For many people, the VKontakte website is practically a second home. Creators social network empowered people to share their photos, upload videos, voice their thoughts and tell the news. And, of course, chat with friends in real time.

The blacklist on VKontakte resembles the blacklist in. When a person does not want to communicate with someone, with one click on the phone button, he sends this person to ignore. The essence of the VKontakte blacklist is the same: all unwanted users are banned.

Why do I need a blacklist

All users are different. There are adequate educated people, there are those who definitely need to do something nasty or get nasty. In order not to spoil your nerves, a blacklist was invented.

Once in the ignore list, a person sees only the first and last name, as well as the user's photo. All photos, videos, posts on the wall remain closed for him. He also has no right to write comments, private messages, invite to meetings. In the middle of the page of the ignoring person, the inscription "The user has restricted access to his page" is displayed.

Blacklist is a kind of protection against unwanted communication, spam and annoying users.

How to blacklist a person

On the main page in the menu on the left, select the line "My settings". The "Black List" tab will appear on the page that opens. In the line you need to enter the name of the person you want to block, or a link to his page. Click "Add to blacklist" and you're done. The person will no longer be able to bother you.

Administrators of groups and communities can also add users to the ignore list. Under the group's avatar, you need to click the "Manage Community" button. A window with the "Blacklist" tab will open. Further actions are the same.

Using the "Remove from the black list" button, you can unblock the user and again give him the opportunity to see and write.

You can find out which of the users you are in the blacklist by going to their pages. Limited access means you are being ignored. If a person is not a friend, when you try to add him, the message "You cannot add this user as a friend" will appear.

In the case when you do not want to communicate with a certain person for any of the reasons, such an option as a black list comes to the rescue. Where is the blacklist on the phone and do telecom operators provide such a service? Are there alternative ways restrict calls? You will learn the answers to these and other related questions from this article.

Standard tools

So, where in the phone to find the blacklist: go to the "Settings" menu, and then select the "Calls" item. Some models have a Call Log or Log section. In the list, select "Black List", in the window that opens, manually enter the phone number of the subscriber to be blocked. To facilitate the task of adding it, you can search for it in the phone book of your gadget. After completing all the manipulations for adjusting the blacklist, do not forget to save the changes.

A prerequisite for the correct operation of the option to filter unwanted calls is to save the numbers in the phone's memory, and not on the SIM card.

Operator services

Many mobile operators provide a service for blocking calls from specified subscribers. To do this, just contact the service department. If this is possible, then the specified option is activated in a regulated manner according to tariff plans.

Often, service companies offer the creation of not only black, but also white lists of calls. In addition, it is possible to select the notification of the calling user: short beeps, voice or text messages.

Software implementation

Today the market offers a wide range of programs designed to manage the blacklist on the mobile. Typically, such applications are more functional and cost effective than the methods described above. In addition, you can use them right now by downloading the ones you like on our website.

Mobile technologies are developing by leaps and bounds. If some 20-25 years ago a mobile phone was an indicator of "coolness" and prosperity, and it was mainly used by "bros", now every schoolchild has a smartphone.

Service Companies mobile communications they compete fiercely with each other, which, of course, only plays into the hands of ordinary users, since the prices for calls are falling.

Now you can talk on your smartphone for hours at a paltry price. But, besides the advantages, the available connection has significant disadvantages.

Any fraudster can buy up a user database, and then call, offering various "promotions", loans, etc. To block unwanted subscribers, you can use a very convenient function that modern smartphones have - blacklisting.

Black list. Operating principle

This is a function that serves to protect the user from calls from unwanted people. Its convenience lies in the fact that no one will call you without your desire. On the other end of the line, the person will never know that he was blocked. He will constantly hear: "the subscriber is temporarily unavailable", "busy", etc.

Mostly all modern mobile devices initially have this function, but it also happens that subscribers have to be blocked using third-party utilities.

How to add a contact to the blacklist

We will consider blocking an unwanted user using the example of a Xiaomi smartphone. To do this, open the phone menu, select the settings, go to the system applications. Next, look for the "Phone" icon and open it. A list will appear there, where you must click on the "Enable antispam" column, or on the "Black list".

Algorithm for blocking contacts on a smartphone

If you do not have a similar function installed on your phone, then proceed as follows:

  1. We enter the site of the Play Market application.
  2. Among the several options offered, select the one you want and download it.
  3. We open the program.
  4. Further, it is necessary to mark the unwanted phone numbers from the list of contacts, messages, calls. It is possible to select all subscribers, user groups, numbers with a certain combination of numbers.

Also, this utility has a very convenient function - a schedule. This means that there is a possibility of barring, for example, morning calls, or blocking numbers with a code from a certain city.


To restore contact, we proceed in the same way. In the "Call log" section, the user can view contacts from the black list that tried to call you. In the "Settings" menu, the subscriber can make point blocking: SMS, calls, complete barring.

Applications like this usually don't have a lot of features and are easy and straightforward to figure out. When a blocked subscriber tries to call you, you will hear one long beep, then the call is cut off and short beeps. Next, you will receive a report on the attempt to make a call.


