Municipal educational institution secondary school with. Poima Belinsky district of the Penza region


course "Robotics"

municipal educational institution

secondary school

With. Poima Belinsky district of the Penza region

The work program is compiled on the basis of the robotics course program Compiled by: teacher Mikhail Sergeevich Gavrilov ( )

Robotics course program


Document status

The program is developed as an independent discipline, which is an educational component of general secondary education. At the same time, expressing the general ideas of formalization, it permeates the content of many other subjects and, therefore, becomes a discipline of a generalizing, methodological nature. The main purpose of the Robotics course is to fulfill the social order of modern society, aimed at preparing the younger generation for full-time work in the conditions of global informatization of all aspects of public life.

Robotics is one of the most important areas of scientific and technological progress, in which the problems of mechanics and new technologies come into contact with the problems of artificial intelligence.

In recent years, advances in robotics and automated systems have changed the personal and business aspects of our lives. Robots are widely used in transportation, earth and space exploration, surgery, the military industry, laboratory research, security, and mass production of industrial and consumer goods. Many devices that make decisions based on data received from sensors can also be considered robots - such as, for example, elevators, without which our life is already unthinkable.

Document structure

The computer science program is a holistic document that includes three sections: an explanatory note; main content with the distribution of training hours by sections of the course and requirements for the level of training of graduates.

General characteristics of the training course

The program lasts 35 hours and is adapted for the Mindstorms NXT 9797 Constructor.

The goal of the educational program “Lego Construction and Robotics” is to bring children’s level of communication with technology to the next level, teach children to competently express their idea, design its technical and software solution, and implement it in the form of a model capable of functioning.

The Lego constructor provides students with the opportunity to purchase important knowledge, skills and abilities in the process of creating, programming and testing robots. The “brain” of the Lego Mindstorms Education robot is the Lego NXT microcomputer, which makes the robot programmable, intelligent, and capable of making decisions. You can also use a Bluetooth wireless connection to communicate between your computer and the NXT. The NXT has three output ports for connecting motors or lamps, labeled A, B, and C. The NXT Program feature allows you to directly program the NXT unit without accessing a computer. The sensors receive information from the NXT microcomputer.

The Lego constructor and its software provide an excellent opportunity for a child to learn from their own experience. Such knowledge makes children want to move along the path of discovery and research, and any recognized and appreciated success adds self-confidence. Learning occurs most successfully when the child is involved in the process of creating a meaningful and meaningful product that is of interest to him. It is important that the child builds his own knowledge, and the teacher only advises him.

There are a lot of robots in the world around us: from the elevator in your house to the production of cars, they are everywhere. The Mindstorms NXT construction kit invites children to enter the fascinating world of robots and immerse themselves in the complex environment of information technology.

The software features a user-friendly interface that allows the child to gradually develop from a beginner to an experienced user. Each lesson is a new topic or a new project. Models are assembled either according to technological maps, or due to the imagination of children. As projects are mastered, competitions are held between robots created by groups.

At the end of the year, in the creative laboratory, groups demonstrate the capabilities of their robots.

The following stages of training can be distinguished:

Stage I – initial design and modeling. A very useful stage, children act according to their ideas, and let them “invent the wheel”, it is their bicycle, and it would be good for everyone to invent it.

At this stage, the guys still know little about the possibilities of using different methods for improving models; they build as they see them. The teacher’s task is to show that there are ways to make models similar to children’s ones, but faster and more powerful. Every child has the spirit of an athlete in him, and the question arises: “How can I make my model win?”

This is where you can start the next stage.

Stage II – training. At this stage, the guys assemble models according to the diagrams, try to understand the principle of connections in order to use them in the future. The diagrams present very clever solutions that would be a good idea to memorize. The models turn out to be the same, but the creativity of children allows us to move away from standard models and make changes when creating programs, so competitions should be accompanied by a discussion of the changes made by the children. Children create programs and defend their models. There will be no repetitions in defenses should.

Stage III – complex design. Having learned a lot of new things during the training stage, the children have the opportunity to apply their knowledge and create complex projects.

The range of possibilities of their models is greatly expanding. Now competitions and conclusions based on the results of the competition are appropriate - which model is stronger and why. How much the mechanisms invented by mankind make our lives easier.

Course objectives:

The main goal of the course is the development of information culture, educational, cognitive and search and research skills, and the development of intelligence.

Main tasks:

    Introduction to the NXT-G programming environment;

    Mastering the basics of programming, gaining the ability to compose algorithms;

    develop the ability to build models using diagrams;

    gain practical skills of constructive imagination when developing individual or joint projects;

    designing a technical, software solution to an idea, and its implementation in the form of a functioning model;

    development of the ability to navigate in space;

    Ability to use sensor signal recording systems, understanding of feedback principles;

    Designing robots and programming their actions;

    Through the creation of your own projects, trace the benefits of using robots in real life;

    Expanding the scope of knowledge about professions;

    Students' ability to work in groups.

    Fostering independence, accuracy and attentiveness in work.

The age of children participating in the implementation of this educational program: from 9 to 14 years. Children of this age are able to complete tasks according to the model, and also, after studying a topic block, perform a creative reproductive task.

Place of the course “Robotics” in the curriculum of the Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School of the village. catch

Curriculum of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School p. The course involves studying robotics for 35 hours. Including in grades 5-7 - 35 hours, in grades 8-11 - 35 hours.

Teaching is conducted using materials from the book by S.A. Filippov “Robotics for children and parents” and computers.

General educational abilities, skills and methods of activity

The program provides for the development in students of general educational skills, universal methods of activity and key competencies. In this direction, the priorities for the educational subject “Robotics” are: determining adequate ways to solve an educational problem based on given algorithms; combining known activity algorithms in situations that do not require the standard use of one of them; using various sources of information, including encyclopedias, dictionaries, Internet resources and databases to solve cognitive and communicative problems; possession of the skills of joint activities (coordination and coordination of activities with other participants; objective assessment of one’s contribution to solving common problems of the team; taking into account the characteristics of various role behavior).

Lego allows students to:

    Train together within the same team;

    Distribute responsibilities within your team;

    Show increased attention to culture and communication ethics;

    Show a creative approach to solving a given problem;

    Create models of real objects and processes;

    See the real result of your work.

Lesson mode:

Classes are held:

In the junior group, 1 time per week for 1 hour (total 1 hour per week, 35 hours per year);

IN senior group 1 time per week for 1 hour (total 1 hour per week, 35 hours per year).

Expected results of mastering the program.

After completing the training course:

The student will know:

    NXT design, controls and display;

    NXT sensors;

    NXT servo motor;

    Lego Mindstorms Education NXT program interface;

    basics of programming, program blocks.

The student will be able to:

    structure the task and draw up a plan for its solution;

    use techniques for optimal computer operation

    extract information from various sources

    Create information processing algorithms

    set a problem and see ways to solve it;

    develop and implement a project;

    carry out installation work, adjustment of components and mechanisms;

    assemble a robot using various sensors

    program the robot.

Main content (35 hours)

Topic 1.Introduction, 3 hours

ConstructorMindstormsNXT. Getting to know set 9797, studying its details. Getting an idea of ​​the NXT microprocessor unit, which is the brain of the LEGO Mindstorms 9797 designer. Preparing the designer and NXT for further work.

Topic 2.Construction, 8 hours

Introduction to electronic components and their use:

NXT module with battery pack; sensors: ultrasonic (distance sensor), touch, sound - microphone, light; connecting cables of different lengths for connecting sensors and servos to the NXT and USB cables for connecting the NXT to a computer.

Topic 3.Management, 6 hours

Drawing up programs for moving a robot forward and backward, which has a motor capable of changing the rotation of the machine axis. The robot has a right and left motor connected to ports B and C. Assembling and programming the Mindstorms NXT robot to move forward and turn right angles to the right. Determination of parameters common to all sensors that must be checked before operation and adjusted according to the specified parameters.

