The basic package includes the minimum required for catering establishments of any size. Compatible with mobile applications for catering establishments, and supports the operation of special commercial equipment of popular models. The main functions of the programs in this package are:

  • work with orders and menus;
  • analysis of work results;
  • administration;
  • customer service operations.
  • The program is divided into modules, and in addition to the basic set of functions, it contains additional packages service programs.

    Description of the main components

    "Ingredients" with which you can "season" the main block of the program's capabilities make up a rather long list. These blocks are targeted at different audiences:

  • to small catering establishments (small cafe, bar, fast food, bistro, “take on the road” points);
  • applications on mobile devices for clients;
  • applications for the administration of large restaurants.
  • The first item includes packages Inn: Solo and Inn: Nano... The first one is designed for fast food outlets, the second one - for small businesses, while maintaining all the basic functions of the main program.

    Mobile applications for clients are presented in packages Traktir-Online and Tavern: Guest... They allow you to receive a menu, detailed information about dishes and book tables via the Internet.

    The rest of the packages are aimed at improving customer service, and monitoring the work of staff ( Tavern: Menu, Tavern: Waiter, Tavern: Pager, Tavern: Courier) and to simplify administration and accounting functions ( Traktir: Front-Offic, Traktir: Back-Office, Traktir: Management, Traktir: Analytics).

    Blocks of Office class programs are designed to automate the process of serving visitors ( Front-Office), on the organization of accounting operations in point catering establishments ( Head-Office), and to maintain full accounting based on the 1C program ( Back-Office).

    Package Inn: Management built on the basis of "Enterprise 8.3" product 1C, allows you to automate accounting administration processes.

    Traktir: Analytics - mobile app, which allows you to receive administrative data on mobile tablet, regardless of the location of the owner of the establishment.

    Inn: Pager automates the delivery of information to the service personnel (for example, informs the waiter about the readiness of dishes).

    Tavern: Menu is an electronic application that allows you to speed up the receipt of orders and customer service.

    There are also additional modules Hotel, Kitchen, Network of establishments, Staff, Hospitality, Tariffs and subscriptions, Inventory and alcohol.

    Front-Office Innallows you to automate the entire process of serving guests, starting from the development of the hall plan and the formation of the restaurant menu, to obtaining all the necessary reports on the consumption of dishes, revenue and staff employment.

    Functionality of SoftBalance. Front-Office Inn

    The product uses a number of innovative mechanisms, such as the ability to build a distributed solution for networked establishments with a single client base, the presence of a "Security Center" to track dishonest behavior on the part of employees, support for the business process of food delivery, work with subscriptions and much more. allows you to solve a much wider range of tasks than just the sale of goods and services to visitors.

    The reliability of "Traktir: Front-Office" has been confirmed by years of operation at several thousand enterprises in Russia and abroad. For organizations that have special requirements for data storage, it is possible to use modern systems database management such as Oracle DB, Microsoft SQL Server, or IBM DB2.

    The software product is developed on a modern and functional platform 1C: Enterprise 8, which offers a lot of new opportunities for enterprises of any size and meets the latest legal requirements. "Traktir: Front-Office" is a completely complete solution, but at the same time, if necessary, the configuration is open for adaptation to the business processes of the establishment - from creating specialized reports to changing the process of serving visitors in accordance with special requirements.

    In "Traktir: Front-Office" a large number of commercial equipment is supported, which works according to a single standard, which greatly facilitates its connection, configuration and maintenance.

    The documents received in the course of servicing can be used in accounting and management accounting systems to manage goods movement and generate the necessary tax and accounting reports. The joint use of "Traktir: Front-Office", "Traktir: Back-Office" (for accounting) and "Traktir: Head-Office" (for management accounting) is the best solution for the automation of establishments of any form of service.

    Tavern: Front-Office v3 will allow you to:

    • Quickly place an order or additional order for a visitor, use the visual plan of the hall in your work.
    • Print invoices, checks, stamps, incl. automatically redirect printing to another device in the event of a printer failure; print invoices in a foreign language.
    • Use debit and credit payment cards.
    • Place orders for food delivery.
    • Flexibly form a discount policy using many factors influencing the discount, discount schemes, complex and cumulative discounts.
    • Book seats for a specific date and time, accept prepayment.
    • Control bartender pouring and reduce alcohol waste.
    • Work with services that have different costs depending on the day of the week and time (tariffication).
    • Manage the power supply to various devices.
    • Work using subscriptions: coupons, coupons, etc.
    • Use the technology of limit cards ("card at the entrance").
    • Flexibly delimit user access to the system's capabilities.
    • Find the necessary video fragments in the video surveillance system in a matter of seconds.
    • Analyze the activities of the enterprise, the effectiveness of marketing campaigns, the work of personnel and much more.

    Software advantage:

    • Simple setup of printing to printers connected to another computer (workplace) - DCOM is not needed.
    • Automatic scaling of the workspace to the screen resolution.
    • Multiple selection of lines and change of values ​​in them when working with reference books and documents.
    • Quick start workplace to check the changed settings.
    • Data exchange with the back-office system is possible without the participation of personnel.

    Thus, the product makes it possible to provide sufficient control and management of the enterprise for a modern restaurant.


    The product "SoftBalans. Front-Office Inn" is intended for use with client licenses "1C: Enterprise 8", increasing the number of workplaces, as well as with a license for the 1C: Enterprise 8 server. If you need to connect additional workplaces, you need to purchase the corresponding number of additional licenses

    Support and Updates

    Support and service maintenance registered users is carried out within the framework of Information Technology Support (1C: ITS) - 1C: ITS Techno or 1C: ITS Prof. The free subscription period when purchasing the program is 3 months. After the expiration of the free subscription period, to receive product support services, you must subscribe to a paid ITS subscription

    Registered users can download updates from the site and from the ITS disk.

    Versions comparison Tavern Front-Office

    Features not available in the Business version

    • Service tariffication
    • Power management
    • Subscriptions
    • Delivery of orders

    Functions not available in the Lite version

    • Service time analysis
    • Confirmation of the readiness of dishes
    • Taking into account the specifics of cooking
    • Taking into account the order of serving dishes
    • Accounting for discounts and markups "per dish", "per client", "on the table"
    • Using the lunch menu
    • Using additional languages
    • Hall plans
    • Multilingual - printing in different languages
    • Working with the hotel system 1C: Hotel
    • Online table reservation
    • Unified information about guests in a network of establishments (RIB)
    • Unified accounting in the network for accumulated bonuses, customer turnovers and balances of their non-cash accounts (RIB)
    • Unified accounting of employees in the network, setting up their access rights (RIB)
    • Summary reporting for the network of establishments
    • Centralized setup of workplaces in a network of establishments (RIB)
    • Accounting for customer turnover when calculating discounts
    • Working with automatic discount accounting schemes
    • Working with the payment system driver
    • Limit cards ("Card at the entrance")
    • Seat reservation and pre-order
    • Stop list
    • Security Center - Viewing a video clip from the archive
    • Integration with a video surveillance system
    • Service tariffication
    • Power management
    • Subscriptions
    • Delivery of orders


    The product includes functions for accepting orders and paying for them, for working with the menu and analyzing the results of the institution's work, for organizing the work of personnel and monitoring it. Also, the basic module includes the ability to interact with mobile applications for a restaurant in the scope of the standard functionality of the system. This is an electronic restaurant menu, a mobile workstation for a waiter and a mobile application for restaurant guests.

    The functionality of the basic configuration supply supports the operation of a wide range of specialized commercial equipment necessary for the operation of most catering establishments.

    Important (!)

    Mobile workstations of waiters with the “iRECA: Waiter” application for Android and IOS installed on them allow you to take orders and enter them into the “Traktir: Front-Office” system right at the guest's table. This approach significantly reduces the waiting time for dishes and speeds up the service in the establishment, since the order placed in this way is quickly transferred to preparation, and the waiters get rid of the need to re-enter the ordered items.

    Using the application, waiters will always have before their eyes a structured menu of the establishment, containing descriptions of dishes and their photographs, therefore "iRECA: Waiter" will help your employees give detailed information about the composition of dishes or advise visitors when choosing an alcohol. Moreover, the waiters will be able to indicate the peculiarities of the preparation of certain dishes, based on the wishes of the guest, and will always promptly notify visitors about promotions and bonuses operating in restaurants, cafes, bars or any other catering establishments. This will increase the loyalty of your guests and help attract new visitors.

    You can get more detailed information about "iRECA: Waiter" on the official page of the application.

    As an interesting tool for attracting active modern visitors to the institution, it became possible to place two-dimensional QR codes on guest accounts.

    Most modern communicator phones are equipped with barcode recognition software. By reading such a code, the guest can quickly and conveniently receive from the establishment useful information without entering it manually.

    How can this be used in a restaurant, cafe or club? There are many options!

    The QR code may contain contact information. Having read such a code, the recognizer program will offer to save the received data in the address book of the smartphone. The guest will be able to conveniently write down the contact phone number, the address of this or another network establishment.