Remember that by adding a contact to the "Black List", you completely ignore the specific user. What if he calls to provide some important information?

It is required to view your emergency (blacklist) VKontakte in order to determine who you brought there and blocked (that is, these people can no longer write to you and cannot look at your page). Maybe you blocked a person by mistake, or maybe it was a deliberate decision, but now the offense has already passed and you want to remove him from the black list. Read about all this further.

How to view the VKontakte blacklist (find out who I blocked)?

Your blacklist of people on VKontakte is in the settings. To open the settings in the regular version of VKontakte, click in the upper right on your name or on your avatar - a menu will open. Then choose an item there Settings:

Settings consist of several sections. You need Black list- click on this item in the right column.

You can also open your blacklist immediately by following this link: My blacklist.

A list of all the people you have ever blocked will open in front of you. When you blacklist someone, they stay there forever. More precisely, until you unlock it yourself.

How to open the VKontakte blacklist in the mobile version, in the application on the phone?

About the same. First, click on the main menu button (three bars at the top left), then scroll down the menu (if it is not visible in its entirety), click Settings and then Black list... Besides, in mobile version you can get there by this link: My blacklist.

How to unblock a person on VKontakte, remove from the blacklist?

These methods are for the full version of VKontakte. For mobile - see further.

1st way

First, open the blacklist (see above for how to do this). Further, in front of each person there is a link Remove from list... Select the person you want to unblock and click Remove from List. After that, he will immediately be able to look at your page and write to you in a personal.

2nd way

Go to the page of this person and find a button with three dots (menu) - under the main photo. Click on it and select the item Unblock... Click on it. That's all!

How to unblock a person on VKontakte, remove from the blacklist in the mobile version of VKontakte?

1st method in the mobile version

Open the blacklist using the link My blacklist. Click on the person you want to remove from the blocked ones, then on his page find the item in the "Actions" Unblock and click on it.

2nd method in the mobile version

In the same way, open the blacklist, switch to the full version (link Full version"At the very bottom of the page) and click Remove from list opposite the right person. If it's small, enlarge the image with your fingers. Then you can return to the mobile version by following the link in the left column - "Switch to mobile version".

How do I find someone on my blacklist?

At the very top of the blacklist there is a field Blacklist search... Click there and start typing the first or last name of the person you are interested in - you will quickly find him. This feature is useful when you have a lot of people on your blacklist.

How to view someone else's blacklist? How do I know if I am blacklisted?

It is impossible to view someone else's blacklist, this is a personal secret of each user. But you can easily determine if you are on the blacklist of a particular person. Here is the instruction:.

In the Internet

The term "Blacklist" may refer to users who, due to repeated violations of the rules of any resource, are prohibited from using it. Such lists may contain e-mail or IP-addresses, registration of users from which is prohibited. As a rule, this measure is applied in case of repeated violation of the terms of use of the resource. Also, blacklists can block the placement of certain words on a resource (for example, in a forum or chat). See also Ban (Internet).

The black list can also be used in programming, when forming all kinds of filters. For example, a blacklist can be used to check database queries generated using user data for malicious code injection by an attacker. Alternatively, the data can be checked against the black list during transmission from the secure storage, and the check is performed to determine the leakage of confidential information. An alternative would be a so-called "whitelist". It is possible to combine them.

In economics

In telephony

The "black list" function allows you to block calls coming to your phone from certain numbers. Undesirable subscribers are added to the black list, and calls from their numbers do not go through. You can create a blacklist of numbers on the scale of an office PBX; this function is also supported by most modern mobile phones... In addition, the "black list" service is provided to their subscribers by such well-known mobile operators MTS, Beeline, Sky Link and Megafon, as well as most IP-telephony operators.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what the "Blacklist" is in other dictionaries:

    1. Publ. Disapproved. List of suspicious, unreliable persons who are not hired or dismissed in the first place. Mokienko 2003, 107–108. 2. Zharg. shk. Shuttle. iron. Cool magazine. VMN 2003, 125 ...

    - "Hollywood blacklist" (English Hollywood blacklist) a list of cultural and artistic figures in the United States in the 1940s and 1950s, who were banned from professional activities due to their political beliefs. To lists, ... ... Wikipedia

    - (en. Hollywood blacklist) A list of cultural and artistic figures in the United States in the 1940s and 1950s who were banned from professional activities due to their political beliefs. In the lists compiled by the owners of Hollywood studios, ... ... Wikipedia

    Black list

    Whom. Publ. Carry to whom l. to suspicious, unreliable persons. Mokienko 2003, 107 ... A large dictionary of Russian sayings

    Publ. Disapproved. Find yourself classified as suspicious, unreliable persons. Mokienko 2003, 107 ... A large dictionary of Russian sayings

    The list of airlines with a ban on flights to the countries of the European Union "black list" of commercial air carriers in the world, in which, according to European experts, the problems with ensuring aviation security have not been properly resolved ... Wikipedia