Topic 4.Design and engineering activities, 15 hours

Working on the Internet. Search for information about Lego competitions, descriptions of models, technology for assembling and programming Lego robots. Assembling your own models. Analysis of robot programming skills. Summing up the course - holding competitions (tournaments), educational research conferences.

Topic 5 Free modeling, 3 hours

Literature for students

Literature for teachers


Internet resources

Calendar and thematic planningclasses of the “Robotics” club



Introduction to Robotics

Lecture. Goals and objectives of the course. What are robots? Videos, photographs and multimedia. A story about robot competitions: Eurobot, festival of mobile robots, robot Olympiads. Sports robotics. Incl. - robot battles (non-destructive). Constructors and “homemade” robots.

LEGO designers

Lecture. Information about the LEGO company's available construction sets, their functional purpose and differences, demonstration of the sets we have available

Getting to know the setLego MindstormsNXT 2.0

Lecture. Let's get acquainted with the Lego Mindstorms NXT 2.0 set, build 8547. What you need to know before you start working with NXT. Sensors of LEGO construction sets based on the NXT computer (Presentation), hardware and software components of LEGO construction sets based on the NXT computer (Presentation), NXT servomotor.

Construction of the first robot

Practice. We assemble the first model of the Pyaminituka robot according to the instructions.

Studying the control and programming environment

Lecture. Software learning, study programming environments, management. Brief study of software, study of the programming and control environment.

Assembling a robot" Linear slider": we upgrade the “Five Minute” robot assembled in the previous lesson and get a “Linear Slider”.
We download ready-made robot control programs, test them, identify the strengths and weaknesses of the programs, and also adjust the parameters under which the programs operate without errors.

Robot programming

Practice. Development of programs to complete the assigned tasks: several short tasks of 4-5 blocks

Construction of a three-wheeled robot

We create and test " Three-wheeled robot".
This robot does not yet have sensors, but it is already possible to write moderately complex programs to control two servomotors.

Programming a three-wheeled robot

Practice. Development of programs to complete the assigned tasks: several short tasks. The number of blocks in programs is more than 5 pieces. (more complex program).

We assemble and program" SUV bot"
In the previous lesson we assembled a "Three-wheeled" robot. We left it in the box, in this lesson we take it out and make small changes to the design. We get a more serious model that uses a touch sensor. Accordingly, we continue experiments on programming the robot. We are writing a program of medium complexity, which should allow the robot to respond to the event of pressing a sensor.

The task is something like this: let’s say the robot was driving and ran into a wall. He needs to drive back a little, turn left and then continue moving straight. You need to loop this program. Conduct a test of the robot's behavior, think about in what cases the result may be useful.

Assembling a crawler robot according to instructions

We create and test " Crawler robot".
Task: you need to learn how to assemble a robot on tracks. Therefore, we practice and try to assemble it according to the instructions. If everything worked out, then we control the robot from a cell phone or computer. Let's remember the design. We analyze the pros and cons of the design. In the next lesson we will try to disassemble and reassemble the robot.

Construction of a crawler bot

In the previous lesson we assembled a caterpillar bot. You need to look at your models again and remember the design. Next, disassemble and try to assemble your own model. It must be stable and there must be no protruding parts. The tracks must be optimally tensioned. Next, we test our tracked vehicle on the field, control it with mobile phone or from a laptop.


The test should contain simple and clearly formulated questions about the designer, about Legos, about the laws of physics, mathematics, etc. The recommended number of questions is from 10 to 20. Students answer simple questions and test their level of knowledge. It is recommended to include several questions on ingenuity in the test from the cycle: “What if...”. As a result of testing, we must understand whether the student has learned anything.

Assembling a sumo robot

We need to familiarize ourselves with the design of the simplest sumo robot. To do this, read and assemble the robot according to the instructions: bot - sumo wrestler. We assemble and remember the design. Testing the assembled robot. We control it from a laptop/netbook.

Robot sumo competition

We assemble a sumo robot from memory for a while. Assembly time: 30-60 minutes. We organize competitions. We do not disassemble the design of the winning robot. It is necessary to study the designs, identify the pros and cons of the bot.

Analysis of the winning designs

It is necessary to study the designs, identify the pros and cons of the bot. We talk out loud all the pros and cons. Free time. We assemble any with a complexity of no more than 3 units from the available robot instructions.

Independent construction of a robot for competitions

The students’ task is to independently find and make a robot design that will be able to complete the tasks of the Olympiad. We break down all the tasks into parts, for example, you need to move from point A to point B - this will be the first task, you need to determine the color of each cell - this is the second task, depending on the color of the cell you need to put a certain number of balls in the cell - this is the third task.

Development of projects in groups.

Goal: Form a task for developing a project for a group of students.
During the lesson we divide all students into groups of 2-3 people.

Step 1. Each group comes up with a project for an automated device/installation or robot. The teacher’s task is to guide students to the most detailed description of future models, to distribute responsibilities for assembling, debugging, and programming the future model. Students are required to describe these solutions in the form of flowcharts or in text in their notebooks.

Step 2. When the descriptive part of the project is ready, begin creating a working model.

Step 2. When the descriptive part of the project is ready, I will create a working model. If there are questions and problems, we direct students to find independent solutions to problems and develop collective and individual solutions.

Step 3. Specify the project parameters. We supplement it with diagrams, conventional drawings, and add a descriptive part. Update object parameters.

Step 4. When the model is ready, we begin programming the previously planned functions.

Goal: Learn to present (introduce) your activities.

We continue assembling and programming models.
Step 5. Formalize the project: We finally decide on the name of the project and develop a presentation to defend the project. We print the required title, full name of the authors, and additional material.

Step 6. Decide on a speech to defend the project. We record, save, repeat.

Goal: Learn to publicly present your inventions.

Public DEFENSE of projects with the invitation of representatives of the administration and teachers.

Free lesson. Collection of a finished model to choose from.

Collection and research of one of the robot models to choose from:

Race car - Autobot- a car with the ability to remotely control and program it to move along colored lines on the floor!

Bot with ultrasonic sensor- 4-wheeled robot with an intelligent program that decides where to go if there is an obstacle.

Bot with touch sensor- 4-wheeled robot with a program that uses a touch sensor as a tool to detect obstacles.

Line-following sensor bot- a robot whose program is configured to move along the black line.

Bot shooter- a simple robot that shoots balls in different directions.

Goal: To consolidate design skills using ready-made instructions. Study the programs.

Students need to assemble the models according to the instructions. Download an existing program. Study the operation of the program, features of movement, working with the sensor, etc. robot models. Draw appropriate conclusions.

Construction of a 4-wheeled or tracked robot

Goal: assemble a robot according to the instructions, study its capabilities and program.

You must select one of the 9 available MULTIBOT designs according to this link.

We assemble the robot according to the instructions, download the program, study its behavior: program it, observe it, test it. We change the program, we achieve a change in the principle of operation of the robot. We are changing its design.

Construction of a wheeled or tracked robot.

Goal: invent and assemble a robot. Program the robot yourself.

We come up with a design that we would like to assemble. Let's call the structure a robot. Let the robot move on 4 wheels or tracks. Let him move independently for a short time (at least 1 minute).

We begin assembling the model. We discuss design details and program parameters.

Control testing

The test should contain simple and clearly formulated questions about the designer, about Legos, about the laws of physics, mathematics, etc. The recommended number of questions is 20. Students answer simple questions and test their level of knowledge. It is recommended to include several questions on ingenuity in the test from the cycle: “What if...”. As a result of testing, we must understand whether the student has learned anything. We analyze the results obtained. We compare them with those received at the beginning of training in the subject "robotics". We screen out the poor students and select students who are capable of studying robotics at an advanced level. We form a group of them to study for the second year.