    Another useful use is inviting a guest to an event. Having read the QR code, the guest can immediately enter this invitation into his calendar, set a reminder. The likelihood that such an invitation will not be lost or forgotten increases significantly. Most barcode recognition software detects the time recorded in a QR code as being in GMT. When creating a QR code with the "Event" type, the user can now enter the local time of his time zone, which will be automatically converted to GMT for recording in the QR code.

    And as an example - for visitors of a cafe on the bill using a QR code, you can conveniently communicate the parameters of connecting to a WiFi network.

    You can add a QR code to a guest account in the workplace settings. A convenient input template is implemented for different code formats.

    Automatic division of order payment for different cash registers

    When paying for orders, it is possible to automatically divide the registration of dishes (goods) belonging to different categories into different KKM (fiscal registrars). To do this, each category of dishes can be assigned its own payment group associated with a certain KKM. By default, registration of payment for an order at the workplace of the "Traktir" system is performed on the POS printer that is connected at the cash register as the main one. However, if the order contains dishes assigned to different payment groups, then payment registration can be automatically divided into several POS printer assigned to these groups, and each one will have its own receipt printed. In this case, a proportional division of the amounts of discounts / markups (except for position discounts) and payment options will be made. Formation and uploading of sales data into the goods accounting system (back office) can be performed in the context of the used payment groups.

    Personnel authorization using a code or access cards

    Each session of work with the "Traktir: Front-Office" or "Traktir: Nano" system begins with registration using a magnetic or barcode access card, or entering an access password manually. When opening a cash register shift, the shift manager specifies a list of users who have access to the system during this shift. In turn, each of them, before performing any operations at the workstation (entering an order, paying, viewing orders, etc.), must authorize (register using a card or access password).

    Analysis of restaurant activities

    The number of guests in catering establishments can vary greatly depending on the day of the week, time of day and other factors, however, in each restaurant there are peak hours. In order to optimally organize the work of the establishment during a large influx of visitors, the manager should always have at hand information about the monthly distribution of the flow of guests by days of the week and time of day, the number of tables booked, scheduled events and other factors.

    To solve these problems on the basis of mathematical and economic indicators will help the cloud software "Traktir: Analytics", which allows you to analyze large amounts of information and highlight key performance indicators (KPI) in the work of any restaurant.

    Based on the data obtained, you will be able to effectively distribute personnel shifts in accordance with the TC, in order, if necessary, to "strengthen" the brigades of the hall and kitchen, as well as to correctly approach procurement planning and preparation of banquets. Information will be provided to the manager for any period of time, on the basis of which he will be able to make management decisions.

    30 types of reports in any aspect and for any period of time will allow you to select data for analysis with detailing by restaurants, waiters, groups, product categories or print groups.

    Working with the system is completely free. After registration, you will receive the access parameters and can start the analysis.

    For a more in-depth analysis, in addition to the Traktir: Analytica service, you can use the Rest-Analytica service. We will tell you how to get more information about guests and identify their preferences, which products are too expensive, how you can optimize the menu to increase sales, and much more.

    The quantitative characteristics of the stability of the kitchen are the parameters of the dishes being in the stop list. How many, how long, how many times and when they get there. All of these values ​​provide tremendous opportunities for identifying bottlenecks in the kitchen. After all, the reasons for the food hitting the stop can be errors in procurement and procurement, in the work of line chefs and planning failures. And all this is the area of ​​responsibility of the chef and a vivid characteristic of the quality of his work.

    This report is included in the basic module of the Traktir system: Front-Office and allows you to analyze information for each product, the frequency (column "Number of times in the stop list") and the duration of the stay of this product in the stop list (for a selected period, by dates or shifts).

    The "Menu engineering" method allows you to quickly and accurately analyze sales data and get an overall picture of the entire menu, as well as make recommendations for each individual item. All this allows you to increase the house's marginal profit in subsequent periods.

    Its authors are considered the American experts in the field of restaurant consulting Michael Kasavana and Donald Smith. This method is based on the Boston Matrix (BCG Matrix) model, which Kasavana and Smith extended and adapted for the restaurant business. Since then, "Menu engineering" has been the main tool for analyzing the economic efficiency and balance of the menu of various establishments.

    Analysis of the menu structure determines how much each of the menu items contributes to the profit of the establishment, depending on its marginal profit and popularity. Profit margin is the amount of money that allows you to pay payroll and operating costs, and generate operating profit.

    By determining the popularity and gross margin of each menu item and comparing them with the average values ​​for the entire menu structure, all items are divided into four groups:

    Stars- positions with high popularity and high level of profitability.

    Workhorses- positions with high popularity, but low level of profitability.

    Puzzles- positions with low popularity, but high level of profitability.

    Dogs- positions with low popularity and low profitability.

    The report is implemented in such a way that the analysis results are presented visually and are convenient for making decisions. The graphical presentation allows you to highlight the items that require attention in the first place.

    Team of employees

    When opening a shift, filling in the list of employees can be carried out both individually from the employee directory, and in groups - from the brigade directory, the elements of which are arbitrary sets of employees working together.

    Quick order search with barcode scanner

    The Traktir: Front-Office system allows using the mechanism quick search and opening an order by reading a barcode printed on the provisional and / or final invoice.

    In this case, a barcode is printed in the "basement" of each invoice, according to which, using a barcode scanner, you can quickly open the corresponding order in both interfaces of the system. For example, to receive payment for an order at a cash register or to view an order by an administrator.

    Entering dishes into an order using a barcode scanner

    In addition to selecting items from the menu or entering by code, the "Traktir: Front-Office" system allows you to enter dishes into an order using a barcode scanner.

    This option can be convenient when selling piece goods of industrial production (with a manufacturer's barcode on the packaging - cigarettes, bottled beer), when using internal barcodes for menu items, as well as for bulk goods marked on special scales with label printing. In the latter case, the barcode is indicated in the copy of the menu "for the waiter" opposite each dish or product.

    To enter a product or dish using a barcode scanner, it is enough (with the order form open on the screen) to read the barcode on the product packaging or in the printed menu with the scanner. The selected product or dish will be automatically added to the order.

    In the "Traktir: Front-Office" system, the selection of dishes for the order always occurs from the pre-formed reference book "Menu". The system allows you to adjust the menu, supplement it and change the characteristics of dishes, even directly during the period of serving customers. A separate menu can be formed for each place of sale (hall, bar).

    Reference "Menu" is a hierarchical list. Three levels of nesting allow you to organize the menus in a way that suits your business. In the menu, you can transfer dishes from group to group and create new menu items by copying existing ones. The menu also allows you to see and select dishes in accordance with the days of the week set for their sale. Each element of the "Menu" directory contains a number of necessary parameters that are used by the system when printing invoices, stamps and receipts, when paying with visitors, and subsequently - for accounting (name, price, product yield, cost price, specifics, discounts and markups, and etc.).

    When manual setting button menu, you can combine several buttons into one. Thus, on-screen menus can simultaneously use buttons of various sizes: smaller ones for regular items, larger ones for frequently used dishes and goods.

    Weight goods

    Sale of goods by weight in Tavern: Front-Office is possible in two ways:

    1. With the help of trade scales connected to the checkout point. Weight is automatically transferred to the "Quantity" field when adding a weight item to the order.
    2. The product is marked with a special weight barcode. The weight goods can be marked both by the supplier of the products and directly at the enterprise using scales with label printing. The goods can be loaded into the scales from the Traktir software product: Head-Office.

    Uploading data to the Traktir: Analytics cloud service

    The task of the Traktir: Analytica system is to analyze large amounts of information, highlight key efficiency factors, and track the results of making certain decisions in the work of a restaurant.

    "Traktir: Analytica" works with data on its storage located in the data center, data for analysis is uploaded from "Traktir: Front-Office v4" Data can be downloaded both for the period you need, and you can set up a constant exchange with "Traktir: Analytics ”, in this mode the data will be loaded after each operation, supporting the on-line monitoring mode.

    Working with the system is free, after the registration procedure you will receive access parameters and you can start analyzing!

    Flexible setting of the beginning and end of the work (cash) shift

    In the "Traktir: Front-Office" system, a working day is a cash register shift, the beginning and end of which are defined by the shift manager as the interval between the commands "opening a cash register shift" and "closing a cash register shift". The beginning and end of a shift can be on different days. The shift opening procedure is performed by the manager at each workstation after the system boots at the beginning of the working day.

    The main purpose of this routine procedure:

    • indication of the amount paid to the cashier for exchange
    • selection of employees who can work at each station during the shift. The system will not allow you to register with the code of an employee who is not included in the list when opening a shift.

    At the end of the working day, after the last visitor has paid off and the cash register has been "cleared", the shift manager carries out the procedure for closing the cash day for all cash registers of the restaurant. In the future, by shifts, a grouping and search of orders and other operations performed during the shift can be performed.

    Additional order in an already open order

    The system "Traktir: Front-Office" allows you to make changes in the accepted order, if the visitor ordered something else. To do this, the waiter finds in the system and opens a previously entered order, and enters additional dishes into it, as when entering a new order. Then the necessary stamps are printed on the printer of the kitchen or bar.

