With the development of the Internet and the connection of TVs to the World Wide Web, we have entered a new era when your iPhone Apple(IPod / iPad) or smartphone based Google android can be used as a remote control remote control... Using the phone, you can select the channel you want to watch, adjust the volume and use a more convenient smartphone keyboard to navigate the Internet.
In this guide, we'll help you get the hang of this job.

Controlling the TV with a Smartphone

Before talking about how you can control a modern Smart TV using a smartphone, it is worth answering the question, why is it necessary? One of the reasons is that the mobile phone has become one of the essentials that is always at hand. And more importantly, the ability to use your phone's keyboard to navigate the Internet, including typing when searching for movies on YouTube, Netflix and other Internet services, as well as media sources on your home network.

Controlling the TV with your smartphone - especially handy when you want to use the smart functions of your TV

Not all TVs support remote control via smartphones, but more and more recent models do, and even some Blu-ray players. If you have a mid-range or more expensive 2010 TV, there is a good chance to support this feature. If you bought a TV this year, the chances are much higher. To find out exactly, look at the capabilities of a specific model of your TV on the manufacturer's website. The following manufacturers are currently embedding smartphone control of the TV:

Click on the picture to enlarge it

Sony TVs are compatible with Apple and Android devices

Installation Wizard Step-by-Step Guide

1. Home network
First of all, you need a wireless home network for your smartphone and TV to communicate through it. If you do not have a wireless router, you can buy one from your local computer hardware store. Preferably with support for the "N" fast option for wireless standard Wi-Fi.
2. Connect the TV to the network
Now you need to connect your TV to your home network, either wirelessly or by cable.

Cable connection
If you plan to connect your TV via cable, installation is easier. You just need to plug the cable into the Ethernet connectors and you're done.
Wi-Fi wireless interface,
Wi-Fi will require you to go through the setup procedure. Few TVs come with an integrated Wi-Fi unit yet, so you may need a USB plug-in Wi-Fi module from your TV manufacturer. After that, you need to go through the network settings menu. at first step by step installation in the TV menu and then select the previously set wireless home network. Then enter your login password and everything should be ready to go.

3. Download management application
Now you need to download the Remote App for your Apple or Android smartphone... The app is selected depending on your TV, see the table below for app names and links.
4. Pairing TV and Phone
Before using the smartphone for control, you need to pair it with the TV. Open the app and follow the instructions on the screen. Sometimes you still have to go to the TV menu and turn on the option there remote control.
5. Use

You are now ready to control your TV from Apple's Android or iOS smartphones.

If you don’t know how to connect your phone to your TV via WiFi, we will be happy to tell you how to do it. The whole process takes only 2-3 minutes. Read our instructions below:

Method 1: Connecting via a router

First of all, you need to establish a connection between the TV and the WiFi router, and then on the TV you need to activate the function with which the phone will connect to it.

Let's see how to do this using the example of the most popular brands of smart TVs:


To connect your phone to your LG TV via WiFi, you need to:

  • go to the TV menu and go to the "Connections" tab
  • activate SmartShare function
  • select a phone among the devices available for connection.

After that, you can choose what exactly needs to be done from your phone or smartphone - duplicate the screen, control the TV or access files.


Connecting your phone to a Samsung TV via WiFi is similar to connecting to LG, only instead of the SmartShare function, you will need to activate the AllShare function.


The most convenient way to connect to a Sony Smart TV is from smartphones of the same company, for example, c. To connect on the TV itself, you do not need to configure anything - everything will happen automatically, but in the phone you need to go to Menu -> Settings -> Xperia Connections and select the item Duplicating screen... After that, in a new window, you need to click on the Start button and the smartphone itself puts on the TV and connects to it.

Connecting your phone to the TV usingWiFi Direct

This method is used if there is no router at home, and you need to establish a connection directly between the phone and the TV.

Step 1. Find in the smartphone in the section of wireless networks and connections, the WiFi Direct function and activate it.

Step 2. In the TV menu, on the "Network" or "Connections" tab (depending on the model), find and activate the WiFi Direct function. Some of the TV models have a special button on the remote control to launch Yandex.Direct.