Assembling a robotic mantis

We assemble and program the robotic mantis MANTI. Lesson 1.
Instructions Instructions for assembling the robot "MANTI: the harmless mantis"

Assembling a highly complex robot

Assembling the robot ALFAREX (ALFAREX) lesson 1.
Instructions Assembly instructions for the robot "ALFAREX" for designer 8547.

Robot programming is highly complex

We are programming the ALPHAREX robot and preparing for demonstration performances.

Demonstration performance

Demonstration lesson: we demonstrate the robot, launch the program, show the movement capabilities, and compete on the speed of movement. The winning team receives prizes.

Free modeling.

We assemble any model you desire.

Free modeling

We assemble any model you desire. Reserve lesson.

Reserve lesson

Reserve lesson

Literature for students

Chekhlova A.V., Yakushkin P.A. “LEGO DAKTA designers are aware of information technology. Introduction to Robotics". - M.: INT, 2001

Filippov S.A. “Robotics for children and parents” - “Science” 2010.

Literature for teachers

Trishina S. V. Information competence as a pedagogical category [Electronic resource]. INTERNET MAGAZINE "EIDOS" – .

Potashnik M.M. Management of teacher professional growth in a modern school. – M., 2009

The concept of modernization of Russian education /02.31/t45.htm

"New information technologies for education." UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education. Publishing house "Moscow". 2000 g

Internet resources




methodological advice Director

Protocol No. _____ Kadyaeva S.V.

from "___" ___ 20__ "___" ______ 20__

Additional general education

Robotics program

additional education teacher

first qualification category


Kungur district – 2016

Prepared with funds Fund for the support of children in difficult life situations as part of the implementation of the innovative social project “Teenager in the technosphere - the path to the future!”

Explanatory note
Currently, robotics is one of the leading areas scientific and technological progress, in which the problems of mechanics and new technologies are intertwined with the problems of artificial intelligence. Robots are being improved, and their scope of application is becoming wider; they are now used in Earth and space exploration, surgery, the military industry, laboratory research, security, and mass industrial production. The development of automated systems and robotics has changed not only the business sphere of our lives. Intensive development of home and service robots is underway. Many countries have national programs for the development of STEM education, because the country’s place in the global economy in the 21st century will be determined not by the amount of natural resources, but by the level of the most advanced technologies, which is determined by the level of intellectual potential.
Relevance of the program.

In the Federal Target Program “Development of Additional Education for Children in Russian Federation until 2020,” as well as the Concept for the Development of Additional Education for Children in the Russian Federation, emphasizes the importance of developing innovative educational programs in the field of scientific and technical creativity of children and creating the necessary conditions for children to engage in technical activities.

The additional general education program “Robotics” allows you to combine design and programming in one course and instill in the younger generation an interest in technical creativity.
Novelty of the program.

The additional general developmental program “Robotics” is being implemented within the framework of the federal innovative social project “Teenager in the technosphere - the path to the future!”

The novelty of the program lies in the entertaining form of introducing students to the basics of robotics, radio electronics and programming. Avoiding complex mathematical formulas, in practice, through experimentation, students comprehend the physics of the processes occurring in robots, including motors, sensors, power supplies and microcontrollers. These classes give children an idea of ​​robotics and IT technologies, which is a guide in choosing a future profession.

The project method is the main form of training.

Pedagogical feasibility

The additional general developmental program “Robotics” is holistic and continuous throughout the entire learning process, and allows children to discover their abilities for technical creativity and invention, which will later help to successfully self-realize. In the process of designing and programming, students receive additional education in the fields of physics, mechanics, electronics and computer science.

Teaching the course involves the use of computers and special interface blocks together with construction kits. It is important to note that the computer is used as a means of controlling the model; its use is aimed at compiling control algorithms for assembled robots. Students gain an understanding of the features of drawing up control programs, automating mechanisms, and modeling the operation of systems.

Training in this program allows students to:

  • study together within one team;

  • distribute responsibilities within your team;

  • show increased attention to culture and ethics of communication;

  • show a creative approach to solving a given problem;

  • create models of real objects and processes;

  • see the real result of your work.

Target: creating conditions for the development of students' abilities for technical creativity and the development of engineering thinking.

  • to develop knowledge and skills in the field of development and editing of three-dimensional computer models;

  • develop logical, design and spatial thinking;

  • develop skills in developing and analyzing complex mechanisms;

  • to form sustainable motivation for further study of robotics;

  • cultivate accuracy, independence, and the ability to work in a team.

Distinctive features of the program

The program is implemented using teaching aids specially developed by LEGO for teaching technical design based on its constructors. This course offers the use of educational construction sets LEGO WeDo and Lego Mindstorms EV3 as a tool for teaching students design, modeling and computer control in robotics classes. The simplicity of building a model, combined with the great design capabilities of the designer, allows children at the end of the lesson to see a model they have made with their own hands, which performs the task they themselves have set. When constructing a model, many problems from different fields of knowledge are touched upon - from the theory of mechanics to psychology.

Program content involves the sequential study of two blocks: “LEGO WiDo First Robot” and “Mindstorms EV3 Robot”. Each block of the program includes exercises and creative tasks to develop thinking, attention, imagination, memory, and speech.

The “LEGO WiDo First Robot” block introduces students to the basic terms and concepts: programming environment, interface, sensor, controller, etc. They learn how to work according to instructions, analyze the resulting model and further creatively independently refine it.

The Mindstorms EV3 Robot unit introduces students to ways to design and program more complex robots.

The additional general developmental program of scientific and technical orientation “Robotics” is designed for 1 year. The age of the students participating in the implementation of this additional general education program ranges from 8 to 15 years.

Form and mode of classes. The program is designed for 1 year of study, 3 hours per week, 96 hours per year. The following forms of work are provided: design, modeling, construction. Classes are held in group and individual form. Assignments are selected taking into account the individuality of each student, which ensures the success of their completion.
Teaching methods: dialogicinvolves an explanation of theoretical material in the form of educational conversations. Conversations are accompanied by demonstrations of electronic presentations and working models of robots;design (creative) – used when students implement their own creative projects.
In the process of implementing the Robotics program, the following are expected: results:

Personal results

  • critical attitude to information and selectivity of its perception;

  • understanding the motives of one’s actions when performing tasks;
    development of curiosity and intelligence when performing various tasks of a problematic and heuristic nature;

  • development of attentiveness, perseverance, dedication, the ability to overcome difficulties - qualities that are very important in the practical activities of any person;

  • development of independent judgment, independence and non-standard thinking;
    fostering a sense of justice and responsibility;

  • the beginning of professional self-determination, familiarization with the world of professions related to robotics.
Meta-subject results

  • accept an educational task, plan educational activities, carry out final and step-by-step control over the implementation of the assigned task;

  • adequately perceive the value judgments of the teacher and comrades;

  • distinguish between the method and the result of an action;

  • make adjustments to actions taking into account mistakes made;

  • in collaboration with the teacher, set new learning objectives;
    show cognitive initiative in educational cooperation;

  • search for information; use information and communication technologies to solve communicative, cognitive and creative problems;

  • carry out analysis of objects highlighting essential and non-essential features; carry out comparisons and classifications according to specified criteria;

  • establish analogies, cause-and-effect relationships;

  • synthesize, compose a whole from parts, including independent completion with the completion of missing components;

  • argue your point of view, listen to your interlocutor and conduct a dialogue, recognize the possibility of the existence of different points of view and the right of everyone to have their own;

  • plan educational cooperation with the teacher and peers
Subject results

  • safe work rules;

  • main components of LEGO construction sets;

  • design features of various models, structures and mechanisms;

  • a computer environment including a graphical programming language;

  • types of movable and fixed connections in the constructor;

  • design features of various robots;

  • basic algorithmic structures, stages of solving problems using a computer.
be able to:

  • use basic algorithmic structures to solve problems;

  • design various models; use created programs;

  • apply the acquired knowledge in practical activities;
Educational and thematic planning


Topic name

Number of hours

Total hours




Introduction to the educational program.