    Making additional orders is possible until a preliminary invoice is printed for the order.

    Individual restaurant mobile application

    Important (!)

    The functionality of the solution corresponds to the Basic delivery module and can be extended with additional modules that are tied to the workplace.

    “IRECA: Guest” is an application from SoftBalans Group that replaces the restaurant menu for visitors and adds a very effective marketing channel for communication with the guests of the establishment. "Traktir: Guest" is individually developed for the needs of each establishment and serves to involve guests in interaction with the restaurant before, during and after their visit.

    "IRECA: Guest" is installed on the smartphones of guests and allows you to get acquainted with the concept of a restaurant, cafe or bar, its menu, promotions and special offers before visiting the establishment directly.

    In the restaurant, the guest will be able to connect to the "Traktir: Front-Office" and place orders without the participation of waiters. The completed orders will immediately go to the "Traktir: Front-Office" and will be transferred to the kitchen, which will significantly reduce the waiting time. If the guest has a discount card, he will be able to find out about the promotions and bonuses in the restaurant.

    Using the application, guests will be able to familiarize themselves with a detailed menu of the establishment, containing photographs, descriptions, cost and other characteristics of the dishes. Moreover, it will be possible to form an order even before visiting the establishment, so that then only transfer it to processing. It will also be possible to call a waiter or close an account inside "iRECA: Guest".

    To start working with the application, your guests will need to install "iRECA: Guest" from App Store or Google play... After that, the waiter will need to give the visitor a QR code that binds the smartphone to a specific order. Further, guests will be able to independently place orders, which will immediately go to the kitchen without the participation of a waiter. After going to the restaurant, visitors can also leave reviews inside the app or on social networks.

    Using different payment options for orders

    Invoice payment can be made by four different ways: payment in cash, payment by credit card, closing an order for entertainment expenses (for the "defaulter"), and bank transfer. Any combination of the listed types of order payment can be used at a particular enterprise. It is possible to create and use an arbitrary set of payment options for any of the listed types in the system. At the same time, it is possible to combine these options in one check when paying for the order.

    Using the touch screen at the waiter's workplace

    The Traktir: Front-Office system allows users to work faster and more conveniently through the use of touch screens at the workstations of waiters (cashiers, bartenders). In this case, all work with the program in the interface of the workplace can be done without using a keyboard and mouse, and all the necessary elements for working with the program are displayed on the screen in the form of corresponding on-screen buttons, pop-up numeric panels and on-screen keyboards.

    Club system and payment cards

    The club system assumes that visitors to the establishment can be identified in the system using an access card. Moreover, for them may be available additional features service: for example, they may be given the opportunity to use a payment card and a number of others to pay for the order.

    As access cards of the club system in the program "Traktir: Front-Office" are used: magnetic cards, cards with a bar code, proximity cards. Such cards are personalized and issued to customers.

    It is possible for each client to use an access card as a payment card, which will allow him to pay for his orders in a non-cash way ("Bank transfer" payment type).

    It is possible to combine the functions of a credit, debit and discount card on one personal access card (if the Marketing module is available).

    Copy stamps

    Ability to print stamps simultaneously on multiple printers. This can be useful if different production locations in the establishment are technologically linked to each other in order preparation. For example, when ordering a complex dish, the main part is prepared in one workshop, and the side dish for it is in another. In order to consistently prepare and serve such an order, the associated production sites must simultaneously learn of its arrival.

    Stamps, which are printed on duplicate printers, are marked with the heading "Copy" and serve to inform about the receipt of an order at the main place of production.

    Setting access levels to system functions

    Different categories of users (waiters, bartenders, cashiers, managers, etc., depending on the restaurant's practice) have different access rights to the functions of the "Traktir: Front-Office" system. The rights for each category of employees are defined in the rights settings, which are performed by the system administrator.

    Setting rights can provide the following options for accessing orders:

    • the user can edit only the orders created by him or the orders of other waiters transferred to him (at the end of the shift, due to workload, etc.);
    • the user is a foreman and has the right to perform certain operations, both in his orders and in the orders of his team members;
    • the user is a manager, he has access to the functions of working with orders in the orders of all users of the system.

    Restaurant employees contact the manager in situations where the rights settings do not allow them to perform the required operation on the workstation.

    In networked establishments, each user has his own set of rights for each network establishment. For example, in one establishment, an employee can act as a cashier, and in another - as a waiter. This allows you to flexibly manage the number of employees in establishments, especially during peak days or during vacations.

    In "Traktir: Mobile Waiter" the necessary access rights are loaded from "Traktir: Front-Office" and are applied when the waiter is authorized on the mobile device.

    The antipode of the stop list analysis is the "Unsold positions" report. This is a rather rare report in restaurant analytics, because, as a rule, restaurateurs work with food sales reports, which simply skips such positions. But long-term zero demand for menu items gives a good reason to think about the reasons for finding such a position in your menu.

    Despite the fact that the kitchen does not prepare such positions, and therefore does not write off, and they never get into the stop list, their harm to the restaurant is enormous. These are direct losses from the storage of products that are purchased for such “dead” menu items. Funds are frozen under them and space in pantries is ineffectively wasted, food after long-term storage deteriorates and is written off, and cooks in vain study and memorize the technologies for preparing such "ghosts". Such positions on the menu are a lost profit for the restaurant, because in their place there could be other, more popular positions.

    The "Unsold Items" report allows you to get a list of menu items that were not sold during the period in question. This simple report will allow the manager to quickly find items that were not included in the reports built from the sales data.

    Also, this report can reveal differences in shift work. If the dishes stably “hang” in one shift and are normally sold in another, then this is a reason to think about the quality of the work of the waiters, who may simply forget to recommend such positions to guests.

    Data exchange with the commodity accounting system

    Front-Office class software products (Traktir, Frontol, RKeeper) automatically generate cash register shift reports (FO reports). FD reports can be loaded into the systems "Traktir: Head - Office", "Traktir: Management", as well as in "Traktir: Back-Office PROF". When posting these documents, you can automatically generate documents "Release", "Movement of goods", as well as "Sales document" (the name of the sales document depends on the version of the software product). The necessary movements of products and dishes must be specified in advance on the "Goods movement" tab in the item card.

    Also, there is a possibility of preloading various directories from the used commodity accounting program.

    Mandatory menu item for a seat

    The system "Traktir: Front-Office" provides an opportunity for a seat to select a menu item that will be automatically added to the order when it is placed on this seat. This position cannot be removed from the order during further work. Change of seat in such order is also not available. A compulsory item can be, for example, an admission fee, or some compulsory service (for billiard tables - billiards service), etc.

    Operational monitoring of the receipt and payment of orders from the workplace of the manager (administrator)

    The system can be operated in one of two interfaces. For workstations where waiters and cashiers work, there is a specially created "Workplace" interface that provides users with access only to those functions that are related to order processing. For the workplace of the manager (administrator), the "Administrator" interface is provided, which is a traditional interface of the 1C system, and provides full access to all system directories, reports, and configuration modes.

    Access to documents (orders, cancellations and deletions) in the "Administrator" interface is possible only in the view mode. At the same time, on orders, the manager has access to all service information (date and time of opening the order; order number; status (open or closed, deleted), number of guests; waiter; seat number, cashier, options and amounts of payment, etc. For the convenience of viewing documents in the journal, the manager can set various selection parameters.

    Payment by bank cards without using bank terminals

    The system "Traktir: Front-Office" supports the driver "ATOL: Driver of payment systems", which makes it possible to accept payments by bank cards at cash offices without using bank terminals. In this case, the call to the authorization server of the bank is made directly from the "Traktir: Front Office" system.

    It is possible to track the successful payment by bank cards, print a slip (bank transaction report) on a service printer. At workplaces working with bank payment systems, it is necessary to install a magnetic card reader (reader) and, if necessary, a PIN-Pad (PIN-keyboard).

    Driver "ATOL: Driver payment systems"is not included in the delivery set of the" Traktir "system, and is purchased separately.

    Payment by bank cards using a bank terminal

    The software product allows you to fix the payment option using a bank card. To make a payment with a bank card, you need to withdraw the required amount from a bank card using a bank terminal. After the successful completion of the operation of withdrawing money from the bank card, you can close the order in the system using the "Credit" payment type. The amount to be closed to a bank card cannot exceed the amount to be paid, because delivery on this payment option is not possible.

    Please note that this opportunity implies autonomous work a bank terminal without connecting to the system. The data on the amount of payment is entered manually.

    Refusal of a dish or order in general

    The Traktir: Front-Office system provides for situations when it is necessary to remove already ordered dishes from the order. The reasons for such deletion, as a rule, are the refusals of visitors, the inability to prepare the ordered dish, the waiter's mistake, etc. Deleting dishes from the order is available only to users with the appropriate rights: for example, the shift manager, or the senior in the team of waiters.

    When deleting a dish or order as a whole, the reason for the refusal is indicated, which allows further analysis of the refusal statistics (for example, due to refusal reasons, waiters or shifts). After deleting the ordered dishes, cancellation stamps are printed so that the kitchen is promptly informed about the canceled dishes.