Step 3. Select a phone from the list of devices available for connection and confirm the connection.

As you can see, everything is quite simple. Nevertheless, if you do not understand something, ask a question in the comments - we will try to help.

Well, the TV code can be controlled without getting up from the couch, and even better, when it can be done from another room, going about your business. Mobile phones have become an integral part of life, and having a TV remote on it is very convenient. This function is provided via iPhone (iPad / iPad) or Android smartphone. It provides not only the ability to switch channels, but also launch applications.

Benefits of mobile control

At first glance, using your phone as a remote control to control your TV seems like a joke, pampering, or an unnecessary option. But, since the range of its operation has expanded very recently, this turned out to be a very useful function. From your smartphone you can access built-in internet browser allowing you to quickly find necessary information and also view it on big screen... Popular video hosting YouTube, social networking resources allow you to search and view interesting videos (find out). Good screen quality, high display resolution will provide an opportunity to reproduce them in good quality. It is much easier and more convenient to navigate the Internet using the phone keypad. Mobile pairing with the device allows you to use the full functionality of the TV in a simplified form.

It should be noted that remote control can be carried out from a smartphone, but not all TVs may support this function. This functionality is built into modern models of the middle or high price category of equipment from such manufacturers as:

  • LG in TV - smart since 2011;
  • Samsung that provided supportALL Share 2010-2011 models;
  • TV from Sony 2011 with Internet access;
  • Philips, where mobile control is carried out in 2010-2011 models with supportNet TV.

Limited control of the TV from the phone may be available with the Wake-On-LAN function. In this case, it will be possible to turn off the equipment through a smartphone or use only navigation.

Smartphone connection algorithm

If, when purchasing, attention was not focused on the ability to control equipment via the phone, you should look at the capabilities of this function in the technical documentation. With this functionality, you can customize the phone. Let's take a step-by-step look at how to make the TV menu more accessible.

  1. If you have a wireless connection, use Wi-Fi router, you need to produce. In the absence of this interface and using cable Internet, you should connect the cable to the Ethernet connector.
  2. Upload what you need Remote App app depending on the model of equipment. Each brand has an application name: Samsung Remote for Samsung, Media Remote for Sony, LG TV Remote for LG, Philips My Remote for Philips.
  3. Pair your TV and smartphone. The remote control confirmation window should appear on the display. If in automatic mode this did not happen, you need to go to the TV menu and enable this option yourself. for Iphone are listed in the article about it.

The ability to control the TV via a smartphone will be a big boon when. Such a malfunction always arises unexpectedly and causes discomfort, since it is not very convenient to switch it using the buttons on the rear panel. In addition, the telephone is always at hand, it is easier to find it than the remote control. This is especially common in families with children. Therefore, perhaps, instead of, it is worth paying attention to the functionality of your smartphone.

Nowadays, smartphones are quite widespread and have become a part of our daily life. And the more time passes, the more “smart” and advanced they become. However, along with the development of phones and tablets, consumer demands for mobile devices are growing at an even higher rate. And if earlier a device that can call and send SMS satisfied almost all requests, now it is not enough for us to get access to the World Wide Web from Android and the ability to use various applications for work and leisure.

One of the innovations that the developers came up with was the connection of the phone to the TV. Agree that watching movies, playing games and chatting with friends on a huge screen is much more convenient than on a phone. But a TV with such a filling would turn into a computer for such actions, and this would greatly affect its cost. In our case, there is a combination of a decent-sized display and the hardware of a smartphone or tablet - cheap and cheerful. Apple set the fashion for this with its iPhone, where a similar function was implemented via Wi-Fi using a specially connected set-top box. Other manufacturers also did not lag behind and stuffed their devices with similar options. Now we will talk about them in more detail.

There is no limit to the possibilities - we watch videos and photos on the big screen

How can you connect

There are several ways to connect your smartphone to your TV:

  • HDMI is the most common and convenient option for gadgets with the Android system, which, if there are appropriate cable outputs, allows you to transfer not only data, but also a picture with sound;
  • USB is an old and reliable method using the wire supplied with all devices. This allows you to avoid additional financial and time costs for its search and purchase. But in this way, only data can be transmitted, and it is not possible to view media files;
  • RCA - well-known "tulips", differ from HDMI in that a separate cable is responsible for each option;
  • Wi-Fi is the most modern and convenient wireless option that has undeniable advantages and allows you to implement the entire package of options.