Block "First Robot"LEGO Wido»


Introduction to robotics activities





LEGO Education programming environment





Dancing birds. Belting





Smart spinner. Gears. Distance sensor





Hungry alligator. Distance sensor





Drummer monkey. Lever and cam mechanism





Roaring lion. Tilt sensor





Fluttering bird. Tilt sensor. Distance sensor





Goalkeeper. Gear





Cheering fans. Program with the “Screen” block





Airplane rescue





Rescue from a giant





Unsinkable sailboat





Creative project





Project protection




Block "Robot"Mindstorms EV3"












EV3 Screen










Touch sensor





Color sensor





Ultrasonic sensor





Gyroscopic sensor





Moving forward, backward, turning left, right





Acceleration, deceleration





Movement in a square, in a circle





Movement with an obstacle









Total hours




Program content

1.Introductory (organizational) lesson

Familiarization with the rules of conduct in the robotics classroom. Objectives and content of robotics classes this year, taking into account the specific conditions and interests of students. Class schedule, safety precautions.

Block "First Robot" LEGO WeDo »

1.1.Introduction to technical activities and the designer

A conversation about technical design and modeling as a technical activity. General basic information about the technological process and work operations. Watching films, magazines and photographs, where children can get acquainted with the technical activities of man. Students will build their first robot.

Practical work.

Studying the composition of the LEGO WeDo construction set, assembling a non-electrified structure on a free topic.

1.2. Programming environmentLEGO Education

Exploring the LEGO Education programming environment. General information about program blocks.

1.3. Model “Dancing Birds”

Students will assemble a robotic model of the Dancing Birds. They will study the belt drive.

Practical work.

Assembling the “Birds” model. Writing your own program

1.4. Model "Smart turntable"

Students will assemble a robotic model “Smart Pinwheel”. Study gears. Find out how a distance sensor is used.

Practical work.

Assembly of the “Smart Pinwheel” model. Writing your own program

1.5. Model "Hungry Alligator"

Students will build a robotic model called the Hungry Alligator. Using a distance sensor.

Practical work.

Assembling the “Hungry Alligator” model. Writing your own program

1.6. Model "Drummer Monkey"

Students will build a robotic model of the Drummer Monkey. Learn the use of levers and cam mechanisms.

Practical work.

Assembling the “Drummer Monkey” model. Writing your own program

1.7. Model "Roaring Lion"

Students will build a roaring lion robotic model. Learn how to use a tilt sensor.

Practical work.

Assembly of the Roaring Lion model. Writing your own program

1.8. Model “Fluttering Bird”

Students will assemble a robotic model called “Flying Bird.” Learn the use of tilt sensor and distance sensor

Practical work.

Assembling the “Fluttering Bird” model. Writing your own program

1.9. Model "Goalkeeper"

Students will assemble a robotic model “Goalkeeper”. Learn the use of gears

Practical work.

Assembling the “Goalkeeper” model. Writing your own program

1.10. Model "Cheering fans"

Students will assemble a robotic model “Goalkeeper”. They will study the use of the “Screen” block

Practical work.

Assembling the Cheering Fans model. Writing your own program

1.11. Airplane Rescue Model

Students will assemble a robotic model of “Salvation.” Completing additional tasks.

Practical work.

Assembling the “Airplane Rescue” model. Writing your own program

1.12. Model "Salvation from a Giant"

Students will build a robotic model called “Rescue from a Giant.” Completing additional tasks.

Practical work.

Assembling the “Salvation from a Giant” model. Writing your own program

1.13. Model "Unsinkable sailboat"

Students will assemble a robotic model of the “Unsinkable Sailboat.” Completing additional tasks.

Practical work.

Assembly of the “Unsinkable sailboat” model. Writing your own program

1.14.Work on your own creative project

Students will assemble a robotic model based on their own design. Perform programming.

Practical work.

Assembling the model according to your own design. Programming

1.15.Protection of creative projects

Block "Robot" Mindstorms EV 3"

2.1. Microcomputer

Exploring the EV3 microcomputer. Purpose of ports (motors and sensors), USB port, speaker, display and buttons.

Practical work.

Connecting EV3 and writing simple algorithmic problems.

2.2. Speakers

What is a speaker, its purpose. Mastering the methods and techniques of working with microcomputer speakers.

Practical work.

2.3. Screen EV3

What is a screen (display) for? Exploring the EV3 screen.

Practical work.

Robot assembly. Writing a program.

2.4. Programming

Repetition of known algorithms.

Practical work.

Robot assembly. Writing a program.

2.5. Exploring the touch sensor

Purpose of the touch sensor. Learn the specific features of the touch sensor. Gaining knowledge in touch sensor programming.

Practical work.

Robot assembly. Programming the touch sensor.

2.6. Exploring the Color Sensor

Purpose of the color sensor. Learn the specific features of the color sensor. Gaining knowledge in color sensor programming.

Practical work.

Robot assembly. Programming the color sensor.

2.7. Ultrasonic Sensor Study

Purpose of the ultrasonic sensor. Studying the specific features of the ultrasonic sensor. Gaining knowledge in programming an ultrasonic sensor.

Practical work.

Robot assembly. Ultrasonic sensor programming.

2.8. Exploring the Gyro Sensor

Purpose of the gyroscopic sensor. Study of the specific features of the gyroscopic sensor. Gaining knowledge in programming a gyroscopic sensor.

Practical work.

Robot assembly. Programming the gyroscopic sensor.

2.9. Moving forward, backward, turning left, right

Programming motors to move forward, backward, turn left, right.

Practical work.

2.10. Movement with acceleration, with deceleration

Programming motors for movement integrated with acceleration, deceleration, uniformly accelerated and uniformly decelerated movement.

Practical work.

Robot assembly. Motor programming. Making adjustments to the model.

2.11. Movement along a line, in a square, in a circle

Programming motors to move along a line, in a square, in a circle.

Practical work.

Robot assembly. Motor programming. Making adjustments to the model.

2.12. Movement with an obstacle

Programming motors and monitoring them and their performance in various nodes of the model when moving with an obstacle.

Practical work.

Robot assembly. Motor programming. Making adjustments to the model.

2.13. Competitions

Preparing models for competitions. Model testing. Finalization. Conducting competitions.

List of sources and literature used

  1. Druzhinin V.N. Psychology of general abilities - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2002. - 157-209 p.

  2. Concept for the development of additional education for children dated 09/04/2014.

  3. Simanovsky A.E. Development of children's creative thinking. A popular guide for parents and teachers. /Yaroslavl: “Academy of Development”, 2006. –11-27 p.

  4. Tamberg Yu.G. Development of a child’s creative thinking. – St. Petersburg: Rech, 2002. – 30-75 p.

  5. Ovsyanitskaya L.Yu., Ovsyanitsky D.N., Ovsyanitsky A.D. A course in programming the Lego Mindstorms EV3 robot in the EV3 environment: basic approaches, practical examples, secrets of mastery. - Chelyabinsk: Myakotin I.V.. - 2014.

  6. Grigoriev D.V., Stepanov P.V. “Extracurricular activities of schoolchildren” - M., Education, 2010

  7. Komarova L. G. “Building from LEGO” (modeling of logical relationships and real-world objects using the LEGO constructor). - M.; "LINK - PRESS", 2001.

  8. LEGO Education WeDo Teacher's Guide

Department of Education and Youth Policy

Administration of Lyskovsky municipal district

Nizhny Novgorod region

Municipal budgetary educational institution

secondary school No. 3, Lyskovo, Nizhny Novgorod region

Additional general education

general development program


Duration of training: 1 year.

Age of students: from 11 years.