    Opening an order using a customer card

    The system "Traktir: Front-Office" implements the ability to quickly open a customer order by reading his access card at the workplace. This significantly speeds up the work with orders that are issued with the indication of customer data.

    When reading the customer's access card at the workplace (in the main form and in the order journal), the search for an unpaid order of this customer is carried out. The found order is opened for editing. If several such orders are found, you will be prompted to select the desired order from the list. If no order is found, a new empty order will be created for this client. This feature is available if there is a reader connected to the workplace (barcode scanner, magnetic card reader, etc.).

    Reporting for the analysis of the company's activities at the end of the day and for the period

    The "Traktir: Front-Office" system allows generating reports on goods and dishes sold, grouping them by shifts, waiters, places of sale, places of preparation, groups of goods, etc., as well as reports on payment. An analysis of the work of an enterprise can be carried out promptly both for the current shift, day, and for a selected period of time.

    Moving visitors to another seat or handing over for service to another waiter

    If necessary, in an already created order, you can change the seat (table number) or the waiter. The rights for such actions are set in the system. Typically, certain users (for example, shift manager) have such rights.

    Printing stamps at food preparation sites

    The system "Traktir: Front-Office" has a mechanism for automatic printing of orders in the corresponding production departments (for example, hot shop, cold shop, bar, etc.). To implement this opportunity, printers must be installed in the relevant departments.

    Data transfer to printers is carried out simultaneously with order saving. The system saves the order in the database and sends it to the printers in the production. A printed order is called a stamp.

    The stamp indicates the name and quantity of dishes, the order of their preparation (course) and the specifics of preparation. The stamp also contains the order number, the order opening time, the name of the waiter who placed the order, and the seat number. This avoids confusion with a large volume of orders and provides additional control.

    The dishes are prepared according to the stamps received. To control the delivery of dishes and goods, the brand should be a reporting document for employees of the production and distribution departments - the delivery of goods and products is carried out only on the basis of printed stamps.

    A setting has also been added that allows you to use a double font when printing the place of realizations, names of positions and footprint in stamps. Large print helps to make the work of chefs with stamps more convenient.

    Consolidated stamp printing

    When printing requests for preparation for different places of production, the ability to print a consolidated request for the entire additional order has been added. This feature will be useful, for example, for a chef who, having received a consolidated brand on an order, can coordinate the work of different kitchen departments and control the quality and speed of the entire additional order as a whole. Also, the printing of a consolidated stamp will be useful when, in the issuing area of ​​a finished order, it needs to be collected from dishes prepared in different places of production (different printing groups).

    In the settings of the workplace, from which the consolidated stamps are to be printed, set the "Print consolidated stamp" flag and select the printer from the list of those connected to the system.

    Client identification confirmation

    At workplaces, the ability to confirm the client's identification with the display of additional information about him is implemented. Thus, it is possible to check the identity of the access card to the person who presented it, as well as obtain additional information about the client when servicing him.

    When reading the access card or manually entering the client's access code, a dialog with information about the client will be displayed on the screen with the option to confirm or reject the identification of this client. The displayed information includes the client's details: name, photo, gender, date of birth, category and comment. The latter may contain arbitrary information about the client: his preferences, features, instructions for his service and other useful information. Using the received data (in particular, a photo), the employee can make a decision and confirm or reject the identification of this client.

    Kidney Analytics

    Kidney analytics provides information on what days of the week and hours, what products are most in demand among customers, what products are bought by people who make large purchases, what items are sold with expensive ones, how many employees are needed at different opening hours establishments, what is the average customer service time, how many checks a day is issued by this or that employee, what is the statistics of cancellation / refund / cancellation of checks by cashiers, etc.

    All this information provides a good basis for marketing analysis of the enterprise and can characterize not only the audience of the institution, but also its format and characteristics of the place and price category. It often happens that kidney analytics data show discrepancies between the real format of the establishment and the planned one that was developed by its owners when opening a restaurant.

    Such discrepancies in positioning will not allow the restaurant to reach the planned economic indicators and may serve as a reason for reformatting and rebranding the institution.

    Prepayment of banquets, including those with division by legal entity

    In Traktir: Front-Office, the possibility of accounting for prepayment accepted for banquets has been implemented. At the same time, the issue of correct accounting of such advances has been resolved even when a banquet is implemented for several legal entities (for example, the Alcohol group for one legal entity, and Kitchen for another, operating under a preferential tax system).

    In the final settlement, the amount paid for one payment group will not be used to close order items belonging to the other payment group. This option is relevant only for companies that use separate revenue accounting for payment groups.

    Correct accounting of advances on banquets will allow more careful control of cash flows for this type of operation, which is traditionally used in many theft schemes at public catering establishments.

    Reception and registration of orders

    Traktir front-office automation systems allow storing information about visitors' orders in the database. In the order, it is possible to indicate the name of the dish, its quantity, tell the chef how to prepare, arrange and serve the dish. The order also stores the service information necessary to control the work of the staff, to obtain the chronology of work with the order (by the client): whether preliminary invoices were issued to the visitor, whether payment was made, stamps were printed for the kitchen. Below is an example of ordering Traktir systems: Front-Office.

    Work in the shift manager mode (viewing orders, generating reports, etc.)

    In the "Traktir: Front-Office" system, part of the system functions in the workplace mode are placed in a special menu, access to which depends on the settings of the access rights of each employee. The shift manager can be assigned such a set of rights so that he has full rights in the Workplace interface. The shift manager performs special functions and routine procedures (turning on and off workstations, opening and closing a cash register shift, etc.).

    During the day, the manager on duty:

    • monitors the correctness of ordering
    • performs special operations with orders that are prohibited to other employees by the current rights setting (for example, refunding money to a visitor, refusing a dish, closing an order for a defaulter, etc.).

    Also, its functions may include printing reports for the day and making adjustments to the system directories: for example, adding new dishes to the menu, changing prices, replenishing the specifics directory. The distribution of duties between employees is determined in the system by setting the rights and must comply with the order adopted in the restaurant. For example, the functions of a shift manager can be divided between a senior waiter and a restaurant manager; some of the functions of a restaurant manager can be taken over by the system administrator (setting up rights, preparing data for transfer to a product accounting program, correcting directory data).

    Working with "chips" in fast food restaurants

    Many fast food restaurants use "chips" to serve customers. The system "Traktir: Front-Office" provides for the possibility of using "chips" when placing orders and submitting completed orders to visitors. The cashier, before accepting the order, gives the visitor his "chip" and enters its number into the order, which is made out using "Traktir: Front-Office".

    After that, he accepts the order from the visitor and enters the data on the ordered dishes into it. After the cashier has made the payment, orders for the preparation of dishes (stamps) will be printed on the printers in the kitchen. After preparing the order, the waiter visually finds desired number chips and places the order to the visitor.

    Working with programmable keyboards for entering dishes from the menu into an order

    The use of specialized programmable keyboards at the workplaces of the "Traktir: Front-Office" system makes the work of users more convenient, error-free, and hence faster. The function keys duplicate the system's on-screen buttons and allow you to operate the system without using a mouse or touch screen. "Hot" keys are intended for quick entry of dishes and goods into an order. The use of "hot" keys allows you to minimize the time and errors of operators when placing orders. The assignment of menu items for "hot" keys and the external design of the keyboard layout are configured by the administrator directly in the system, for which a special editor is provided.

    Working with fiscal registrars in accordance with FZ-54

    In accordance with the requirements of 54-FZ, all cash registers used for settlements on the territory of the Russian Federation must be connected to the Internet no later than July 1, 2017 and transmit information on sales to fiscal data operators (OFD) in real time, which in turn will send this data to the Federal Tax Service. At the same time, from February 1, 2017, all registration actions with old models of cash registers will be prohibited and it will be possible to register only new models of cash registers operating online.

    In Traktir: Front-Office and Traktir: Nano, the possibility of parallel work with fiscal registrars in new and old mode. This approach allows the institution to gradually switch to the use of new models of cash registers, including when conducting settlements in it on behalf of several organizations.

    One of the features of working with FR according to the new scheme is the mandatory registration in the receipt of each item of the order separately, indicating its name, quantity, price and amount, taking into account all discounts and margins, as well as the applicable VAT rate. The cash register transfers these data to the OFD. At the same time, only those positions that were paid by the payment option registered in the FR can be printed on the paper check. Full information on the order when using non-registered payment options can be provided to the guest in an additional printed invoice.

    Taking into account the fact that the rates and amounts of value added tax are sent to the OFD as part of the check, before switching to work with the FR according to the new scheme, you should check the correctness of filling in tax rates in Traktir, and also adjust their compliance with VAT rates in the fiscal registrar.

    Another feature of the new scheme for working with RF is the need to obtain a subscriber number or address Email the client (guest) in case of transfer of the cash register receipt to him in electronic form. In Traktir, upon identification of the client in the order, the check can be sent to the phone or e-mail from the contact details of this client. For impersonal orders, the subscriber number or e-mail can be entered by the cashier immediately before registering the payment for the order.

