

      E-mail marketing - mailing to a customer base can bring in a lot of extra money. Work with those who have left an application, but are not yet ready to receive training.
      Work under the program of additional sales of additional services with those who have already studied with you. Conduct surveys and get free feedback. Only, for heaven's sake, no spam - by doing this you will negate all efforts.

    Separately, we will take out two marketing tools that do not relate to Internet promotion, but work both on their own and when conducting complex campaigns

  4. Work with a reputation

    This point can generally be developed into a separate article, but if you condense the information into a couple of sentences, monitor all brand mentions on the network using special services (the simplest and free one is Google Alerts, for social networks Babkee or
    YouScan), respond to every review, both negative and positive. It is better if specialists who know how to work with negativity are directly involved in communications. Show your customers that you can hear them.

Resource-Avto driving school has been training category B drivers in Kstovo since 2000. During this time, the driving school has developed a huge base of grateful and satisfied students who bring their relatives and friends.


April 2010: at that time the driving school "Resource-Auto" existed in Kstovo for 10 years, was one of the first in the city. But over the past two years, many competitors have appeared - 3 more new driving schools.

There were 6 driving schools in the city.

Of course, "Resource-Avto" is the most experienced driving school, and almost all students come on a recommendation. But if earlier the students were waiting for their turn to study, now suddenly the groups began to be recruited only by half, i.e. the driving school lost 50% of its profits! At the same time, an advertisement for a driving school was placed in all newspapers in the city, on a billboard and in other sources that they absolutely did not need.

Why did you choose the Shchi marketing agency?

The management of the driving school is very wise and experienced people who know their business and competently manage the driving school. When the competition increased, they realized that it was necessary to advertise, offers to place advertisements fell from all sides, advertisements were placed everywhere, newspapers themselves, outdoor advertising agencies, etc. did the layouts themselves. to your taste, as a result, the ads were placed in all possible sources, and everywhere the ads were different!