  1. Explanatory note

The subject of robotics is the creation and use of robots, other robotics tools and technical systems and complexes for various purposes based on them.

Having emerged on the basis of cybernetics and mechanics, robotics, in turn, gave rise to new directions in the development of these sciences themselves. In cybernetics, this is associated, first of all, with the intellectual direction and bionics as a source of new ideas borrowed from living nature, and in mechanics, with multi-degree mechanisms such as manipulators.

Robotics is the design and construction of all kinds of intelligent mechanisms - robots that have a modular structure and have powerful microprocessors.

Robotics classes involve working with educational construction sets from the LEGO Mindstorms series. To create a program for which the model will operate, a special RoboLab programming language is used.

The educational program "Robotics" is one of the most interesting ways to study computer technology and programming. During the classes, students will learn to design, create and program robots. Team work on practical tasks promotes an in-depth study of the components of modern robots, and the visual software environment will allow you to easily and effectively study algorithmization and programming.

Children will be provided with Lego construction sets equipped with a special microprocessor that allows them to create programmable models of robots. With its help, the student can program the robot to perform certain functions.

An additional advantage of studying robotics is the creation of a team of like-minded people and its participation in robotics competitions, which significantly increases the motivation of children to gain knowledge.

The focus of this program is scientific and technical.

The relevance of the development of this topicis that at the moment in Russia they are developing nano technology, electronics, mechanics and programming. Those. Fertile soil is ripening for the development of computer technology and robotics.

In pedagogical expediencythere is no doubt about this topic, because children will learn to unite real world with virtual. In the process of designing and programming, in addition, children will gain additional knowledge in the field of physics, mechanics, electronics and computer science.

The age of children participating in the implementation of this additional educational program is from 11 years. Anyone who has no health contraindications can be accepted into the team. The number of students in the association is 15 people (1 group).

To implement the Robotics program, the following logistical support is required:

1. Computer class - at the time of programming robotic equipment, programming construction set controllers, setting up the construction sets themselves, debugging programs, checking the joint functionality of the software product and LEGO construction set modules.

2. Sets of constructors:

LEGO Mindstorm EV3 – 3 pcs.;

Software product - by the number of computers in the classroom;

Field for holding robot competitions;

Charger for the designer – 3 pcs.;

Box for storing construction sets.

The duration of the program is 1 year.

Operating mode, 1 lesson per week for 45 minutes. Hourly load 36 hours.

Target: development of creative abilities and the formation of early professional self-determination of adolescents and youth in the process of design and design.



Provide initial knowledge of robot design technical devices;

Teach basic techniques for assembling and programming robotic equipment;

To develop general scientific and technological skills in construction and design;

Familiarize yourself with the rules for safe work with tools necessary when constructing robotic devices.


Form a creative attitude towards the work performed;

Develop the ability to work in a team.


Develop creative initiative and independence;

To develop the psychophysiological qualities of students: memory, attention, ability to think logically, analyze, concentrate on the main thing.

Predicted result:

At the end of the course, students must


Theoretical foundations of creating robotic devices;

The element base with which the device is assembled;

The order of interaction of the robot’s mechanical components with electronic and optical devices;

The procedure for creating an algorithm for the action program of robotic equipment;

Safety rules when working with tools and electrical devices.


Assemble robotic equipment using LEGO constructors;

Create programs for robotic devices using specialized visual designers.

The expected results of the additional education program and ways to determine their effectiveness are as follows:

The results of the students’ work will be recorded in photos and videos at the time of demonstration of the robots they created from the available educational robotics kits;

Several robot models will take part in demonstration performances at the Creative Report.

Main areas of activity content

Theoretical classesfor the study of robotics are structured as follows:

A log of students present in class is filled out;

The topic of the lesson is announced;

Materials for independent work and repetition are distributed;

The teacher gives theoretical material to students, in addition to the verbal, classical teaching method, using various modern technologies in education (audio, video lectures, on-screen video lectures, presentations, Internet, electronic textbooks);

Testing of acquired knowledge is carried out by testing students.

Practical classes are conducted as follows:

The teacher shows the final result of the lesson, i.e. prepares (assembles the robot or part of it) practical work in advance;

The teacher gives students previously prepared multimedia materials on the topic being studied, or shows them where they are posted on his website dedicated to this particular topic;

Practical classes begin with safety rules when working with various tools and with electricity and analysis of mistakes made during classes without fail.

Results tracking mechanism

Various forms of summing up the implementation of the additional educational program are provided:


Educational and research conferences (for example, scientific practical conference urban educational and research work)

Reports from students with their work on television;

Progress reports in the local press;

Reviews from teachers and parents on the website of the educational institution of additional education.

  1. Educational and thematic plan


Number of hours









  1. Contents of program sections

Introduction (1 hour)

Rules of conduct and safety in the computer science classroom and when working with constructors.

Construction (13 hours)

Rules for working with the Lego constructor.

Basic parts of the Lego constructor. Designer specification.

Collection of non-programmable models. Introduction to RCX. Control buttons. Infrared transmitter. Program transfer. Start the program. Practicing the compilation of a simple program using a template, transmission and launch of the program. Motor and light bulb parameters. Studying the influence of parameters on the performance of the model. Introduction to sensors.


Lesson planning





  1. Introduction

Rules of conduct and safety precautions when working with constructors

  1. Construction

Rules for working with LEGO constructors. Basic details. Specification

Getting to know the controller. Control buttons

Assembly of non-programmable models

Introduction to sensors. Transferring and running the program

Compiling a simple program using a template. Transferring and running the program

Motor parameters. Studying the influence of parameters on the model's performance

Introduction to sensors. Touch sensor, light sensor

Assembling the “Five Minute” robot


Development and assembly of own models

Demonstration of models

  1. Programming

Visual programming languages. Program sections, difficulty levels

Transferring and running the program

Lab View Commands. Tools window. Image of commands in the program and on the diagram

Introduction to Basic Commands

Compiling a program using a template

Assembling a model using a motor

Programming, transmission, demonstration


Linear and cyclic program

Compiling a program using parameters, looping the program. Introduction to sensors. Condition, conditional jump.


Touch sensor (Introduction to commands: wait pressed, wait pressed, number of presses)


Excursion to the Quarks Museum

Development and approval of project topics


Design of the model, its programming by a group of developers

  • Verbal
  • Visual

Multimedia presentations;

Internet resources



Practical work

  • Verbal
  • Visual
  • Reproductive
  • Practical

Multimedia presentations;

Internet resources



Practical work


  • Verbal
  • Visual
  • Reproductive
  • Practical

Multimedia presentations;

Internet resources

Project activities in groups


Practical work

  • Verbal
  • Visual
  • Reproductive
  • Practical

Multimedia presentations;

Internet resources

  1. Literature

List of literature for teachers

  1. UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
  2. Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2012 N 73-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”.
  3. Borisov V.G. Radio engineering design circle. A manual for circle leaders. - M., Education, 1996
  4. Bystrov Yu.A., Mironenko N.G. Electronic circuits and devices. Textbook for universities - M., graduate School, 1989
  5. Kublanovsky Ya.S. Thyristor devices - M., Radio and communication, 1987
  6. Lanin N.Ya. Formation of students' cognitive interests in physics lessons. Book for teachers - M., Education, 1985
  7. Handbook of amateur radio designer - M., Radio and communications
  8. Tokheim G. Digital electronics for beginners, Trans. from English - M., Mir, 1992
  9. Hawkins G. Digital electronics for beginners, Trans. from English - M., Mir, 1992
  10. J. Whitson. 500 practical circuits on IC, Trans. from English – M., Mir, 1992
  11. J. Fodor. Operating systems, Trans. from French – M., Mir, 1989
  12. B. E. Smith. Microprocessor architecture and programming, Trans. from English – M., Concord LLP, 1992
  13. E. Yurevich. Fundamentals of Robotics, 2nd edition, Textbook BHV - St. Petersburg, 2005.
  14. Who's who in robotics. Directory DMK-PRESS, Moscow, 2005
  15. M. Predko. Create a robot with your own hands on the NXT microcontroller, Per. from English, M. DMK, PRESS 2006.
  16. ROBOTICS. Publishing house MSTU.