    To work with FR according to the new scheme, you should use current versions drivers of fiscal registrars: "Shtrikh-M: Driver FR" - version and higher, "ATOL: Driver KKM" - version 8.11.0 and higher.

    Working with the onscreen keyboard

    To edit textual information entered at workplaces, there is an on-screen keyboard that is displayed over the system windows and contains all the necessary buttons for working with text.

    This feature is relevant for workstations that do not have a standard keyboard connected.

    For enterprises working according to the scheme of fast food and canteens in the Tavern: Front-Office, a special workstation has been developed, designed for quick work with an order. The ergonomics of the workplace are calculated in such a way as to minimize the time spent on serving guests on the stream.

    The interface of the "Traktir" program is ergonomic and will allow the waiter to work comfortably at all stages of the order. Thanks to the multilingualism, it is possible to translate the interface into English or German.

    Typical interface customization options will be complemented by day / night switching functions for working in brightly lit rooms or outdoors, and an interface option for fast food service or canteens, in which hot keys with popular menu items are permanently assigned to the workplace institutions.

    Splitting and combining orders

    If a situation arose when, when accepting an order, the waiter did not clarify with the visitors exactly how they would pay - one for all, or each for himself, and as a result one order was placed for all visitors, and when calculating each visitor asked for a separate invoice - then the "Traktir: Front-Office" system provides for the possibility of order splitting. In this case, some of the dishes from a previously entered order can be transferred both to a newly opened order, and to any of the existing ones. Likewise, multiple orders can be combined into one if they are paid on the same invoice.

    Settlement with a visitor using a preliminary invoice

    The system "Traktir: Front-Office" provides for printing preliminary invoices, which are used in restaurants with a classic form of service, as opposed to fast service restaurants. The preliminary invoice is presented to the visitor by the waiter so that he can familiarize himself with it and determine how he will pay the invoice. After reviewing the preliminary invoice, the visitor chooses a convenient payment option for the order and pays for it. Upon final settlement, the waiter presents the final invoice to the visitor along with the receipt.

    The final invoice contains the following information:

    • serial number of the account
    • date and time of order opening
    • date and time of order closing
    • the name of the waiter who placed the order
    • surname of the cashier who issued the cashier's check
    • complete information about the order (names of dishes, quantity, amount)
    • total invoice amount discount / markup amount
    • payment data.

    The final invoice can only be printed once (at the time of closing the order and printing the sales receipt).

    Routine procedures when opening / closing a shift

    Implemented the possibility of performing the so-called "regulations" - arbitrary external processing, which can be selected and executed every time a shift is opened / closed at the workplace. Examples of regulatory actions can be: updating exchange rates, loading / unloading data, updating client parameters, and any others. The development of external routine processing should be carried out by a competent person.

    Manual discounts

    The basic delivery "Tavern: Front-Office" provides for the possibility of registration and manual discounts / markups that are charged on the entire amount of the order. Such manual discount / markup can be applied by the waiter, bartender or manager in accordance with his established rights to use manual discounts.

    For the discount / markup, the necessary restrictions on its use can be configured: day of the week, date range, time, order amount and product quantity. For manual discounts, you can also define the categories of employees who can use this discount.

    "Traktir: Analytics" is designed to track about 30 indicators that characterize the work of a restaurant in real time via the Internet. Information is accumulated on the basis of data from Traktir: Front-Office.

    For owners and managers, the data is displayed in two dimensions: in a concise form on the dashboard, and in detail - as detailed reports.

    The dashboard displays such important data as the revenue of the establishment, food cost, the number of guests, the average bill, and the profit of the establishment. Graphs allow you to evaluate the dynamics of key performance indicators at a glance.

    In detailed reports, you can already view data in different sections. For example, revenue is represented by:

    • by days;
    • by the hour;
    • by days of the week;
    • by payment options;
    • by the waiters;
    • by product category.

    All data can be presented in reports, or with the use of various filters. In particular, you can see the revenue for a particular restaurant in the chain or the number of orders that went through the hot shop.

    Despite the abundance of information provided, all reports in the cloud service are displayed instantly.

    With Traktir: Analytica, managers and business owners will always have information at their fingertips, wherever they are. To view the numbers, you only need to access the Internet.

    Security Center

    The Security Center is a mechanism that allows you to analyze the actions of employees in the workplaces of the system and identify potentially dangerous sequences of actions.

    To search for such sequences, arbitrary action templates are filled in. For example, “Cancellation of preliminary invoice” + “Entering manual discount” + “Order paid”. The presence of such a chain of actions indicates a possible abuse, when the guest is calculated according to the preliminary invoice, after which changes are made to the order that reduce its amount, and the difference becomes the prey of the attacker.

    Actions included in one potentially dangerous chain can be carried out by different users at different workplaces. In addition, these activities can be significantly spaced over time. The settings of action templates in the "Security Center" will help to track not only individual machinations, but also various options for collusion of several employees. Identifying such cases using a standard logbook is a very laborious task.

    If there are several patterns of potentially dangerous actions, it is possible to search for all or some patterns at once.

    Important (!)

    The functionality of the solution corresponds to the Basic delivery module and can be extended with additional modules that are tied to the workplace.

    iRECA: Menu - a mobile application for tablets on Android base, designed for independent work with orders without the participation of waiters. The application completely replaces the paper menu and contains cards of dishes with detailed descriptions, recipes, ingredients and photographs. Having received an Android tablet with installed application iRECA: Menu, guests will be able to independently familiarize themselves with the composition of the dishes and place orders, which will speed up the service in catering establishments. The waiters will only have to serve ready-made meals and please the visitors high quality service.

    Using the application, guests will always have actual information about the current invoice amount and the number of ordered items. Calling the waiter and closing the account will take place in two taps.

    With iRECA: Menu guests will not languish in anticipation of the waiter and will be able to place orders on their own, which will help speed up service and increase the number of additional orders. In addition, while waiting, visitors can read the news or play games installed on the tablet.

    We suggest you keep up with the times and give up paper menus. Your guests will be delighted, and the profit at the establishment will increase.

    If necessary, you can add additional modules:

    Module Description


    The module will expand the possibilities for serving guests. The floor plan will help you assess the current and planned table load. It will also be possible to work with courses of serving dishes, a stop list, informing about the readiness of dishes in the kitchen, work with specifics, use additional foreign languages in the waiter's workplace, security control will be supplemented with event video surveillance capabilities, and service options will be expanded with schemes for working with limit cards.


    The module implements the functions of the production logistics of the restaurant kitchen, such as managing the order of preparation of dishes and their distribution between employees and stations, managing the establishment's stop list and monitoring the cooking time of dishes.


    The module includes a special workstation for working with delivery orders. The module also supports the work with the mobile application "Traktir: Courier". For network establishments there is a workstation for a call-center employee, which allows distributing incoming orders between network establishments.

    Tariffs and subscriptions

    For establishments that work with complex payment systems or provide clients with time-based services.

    Inventory and alcohol

    The new requirements for accounting for alcoholic beverages carry great risks for the operation of the restaurant. The state will further tighten these requirements and control over their implementation, periodically changing the accounting rules. Therefore, we took all the necessary functionality for accounting for alcohol in a restaurant to separate module, which makes it easier to maintain and update.


    Contains functions for customer loyalty management. It includes work with bonuses and complex schemes of settlement, cumulative and automatic discounts, support different types prices, the possibility of SMS-mailings and a booking block with the support of the Traktir: Online system. Recommendations built into the menu will help sellers work with up-selling and cross-selling.

    Institutions network

    Support for the mechanism of distributed infobases. The task of the module is to ensure the operation of a network of establishments based on the "Traktir". The module is purchased for each network object.


    The module helps to keep personnel records, take into account the working hours of employees, and also increase their motivation.


    Ensuring synchronization of information "Traktir: Front-Office v4" and the program "1C: Hotel". This scheme allows you to automate restaurants at hotels or hotels, providing a single information space for serving guests of the enterprise.

    Corporate catering

    The module is designed to provide catering services under contracts with third-party organizations and organize a system of deposits and loans for guests of the establishment.

    The main supply includes the basic functionality required for the operation of any catering establishment, from a small bistro to a multi-format restaurant complex. These are functions for accepting orders and paying for them, for working with the menu and analyzing the results of the institution's work, for organizing the work of personnel and monitoring it. Also, the basic module includes the ability to interact with mobile applications for a restaurant in the scope of the standard functionality of the system. This is an electronic restaurant menu, a mobile workstation for a waiter and a mobile application for restaurant guests.

    The functionality of the basic configuration supply supports the operation of a wide range of specialized commercial equipment necessary for the operation of most catering establishments.

    Sales analysis

    Analysis of the menu structure according to the "Menu engineering" method

    The "Menu engineering" method allows you to quickly and accurately analyze sales data and get an overall picture of the entire menu, as well as make recommendations for each individual item. All this allows you to increase the house's marginal profit in subsequent periods.

    Its authors are considered the American experts in the field of restaurant consulting Michael Kasavana and Donald Smith. This method is based on the Boston Matrix (BCG Matrix) model, which Kasavana and Smith extended and adapted for the restaurant business. Since then, "Menu engineering" has been the main tool for analyzing the economic efficiency and balance of the menu of various establishments.