The most convenient way

We will now talk about how to connect a phone or tablet to a TV via Wi-Fi. For the purposes of interest to us, both special programs have been developed that are produced by the manufacturers themselves in order to connect devices of the same brand to each other, and universal, suitable for gadgets of various brands.

All specially designed programs for connecting a phone or tablet to a TV are widely available and completely free. Once installed on the device and connected via Wi-Fi, they are automatically synchronized and do not require additional configuration. The main condition is that the network must be the same to which the TV is connected. Here is a small list of them:

  • Sony TV SideView;
  • LG TV Remote;
  • Philips MyRemote;
  • Panasonic TV Remote 2;
  • Toshiba Remote.

Of universal programs the most common are MediaServer, DLNA Server, and UPnP. We install them on a smartphone or tablet, connect the TV to Wi-Fi, enable wireless access for both devices - and enjoy. However, sometimes some brands of TVs and phones do not want to connect.

And the most versatile way to connect a tablet or smartphone to a TV via Wi-Fi is the Wi-Fi Direct function. The main condition for this type of connection is its presence on both devices, and the contact will be carried out directly - via Wi-Fi without connecting through a router. On the phone, go to the menu: "Device settings" - "Wireless networks and connections" - "Wi-Fi Direct" - and activate this function. On the TV: "Menu" - "Network" - "Wi-Fi Direct" - and select required device... We confirm on the smartphone the permission to access another device - and you're done!


Living in the modern world, it is necessary to keep up with technical progress and keep pace with the times. The ability to connect a tablet or smartphone to a TV is one of the skills that will make your life much more comfortable. After spending a little time and effort to do the above steps, you will get great pleasure in the future. After all, technologies are created for us humans.

If you have a modern TV that connects to your home network via Wi-Fi or LAN, then most likely you have the opportunity to use your Android and iOS phone or tablet as a remote control for this TV, all you need is to download the official application from the Play Store or App Store, install it and configure it for use.

This article is an example of setting up a remote control for a Sony Bravia TV on a phone, as well as briefly about the official applications with remote functions for LG, Samsung and Philips TVs. I note that all these applications work over the network (i.e., both the TV and the smartphone or other device must be connected to the same home network, for example, to the same router - it does not matter, via Wi-Fi or LAN cable). You may also find it useful:,.

Note: there are universal remotes in app stores that require the purchase of a separate IR (infrared) transmitter for the device, but they will not be considered in this article. Also, the functions of transferring media from a phone or tablet to TV will not be mentioned, although they are implemented in all the programs described.

Sony Bravia TV Remote for Android Phones and iPhones

I'll start with Smart TV from Sony, since I have just such a TV and, having lost the remote control (and there is no physical shutdown button on it), I was forced to look for an application in order to use my phone as a remote control.

The official remote control application for Sony equipment, and in our particular case, for the Bravia TV is called Sony Video and TV SideView and is available in the app stores for both Android and iPhone.

After installation, at the first start, you will be asked to select your TV provider (I do not have one, so I chose the first one that was offered - this does not matter for the remote control), as well as a list of TV channels, the program for which should be displayed in the application ...

After that go to the application menu and select "Add device". The network will search for supported devices (the TV must be turned on at this time).

Select the desired device, then enter the code that will be displayed on the TV screen at this time. You will also see a request about whether to enable the ability to turn on the TV from the remote control (for this, the TV settings will change so that it is connected to Wi-Fi even when it is turned off).

Done. The remote control icon will appear in the top line of the application, clicking on which will take you to the remote control options, which include:

  • Standard Sony remote (scrolls vertically, occupies three screens).
  • On separate tabs - touch panel, text input panel (only work if a supported application or settings item is open on the TV).

In case you have multiple Sony devices, you can add them all to the app and switch between them in the app menu.