S.A. Vortnikov “Information devices of robotic systems”

List of literature for students.

  1. Svoren R.A. Electronics step by step: A practical encyclopedia for a young radio amateur. M.: Children's literature, 1986.
  2. Sedov E.A. World of electronics. M.: Young Guard, 1990.
  3. Zavorotov E.A. From idea to model. M.: education, 1988.
  4. Komsky D.M. Electronic machines and games. M.: Energoizdat, 1981.
  5. Zelensky V.A. Household electronic machines. M.: Radio and communication, 1989.
  6. Designs for young radio amateurs. M.: Radio communication, 1989.
  7. Peregudov M. “Side by side with the computer.” M. Higher School, 1987.
  8. Smirnov Yu.M. Computer intellectualization. M. Higher School, 1989.
  9. Baratskov A.P. Who's who in robotics.

Thanks to technological progress, every year the number of robot assistants for humans is becoming more and more. What do you think will happen in a few years? What might our children face? Therefore, it is very important to help every child discover an interest in programming and design. After all, this is one one of the main goals of the robotics club.

Children's creativity is what helps a child express himself, experiment and create something new. The technical program for working with preschool children "Robotenok" offers teachers and educators ways to get a child interested in robotics and subsequently take him to all-Russian competitions, such as RoboFest.

Age: 10 - 15 years.
Item: “Sports robotics”, “Trajectory” competition.
Type of activity: practice.
Equipment: Lego Mindstorms Education NXT, EV3 construction kits; laptops/desktop computers; color printer; educational board.
Lesson objectives: teach students to find and correct software errors in the robot’s operation using a special software environment.
Composition of the student group: 2 - 6 people.
Form of work: individual.

Committee on Education and Youth Policy

Administration of the Pavlovsky district of the Altai Territory

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Arbuzovskaya secondary school"


Robotics 2 - 4 grade

for the 2016-2017 academic year

Primary general education

Compiled by:

Pushkareva Anastasia Igorevna,

primary school teacher,

Art. Arbuzovka

Explanatory note

Program " Robotics and light engineering» was developed taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of General Education and the planned results of general education. This program is a variant of the program for organizing lesson activities for secondary school students.

The course is designed for 3 years of classes, the volume of classes is 34 hours per year. The program involves conducting regular weekly classes with schoolchildren in grades 2-4 (calculated at 1 hour per week)

Relevance of this program is that robotics in school introduces students to 21st century technologies, promotes the development of their communication abilities, develops interaction skills, independence in decision making, and reveals their creative potential. Children and teenagers understand better when they create or invent something on their own. When conducting robotics classes, this fact is not just taken into account, but actually used in every lesson.

The implementation of this program in primary schools helps develop students' communication skills through the active interaction of children during group project activities

A characteristic feature of our life is the increasing pace of change. We live in a world that is completely different from the one we were born into. And the pace of change continues to accelerate.

Today's schoolchildren will

work in professions that do not yet exist,

use technologies that have not yet been created,

solve problems that we can only guess about.

School education must correspond to the goals of advanced development. To do this, the school must provide

studying not only the achievements of the past, but also technologies that will be useful in the future,

training focused on both knowledge and activity aspects of educational content.

Robotics meets these requirements.

LEGO WeDo educational construction sets represent a new “toy” that meets the requirements of the modern child. Moreover, in the process of playing and learning, students collect toys with their own hands, which are objects and mechanisms from the world around them. Thus, the children get acquainted with technology, discover the secrets of mechanics, instill relevant skills, learn to work, in other words, they receive a basis for future knowledge, develop the ability to find the optimal solution, which will undoubtedly be useful to them throughout their future lives.

Every year, the requirements for modern engineers, technical specialists and ordinary users increase in terms of their ability to interact with automated systems. Intensive introduction of artificial assistants into our daily life requires users to have up-to-date knowledge of robot control.

Primary schools do not train engineers, technologists and other specialists; accordingly, robotics in primary schools is a fairly conventional discipline, which can be based on the use of elements of technology or robotics, but is based on activities that develop general educational skills and abilities.

Using Lego constructors in extracurricular activities increases students' motivation to learn, because this requires knowledge from almost all academic disciplines from the arts and history to mathematics and science. Cross-curricular activities build on a natural interest in the design and construction of various mechanisms. At the same time, LEGO classes are the best suited for learning the basics of algorithmization and programming, namely for an initial acquaintance with this difficult branch of computer science due to the adaptability of the programming environment for children.

Purpose of the program: formation of interest in technical types of creativity, development of constructive thinking using robotics. Program goals:

Organization of schoolchildren's employment outside school hours.

Comprehensive development of the student’s personality:

Formation of a holistic view of the world around students.

Introducing students to the basics of design and modeling.

Developing the ability to creatively approach problem situations.

Development of cognitive interest and thinking of students.

  1. development of design, modeling, and basic programming skills;
  2. development of logical thinking;
  3. development of motivation to study natural sciences.

Mastering the skills of initial technical design and programming

Program objectives


  1. expanding students' knowledge about the world around them and the world of technology;
  2. learn to create and construct mechanisms and machines, including self-propelled ones;
  3. learn to program simple actions and reactions of mechanisms;
  4. training in solving creative, non-standard situations in practice when constructing and modeling objects of the surrounding reality;
  5. development of students’ communication abilities, the ability to work in a group, the ability to present the results of their activities in a reasoned manner, and to defend their point of view;


Introducing the LEGO Wedo set;

Introduction to the basics of offline programming;

Introduction to the LEGO Wedo programming environment;

Gaining skills in working with the sensors and motors of the kit;

Gaining programming skills;

Development of skills in solving basic robotics problems.


Development of design skills;

Development of logical thinking;

Development of spatial imagination.


Fostering children's interest in technical forms of creativity;

Development of communicative competence: skills of cooperation in a team, small group (in pairs), participation in conversation, discussion;

Development of social and labor competence: nurturing hard work, independence, and the ability to complete a job;

Formation and development of information competence: skills of working with various sources of information, the ability to independently search, extract and select the information necessary to solve educational problems.

The basic principles of training are:

Scientificity. This principle predetermines the provision to students of only reliable, practice-tested information, the selection of which takes into account the latest achievements of science and technology.

Availability. Provides for the correspondence of the volume and depth of educational material to the level of general development of students in a given period, due to which knowledge and skills can be consciously and firmly acquired.

The connection between theory and practice. Obliges training to be conducted in such a way that students can consciously apply the knowledge they have acquired in practice.

Educational nature of training. The learning process is educational; the student not only acquires knowledge and skills, but also develops his abilities, mental and moral qualities.

Consciousness and active learning. During the learning process, all actions that the student performs must be justified. It is necessary to teach, trainees, to think critically and evaluate the facts, draw conclusions, resolve all doubts so that the process of assimilation and development of the necessary skills occurs consciously, with full confidence in the correctness of the training. Activity in learning presupposes independence, which is achieved by good theoretical and practical training and the work of the teacher.

Visibility. Explanation of the technology for assembling robotic equipment on specific products and software products. For clarity, existing video materials are used, as well as materials from our own production.

Systematicity and consistency. Educational material is given according to a specific system and in a logical sequence in order to better master it. As a rule, this principle involves studying a subject from simple to complex, from particular to general.

Strength of consolidation of knowledge, skills and abilities. The quality of education depends on how firmly the knowledge, skills and abilities of students are consolidated. Poor knowledge and skills are usually the causes of uncertainty and mistakes. Therefore, consolidation of skills and abilities should be achieved through repeated targeted repetition and training.