    Analysis of the menu structure determines how much each of the menu items contributes to the profit of the establishment, depending on its marginal profit and popularity. Profit margin is the amount of money that allows you to pay payroll and operating costs, and generate operating profit.

    By determining the popularity and gross margin of each menu item and comparing them with the average values ​​for the entire menu structure, all items are divided into four groups:

    Stars- positions with high popularity and high level of profitability.

    Workhorses- positions with high popularity, but low level of profitability.

    Puzzles- positions with low popularity, but high level of profitability.

    Dogs- positions with low popularity and low profitability.

    Kidney Analytics

    Kidney analytics provides information on what days of the week and hours, what products are most in demand among customers, what products are bought by people who make large purchases, what items are sold with expensive ones, how many employees are needed at different opening hours establishments, what is the average customer service time, how many checks a day is issued by this or that employee, what is the statistics of cancellation / refund / cancellation of checks by cashiers, etc.
    All this information provides a good basis for marketing analysis of the enterprise and can characterize not only the audience of the institution, but also its format and characteristics of the place and price category. It often happens that kidney analytics data show discrepancies between the real format of the establishment and the planned one that was developed by its owners when opening a restaurant.
    Such discrepancies in positioning will not allow the restaurant to reach the planned economic indicators and may serve as a reason for reformatting and rebranding the institution.

    Error-free calculation of the amount to be paid, correct calculation of discounts

    The final invoice contains the following information:

    • serial number of the account
    • date and time of order opening
    • date and time of order closing
    • payment data.

    Fast and convenient payment acceptance from the guest

    Automatic division of order payment for different cash registers

    When paying for orders, it is possible to automatically divide the registration of dishes (goods) belonging to different categories into different KKM (fiscal registrars). To do this, each category of dishes can be assigned its own payment group associated with a certain KKM. By default, registration of payment for the order at the workplace of the "Traktir" system is made on the POS printer, which is connected at the cash register as the main one. However, if the order contains dishes assigned to different payment groups, then payment registration can be automatically divided into several POS printer assigned to these groups, and each one will have its own receipt printed. In this case, a proportional division of the amounts of discounts / markups (except for position discounts) and payment options will be made. Formation and uploading of sales data into the goods accounting system (back office) can be performed in the context of the used payment groups.

    Search for an order using a barcode scanner

    The Traktir: Front-Office system allows you to use the mechanism of quick search and opening of an order by reading a barcode printed on the preliminary and / or final invoice. In this case, in the “basement” of each invoice, a barcode is printed on which using a barcode scanner -code, you can quickly open the corresponding order in both interfaces of the system. For example, to receive payment for an order at a cash register or to view an order by an administrator.

    Using different payment options for orders

    The invoice payment can be made in four different ways: cash payment, payment by credit card, closing an order for entertainment expenses (for the “defaulter”), and bank transfer. Any combination of the listed types of order payment can be used at a particular enterprise. It is possible to create and use an arbitrary set of payment options for any of the listed types in the system. At the same time, it is possible to combine these options in one check when paying for the order.

    Payment by bank cards

    The system "Traktir: Front-Office" supports the driver "ATOL: Driver of payment systems", which makes it possible to accept payments by bank cards at cash desk workstations with a PIN-pad or a bank terminal connected to the Traktir. It is possible to track the successful payment by bank cards and print a slip (bank transaction report) on a service printer.

    The driver "ATOL: Driver of payment systems" is not included in the delivery set of the "Traktir" system, and must be purchased separately.

    Payment by bank cards without connecting the terminal to the Traktir

    The software product allows you to fix the payment option using a bank card. To make a payment with a bank card, you need to withdraw the required amount from a bank card using a bank terminal. After the successful completion of the operation of withdrawing money from the bank card, you can close the order in the system using the “Bank card” payment type. The amount to be closed to a bank card cannot exceed the amount to be paid, because delivery on this payment option is not possible.

    Please note that this feature implies the autonomous operation of the bank terminal without connecting to the system. The data on the amount of payment is entered manually.

    Splitting and combining orders

    If a situation arose when, when accepting an order, the waiter did not clarify with the visitors exactly how they would pay - one for all, or each for himself, and as a result one order was placed for all visitors, and when calculating each visitor asked for a separate invoice - then the "Traktir: Front-Office" system provides for the possibility of order splitting. In this case, some of the dishes from a previously entered order can be transferred both to a newly opened order, and to any of the existing ones. Likewise, multiple orders can be combined into one if they are paid on the same invoice.

    Settlement with a visitor using a preliminary invoice

    The system "Traktir: Front-Office" provides for printing preliminary invoices, which are used in restaurants with a classic form of service, as opposed to fast service restaurants. The preliminary invoice is presented to the visitor by the waiter so that he can familiarize himself with it and determine how he will pay the invoice. After reviewing the preliminary invoice, the visitor chooses a convenient payment option for the order and pays for it. Upon final settlement, the waiter presents the final invoice to the visitor along with the receipt.

    The final invoice contains the following information:

    • serial number of the account
    • date and time of order opening
    • date and time of order closing
    • the name of the waiter who placed the order
    • surname of the cashier who issued the cashier's check
    • complete information about the order (names of dishes, quantity, amount)
    • total invoice amount discount / markup amount
    • payment data.

    The final invoice can only be printed once (at the time of closing the order and printing the sales receipt).

    Attention to the guest from the very beginning

    Moving visitors to another seat or handing over for service to another waiter

    If necessary, in an already created order, you can change the seat (table number) or the waiter. The rights for such actions are set in the system. Typically, certain users (for example, shift manager) have such rights.

    At workplaces, the ability to confirm the client's identification with the display of additional information about him is implemented. Thus, it is possible to check the identity of the access card to the person who presented it, as well as obtain additional information about the client when servicing him.

    When reading the access card or manually entering the client's access code, a dialog with information about the client will be displayed on the screen with the option to confirm or reject the identification of this client. The displayed information includes the client's details: name, photo, gender, date of birth, category and comment. The latter may contain arbitrary information about the client: his preferences, features, instructions for his service and other useful information. Using the received data (in particular, a photo), the employee can make a decision and confirm or reject the identification of this client.

    Elimination of unauthorized access to data

    Personnel authorization using a code or access cards

    Each session of work with the "Traktir: Front-Office" or "Traktir: Nano" system begins with registration using a magnetic or barcode access card, or entering an access password manually. When opening a cash register shift, the shift manager specifies a list of users who have access to the system during this shift. In turn, each of them, before performing any operations at the workstation (entering an order, paying, viewing orders, etc.), must authorize (register using a card or access password).

    Setting access levels to system functions

    Different categories of users (waiters, bartenders, cashiers, managers, etc., depending on the restaurant's practice) have different access rights to the functions of the "Traktir: Front-Office" system. The rights for each category of employees are defined in the rights settings, which are performed by the system administrator.

    Setting rights can provide the following options for accessing orders:

    • the user can edit only the orders created by him or the orders of other waiters transferred to him (at the end of the shift, due to workload, etc.);
    • the user is a foreman and has the right to perform certain operations, both in his orders and in the orders of his team members;
    • the user is a manager, he has access to the functions of working with orders in the orders of all users of the system.

    Restaurant employees contact the manager in situations where the rights settings do not allow them to perform the required operation on the workstation.

    In networked establishments, each user has his own set of rights for each network establishment. For example, in one establishment, an employee can act as a cashier, and in another - as a waiter. This allows you to flexibly manage the number of employees in establishments, especially during peak days or during vacations.

    In “iRECA: Mobile Waiter”, the required access rights are downloaded from “Restaurant: Front-Office” and are applied when the waiter is authorized on the mobile device.

    Monitoring employee actions and detecting abuse

    Operational monitoring of the receipt and payment of orders from the workplace of the manager (administrator)

    The system can be operated in one of two interfaces. A specially created interface is designed for workstations where waiters and cashiers work. "Workplace", which provides users with access only to those functions that are related to service orders. For the workplace of the manager (administrator), an interface is provided "Administrator", which is a traditional interface of the 1C system, and provides full access to all system directories, reports, and configuration modes.

    Access to documents (orders, cancellations and deletions) in the "Administrator" interface is possible only in the view mode. At the same time, on orders, the manager has access to all service information (date and time of opening the order; order number; status (open or closed, deleted), number of guests; waiter; seat number, cashier, options and amounts of payment, etc. For the convenience of viewing documents in the journal, the manager can set various selection parameters.

    Mobile applications for guests

    Electronic menu

    iRECA: Menu is a mobile application for Android tablets designed for independent work with orders without the participation of waiters. The application completely replaces the paper menu and contains cards of dishes with detailed descriptions, recipes, ingredients and photographs. Having received an Android tablet with the iRECA: Menu application installed, guests will be able to independently familiarize themselves with the composition of the dishes and place orders, which will speed up the service in catering establishments. The waiters will only have to serve ready meals and please the visitors with high quality service.