You can download the Sony Video and TV SideView Remote from the official pages of the applications:

LG TV Remote

The official iOS and Android remote control app for LG Smart TVs. Important: There are two variants of this app, for TVs released earlier than 2011, please use LG TV Remote 2011.

After launching the application, you will need to find a supported TV on the network, after which you can use the remote control on the phone (tablet) screen to control its functions, change the channel and even take screenshots of what is currently shown on the TV.

Also, on the second screen of the LG TV Remote, the functions of accessing applications and transferring content using SmartShare are available.

You can download the TV remote control from the official app stores

Samsung Smart View and Samsung TV and Remote (IR)

For there are two official applications - the remote control. The second one is intended for phones with a built-in IR transmitter-receiver, and Samsung Smart View will fit any phone and tablet.

Also, as in other such applications, after searching for a TV on the network and connecting to it, you will have access to remote control functions (including a virtual touch panel and text input) and transfer of media content from the device to the TV.

Judging by the reviews, the application does not always work as it should, but it's worth a try, besides, it is possible that by the time you read this review, the shortcomings have been fixed.

Philips MyRemote

Naturally, all the standard functions of such applications are also present: watching online TV, transferring video and images to the TV, managing saved recordings of programs (the remote control application for Sony can also do this) and in the context of this article - remote control of the TV, as well as its configuration ...

Philips MyRemote Official Download Pages

Unofficial TV remotes for Android

When searching for TV remotes for Android tablets and phones on Google Play, you come across a lot of unofficial applications. Of those that with good reviews, they do not require additional equipment (they connect via Wi-Fi), we can note applications from one developer, which can be found on their FreeAppsTV page.

The list of available - applications for remote control of TVs LG, Samsung, Sony, Philips, Panasonic and Toshiba. The design of the remote control itself is simple and familiar, and from the reviews we can conclude that basically everything works as it should. So, if for some reason the official application did not suit you, you can try this version of the remote control.

Setting up the remote via your phone is easy. We have selected several simple applications to control home appliances via infrared port "

Today with the help of even the most regular smartphone you can perform dozens of tasks that required a separate device ten years ago. Talking about a mobile device as a replacement for an audio and video player, a digital camera, a portable game console does not even occur to anyone, since these functions naturally passed to smartphones and became a part of everyday life.

In a short time, new features will be added to this ever-expanding natural arsenal of smartphones. For example, today, to pay for purchases in supermarkets, it is enough just to bring an Android smartphone with a built-in NFC chip to the terminal, or more and more automakers are equipping their new models with the possibility of remote control from a smartphone, even if so far only to start the engine or feed a car from the parking lot to driver, but this is just the beginning. Therefore, the remote control via the phone is unlikely to surprise anyone.

So that IR port control in our life it becomes not only a reasonable, but also an absolutely natural choice. After all, everyone sometimes, comfortably sitting on the couch with a phone, may want, for example, if you do not check the contents of the refrigerator, without getting out from under a cozy blanket, then at least turn on the TV and watch your favorite show or series after a long working day, without searching the entire neighborhood in search of an abandoned remote control who knows where.

The capabilities of Android today allow use almost any phone as a TV remote control. For connection, you can use different interfaces, the most common are infrared port or Bluetooth module. Let's take a look at how to set up a remote on an Android phone using a variety of free and paid apps. Smart TVs usually also support Wi-Fi connectivity, many large producers release their own Android remote control apps with enhanced functionality, such as the LG TV Remote, Samsung Smart View, Video & TV SideView: Remote from Sony.

To set up the remote control via your phone to control different TV models, there are many paid and free universal programs, the most popular of which we will consider.

How to set up the remote control via the phone: TOP applications

TV remote

To use it, you need to install the remote control on your phone, after which three modes will be available:

  • infrared control;
  • extended mode;
  • universal mode.

The program interface is quite simple and intuitive. The application is compatible with most models of modern and old TVs, so it can be used both for old models that support infrared control and for new smart TVs.

To control the device's IR port, a corresponding module is required in the smartphone, other modes work via Wi-Fi, then the program can connect to the TV in the home network automatically.