Individual approach to learning. In the learning process, the teacher proceeds from the individual characteristics of children (balanced, unbalanced, with good memory or not, with steady attention or absent-minded, with good or slow reaction, etc.) and, relying on the child’s strengths, brings his preparedness to level of general requirements.

A variety of teaching methods are used in the learning process.


Explanatory and illustrative method (lecture, story, work with literature, etc.);

Reproductive method;

Method of problem presentation;

Partial search (or heuristic) method;

Research method.


Projects method:

Collaborative learning method;

Portfolio method;

Peer learning method.

Planned personal and meta-subject learning results

students of the course program

1. Communicative universal educational activities: to develop the ability to listen and understand others; to form and practice the ability to work coherently in groups and teams; develop the ability to construct a speech utterance in accordance with the assigned tasks.

2. Cognitive universal educational activities: to develop the ability to extract information from text and illustrations; to develop the ability to draw conclusions based on the analysis of a drawing and diagram.

3. Regulatory universal educational actions: to develop the ability to evaluate educational actions in accordance with the task; develop the ability to draw up an action plan during the lesson with the help of the teacher; develop the ability to flexibly rearrange your work in accordance with the data received.

4. Personal universal learning activities: to form learning motivation, awareness of learning and personal responsibility, to form an emotional attitude towards learning activities and a general understanding of moral standards of behavior.

Expected substantive results of the program implementation

First level

Students will develop:

Basic concepts of robotics;

Basics of algorithmization;

Autonomous programming skills;

Knowledge of the LEGO environment

Programming Basics

Ability to connect and operate sensors and motors;

Skills in working with diagrams.

Second level

Collect basic robot models;

Create algorithmic flowcharts to solve problems;

Use sensors and motors in simple tasks.

Third level

Students will have the opportunity to learn:


Use sensors and motors in complex applications involving

multi-variant solution;

Go through all stages of project activities, create creative works

Place of the Robotics course in the curriculum

This program and thematic planning is designed for 35 hours (1 hour per week) in first grade and 35 hours (1 hour per week) in grades 2 - 4.

To implement the program, this course is provided with laboratory sets from the LEGO Education series "Constructing the first robots" (Article: 9580 Name: WeDo™ Robotics Construction Set Year of release: 2009) and a disk with software for working with the LEGO® WeDo™ PervoRobot constructor (LEGO Education WeDo), computers.

Rationale for choosing this example program.

The training material is based on the study of the basic principles of mechanical transmission of motion and elementary programming. Working individually, in pairs, or in teams, elementary school-aged students can learn to create and program models, conduct research, write reports, and discuss ideas that arise while working with those models.

At each lesson, using familiar LEGO elements, as well as a motor and sensors, the student constructs new model, connects it to a laptop using a USB cable and programs the robot’s actions. During the course, students develop fine motor skills of the hand, logical thinking, design abilities, master joint creativity, practical skills in assembling and building a model, gain special knowledge in the field of design and modeling, and become familiar with simple mechanisms.

The child gets the opportunity to expand his range of interests and gain new skills in such subject areas as Natural Sciences, Technology, Mathematics, Speech Development.

The WeDo Activity Suite Provides the Tools to Achieve Everything set of educational objectives:

creative thinking when creating working models;

development of vocabulary and communication skills when explaining the operation of the model;

establishing cause-and-effect relationships;

analysis of results and search for new solutions;

collective development of ideas, persistence in implementing some of them;

experimental research, assessment (measurement) of the influence of individual factors;

carrying out systematic observations and measurements;

using tables to display and analyze data;

writing and reproducing a script using a model for clarity and dramatic effect;

development of fine muscles of the fingers and motor skills of the hand of primary schoolchildren.

Structure and content of the program for 4 years of study

The structure of the program being studied includes the following main sections:

Funny mechanisms Animals

1. Dancing birds 1. Hungry alligator

2. Smart Pinwheel 2. Roaring Lion

3. Drummer Monkey 3. Fluttering Bird

Football Adventure

1. Forward 1. Airplane rescue

2. Goalkeeper 2. Rescue from a giant

3. Cheering fans 3. Unsinkable

4. sailboat

Solving applied problems. 19 hours

Funny mechanisms. Dancing birds. Construction (assembly) Funny mechanisms. Smart spinner. Construction (assembly) Funny mechanisms. Drummer monkey. Design (assembly) Animals. Hungry alligator. Design (assembly) Animals. Roaring lion. Design (assembly) Animals. Fluttering bird. Design (assembly) Football. Attack. Design (assembly) Football. Goalkeeper. Design (assembly) Football. Cheering fans. Construction (assembly) Adventure. Airplane rescue. Construction (assembly) Adventure. Rescue from a giant. Construction (assembly) Adventure. Rescue from a giant. Design (assembly) Development, assembly and programming of your own models Adventure. Unsinkable sailboat. Reflection (creating a report, presentation, coming up with a plot to present the model) Writing and acting out the scenario “The Adventure of Masha and Max” using three models (from the “Adventures” section) Competition of design ideas. Creating and programming your own mechanisms and models using Lego sets

The course is of a purely practical nature, so the central place in the program is occupied by practical skills and skills in working with a computer and with a construction set.

Studying each topic involves completing small project tasks (assembling and programming your models).

Learning with LEGO® Education always consists of 4 stages:

Establishing relationships




Establishing relationships. When establishing connections, students seem to “superpose” new knowledge onto those they already possess, thus expanding their knowledge. Each of the tasks in the set comes with an animated presentation featuring action figures - Masha and Max. The use of these animations allows you to illustrate the lesson, interest students, and encourage them to discuss the topic of the lesson.

Construction. Learning material is best learned when the brain and hands “work together.” Working with LEGO Education products is based on the principle of hands-on learning: think first, then build. Each kit task for the “Design” stage contains detailed step by step instructions.

Reflection. By reflecting and reflecting on the work done, students deepen their understanding of the subject. They strengthen the connections between their existing knowledge and newly acquired experience. In the “Reflection” section, students explore how a change in its design affects the behavior of a model: they replace parts, carry out calculations, measurements, evaluate the capabilities of the model, create reports, give presentations, invent stories, write scripts and act out performances, using their models. At this stage, the teacher has excellent opportunities to evaluate student achievements.

Development. The learning process is always more enjoyable and effective if there are incentives. Maintaining such motivation and the pleasure derived from successfully completed work naturally inspires students to further creative work. The Development section for each lesson includes ideas for creating and programming models with more complex behavior.

LEGO® WeDo™ PervoRobot construction software (LEGO Education WeDo Software) is designed for creating programs by dragging Blocks from the Palette onto the Workspace and integrating them into the program chain. To control motors, tilt and distance sensors, appropriate Blocks are provided. In addition to them, there are also Blocks for controlling the keyboard and computer display, microphone and loudspeaker. The software automatically detects every motor or sensor connected to the LEGO® Switch ports. The “First Steps” section of the WeDo software introduces the principles of creating and programming LEGO models 2009580 LEGO WeDo First Robot. The set contains 12 tasks. All tasks are provided with animation and step-by-step assembly instructions.

The rich interactive educational material is really useful for children, so the course may be of interest to a large circle of Lego lovers, primarily junior schoolchildren who appreciate TECHICS. It is aimed at students in grades 2 - 4.

The Robotics program includes content lines:

Listening - the ability to listen and hear, i.e. adequately perceive instructions;

Reading - conscious independent reading of a programming language;

Speaking - the ability to participate in dialogue, answer questions asked, create a monologue, express your impressions;

Propaedeutics - a range of concepts for practical development by children in order to familiarize themselves with the initial ideas about robotics and programming;

Creative activities - construction, modeling, design.

Forms of organizing classes

Techniques and methods of organizing classes.