    Using the application, guests will always have up-to-date information about the current invoice amount and the number of ordered items. Calling the waiter and closing the account will take place in two taps.
    With iRECA: Menu guests will not languish in anticipation of the waiter and will be able to place orders on their own, which will help speed up service and increase the number of additional orders. In addition, while waiting, visitors can read the news or play games installed on the tablet.
    We suggest you keep up with the times and give up paper menus. Your guests will be delighted, and the profit at the establishment will increase.

    Well-functioning interaction between the kitchen and the hall

    Additional order in an already open order. The system "Traktir: Front-Office" allows you to make changes in the accepted order, if the visitor ordered something else. To do this, the waiter finds in the system and opens a previously entered order, and enters additional dishes into it, as when entering a new order. Then the necessary stamps are printed on the printer of the kitchen or bar.

    Making additional orders is possible until a preliminary invoice is printed for the order.
    Copying stamps. Ability to print stamps simultaneously on multiple printers. This can be useful if different production locations in the establishment are technologically linked to each other in order preparation. For example, when ordering a complex dish, the main part is prepared in one workshop, and the side dish for it is in another. In order to consistently prepare and serve such an order, the associated production sites must simultaneously learn of its arrival.

    Stamps, which are printed on duplicate printers, are marked with the heading "Copy" and serve to inform about the receipt of an order at the main place of production.

    Printing stamps at the places where food is prepared. The system "Traktir: Front-Office" has a mechanism for automatic printing of orders in the corresponding production departments (for example, hot shop, cold shop, bar, etc.). To implement this opportunity, printers must be installed in the relevant departments.

    Data transfer to printers is carried out simultaneously with order saving. The system saves the order in the database and sends it to the printers in the production. A printed order is called a stamp.

    The stamp indicates the name and quantity of dishes, the order of their preparation (course) and the specifics of preparation. The stamp also contains the order number, the order opening time, the name of the waiter who placed the order, and the seat number. This avoids confusion with a large volume of orders and provides additional control.

    The dishes are prepared according to the stamps received. To control the delivery of dishes and goods, the brand should be a reporting document for employees of the production and distribution departments - the delivery of goods and products is carried out only on the basis of printed stamps.

    A setting has also been added that allows you to use a double font when printing the place of realizations, names of positions and footprint in stamps. Large print helps to make the work of chefs with stamps more convenient.
    Consolidated stamp printing. When printing requests for preparation for different places of production, the ability to print a consolidated request for the entire additional order has been added. This feature will be useful, for example, for a chef who, having received a consolidated brand on an order, can coordinate the work of different kitchen departments and control the quality and speed of the entire additional order as a whole. Also, the printing of a consolidated stamp will be useful when, in the issuing area of ​​a finished order, it needs to be collected from dishes prepared in different places of production (different printing groups).

    In the settings of the workplace, from which the consolidated stamps are to be printed, set the "Print consolidated stamp" flag and select the printer from the list of those connected to the system.

    Planning the work of the establishment

    Analysis of restaurant activities

    The number of guests in catering establishments can vary greatly depending on the day of the week, time of day and other factors, however, in each restaurant there are peak hours. In order to optimally organize the work of the establishment during a large influx of visitors, the manager should always have at hand information about the monthly distribution of the flow of guests by days of the week and time of day, the number of tables booked, scheduled events and other factors.

    To solve these problems on the basis of mathematical and economic indicators will help the cloud software "Traktir: Analytics", which allows you to analyze large amounts of information and highlight key performance indicators (KPI) in the work of any restaurant.

    Based on the data obtained, you will be able to effectively distribute personnel shifts in accordance with the TC, in order, if necessary, to "strengthen" the brigades of the hall and kitchen, as well as to correctly approach procurement planning and preparation of banquets. Information will be provided to the manager for any period of time, on the basis of which he will be able to make management decisions.

    30 types of reports in any aspect and for any period of time will allow you to select data for analysis with detailing by restaurants, waiters, groups, product categories or print groups.

    Working with the system is completely free. After registration, you will receive the access parameters and can start the analysis.

    For a more in-depth analysis, in addition to the Traktir: Analytica service, you can use the Rest-Analytica service. We will tell you how to get more information about guests and identify their preferences, which products are too expensive, how you can optimize the menu to increase sales, and much more.

    Promotion - non-standard moves

    QR codes

    As an interesting tool for attracting active modern visitors to the institution, it became possible to place two-dimensional QR codes on guest accounts.

    Most modern communicator phones are equipped with barcode recognition software. By reading such a code, the guest can quickly and conveniently receive useful information from the establishment without entering it manually.

    How can this be used in a restaurant, cafe or club? There are many options!

    The QR code may contain contact information. Having read such a code, the recognizer program will offer to save the received data in the address book of the smartphone. The guest will be able to conveniently write down the contact phone number, the address of this or another network establishment.

    Another useful use is inviting a guest to an event. Having read the QR code, the guest can immediately enter this invitation into his calendar, set a reminder. The likelihood that such an invitation will not be lost or forgotten increases significantly. Most barcode recognition software detects the time recorded in a QR code as being in GMT. When creating a QR code with the "Event" type, the user can now enter the local time of his time zone, which will be automatically converted to GMT for recording in the QR code.

    And as an example - for visitors of a cafe on the bill using a QR code, you can conveniently communicate the parameters of connecting to a WiFi network.

    You can add a QR code to a guest account in the workplace settings. A convenient input template is implemented for different code formats.

    Compliance with service technology

    Regular procedures when opening / closing a shift. The possibility of performing the so-called "regulations" - arbitrary external processing, which can be selected and executed at each opening / closing of a shift at the workplace, has been implemented. Examples of regulatory actions can be: updating exchange rates, loading / unloading data, updating client parameters, and any others. The development of external routine processing should be carried out by a competent person.

    Convenient, fast and accurate work of the waiter with the order

    iRECA: Waiter Important (!) The functionality of the solution corresponds to the Basic delivery module and can be extended with additional modules that are tied to the workplace.

    Mobile workstations of waiters with the “iRECA: Waiter” application for Android and IOS installed on them allow you to take orders and enter them into the “Traktir: Front-Office” system right at the guest's table. This approach significantly reduces the waiting time for dishes and speeds up the service in the establishment, since the order placed in this way is quickly transferred to preparation, and the waiters get rid of the need to re-enter the ordered items.

    Using the application, waiters will always have before their eyes a structured menu of the establishment, containing descriptions of dishes and their photographs, therefore "iRECA: Waiter" will help your employees give detailed information about the composition of dishes or advise visitors when choosing an alcohol. Moreover, the waiters will be able to indicate the peculiarities of the preparation of certain dishes, based on the wishes of the guest, and will always promptly notify visitors about promotions and bonuses operating in restaurants, cafes, bars or any other catering establishments. This will increase the loyalty of your guests and help attract new visitors.
    Quick search for an order using a barcode "Traktir: Front-Office" system allows using the mechanism of quick search and opening of an order by reading the barcode printed on the preliminary and / or final invoice.

    In this case, in the “basement” of each invoice, a bar code is printed according to which, using a barcode scanner, you can quickly open the corresponding order in both interfaces of the system. For example, to receive payment for an order at a cash register or to view an order by an administrator.
    Entering dishes into an order using a barcode scanner In addition to selecting items from the menu or entering by code, the "Traktir: Front-Office" system allows you to enter dishes into an order using a barcode scanner.

    This option can be convenient when selling piece goods of industrial production (with a manufacturer's barcode on the packaging - cigarettes, bottled beer), when using internal barcodes for menu items, as well as for bulk goods marked on special scales with label printing. In the latter case, the barcode is indicated in the copy of the menu “for the waiter” opposite each dish or product.

    To enter a product or dish using a barcode scanner, it is enough (with the order form open on the screen) to read the barcode on the product packaging or in the printed menu with the scanner. The selected product or dish will be automatically added to the order.
    Maintaining a menu for entering dishes into an order, including graphic (push-button) In the "Traktir: Front-Office" system, the selection of dishes for the order always occurs from the pre-formed reference book "Menu". The system allows you to adjust the menu, supplement it and change the characteristics of dishes, even directly during the period of serving customers. A separate menu can be formed for each place of sale (hall, bar).

    Reference "Menu" is a hierarchical list. Three levels of nesting allow you to organize the menus in a way that suits your business. In the menu, you can transfer dishes from group to group and create new menu items by copying existing ones. The menu also allows you to see and select dishes in accordance with the days of the week set for their sale. Each element of the "Menu" directory contains a number of necessary parameters that are used by the system when printing invoices, stamps and receipts, when paying with visitors, and subsequently - for accounting (name, price, product yield, cost price, specifics, discounts and markups, and etc.).

    When manually configuring the pushbutton menu, you can combine multiple pushbuttons into one. Thus, on-screen menus can simultaneously use buttons of various sizes: smaller ones for regular items, larger ones for frequently used dishes and goods.