TV Remote Control

A program that allows you to use your phone as a TV remote control. The application does not have a Russian-language version, but figuring out the simple interface, how to set up the remote control via the phone, is not difficult anyway. You just need to select the operating mode (infrared port or Wi-Fi connection) and TV model. You can install the remote control on your phone for free, but in this case you have to come to terms with the fact that it sometimes shows ads on the control screen.

The program supports standard TV switch functions: power management, volume control, number keys and channel switching.

The application is compatible with TVs from Panasonic, Samsung, LG, Sharp, Akai, JVC and other manufacturers.

Galaxy Universal Remote

A paid program that allows you to control your equipment through the infrared module of your smartphone. With this application, you can configure the remote control through your phone for a TV, receiver or tuner, audio system, media players, air conditioner, projector, digital camera, game console and other types of equipment.

Among the main functions of the program:

  • creating bookmarks for individual devices and saving settings;
  • control of the IR port for several devices using the function of a universal customizable remote control, where, for example, you can set the channel switch button from the TV, and the volume control from the audio system;
  • the ability to customize the appearance of the remote control (choice of color, button size and much more);
  • no annoying ads and banners;
  • saving a sequence of actions (for example, turning on several devices by pressing one button);
  • backup of program data and restoration on another smartphone;
  • use widgets to control devices directly from the main screen of your phone.

Easy Universal TV Remote

Another simple application that allows you to use your Android tablet or phone as a TV remote control. The program is similar to similar ones in functionality, differing mainly in the interface, the ability to turn on / off the TV, adjust the volume, switch channels, etc. is available.

To set up the remote control via the phone, you just need to select the connection type from the three available and the TV model; declared support for most brands of TVs: Samsung, Sony, LG, Panasonic and others.

SURE Universal Remote

Easy IR port control for home and digital appliances. It uses infrared and WiFi to control Smart TV and media players, and play media content from a smartphone to Smart TV.

With the help of the application, you can configure the "device system" for which one configured "remote control" will be used so that they can be turned on and off by pressing one button.

Trends in the development of modern technologies lead to the fact that soon all processes in the house can be controlled using mobile device... TVs, which can already be controlled using a smartphone or tablet, are no exception. Thus, a mobile device is also a TV remote control for Android.

To use the gadget while watching movies and other television content, several conditions are necessary. The first is that your devices are up to date. The TV must support Smart TV technology, and the smartphone or tablet must operate on the basis of operating systems.

With simple settings, you can easily control your TV while watching videos. This is very convenient, since there is no longer a need to use the usual remote control that comes with the TV set. In addition, you can always stay in touch: even while watching a movie, any call or message will not go unnoticed.

It should be noted that a smartphone or tablet powered by operating system Android, you will need to install a special application. It is gratifying that such programs are mostly free.

Controlling your Smart TV using your Android tablet or smartphone

What is popular Smart TV technology?

Controlling the TV using a tablet or smartphone is possible only if it supports the currently popular Smart TV technology. It represents the integration of the Internet into modern electronic devices, including televisions and digital broadcast receivers. The technology fundamentally changes the principles of operation of such devices, since users have the opportunity to search for a variety of media content directly on the Internet, in the list of available cable and satellite channels, TV memory or removable media connected to the device.

Smart TV turned the simplest TV into a “smart” device, which significantly increased its functionality. Today, televisions have become more than just devices designed to stream TV channels available in the region or provided by cable and satellite providers. Today, the TV has become the most convenient tool for viewing video and photographic materials on a large screen, which has many advantages over a conventional laptop or computer monitor, which often have a much smaller diagonal.

Needless to say, the task of your mobile gadget, be it a smartphone or a tablet, is to optimize the control of a modern TV? In addition, the mobile device will help the user out in situations when the usual remote control is lost or does not work correctly.

You just need to select and install the application from on your Android in order to seamlessly search for the necessary media content and view it on the big screen. For successful signal reception, the TV must be equipped with a Wi-Fi module. It can be built into the device or purchased and connected separately. There are special adapters that help to connect wireless Internet via a USB or RJ-45 connection.

After you have successfully tested the Internet on your TV, you can start setting up your mobile gadget. The most critical stage is the choice of the application. The convenience of using a smartphone or tablet as a remote control depends on how correctly the application works.