I Methods of organizing and conducting classes

1. Perceptual emphasis:

a) verbal methods (story, conversation, instruction, reading reference literature);

b) visual methods (demonstrations multimedia presentations, photos);

c) practical methods (exercises, tasks).

2. Gnostic aspect:

a) illustrative and explanatory methods;

b) reproductive methods;

c) problematic methods (methods of problematic presentation) a part of ready-made knowledge is given;

d) heuristic (partially search) - greater opportunity to select options;

e) research - children themselves discover and explore knowledge.

3. Logical aspect:

a) inductive methods, deductive methods;

b) concrete and abstract methods, synthesis and analysis, comparison, generalization, abstraction, classification, systematization, i.e. methods as mental operations..

In the classroom, the Robotics club is used in the learning process didactic games, distinctive feature which is learning through active and interesting play activities for children. Didactic games used in classes contribute to:

Development of thinking (the ability to prove one’s point of view, analyze structures, compare, generate ideas and synthesize one’s own designs based on them), speech (increasing vocabulary, developing a scientific style of speech), fine motor skills;

Cultivating responsibility, accuracy, attitude towards oneself as a self-realizing personality, towards other people (primarily peers), towards work.

Training in the basics of design, modeling, automatic control using a computer and the formation of relevant skills.

The main forms of the educational process are:

  • group educational, practical and theoretical classes;
  • work according to individual plans ( research projects);
  • participation in competitions between groups;
  • combined classes.

Basic teaching methods used in completing the program

1. Oral.

2. Problematic.

3. Partial search.

4. Research.

5. Design.

6. Formation and improvement of skills and abilities

(learning new material, practice).

7. Generalization and systematization of knowledge (independent work, creative work, discussion).

8. Control and testing of skills (independent work).

9. Creating situations of creative search.

10. Stimulation (encouragement).

II Methods of stimulation and motivation of activity

Methods of stimulating the motive of interest in classes:

cognitive tasks, educational discussions, reliance on surprise, creation of a situation of novelty, situations of guaranteed success, etc.

Methods of stimulating the motives of duty, consciousness, responsibility, perseverance: persuasion, demand, training, exercise, encouragement.

Forms for summing up the program implementation

protection of final projects;

  • participation in competitions for the best script and presentation for the created project;
  • participation in school and regional scientific and practical conferences (research competitions).

Expected results of studying the course

The implementation of the goals and objectives of the program involves obtaining specific results:

In the field of education:

  • the child’s adaptation to life in society, his self-realization;
  • development of communication skills;
  • gaining self-confidence;
  • formation of independence, responsibility, mutual assistance and mutual assistance.

In the field of design, modeling and programming:

  • knowledgebasic principles of mechanical transmission of motion;
  • ability to work according to proposed instructions;
  • the ability to creatively approach problem solving;
  • the ability to bring a solution to a problem to a working model;
  • the ability to express thoughts in a clear logical sequence, to defend one’s point of view, analyze the situation and independently find answers to questions through logical reasoning;
  • ability to work on a project in a team and effectively distribute responsibilities.

Requirements for the level of training of students:

The student must know/understand:

  • influence of human technological activity on environment and health;
  • scope and purpose of tools, various machines, technical devices (including computers);
  • main sources of information;
  • types of information and ways of presenting it;
  • basic information objects and actions on them;
  • purpose of the main computer devices for input, output and processing of information;
  • rules of safe behavior and hygiene when working with a computer.

Be able to:

  • obtain the necessary information about the object of activity using drawings, diagrams, sketches, drawings (on paper and electronic media);
  • create and run programs for funny mechanisms;
  • basic concepts used in robotics: motor, tilt sensor, distance sensor, port, connector, USB cable, menu, toolbar.

Use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life For:

  • searching, transforming, storing and applying information (including using a computer) to solve various problems;

use computer programs for solving educational and practical problems;

compliance with the rules of personal hygiene and safe working practices with information and communication technologies

Thematic planning

Lesson number

Names of sections and topics of classes

Number of hours

Main types of educational activities of students



Robotics. Basics of design. ( 16)

Answer questions, work with text

Learn to listen and understand others;

the ability to construct a speech utterance in accordance with the assigned tasks.

Participate in social projects.

Robotics. History of robotics. Basic definitions. Laws of robotics: three basic and additional “zero” law.

Manipulation systems.

Classification of robots by areas of application: industrial,

extreme, military.

Robots in everyday life. Robot toys. Participation of robots in social projects.

LEGO construction parts

Conduct research activities, work with models

Learn the ability to work 14coordinatedly in groups and teams; the ability to listen and understand others;

Gears. Intermediate gear

Reduction gear transmission. Overdrive gear transmission.

Tilt sensor. Pulleys and belts

Cross variable gear. Pulleys and belts

Reduced speed. Speed ​​increase

Distance sensor.

Crown gear

Worm gear

Block "Cycle"

Block "Add to screen"

Block "Subtract from Screen"

Block "Start when receiving a letter"


Solving applied problems. 19

Learn the ability to extract information from text and illustrations; the ability to draw conclusions based on the analysis of a drawing and diagram.

They learn the ability to flexibly rearrange their work in accordance with the data received.

Design and assemble funny mechanisms

Funny mechanisms. Dancing birds. Design (assembly

Funny mechanisms. Smart spinner. Construction (assembly)

Funny mechanisms. Drummer monkey. Construction (assembly)

Animals. Hungry alligator. Construction (assembly)

Animals. Roaring lion. Construction (assembly)

Animals. Fluttering bird. Construction (assembly)

Football. Attack. Construction (assembly)

Football. Goalkeeper. Construction (assembly)

Football. Cheering fans. Construction (assembly)

Adventures. Airplane rescue. Construction (assembly)

Adventures. Rescue from a giant. Construction (assembly)

Development, assembly and programming of your models1

Development, assembly and programming of your models

Adventures (focus: speech development). Unsinkable sailboat. Getting to know the project (making connections)

Adventures. Unsinkable sailboat. Construction (assembly)

Adventures. Unsinkable sailboat. Reflection (creating a report, presentation, coming up with a story to present the model)

Writing and acting out the scenario “The Adventure of Masha and Max” using three models (from the “Adventures” section)

Comparison of mechanisms. Dancing birds, smart spinner, drummer monkey, hungry alligator, roaring lion (assembly, programming, measurements and calculations)

Competition of design ideas. Creating and programming your own mechanisms and models using Lego sets

Literature and teaching aids.

Methodological support of the program

1. LEGO® WeDo™ FirstRobot constructor (LEGO Education WeDo model 2009580) - 10 pcs.

2. Software "LEGO Education WeDo Software"

3. Assembly instructions (electronic CD)

4. Book for teachers (electronic CD)

5. Computer

6. Projector.


  1. V.A. Kozlova, Robotics in Education [electronic Distance Course “Design and Robotics” - LEGO Laboratory (Control Lab): Reference Guide, - M.: INT, 1998, 150 pp.
  2. Newton S. Braga. Creating robots at home. - M.: NT Press, 2007, 345 pp.
  3. PervoRobot NXT 2.0: User's Guide. - Institute of New Technologies;
  4. Application of educational equipment. Video materials. - M.: PKG "ROS", 2012;
  5. Software LEGO Education NXT v.2.1.; Rykova E. A. LEGO-Laboratory (LEGO Control Lab). Educational and methodological manual. - St. Petersburg, 2001, 59 pages.
  6. Chekhlova A.V., Yakushkin P.A. “LEGO DAKTA designers are aware of information technology. Introduction to Robotics". - M.: INT, 2001
  7. Filippov S.A. Robotics for children and parents. St. Petersburg, “Science”, 2011. Science. Encyclopedia. - M., “ROSMEN”, 2001. - 125 p.
  8. Encyclopedic dictionary of young technicians. - M., “Pedagogy”, 1988. - 463 p.