    Using the touch screen at the waiter's workplace The Traktir: Front-Office system allows users to work faster and more conveniently through the use of touch screens at the workstations of waiters (cashiers, bartenders). In this case, all work with the program in the interface of the workplace can be done without using a keyboard and mouse, and all the necessary elements for working with the program are displayed on the screen in the form of corresponding on-screen buttons, pop-up numeric panels and on-screen keyboards.
    Mandatory menu item for a seat The system "Traktir: Front-Office" provides an opportunity for a seat to select a menu item, which will be automatically added to the order when it is placed on this seat. This position cannot be removed from the order during further work. Change of seat in such order is also not available. A compulsory item can be, for example, an admission fee, or some compulsory service (for billiard tables - billiards service), etc.
    Working with programmable keyboards for entering dishes from the menu into an order The use of specialized programmable keyboards at the workplaces of the "Traktir: Front-Office" system allows to make the work of users more convenient, error-free, and therefore faster. The function keys duplicate the system's on-screen buttons and allow you to operate the system without using a mouse or touch screen. "Hot" keys are intended for quick entry of dishes and goods into the order. The use of "hot" keys allows you to minimize the time and errors of operators when placing orders. The assignment of menu items for "hot" keys and the external design of the keyboard layout are configured by the administrator directly in the system, for which a special editor is provided.
    Working with the onscreen keyboard To edit textual information entered at workplaces, there is an on-screen keyboard that is displayed over the system windows and contains all the necessary buttons for working with text.

    This feature is relevant for workstations that do not have a standard keyboard connected.
    Workplace for quick work with an order For enterprises working according to the scheme of fast food and canteens in the Tavern: Front-Office, a special workstation has been developed, designed for quick work with an order. The ergonomics of the workplace are calculated in such a way as to minimize the time spent on serving guests on the stream.

    Waiter's workplace The interface of the "Traktir" program is ergonomic and will allow the waiter to work comfortably at all stages of the order. Thanks to the multilingualism, it is possible to translate the interface into English or German.

    Typical interface customization options will be complemented by day / night switching functions for working in brightly lit rooms or outdoors, and an interface option for fast food service or canteens, in which hot keys with popular menu items are permanently assigned to the workplace institutions.

    Kitchen management

    Stop list analysis The quantitative characteristics of the stability of the kitchen are the parameters of the dishes being in the stop list. How many, how long, how many times and when they get there. All of these values ​​provide tremendous opportunities for identifying bottlenecks in the kitchen. After all, the reasons for the food hitting the stop can be errors in procurement and procurement, in the work of line chefs and planning failures. And all this is the area of ​​responsibility of the chef and a vivid characteristic of the quality of his work.

    This report is included in the basic module of the Traktir system: Front-Office and allows you to analyze information for each product, the frequency (column "Number of times in the stop list") and the duration of the stay of this product in the stop list (for a selected period, by dates or shifts).

    Unsold items The antipode of the stop list analysis is the "Unsold positions" report. This is a rather rare report in restaurant analytics, because, as a rule, restaurateurs work with food sales reports, which simply skips such positions. But long-term zero demand for menu items gives a good reason to think about the reasons for finding such a position in your menu.

    Despite the fact that the kitchen does not prepare such positions, and therefore does not write off, and they never get into the stop list, their harm to the restaurant is enormous. These are direct losses from the storage of products that are purchased for such “dead” menu items. Funds are frozen under them and space in pantries is ineffectively wasted, food after long-term storage deteriorates and is written off, and cooks in vain study and memorize the technologies for preparing such "ghosts". Such positions on the menu are a lost profit for the restaurant, because in their place there could be other, more popular positions.

    The "Unsold Items" report allows you to get a list of menu items that were not sold during the period in question. This simple report will allow the manager to quickly find items that were not included in the reports built from the sales data.

    Accounting for cash transactions

    Working with fiscal registrars in accordance with FZ-54 In accordance with the requirements of 54-FZ, all cash registers used for settlements on the territory of the Russian Federation must be connected to the Internet no later than July 1, 2017 and transmit information on sales to fiscal data operators (OFD) in real time, which in turn will send this data to the Federal Tax Service. At the same time, from February 1, 2017, all registration actions with old models of cash registers will be prohibited and it will be possible to register only new models of cash registers operating online.

    In Traktir: Front-Office and Traktir: Nano, the possibility of parallel work with fiscal registrars in the new and old modes is implemented. This approach allows the institution to gradually switch to the use of new models of cash registers, including when conducting settlements in it on behalf of several organizations.

    One of the features of working with FR according to the new scheme is the mandatory registration in the receipt of each item of the order separately, indicating its name, quantity, price and amount, taking into account all discounts and margins, as well as the applicable VAT rate. The cash register transfers these data to the OFD. At the same time, only those positions that were paid by the payment option registered in the FR can be printed on the paper check. Full information on the order when using non-registered payment options can be provided to the guest in an additional printed invoice.

    Taking into account the fact that the rates and amounts of value added tax are sent to the OFD as part of the check, before switching to work with the FR according to the new scheme, you should check the correctness of filling in tax rates in Traktir, and also adjust their compliance with VAT rates in the fiscal registrar.

    Another feature of the new scheme for working with FDs is the need to obtain a subscriber number or e-mail address of the client (guest) in the event that a cashier's receipt is sent to him in electronic form. In Traktir, upon identification of the client in the order, the check can be sent to the phone or e-mail from the contact details of this client. For impersonal orders, the subscriber number or e-mail can be entered by the cashier immediately before registering the payment for the order.

    With the introduction of a new law on the use of cash registers, the procedure for correcting errors and identified discrepancies in calculations has changed. For example, the cashier, as a result of a power outage, did not strike a check at the checkout. In this case, a special correction check is used to eliminate inconsistencies. Also, this document is needed to correct errors as ordered by the tax service. Traktir: Front-Office allows you to adjust the amount, indicating the VAT rate and taxation system.


    The module includes a full set of system administrator functions. It also supports mandatory guest service operations. The analytical block of the basic module includes a large number of reports related to guest service, the popularity of dishes, the workload of the establishment, staff development and attendance. And the built-in "Security Center" collects information on critical operations and helps to get a complete picture of abuse by personnel within a few seconds.

    Expand all

    • iRECA: Waiter
    • QR codes
    • Automatic division of order payment for different cash registers
    • Personnel authorization using a code or access cards
    • Analysis of restaurant activities
    • Stop list analysis
    • Analysis of the menu structure according to the "Menu engineering" method
    • Team of employees
    • Quick order search with barcode scanner
    • Entering dishes into an order using a barcode scanner
    • Maintaining a menu for entering dishes into an order, including graphic (push-button)
    • Weight goods
    • Uploading data to the Traktir: Analytica cloud service
    • Flexible setting of the beginning and end of the work (cash) shift
    • Additional order in an already open order
    • Individual restaurant mobile application
    • Using different payment options for orders
    • Using the touch screen at the waiter's workplace
    • Club system and payment cards
    • Copy stamps
    • Setting access levels to system functions
    • Unsold positions
    • Data exchange with the commodity accounting system
    • Mandatory menu item for a seat
    • Operational monitoring of the receipt and payment of orders from the workplace of the manager (administrator)
    • Payment by bank cards
    • Payment by bank cards without connecting the terminal to the Traktir
    • Refusal of a dish or order in general
    • Opening an order using a customer card
    • Reporting for the analysis of the company's activities at the end of the day and for the period
    • Moving visitors to another seat or handing over for service to another waiter
    • Printing stamps at food preparation sites
    • Consolidated stamp printing
    • Client identification confirmation
    • Kidney Analytics
    • Prepayment of banquets, including those with division by legal entity
    • Reception and registration of orders
    • Work in the shift manager mode (viewing orders, generating reports, etc.)
    • Working with "chips" in fast food restaurants
    • Working with programmable keyboards for entering dishes from the menu into an order
    • Working with fiscal registrars in accordance with FZ-54
    • Working with the onscreen keyboard
    • Workplace for quick work with an order
    • Waiter's workplace
    • Splitting and combining orders
    • Settlement with a visitor using a preliminary invoice
    • Routine procedures when opening / closing a shift
    • Manual discounts
    • Traktir: Analytics
    • Security Center
    • Electronic menu

    Suitable for:

    • Dining room
    • Cafe Restaurant
    • Production
    • Street Food
    • Fast food

    Additional modules


    Expands the possibilities for serving guests. The floor plan will help you assess the current and planned table load. It will also be possible to work with courses of serving dishes, a stop list, informing about the readiness of dishes in the kitchen, etc.


    It implements the functions of the production logistics of the restaurant kitchen, such as managing the order of preparation of dishes and their distribution between employees and stations.


    Dedicated workplace for handling delivery orders.

    Tariffs and subscriptions

    For establishments that work with complex payment systems or provide clients with time-based services.

    Inventory and alcohol


    Contains functions for customer loyalty management. It includes working with bonuses and complex schemes of settlement, cumulative and automatic discounts, support for different types of prices, etc.

    Institutions network

    Support for the mechanism of distributed infobases.


    Helps to keep personnel records, take into account the working hours of employees, and also increase their motivation.


    Ensuring synchronization of information "Traktir: Front-Office v4" and the program "1C: Hotel".