Convenient Remote Control for TV app

The popular remote control program for TV on Android is called Remote Control for TV. It is widely used due to its usability. You can download and install Remote Control for TV for free in the store Google play... For many users, it will be a pleasant bonus that the developers have excluded little-used functions from the program. The application allows you to quickly adjust the sound and select TV channels.

Remote Control for TV can synchronize a mobile device with a TV by connecting via a Wi-Fi connection, using infrared port or IR Blaster mode. We recommend using a Wi-Fi connection - as practice shows, the least problems arise with it.

The advantage of Remote Control for TV is that it supports most modern TV models. All the user has to do is set the appropriate settings, after which the program will be able to control the device to watch the video. The creators of the program have provided for one very important function - manual input of the IP-address of the TV. This feature helps in situations where the connection is not automatically established.

The most discerning users of the application still found one drawback in it - the presence of advertising. But you must agree that for the opportunity to use the program for free, you can put up with such measures by the developers. In general, we can conclude that Remote Control for TV has gained popularity among users due to its very convenient, uncluttered interface and compatibility with a large number of modern TVs on which Smart TV technology is implemented. We recommend testing the application on your smartphone or tablet. It is possible that this particular program will become your choice.

Smart TV Remote to control Samsung devices

We recommend the following application for owners of Samsung TVs. It's called Smart TV Remote. As in the first case, you can install it through the Google Play store. Users need to pay attention to the fact that there are two versions of the program. One of them - Smart TV Remote - is designed for smartphones, and tablet owners should download the SmartTV Remote Tab.

The program is free. Users claim that Smart TV Remote quickly detects the TV model and connects to it. The app supports device series B, C, D, E and F. It should be noted that in 2014 Samsung made changes to the communication protocol, due to which the app does not support series such as H and J.

Many users will love the app's interface that fits on one screen. The buttons have a nice appearance... In addition, users can add buttons for their favorite channels to main screen applications, which increases the speed and usability of the program. You can also create a convenient menu on the Smart TV Remote widget, where user-configured TV channel icons are added. Now it is not at all necessary to enter the application to switch the broadcast of interesting programs. You can set your own pictures for buttons, and by default, logo pictures will be downloaded from the Internet automatically.

Among the advantages of the program, one can also note the ability to enter text using an Android-based tool. Among the minuses, some say the inability to control the application using gesture commands. At the same time, we believe that the functionality of the program allows you to completely perform all the necessary actions while watching TV and without gestures. Therefore, Smart TV Remote is an excellent choice for owners of technology from the South Korean concern Samsung.

Controlling LG TVs

If you have a TV from LG, then there will be no problems with choosing an application that will help you manage your device. We recommend using LG TV Plus. Such an application for Android as a TV remote control supports a large number of device models, a complete list of which is presented in the program description in the Google Play store. A version of the app for Apple branded devices is also available in App Store.

LG TV Plus completely replaces the conventional remote control. Users no longer need to purchase the LG Magic Remote separately. The program allows you to launch applications installed in Smart TV. LG TV Plus shows users a list of recommended TV shows, popular movies and other content. If you do not have time to watch your favorite TV program, you can put it on your wishlist to return to watching at a convenient time. In addition, LG TV Plus provides many other benefits, including reminders and watching a TV program for the near future.

The program interface has a beautiful and understandable appearance, logical structure and allows you to perform quick setup your TV. To use the application you need.

For owners of LG TVs, we suggest testing another popular and very convenient application called LG TV Remote. It is also free and helps you use your smartphone as a remote control. The application is suitable for device models released in 2012-2014. LG TV Remote supports unified search, which will always find the necessary media content. Convenience provides text input, which is carried out through a standard keyboard. Hotkeys allow you to quickly adjust the volume. Synchronizing a smartphone and a TV using such a program is very quick and easy. We recommend testing it for all LG TV owners.

It is possible that the latest technology will sooner or later lead to the synchronization of all gadgets with one mobile device. Smart TV technology and mobile TV control have already taken the first step towards this scenario. Today, it is enough to install the application on your smartphone, so that you can easily and quickly control the TV without using the usual remote control.

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